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A Study of Ethics for Accounting Students at East Tennessee State UniversityWarhurst, Jordan 01 December 2015 (has links)
What is being done to stop the increase of accounting scandals and frauds? This study focuses on ethics teaching for accounting students at the undergraduate level. This study asks the question, "have students increased in their use of professional judgement as defined by the AICPA code of Professional Conduct?"
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An Experimental Analysis of the Impact of Goal Orientation, Ethical Orientation, and Personality Traits on Managers' And Accountants' Abilities to Recognize Misappropriation of AssetsAchilles, Wendy Walston 01 January 2006 (has links)
This study examines the impact of knowledge, experience, goal orientation, ethical orientation, and personality traits on managers' and accountants' abilities to recognize misappropriation of assets. Participants included students and professionals. The student group included upper-level accounting majors and upper-level management majors. The professional group included students enrolled in an introductory accounting course for their MBA program and internal auditors from a variety of organizations. Findings in the study show that accounting students assessed the possibility that fraud was in progress at a higher level than the management students, suggesting that the accounting students acquire basic knowledge about fraud from the accounting curriculum, which improves performance. The effect of reading articles was marginally significant for assessing the possibility of fraud, showing that students who have read or who are required to read articles better identify the clues associated with employee theft. For the professional group, the effects of academic major and fraud specific training led to identifying the possibility of employee theft at a higher level. It appears that training sessions help professionals in identifying the risk factors associated with fraudulent activity, producing benefits to organizations that far outweigh the costs. Full-time work experience was marginally significant (p Several findings of the additional analysis using structural equation modeling extend the audit decision making literature by showing certain factors that enhance knowledge and improve decision making as experience increases. Higher learning goal orientation scores, mediated by experience and ethical position, should lead to more accurate identification of risk factors that are commonly associated with fraudulent activity. These findings should encourage firms to draw upon the knowledge of experts as they develop expert decision aids and training sessions for internal audit departments. Organizations should also integrate actual instances of misappropriation of assets into training sessions on fraud prevention and detection while developing and improving models of training sessions and expert decision aids for unstructured, complex tasks.
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An Empirical Study of the Effectiveness of Independence Discrimination Resulting from the Application of Aicpa Ethical Interpretation 101-3--Accounting ServicesSteed, Steve A. (Steve Alan) 05 1900 (has links)
Interpretation 101-3 of the AICPA Code of Professional Ethics provides four independence requirements for certified public accountants performing bookkeeping services. As such, these requirements are largely thought of as rules requiring compliance. The purpose of this study was to provide empirical evidence related to the question, "Can the guidelines in Interpretation 101-3 be effectively interpreted?" Accordingly, the research objectives were twofold: (1) to make an estimate of the effectiveness of independence discrimination resulting from the use of Interpretation 101-3 , and (2) to identify variables related to differences in CPAs' judgements of impairment and non-impairment of CPA independence in situations covered by Interpretation 101-3. The research methodology for this study was based on a case approach. Twelve situations developed from analysis of Interpretation 101-3 and discussions with practitioners were organized into twenty-four cases in which a CPA firm provided a variety of accounting services. These twenty-four cases were divided into two case sets of twelve cases each and then combined with two cases from a previous study by David Lavin. These cases were submitted to an expert panel for validation as to their relationship to Interpretation 101-3, and a predetermined "correct" judgement was established for use in analysis. A mail survey of the licensees of the Texas State Board of Public Accountancy was used for collecting data. The CPAs were provided with a copy of Interpretation 101-3 and asked to base their judgements exclusively on the standard. Hypothesis testing was used to determine the effectiveness of the independence discrimination resulting from the use of Interpretation 101-3. Statistical models were developed for evaluating differences in the effectiveness of independence discrimination and differences in the CPAs' judgements themselves.
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The challenges of improving revenue-recognition standard for multiple-element firms:evidence from the software industry (SOP 97-2)Srivastava, Anup 10 October 2008 (has links)
I investigated whether implementing SOP 97-2, the revenue-recognition standard
for the software industry, reduces earnings informativeness. This standard is particularly
important for two reasons: First, its provisions coincide with provisions of SAB 101, the
current general revenue-recognition standard. Second, the software industry provides a
laboratory setting for examining multiple-element firms, whose revenue-recognition
challenges keep mounting as more and more firms bundle multiple products and
services. I found that implementing SOP 97-2 leads to additional revenue deferrals and a
decline in earnings informativeness. However, the market prices these deferrals as
revenues, as if these amounts had not been deferred. Moreover, the proforma earnings,
which I calculated by undoing the revenue deferrals, more strongly correspond with
market returns than do the reported earnings. My findings indicate that the accounting
numbers calculated using the pre-SOP 97-2 revenue-recognition rules more strongly
correspond with market returns than do those calculated using SOP 97-2. My findings
should interest FASB in its project on developing a new revenue-recognition standard.
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Porovnání etických kodexů AICPA a IFAC / Comparison of AICPA and IFAC Codes of EthicsHolobradová, Lucie January 2015 (has links)
The thesis deals with an ethical behavior of professional accountants and their respective codes of ethics. The first part focuses on ethics in a broader sense, influences that could explain unethical behavior, and the core philosophies of ethics. The Importance of the Codes of Ethics is the introduction to presenting several important regulatory bodies for professional accountants - the authors of the codes of ethics. The next part of the thesis analyzes two of the most important codes - the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants by International Federation of Accountants and the Code of Professional Conduct by American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. The goal of this thesis is their comparison, while highlighting some of the differences.
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Accounting Ethics and the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct: A View Through the Lens of Ethical TheoryBooth, Lalita D. 01 January 2009 (has links)
A great deal of attention has been paid in the last several decades to improving the ethical decisions of public accountants. A variety of approaches to meeting this goal have been advanced, from increasing the coverage of ethics in the classroom, to improving the effectiveness of regulatory responses to breaches in ethical conduct. Little attention has been paid to researching accounting ethics from the perspective of ethical theory. This thesis adds to the relatively thin body of research in that area. Chapter one briefly covers the history of accounting ethics in the United States, from the organization of the American Association of Public Accountants in the early 20th century, to the relatively recent scandals surrounding Enron, WorldCom, and Arthur Andersen. This brief history is followed by an overview of the regulatory approach to improving ethical conduct, which leads into a discussion of the study of professional ethics in accounting and the importance of professional codes of ethics in regulating behavior. The background of the AICPA's Code of Professional Conduct and several criticisms of the Code are then discussed. Chapter two offers a rationale for applying a framework of ethical theory to the study of accounting ethics, and discusses an important limitation of that approach. Chapter three presents an overview of those ethical theories most directly applicable to the study of accounting ethics, which will serve as a foundation for the analysis presented in chapter four. Chapter four analyzes the AICPA's Code of Professional Conduct from the perspective of the ethical theories presented in chapter three. Finally, chapter five offers several suggestions for enhancing the moral reasoning skills of public accountants and accounting students.
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會計師職業行為規範之研究蔡玉琴, CAI, YU-CIN Unknown Date (has links)
在1987年11月,AICPA 會員表決通過重新制訂「職業行為規範」,代表會計專
公司財務主管為問卷調查對象,以單因子變異數分析及t 檢定進行分析。
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審計報告沿革及其溝通功能之研究陳怡成, CHEN, YI-CHENG Unknown Date (has links)
針對此一情形,於1988年4月發佈了第58號審計準則公報(SAS NO.58),
用者對資訊內容的認知差距。第三部份介紹SAS NO.58制定的背景以及修改重點。
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會計師事務所品質控制與同業評鑑之研究王立偉, Wang, Li-Wei Unknown Date (has links)
,外界對會計專業之風評日差,會計專業為挽回日漸下跌之聲譽, 遂提出「以提高服
本論文共計六章,凡一冊, 約六萬餘言,主要內容可分為下列兩大部分:
(一)就個別事務所而言: 充研究各事務所之品質控制為重心,討論一個組織完善之
(二)就會計專業整體而言:以研究美國會計師公會(AICPA )所實施之「同業評鑑
」計劃(Peer Review Program )為主,除討論其由來、沿革及管理方法外,並詳加
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