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The Acute Effects of Aerobic and Resistance Exercise on Blood Glucose Levels in Type 1 DiabetesYardley, Jane E. 27 May 2011 (has links)
Aerobic exercise interventions involving individuals with type 1 diabetes have had little positive effect on blood glucose control as reflected by hemoglobin A1c. The few existing interventions involving resistance exercise, either alone or combined with aerobic exercise, while small in sample size, have had better outcomes. The purpose of this research program was to examine the changes in blood glucose levels during activity and for 24 hours post-exercise (as measured by continuous glucose monitoring) when resistance exercise is performed, either on its own or combined with aerobic exercise, as compared to aerobic exercise alone or no exercise. Twelve physically active individuals with type 1 diabetes performed 5 separate exercise sessions in random order separated by at least five days: 1) no exercise/control; 2) aerobic exercise (45 minutes of treadmill running at 60% VO2peak); 3) resistance exercise (45 minutes of weight lifting – 3 sets of 8 repetitions of 7 different exercises); 4) aerobic then resistance exercise (2 and 3 combined with the aerobic exercise first); 5) resistance then aerobic exercise (2 and 3 combined with the resistance exercise first). We found that resistance exercise was associated with a lower risk of hypoglycemia during exercise, less carbohydrate intake during exercise, less post-exercise hyperglycemia and more frequent (but less severe) nocturnal hypoglycemia than aerobic exercise. When aerobic and resistance exercise were combined, performing resistance exercise prior to aerobic exercise (rather than the reverse) resulted in attenuated declines in blood glucose during aerobic exercise, accompanied by a lower need for carbohydrate supplementation during exercise and a trend towards milder post-exercise nocturnal hypoglycemia.
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Elevers fysiska aktivitetsnivå under skoldagen på Bygg- och anläggningsprogrammet i gymnasieskolan / Students physical activity level during the school day at the Building and construction program in high schoolLarsson, Hans January 2013 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställningar Syftet med den här studien var att undersöka den aeroba fysiska aktivitetsnivån hos gymnasieungdomar på Bygg- och anläggningsprogrammet under skoldagar som innehöll teorilektioner, praktiska lektioner, idrottslektioner och raster. Frågan som ställdes var: Hur ser den fysiska aktivitetsnivån ut under teorilektioner, praktiska lektioner och lektioner i idrott och hälsa samt under raster hos gymnasieelever på Bygg- och anläggningsprogrammet. Metod I studien deltog 9 pojkar i åldern 16 år, längd 174-192cm och vikt 51-91kg. Den test som genomförts är 5 Minuters Pyramid Test (5MPT) och registrering av aerob fysisk belastning gjordes med hjärtfrekvensmätningar. 5MPT är ett skytteltest som är fem minuter långt, där försökspersonen tar sig fram och tillbaka mellan två stolpar och så snabbt som möjligt passerarfram och tillbaka över en vertikal pyramidformad trappramp (sträcka 5,5 meter). Antalet vändor, skattad ansträngning samt hjärtfrekvens (HF) registrerades. Utvecklad power (effekt) erhölls genom produkten av kroppsmassa, gravitation, antal vändor, höjd på högsta plinten (0,53 m) dividerat med total tiden i 5MPT. Utifrån 5MPT kunde beräknad VO2 max samt Power/kg (W/kg) beräknas för försökspersonen. Testet med hjärtfrekvensregistrering gick till så att eleverna under en skolvecka hela skoldagen bar en pulsklocka med förtejpad urtavla och ett elektrodbälte. De tryckte på händelsemarkering vid rast och när lektionen startade igen. Eleverna förde dagbok där de beskrev vad de gjort under dagen. Resultat För samtliga försökspersoner kan man se en genomgående trend avseende fysisk belastningsnivå uttryckt som hjärtfrekvens vilket syns i följande resultat. Den högsta pulsen uppnåddes under idrottslektionerna med en genomsnittlig hjärtfrekvens på ca 140 slag/min, den näst högsta under de praktiska lektionerna med 94 slag/min. Därnäst följde rasterna med 83 slag/min och lägst utslag visades under teorilektionerna med en genomsnittlig hjärtfrekvens på ca 80 slag/min. Försökspersonerna utnyttjade ca 30 % av sin maximala syreupptagningsförmåga under de praktiska lektionerna. Slutsats Den här studien har visat att det är under undervisningen i idrott och hälsa och delvis på de praktiska lektionerna som en högre aktivitetsnivå mätt i hjärtfrekvens kan noteras hos försökspersonerna. Studien indikerar också att försökspersonerna utsätts för relativt hög fysisk belastning. Ca 30 % av den maximala syreupptagningsförmågan utnyttjas vid en skoldag med praktiska lektioner. / Aim The aim of the study was to investigate the aerobic physical activity level of high school students who study to become building workers during school days which consist of theory classes, practical classes, physical education classes and pauses. The question to be answered was: How was the aerobic physical activity level during theory classes, practical classes, physical education classes and pauses for high school students in a program for building workers. Method In this study participated 9 boys aged 16, length 174-192 cm and weight 51-91 kg. The test that has been carried out was 5 Minutes Pyramid Test (5MPT). In addition heart rate was measured during the school day. The 5MPT is a 5-minute-shuttle test, in which the participant moves back and forth in a short interval (5.5 m) over boxes (highest height 0.53 m) formed like a pyramid. Power in the pyramid test (5MPT POWER) was calculated as the product of numbers of laps, body mass, gravity and highest box level divided by time. From 5 MPT VO2 max and Power/kg (W/kg) were calculated for the participants. The participant’s heart rates were measured during a week the whole school day by means of a heart monitor with the monitor display taped over and an electrode belt. They pushed a button on the clock to mark when they had pauses and when the classes started again. The participants wrote in a diary what they had done during each day. Results The results show that for each of the participants the same trend considering aerobic physical load level expressed in heart rate in the following results. The highest pulse rate was obtained during the physical education lessons 140 beats/min followed by practical lessons 94 beats/min, pauses 83 beats/min and theory lessons 80 beats/min. The participants are using approximately 30 % of their maximal oxygen uptake during a day with practical lessons. Conclusions This study shows that it is during physical education lessons and to some extent during practical lessons in building construction, a higher activity level measured in heart rate can be noticed in the participants. The study indicates that the participants are exposed to a relative high physical workload. Roughly 30 % of maximal oxygen uptake is used during a day of practical lessons.
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Examination of aerobic and anaerobic contributions to Yo-Yo intermittent recovery level 1 test performance in female adolescent soccer playersDickau, Leanne 27 April 2011 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to examine the physiological components related to the Yo-Yo intermittent recovery level 1 (YYIRL1) test in female adolescent soccer players. Eighteen female soccer players (age 16.3 ± .77 years) were tested for maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max) and ventilatory threshold (VT) on a motorized treadmill. Anaerobic power and capacity were assessed by peak power (W) measured during a counter movement jump (CMJ) and performance on an anaerobic speed test (AST), respectively. As well, participants completed the Multistage 20m Shuttle run (Leger). YYIRL1 performance (meters) was significantly correlated to VO2 max (r = .59), VT (r = .42), Peak Power (r = .41), CMJ height (r = .41), AST (r = .52) and the Leger (r = .72, p < .05). Leger performance (m) was significantly correlated to VO2 max (r = .60) and AST (r = .47, p < .05). Multiple stepwise linear regression equations were run with YYIRL1 and Leger as the dependent variables. VO2 max was the only variable that contributed to prediction of YYIRL1 or Leger performance with R2 values of .35 and .36. The results of the study showed that YYIRL1 performance is related to both aerobic and anaerobic variables, although predominantly maximal aerobic power (VO2 max). It is recommended that the YYIRL1 be used when assessing female adolescent soccer players as the results provide evidence that the YYIRL1 is related to anaerobic variables associated with soccer match performance. As well, coaches can efficiently test their athletes in a shorter amount of time compared to the Leger. / Graduate
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10,000 Steps a Day to Decrease Chronic Disease Risk Factors and Increase Aerobic Physical Activity Levels Among Capital Regional District Office Workers in Victoria, BC. / Ten thousand Steps a Day to Decrease Chronic Disease Risk Factors and Increase Aerobic Physical Activity Levels Among Capital Regional District Office Workers in Victoria, BCDelaney, Kara 30 April 2013 (has links)
The mixed method design examined the impact of a 6-week pedometer based 10,000 moderate-vigorous steps a day employee workplace wellness challenge on aerobic fitness, chronic disease markers, and self-reported physical activity. The study used prompts to both educate and facilitate the intervention. Pre and post-test data analyzed self-report physical activity and sedentary time, sub max aerobic walking levels, and anthropometric measures. Participants logged their step count across the intervention and were challenged to increase their steps throughout. Participants were on average unable to achieve the goal step count and thus no statistically significance was found between pre-post tests. Qualitatively, three themes emerged from discussions with participants about their experiences: awareness of physical activity (PA) levels, demands of both work and family, and the frequency and content of the information given as prompts. The combination of prompts and the pedometer created an awareness of PA levels among participants but failed to fully motivate them to hit their target step count. / Graduate / 0354 / karadelaney_04@hotmail.com
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Structural and metabolic studies on normal and pathological boneDodds, R. A. January 1985 (has links)
Bone is refractory to most conventional biochemical Procedures. However because it is now possible to cut sections (e. g. lopm) of fresh, undemineralized adult bone, this tissue can be analyzed by suitably modified methods of quantitative cytochemistry. A new substrate for assaying hydroxyacyl dehydrogenase activity demonstrated that bone cells may use fatty acids as a major source of energy: detailed analysis of the activities of key enzymes indicated that the paradox of ‘aerobic glycolysis’ of bone could be explained by fatty acid oxidation satisfying the requirements of the Krebs' cycle and directing the conversion of pyruvate to lactate The influence of glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) activity in aerobic glycolysis has been considered. The inverse relationships between this activity and that of Na-K-ATPase led to the development of a new method for the latter, based on a new concept in cytochemistry ('hidden-capture' procedure). A major feature of fracture-healing is increased periosteal G6PD activity. The association with the vitamin K cycle has been investigated by feeding rats with dicoumarol which not only inhibited bone-formation but also G6PD activity. The stimulation of this activity in fracture-healing has been linked with ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) activity, for which a new method has been developed. Rats deficient in pyridoxal phosphate (cofactor for ODC) had decreased G6PD responses and also appeared to become osteoporotic. Studies on osteoporotic fractures in the human showed the presence of relatively large apatite crystals close to the fracture-site, and disorganized glycosaminoglycans (demonstrated by the new method of ‘induced birefringence’).
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Postural balance, physical activity and capacity among young people with intellectual disabilityBlomqvist, Sven January 2013 (has links)
The overall aim of this thesis was to investigate postural balance, physical activity, physical capacity and their associations in young people (16-20 years) with intellectual disability (ID), mild to moderate. The aim was also to study the reliability and concurrent validity of postural balance tests. To evaluate postural balance, one assessor used five common postural balance tests and one new test. The tests were performed twice for 89 young people with ID (one to twelve days apart). Intraclass correlation coefficients greater than 0.80 were achieved for four of the common balance tests: Extended Timed Up and Go Test (ETUGT), Modified Forward Reach Test (MFRT), One-Leg Stance Test (OLS), and a Force Platform Test (FPT). The smallest real difference ranged from 12% to 40%; less than 20% is considered to be low. For the six balance tests, the concurrent validity varied between none to low. Falls are more common for young people with ID compared to young people without ID. One reason could be impaired postural balance. The postural balance for young people with ID has not been thoroughly investigated. Therefore, five balance tests and three muscle strength tests were used to compare young people with ID with an age-matched control group without ID (n=255). The young people with ID had significantly lower scores on most of the postural balance tests and muscle strength tests of the trunk and lower limbs. Muscle strength, height, and body mass index had no strong association with postural balance. The results also illustrated that young people with ID did not rely more on vision for their balance ability compared to peers without ID. It seems that postural balance is impaired for young people with ID when evaluated with common tests. An everyday situation is to react to unexpected balance disturbances to avoid falls by using different postural responses. Since young people with ID seem to fall more often than peers without ID, it is valuable to investigate if those postural responses are different between the groups. Therefore, young people with and without ID (n=99) were exposed to six backward surface translations and several postural muscle responses were evaluated: muscle synergies and strategies, muscle onset latency, time-to-peak amplitude, and adaptation. The responses of the investigated muscles – the gastrocnemius, the biceps femoris, and the erector spinae L4 level – were measured using electromyography. The results showed that there were no differences between the two groups with respect to synergies or strategies, muscle onset latency, and time-to-peak amplitude. An overall pattern was seen, that young people with ID adapted their muscle response slower in all three muscles than peers without ID, but this pattern was not statistically significant. Studies have shown that people with ID have impaired postural balance, a lower level of physical activity, and lower aerobic capacity compared to people without ID. The association is however not investigated. Therefore, postural balance (postural sway indirectly measured with the subjects standing on a force platform), physical activity (measured with a pedometer), and aerobic capacity (measured with a sub-maximal ergometer cycle test) were used to assess young people with and without ID (n=106). To investigate the subjects’ view of their own health, the subjects completed an adapted questionnaire that addressed their perceived health. The analysis showed no significant associations between postural balance, level of physical activity, and aerobic capacity. The subjects in the ID group, both men and women, had significantly lower aerobic capacity compared to subjects without ID. The answers from the health questionnaire did not correspond to the measured outcomes from the physical tests for young people with ID. In conclusion, ETUGT and MFRT can be used to evaluate change in postural balance over time in young people with mild to moderate ID. The low concurrent validity suggests that the postural balance tests probably challenge various subsystems. Young people with ID have impaired postural balance and perform lower on muscle strength tests than age-matched controls. Postural muscle responses after external perturbations seem to be similar for young people with and without ID, but the ability to adapt muscle responses after repeated perturbations appears to be slower for young people with ID. The studies in the thesis also indicate that young people with ID have reduced level of physical activity and lower aerobic capacity. The lack of association between the different physical functions indicates that they should be evaluated and exercised separately. Young persons with ID might have more difficulty realising the health advantage of being physically active, as they do not seem to make this connection. Because of this, it is important that parents/guardians, school staff, physiotherapists, and others encourage them to participate in physical activity.
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The influence of fluid ingestion on metabolism and soccer skills following intermittent high intensity shuttle runningMcGregor, Stephen J. January 1999 (has links)
The impact of fatigue on the intermittent high intensity exercise undertaken during participation in team sports has not been extensively studied. Team sports are characterised not only by intennittent exercise, but also by the contribution of a wide range of skills. This thesis describes a series of studies conducted in a controlled environment to assess the influence of fluid ingestion and fatigue on selected soccer skills. The aim of the first study was to examine the effect of 90-min of high intensity shuttle running with and without water ingestion on a socc er-dribb ling test. The subjects were allocated to two randomly assigned trials either ingesting or abstaining from fluid intake during a 90 min intennittent exercise protocol (Loughborough Intermittent Shuttle Test: LIST). In the absence of water ingestion soccer skill deteriorated (p < 0.05) by 5% but was maintained when fluid was ingested. The principal aim of the second study was to understand further the mechanisms contributing to the deterioration observed during the LIST. Subjects completed the LIST ingesting a 6.4% carbohydrate electrolyte solution (CHO), placebo (CON) or no fluid (NON). Free fatty acids, cortisol and aldosterone responses were lower (P < 0.01) at the end of exercise during both CHO and CON in comparison to NON. There was no difference in respiratory exchange ratio between trials. Fluid ingestion did not appear to cause a shift in substrate metabolism even though there were differences in plasma FFA concentrations. The consumption of carbohydrate during exercise has been shown to increase physical performance, capacity and cognitive function. The aim of the third study was to assess the influence of a 6.4 % carbohydrate-electrolyte (CHO) placebo (CON) or no fluid (NON) on passing and dribbling soccer skills following the LIST. During the NON trial performance of the dribbling test followed a similar pattern to that in the first study and performance of the passing test decreased (p < 0.05). This reduction in performance was prevented during the CHO and CON trials. The purpose of the final study was to identify whether a rehydration strategy following the LIST would result in a recovery of skill performance. Subjects were allocated to two randomly assigned trials either ingesting a volume of fluid equivalent to 150% (L) or 9% (S) of body mass loss during the LIST, over a2h recovery period. During the recovery period serum sodium and osmolality returned to resting concentrations in the L trial but remained elevated in the S trial (P < 0.05). Despite body mass returning to resting values following the rehydration period, performance of the skills tests remained impaired. Deterioration in skill test performance may have been related to a reduction in neuromuscular control either by a reduction in muscle glycogen or by an increase in muscle damage during the no fluid trials. The mechanism responsible for the deterioration in skill performance remains to be elucidated.
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Mikrobiologinių rodiklių kitimas smulkintoje mėsoje laikymo metu / Changes of microbiological parameters of minced meat during storageJagminaitė, Živilė 18 June 2014 (has links)
Darbo pavadinimas: Mikrobiologinių rodiklių kitimas smulkintoje mėsoje laikymo metu.
Magistro baigiamojo darbo autorė Živilė Jagminaitė. Darbo vadovė dr. Aistė Kabašinskienė. Magistro darbas buvo atliktas Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų universitete, maisto saugos ir kokybės katedroje, per 2012-2014 laikotarpį. Darbas susideda iš: 51 puslapio, 2 lentelių, 29 paveikslų, 1 priedo.
Atitinkamas mėsos laikymas bei apdorojimas, šviežumo užtikrinimas, higieninis – sanitarinis rėžimas yra svarbūs veiksniai užtikrinant mėsos mikrobinę kokybę. Žmonės dažnai nežino kaip laikyti pusgaminius, teisingai gaminti maistą, dėl ko atsiranda pavojus susirgti infekcinėmis ligomis.
Darbo tikslas: įvertinti mikroorganizmų skaičiaus kitimą smulkintoje mėsoje, jos laikymo metu.
Aerobinių kolonijų skaičius smulkintos mėsos mėginiuose neviršijo Lietuvos Higienos normos HN 26:2006 nustatytų didžiausių leistinų ribų. Į smulkintą vištieną pridėjus prieskonių, aerobinių kolonijų sk. padidėjo 36,6 ksv/g, į smulkintą kiaulieną 1,82 ksv/g, o pridėjus kiaušinio ir džiūvėsėlių į vištieną padidėjo 8,5 ksv/g, į kiaulieną 19,09 ksv/g (p>0,05). Smulkintoje mėsoje su prieskoniais aerobinių kolonijų sk. po 3-6 val. padidėjo: vištienoje 7,4 ksv/g (p<0,05), kiaulienoje 205,32 ksv/g (p>0,05), o po 24 val.: vištienoje 169,1 ksv/g (p<0,05), kiaulienoje 466,22 ksv/g (p<0,05), o su kiaušiniu ir džiūvėsėliais aerobinių kolonijų sk. po 3-6 val. padidėjo: vištienoje 9,6 ksv/g (p>0,05), kiaulienoje 0,45 ksv/g (p<0,05)... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Title of the thesis: Changes of microbiological parameters of minced meat during storage.
The author of this Master work is Živilė Jagminaitė. Work advisor: dr. Aistė Kabašinskienė. The Master work was completed in Lithuanian university of health sciences, Department of food safety and quality, during 2011-2012 period. Work consists of: 51 pages, 2 tables, 29 illustrations, 1 supplement.
Appropriate storage and meat processing, freshness assurance and hygienic-sanitary regimes are important factors when ensuring meat microbial quality. In often cases people don‘t know how to hold semi-cooked food properly, how to correctly prepare food, resulting in the risk of developing infectious diseases.
Thesis aim: to evaluate the change in population of microbes in minced meat during the period of its storage.
Aerobic colony count in samples of minced meat did not exceed those of Lithuanian Hygiene Standards HN 26:2006 maximum allowed limits. When added spices to minced chicken, aerobic colony count has increased by 36,6 CFU/g, to pork by 8,49 CFU/g, and once added egg and bread crumbs to minced chicken increased by 8,5 CFU/g, to pork by 12,1 CFU/g (p>0,05). In the holding period of 3 to 6 hours, the count of aerobic colony in minced chicken with spices has increased by 7,4 CFU/g, in pork by 205,32CFU/g (p>0,05) and after 24 hours in chicken reached by 169,1 CFU/g (p<0,05), in pork by 396,06 CFU/g (p>0,05). For egg and bread crumbs 3 to 6 hours has increased by 9,6 CFU/g... [to full text]
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The Role of Fatty Acid Synthase Over-expression in Human Breast CancerHopperton, Kathryn 20 November 2012 (has links)
Fatty acid synthase (FAS) is over-expressed in many human cancers and its activity is required for cancer cell survival. To understand why FAS is over-expressed, we compared in breast cancer cells the utilization of fatty acids synthesized endogenously by FAS to those supplied exogenously in the culture medium. We found that endogenously synthesized fatty acids are esterified to the same lipid and phospholipid classes in the same proportions as those derived exogenously and that some endogenous fatty acids are excreted. Thus, FAS over-expression in cancer does not fulfill a specific requirement for endogenously synthesized fatty acids. We next investigated whether lipogenic activity mediated by FAS was, instead, involved in the maintenance of high glycolytic activity in cancer cells. By culturing breast cancer and non-cancer cells in anoxic conditions, we increased glycolysis 2-3 fold but observed no concomitant increase in lipogenesis. More research is needed to understand why FAS is over-expressed in cancer.
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The Development And Use Of Combined Cultures For The Treatment Of Low Strength WastewatersErguder, Tuba Hande 01 June 2005 (has links) (PDF)
This study was carried out to develop combined cultures which were composed of anaerobic and aerobic cultures, and could survive and operate under alternating aerobic and/or microaerobic / anaerobic conditions in semi-continuous and Upflow Sludge Blanket (USB) reactors. Granular combined cultures with median diameter of 1.28-1.86 mm and 0.8 mm were developed from suspended anaerobic and aerobic cultures in semi-continuous and USB reactors, respectively. Significant specific methanogenic activity (SMA, 14-42 mL CH4/g VSS.hr) and specific oxygen uptake rate (SOUR, 6-47 mg DO/g VSS.hr) values of combined granules in semi-continuous reactors were comparable to those of anaerobic and aerobic granules. Similarly, combined granules in USB reactors exhibited noteworthy SMA and SOUR values of 11-77 mL CH4/g VSS.hr and 10-75 mg DO/g VSS.hr, respectively. Combined granules developed in semi-continuous reactors were found to overcome the drawbacks of both anaerobic and aerobic granules such as the need for long start-up and low stability, respectively.
Combined cultures were also developed from anaerobic granular and suspended aerobic cultures in three USB reactors aerated at 10 mL air/min for 4 hours/day (R2), every other day (R3) and 24 hours/day (R4). The use of combined cultures was found to be advantageous compared to the anaerobic granules for the treatment of low strength wastewaters. During municipal wastewater treatment at influent 5-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) concentration of 53-118 mg/L (Hydraulic retention time, HRT: 0.75 day), combined cultures in R2, R3 and R4 exhibited average BOD5 removal efficiencies of 52, 75 and 76%, respectively. Combined granules developed in USB reactor also displayed significant BOD5 removal efficiencies (66-68%) during municipal wastewater application (HRT: 0.75 day).
Combined cultures/granules developed in USB reactors might be proposed as an alternative for municipal wastewater treatment due to their advantages such as achievement of required discharge standards, prevention of biomass loss / settleability problems unlike activated sludge systems and possible methanogenic activity as well as high settling characteristics comparable to those of anaerobic granules.
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