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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

”Nej, tyvärr är det inget man pratar om”. : En kvalitativ studie om barn med NPF i föreningsidrott. / ”No, unfortunately that’s nothing people talk about”. : A qualitative study on children with NDS in association sports.

Lavesson, Patricia, Sandmark Martinovic, Sofia January 2024 (has links)
Physical activity is important for everybody, and especially for  people with neurodevelopmental disorders (NDs). NDs includes several diagnoses including, but not limited to, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and Tourette’s. NDs is something people are born with, and causes different difficulties during the different stages in life. NDs are often diagnosed in childhood, but can also be discovered later in life. This is more common in girls and women, likely because they are better at masking their difficulties to fit in. If NDs are diagnosed later in life, it's more common for comorbidity as depression, anxiety, and self-harm. Children with NDs are more likely to be sedentary and not participating in association sports. This can often lead to a limited social life and inferior health. Association sports are a way to promote a richer social life and better health. The aim of this study is to describe how association sports on an organizational level support children with NDs and what support the trainers are offered. The methods used are semi structured interviews and thematic data analysis. The results show that trainers in the associations have very limited knowledge about NDs and that the associations don’t have anything written in their governing documents about NDs. The associations were open for competence development but had limited resources to put into it. Surprisingly, most of the interview persons presented that the parents who had children in the associations were a big support for both trainers and children for effective training and matches.

Aspectos estruturais e dinâmicos da correspondência AdS/CFT: Uma abordagem rigorosa / Structural and Dynamical Aspects of the AdS/CFT Correspondence: a Rigorous Approach

Ribeiro, Pedro Lauridsen 26 September 2007 (has links)
Elaboramos um estudo detalhado de alguns aspectos d(e uma versão d)a correspondência AdS/CFT, conjeturada por Maldacena e Witten, entre teorias quânticas de campo num fundo gravitacional dado por um espaço-tempo assintoticamente anti-de Sitter (AAdS), e teorias quânticas de campos conformalmente covariantes no infinito conforme (no sentido de Penrose) deste espaço-tempo, aspectos estes: (a) independentes d(o par d)e modelos específicos em Teoria Quântica de Campos, e (b) suscetíveis a uma reformulação em moldes matematicamente rigorosos. Adotamos como ponto de partida o teorema demonstrado por Rehren no contexto da Física Quântica Local (também conhecida como Teoria Quântica de Campos Algébrica) em espaços-tempos anti-de Sitter (AdS), denominado holografia algébrica ou dualidade de Rehren. O corpo do presente trabalho consiste em estender o resultado de Rehren para uma classe razoavelmente geral de espaços-tempos AAdS d-dimensionais (d>3), escrutinar como as propriedades desta extensão são enfraquecidas e/ou modificadas em relação ao espaço-tempo AdS, e como efeitos gravitacionais não-triviais se manifestam na teoria quântica no infinito conforme. Dentre os resultados obtidos, citamos: condições razoavelmente gerais sobre geodésicas nulas no interior (cuja plausibilidade justificamos por meio de resultados de rigidez geométrica) não só garantem que a nossa generalização é geometricamente consistente com causalidade, como também permite uma reconstrução ``holográfica\'\' da topologia do interior na ausência de horizontes e singularidades; a implementação das simetrias conformes na fronteira, que associamos explicitamente a uma família de isometrias assintóticas do interior construída de maneira intrínseca, ocorre num caráter puramente assintótico e é atingida dinamicamente por um processo de retorno ao equilíbrio, mediante condições de contorno adequadas no infinito; efeitos gravitacionais podem eventualmente causar obstruções à reconstrução da teoria quântica no interior, ou por torná-la trivial em regiões suficientemente pequenas ou devido à existência de múltiplos vácuos inequivalentes, que por sua vez levam à existência de excitações solitônicas localizadas ao redor de paredes de domínio no interior, similares a D-branas. As demonstrações fazem uso extensivo de geometria Lorentziana global. A linguagem empregada para as teorias quânticas relevantes para nossa generalização da dualidade de Rehren segue a formulação funtorial de Brunetti, Fredenhagen e Verch para a Física Quântica Local, estendida posteriormente por Sommer para incorporar condições de contorno. / We elaborate a detailed study of certain aspects of (a version of) the AdS/CFT correspondence, conjectured by Maldacena and Witten, between quantum field theories in a gravitational background given by an asymptotically anti-de Sitter (AAdS) spacetime, and conformally covariant quantum field theories in the latter\'s conformal infinity (in the sense of Penrose), aspects such that: (a) are independent from (the pair of) specific models in Quantum Field Theory, and (b) susceptible to a recast in a mathematically rigorous mould. We adopt as a starting point the theorem demonstrated by Rehren in the context of Local Quantum Physics (also known as Algebraic Quantum Field Theory) in anti-de Sitter (AdS) spacetimes, called algebraic holography or Rehren duality. The main body of the present work consists in extending Rehren\'s result to a reasonably general class of d-dimensional AAdS spacetimes (d>3), scrutinizing how the properties of such an extension are weakened and/or modified as compared to AdS spacetime, and probing how non-trivial gravitational effects manifest themselves in the conformal infinity\'s quantum theory. Among the obtained results, we quote: not only does the imposition of reasonably general conditions on bulk null geodesics (whose plausibility we justify through geometrical rigidity techniques) guarantee that our generalization is geometrically consistent with causality, but it also allows a ``holographic\'\' reconstruction of the bulk topology in the absence of horizons and singularities; the implementation of conformal symmetries in the boundary, which we explicitly associate to an intrinsically constructed family of bulk asymptotic isometries, have a purely asymptotic character and is dynamically attained through a process of return to equilibrium, given suitable boundary conditions at infinity; gravitational effects may cause obstructions to the reconstruction of the bulk quantum theory, either by making the latter trivial in sufficiently small regions or due to the existence of multiple inequivalent vacua, which on their turn lead to the existence of solitonic excitations localized around domain walls, similar to D-branes. The proofs make extensive use of global Lorentzian geometry. The language employed for the quantum theories relevant for our generalization of Rehren duality follows the functorial formulation of Local Quantum Physics due to Brunetti, Fredenhagen and Verch, extended afterwards by Sommer in order to incorporate boundary conditions. (An English translation of the full text can be found at arXiv:0712.0401)

Μελέτες στη θεωρία χορδών και εφαρμογές της μη-Αβελιανής Τ-δυϊκότητας σε υπερβαρύτητα και στην αντιστοιχία AdS/CFT / Studies in string theory and applications of non-Abelian T-duality in supergravity and in AdS/CFT correspondence

Ίτσιος, Γεώργιος 05 February 2015 (has links)
Στην παρούσα διδακτορική διατριβή μελετάμε εφαρμογές οι οποίες σχετίζονται με την μη-Αβελιανή Τ-δυϊκότητα και την αντιστοιχία AdS/CFT. Στο πρώτο μέρος, το οποίο αντιστοιχεί στο πρώτο κεφάλαιο της διατριβής, παρουσιάζουμε συνοπτικά τα απαραίτητα μαθηματικά εργαλεία που απαιτούνται για την καλύτερη κατανόηση των κεφαλαίων που ακολουθούν. Στο δεύτερο μέρος, το οποίο αποτελείται από τα κεφάλαια 2,3 και 4, ασχολούμαστε με την έννοια της μη-Αβελιανής Τ-δυϊκότητας. Ποιο συγκεκριμένα, στο δεύτερο κεφάλαιο παρουσιάζουμε τους κανόνες Buscher της Αβελιανής Τ-δυϊκότητα καθώς και την γενίκευση τους στην μη-Αβελιανή περίπτωση. Επίσης στο κεφάλαιο αυτό δείχνουμε τον τρόπο με τον οποίο μπορούμε να εφαρμόσουμε τους κανόνες της μη-Αβελιανής Τ-δυϊκότητας σε υπόβαθρα υπερβαρύτητας τύπου II τα οποία περιλαμβάνουν πεδία Ramond-Ramond. Η διαδικασία αυτή μπορεί να θεωρηθεί σαν μια τεχνική κατασκευής νέων λύσεων υπερβαρύτητας. Στο τρίτο κεφάλαιο θεωρούμε μια γενική κατηγορία υποβάθρων υπερβαρύτητας με ισομετρία SO(4) στα οποία εφαρμόζουμε τον μετασχηματισμό της μη-Αβελιανής Τ-δυϊκότητας ως προς την υποομάδα SU(2) της ομάδας ισομετρίας. Πραγματοποιώντας διαστατική ελάττωση στην αρχική και την δυϊκή θεωρία καταλήγουμε στην ίδια επταδιάστατη θεωρία. Ως αποτέλεσμα, οποιαδήποτε λύση αυτής της επταδιάστατης θεωρίας μπορεί να ανυψωθεί ταυτόχρονα στο αρχικό και στο δυϊκό υπόβαθρο. Η παρατήρηση αυτή μας παρέχει μια αντιστρεπτή απεικόνιση μεταξύ δυο λύσεων υπερβαρύτητας τύπου II οι οποίες συνδέονται με έναν μετασχηματισμό μη-Αβελιανής Τ-δυϊκότητας. Επίσης, για την συγκεκριμένη περίπτωση υποβάθρων αποδεικνύουμε ότι το δυϊκό υπόβαθρο διατηρεί τη μισή υπερσυμμετρία σε σχέση με το αρχικό. Στο τέταρτο κεφάλαιο μελετάμε τη δράση της μη-Αβελιανής Τ-δυϊκότητας σε μια σειρά από υπόβαθρα με υπερσυμμετρία N=1 των οποίων οι δυϊκές θεωρίες πεδίου είναι γνωστές. Σκοπός του κεφαλαίου αυτού είναι η μελέτη της μη-Αβελιανής Τ-δυϊκότητας στα πλαίσια της αντιστοιχίας AdS/CFT. Αυτό το επιτυγχάνουμε μελετώντας διάφορες ποσότητες των θεωριών πεδίου που αντιστοιχούν στο αρχικό και στο δυϊκό υπόβαθρο. Τέλος, στο πέμπτο κεφάλαιο κάνουμε χρήση τεχνικών ολογραφίας προκειμένου να μελετήσουμε το φαινόμενο της εισαγωγής φερμιονικών προσμίξεων σε τρισδιάστατες θεωρίες ύλης τύπου Chern-Simons, οι οποίες περιλαμβάνουν μεγάλο αριθμό γεύσεων. / In this thesis, we study applications which are related to the non-Abelian T-duality and the AdS/CFT correspondence. In the first part, which corresponds to the first chapter of the present thesis, we briefly present the basic mathematical tools required for the better understanding of the material included in the next chapters. In the second part, which consists of the chapters 2,3 and 4, we deal with the concept of non-Abelian T-duality. More concretely, in the second chapter we present the Buscher rules of the Abelian T-duality and we generalize them to the non-Abelian case. We also show how to implement the rules of non-Abelian T-duality in backgrounds of type II supergravity with non-vanishing Ramond-Ramond fields. This proccess can be seen as a generating technique of new supergravity backgrounds. In the third chapter we consider a general class of supergravity backgrounds with SO(4) isometry and we perform the non-Abelian T-duality transforation with respect to the SU(2) subgroup of SO(4). After a consistent truncation to seven dimensions of both the original and the dual background we reproduce the same seven dimensional theory. As a result, any solution of this seven dimensional theory can be uplifted simultaneously to both the original and the dual background. This provides an invertible map between two solutions of type II supergravity which are related with a non-Abelian T-duality transformation. Also, in the case of supergravity backgrounds considered here, we show that the dual background preserves the half supersymmetry with respect to the original one. In chapter 4, we study the action of non-Abelian T-duality on a series of N=1 supersymmetric backgrounds whose field theory duals are well understood. The aim of this chapter is to study the transformation of non-Abelian T-duality within the framework of the AdS/CFT correspondence. This is done by considering several observables of the field theories that correspond to both the original and the dual backgrounds. Finally, in chapter 5 we use holographic techniques in order to study the effect of the addition of fermionic impurities to the three dimensional Chern-Simons matter theories with a large number of flavors.

Symétries, courants et holographie des spins élevés / Symmetries, currents and holography of higher spins

Meunier, Elisa 22 November 2012 (has links)
La théorie des spins élevés est le domaine de la physique théorique au centre de cette thèse. Le contexte général de la naissance de cette théorie est présentée dans l’introduction. La première partie est axée sur les ingrédients (méthode de Noether, fonctions génératrices et formalisme ambiant) permettant la construction de vertex cubiques entre un champ scalaire de matière et un champ de jauge de spin élevé dans un espace-temps à courbure constante à partir des courants conservés en espace-temps plat. Dans un second temps, nous préparons les éléments pour un futur test de la correspondance holographique à l’ordre cubique voire quartique en la constante de couplage. Plus précisément, nous révisons en détail le calcul de certains propagateurs, ce qui nous mène à calculer les fonctions à trois points impliquant deux scalaires. La dernière partie, bien que concernant toujours l’holographie des spins élevés, traite de la physique non-relativiste. Les symétries et les courants d’un gaz parfait/unitaire de Fermi y sont étudiés. Le lien entre physiques relativiste et non-relativiste est obtenue grâce à la réduction dimensionnelle de Bargmann. / The higher spin theory is the field of theoretical physics at the center of this thesis. The general context of the birth of this theory is presenting in the introduction. The first part focuses on the ingredients (Noether method, generating functions and ambient formalism) for the construction of cubic vertices between a scalar matter field and a higher spin gauge field in a constant curvature space-time from conserved currents in flat space-time. In a second step, we prepare the around for a future test of the holographic correspondence in the cubic or quartic order in the coupling constant. More specifically, we review in detail the computation of some propagators, which leads us to calculate three-point functions involving two scalars. The last part, although always on the higher spin holography, deals with non-relativistic physics. Symmetries and currents of an ideal or unitary Fermi gas are studied. The link between relativistic and non-relativistic physics is obtained by Bargmann dimensional reduction.

Aspectos estruturais e dinâmicos da correspondência AdS/CFT: Uma abordagem rigorosa / Structural and Dynamical Aspects of the AdS/CFT Correspondence: a Rigorous Approach

Pedro Lauridsen Ribeiro 26 September 2007 (has links)
Elaboramos um estudo detalhado de alguns aspectos d(e uma versão d)a correspondência AdS/CFT, conjeturada por Maldacena e Witten, entre teorias quânticas de campo num fundo gravitacional dado por um espaço-tempo assintoticamente anti-de Sitter (AAdS), e teorias quânticas de campos conformalmente covariantes no infinito conforme (no sentido de Penrose) deste espaço-tempo, aspectos estes: (a) independentes d(o par d)e modelos específicos em Teoria Quântica de Campos, e (b) suscetíveis a uma reformulação em moldes matematicamente rigorosos. Adotamos como ponto de partida o teorema demonstrado por Rehren no contexto da Física Quântica Local (também conhecida como Teoria Quântica de Campos Algébrica) em espaços-tempos anti-de Sitter (AdS), denominado holografia algébrica ou dualidade de Rehren. O corpo do presente trabalho consiste em estender o resultado de Rehren para uma classe razoavelmente geral de espaços-tempos AAdS d-dimensionais (d>3), escrutinar como as propriedades desta extensão são enfraquecidas e/ou modificadas em relação ao espaço-tempo AdS, e como efeitos gravitacionais não-triviais se manifestam na teoria quântica no infinito conforme. Dentre os resultados obtidos, citamos: condições razoavelmente gerais sobre geodésicas nulas no interior (cuja plausibilidade justificamos por meio de resultados de rigidez geométrica) não só garantem que a nossa generalização é geometricamente consistente com causalidade, como também permite uma reconstrução ``holográfica\'\' da topologia do interior na ausência de horizontes e singularidades; a implementação das simetrias conformes na fronteira, que associamos explicitamente a uma família de isometrias assintóticas do interior construída de maneira intrínseca, ocorre num caráter puramente assintótico e é atingida dinamicamente por um processo de retorno ao equilíbrio, mediante condições de contorno adequadas no infinito; efeitos gravitacionais podem eventualmente causar obstruções à reconstrução da teoria quântica no interior, ou por torná-la trivial em regiões suficientemente pequenas ou devido à existência de múltiplos vácuos inequivalentes, que por sua vez levam à existência de excitações solitônicas localizadas ao redor de paredes de domínio no interior, similares a D-branas. As demonstrações fazem uso extensivo de geometria Lorentziana global. A linguagem empregada para as teorias quânticas relevantes para nossa generalização da dualidade de Rehren segue a formulação funtorial de Brunetti, Fredenhagen e Verch para a Física Quântica Local, estendida posteriormente por Sommer para incorporar condições de contorno. / We elaborate a detailed study of certain aspects of (a version of) the AdS/CFT correspondence, conjectured by Maldacena and Witten, between quantum field theories in a gravitational background given by an asymptotically anti-de Sitter (AAdS) spacetime, and conformally covariant quantum field theories in the latter\'s conformal infinity (in the sense of Penrose), aspects such that: (a) are independent from (the pair of) specific models in Quantum Field Theory, and (b) susceptible to a recast in a mathematically rigorous mould. We adopt as a starting point the theorem demonstrated by Rehren in the context of Local Quantum Physics (also known as Algebraic Quantum Field Theory) in anti-de Sitter (AdS) spacetimes, called algebraic holography or Rehren duality. The main body of the present work consists in extending Rehren\'s result to a reasonably general class of d-dimensional AAdS spacetimes (d>3), scrutinizing how the properties of such an extension are weakened and/or modified as compared to AdS spacetime, and probing how non-trivial gravitational effects manifest themselves in the conformal infinity\'s quantum theory. Among the obtained results, we quote: not only does the imposition of reasonably general conditions on bulk null geodesics (whose plausibility we justify through geometrical rigidity techniques) guarantee that our generalization is geometrically consistent with causality, but it also allows a ``holographic\'\' reconstruction of the bulk topology in the absence of horizons and singularities; the implementation of conformal symmetries in the boundary, which we explicitly associate to an intrinsically constructed family of bulk asymptotic isometries, have a purely asymptotic character and is dynamically attained through a process of return to equilibrium, given suitable boundary conditions at infinity; gravitational effects may cause obstructions to the reconstruction of the bulk quantum theory, either by making the latter trivial in sufficiently small regions or due to the existence of multiple inequivalent vacua, which on their turn lead to the existence of solitonic excitations localized around domain walls, similar to D-branes. The proofs make extensive use of global Lorentzian geometry. The language employed for the quantum theories relevant for our generalization of Rehren duality follows the functorial formulation of Local Quantum Physics due to Brunetti, Fredenhagen and Verch, extended afterwards by Sommer in order to incorporate boundary conditions. (An English translation of the full text can be found at arXiv:0712.0401)

Two dimensional Maximal Supergravity, Consistent Truncations and Holography / Supergravité maximale bidimensionnelle, troncatures cohérentes et holographie

Ortiz, Thomas 07 July 2014 (has links)
Nous avons réalisé une déformation non-triviale et complète de la théorie de supergravité maximale en dimension deux. Il s'agit de la supergravité maximale avec groupe de jauge SO(9). Cette théorie décrit de manière effective la supergravité de type IIA sur un espace-temps produit AdS_2 x S^8. Elle joue ainsi un rôle important dans la correspondance Gravité / Théorie de Jauge appliquée au cas de la D0-brane. Afin de préparer la construction de la supergravité maximale jaugée SO(9), nous nous intéressons aux supergravités maximales en dimension onze et trois, puisqu'elles donnent lieu à différentes formulations non équivalentes de la théorie bidimensionnelle non jaugée. Le formalisme d' « Embedding tensor » est ensuite présenté. Il permet de déterminer l'ensemble des groupes de jauges compatibles avec la supersymétrie maximale. La supergravité SO(9) est dès lors explicitement construite et ouvre la voie à deux applications importantes. P our commencer, nous avons réalisé l'inclusion d'un sous-secteur bosonique de la théorie SO(9), la troncature de Cartan, dans la supergravité de type IIA à dix dimensions d'espace-temps. Il s'agit d'une inclusion cohérente. Cela a motivé la deuxième application, de nature holographique. Ainsi, à partir du sous-secteur de Cartan de la supergravité SO(9), et en particulier de la découverte d'états fondamentaux de type « half-BPS », nous avons calculé un ensemble de fonctions de corrélation à un et deux points associées à des opérateurs de modèles de matrice duaux. Nous avons conclu en un résumé de nos travaux et en la présentation d'intéressantes perspectives. / A complete non trivial supersymmetric deformation of the maximal supergravity in two dimensions is achieved by the gauging of a SO(9) group. The resulting theory describes the reduction of type IIA supergravity on an AdS_2 x S^8 background and is of first importance in the Domain-Wall / Quantum Field theory correspondence for the D0-brane case. To prepare the construction of the SO(9) gauged maximal supergravity, we focus on the eleven dimensional supergravity and the maximal supergravity in three dimensions since they give rise to important off-shell inequivalent formulations of the ungauged theory in two dimensions. The embedding tensor formalism is presented, allowing for a general desciption of the gaugings consistent with supersymmetry. The SO(9) supergravity is explicitly constructed and applications are considered. In particular, an embedding of the bosonic sector of the two-dimensional theory into type IIA supergravity is obtained. Hence, the Cartan truncation of the SO(9) supergravity is proved to be consistent. This motivated holographic applications. Therefore, correlation functions for operators in dual Matrix models are derived from the study of gravity side excitations around half BPS backgrounds. These results are fully discussed and outlooks are presented.

Hydrodynamics in solid state transport, from microscopic to mesoscopic scales

Witkowski, Piotr 28 August 2020 (has links)
The thesis is devoted to some aspects of the solid-state electronic transport in the so-called viscous or hydrodynamic regime. Hydrodynamic regime in this context means that due to the large carrier density and non-negligible carrier-carrier interactions, the transport properties follow from collective, rather than single-particle phenomena. To capture the dynamics of such a system one may use description based on the conserved quantities, i.e. momentum, energy or charge. If the interactions between the constituents of the system are strong enough, such a description is provided by the hydrodynamic equations which for conserved momentum and energy are the Navier-Stokes equations or their relativistic counterparts. This thesis focuses on such a situation: when the equations governing transport properties follow from conservation of the momentum or, at most, can be treated as a modification of such equations due to weak momentum relaxation. Presented here are two lines of investigation. The first one focuses on the mesoscopic effects, i.e. on the dependence of the outcome of the transport measurements on the physical parameters of the sample such as size and shape. Here also the effects of the weak momentum relaxation are studied. In the second one, the issue of parity and time reversal symmetry breaking, occurring in a 2 dimensional system due to the presence of an external magnetic field, is investigated. An effective model of a strongly coupled quantum system is introduced and used to compute the odd (Hall) viscosity -- a transport coefficient allowed once the discrete symmetries are broken -- as a function of magnetic field, temperature and chemical potential. The first part of results concerns the behaviour of the electronic fluid in a typical AC measurement -- modeled by an elongated channel in which the fluid is subject to a periodically time dependent electric potential. Assuming standard, no-slip boundary conditions, the spatial distribution of the current density is found to be much different to the one known for Ohmic conduction. For small frequency the current distribution has a parabolic profile across the channel, while for high frequency the current in the bulk of the channel becomes flat (position-independent), while two maxima terminating a so-called boundary layer develop. In these boundary layers large gradients of current can be found, contributing to high local entropy production due to the viscous force. Despite this differences in the local current density profile, when the global conductance is measured as a function of the frequency, the result much resembles the well known Drude curve, with a distinct maximum visible in the imaginary part of the AC conductance. There is, however, a global signature of the boundary layer formation -- the scaling of the conductance with the channel width, that changes from quadratic (for parabolic flow) to asymptotically constant (for a flow with boundary layers). Moreover, in the hydrodynamic regime, the position of the Drude peak is not only determined by microscopic parameter but again by a combination of microscopic (viscosity) and mesoscopic (width) parameters. Since the Drude peak occurs for experimentally feasible values of parameters, the mentioned mesoscopic dependence may be used to measure the value of viscosity coefficient. The results discussed above are obtained assuming, as is traditional for hydrodynamics on everyday length-scales, a no-slip boundary condition which forces the fluid to be immobile at the boundary. This boundary condition was also assumed in most of the previous works on the electronic hydrodynamics. However, this is not the only possibility. There exists a one-parameter family of consistent boundary conditions involving velocity and its derivative on the boundary, parametrized by a coefficient called the slip length. Recent theoretical and experimental publications suggest that it may be dependent on the state parameters of the system (i.e temperature, chemical potential) and its value may be relatively large for some experimental situations. One of the consequences of the slip length being large is that hydrodynamic effects are obscured in the simple AC set-up discussed before. In this work it is shown that by an appropriate micro-structuring of the boundary, the effects of slip can be suppressed. Once the array of defects is introduced on the edges of the sample, the no-slip behavior is restored for all the values of the microscopic slip length. Furthermore, the interplay between the microscopic slip length and the sample geometry is investigated and used to propose a simple device for measuring the dependence of the microscopic slip length on the state parameters such as the temperature or the chemical potential. The final part of this thesis is devoted to a different aspect of the hydrodynamic transport -- a computation of the value of hydrodynamic transport coefficients using a microscopic theory. The physical situation of interest is one in which time reversal and parity invariance of a 2-dimensional system are broken, due to the presence of an external magnetic field. In such a situation an unusual class of transport coefficients is allowed in the hydrodynamic description, so-called odd coefficients. The term comes from the fact that they encode response that is transverse to the applied perturbation. These odd coefficients for 2 dimensions were previously studied mostly at weak coupling, i.e. using descriptions based on quasi-particles. This work, however, presents the way of calculating them for strongly coupled model system. To achieve this a high-energy-physics-inspired framework of holographic duality (AdS/CFT) is used. In that approach, an effective model involving magnetically-sourced parity-breaking interactions is constructed for the system at finite temperature and chemical potential. Performing a linear response analysis around the thermal states in that model allows one to read off the transport coefficients, especially the odd (Hall) viscosity coefficient that is of central interest in this study. The mentioned Hall viscosity is found to be non-zero whenever the magnetic field is present, even for zero chemical potential. This is unusual, as odd viscosity is expected to only be non-zero for non-zero charge density states. The mechanism responsible for the presence of Hall viscosity in the discussed case turns out to be the following: charge density in the model is induced by either the chemical potential or the magnetic field, i.e. for non-zero magnetic field even at zero chemical potential some density of charge is present. This charge contributes to the Hall viscosity in the usual way. The odd viscosity coefficient is found to have different scaling behaviors for weak and strong magnetic field. Interestingly, it turns out that the computations of the Hall (and shear) viscosities are relatively straightforward and analytically tractable in the proposed model. This means that the results could be generalized to the zero-temperature case, which however is yet to be done. It also suggests that the model may capture some universal mechanisms of generating the odd viscosity due to the presence of the magnetic field. That intuition is backed by the fact that some of the effective models of quantum Hall states also predict similar mechanism in which charge density is induced by the presence of the magnetic field. Despite these similarities, further studies are needed to establish a solid connection between these systems. In particular, in the model under consideration no mechanism of quantization of the Hall viscosity is found, while the mentioned models of quantum Hall states predict quantization of that transport coefficient.

Automatic Probing System for PCB : Analysis of an automatic probing system for design verification of printed circuit boards

Aalto, Alve, Jafari, Ali January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to conduct an analysis of whether the printed circuit boards from Ericsson can be tested using an automatic probing system or what changes in the design are required, to be a viable solution. The main instrument used for analyzing the printed circuit board was an oscilloscope. The oscilloscope was used to get the raw data for plotting the difference between the theoretical and actual signals. Connected to the oscilloscope was a 600A-AT probe from LeCroy. The programs used for interpreting the raw data extracted from the oscilloscope included Python, Matlab and Excel. For simulations on how an extra via in the signal path would affect the end results we used HFSS and ADS. The results were extracted into different Excel sheets to get an easier overview of the results. The results showed that the design of a board must almost become completely rebuilt for the changes, and it is therefore better to implement in a new circuit board rather than in an already existing one. Some of the components have to either be smaller or placed on one side of the board, where they cannot be in the way of the probe. The size of the board will become larger since the rules of via placements will be limited compared to before. The most time demanding part was the simulations of the extra via in the signal path, and the results showed that if a single-ended signal is below two gigahertz the placing of the via does not make a big difference, but if the signal has a higher frequency the placement is mostly dependent on the type of the signal. The optimal placement is generally around four millimeters away from the receiving end. / Målet med detta examensarbete är att göra en analys av huruvida Ericssons kretskort kan testas med hjälp av ett automatiskt probe system eller om det kräver stora förändringar i designdelen av kretskorten och om, vad för förändringar det i sådant fall kan vara. Till hjälp att analysera kretskorten har vi haft oscilloskop för att få ut rådata om skillnaderna mellan de teoretiska och verkliga signalerna. För att kunna tyda oscilloskopets samplade signaler har olika programmeringsspråk som Python, Matlab samt Excel använts. En extra via i signalens väg har även simulerats i HFSS och ADS med olika sorts probar för att se hur signalens beteende påverkas. Resultaten extraherades sedan in i olika Excel ark för att få en lätt överskådlig bild av resultaten. Resultatet vi fick visade att utformningen av ett kretskort med ändringarna skulle vara lättare att göra med en ny design istället för en redan existerande då större delar av kortet skulle behöva göras om. Vissa stora komponenter behöver antingen göras om, hitta mindre men likvärdiga eller sättas på ena sidan av kortet där de inte är i vägen för proben. Kretskorten som kommer använda flygande probesystem kommer antagligen bli lite större då viornas placering är mer begränsade än tidigare. Det mest tidskrävande arbetet var att simulera olika placeringar av en extra via i signalens väg. Detta visade att på en single ended signal under två gigahertz så gör det ingen större skillnad vart i signalens väg som den extra vian placeras. Då en högre frekvens används så är själva signalens karaktär det viktigaste än placeringen av en via, men om man inte vet den exakta karaktären så är fyra millimeter bort från mottagarens sida att rekommendera då närmare placering av viorna gör att signalerna börjar störa varandra.

Data-driven airport management enabled by operational milestones derived from ADS-B messages

Schultz, Michael, Rosenow, Judith, Olive, Xavier 20 January 2023 (has links)
Standardized, collaborative decision-making processes have already been implemented at some network-relevant airports, and these can be further enhanced through data-driven approaches (e.g., data analytics, predictions). New cost-effective implementations will also enable the appropriate integration of small and medium-sized airports into the aviation network. The required data can increasingly be gathered and processed by the airports themselves. For example, Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) messages are sent by arriving and departing aircraft and enable a data-driven analysis of aircraft movements, taking into account local constraints (e.g., weather or capacity). Analytical and model-based approaches that leverage these data also offer deeper insights into the complex and interdependent airport operations. This includes systematic monitoring of relevant operational milestones as well as a corresponding predictive analysis to estimate future system states. In fact, local ADS-B receivers can be purchased, installed, and maintained at low cost, providing both very good coverage of the airport apron operations (runway, taxi system, parking positions) and communication of current airport performance to the network management. To prevent every small and medium-sized airport from having to develop its own monitoring system, we present a basic concept with our approach. We demonstrate that appropriate processing of ADS-B messages leads to improved situational awareness. Our concept is aligned with the operational milestones of Eurocontrol’s Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM) framework. Therefore, we analyze the A-CDM airport London–Gatwick Airport as it allows us to validate our concept against the data from the A-CDM implementation at a later stage. Finally, with our research, we also make a decisive contribution to the open-data and scientific community.

Разработка приемника-декодера сигналов стандарта ADS-B : магистерская диссертация / Development of the receiver-decoder for the ADS-B system

Чечеткин, В. А., Chechetkin, V. A. January 2014 (has links)
Разработан прототип приемника-декодера сигналов стандарта ADS-B. В ходе разработки предложена структурная схема выполнения устройства, а так же проведено комплексное исследование элементов устройства. Предложены принципиальные схемы и прототипы печатных плат для таких устройств как усилитель, инжектор питания, малошумящий усилитель, логарифмический детектор, а так же рассмотрена топология фильтра с двойной комплементарной спиралью. Приводятся результаты моделирования в различных пакетах программного обеспечения перечисленных выше устройств, а так же результаты их экспериментального исследования. Для обеспечения симуляции сигналов стандарта, а так же для обработки создано программное обеспечение. / A prototype of the receiver-decoder for the ADS-B system. During the development the block diagram of the device was proposed and a comprehensive study of elements of the device was done. Circuit schematics and layouts of printed circuit boards for devices such as amplifier, power injector, low noise amplifier, logarithmic detector and filter with a double complementary spiral were proposed. The results of the simulation of the listed above devices in a variety of software packages, as well as the results of an experimental study are presented. In order to simulate the signals, as well as for processing them special software was created.

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