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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


DEVRIES, KATHRYN, 0000-0002-6333-1814 January 2022 (has links)
Two of every three students in the classroom today are affected by at least one adverse childhood experience (ACE; Perfect et al., 2016). Recently, researchers have used a neurodevelopmental approach to try to categorize and describe the connection between the neurological, cognitive, and academic success of children with ACEs and may have discovered a unique connection to math (Blodgett & Lanigan, 2018). The culmination of this research suggests that children who experience ACEs develop a stress physiology (as evidenced by differences in brain volume and cortisol levels) and this affects executive functioning. Because executive functioning, which is undergirded by the structural development of the brain (De Bellis et al., 2016), is related to mathematical academic achievement (Clark et al., 2010), children who have structural differences due to ACEs are hypothesized to have unique challenges in math. This study examined children drawn from an academic (rather than clinical) setting using behavioral measures of executive functioning as well as math grades obtained from their schools. Results suggest that for children drawn from a traditional academic setting, having been exposed to ACEs does not predict significant differences in EF skills or in school performance in math. Though the sample demonstrated a typical prevalence of exposure to ACEs, the maternal education of the children in the sample (a proxy for SES) was distinctly high. The interaction of these two aspects of this sample and their implications for the findings is discussed. / Educational Psychology

Assessment of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury by Advanced Practice Registered Nurses

Garey, Mary Lou 14 May 2014 (has links)
No description available.


BHAGAT, ALI ASGAR SALEEM 02 October 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Impact of Diabetes on ACE/ACE2 Balance and Angiotensin II Type 1 Receptor Expression in db/db Diabetic Mice

Madhu, Malav Navinchandra 01 October 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Design, synthesis and pharmacological evaluation of pyrimidobenzothiazole-3-carboxylate derivatives as selective L-type calcium channel blockers

Chikhale, R., Thorat, S., Pant, A., Jadhav, A., Thatipamula, K.C., Bansode, Ratnadeep V., Bhargavi, G., Karodia, Nazira, Rajasekharan, M.V., Paradkar, Anant R, Khedekar, Pramod 05 September 2015 (has links)
No / L-type voltage gated calcium channels play essential role in contraction of various skeletal and vascular smooth muscles, thereby plays important role in regulating blood pressure. Dihydropyridine receptors have been targeted for development of newer antihypertensive agents, one of the structurally analogs nucleus dihydropyrimidines have been reported earlier by us as a potential agent toward development of calcium channel modulator. A pre-synthetic QSAR was run and on the basis of structure activity relationship a series of twenty three molecules was synthesized and studied by myosin light chain kinase assay (MLCK), Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) colorimetric assay, non-invasive blood pressure (NIBP) and invasive blood pressure (IBP) methods. Molecules with significant efficacy were studied for their single crystal X-ray diffraction, molecular docking, molecular dynamics and post-synthetic QSAR. The NIBP and IBP methods screened molecules with better percentage inhibition versus time compared to standard drug Nifedipine. The lead compound ethyl 2-methyl-4-(3-nitrophenyl)-4H-pyrimido [2,1-b] [1,3] benzothiazole-3-carboxylate (26) presented a triclinic structure with polymeric chain packing in lattice. 26 exhibited IC50 on MLCK assay of 2.1+/-1.7 muM with selectivity of L-type calcium channels and comparative to Nifedipine. It offered satisfactory physicochemical properties with partition coefficient of (ClogP) 4.64. Its pharmacokinetic profile is also good with Cmax at 0.40 mug/ml by oral route with Tmax reaching in 0.5 h which means in 30 min. 26 also exhibits superior t1/2 of 5.4 h and oral bioavailability of (F) 56.75% with an AUC0-infinity of 0.84 mug h/ml. Molecular docking studies indicates toward the interaction of lead compound via hydrogen bonds with Lys144, Glu181 and Asp183, it forms the Van der Walls interactions with Ser18, Asp20, Asn187, Pro185, Glu180, Glu181 and Arg10 with Glide score and Glide energy to be -3.602 and -47.098, respectively. Post-synthetic QSAR of newly synthesized molecules indicates toward improvement with respect to steric descriptor which contributed negatively in former series.

Tryptophanhaltige Dipeptide als Hemmstoffe für das Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme

Hagemann, Diana 29 May 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Bluthochdruck zählt zu einer der häufigsten Zivilisationskrankheiten und ist der Hauptfaktor für die Entstehung kardiovaskulärer Erkrankungen. Das Präventionspotenzial bei Hypertonie ist sehr hoch, da lebensstilassoziierte Faktoren wie Übergewicht, hoher Kochsalz- und Alkoholkonsum oder Stress die Entstehung eines erhöhten Blutdrucks wesentlich begünstigen. Daher wird eine antihypertensive Therapie meist mit nicht-medikamentösen Maßnahmen eingeleitet. Für die Regulation des Blutdrucks ist die nähere Betrachtung des Angiotensin-Converting Enzymes (ACE) wichtig, da es eines der Schlüsselenzyme des Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosteron-Systems und des Kallikrein-Kinin-Systems darstellt. Die Möglichkeit, dass ACE-inhibierende Peptide aus Lebensmittelproteinen über die Nahrungsmittelaufnahme einen positiven physiologischen Effekt auf den Blutdruck ausüben, ist ein vielversprechender Ansatz zur Unterstützung einer nicht-medikamentösen Therapie bei Hypertonie. In der Literatur sind zahlreiche Peptide beschrieben, welche eine inhibitorische Wirkung auf das ACE in vitro besitzen. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigte sich mit der Klasse der tryptophanhaltigen Dipeptide, die in der Literatur als potente, natürliche ACE-Inhibitoren beschrieben sind. Die tryptophanhaltigen Peptide wurden hinsichtlich ihrer Gewinnung, ihrer Hemmwirkung auf das Zielenzym und bezüglich ihrer Bioverfügbarkeit in vitro und in vivo untersucht.

Assessing Knowledge of Evidence-BasedPractice among Nurses

John, Suja Merin 01 January 2016 (has links)
Evidence-based practice (EBP) is used worldwide to improve the quality of patient care to provide cost-effective care. EBP is a mandate for nursing practice combining individual clinical judgment with available expertise to generate a positive outcome for the patient. Investigators have documented that nurses have varying degrees of confidence and knowledge about EBP. The purpose of this project was to improve knowledge of EBP among registered nurses (RNs). The ACE Star Model of Knowledge transformation was used as the conceptual model. The key project question was to assess the level of knowledge and confidence about EBP among RNs in a cardio-thoracic (CT) intensive care unit (ICU) before and after viewing a computer-based EBP educational module. The quasi-experimental project used a 1 group pretest-posttest design. In the pretest, a convenience sample (n = 29) completed ACE-ERI competencies to self-assess confidence in EBP and an EBP Knowledge Test. The participants then viewed an EBP educational module based on major steps in EBP practice. Afterward, they repeated both tests. As a group, the paired t test showed a significant increase in scores for the ACE-ERI competencies between pretest and posttest scores. Using the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test, knowledge scores increased but were not statistically significant. These findings suggested that there was improvement in both confidence and knowledge supporting the use of the educational module. In order to effectively implement EBP, nurses require knowledge to assess the quality and evidence for improved patient outcome. These results can guide administrators and educators to enhance RN EBP by the use of educational modules to improve the quality of patient care creating positive social change.

IFN-γ Increases the Expression of SARS-CoV-2 Receptors on Vero E6 cells

Madabattula, Bindu Madhavi January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Biološka aktivnost fermentisanih mlečnih napitaka dobijenih primenom kombuhe i konvencionalnih starter kultura / Biological activity of fermented milk beverages obtained using kombucha and conventional starter culture

Hrnjez Dajana 26 September 2015 (has links)
<p>Proizvodnja fermentisanih mliječnih napitaka unapreijeđenih funkcionalnih karakteristika postala je jedan od glavnih fokusa u industriji prerade mlijeka. Cilj doktorske disertacije je ispitivanje biolo&scaron;ke aktivnosti fermentisanih mliječnih napitaka dobijenih primjenom nekonvencionalne starter kulture, kombuhe (kultivisane na crnom čaju zaslađenim saharozom u koncentraciji od 10%) i poređenje sa karakteristikma proizvoda dobijenih primenom konvencionalnih starter kultura, jogurtne odnosno probiotske, tokom skladi&scaron;tenja. Za fermentaciju je kori&scaron;ćeno mlijeko sa 2,8% mliječne masti na temperatura 42&deg;C.<br />Promjene tokom fermentacije mlijeka primjenom kombuhe i konvencionalnih starter kultura praćene su određivanjem stepena proteolize, sadržaja laktoze, D&ndash; galaktoze, D&ndash;glukoze i D&ndash;fruktoze i masnih kiselina pri sledećim pH vrijednostima: 6,4; 6,0; 5,5; 5,0 i 4,6. Promjene antihipertenzivne aktivnosti (AKE inhibitorna aktivnost), antioksidativne aktivnosti (ABTS i DPPH metod) kao i promjene stepena proteolize, reolo&scaron;kih i senzornih karakteristika sve tri vrste fermentisanih mliječnih napitaka praćene su tokom 21-og dana skladi&scaron;tenja. Osim toga praćene su i promjene sadržaja &scaron;ećera, masnih kiselina, minerala (kalcijuma, natrijuma i kalijuma), vitamina C i biogenih amina.<br />Tokom procesa fermentacije mlijeka primjenom različitih starter kultura može se zaključiti da postoji razlika u promjenama udijela pojedinačnih proteinskih frakcija analiziranih metodom kapilarne elektroforeze.<br />Različite starter kulture utiču na različitu AKE inhibitornu aktivnost tokom skladi&scaron;tenja, &scaron;to ukazuje na različitu proteolitičku aktivnost kori&scaron;ćenih starter kultura. Utvrđeno je da AKE inhibitorna aktivnost raste tokom skladi&scaron;tenja, pri čemu uzorci proizvedeni primjenom kombuhe imaju najveću AKE inhibitornu aktivnost na kraju 14 dana skladi&scaron;tenja i ona iznosi 79,4%, dok su u jogurtu i probiotskom jogurtu te vrijednsoti 63,4 i 64,6% redom. Takođe, tokom skladi&scaron;tenja stepen proteolize raste u svim uzorcima sa značajnim međusobnim varijacijama. Antiksidativna aktivnost svih uzoraka opada tokom skladi&scaron;tenja ali je u svim uzorcima zabilježena veća aktivnost na ABTS nego na DPPH slobodne radikale. Nakon 21-og dana skladi&scaron;tenja najveći antioksidativni potencijal određen metodom stabilizacije ABTS.+ katjona imali su uzorci sa jogurtnom starter kulturom (TEAC vrijednost 8,922 mmolmg-1). U pogledu sastava masnih kiselina, tokom 14 dana skladi&scaron;tenja u kombuha fermentisanim mliječnim napicima<br />kao i napicima dobijenim sa jogurtnom i probiotskom starter kulturom dolazi do porasta udjela zasićenih (SFA) i opadanje mononezasićenih (MUFA) i polinezasićenih masnih kiselina (PUFA). Nakon 21-og dana skladi&scaron;tenja sadržaj SFA; MUFA i PUFA u kombuha fermentisanom mliječnom napitku iznosio je 65,94; 30,73 i 3,33% redom, dok su te vrijednosti kod jogurta iznosile 66,02; 30,77 i 3,21% i probiotskog jogurta 66,04; 30,66 i 3,30 % redom. Najveći sadržaj vitamina C nakon proizvodnje i 14 dana skladi&scaron;tenja imali su uzorci sa kombuha starter kulturom (0,5457 &plusmn; 0,017 mg100g-1). Uzorci dobijeni upotrebom konvencionalnih startera pokazali su bolje reolo&scaron;ke osobine pri ispitivanim uslovima tokom 21 dana skladi&scaron;tenja. Kombuha fermentisani mlečni proizvod imao je karakterističan, blago kiseli, osvežavajući ukus i nagla&scaron;enu aromu.<br />Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata biolo&scaron;ke aktivnosti i promjena kvaliteta kombuha fermentisanog mliječnog napitka tokom skladi&scaron;tenja, u odnosu na karakteristike proizvoda dobijenih upotrebom konvencionalnih starter kultura može se objasniti opravdanost upotrebe kombuha starter kulture u fermentaciji mlijeka sa ciljem dobijanja novog funkcionalnog fermentisanog mliječnog proizvoda.</p> / <p><span style="font-size:11px;">Nowadays, production of fermented dairy products with elevated benefits on human health has become one of the major focuse in dairy industry. The aim of the PhD thesis is to examine the biological activity of fermented milk products obtained using non-conventional starter culture kombucha (cultivated on black tea with 10% of sucrose) and comparision with products obtained by conventional starter cultures, probiotic/yoghurt during storage. Milk with 2.8% of milk fat was used for the samples production at temperature of 42 &deg;C.<br />The changes of components content during the milk fermentation by kombucha and conventional starter cultures were monitored at the following pH values: 6.4; 6.0; 5.5; 5.0 and 4.6., by determining the degree of proteolysis, lactose, D-galactose, D-glucose and D-fructose, fatty acids. The antihypertensive activity (ACE inhibitory activity), antioxidant activity (ABTS and DPPH tests) and the degree of proteolysis, sensory and rheological characteristics of all three types of fermented milk products were observed during 21 days of storage. Moreover, the chemical qualities of samples were monitored analyzing the contents of sugars, fatty acids, minerals (calcium, sodium and potassium), vitamin C and biogenic amines.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; There were differences in protein fractions (analyzed by capillary electrophoresis) of products obtained by using different starter cultures during the milk fermentation. Different starter cultures affect different ACE inhibitory activity during the storage, which implies different proteolytic activity of used starter cultures. It has been found that the ACE inhibitory activity was increased during the storage; wherein the samples obtained using kombucha starter culture have the highest ACE inhibitory activity at the 14th day of storage, 79,4%, while in yogurt and probiotic yoghurt it was 63.4 and 64.6% respectively. Also, the degree of proteolysis during the storage was increased in all samples with significant mutual variations. In all products, higher ABTS than 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity was determined, while both activities slightly decreased during the storage. The antioxidant activity of all samples decreases during storage. After 21 days of storage, the highest antioxidant potential, determined by the ABTS. + method had a yoghurt samples (TEAC value of 8.922 mmolmg-1). In terms of the fatty acids composition during 14 days of storage in all type of fermented dairy products relative content of SFA (saturated fatty acids - SFA) increased, while relative contents of MUFA (monounsaturated fatty acids) and PUFA (polyunsaturated fatty acids) decreased during that period of storage. After 21 days of storage the content of SFA; MUFA and PUFA in kombucha fermented milk product was 65.94; 30.73 and 3.33% respectively. In yogurt sample their content was 66.02, 30.77 and 3.21%, while in probiotic 66.04; 30.66 and 3.30% respectively. In all fermented milk products, long chain fatty acids were dominant with a total share of about 45% in all varieties of fermented dairy products. The highest content of vitamin C after production and 14 days of storage was in samples obtained by kombucha starter culture (0.5457 &plusmn; 0.017 mg100g-1). Samples obtained by conventional starter showed better overall rheological properties at the tested conditions for 21 days of storage. Kombucha fermented milk product had a characteristic, distinctive mild sour, refreshing taste and conspicuous aroma.<br />The obtained results of biological activity and the quality of kombucha fermented milk products during storage in comparison to the same characteristics of the products obtained using conventional starter culture, could explain that kombucha is convenient starter for milk fermentation with the aim of obtaining new functional fermented milk products with pronounced bioactive characteristics and distinctive sensory and rheology properties.</span></p>

Inhibition of zinc-dependent peptidases by Maillard reaction products

Missagia de Marco, Leticia 12 March 2015 (has links) (PDF)
The Maillard reaction is a network of different non-enzymatic reactions between carbonyl groups of reducing sugars and amino groups from amino acids, peptides, or proteins, which progresses in three major stages and originates a very heterogeneous mixture of reaction products. It is also known as non-enzymatic browning, due to the brown macromolecular pigments formed in the final stage of the reaction. The chemistry underlying the Maillard reaction is complex. It encloses not only one reaction pathway, but a whole network of various transformations. As virtually all foods contain both proteins and carbohydrates, Maillard reaction products are present in the daily diet in considerable amounts. The endogenous formation of Maillard reaction products, especially related to ageing and diabetes, aroused intense discussions about the health consequences of the “glycation”, the term that describes the in vivo reaction corresponding to the Maillard reaction in foods. Melanoidins are the final brown products of the Maillard reaction. They are responsible for the color formed during the heat processing of foods like coffee, bread, malt, and beef. Melanoidins are high molecular weight polydisperse polymers containing nitrogen. Their structure is largely unknown. Coffee melanoidins, which are object of the present study, contain thermally transformed polysaccharides, proteins, and phenolic compounds. Since the mechanisms involved on the formation of these macromolecules, and the chemical transformations which take place during the heat treatment are not completely elucidated, key structural features were analyzed. Especially the incorporation of chlorogenic acids in the melanoidin skeleton was object of attention of the present work. Another major aim of this work was to investigate the influence of the Maillard reaction on the inhibitory potential of food components against zinc metalloproteases. The studied enzymes were three human matrix metalloproteases (MMP-1, -2 and -9), which are able to degrade matrix proteins and participate in many physiological processes, including tissue turnover and repair, but also constitute important targets in malignant and degenerative diseases. A microbial collagenase from Chlostridium histolyticum was chosen due to its subtract similarity to MMPs. Furthermore, Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE), which plays a central role in cardiovascular pathologies such as hypertension and cardiac hypertrophy, was investigated. As a prototypical Maillard reaction product, coffee melanoidin was adopted. Due to the roast dependent inhibitory activity of the coffee melanoidin fractions against matrix metalloproteases, the functionalization caused by the non-enzymatic browning was closer investigated. Na-carboxyalkylated derivatives of a sequence of relevant peptides were synthesized, in a variation of the process-induced formation of Nε-carboxymethyllysine, a major advanced glycation end-product (AGE). The inhibitory activity against zinc metalloproteases of the sequence of selected peptides and their Na-carboxymethyl- (CM-) and Na-carboxyethyl- (CE-) derivates was investigated.

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