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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sequências e séries: uma proposta duvaliana para a educação básica / Sequences and series: a Duvalian proposal for primary school

Caio Moura Quina 09 December 2015 (has links)
Esta dissertação versa sobre o ensino de Sequências e Séries na educação básica. A questão é entender em que medida o uso da Teoria dos Registros de Representação Semiótica se mostra favorável à criação de atividades que sejam propícias à aprendizagem dos alunos. Foram elaboradas dez atividades sobre Sequências e Séries e foi feita uma aplicação de quatro destas atividades com alunos de 1a série do ensino médio. Com esta aplicação, procurou-se buscar evidências de que o uso de diversos registros de representação semiótica favorecem a aprendizagem dos alunos em Matemática. Como escopo secundário, buscamos também investigar a concepção de infinito que os alunos manifestaram durante a aplicação das atividades. Antes, porém, buscamos na história da Matemática diferentes maneiras de como filósofos e matemáticos concebiam e utilizavam o infinito. Visto que Sequências e Séries também são assunto tratados no ensino superior, foram abordadas algumas dificuldades de transição ensino básico/ensino superior tendo em vista diferenças culturais entre os dois níveis de ensino. Concluímos que o uso de materiais concretos para representação de objetos matemáticos se mostrou favorável à compreensão dos alunos e a concepção de infinito dos alunos está predominantemente ligada a ideia de infinito potencial. / The subject of this research is about teaching and learning sequences and series in primary education. The research question is to understand how favorable is the use of the theory of semiotic representation registers to create activities that help students to learn. Were created ten activities about sequences and series and four of these were chosen to be used in a classroom with 1st year students of a secondary school. By observing these activities being used in classroom, evidences were searched to evaluate if including different semiotic representation registers facilitates student\'s learning on mathematics. As a secondary aim, the student\'s infinity conception is investigated in the classroom. We also researched mathematics\' history to find different conceptions adopted by philosophers and mathematicians on infinity. As sequences and series are also studied in college, some transition difficulties (from High School to College) were discussed considering cultural differences between the two educational levels. It was concluded that concrete teaching materials to the students\' comprehension and the students\' concept of infinity is mainly linked to potential infinity.

Detecção de falhas de sensores em estruturas flexíveis com controle ativo de vibração / Sensor fault detection in flexible structures with active vibration control

Pereira, Daniel Augusto, 1983- 12 June 2013 (has links)
Orientador: Alberto Luiz Serpa / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecânica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-24T00:36:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Pereira_DanielAugusto_D.pdf: 10049171 bytes, checksum: 63439cd1c1df78b669ff99ba303ad488 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013 / Resumo: Partindo-se do princípio de que detectar falhas em sistemas realimentados pode ser considerada tarefa difícil, nessa tese é proposto um método para detecção de falhas de sensores em estruturas flexíveis sujeitas a controle ativo de vibração. O método é baseado num esquema com banco de estimadores para geração de resíduos e no uso de indicadores para a análise quantitativa desses resíduos. O esquema de banco de estimadores permite o isolamento das falhas. Os estimadores utilizados são observadores de saída, filtros de Kalman e filtros H-infinito. Já os indicadores propostos são versões modificadas da diferença entre os valores RMS das saídas medidas e estimadas, a soma do módulo do erro de estimativa, a soma quadrática do erro de estimativa e o modal assurance criterion. É proposto um reescalamento dos indicadores e também um novo indicador, definido pelo produto das versões modificadas e reescaladas dos indicadores clássicos. Inicialmente a técnica foi validada em simulações, primeiro com um modelo de elementos finitos de uma estrutura de placa e posteriormente com um modelo de placa identificado experimentalmente, ambos sob controle ativo de vibração. Experimentos com a estrutura de placa também foram realizados e comprovaram a eficácia da técnica / Abstract: Assuming that fault detection in feedback systems can be considered a hard task, it is proposed in this thesis a method for sensor fault detection in flexible structures subjected to active vibration control. The method is based on a scheme with bank of estimators for residual generation and indicators for quantitative analysis of residues. The bank estimators scheme allows the fault isolation. The estimators used are output observers, Kalman filters and H-infinity filters. The proposed indicators are modified versions of the difference between RMS values of measured and estimated outputs, the sum of the modulus of the estimation error, the quadratic sum of the estimation error and the modal assurance criterion. It is proposed a rescaling of the indicators and also a new indicator, defined by the product of the modified and rescaled versions of classical indicators. Initially the technique is validated in simulations, first with a finite element model of a plate structure and latter with an experimentally identified plate model, both under active vibration control. Experiments with the plate were also performed and proved the effectiveness of the technique / Doutorado / Mecanica dos Sólidos e Projeto Mecanico / Doutor em Engenharia Mecânica

131514525 1215225 91313151820112029 / Beyond Zero

Sturm-Lie, Merzedes January 2015 (has links)
Master essäen publicerades som bok och var tillgänglig på utställningen 'Beyond Zero'. Performancet 'Spending time to draw Time utfördesvarje gång någon ville ha en kopia. I performancet ritar jag en punkt efter \"Frozen time=\" och en linje efter \"Time\" på sidorna 20-21. Jag änvänder min egen tid för att rita \'tid\'. Varje exemplar är unik och numrerad, eftersom ingen linje eller punkt någonsin är identisk. / [I examensarbetet ingår utställningen "Beyond Zero":] Jag ser historien som en oändlig upprepelse av konstruktion och destruktion. Nästan alla städer med sina byggnader, torn och fabriker som byggs upp, rivs förr eller senare ner. Det kan bero på naturkatastrofer, krig, förödelse eller att något inte längre behövs därför att ideer och concept i ett samhälle förändras. Vad som blir kvar är skal och ruiner eller frusna/icke genomförda byggnadsprojekt och monument. M.a.o. döda objekt/verktyg som tillhör en annan tid. Historien handlar också om vad vi väljer att synliggöra och osynliggöra. Många ställen där dramatiska grejer har hänt, har helt byggts om så att alla spår av en tragedi eller hemsk historia raderas bort. Varför väljer vi att ta bort vissa grejer och att förstärka synligheten av andra? Detta synliggörandet och osynliggörandet av historien är ett tema som jag har jobbat med i min slututställning genom performance, ljudverk och skulpturer. Till exempel genom att undersöka dom negativa och positiva fälten i ett objekt. Eller genom att något fragilt och lätt transformeras till något tungt och kompakt och vice versa. Vad man ser och inte ser. I mina verk vill jag undersöka och utveckla motsättningar och sätt att läsa historien. Arbeta med tid, ett nu som innefattar det förflutna och förhåller sig till framtiden.______________ List of works:\r\n\r\n-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3\r\nSteel, iron, plywood, glass, plastic, nylon\r\n2015\r\n\r\nLightning\r\nConcrete, styrofoam, forklift\r\n2015\r\n\r\nDiamond-Heart\r\nIron, bronze\r\n2015\r\n\r\nWhere the Battle took place I\r\nIron spike &amp; bronze death mask of the artist, shot at with a shotgun\r\n2015\r\n\r\nWhere the Battle took place II\r\nIron spike &amp; bronze death mask of the artist, shot at with a rifle\r\n2015\r\n\r\nWhat does Finnegan see when he wakes up?\r\nSound piece\r\n2015\r\nThe loudspeaker was located very high near the ceiling and looked like a black eye supervising the installation and it\'s space. Since there are intervals of silence the sound is suddenly part of the space. In order to turn the sound on and off, I had to climb a ladder.\r\nThe piece consists of two parts, alternating with breaks of 2 to 4 minutes.\r\n1. My voice reading parts of Finnegans Wake by James Joyce, as if it\'s Flemish. \r\n2. My voice giving the listener/viewer the clue with which the codes in my master essay can be deciphered.\r\n\r\nSpending Time to draw Time\r\nBooklet-Performance\r\n2015\r\nMy master essay was available as a leaflet at the exhibition. \r\nEvery time someone wanted to buy a copy, I did a performance. The performance consisted of personally drawing a dot after \'Frozen time=\' and a line after \'Time=\' on pages 20-21. I thus used my own time to draw time. Each copy is unique and numbered, because no line or dot can ever be identical. Material: Betong, frigolit, järn, nylon, brons, ljud, plywood, plast, glas Teknik: Skulptur, ljud, 3d fräsning / <p>DVD med dokumentation av performance och installation finns tillgänglig på Kungl Konsthögskolans bibliotek.</p>

Par-delà l'Infini. La Spiritualité dans la Science-Fiction française, anglaise et américaine / Beyond Infinity. Spirituality in French, English and American Science Fiction

Cornillon, Claire 11 June 2012 (has links)
La science-fiction a, depuis ses origines, abordé les questions spirituelles telles que la mort, la transcendance, le sens de la vie et de la condition humaine. Au lieu de se définir comme une littérature d’idées fondée sur la science, elle est bien davantage une littérature d’images qui se fonde sur une « problématisation » de notre monde. Elle construit des configurations fictionnelles qui suscitent, chez le lecteur, un étonnement fondamental, le sense of wonder. Dès lors, elle envisage des problèmes essentiels, qu’ils soient biologiques, politiques, ou spirituels. Ouvrant à un espace-temps potentiellement infini, elle peut mettre en scène des quêtes à l’échelle du cosmos, ouvrir sur l’éternité et le temps du mythe, réinterpréter les grandes traditions religieuses pour les problématiser, ou dessiner un espace du sublime dans la confrontation avec le mystère. Il s’agit de définir la science-fiction comme un genre littéraire problématologique, qui s’appuie sur des récits et des images. Ce travail examine le traitement des questions spirituelles dans la science-fiction française, anglaise et américaine, depuis le XIXe siècle. Il se réfère à une dizaine de romans et trois films. En s’appuyant sur ce corpus spécifique de romans et de films, il s’attache à établir des cadres théoriques et à identifier des œuvres qui constituent des jalons dans l’histoire de la science-fiction et qui illustrent cette perspective problématologique. / Since its origins, science fiction has addressed issues in spirituality such as death, transcendence, meaning of life, human condition. Instead of defining science fiction as based upon science, we should better define it as based upon the « problematization » of our world. It construes fictional configurations which trigger readers’ essential astonishment, and impose a sense of wonder. It tackles central problems, be it biological, political or spiritual. Opening to potentially infinite space and time, it can unfold quests on a cosmic scale, and revisit significant religious traditions to question them, or to delineate a space where sublime confronts mystery. The overall argument aims at defining science fiction as a problematological literary genre, which uses narratives and images. This dissertation applies these research orientations to French, American and English Science Fiction from the XIXth century onwards — it refers to a dozen novels and three movies. While it focuses upon this specific body of novels and films, it intends to set up theoretical schemes and to identify works which are landmarks in SF and exemplify this problematological perspective.

Free loop spaces, Koszul duality and A-infinity algebras

Börjeson, Kaj January 2017 (has links)
This thesis consists of four papers on the topics of free loop spaces, Koszul duality and A∞-algebras.  In Paper I we consider a definition of differential operators for noncommutative algebras. This definition is inspired by the connections between differential operators of commutative algebras, L∞-algebras and BV-algebras. We show that the definition is reasonable by establishing results that are analoguous to results in the commutative case. As a by-product of this definition we also obtain definitions for noncommutative versions of Gerstenhaber and BV-algebras.  In Paper II we calculate the free loop space homology of (n-1)-connected manifolds of dimension of at least 3n-2. The Chas-Sullivan loop product and the loop bracket are calculated. Over a field of characteristic zero the BV-operator is determined as well. Explicit expressions for the Betti numbers are also established, showing that they grow exponentially.  In Paper III we restrict our coefficients to a field of characteristic 2. We study the Dyer-Lashof operations that exist on free loop space homology in this case. Explicit calculations are carried out for manifolds that are connected sums of products of spheres.  In Paper IV we extend the Koszul duality methods used in Paper II by incorporating A∞-algebras and A∞-coalgebras. This extension of Koszul duality enables us to compute free loop space homology of manifolds that are not necessarily formal and coformal. As an example we carry out the computations for a non-formal simply connected 7-manifold. / Denna avhandling består av fyra artiklar inom ämnena fria öglerum, Koszuldualitet och A∞-algebror. I Artikel I behandlar vi en definition av differentialoperatorer för ickekommutativa algebror. Denna definition är inspirerad av kopplingar mellan differentialoperatorer för kommutativa algebror, L∞-algebror och BV-algebror. Vi visar att definitionen är rimlig genom att etablera resultat som är analoga med resultat i det kommutativa fallet. Som en biprodukt får vi också definitioner för ickekommutativa varianter av Gerstenhaber och BV-algebror. I Artikel II beräknar vi den fria öglerumshomologin av (n-1)-sammanhängande mångfalder av dimension minst 3n-2. Chas-Sullivans ögleprodukt och öglehake beräknas. Över en kropp av karakteristik noll beräknas även BV-operatorn. Explicita uttryck för Bettitalen fastställs också, vilka visar att de växer exponentiellt. I Artikel III begränsar vi koefficienterna till en kropp av karakteristik 2. Vi studerar Dyer- Lashofoperationer som existerar på den fria öglerumshomologin i detta fall. Explicita beräkningar görs för mångfalder som är sammanhängande summor av produkter av sfärer. I Artikel IV utvidgar vi Koszuldualitetmetoden som används i Artikel II genom att inkorporera A∞-algebror och A∞-koalgebror. Denna utvidgning av Koszuldualitet gör det möjligt att beräkna fri öglerumshomologi för mångfalder som inte nödvändigtvis är formella och koformella. Som ett exempel utför vi beräkningar för en ickeformell enkelt sammanhängande 7-mångfald. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 3: Manuscript. Paper 4: Manuscript.</p>

Controle modal de vibrações em estruturas flexíveis / Modal vibration control in flexible structures

Huamán Ortiz, Ronald Richard, 1987- 27 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Alberto Luiz Serpa / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecânica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-27T04:19:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 HuamanOrtiz_RonaldRichard_M.pdf: 3700691 bytes, checksum: e0c35e9a16c6fd36ae433ab9a61c6cbb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015 / Resumo: O projeto de sistemas de controle ativo de vibrações para estruturas flexíveis envolve a síntese de controladores que, geralmente, reduzem certos picos da resposta em frequência do sistema em malha fechada. Em alguns casos é requerido controlar unicamente um modo de vibrar específico do sistema em análise que pode estar associado a uma faixa de baixa, média ou alta frequência, o que demanda de um controle modal de vibrações. Neste trabalho, propõem-se três métodos alternativos para sintetizar controladores modais utilizando a teoria de controle H-infinito em uma configuração de controle por realimentação de saída. O primeiro método é implementado utilizando funções de ponderação as quais são introduzidas no problema de controle H-infinito para definir as características do controlador de maneira que este atenue a vibração do sistema na região em frequência correspondente ao modo que se deseja controlar (modo de interesse). O segundo método procura sintetizar controladores modais de menor ordem, utilizando uma planta reduzida. Essa planta reduzida contém unicamente a informação dinâmica do modo que se deseja controlar e é obtida através de uma transformação modal. O terceiro método procura melhorar o desempenho do controlador modal (conseguir uma maior redução da vibração do modo de interesse). Este método propõe sintetizar o controlador modal formulando um problema de otimização não linear onde as variáveis do controlador modal são as variáveis de otimização e a função objetivo é definida com valores específicos da resposta em frequência do sistema dinâmico. A solução deste problema de otimização é obtida utilizando o algoritmo de programação quadrática sequencial (SQP). Os três métodos são verificados utilizando o modelo de uma viga flexível engastada que é modelada através do método dos elementos finitos. Finalmente, os resultados obtidos são discutidos analisando as vantagens e desvantagens dos métodos propostos / Abstract: The design of active vibration control systems for flexible structures involves the tuning of controllers that reduce, generally, certain frequency resonance peaks of the close loop system. In some cases it is required to control a specific vibration mode of the system from a low, middle or high frequency range, demanding a modal vibration control. In this study it is proposed three alternative modal control methods using the H-infinity control theory in an output feedback control configuration. The first method is implemented using weighting functions which are introduced into the H-infinity control problem to define the characteristics of the controller so that it mitigates the system vibration in the frequency region that corresponds to a specific vibration mode (mode of interest). The second method attempts to synthesize lower order modal controllers, using a reduced plant. This reduced plant contains only the dynamic information of the vibration mode you want to control and is obtained through a modal transformation. The third method aims to improve the performance of the modal controller (to achieve a further reduction of the vibration mode of interest). This method proposes to synthesize the modal controller formulating a non-linear optimization problem where the variables of the modal controller are defined as the optimization variables and the objective function is defined with specific values of the frequency response of the dynamic system. The solution to this optimization problem is obtained using the sequential quadratic programming (SQP) algorithm. The three methods are verified using the model of a cantilever flexible beam that is modeled by the finite element method. Finally, the results are discussed considering the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed methods / Mestrado / Mecanica dos Sólidos e Projeto Mecanico / Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica

Robustní řízení elektromechanických systémů / Robust control of electromechanical systems

Pohl, Lukáš January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with the modern control approaches applicable to speed control of an induction motor. Historical perspective to the control theory and its evolution to the modern control will be presented in a short introduction. Basics of uncertainty modeling are presented along with linear fractional transformation (LFT) representation of an uncertain system. Two different approaches for robust controller synthesis are introduced - H-infinity loopshaping and mixed sensitivity H-infinity synthesis. Theoretical background is presented for both of these methods. Finally the robust controller for induction motor satisfying the control goals is designed using both methods. Design objectives are presented as transfer function weights shaping the sensitivity or complementary sensitivity function to desired shape. Several step responses were simulated to compare H-infinity loopshaping and mixed sensitivity H-infinity controllers with the conventional vector control approach.

Modellierung, Reglerentwurf und Praxistest eines hochdynamischen MEMS-Präzisionsbeschleunigungssensors

Wolfram, Heiko 05 April 2005 (has links)
This paper presents the development of building up a controlled MEMS acceleration sensor. The first samples have archived a resolution of better than 500 ug and a bandwidth of more than 200 Hz. A theoretical model is built from the physical principles of the complete sensor system, consisting of the MEMS sensor, the charge amplifier and the PWM driver for the sensor element. A reduced order model of the system is used to design a robust control with the Mixed-Sensitivity H-infinity Approach. Limitations for the control design are given since the system contains time delays and an unstable pole imposed by the electrostatic spring softening effect. The theoretical model might be inaccurate or lacks of completeness, because the parameters for the theoretical model building vary from sample to sample or might be not known. A new two-stage identification scheme is deployed to obtain directly the system parameters from the samples. The focus of this paper is the complete system development and identification process including practical tests in a DSP TI-TMS320C3000 environment with 12/14-bit A/D-D/A converters. / Der Artikel beschreibt die Entwicklungsschritte eines geregelten MEMS-Beschleunigungssensors. Die ersten Prototypen erreichten dabei eine Auflösung von weniger als 500 ug und eine Bandbreite von mehr als 200 Hz. Ein theoretisches Modell für den Reglerentwurf wird aus den physikalischen Zusammenhängen des Gesamtsystems, bestehend aus dem mechanischen Sensorelement, dem Ladungsverstärker und der PWM-Treiberstufe, gebildet. Für den Reglerentwurf wird der H-Infinity Mixed-Sensitivity Approach verwendet. Wegen Systemtotzeiten und dem Effekt der elektrostatischen Federerweichung sind Grenzen für die Wahl der Bandbreite zu beachten. Da Parameter für das theoretische Modell stark variieren oder schwer zu bestimmen sind, wird eine 2-Stufen-Identifikationsmethode vorgeschlagen, um ein Modell für den Reglerentwurf zu erhalten. Praktische Tests wurden mit einem DSP TI-TMS320C3000 mit 12/14-Bit A/D-D/A Wandlerstufen durchgeführt.

Enriched Infinity Operads / Angereicherte Unendlich-Operaden

Chu, Hongyi 09 December 2016 (has links)
In this dissertation we define an analogue, in the setting of infinity categories, of the classical notion of an enriched operad. We introduce six different models of enriched infinity operads. In particular, we generalize the operator category approach of Clark Barwick to the enriched setting as well as Moerdijk-Weiss' notion of dendroidal sets. The main part of the thesis consists of the comparison between different approaches to enriched operads.

Det ökade användandet av Instagram : En studie om design och innehåll på Instagram / The increased use of Instagram

Morsing, Sabina January 2020 (has links)
As a result of the emergence of new technological opportunities in the last decade, new digital oppor-tunities have been created. Social media is a relat-ively new phenomenon that has contributed to a greater interest in the world offered online. This study focus on Instagram and aims to create know-ledge and understanding of what it is that has con-tributed to it being the most used social media today. This study aspire to answer questions about which design elements and in what way information and content is structured on Instagram, and how it can contribute to its increased use. To answer the ques-tions, a method combination of qualitative and quantitative research was used and a questionnaire was created to collect empirical data. A content ana-lysis was used to examine the collected empirical data. The result indicates that design elements that offer the user the opportunity to interact with content and the infinity scrolling function contribute to an increased use of Instagram. The result also shows that Instagram's information and content are struc-tured in a simple and clear way through good navig-ation options and personalization algorithm, which also contributes to increased use of Instagram.

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