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L'enfant et les secondes familles / The child and the second familiesMarstal, Laetitia 03 December 2013 (has links)
Il y a seconde famille dès lors qu’un enfant cohabite quotidiennement ou épisodiquement avec le nouveau couple formé par l’un de ses parents. L’époque contemporaine présente deux tendances antagonistes. Les liens qui se développent dans ces circonstances peuvent être envisagés soit comme nuisibles pour l’enfant non commun soit comme un enrichissement potentiel pour celui-ci. Cette ambivalence questionne les liens juridiques entre l’enfant non commun et la seconde famille Si une résolution positive permet d’apprécier la nature et l’efficacité des liens juridiques (parenté et alliance) entre l’enfant et la seconde famille, sa traduction négative conduit à l’examen des liens factuels (cohabitation et affection). Mais c’est finalement la combinaison de ces différents liens, par une approche temporelle de la seconde famille, qui permet de solliciter les fondements nécessaires à la protection juridique de l’enfant. / There is a second family when a child cohabites daily or occasionally with the new couple formed by one of his parents. The contemporary era presents two conflicting trends. In these circumstances, traditional views see the growing bonds between the second family and the child as harmful to the later. On the contrary, a modern perception considers these bonds as a potential enrichment. These antagonistic perspectives question the potential legal relationship between the child and his second family. A positive approach led to the understanding of the nature and efficiency of the legal ties (kinship and alliance) between the child and the second family. In contrast, a negative approach led to the review of the developing bonds (namely cohabitation and affection). Ultimately, only the combination of these diverse links within a temporal dimension allows the identification of the requisite legal basis for the legal protection of the child.
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Affect et responsabilité dans la famille : approche technique et philosophique. / Affect and Responsibility in family : philosophical and technical approachBriard, Mathilde 30 September 2015 (has links)
Dans les rapports familiaux, les mécanismes de la responsabilité paraîssent s’appliquer plus difficilement qu’ailleurs. Qu’il s’agisse d’engager la responsabilité des époux, ou bien celle d’un parent envers son enfant, ou même encore de juger un délinquant passionnel, il peut être malaisé de déterminer les parts de responsabilité et de culpabilité qui reviennent à chacun. L’élément affectif, qui n’est pas regardé en principe comme un objet possible du droit, est susceptible d’expliquer cette difficulté. L’objet de cette thèse est donc de découvrir ce que peut être cet affect, et s’il intervient effectivement de façon significative dans les responsabilités familiales. Dans la pensée classique, l’affect n’a pas d’autonomie, en ce sens qu’il est toujours assimilé et réduit à d’autres notions, telles que l’émotion ou la volonté. En le dégageant de ces réductions, pourtant, l’affect peut être un élément isolable, qui est clairement identifiable dans le lien conjugal ou dans la filiation. L’affect est ainsi un élément concret, mais aussi dynamique, en ce sens qu’il est doté d’une valeur normative. Il est donc capable, non seulement d’éclairer des situations familiales pour lesquelles la responsabilité, civile ou pénale, doit être mise en oeuvre, mais encore de porter une valeur, que le droit peut découvrir et protéger. / In family relations, responsibility mechanism seems to apply themselves with much more difficulty then elsewhere. Whether it engages the responsibility of the married couple, or the one of a parent towards his child, or even to judge a crime of passion, it can be difficult to determine the responsibility or guilt of each party. The affectif element, that is usually not considered like a text of law, is likely to explain this difficulty. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is to discover what can be this affect, and if it indeed intervenes in a significant way in family responsibilities. In the classical thought, the affect has no autonomy, in a way that it is always assimilated and reduced to other notions such as emotion or free will. Removing these simplifications, the affect can be an element which can be isolated and clearly identified in the conjugal link or in filiation. Consequently, the affect is a concret element, but also dynamic, in the way it is doted by a normative value. It is therefore able, not only to enlighten family situations for which, civil or penal responsibility must be applied, but must also carry a value, that law may discover and protect.
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La connaissance par sentiment au XVIIIème siècle / The knowledge by sentiment in the 18th centurySimonetta, Laetitia 07 November 2015 (has links)
Le XVIIIe siècle n’est pas seulement le siècle de la raison, il est aussi celui où le sentiment s’impose dans l’esprit de certains philosophes pour rendre compte de la façon dont certains objets sont connus. Le moi ainsi que les valeurs morales et esthétiques sont, par excellence, des objets qui échappent à une analyse rationnelle ainsi qu’aux perceptions issues des sens externes. Ils se donnent dans cette expérience intérieure qu’est le sentiment. La particularité de celui-ci est que, alors qu’il est une impression d’ordre affectif, constituée de perceptions de plaisir et de douleur, il est amené à représenter autre chose que l’état purement subjectif de l’âme. Tout le problème est de déterminer à quel point le sentiment constitue un mode de connaissance irréductible : est-il un principe de connaissance à part entière, à côté de la sensation et de la réflexion, ou simplement la manière de connaître de celui qui, ayant développé des habitudes de penser et de sentir, a l’impression de juger de façon immédiate ? Reconnu comme fait mais n’ayant pas de fondement clairement assignable, il est sujet aux interprétations les plus contradictoires. Placé au croisement d’un courant métaphysique et d’un courant empiriste radical, il incarne une des notions qui manifestent le plus fortement la diversité des écoles qui perdurent au siècle des Lumières. / The 18th century is not only the age of reason, it is also the time when the sentiment becomes very important in the mind of some philosophers to explain how a certain kind of objects are known. The self as well as the moral and esthetic values are, par excellence, objects that escape both the rational analysis and the perceptions derived from external senses. They are given in an internal experience called sentiment, whom particularity is to represent something different from the pure subjective state of mind, although it is an affective impression, made of perceptions of delight and pain. The problem is to determine in what extent the sentiment represent an irreducible way of knowing: is it a source of knowledge of its own, next to sensation and reflection, or is it just an impression one’s get of judging immediately which occults a succession of unconscious judgments? Acknowledged as a fact, but lacking obvious foundation, it is likely to receive the most contradictory interpretations. At the intersection of a metaphysical current and an empiricist one, it embodies one of the notions that exhibit the diversity of schools which remains in the Enlightenment.
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Some reflections on ancient Greek attitudes to children as revealed in selected literature of the pre-Christian eraDe Bloemhead, Diana 05 1900 (has links)
This study examines the ancient Greeks’ attitudes to children during the Classical
and Hellenistic periods. The investigation is limited to literary sources in selected
pre-Christian texts. Problems which might bias interpretation have been noted.
Parent-child relationships, as revealed in literary examples of parental love and
concern, are of particular interest.
Hazards affecting survival in early childhood, and factors which influenced attitudes regarding the fetus, abortion, exposure and infanticide are considered. Legal, political
and socio-economic factors are amongst motivating forces.
Childhood experiences such as education, sport, pederasty, step-families, slaves and
slavery, preparation for marriage, and deprivation due to war and environmental factors
are also examined.
Ancient attitudes to children are compared with modern attitudes to children in similar situations prevailing in Western culture in the 21st century.
The findings reveal that basic human behaviour has changed little over the millennia; however, factors influencing attitudes have undergone some change as society evolved.
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Understanding Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in the context of Parental Attachment stylesThomas, Georgiana January 2014 (has links)
The present study investigated parental attachment insecurity, specifically Insecure-Anxious and Avoidant attachment styles, and their relationship to children’s ADHD symptoms of hyperactivity, inattention and aggression. The study used a between subjects, correlational (crosssectional) design and quantitative data was collected using reliable and valid self-report questionnaires. Data was analysed using SPSS 19.0. There were no significant differences in attachment insecurity or attachment styles between parents of ADHD and non-ADHD children. However a highly significant association was found between parental attachment insecurity and child aggression, and a moderate association with hyperactivity. There was no significant effect of attachment style, but the study was underpowered and a larger sample size may have differentiated specific effects of parental attachment style. The study used a largely non-clinical sample, with children who were low risk and significantly less impaired than the ADHD participants. A higher risk population would have potentially brought some of the trends of association between parental attachment and child symptoms to significant levels. The study concluded that parental insecure attachment, specifically Dual/Disorganised attachment style, contributes to the emotional environment that increases risk of child aggression and hyperactivity, however methodological limitations were acknowledged. Clinical implications were drawn and recommendations made for future research.
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Metaphors and emotions in therapyMadden, Hugo January 2015 (has links)
Clinicians are encouraged to use metaphors in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). This study aimed to investigate the types of metaphors that occurred within an ACT therapy group and how they were used within on-going dialogue. Naturally occurring data was gathered from an ACT therapy group. Therapy sessions were audio-recorded across the course of the therapy group and discourse analysis was applied to the transcriptions. Various systematic metaphors were identified in relation to the therapeutic discourse of managing emotions. These included protective containers, handling objects, moving passed impediments, and emotions as fellow travellers. Between the group members and the facilitators various power dynamics were identified that influenced how the metaphors were negotiated and appropriated. These findings highlight differences between traditional metaphors of therapy and ACT-specific metaphors, differences between metaphor use by clinicians and clients, and some of the challenges associated with more directive approaches to therapy. Practitioner points • A number of different metaphors can be used to conceptualise how emotions can be managed. • Awareness of the metaphors that occur implicitly within therapy can inform how ACT-specific extended metaphors are used. • Appropriation of metaphors introduced by clinicians can be a potential therapy outcome, and clinicians may need to consider how they are negotiated.
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The relationship between adult attachment style and fibromyalgia as mediated by social cognitionOracz, Karolina January 2014 (has links)
This study aimed to determine whether there are significant relationships between fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS), social cognition, and adult insecure attachments. It was also hypothesised that social cognition would mediate the relationship between insecure attachment style and FMS. A quantitative, cross-sectional design was employed to compare experiences of 105 individuals with FMS and 172 healthy controls (HC). A correlation and a mediation analysis were used to explore relationships between insecure attachment, social cognition, and FMS symptoms. Data were obtained via self-report measures filled in either in paper form or via on-line questionnaire. The relationships between anxious and avoidant attachment styles and FMS were confirmed. The significance of the relationship between social cognition and FMS varied depending on the measure used. When ability to recognise emotions in others was tested (Reading the mind in the eyes test) there were no significant differences between FMS and HC. However, the mentalization measure- Reflective Function Questionnaire, which additionally tests the ability to recognise one’s own feelings, showed a significant relationship with FMS. The relationship of FMS with both insecure attachment styles as well as with mentalization were strongly mediated by psychological distress. Social cognition was not shown to mediate the relationship between insecure attachment and FMS. Although causality cannot be inferred, psychological distress was strongly related to FMS and significantly influenced the way FMS is related to insecure attachment and poor social cognition. Implications for clinical practice and future research are discussed.
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En undersökning om attityden till mottagandet av E-postmarknadsföring : Med avseende på kognitions-, affektions- & beteendemässig attitydNilsson, Johanna, Mazetti-Nissen, August January 2016 (has links)
Titel: En undersökning om attityden till mottagandet av E-postmarknadsföring – Medavseende på kognitions-, affektions- & beteendemässig attityd. Nivå: C-uppsats i ämnet företagsekonomi Författare: Johanna Nilsson & August Mazetti-Nissen Handledare: Jens Eklinder Frick Datum: 2016 – Januari Syfte: Syftet med den här studien är att undersöka attityden till mottagandet av Epostmarknadsföringhos svenska beslutsfattare inom en B2B-kontext, detta med avseende påkognitions-, affektions- och beteendemässig attityd. Metod: Studien har en metodologi av kvantitativ karaktär. Studien har utförts med hjälpav en enkätundersökning som skickats ut via E-post. Enkäten har besvarats av 443respondenter lokaliserade i Sverige. Vår data har analyserats med statistiska uträkningaroch illustrerats med hjälp av tabeller, figurer och diagram. Analysen har därefter resulterat i arbetets slutsats. Resultat & slutsats: Studien har resulterat i en total negativ attityd till mottagandet av Epostmarknadsföringhos svenska beslutsfattare inom en B2B-kontext. Exponeringsfrekvensen och den kognitiva attitydkomponenten är de ensamt starkaste faktorerna till den totala negativa attityden. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Ett förslag till vidare forskning inom fältet skulle kunna vara den finansiella aspekten, det vill säga att undersöka hur lönsamt E-postmarknadsföring är. Dessutom menar vi att segmentering och exponeringsfrekvens inom Epostmarknadsföring är ett ämne som borde tas i beaktning för framtida fallstudier. Vi menar också att en liknande undersökning fast i ett annat land hade varit intressant attgenomföra. Uppsatsens bidrag: Attityden till mottagandet av E-postmarknadsföring påverkas i höggrad av hur relevant varumärket bakom E-postmarknadsföringsutskicket anses vara för mottagaren och hur ofta varumärket exponeras. Svenska beslutsfattare har starka tendenser till att både avskriva sig från framtida utskick, men även engagera sig vidare i innehållet om det anses relevant. Effektiviteten av E-postmarknadsföring kan därför skilja sig starktmellan olika aktörer. Nyckelord: Attityd, E-postmarknadsföring, E-postmarknadsföringsmeddelande, Kognition, Affektion, Beteende
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Biblical Hebrew lexicology and cognitive semantics : a study of lexemes of affectionBosman, Tiana 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Ancient Studies))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this study the conceptualization of love or affecion in the Old Testament is investigated. The most prototypical Biblical Hebrew lexeme for affection, namely אהב , forms the focus of the study. It is hypothesized that the analysis of אהב in terms of its valency and the conceptual frames associated with each of its valency patterns will contribute to a more informative lexicographical description of אהב . Since אהב forms part of a much larger semantic field of lexemes that can convey the attitude of affection, it is neccessary to study these lexemes as well.
While the first chapter introduces the topic under investigation, i.e. a study of lexemes of affection, the second chapter aims at demarcating the list of lexemes of affection that needs to be considered. This list amounts to fifteen lexemes in total; fourteen of which can belong to the domain of affection, and one antonym.
In Chapter 3 the methodology of the current study is explained. The researcher advocates a Cognitive Linguistic approach. Renier de Blois employed Cognitive Linguistics for his model which is aimed towards compiling the Semantic Dictionary of Biblical Hebrew. While his model is used as starting point in the present study, some more areas of Cognitive Linguistics are identified that could assist us to refine the model of De Blois. These areas include prototype theory, semantic potential, the notion of radial networks, as well as conceptual frames.
Chapter 4 consists of a detailed study of אהב in all its occurrences in the Old Testament, while the remainder of the lexemes of affection as well as its antonym are studied in Chapter 5. In the concluding chapter, Chapter 6, an exposition of the findings is given. This thesis ends with a concise summary of אהב in which all conceptual frames and scripture references where the אהב appear are given. This is followed by a schematic presentation of the lexemes of affection as they occur in relation to the prototypical sense(s) of אהב. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie studie word die konseptualisering van liefde of affeksie in die Ou Testament ondersoek. Die mees prototipiese Bybels-Hebreeuse lekseem vir affeksie, naamlik אהב , is die fokus van die studie. Dit word veronderstel dat die analise van אהב in terme van die lekseem se valensie en die konseptuele raamwerke wat met die valensie patrone geassosieer word, sal bydra tot „n meer informatiewe leksikografiese beskrywing van אהב . Aangesien אהב deel vorm van „n veel groter semantiese veld van lekseme wat die houding van affeksie beskryf, is dit nodig dat hierdie lekseme ook bestudeer word.
Terwyl die eerste hoofstuk die tema van die huidige ondersoek inlei, naamlik die bestudering van lekseme van affeksie in die Bybels-Hebreeuse teks, is die tweede hoofstuk daarop gerig om die lys van lekseme van affeksie vir die ondersoek af te baken. Hiedie lys bestaan uit vyftien lekseme altesaam; veertien lekseme wat deel uitmaak van die domein van affeksie, en een antoniem.
In Hoofstuk 3 word die metodologie van die huidige studie uiteengesit. Die navorser staan „n Kognitiewe Linguistiese benadering voor. Renier de Blois het Kognitiewe Linguistiek aangewend vir sy model wat daarop gerig is om die Semantic Dictionary for Biblical Hebrew saam te stel. Alhoewel sy model as beginpunt vir die huidige studie gebruik word, is daar sommige areas binne die veld van Kognitiewe Linguistiek wat aangewend sou kon word om De Blois se model te verfyn. Hierdie areas sluit prototipe teorie, semantiese potensiaal, die idee van straalvormige netwerke, asook konseptuele raamwerke in.
Hoofstuk 4 bestaan uit „n gedetailleerde studie van אהב in al sy voorkomste in die Ou Testament, terwyl die res van die lekseme van affeksie sowel as die antoniem in Hoofstuk 5 bestudeer word. In die slot hoofstuk, Hoofstuk 6, is daar „n uiteensetting van die bevindinge. Die tesis eindig met „n kort opsomming van אהב waarin al die konseptuele raamwerke en skrifverwysings waarbinne אהב voorkom, gegee word. Daarna volg „n skematiese voorstelling van die lekseme van affeksie na aanleiding van hul voorkomste in verhouding tot die prototipiese betekenis(se) van אהב.
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Cultivating compassion in psychological therapists : the potential of loving-kindness meditationBoellinghaus, Inga A. January 2011 (has links)
Section A: summarises theory and research relevant to the role of compassion in the work of psychological therapists. Two approaches that are thought to cultivate compassion, namely, mindfulness meditation and loving-kindness meditation (LKM), are introduced and their potential for fostering compassion in therapists is explored. Following this, extant empirical studies examining the effects of mindfulness-based and loving-kindness interventions on compassion are critically evaluated. Limitations and gaps in the existing evidence base are discussed, and the need for further research, such as studies using LKM with therapists, is outlined. Section B: Objectives. Emerging research suggests that loving-kindness meditation (LKM) increases well-being and compassion whilst being difficult to engage with. Since there is a need to cultivate self-care and compassion in trainee therapists (TT), this study aimed to explore how TT experience a course of LKM. Design. A qualitative design using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis was applied in order to gain a detailed understanding of the experience of LKM and the meaning participants gave to it. Methods. Twelve TT who had previously attended a mindfulness-based cognitive therapy course took part in a six-session long LKM course and were interviewed about their experience. Results. Five master themes were identified ‘Engaging with the practice’, ‘Impact on self’, ‘Impact on relationships’, ‘Bringing compassion into the therapy room’, and ‘Integrating LKM into life’. Participants perceived LKM to have led to increased self-awareness, compassion for self and others, and therapeutic presence and skills. At the same time, LKM was experienced as emotionally challenging. Conclusions. LKM may be a useful tool for enhancing self-care and compassion in TT. Further research is needed to extend the findings and implications for the use of LKM with TT and other populations are discussed. Section C: summarises critical reflections on the process of conducting this research study, including the researcher‟s learning experience, implications for training and clinical practice, and further research.
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