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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Multiuživatelský systém pro podporu znovuvyužití materiálů / Multiuser System for Material Reusing

Kolarik, Petr January 2007 (has links)
This text is documentation for multi-access system, which supports recoverable materials. It deals with structure possibilities according to functional system specification and its implementation through the PHP together with using MySQL database system. It analyses a progress of system creation from ER diagram through use-case diagram to programming itself. This work shows how to design web advertisement system which enables an user to define personal multi-level views on data. This project might have been as basis for commerce project, which can check up usability designed structure of individual parts.

Untersuchungen zur Eignung einer neuen GnRH-Variante zur Brunstinduktion bei pluriparen Sauen

Engl, Silke 12 September 2006 (has links)
Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, die brunststimulierende Wirkung des synthetisch hergestellten Gonadorelin[5-His, 6-Asp, 7-Trp, 8-Lys] (International Nonproprietary Name: Peforelin), das in dem Präparat Maprelin® XP10 enthalten ist, bei abgesetzten pluriparen Sauen zu prüfen. Im ersten Versuchsabschnitt wurde die zweckmäßige Dosierung ermittelt. Im zweiten Versuchsabschnitt wurde die Wirkung von Maprelin® XP10 mit der einer eCG- und einer Placebobehandlung verglichen. Die Bedingungen waren für die Versuchstiere in beiden Versuchsabschnitten homogen (etwa vierter Wurf, Säugezeit vier Wochen, Brunstkontrolle zweimal täglich in Anwesenheit eines geschlechtsaktiven Ebers, zweimal täglich sonographische Ovaruntersuchung, duldungsorientierte Besamung einmal täglich). In der Dosisfindungsstudie, in die 88 Tiere einbezogen wurden, erwies sich die Dosierung von 150 µg Peforelin, 24 Stunden nach dem Absetzen appliziert, als zweckmäßig zur Brunststimulation. Andere getestete Varianten (100 µg 24 Stunden, 150 µg 0 Stunden, 150 µg 48 Stunden, 187,5 µg 24 Stunden, 255 µg 24 Stunden nach dem Absetzen) waren hierzu weniger geeignet. In der Untersuchung zur klinischen Wirksamkeit wurden die 313 einbezogenen Tiere in drei Gruppen aufgeteilt und erhielten 24 Stunden nach dem Absetzen pro Tier 150 µg Peforelin (Gruppe I), 800 IE eCG (Gruppe II) oder 2 ml physiologische NaCl-Lösung als Placebo (Gruppe III). Zur Befunderhebung an den Ovarien wurden die Tiere zweimal täglich sonographisch untersucht. Die Östrusrate nach der Peforelin-Behandlung war derjenigen nach eCG-Injektion gleichwertig (95,1 bzw. 96,3 %), beide waren der Placebobehandlung signifikant überlegen (80,6 %). In die weiteren Auswertungen wurden nur Tiere mit Brunstbeginn bis zum siebten Tag nach dem Absetzen einbezogen. Das Absetz-Östrus-Intervall betrug 100,5, 94,2 bzw. 104,1 Stunden in den Gruppen I, II bzw. III. In der Brunstdauer und dem Intervall vom Östrusbeginn bis zur Ovulation unterschieden sich die drei Gruppen nicht. Die durchschnittliche Follikelgröße war in allen drei Gruppen zum Zeitpunkt des Absetzens 4 mm und zum Zeitpunkt der ersten Duldung 6 mm. Die Ovulationen fanden sowohl nach eCG als auch nach Maprelin® XP10 zwischen dem Mittag des sechsten (13.00 h) und der Nacht des siebten Tages (1.00 h) nach dem Absetzen statt. Bei der sonographischen Trächtigkeitsuntersuchung in der vierten Woche post inseminationem waren 100,0, 99,0 bzw. 97,6 % in den Gruppen I, II bzw. III positiv. Die Trächtigkeitsrate betrug 96,9, 97,1 bzw. 91,6 % in den Gruppen I, II bzw. III. Die Abferkelrate ergab 92,2, 93,4 und 73,8 % in den Gruppen I, II und III. Das Abferkelergebnis war in allen drei Gruppen gleich (11,7, 12,0 bzw. 11,6 insgesamt geborene Ferkel in den Gruppen I, II bzw. III). Es wurde eine negative Korrelation zwischen der Dauer des Absetz-Östrus-Intervalls und der Brunstdauer bzw. dem Intervall vom Östrusbeginn bis zur Ovulation nachgewiesen. Darüber hinaus korrelierten die Brunstdauer und das Intervall Östrusbeginn bis Ovulation positiv miteinander. In allen drei Gruppen stand die Follikelgröße bei der ersten Duldung in positiver Korrelation mit der Länge des Absetz-Östrus-Intervalls. Nach längerer Säugezeit kamen die Sauen tendenziell und in der Gruppe I signifikant früher in die Brunst als nach kürzerer Laktation. Weitere überprüfte potentielle Einflussfaktoren hatten weder auf den Brunsteintritt noch auf die erzielten Wurfgrößen oder andere Parameter Auswirkungen. Mit der vorliegenden Untersuchung wurde erstmals die Wirksamkeit des synthetisch hergestellten Peforelin zur Brunststimulation bei abgesetzten pluriparen Sauen nachgewiesen. Inwieweit das Präparat für diese Indikation auch bei primiparen Sauen oder Jungsauen wirksam eingesetzt werden kann, bleibt weiteren klinischen Prüfungen vorbehalten.

Deciding on Using Application Service Provision in SMEs

Johansson, Björn January 2004 (has links)
The use of external providers for the provision of information and communication technology (ICT) in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is expected to increase. At the end of the 1990s the concept of Application Service Provision (ASP) and Application Service Providers (ASPs) was introduced. This is described as one way for SMEs to provide themselves with software applications. However, it can be stated that the concept has not taken off. This study examines what reasons influence the decision-making when deciding to use or not use ASP. The research question is: How do SMEs decide on using an Application Service Provider for the provision and maintenance of ICT? In order to answer the question decision-making processes in SMEs have been investigated in an interpretive case study. This study consisted of mainly semi-structured interviews that were done with three different ASPs and customers related to them. It also consisted of a questionnaire to the customers of one of the service providers. The analysis was then made as a withincase analysis, consisting of detailed write-ups for each site. The interviews and a literature survey of the ASP concept and theories that have been used to explain the ASP decision-making process generated seven constructs. From the presented and discussed theories, models and proposed constructs seven propositions were formulated. These propositions were used for the analysis and presentation of the findings in the study. The main conclusion of the study is the disparate view of what affects the adoption or non-adoption of the ASP concept. The service providers express the decision as a wish from the prospective customer to decrease costs and increase the predictability of costs. The customers on the other hand express it as a wish to increase accessibility; the cost perspective is found to be secondary.

Pratique différentielle selon le sexe? : une analyse du processus d'évaluation de l'aptitude à subir son procès

Crocker, Anne 08 1900 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal. / L'évaluation de l'aptitude à subir son procès (ASP) constitue un volet important de l'interface entre le système de santé mentale et le système judiciaire. Toutefois, l'on connaît encore peu de choses concernant les différences inter-sexe des personnes évaluées pour ASP et des biais liés au genre lors de telles évaluations. Au Québec, très peu de données sont actuellement disponibles, mais ici, comme en bien d'autres lieux, les cliniciens responsables des évaluations psycho-légales utilisent encore leurs propres méthodes d'évaluation, ce qui tend à limiter la comparabilité des études et à augmenter la possibilité de biais dans le processus de prise de décision. Pourtant, au cours des dernières années, un nombre important d'instruments d'ASP ont été développés et plusieurs études se sont penchées sur la validation et l'utilisation de tels outils qui pourraient favoriser une évaluation plus systématique de l'ASP. La présente thèse s'articule donc autour de deux axes principaux. Le premier se penche sur le rôle du genre de l'accusé dans le processus d'évaluation de l'ASP. À l'heure actuelle, une des grandes lacunes du domaine des évaluations psycho-légales réside dans l'exclusion quasi systématique des femmes comme groupe d'intérêt dans les recherches. La plupart des études portant sur ces évaluations s'attardent à des populations masculines ou, lorsqu'elles comportent des populations féminines, les échantillons sont tellement petits que toute spécificité possible selon le genre se trouve noyée dans la masse de participants masculins. Le premier article, centré autour de ce premier axe, comporte trois objectifs principaux : 1) comparer les caractéristiques des ordonnances et des évaluations d'ASP d'hommes et de femmes; 2) identifier les facteurs associés aux recommandations d'ASP que font les professionnels en santé mentale; 3) explorer les différences inter-sexe quant aux facteurs associés à la recommandation d'aptitude ou d'inaptitude. Toutes les évaluations d'ASP effectuées dans un hôpital de psychiatrie légale et deux centres de détention de la région de Montréal sur une période de cinq ans ont été identifiées. Parmi celles-ci, toutes les évaluations concernant des femmes (N = 107), et celles d'un échantillon aléatoire concernant des hommes (n = 284) ont été retenues. Les dossiers légaux et médicaux associés aux évaluations d'ASP ont été utilisés comme source d'informations socio-démographiques, psychopathologiques et criminelles. Les résultats indiquent que les profils psycho-criminels des hommes et des femmes faisant l'objet d'une évaluation de l'ASP sont semblables. Toutefois, les évaluations au sujet des femmes sont deux fois plus susceptibles de se solder en une recommandation d'inaptitude que celles des hommes et ce, indépendamment de l'âge, des antécédents psychiatriques et criminels, de la sévérité du délit ayant mené à l'ordonnance d'ASP et de la présence d'au moins un symptôme de psychose des individus évalués. Des analyses statistiques effectuées parmi les évaluations d'hommes et de femmes séparément révèlent que pour ces dernières, seule la présence d'un symptôme de psychose durant la période d'évaluation prédisait la recommandation d'inaptitude et qu'un seul symptôme psychotique, le comportement désorganisé, se retrouvait significativement plus fréquemment dans les rapports des experts lors de recommandations d'inaptitude que d'aptitude. Par contre, pour les hommes faisant l'objet d'une évaluation, la présence d'au moins un symptôme de psychose en plus d'un délit de nature violente étaient de bons prédicteurs de l'inaptitude. De plus, chez ces derniers, les symptômes d'hallucination, de délire, de comportement et de discours désorganisés ainsi que de méfiance étaient tous plus souvent cités dans les rapports d'expertise d'inaptitude que d'aptitude. Ces résultats tendent à soutenir l'hypothèse d'une pratique différentielle selon le sexe dans les évaluations de l'ASP et sont discutés à la lumière des études précédemment menées dans ce domaine. Dans le but de trouver des outils pratiques pour diminuer les biais lors d'évaluations d'ASP et augmenter la comparabilité inter-juridiction, le deuxième volet de la recherche aborde l'étude des méthodes d'évaluation de l'ASP disponibles. Il vise donc à recenser la documentation scientifique des trente dernières années concernant les instruments d'évaluation de l'ASP. Les résultats de cette recension indiquent que plusieurs tentatives de systématisation de l'évaluation de l'ASP ont été effectuées, surtout aux États-Unis. Ces instruments comportent toutefois certaines limites. D'une part, il existe une grande variabilité dans les qualités psychométriques de ces derniers; à l'exception d'un seul (le Fitness Interview Test), leur pertinence quant au système judiciaire canadien demeure incertaine. D'autre part, aucun instrument n'a été adapté pour desservir une population francophone. En outre, bien que la plupart des études portant sur les facteurs associés aux décisions d'aptitude ou d'inaptitude rapportent l'importance du diagnostic psychopathologique, aucun des instruments de type psycho-légal ne fournit une démarche diagnostique systématisée. Finalement, très peu d'instruments ont été validés auprès de populations féminines. Toutefois des études récentes montrent qu'il est utile et nécessaire d'intégrer l'utilisation d'instruments d'ASP dans la pratique des évaluations psycho-légales tant au niveau du processus clinique, judiciaire qu'à celui de la recherche. Les résultats et interprétations sont discutés à la lumière de l'ensemble de la documentation scientifique se rapportant à l'ASP et dans une perspective de recherches futures.

Utveckling av kompatibilitetsdatabas / Developing of a Compatibility Database

Lenells, Erik, Hjärtmyr, Christian January 2011 (has links)
This report explains the need to develop a configuration manager that handles transmission equipment which exists in the Swedish Defence telecommunications network. The configuration module will display the configurations and compatibility among the equipment and their software which are all part of the network. Also included in this report are tools, methods and results for the development of a prototype for the configuration manager. The prototype consists fundamentally of a database assisted by a user friendly website. The transmission equipment handles a lot of important transmission of information and is in the hands of a department of SAAB, OFGCA, by orders from the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV). Within the work included in this order exists a continuous update of both software and hardware which the equipment consists of. Therefore it’s highly important that there is a monitoring of which of the software and hardware is compatible with one another, ensuring that the functions of the system work properly. The consistent updating has resulted in compatibility issues between components and because of this, a need for a configuration manager has arisen. / Den här rapporten uttrycker behovet av att ta fram en konfigurationsmodul för transmissionsutrustningar som ingår i Försvarets telenät (FTN). Konfigurationsmodulen ska mätta ett behov av att kunna se konfigurationerna och kompatibilitet för de utrustningar samt dess programvaror som ingår i telenätet. Rapporten inkluderar även verktyg, metoder och resultat för framtagningen av en prototyp till konfigurationsmodulen. Prototypen består i grunden av en databas med en tillhörande, interaktionsvänlig, hemsida. Transmissionsutrustningarna hanterar en mängd viktig informationsöverföring och en avdelning på Saab, OFGCA, ansvarar för dessa på uppdrag av Försvarets materialverk (FMV). I arbetet som uppdraget innebär pågår en ständig uppdatering av både mjuk- och hårdvara som utrustningarna består av. Det innebär att det är mycket viktigt att det utförs övervakning av vilka mjuk- och hårdvaruversioner som är kompatibla. Detta för att säkerställa att systemets funktioner fungerar korrekt. Den ständiga uppdateringen har medfört kompatibilitetsproblem mellan komponenter och därför har det växt fram ett behov av att ta fram en konfigurationsmodul.

Advanced Raman, SERS, and ROA studies of biomedical and pharmaceutical compounds in solution

Levene, Clare January 2012 (has links)
The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the combination of experimental and computational methods in the search for reproducible colloidal surface-enhanced Raman scattering of pharmaceutical compounds. In the search for optimal experimental conditions for colloidal surface-enhance Raman scattering, the amphipathic β-blocker propranolol was used as the target molecule. Fractional factorial designs of experiments were performed and a multiobjective evolutionary algorithm was used to find acceptable solutions, from the results, that were Pareto ranked. The multiobjective evolutionary algorithm suggested solutions outside of the fractional factorial design and the experiments were then performed in the laboratory. The results observed from the suggested solutions agreed with the solutions that were found on the Pareto front. One of the experimental conditions observed on the Pareto front was then used to determine the practical limit of detection of propranolol. The experimental conditions that were chosen for the limit of detection took into account reproducibility and enhancement, the two most important parameters for analytical detection using surface-enhanced Raman scattering. The principal conclusion to this study was that the combination of computational and experimental methods can reduce the need for experiments by > 96% and then selecting solutions from the Pareto front improved limit of detection by a factor of 24.5 when it was compared to the previously reported limit of detection for propranolol. Using the same experimental conditions that were used for the limit of detection, these experiments were extended to plasma spiked with propranolol in order to test detection of this pharmaceutical in biofluids. Concentrations of propranolol were prepared using plasma as the solvent and measured for detection using colloidal surface-enhanced Raman scattering. Detection was determined as <130 ng/mL, within physiological concentrations, previously achieved using separation techniques. The second part of this thesis also involved a combination of experimental and computational methods. Raman optical activity was utilized to investigate secondary structure of amino acids and diamino acid peptides in combination with density functional theory calculations. Amino acids are important biological molecules that have vital functions in the biological system. They have been recognized as neurotransmitters and implicated in neurodegenerative diseases. Raman and Raman optical activity experimental results were compared to determine site-specific acetylation, marker bands for constitutional isomers and identification of functional groups that interact with the solvent. The experimental spectra were then compared to those from the density functional theory calculations. The results indicated that; constitutional isomers cannot be distinguished from the Raman spectra but can be distinguished from the Raman optical activity spectra, site-specific acetylation can be identified from the Raman spectra, however, Raman optical activity provides more structural information in relation to acetylation. When the results were compared to the density functional theory calculations for the diamino acid peptides the results agreed reasonably well, however, agreement was not as good for the monoamino acids because diamino acid peptides support fewer conformations due to the peptide bond whereas monoamino acids can adopt a far greater number of conformations. Combined computational and experimental techniques have developed the ability to detect and characterize biomedical compounds, a significant move in the advancement of Raman spectroscopies.

Karttillämpningar för rikstäckande accessnät / Map applications för nationwide access net

Camling, Johan, Lönnegren, Fredrik January 2013 (has links)
Denna rapport aterger arbetsprocessen kring att utvärdera geograskatjänster, och att utveckla karttillämpningar för nätverk av rikstäckande omfattning. Arbetet utfördes pa plats hos DGC, en datakommunikations-, tele- och nätoperatör som distribuerar kundförbindelser i hela Sverige där konsumenter ansluts till stamnätet. Uppgiften bestod av att utvärdera möjligheter till att slå upp koordinater för etablerade kundplatser, rita ut accessnätet i ett kartgränssnitt och ta fram ett eller flera stödverktyg för bland annat orderprocesser. Användningsfall utifrån önskemål, arkitekturmönster samt analys av yttre leverantörers tjänster för geocoding avgjorde hur det slutgiltiga systemet var utformat. Mjukvaran som utvecklades integrerades både i bentliga system och som ensamstående tillämpningar. En publicering/release genomfördes som avslutande moment i arbetet. I rapporten beskrivs hur kartläggning gjordes med hjälp av KML, hur geografisk data hanterades, utformningen av övervakningsverktyget som framtogs samt hur koordinater för adresser hämtades. / This thesis describes the process of analyzing and evaluating geographic services, and the development of map applications for nationwide networks. The project was performed at DGC, a datacommunications-, telephony- and networks operator which distributes customer access across Sweden where consumers are connected to the backbone network. In whole, the task consisted of an analysis regarding the possibilities of address-to-coordinate lookup for established customer sites, displaying the access network in a map interface and developing one or more tools, aimed at supporting order processes. Architecture patterns, use-cases construed from user requests and analysis of external provider services for geocoding determined the design of the solution. Software was partially integrated in existing systems, and partially distributed as stand-alone applications. The product was finalized with a release. Read further to get a description of the monitoring tool, network mapping with KML, dealing with geographic data, and also the process of fetching coordinates for addresses.

Importance of tannins for responses of aspen to anthropogenic nitrogen enrichment

Bandau, Franziska January 2016 (has links)
Boreal forests are often strongly nitrogen (N) limited. However, human activities are leading to increased N inputs into these ecosystems, through atmospheric N deposition and forest fertilization. N input into boreal forests can promote net primary productivity, increase herbivore and pathogen damage, and shift plant species composition and community structure. Genetic diversity has been suggested as a key mechanism to promote a plant species’ stability within communities in response to environmental change. Within any plant population, specific traits (e.g. growth and defense traits) can vary substantially among individuals, and a greater variation in traits may increase chances for the persistence of at least some individuals of a population, when environmental conditions change. One aspect of plant chemistry that can greatly vary among different genotypes (GTs) are condensed tannin (CTs). These secondary metabolites have been suggested to affect plant performance in many ways, e.g. through influencing plant growth, the interactions of plants with herbivores and pathogens, and through affecting litter decomposition, and hence the return of nutrients to plants. To investigate how genotypic variation in foliar CT production may mediate the effects that anthropogenic N enrichment can have on plant performance and litter decomposition, I performed a series of experiments. For these experiments, aspen (Populus tremula) GTs with contrasting abilities to produce foliar CTs (i.e. low- vs. high-tannin producers) were grown under 3 N conditions, representing ambient N (+0 kg ha-1), upper level atmospheric N deposition (+15 kg ha-1), and forest fertilization rates (+150 kg ha-1). This general experimental set-up was once established in a field-like environment, from which natural enemies were excluded, and once in a field, in which enemies were present. In my first two studies, I investigated tissue chemistry and plant performance in both environments. I observed that foliar CT levels decreased in response to N in the enemy‑free environment (study I), but increased with added N when enemies were present (study II). These opposing responses to N may be explained by differences in soil N availability in the two environments, or by induction of CTs after enemy attack. Enemy damage generally increased in response to N, and was higher in low-tannin than in high-tannin plants across all N levels. Plant growth of high‑tannin plants was restricted under ambient and low N conditions, probably due to a trade-off between growth and defense. This growth constraint for high‑tannin plants was weakened, when high amounts of N were added (study I and II), and when enemy levels were sufficiently high, so that benefits gained through defense could outweigh the costs of defense production (study II). Despite those general responses of low- and high‑tannin producers to added N, I also observed a number of individual responses of GTs to N addition, which in some case were not connected to the intrinsic ability of the GTs to produce foliar CTs. In study III, gene expression levels in young leaves and phenolic pools of the plants that were grown in the enemy‑free environment were studied. This study revealed that gene control over the regulation of the phenylpropanoid pathway (PPP) was distributed across the entire pathway. Moreover, PPP gene expression was higher in high-tannin GTs than in low‑tannin GTs, particularly under ambient N. At the low N level, gene expressions declined for both low- and high-tannin producers, whereas at the high N level expression at the beginning and the end of the PPP was upregulated and difference between tannin groups disappeared. Furthermore, this study showed that phenolic pools were frequently uncorrelated, and that phenolic pools were only to some extent related to tannin production and gene expression. In study IV, I investigated the decomposability of litter from the field plants. I found that N enrichment generally decreased mass loss, but there was substantial genetic variation in decomposition rates, and GTs were differentially responsive to added N. Study IV further showed that CTs only had a weak effect on decomposition, and other traits, such as specific leaf area and the lignin:N ratio, could better explain genotypic difference in mass loss. Furthermore, N addition caused a shift in which traits most strongly influenced decomposition rates. Collectively, the result of these studies highlight the importance of genetic diversity to promote the stability of species in environments that experience anthropogenic change. / Boreala skogar är ofta mycket kväve (N) begränsade. Men mänskliga aktiviteter leder till ökad N tillförsel i dessa ekosystem, både genom depostition av N från atmosfären och skogsgödsling. N-tillförsel i boreala skogar kan främja netto primärproduktionen men även leda till ökade skador från naturliga fiender (herbivorer och patogener) samt skiftningar i växtartsammansättning. Genetisk mångfald har föreslagits som en viktig mekanism för att främja en växtarts stabilitet inom samhällen som upplever miljöförändringar. Inom varje växtpopulation kan specifika egenskaper (t.ex. tillväxt och försvar) varierar kraftigt mellan individer och en större variation i egenskaper kan öka chanserna för att åtminstone några individer från en population överlever ifall miljöförhållandena förändras. En aspekt av växtkemi som i hög grad kan variera mellan olika genotyper (GT) är bladens kondenserade tanniner (KT). Dessa sekundära metaboliter har föreslagits påverka växtens prestationsförmåga på många sätt, t.ex. genom att påverka tillväxt, interaktioner mellan växter och herbivorer eller patogener och genom att påverka förna nedbrytning, och följaktligen återbördandet av näringsämnen till kretsloppet. För att undersöka hur genotypiska variation i KT produktion kan påverka de effekter som antopogent N kan ha på växtens prestationsförmåga och förna nedbrytning, utförde jag en serie experiment. Jag studerade olika asp (Populus tremula) GT med olika förmåga att producera KT (låg- och hög-tannin producenter). Växterna odlades i tre olika N förhållanden, som representerade ambient N nivå (+0 kg ha-1), atmosfärisk N deposition = låg nivå (+15 kg ha-1), och skogsgödsling = hög nivå (150 kg ha‑1). Dessa GT etablerades i en fält-liknande miljö där naturliga fiender uteslutits och i ett fält där naturliga fiender var närvarande. I mina första två studierna undersökte jag vävnadskemi och växternas prestationsförmåga i de båda miljöerna. Jag observerade att KT nivåerna sjönk till följd av N‑tillsats i den fiende-fria miljön (studie I), men ökade med N-tillsats ifall fiender var närvarande (studie II). Dessa motsatta reaktioner på N-tillsats kan förklaras av skillnader i N-tillgång mellan de två odlingsplatserna eller genom ökad KT produktion som respons på angrepp. Skador orsakade av herbivorer och patogener ökade generellt till följd av N‑tillsats och var högre i låg-tannin än i hög‑tannin producerande GT oavsett N‑förhållande. Tillväxten hos växter från hög‑tannin GT begränsades i ambient- och låg N-tillsats förhållanden, troligen på grund av att avvägning mellan tillväxt och försvar förskjutits emot försvar. Den begränsade tillväxten i hög-tannin växter minskade om stora mängder N tillsattes (studie I och II) och om antalet fiender var tillräckligt högt så att nyttan av försvaret kunde uppväga kostnaderna för försvarsproduktionen (studie II). Trots dessa generella respons hos låg- och hög-tannin GT till följd av N‑tillsats observerade jag även ett antal individuella respons hos GT som i vissa fall var orelaterade till växters förmåga att producera KT. I studie III undersöktes genuttrycksnivåer och fenolinnehåll i blad från växter som odladats i en miljö där naturliga fiender exkluderats. Denna studie visade att fenylpropanoidsyntesvägen (FPV) regleras genom kontroll av många av de undersökta FPV-generna. Dessutom var FPV genuttryck högre i hög-tannin GT än i låg-tannin GT, särskilt vid ambient N. Vid låg N-tillsats minskade genuttrycket av FPV-gener i både låg- och hög-tannin producenter, medan hög N-tillgång ledde till att gener i början och slutet av FPV uppreglerades och till att skillnaderna mellan tannin grupperna försvann. Dessutom visade studien att de separata fenol-poolerna ofta var okorrelerade med varandra och att fenol-poolerna bara till viss del var korrelerade med KT produktion och FPV-genutryck. I studie IV undersökte jag nedbrytningshastigheten för förnan från fältodlade aspar. Jag upptäckte att N-tillsats generellt minskade viktförlusten men att det fanns en betydande genetisk variation mellan GT och att dessa även var olika mottagliga för tillsatt N. Studie IV visade vidare att KT endast hade en svag effekt på nedbrytning och att andra egenskaper såsom specifik bladyta och lignin:N ratio kunde bättre förklara den genotypiska skillnaden i viktförlust. Dessutom orsakade N‑tillsats en förskjutning av vilka egenskaper som mest påverkade förnans nedbrytningshastighet. Sammanfattningsvis visar mina studier på vikten av genetisk mångfald för att främja växtartens stabilitet i miljöer som upplever antropogena förändringar.

Saproxylic beetles in Populus tremula fauna depots - how do you construct the best depot?

Selberg, Simon January 2019 (has links)
The biodiversity of saproxylic organisms and in the case of this study, saproxylic beetles, is dependent on the amount and quality of course woody debris (CWD) in the environment. Over the past decades the quantity of CWD in Swedish forests has increased, yet the quality has decreased, forests are managed and exploited, and old-growth forests are rarer. To counteract this, fauna depots, artificial piles of dead wood, can be placed to increase the amount and quality of habitat for saproxylic organisms. This study measured fauna depots of aspen CWD placed in Uppsala municipality to find which combination of qualities resulted in the highest species richness and abundance (diversity). A total of 242 beetles across 26 species were sampled using a bark sifter and Tullgren extraction funnels. The CWD qualities; number of logs, log diameter, sun exposure and decomposition level were measured. Log diameter was confirmed to be positively correlated with species richness supporting previous research. Decomposition was also positively correlated with species richness, but this not supported by previous research. Some qualities, like sun exposure, were unexpectedly not correlated and number of logs was negatively correlated. Only one red-listed species was found across all samples. Overall results were somewhat inconclusive but provide hints towards better practice in saproxylic beetle conservation, such as placing larger logs in the depots.

アドバンスト・サイエンス・プロジェクト (ASP) の概要 (アドバンスト・サイエンス・プロジェクト)

SAKO, M, 佐光, 美穂 01 February 2012 (has links)
No description available.

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