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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Σχεδίαση και ανάπτυξη πλατφόρμας παροχής υπηρεσιών στο διαδίκτυο με έμφαση στις εφαρμογές χρονοπρογραμματισμού / Design and implementation of an internet-based application service provision platform with emphasis on scheduling applications

Γούλας, Γεώργιος 07 April 2011 (has links)
Στην παρούσα διατριβή αντιμετωπίζεται το πρόβλημα της παροχής επιστημονικού λογισμικού σαν υπηρεσία διαδικτύου, με έμφαση στις εφαρμογές χρονοπρογραμματισμού ανθρώπινων πόρων. Οι εφαρμογές αυτές χαρακτηρίζονται από ειδικές ανάγκες ως προς το περιβάλλον υλικού και λογισμικού, ανήκοντας στο γενικότερο χώρο των NP-hard προβλημάτων βελτιστοποίησης. Δημιουργήθηκαν και παρουσιάζονται δύο πλατφόρμες παροχής υπηρεσιών, SchedSP και SchedSP-WS, με στόχο να παρέχουν υπηρεσίες λειτουργικού συστήματος στους δημιουργούς εφαρμογών ιστού, ενώ παρέχονται ειδικές υπηρεσίες για την υποστήριξη εφαρμογών χρονοπρογραμματισμού. Η απαιτούμενη υπολογιστική χωρητικότητα εξασφαλίστικε αρχικά από το σύστημα PLEIADES, που επίσης παρουσιάζεται ως πάροχος υπολογιστικής υποδομής σαν υπηρεσιά, το οποίο αργότερα αντικαταστάθηκε από την υποδομή του ευρωπαϊκού έργου υποδομής EGEE. Επίσης, παρουσιάζεται ένα μοντέλο κατανεμημένης εφαρμογής χρονοπρογραμματισμού, το οποίο αποτελεί τη βάση του πλαισίου SchedScripter. Το πλαίσιο SchedScripter που επίσης παρουσιάζεται, επιτρέπει τη δημιουργία κατανεμημένων εφαρμογών χρονοπρογραμματισμού, βασισμένων στο υπολογιστικό πλέγμα. / This PhD dissertation deals with the provision of scientific software as Internet service, with emphasis on human resources scheduling applications. These applications have special needs from the computational environment, in terms of software and hardware, as they are NP-hard optimization problems. Two application service provider platforms have been created and presented, SchedSP and SchedSP-WS, aiming to offer operating system like services to web application developers, while they offer special support for scheduling applications. The required computational capacity initially was provided by PLEADES, which is also presented as a computational infrastructure service provider, to be substituded later by the EU infrastructures project EGEE. A distributed scheduling application model is presented, which is the foundation of the SchedScripter framework. The SchedScripter framework, which is also presented, enables the creation of distributed scheduling applications, running on a computational grid.

Wide-Band Radio-Frequency All-Pass Networks for Analog Signal Processing

Keerthan, P January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
There is an ever increasing demand for higher spectral usage in wireless communication, radar and imaging systems. Higher spectral efficiency can be achieved using components that are aware of system environment and adapt suitably to the operating conditions. In this regard, radio frequency (RF) signal analysis is of paramount interest. Emergence of dispersive delay networks (DDN) has led to the significant development of microwave analogue-signal processing (ASP) and analysis. DDN causes displacement of spectral components in time domain, relative to the frequency dependant group delay response. The main challenge in the design of DDN in this context is in achieving broad bandwidth with high group delay dispersion (GDD). In this regard, all-pass networks (APN) have been explored as a potential wide-band DDN owing to the possibility of controlling the magnitude of loss characteristics without affecting the dispersion in group delay response. The synthesis procedure of lumped element APN using approximation methods is well known at audio frequencies. Most of these use operational amplifier and cannot be extended directly to RF. There is no generalised closed form analytical procedure at RF for the synthesis of APN with the required GDD. In this regard, this dissertation presents the design and implementation of all-pass networks as wide-band dispersive delay networks at radio frequencies. In this work, we begin by analysing the signal propagation through a DDN with a linear group delay response over a broad bandwidth. It is found that the signal experiences expansion of pulse width, reduction of its peak amplitude and a temporal displacement of the spectral components. Analytical expressions derived help initial synthesis of group delay response required for various ASP applications. As the first step towards implementation at RF, a single stage APN is designed using surface mount devices (SMD). This design approach takes into account practical issues such as parasitic due to mounting pads, available component values, physical dimensions, self-resonance frequency (SRF) and finite Q factor of the components used. Full wave simulation of the design with transmission line pads and components is carried out. This implementation is useful for frequencies up to the component SRF, generally about 5 GHz. This design approach makes the circuit footprint independent of frequency and the performance is limited only by the Q factor of the adopted technology. The Q factor affects the loss characteristics with a negligible effect on group delay response in the frequency band of interest. In order to extend the APN design for high group delay, a novel board level implementation is developed consisting of both lumped SMD components and distributed elements. The implementation results in a lower sensitivity of group delay performance to the commercially specified component value tolerances than the approach using all SMD components. It has been experimentally verified that the measured group delay is 2.4 ns at 1.85 GHz, which is thrice that reported in other approaches. The implementation has a reduced circuit footprint and is attractive in practical applications as it is a single layer micro strip realisation with less complex fabrication procedure and fewer components to assemble. As an extension of this towards wideband cascaded APN, an iterative design procedure is developed to achieve a monotonous group delay response over a broad bandwidth. The approach facilitates cascading of multiple stages of lumped APN with different resonance frequency and peak group delay to obtain linear and non-linear group delay responses with both positive and negative GDD. Circuits with both positive and negative GDD are required for various ASP applications such as compressive receivers and the present approach is unique in obtaining both the responses, not possible with many other RF dispersion techniques. Circuit models have been simulated by cascading transfer function responses of the individual APNs. The design is further extended for SMD implementation. To validate the above approach, a two stage APN is designed in the frequency range [0.5 - 1] GHz for a linear GDD of ±6 ns/GHz. Two negative GDD APNs are further cascaded to obtain a four stage implementation with an overall GDD of -12 ns/GHz. The experimental results are compared with full wave simulations for validation. The design using lumped SMD components has greatly improved the performance in terms of GDD with a reduced circuit footprint and lower insertion loss than previously reported approaches. As practical examples, the ASP modules are experimentally demonstrated using the fabricated APN. Frequency discrimination of two input frequencies with a frequency resolution of 500 MHz is demonstrated. Higher GDD results in higher separation of frequency components in time domain. Pulse compression and magnification is also demonstrated for different wideband LFM input signals. The dispersion effects of amplitude reduction, pulse width expansion and frequency chirping are thereby validated experimentally. In summary, the approaches presented in this dissertation enable the design of wideband all-pass networks to introduce dispersion delays over wide bandwidths, opening up the possibility for their use in analogue signal processing at radio frequencies. Some of these applications have been experimentally demonstrated and validated using time frequency analysis.

Comment établir un rapprochement entre l’enseignement de l’anglais de spécialité et les notions du droit / Reconciling Teaching English for Special Purposes and Legal Concepts

Liebenberg, Elizabeth Helena 29 March 2010 (has links)
L’engagement du Conseil de l’Europe en faveur d’une éducation plurilingue intégrant altérité et diversité culturelle est fortement lié au souci de promouvoir la communication entre citoyens de langue et culture différentes, indispensable à la mobilité et à la compréhension réciproque. Dans ce nouveau référentiel s’inscrit la tendance à enseigner les disciplines non linguistiques, directement dans la L2. Cette méthode d’enseignement d’une matière par intégration d’une langue étrangère, appelée EMILE a vocation d’accélérer le processus d’apprentissage. Or, il s’est avéré, lors d’une recherche-action portant sur l’anglais juridique, qu’une méthode d’immersion complète telle qu’EMILE pouvait présenter certaines failles pour apprendre cette langue de spécialité très pointue. Pour combler ces failles, nous proposons la méthode LADMI (Linguistique appliquée à une autre discipline par méthode intégrative), qui est une modification du concept d’EMILE extrapolant à partir d’une certaine structure logique, suite à des observations particulières, afin de préserver à la fois la langue et le contenu de la DNL, le droit. / The European Council’s policy of promoting linguistic and cultural diversity in the field of acquisition-teaching of foreign languages, has led to a profoundly modified situation in language learning. With the aim of encouraging mobility among students and teachers in the European education system, pluralinguistic methods, such as TIE-CLIL (Translanguage in Europe – Content and Language Integrated Learning) are used in an attempt to accelerate immersion programmes. However, in an action research undertaken in Legal English at the University of Nice, the conclusion was drawn that language immersion is not always feasible in Law. Therefore an integrated approach, Adjunct CLIL, based on logical observations, a modification of the concept CLIL : ALDIM (Applied Linguistics to another Discipline by Integrated Method), is suggested, to preserve both the quality of the language as well as content of the non-linguistic discipline, Law.

Ionogenní fluorescenční sondy ve výzkumu koloidních systémů / Ionogenic fluorescence probes in research of colloidal system

Střondalová, Hana January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis studied the interaction of ionic and amphiphilic fluorescent probes with polyelectrolytes. The research of such colloidal system could be helpful in deeper understanding of interactions between polyelectrolytes and surfactants. The aim of this thesis was to determine whether ionic or amphiphilic probes are suitable for this research. Two polyelectrolytes, sodium polystyrene sulfonate and hyaluronan were used in this study. Interactions of polyelectrolytes with fluorescent probes (4-Di-2-Asp, methylene blue, dodecyl acridine orange, DiO and DiA) were studied in this work. Then cationic surfactant cetyltrimethylamonium bromide was added to this system. Samples were studied using fluorescence and UV/VIS spectroscopy. Emission and absorption spectra of these probes were recorded. This experiment was based on hypothesis that due to positive charge these probes will bind to the negatively charged polyelectrolyte. Formation of dimers or other aggegates was presumed for fluorescent probes dodecyl acridine orange and methylene blue. When 4-Di-2-Asp was used,changes in fluorescence intensity and absorption spectra in connection with possible formation of aggregates was supposed to be observed. It should be noted that formation of dimers for 4-Di-2-Asp is not described in literature. The formation of dimers wasn't clearly demonstrated during the measurement. Formation of dimers was observed only with dodecyl acridine orange. Probes DiO and DiA were used only in the study of the interaction with polyelectrolytes. These fluorescent probes showed up as inappropriate, because they adsorbed on tube walls. When cationic surfactant was added to hyaluronan-fluorescent probe system, surfactant pushed away fluorescent probe and bonded electrostatically to negatively charged groups of polyelectrolyte.

Prototyp informačního systému pro exekutorské úřady / A Prototype of Information System for Executor Offices

Bezděk, Dušan January 2016 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with analysis , design and implementation of information system for bailiff office . The system provides functionality for managing bailiff's files , their subjects , appropriate documents , financial requirements and cooperation with third parties . Moreover , the system enables communication with data boxes for receiving and sending messages and performing vetting in registers of economic subjects . The application implements also multitenant architecture , which means the system can serve multiple offices . The information system is realised as a web application in ASP. NET MVC technology and written in C\# language . The client side of the application is composed of AngularJS and Bootstrap frameworks .

Modulární informační systém pro publikování / Modular Information System for Publishing

Levinský, Stanislav January 2007 (has links)
This master thesis dives a brief introduction to the languages for creating web information systems and languages for creating web pages. It describes existing modular systems for publication (also known as content management systems, CSM), their advantages  and disavantages. Requirements for the Content Management System are specified and the  general scheme (ERD) for such a system is proposed. Presented system is realised in PHP and database system MySQL. Implemented user-friendly aplication running on the server communicates developed system that provides content management functions.

Konverze ASP do ASP.NET / Translation of ASP into ASP.NET

Vilímek, Jan January 2007 (has links)
The goal of this dissertation is to implement an application for ASP to ASPX conversion. The ASP pages should be written in the VBScript language, the target language for ASPX will be C#. The application is developed on the .NET platform. The conversion process should be automatic. There should be no need to alter the converted files by a programmer. The first part of this dissertation introduces the whole problematic. It shows also current solutions. The next part is the analysis and the design of the application itself. The main part of this dissertation is the VBScript grammar conversion, problems while conversion and its solving.

Developing Approaches to Treat Canavan Disease

Wang, Qinzhe 18 October 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Experimental investigation of the effect of increasing the temperature on ASP flooding

Walker, Dustin Luke 20 February 2012 (has links)
Chemical EOR processes such as polymer flooding and surfactant polymer flooding must be designed and implemented in an economically attractive manner to be perceived as viable oil recovery options. The primary expenses associated with these processes are chemical costs which are predominantly controlled by the crude oil properties of a reservoir. Crude oil viscosity dictates polymer concentration requirements for mobility control and can also negatively affect the rheological properties of a microemulsion when surfactant polymer flooding. High microemulsion viscosity can be reduced with the introduction of an alcohol co-solvent into the surfactant formulation, but this increases the cost of the formulation. Experimental research done as part of this study combined the process of hot water injection with ASP flooding as a solution to reduce both crude oil viscosity and microemulsion viscosity. The results of this investigation revealed that when action was taken to reduce microemulsion viscosity, residual oil recoveries were greater than 90%. Hot water flooding lowered required polymer concentrations by reducing oil viscosity and lowered microemulsion viscosity without co-solvent. Laboratory testing of viscous microemulsions in core floods proved to compromise surfactant performance and oil recovery by causing high surfactant retention, high pressure gradients that would be unsustainable in the field, high required polymer concentrations to maintain favorable mobility during chemical flooding, reduced sweep efficiency and stagnation of microemulsions due to high viscosity from flowing at low shear rates. Rough scale-up chemical cost estimations were performed using core flood performance data. Without reducing microemulsion viscosity, field chemical costs were as high as 26.15 dollars per incremental barrel of oil. The introduction of co-solvent reduced chemical costs to as low as 22.01 dollars per incremental barrel of oil. This reduction in cost is the combined result of increasing residual oil recovery and the added cost of an alcohol co-solvent. Heating the reservoir by hot water flooding resulted in combined chemical and heating costs of 13.94 dollars per incremental barrel of oil. The significant drop in cost when using hot water is due to increased residual oil recovery, reduction in polymer concentrations from reduced oil viscosity and reduction of microemulsion viscosity at a fraction of the cost of co-solvent. / text

Short-term effects of controlled conservation burning

Rindzevičius, Vytautas January 2014 (has links)
In this study, the immediate and short term (three months) effects of conservation burning have been investigated in coniferous forests in southeastern Sweden. Five tree species were investigated Picea abies (Norway spruce), Pinus sylvestris (Scots pine), Populus tremula (aspen), Betula pendula (silver birch) and Betula pubescens (downy birch), as well as ground vegetation of mosses, dwarf shrubs and ground lichens. Burning increased the proportion of live deciduous tree shoots from 51 % to 81 % and the live tree shoot size distribution of four tree species was significantly changed by fire. Fire affected the tree species differently. Three months after burning deciduous tree species exhibited strong sprouting, while P. sylvestris had established many seedlings, significantly increasing its share of the tree stand. P. abies lacked any visible positive response to burning and its number of live shoots decreased by 83 %. Mineral soil was exposed on only the moss vegetation and covered just 4 % of the studied plot area. The initial vegetation response to fire was negative, but significant dwarf shrub recovery was detected three months after burning.

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