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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

On the Use of 76Br-labelled Monoclonal Antibodies for PET : Preclinical Evaluation of Halogenated Antibodies for Diagnosis and Treatment of Cancer

Höglund, Johanna January 2002 (has links)
Radioactive substances are used in vivo to localize and characterize malignant tumours, generally by scintigraphic methods. In this context positron emission tomography (PET) in combination with radiolabelled monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) may provide a sensitive and specific method for detection of cancer. Individual dose calculations, based on such PET measurements, may be carried out to predict the possible use of mAbs labelled with therapeutic nuclides. The positron emitter 76Br, with a half-life of 16 h, is a well-suited candidate for radiolabelling and PET imaging. One drawback of radiobromine is that bromide, the ultimate catabolite after degradation of brominated mAb, is only tardily excreted from the body and is evenly distributed throughout the extracellular space, thereby increasing the background radioactivity. The aim of this work was to produce 76Br-mAb preparations with high accumulation and retention in tumour tissue together with a quick clearance of 76Br-labelled catabolites. Furthermore, the possibility to use brominated or iodinated mAbs in combination with PET to predict 211At-mAb dosimetry was evaluated. Monoclonal Abs directed against colorectal cancer were labelled with 76Br using the direct Chloramine-T-method or indirectly by labelling the precursor molecule N-succinimidyl para-(tri-methylstannyl) benzoate with 76Br, which was subsequently conjugated to the mAbs. Monoclonal Ab A33 labelled with 76Br using the two labelling protocols was characterized in vitro and in vivo in a rat tumour xenograft model. The mAb A33 was also labelled with 125I for comparison. In addition, mAb A33 was labelled with 211At, 125I and 76Br using the indirect labelling protocol and the mAb pharmacokinetics was studied in normal rats in order to estimate if data from brominated or iodinated mAb could be used for dosimetry of 211At in healthy organs and tissue. In conclusion, both direct and indirect labelling resulted in high yields and mAbs with preserved immunoreactivity. In vivo characterization of 76Br-brominated mAb A33 showed that the indirect labelling method makes 76Br-brominated mAb A33 a promising candidate for tumour imaging with PET due to the faster excretion of radiolabelled catabolites compared with direct bromination. Finally, mAb A33 labelled with 76Br and 124/125I can be used to predict the 211At dose of astatinated mAb A33 in most organs given that a correction factor is applied for organs with varying uptake.

Mitjà tipogràfic, El

Moret Viñals, Oriol 12 July 2006 (has links)
"El mitjà tipogràfic" situa la tipografia en plom dins la disciplina del disseny. Es pretén fer una síntesi del "període de la impremta manual", que organitzi un cos de coneixements i d'eines disciplinàries independents de la immediatesa productiva i material de l'ofici -que, establint relacions entre els períodes, pugui aportar directrius al nostre temps.La tipografia es considera com a mitjà, des de la noció de mesura. Per al disseny gràfic, la tipografia en plom és un punt de referència, un patró. En aquesta condició, conté tot el ventall de dimensions de mesura, d'avaluació, això és, des de les magnituds físiques, a les de relació, i a les de caire moral. En termes concrets, tots aquests valors es troben incorporats en les peces tipogràfiques. Això implica obrir, o resituar, la visió: la tesi observa les magnituds, la mesura, sota aquesta multiplicitat d'aspectes, com a filtre i objecte d'estudi en un marc ampli, general.La tipografia s'entén com un dels processos de formalització del llenguatge verbal escrit, un procés compost de diferents fases, que es caracteritzen per una configuració gràfica, un instrumental, i unes finalitats concretes. Per això, s'ha desenvolupat una nova sistemàtica específica, en què la tipografia és subjecte i guia de la investigació.Les fonts bàsiques de l'estudi són els manuals i tractats de tipografia que s'han publicat al llarg dels segles, i les mostres i catàlegs tipogràfics, així com obres i documents coetanis que s'hi relacionen, ja siguin publicats o tan sols projectats. L'anàlisi d'aquestes fonts permet exposar les diferents aproximacions mètriques al llarg de la història, i relacionar-les amb els usos i costums d'ofici: amb elles es ressegueix el curs evolutiu de la concepció mètrica en la tipografia, i se'l presenta com un "nou" camí lògic i conjuntat.La investigació segueix tres grans línies d'anàlisi.La primera, una comparativa mètrica, en què, per damunt de les relacions, proporcions i equivalències concretes, es constata l'evolució del concepte tipogràfic en relació amb el camp de producció: així s'evidencia com les mesures, les magnituds, passen de ser simples magnituds, a ser un sistema sintàctic d'organització, del motlle tipogràfic, i del pla gràfic.La segona se centra en els valors semàntics, en la denominació verbal usada per a designar les magnituds dels cossos tipogràfics. En el nom es recull la utilitat i l'ús de la mesura tipogràfica; els noms propis són els indicadors d'una mena particular de genealogia, que s'articula, nominalment i usual, en un esquema verbal significatiu més ampli, com reflecteix el conjunt de les accions de la pràctica tipogràfica.La tercera fa referència a les aplicacions dins la pràctica professional de la tipografia, les "raons d'ofici"; amb elles, es contempla l'equipament i l'instrumental físic de la tipografia, perquè en ells s'hi contenen els usos i les maneres de fer que es troben lligades, i determinen, la presentació última de les lletres tipogràfiques.L'estudi es complementa amb dos apèndixs. El primer apèndix és una base de dades en què es volen recollir, relacionar, i integrar les diferents nocions de mesura en l'àmbit tipogràfic. El segon apèndix és una aplicació pràctica, una proposta d'amidament i de mesurament d'obres bibliogràfiques d'acord amb criteris apuntats, també, al llarg de l'estudi. / El mitjà tipogràfic ("El medio tipográfico") sitúa la tipografía en plomo dentro de la disciplina del diseño. Se pretende hacer una síntesis del "período de la imprenta manual" que organice un cuerpo de conocimientos y de herramientas disciplinares independientes de la inmediatez productiva y material del oficio -que, relacionando los períodos, pueda aportar directrices a nuestro tiempo.La tipografía se considera como un medio, desde la noción de medida. Para el diseño gráfico, la tipografía en plomo es un punto de referencia, un patrón. En esta condición, contiene el abanico completo de dimensiones de medida, de evaluación -desde las magnitudes físicas, a las de relación, y a las de índole moral. Todos estos valores se encuentran incorporados en las piezas tipográficas. Así se abre, o resitúa, la visión: la tesis observa las magnitudes, la medida, bajo esta multiplicidad de aspectos, como filtro y objeto de estudio en un marco amplio, general.Las fuentes básicas del estudio son manuales y tratados de tipografía del momento; muestras y catálogos tipográficos; y obras y documentos coetáneos afines a los anteriores. El análisis de tales fuentes permite exponer las distintas aproximaciones métricas de los períodos históricos, y vincularlas con los usos y costumbres de oficio: con ellas se traza el curso evolutivo de la concepción métrica en la tipografía, y se presenta como un "nuevo" camino lógico y conjuntado.La investigación sigue tres grandes líneas de análisis.La primera, una comparativa métrica, que evidencia cómo las medidas pasan de ser simples magnitudes a ser un sistema sintáctico de organización, del molde tipográfico, y del plano gráfico.La segunda se centra en los valores semánticos, en la denominación verbal usada para designar las magnitudes de los cuerpos tipográficos. Los nombres recogen las utilidades y usos de la medida tipográfica; e indican una especie particular de genealogía, que se articula, nominal y usualmente, en un esquema verbal significativo más amplio, como refleja el conjunto de acciones de la práctica tipográfica.La tercera hace referencia a las aplicaciones en la práctica profesional de la tipografía, las "razones de oficio"; junto a ellas, se contemplan el equipamiento y el instrumental físico, porque contienen los usos y procedimientos que están enlazados, y determinan, la presentación última de las letras tipográficas.El estudio se complementa con dos apéndices. El primer apéndice es una base de datos que pretende recoger, relacionar, e integrar las distintas nociones de medida en el ámbito tipográfico. El segundo apéndice es una aplicación práctica, una propuesta de medición de obras bibliográficas de acuerdo con criterios apuntados en el estudio.PALABRAS CLAVE: tipografía, diseño gráfico, imprenta, tipometría, antropometría, medidas. / SUMMARY:El mitjà tipogràfic ("The typographic medium") sets letterpress typography within the discipline of design. It tries to synthesise the "letterpress period" by organising a body of knowledge and disciplinary tools aside from the productive and material immediacy of the craft -that, by setting links between periods, may offer guidelines to our time.Typography is taken as a medium, from the notion of measure. To graphic design, letterpress typography is a referential point, a standard. As such, it contains all dimensions of measure and estimation: physical, relative, moral. All these values are embodied in the typographic pieces. Therefore, the view must be opened up or re-placed: the thesis observes sizes, and measure, from such multiple aspects, both as a filter and object of study within a wide, general framework.The basic sources are manuals and treatises on typography from the period; type specimens and catalogues; and related contemporary books and documents. The analysis of these sources enables to show the different conceptions of measure throughout history and to link them to craft uses and customs: by which the evolution of the concept of measure in typography can be drawn out, and shown as a "new" logical path.The study follows three main ways of analysis.The first one is a measures comparison that eventually shows how measures surpass their sole sizes to become a syntactic system of organisation, both of the typographic mould or forme, and the graphic space.The second one focuses on semantic values, on those verbal denominations that designate type bodies and sizes. Nouns are recipients of the utility and use of typographic measures; nouns are indicators of a particular kind of genealogy that is articulated, nominally and usually, within a wider significative verbal scheme, as actions in the printing craft reflect.The third one refers to applications within the professional practice of letterpress printing, the "craft reasons"; here the physical equipment and instrumental are also considered, as they contain uses and working ways that are related to, and determine, the ultimate presentation of typographic letters.Two appendices complement the study. Appendix I is a database that aims at joining, linking and integrating the different notions of measure in typography. Appendix II is a practical application, a proposal of measurement of bibliographical products along criteria that have been set throughout the study.KEY WORDS: typography, graphic design, letterpress printing, typometry, anthropometry, measures.

Caracterización de la dispersión de contaminantes en la zona costera

Díez Rilova, Margarita 07 May 2012 (has links)
En nuestra sociedad los derivados del petróleo son la fuente principal de energía. Los accidentes con hidrocarburos han protagonizado episodios de contaminación trágicos para la biosfera del océano. Se analizan algunos de ellos, sus efectos y sistemas de limpieza. La complejidad de los procesos físicos, químicos o biológicos que actúan sobre el crudo en el mar, hacen difícil su estudio en laboratorio. Para ello se hacen numerosas campañas de campo con distintas escalas y procesos físicos predominantes diferentes: zonas costeras (Delta del Ebro y playa de Vilanova); en aguas confinadas (puerto de Barcelona y puerto de Recife); y en aguas abiertas (Mediterráneo Occidental), con diferentes tecnologías (foto, vídeo, satélite), para seguir trazadores eularianos (manchas de leche y fluoresceína, flotantes o hidrocarburos) y lagrangianos (boyas lastradas), se miden los agentes forzadores: viento, oleaje, marea, etc. y se correlacionan para caracterizar los diferentes escenarios. También se revisa el estado del arte. El tratamiento digital de imágenes de vídeo permite numerosas aplicaciones en el campo de la hidromorfodinámica, pues es posible controlar la evolución espacial y temporal de cualquier parámetro con evidencias visibles y es una técnica no intrusiva que ofrece datos de oleaje de una zona, en contraposición a los datos puntuales de los sensores. Las imágenes sufren numerosas alteraciones, deformaciones, ruidos, etc., que hay que depurar previamente. Los coeficientes de difusión presentan una gran variedad condicionada a la dependencia característica con la escala temporal y espacial de los fenómenos predominantes. Los coeficientes de difusión medidos se agruparon según el número de Reynolds y se hizo una clasificación: hipodifusividad, hiperdifusividad y difusión anómala. Esta caracterización de escenarios permite parametrizar el medio para modelizar su comportamiento y poder predecir su evolución. En el campo del oleaje se pueden obtener espectros de energía y otros parámetros para su caracterización, detectar la morfología de barras sumergidas, identificar corrientes de retorno, caracterizar run-up, etc. En el puerto de Barcelona se tomaron numerosos datos de velocidades de viento (Vv) y corriente (Vc) llegando a una buena correlación entre ambas (Vcx (cm/s)= 2.306 Vvx (m/s)+ 0.148) y constatando que hay una influencia de otros efectos como la marea, reflexión de los muelles o difracción que no se pueden obviar. Las imágenes de Rádar de Apertura sintética SAR permiten detectar episodios de contaminación y analizar la vorticidad a gran escala del medio. Resultó sorprendente el gran número de manchas detectadas. Se comprobó que los vertidos siguen la Ley de Zipp (distribución hiperbólica entre los accidentes y su tamaño). Se vió que los remolinos siguen la dirección de los cañones submarinos. Con el análisis fractal y multifractal del contorno de la mancha se puede caracterizar su origen (antropogénico o natural como masas de plankton) y su envejecimiento o persistencia, etc. Se comprueba que es posible que la intermitencia de la turbulencia pueda parametrizarse mediante medidas fractales y que el uso de momentos de orden superior ayuda a comparar medidas de difusión a distintas escalas mediante la Ley de Richardson Generalizada. Así se relaciona la pendiente del espectro, la intermitencia y la dependencia temporal de la difusión efectiva. Los distintos agentes que producen difusión en el mar sufren interacciones no-lineales complejas. Con todo ello, se pretende contribuir a comprender mejor los procesos de dispersión de los contaminantes en el mar y, por consiguiente, ayudar en la lucha contra este fenómeno. / In our society the derivatives of petroleum are the main source of energy. The accidents with hydrocarbons have carried out tragic episodes of contamination for the biosphere of the ocean. Some of them, their effects and systems of cleaning are analyzed. The complexity of the physical, chemical or biological processes that act on the oil in the sea, makes their study in laboratory difficult. For it numerous campaigns of field with different scales and different predominant physical processes become: coastal zones (Delta of the Ebro and beach of Vilanova); in confined waters (port of Barcelona and port of Recife); and in open waters (West Mediterranean), with different technologies (photo, video, satellite), to follow Lagrangian tracers (milk spots and fluoresceine, floating or hydrocarbons) and Euler tracers (ballasted buoys), to measure the agents: wind, waves, tide, etc. and they are correlated to characterize the different scenes. Also the state-of-the-art is reviewed. Treatment digital of images of video allows many applications in field of hydromorfodynamics, because it is possible to control the space and temporary evolution of any parameter with visible evidences and is a nonintrusive technique that offers data of a zone, in contrast to the pointing data of the sensors. The images put up with numerous alterations, deformations, noises, etc., that have to purify previously. The diffusion coefficients present/display a great conditional variety to the dependency characteristic with the temporary and space scale of the main phenomena. The measured coefficients of diffusion were grouped according to the Reynolds number and a classification became: hypo-diffusion, hyper-diffusion and anomalous diffusion. This characterization of scenes allows obtaining the waves parameters, the average one to model its behavior and power to predict its evolution. In the field of the waves run-up, etc. can be obtained spectra of energy and other parameters for their characterization, the morphology of submerged bars, identification of return currents. In the port of Barcelona numerous speed data of wind (Vv) and current were taken (Vc) arriving at a good correlation between both (Vcx (cm/s) = 2,306 Vvx (m/s) + 0,148) and stating that an influence of other effects are as the tide, reflection of the wharves or diffraction that cannot be avoided. The images of Radar of synthetic Opening SAR allow to detect episodes of contamination and to analyze the vorticity on great scale of means. Was surprising the great number of spots identifies. It was verified that the spills follow the Law of Zipp (hyperbolic distribution between the accidents and their size). Saw that the eddies follow the direction of the submarine tubes. With the analysis fractal and multifractal of the contour of the spot it is possible to be characterized its origin (human or natural like masses of plankton) and its aging or persistence, etc. It is verified that it is possible that the intermitency of the turbulence can obtain parameters by means of measures fractals and that the use of moments of superior order aid to compare measures of diffusion on different scales by means of the Generalized Law of Richardson. Thus it is related the slope of the phantom, the intermitency and the temporary dependency of the effective diffusion. The different agents who produce diffusion in the sea undergo complex not-linear interactions. It, is tried yet to contribute to include/understand better the

Facility Management Process Improvement for Small National Parks in the Southeast Region of the United States

Jackson, James Charles 12 April 2004 (has links)
This thesis illustrates a process by which small organizations in the National Park Service can implement minor changes in current management and contracting practices to achieve measurable improvements in economy and efficiency by applying the principles and procedures outlined for competitive sourcing studies in Office of Management and Budget Circular A-76 (May 2003).

Damnatio Memoriae in Non-Royal Tombs: Case Studies in the Theban Necropolis

Deane, Margaret 11 August 2015 (has links)
Ancient Egyptian belief in an afterlife influenced a wide variety of architectural and art forms. In the Eighteenth Dynasty at Thebes, non-royal officials were equipped with tombs that were decorated to aid in their everlasting sustenance and rebirth in the hereafter as well as commemorate them to living visitors. Part of this continuation of life involved the participation of the funerary cult of the deceased, as well as the prompting of visitors to speak the owner’s name and provide the required offerings—allowing (and encouraging) public access to the decorated tomb chapel. However, some visitors wished to harm the deceased’s perpetuation of life. In order to obliterate the memory of the tomb owner in the minds of the living and his existence in the afterlife, enemies carefully hacked the tomb owner’s images out of the decoration program in an act of damnatio memoriae. The owners of Theban tombs 66, 75, and 76 fell victim to this intentional destruction by contemporary hands.

Estética, técnica y dialéctica: la representación de la ingeniería civil en el cómic europeo de ciencia ficción de los siglos XX y XXI. Aplicación a los sistemas de transporte en general y al ferrocarril en particular

Díaz-de-Villegas Le Bouffant, Yves Manuel 03 July 2015 (has links)
La presente tesis doctoral se plantea como un proyecto de investigación para estudiar la relación entre la ingeniería en general, la ingeniería del transporte y, en particular, el ferrocarril, y su representación en el cómic europeo de Ciencia Ficción de los siglos XX y XXI. La metodología utilizada ha consistido en la recopilación de viñetas y en su análisis, comparando lo existente en la realidad y lo planteado en los cómics. A partir del material seleccionado, después de una exhaustiva investigación en las que se ha tenido acceso a más de 30.000 fuentes bibliográficas, tanto públicas, en bibliotecas, como de colecciones privadas, se ha podido confirmar y desarrollar, en los distintos capítulos, la tesis inicial de partida: que existe una importante conexión entre la ingeniería del transporte y el cómic, que la primera ha ejercido una influencia muy importante en la segunda y que el cómic, ha inspirado, al igual que lo han hecho la literatura y el cine, a más de un ingeniero del siglo XX. Así mismo se propondrán numerosos ejemplos de tecnologías futuristas que aparecen en las viñetas de los documentos estudiados, analizando sus posibles aplicaciones en el mundo real de la ingeniería. Se recorrerá, a través de las figuras de los guionistas y dibujantes del cómic de ciencia ficción, ejemplos que demuestran constantemente una agudeza e imaginación extraordinarias, una visión nueva sobre el desarrollo de la ingeniería en el transporte del futuro. Este porvenir propuesto, previsible o irreal, utópico o distópico, sito en la tierra o en otros planetas, con humanos o extraterrestres, etc, sirve de marco para nuevas concepciones e invenciones –algunas magistrales–, puntos de vista sorprendentes y replanteamientos novedosos de viejos conceptos. Todo ello, sin duda, puede ser de gran utilidad a la sociedad actual y a sus ingenieros, como modelo o como medio de reflexión de la adaptación al mundo cambiante en el que vivimos. Uno de los objetivos de la tesis es provocar la necesidad de una atenta segunda lectura de las historietas, una mucho más profunda, en la se pueda entresacar y aprehender todas las ideas y reflexiones escondidas en el dibujo y la trama, que nos descubren, a veces, desarrollos conceptuales dignos de los más clarividentes ingenieros y arquitectos. / The following doctoral thesis has been planned as a investigation project to study the relationship between the general Engineering, the transportation Engineering and, specially, the Railway Transportation, and its representation in the Science-Fiction European comic books of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. The methodology used consists in the compilation and analysis of the comic drawings, constantly comparing the reality with its vision showed in the comic strips. From the selected stuff, after an exhaustive investigation in the 30.000 sources studied, we succeed confirming and developing in the different chapters the departure thesis: that there is a bidirectional connection between the transportation engineering and the comic books, that the first one has exert a very important influence in the second one and viceversa, that the comic books have inspired, just as literature and films have, all the generations of engineers of the last century and the actual one. We will also propose several examples of futuristic technologies that appear in the studied documents, analyzing their possible applications in the engineering real world. We will travel over the comic strips showing their authors’ new vision about the developpment of the future transportation engineering. This prospective scenario proposed, predictable or unreal, utopian or dystopian, placed in earth or in other planets, with humans or aliens, etc; will be the frame for new concepts, inventions –some of them master pieces–,surprising points of view and new reformulations of old concepts. All of which, doubtless, could be very helpful to the actual society and their engineers, as a model or as a way of reflection about the human adaptation in the world we live. The author alerts in this thesis about the necessity a second perusal of the comic strips, one much more deep, in which we shall catch all the ideas and thoughts hidden in the drawings and the plot, that discover us, sometimes, conceptual developments worthy of the most clairvoyant engineers and architects.

Dividendos : a vontade de pagar, ou não, das empresas brasileiras de capital aberto

Vancin, Daniel Francisco January 2013 (has links)
Este estudo busca identificar os fatores que influenciam algumas companhias listadas na BM&FBovespa a pagar dividendos acima do mínimo obrigatório estabelecido em lei. Para alcançar este objetivo foi utilizado um modelo de regressão múltiplo com uma amostra de 1118 distribuições de dividendos no período de 2007 a 2011. Verificou-se que as variáveis: endividamento, investimento, dispersão e estabilidade da política de dividendos, influenciam as empresas listadas na bolsa de valores brasileira a pagar proventos acima do mínimo obrigatório. Dessa forma, esta pesquisa contribui para a compreensão do tema dividendos no Brasil, pois essa parcela extra de dividendos fica a critério das companhias, sem nenhuma obrigação legal. Assim, identificar quais fatores influenciam o pagamento acima do mínimo estabelecido em lei, é identificar também os fatores que influenciam a real decisão de pagar dividendos por parte das empresas. / This study seeks to identify the factors that influence some companies listed on the BM&FBovespa to pay dividends above the minimum required by the law. To accomplish this, a multiple regression model was used with a sample of 1118 dividend distributions in the period 2007-2011. It was found that the variables: debt, investment, dispersion and stability of dividend policy, influence companies listed on the Brazilian stock exchange to pay dividends above the minimum required. Thus, this research contributes to the understanding of the issue dividends in Brazil, because that extra portion of dividends is a decision of the companies, without any legal obligation. Therefore, identifying which factors influence the payment above the minimum established by the law, is also identify the factors that influence the actual decision to pay dividends by the companies.

Dividendos : a vontade de pagar, ou não, das empresas brasileiras de capital aberto

Vancin, Daniel Francisco January 2013 (has links)
Este estudo busca identificar os fatores que influenciam algumas companhias listadas na BM&FBovespa a pagar dividendos acima do mínimo obrigatório estabelecido em lei. Para alcançar este objetivo foi utilizado um modelo de regressão múltiplo com uma amostra de 1118 distribuições de dividendos no período de 2007 a 2011. Verificou-se que as variáveis: endividamento, investimento, dispersão e estabilidade da política de dividendos, influenciam as empresas listadas na bolsa de valores brasileira a pagar proventos acima do mínimo obrigatório. Dessa forma, esta pesquisa contribui para a compreensão do tema dividendos no Brasil, pois essa parcela extra de dividendos fica a critério das companhias, sem nenhuma obrigação legal. Assim, identificar quais fatores influenciam o pagamento acima do mínimo estabelecido em lei, é identificar também os fatores que influenciam a real decisão de pagar dividendos por parte das empresas. / This study seeks to identify the factors that influence some companies listed on the BM&FBovespa to pay dividends above the minimum required by the law. To accomplish this, a multiple regression model was used with a sample of 1118 dividend distributions in the period 2007-2011. It was found that the variables: debt, investment, dispersion and stability of dividend policy, influence companies listed on the Brazilian stock exchange to pay dividends above the minimum required. Thus, this research contributes to the understanding of the issue dividends in Brazil, because that extra portion of dividends is a decision of the companies, without any legal obligation. Therefore, identifying which factors influence the payment above the minimum established by the law, is also identify the factors that influence the actual decision to pay dividends by the companies.

Dividendos : a vontade de pagar, ou não, das empresas brasileiras de capital aberto

Vancin, Daniel Francisco January 2013 (has links)
Este estudo busca identificar os fatores que influenciam algumas companhias listadas na BM&FBovespa a pagar dividendos acima do mínimo obrigatório estabelecido em lei. Para alcançar este objetivo foi utilizado um modelo de regressão múltiplo com uma amostra de 1118 distribuições de dividendos no período de 2007 a 2011. Verificou-se que as variáveis: endividamento, investimento, dispersão e estabilidade da política de dividendos, influenciam as empresas listadas na bolsa de valores brasileira a pagar proventos acima do mínimo obrigatório. Dessa forma, esta pesquisa contribui para a compreensão do tema dividendos no Brasil, pois essa parcela extra de dividendos fica a critério das companhias, sem nenhuma obrigação legal. Assim, identificar quais fatores influenciam o pagamento acima do mínimo estabelecido em lei, é identificar também os fatores que influenciam a real decisão de pagar dividendos por parte das empresas. / This study seeks to identify the factors that influence some companies listed on the BM&FBovespa to pay dividends above the minimum required by the law. To accomplish this, a multiple regression model was used with a sample of 1118 dividend distributions in the period 2007-2011. It was found that the variables: debt, investment, dispersion and stability of dividend policy, influence companies listed on the Brazilian stock exchange to pay dividends above the minimum required. Thus, this research contributes to the understanding of the issue dividends in Brazil, because that extra portion of dividends is a decision of the companies, without any legal obligation. Therefore, identifying which factors influence the payment above the minimum established by the law, is also identify the factors that influence the actual decision to pay dividends by the companies.

A admissibilidade e a conveniência da exclusão do controlador em S.A. / The admissibility and convenience of excluding the controlling shareholder in corporations.

Maria da Glória Ferraz de Almeida Prado 08 April 2015 (has links)
O estudo refere-se à verificação da admissibilidade e da conveniência da exclusão facultativa de acionista controlador em sociedade anônima. O tema não é propriamente novo no Brasil. Intenciona-se, no entanto, construir a hipótese a partir de fundamento legal diferente. A Lei 6.404/76 (LSA) apenas destina a exclusão para casos de acionista remisso (artigo 107, II), permanecendo silente com relação ao inadimplemento de deveres de colaboração e lealdade (em conjunto, deveres de cooperação). Nesse contexto, a doutrina e a jurisprudência brasileiras tendem a admitir a hipótese de exclusão em tais casos por aplicação do artigo 1.030 do Código Civil, destinado a regular a matéria no âmbito das sociedades simples. Para tanto, aproximam a companhia fechada das sociedades de pessoas a fim de justificar, dada a alegada omissão da lei especial a esse respeito, o tratamento por analogia. A partir do estudo sistemático da LSA, que compreende, entre outros, o entendimento do princípio da circulação de ações e da extensão dos deveres de boa-fé entre os sócios, pretende-se admitir a hipótese com base na própria lógica acionária, em razão da eventual relevância do relacionamento societário para a consecução do fim social. Em tais companhias, o adimplemento dos deveres de cooperação torna-se tão imprescindível quanto o adimplemento do dever de conferimento para o alcance do escopo comum. Em decorrência desse raciocínio, a exclusão torna-se admissível na ocorrência de inadimplemento de qualquer dever social que inviabilize, real ou potencialmente, o preenchimento do fim social. A identificação de eventual affectio societatis entre os acionistas, portanto, passa a ser irrelevante. Admitir a hipótese no que se refere a acionista controlador se revela ainda importante instrumento de limitação do exercício ilegítimo do poder de controle e não se confunde com a sanção de perdas e danos prevista na LSA por abuso de poder de controle. Por fim, será analisada a conveniência da exclusão do controlador, em razão de sua relevância pessoal para a consecução da atividade, a participação societária por ele detida e da possibilidade de dissolver-se parcialmente a sociedade, com a saída do acionista minoritário descontente. / The study refers to the admissibility and convenience of excluding the controlling shareholder in corporations. The theory is not exactly new in Brazil. What we intend to do, however, is to support the hypothesis in different legal grounds. The legal system, of which is set forth in the Brazilian Corporation Law (Law 6.404/76), limits the exclusion of a shareholder in the events of non-performance of the duty to pay-up the share capital (article 107, II). The legal framework remains silent regarding the non-performance of the duties of collaboration and loyalty (together, duties of cooperation). In such context, both the Brazilian doctrine and jurisprudence tend to allow the shareholder exclusion under the default of the duties of cooperation on the grounds of the Brazilian Civil Law Code. In order to provide that, it is mandatory to align the closely held corporation to a typical institution of intuitu personae, which requires the evidence of an existent personal relationship among the shareholders (affectio societatis). We defend the application of the hypothesis with grounds on the Brazilian Corporation Law itself. The study proposes a systematic and logical analysis of the legal corporation framework, which comprehends the understanding of its main principles (such as the free circulation of the shares and the relevance of the good faith relationship among shareholders to the company activity). Concerning this analysis, it would be possible to admit the shareholder exclusion even if they hold the controlling position when the maintenance of the corporate structure of how it was first built is of key importance to the joint goal. In such a company, not only the duty to pay-up the share capital appears to be vital, but the duties of cooperation as well. The exclusion may be deemed if, in any case, the shareholder violates any duty in such a manner that is able to jeopardize the corporate activity. Therefore, the subjective investigation of the personal relationship among the shareholders becomes irrelevant. It would be even more important to admit the hypothesis regarding the controlling shareholder, as a mechanism to limit its illegal exercise. This sanction does not integrate the sanction foreseen in the law regarding abuse of power of control. Afterwards, we intend to verify the convenience of excluding the controlling shareholder, due to his personal relevance to the activity, the amount of company shares he holds and the alternative of implement the strictu sensu partial dissolution.

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