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Tennyson : his relation to romanticism with special reference to his political views.Smith, H. L. (Henry L.) January 1926 (has links)
No description available.
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Identification of the Adlerian Life Style: Development of an Instrument for ChildrenStiles, Kathleen Ellis 12 1900 (has links)
Alfred Adler's Individual Psychology emphasizes the uniqueness of individuals and describes the life style, or personality, as the unique and characteristic pattern of coping with and solving problems and interacting with other people. The purpose of this study was the development of a similar instrument that would quantitatively identify life styles in children.
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Translating Latin America: Harriet De Onís and the U.S. publishing marketLivingstone, Victoria J. 28 November 2015 (has links)
Responding to recent debates about the circulation of literary texts in the global market, this dissertation examines various literary and socio-political factors that shaped the translation and reception of Latin American literature in the U.S. between 1930-1969. This study seeks to fill a critical gap in the history of translated Latin American literature, focusing on the editorial project of Alfred A. Knopf, the most influential publisher of Latin American literature in the U.S. during these years, and Harriet de Onís, Knopf’s principal translator from Spanish and Portuguese into English. Drawing on archival research, each chapter traces the publication history, and follows with a close reading, of a different text translated and sometimes edited, by de Onís. The three case studies from both Spanish and Portuguese source texts and from geographically diverse regions (Mexico, Brazil, and Cuba) examine specific problems of translation. Chapter One addresses the ways in which explicitly political texts are transformed in translation and are shaped by readers’ cultural expectations. It analyzes de Onís’s translation of Martín Luis Guzmán’s semifictional memoir of the Mexican Revolution, El águila y la serpiente (1928), The Eagle and the Serpent (abridged version in English published in 1930 and complete version in 1965). Chapter Two studies the movement of scholarly texts from peripheral to central markets through an analysis of Fernando Ortiz’s Contrapunteo cubano del tabaco y el azúcar (1940), translated in 1947 as Cuban Counterpoint: Tobacco and Sugar. Chapter Three studies the difficulties of reproducing experimental language in translation through close readings of de Onís’s translations of João Guimarães Rosa’s Sagarana (1946, title unchanged in the 1966 English translation) and Grande Sertão: Veredas (1956, translated in collaboration with James L. Taylor in 1963 as The Devil to Pay in the Backlands). These case studies suggest that current models of the global circulation of literature should acknowledge more fully the active editorial role of the translator and other agents in shaping source texts and in seeking out the cultural analogies that make those texts more readily understandable to foreign readers. / 2026-07-31
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100 years of metal coordination chemistry: from Alfred Werner to anticancer metallodrugsBarry, Nicolas P.E., Sadler, P.J. 06 September 2014 (has links)
Yes / Alfred Werner was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry just over 100 years ago. We recall briefly the era in which he was working, his co-workers, and the equipment he used in his laboratories. His ideas were ground breaking: not only does a metal ion have a primary valency (“hauptvalenz”, now the oxidation state), but also a secondary valency, the coordination number (“nebenvalenz”). At that time some refused to accept this idea, but he realised that his new thinking would open up new areas of research. Indeed it did. We illustrate this for the emerging field of medicinal metal coordination chemistry, the design of metal-based therapeutic and diagnostic agents. The biological activity of metal complexes depends intimately not only on the metal and its oxidation state, but also on the type and number of coordinated ligands, and the coordination geometry. This provides a rich platform in pharmacological space for structural and electronic diversity. It is necessary to control both the thermodynamics (strengths of metal-ligand bonds) and kinetics of ligand substitution reactions to provide complexes with defined mechanisms of action. Outer-sphere interactions can also play a major role in target recognition. Our current interest is focussed especially on relatively inert metal complexes which were very familiar to Werner (RuII, OsII, RhIII, IrIII, PtII, PtIV). / We thank the Leverhulme Trust (Early Career Fellowship No. ECF-2013-414 to NPEB), the University of Warwick (Grant No. RDF 2013-14 to NPEB) the ERC (Grant No. 247450 to PJS), EPSRC (Grant No. EP/F034210/1) and EC COST Action CM1105 for support.
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Pour une construction sémantique du concept de véritéPlante, Gilles, Plante, Gilles 04 December 2024 (has links)
Cette étude introduit à la problématique de la construction sémantique du concept de vérité, lorsqu'il s'agit de saisir le sens du prédicat « vraie » dans l'énoncé « La proposition P est vraie » à l'intérieur de la pluralité des modèles relevant de langages formalisés. Y sont exposés les principaux résultats auxquels Alfred Tarski est parvenu dans Le concept de vérité dans les langages formalisés ainsi que les conditions méthodologiques ayant permis leur fondation métalogique.
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Un thème métalogique : le concept de vérité en langages formalisésBender, Karl 27 November 2024 (has links)
No description available.
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Méthodologie et présentation muséologique du "geste" dans quelques sculptures d'Alfred LalibertéLamontagne, Laurence, Lamontagne, Laurence 04 April 2024 (has links)
« La présente recherche se propose d'analyser, à travers des sources iconographiques, la notion de travail inscrite dans le "geste" et cela par l'étude de certains métiers de la terre. Les documents artistiques choisis ont été tirés de l'oeuvre sculptural d'Alfred Laliberté ; ils font partie de la série des deux cent quatorze (214) sujets du terroir acquise par le Musée du Québec. Des sources écrites impliquées dans le cheminement de l'analyse viendront y juxtaposer leur discours. Galienne Francastel, lors de la table ronde animée par Georges Duby et Jacques Legoff, rappelait que "l'oeuvre d'art née dans un contexte ne peut être comprise que dans ce contexte." Pour en respecter donc le milieu évolutif, une critique externe resituera l'artiste, Alfred Laliberté, dans son cadre social, culturel et artistique. Egalement issues d'un contexte particulier, les sources écrites seront soumises à une même critique. Restera à découvrir - et c'est l'objet de la première partie de ce travail - si, lorsqu'elle est resituée dans son contexte, l'oeuvre d'art entretient, dans sa gestique, un juste rapport avec la réalité. De là découlera sa valeur de document représentatif du travail de la terre dans la société traditionnelle. Les conclusions de cette analyse devraient enfin pouvoir établir un pont entre la recherche et la diffusion et répondre ainsi, par le biais de la muséologie - objet de la deuxième partie - au souhait d'Alfred Laliberté qui était de voir son oeuvre servir "de document pour les générations à venir." »--Pages 2-3
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Etude comparative de la notion de "l'homme parfait" chez Mowlânâ Djalâl-Od-Dîn Rûmî-é Balkhî et Alfred de Vigny / The comparative study between Mowlânâ Djalâl-Od-Dîn Rûmî-é Balkhî and Alfred de Vigny on the subject of "perfect man"Mahdavi Zadeh, Mojgan 30 March 2012 (has links)
De nos jours, nous accordons une place particulière à la littérature Universelle, qui est située au point de croisement du soi et de l’autre, de l’implicite et de l’explicite, de l’intime et du public. En ce qui concerne notre étude comparative entre la vision de Mowlânâ Djalâl Od-Dîn Mohammad Balkhî Rûmî, poète mystique iranien du XIIIème siècle et celle d'Alfred de Vigny, poète stoïcien, romantique et mystique français du XIXème siècle, sur l'Homme Parfait, nous avons tenté à montrer que nos deux Génies, quoique l’un était oriental et l’autre occidental, que l’un était du 13ème siècle et l’autre du 19ème siècle, que leurs religions étaient différentes, que l’un était postérieur à l’autre et ne l’a fort probablement jamais lu, ont des avis quasiment identiques sur l’Homme Parfait. En effet, la pureté et la bonté spirituelle, l’innocence, l’honnêteté, l’amitié, l’amour, et les caractères humbles de l’être humain, ne dépendent point des dimensions spatio-temporelles, ni de l’idéologie et de la civilisation des sujets à traiter, car ce sont des qualités purement humaines qui prennent leur source dans la conscience, le cœur et l’âme et représentent tout le côté divin de l'être. L'Homme Parfait nommé le "vrai Mystique" chez Mowlanâ et le "Paria" chez Alfred de Vigny certifient que certains hommes sont des êtres à part, sortes d’extraterrestres, tout en étant des symboles de l’humanité. Ces gens là, tout à la fois d’ici-bas et d’au-delà, libérés en fait de leur « moi » matériel, sont le pur reflet d’un « moi » divin. Une telle personne peut espérer être sur le bon chemin et pouvoir rester digne de posséder à la fois la face de l’Homme et la face de Dieu. Par conséquent, nous avons simplement envisagé les points communs entre les sujets en question et en tenant compte des notions d'identité et d'altérité, nous nous sommes focalisés sur une paix universelle. / Today the Universal literature has taken a particular place for itself, because this literature is on the cross point of "self" and "other", "implicit" and "explicit", "intimate" and "public". The comparative study between the foresights of Mowlânâ Djalâl-Od- Dîn Mohammad Rûmî-é BalkhÎ, the Iranian mystic poet of the 13th century, and, Alfred de Vigny, the romantic, stoic, and mystic poet of French 19th century, on the subject of "Perfect Man", in spite of the fact that the two men lived six centuries apart, one was in the East and the other one was in the West of the World, their religions were different, and that most likely Vigny had not read Mowlânâ's works, the two poets have almost similar opinions about the "Perfect Man". Normally, the comparative study is conducted to identify, directly or indirectly, the influence of a certain person or doctrine over another person or doctrine; but in this study, our readers or audience will see that the nature of purity, spiritual goodness, innocence, honesty, friendship, love, and sublime human characteristics are neither dependent of time and place, nor they depend on a specific ideology or a special culture, because they have all their roots in the intelligence, heart, and spirit of individuals and are part of Devine aspect of human being.
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A viagem de Alfred Russel Wallace ao Brasil: uma aplicação de história da ciência no ensino de biologia / Alfred Russel Wallace\'s journey to Brazil: an application of the history of science in the teaching of BiologySouza, Rosa Andrea Lopes de 02 October 2014 (has links)
Esta dissertação, inserida em linha de pesquisa de \"História, Filosofia e Cultura no Ensino de Ciências\", abordou a inserção de um episódio da História da Ciência no ensino de Biologia da educação básica. A pesquisa, caracterizada por uma abordagem inclusiva da História da Ciência no ensino de Biologia, foi orientada pelos seguintes objetivos: 1) desenvolver o estudo de um episódio histórico envolvendo a viagem do naturalista inglês Alfred Russel Wallace (1823-1913) ao Brasil, no século XIX; 2) desenvolver um estudo empírico de utilização de episódio da História da Biologia no ensino e aprendizagem de conteúdos de Biologia por meio da elaboração, validação, aplicação e avaliação de uma sequência didática; 3) investigar os efeitos da utilização de um episódio de História da Biologia sobre aspectos motivacionais e emocionais dos alunos durante o ensino e aprendizagem de conteúdos de Biologia. A viagem de Wallace à Amazônia foi analisada segundo a metodologia de pesquisa em História da Ciência, fazendo uso de fontes primárias e secundárias. Foram investigadas a formação inicial do pesquisador e as motivações para a realização da viagem segundo o contexto das expedições científicas do século XIX. Foram ainda discutidas as principais contribuições que ele desenvolveu, particularmente sobre as palmeiras amazônicas. Esse estudo gerou um material que pode servir de subsídio ao professor que deseje abordar esse episódio histórico em sala de aula. A partir desse episódio, foi elaborada uma sequência didática baseada nos estudos de Wallace sobre as palmeiras amazônicas. As palmeiras estudadas por Wallace serviram de base para os alunos realizarem atividades relacionadas à classificação biológica, ao uso de chaves dicotômicas de identificação e à elaboração de uma matriz de classificação filogenética. A sequência didática foi composta de oito aulas desenvolvidas com diferentes estratégias de ensino e aprendizagem, com uso de materiais instrucionais especialmente elaborados para cada aula. Após processo de validação, a sequência didática foi aplicada em duas turmas de 2º ano do Ensino Médio, de uma escola pública, no município de São Paulo, no primeiro semestre de 2013. Foi realizada triangulação de dados obtidos por meio de gravação e transcrição das aulas, bem como aplicação de dois questionários validados pela literatura: um destinado a avaliar motivação e outro a avaliar emoção situacional dos alunos. A análise dos dados obtidos levou à elaboração de uma representação gráfica mapeando as disposições motivacionais e emocionais dos alunos durante as interações de ensino e aprendizagem da sequência didática. Como resultados principais da pesquisa empírica que podem contribuir para a área de ensino de Ciências Naturais em que abordagens históricas estão inseridas, destacam-se evidências de que os alunos responderam positivamente à aprendizagem de conteúdos científicos atuais considerados complexos e distantes do seu dia a dia, como é o caso da classificação filogenética, após esse estudo ter sido provocado a partir dos estudos de Wallace na Amazônia. Esta pesquisa também contribui com a divulgação de uma metodologia para investigar aspectos motivacionais e emocionais dos alunos na aprendizagem de conteúdos de Biologia. Finalmente, estabeleceu alguns parâmetros sobre a contribuição da História da Ciência no ensino de Biologia. / This dissertation, set in search of \"History, Philosophy and Culture in Science Education\" line, addressed the insertion of an episode of the History of Science in Biology teaching of basic education. The research, characterized by an inclusive approach of the History of Science in teaching Biology, was guided by the following objectives: 1) develop the study of a historical episode involving the journey of the English naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace (1823-1913) to Brazil in the nineteenth century; 2) develop an empirical study of using episode of the History of Biology in teaching and learning content biology through the development, validation, implementation and evaluation of an instructional sequence; 3) investigate the effects of using of an episode of the History of Biology on motivational and emotional aspects of learning content for students of Biology. A trip to the Amazon Wallace was analyzed according to the methodology of research in History of Science, using primary and secondary sources. The initial training of the researcher and the motivations for the provision of travel were investigated according to the context of the scientific expeditions of the nineteenth century. We also discuss the major contributions he has developed, particularly on Amazonian palm trees. This study generated a material that can serve as a subsidy to the teacher who wishes to address this historical episode in the classroom. From this episode, we created a teaching sequence based on the studies of Wallace on the Amazon palm trees. Palm trees studied by Wallace served as the basis for students to carry out activities related to biological classification, the use of dichotomous keys for identification and development of a phylogenetic classification matrix. The teaching learning sequence consisted of eight lessons developed with different strategies of teaching and learning, using a specially designed instructional materials for each class. After the validation process, the teaching learning sequence was applied to two groups of 2nd year of High School, a public school in São Paulo, in the first half of 2013. Triangulation of data obtained through the recording and transcription of the classes as well as application of two validated questionnaires in the literature was performed: one designed to assess motivation and to review other students\' situational emotion. The data analysis led to the development of a graphical representation mapping the motivational and emotional dispositions of students during interactions of teaching and learning instructional sequence. As the results of empirical research that can contribute to the area of teaching natural sciences in that historical approaches are inserted, are evidence that the students responded positively to learning of scientific considered complex and current content away from their daily lives, such as the phylogenetic classification, after this study have been caused from the studies of Wallace in the Amazon. This research also contributes to the dissemination of a methodology for investigating motivational and emotional aspects of learning content students in Biology. Finally, set some parameters on the contribution of the History of Science in teaching Biology.
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Délires romantiques Musset, Nodier, Gautier, Hugo /Rieben, Pierre-André. January 1989 (has links)
Thèse : Lettres : Zurich : 1987-88. / Bibliogr. p. 229-236.
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