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Popular Memoirs of Women Held CaptiveHershkowitz, Robin, Hershkowitz 24 July 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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The Incarcerated Self: Narratives of Political Confinement in KenyaWaliaula, Kennedy Athanasias 02 September 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Memorias de un sueño. Autobiografía escénica sobre un pasado reciente de ColombiaCuéllar Torres, Tatiana 21 November 2022 (has links)
[ES] Mediante esta tesis doctoral se ha llevado a cabo la producción de un dispositivo escénico que da a conocer las experiencias vividas de una familia colombiana en el seno del conflicto armado. Su puesta en escena emplea la hibridación de lenguajes y se inserta en el campo expandido de experimentación, buscando el sentir común de una memoria colectiva. De esta manera, se crea una acción poético-política con proyecciones, performance y lectura escénica, a través del encuentro intersubjetivo y el agenciamiento colectivo. Para ello, se abordan tres vertientes dentro de este acontecimiento socio-cultural-poético: la memoria individual y colectiva, la violencia política de la desaparición forzada y las dramaturgias de la imagen, en el espacio escénico contemporáneo.
A partir de esta articulación conceptual, esta tesis inicia con la ideación y búsqueda de una poética propia a través de la imaginación y el recuerdo, además se ha realizado un proceso colaborativo entre las maestras y estudiantes de la asignatura Práctica Escénica Contemporánea de la Universitat Politècnica de València, lo que ha permitido generar nuevas subjetividades entre artefactos, sujetos y narrativas.
Al tratarse de una investigación teórico-práctica el resultado de esta investigación es, además de toda la reflexión teórica plasmada en este documento, el dispositivo artístico Memorias de un sueño: una cadena infinita de afectos para hacernos invisibles a la muerte. Este dispositivo fue estrenado en Valencia, España, el 5 de junio de 2021, en el Teatro Círculo. Dicha obra sirvió como forma de visibilizar la relación entre la memoria autobiográfica de un pasado reciente y la actualidad mediática del estallido social de 2021 en Colombia. / [CA] Mitjançant aquesta tesi doctoral s'ha dut a terme la producció d'un dispositiu escènic que dona a conéixer les experiències viscudes d'una família colombiana en el si del conflicte armat. La seua posada en escena empra la hibridació de llenguatges i s'insereix en el camp l'expandit d'experimentació, buscant el sentir comú d'una memòria col·lectiva. D'aquesta manera, es crea una acció poètic-política amb projeccions, performance i lectura escènica, a través de la trobada intersubjectiva i el agenciamient col·lectiu. Per a això, s'aborden tres vessants dins d'aquest esdeveniment sociocultural- poètic: la memòria individual i col·lectiva, la violència política de la desaparició forçada i les dramatúrgies de la imatge, en l'espai escènic contemporani.
A partir d'aquesta articulació conceptual, aquesta tesi s'inicia amb la ideació i cerca d'una poètica pròpia a través de la imaginació i el record, a més s'ha realitzat un procés col·laboratiu entre les mestres i estudiants de l'assignatura Pràctica Escènica Contemporània de la Universitat Politècnica de València, la qual cosa ha permés generar noves subjectivitats entre artefactes, subjectes i narratives.
En tractar-se d'una investigació teoricopràctica el resultat d'aquesta investigació s'evidencia en tota la reflexió teòrica plasmada en aquest document y en el dispositiu artístic Memòries d'un somni: una cadena infinita d'afectes per a fer-nos invisibles a la mort. Aquest dispositiu va ser estrenat a València (Espanya), el 5 de juny de 2021, en el Teatre Cercle. Aquesta obra va servir com a manera de visibilitzar la relació entre la memòria autobiogràfica d'un passat recent i l'actualitat mediàtica de l'esclat social de 2021 a Colòmbia. / [EN] Through this doctoral thesis, the production of a scenic device has been carried out that makes known the lived experiences of a Colombian family in the midst of the armed conflict. Its staging employs the hybridisation of languages and is inserted in the expanded field of experimentation, seeking the common feeling of a collective memory. In this way, a poetic-political action is created with projections, performance and scenic reading, through intersubjective encounters and collective agency. To this end, three aspects are addressed within this socio-cultural-poetic event: individual and collective memory, the political violence of forced disappearance and the dramaturgies of the image, in the contemporary stage space.
From this conceptual articulation, this thesis begins with the ideation and search for its own poetics through imagination and memory, and a collaborative process has been carried out between the teachers and students of the Contemporary Stage Practice course at the Universitat Politècnica de València, which has allowed the generation of new subjectivities between artefacts, subjects and narratives.
As this is a theoretical-practical investigation, the result of this research is evident in all the theoretical reflection expressed in this document and in the artistic device Memorias de un sueño: una cadena infinita de afectos para hacernos invisibles a la muerte (Memories of a dream: an infinite chain of affections to make us invisible to death). This device was premiered in Valencia (Spain), on 5 June 2021, at the Teatro Circulo. This work served as a way of making visible the relationship between the autobiographical memory of a recent past and the current media coverage of the social explosion of 2021 in Colombia. / Cuéllar Torres, T. (2022). Memorias de un sueño. Autobiografía escénica sobre un pasado reciente de Colombia [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/190085
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Theater der Schrift / Heiner Müllers autobiografische Dekonstruktion ; eine LektüreRöder, Levin D. 09 September 2008 (has links)
Eine Reihe literaturwissenschaftlicher Arbeiten seit Anfang der Neunzigerjahre bezeugt das lebhafte Interesse an der subjektiven Verfasstheit von Müllers Schreiben. Keine jedoch widmet sich erschöpfend Müllers als Autobiografie ausgewiesenem Text KRIEG OHNE SCHLACHT – LEBEN IN ZWEI DIKTATUREN. Zu Ehren kam der Text bislang nur als Zitatsteinbruch, Interpretationshilfe und umfangreiche poetologische Materialsammlung. Zumeist wird das Werk als gültiger Beleg der Intention müllerschen Schreibens herangezogen und erlangt damit einen unzulässigen Grad an Deutungshoheit. Dabei wird die poetische Dimension des Textes oft nur unzureichend reflektiert oder gänzlich missachtet. Die vorliegende textkritische Untersuchung soll dazu beitragen, die Forschungslücke in der einschlägigen Sekundärliteratur zu schließen und dazu anregen, das Potenzial Müllers enormen und vielgestaltigen Werkes jenseits seiner als Theaterarbeiten ausgewiesenen Texte wahrzunehmen und in Bewegung zu setzen. Nach einführenden Darstellungen zu Rezeptionssituation und Forschungsstand, der Diskussion spezifischer poetologischer Fragestellungen im Allgemeinen wie solcher der Autobiografieforschung im Besonderen, der Untersuchung der Genese und formaler Besonderheiten des Textes, analysiert die vorliegende Arbeit vor allem die strukturellen Wirkungsmechanismen, die Müllers disparate Selbstexplikation zum Auto-Drama werden lassen. Die Rückführung der Bedeutungsgeneration auf die strukturästhetischen Wirkungsmechanismen scheint insofern geeignet, als sie durch Textnähe und punktuelle Analyse der Textgenese Müllers Strategie der Selbst-Dekonstruktion sehr nahe kommt. Zumal Müller seine »Lebenserzählung« nach ähnlichen Strukturprinzipien aufbaut, wie seine anderen »poetischen« Texte auch. Aus der Beschreibung der disparaten Äußerungsformen des autobiografischen Ichs ergeben sich die textimmanenten Strategien der überaus komplexen Selbstinszenierung Müllers, sein »Theater der Schrift«. / Since the early 1990s a number of literary papers testify the vivid interest in the subjective composition of Müller’s writing. But none of these detailed devotes to Müller’s as autobiography assigned text WAR WITHOUT BATTLE – LIFE IN TWO DICTATORSHIPS. Until now the text has been only used as quarry of quotations, aid of interpretation and extensive poetological collection of material. Mainly the work is used as evidence of the intention of Müller’s writing and therefore receives an inadmissible degree of sovereignty of interpretation. The poetical dimension of the text is often inadequately reflected or even totally neglected and ignored. This text-critical examination will contribute to close this gap of research within the relevant secondary literature and encourage the recognition and discussion of the potential of Müller’s enormous and multifarious work beyond his as theatre work assigned texts. After the introduction of the situation of reception and the status of current research, the discussion of specific poetological questions in general such as autobiographical research, examination of genesis and formal specific features of texts, this paper will analyse the structural mechanisms of effect, which turn Müller’s disparate self-explication into an auto-drama. It seems suitable to return the meaning of generation on the structure-esthetical mechanisms of effect, as the proximity of text and selective analysis of the genesis of text is very close to Müller’s strategy of self-deconstruction. Particularly as Müller constructs his »Lebenserzählung« to similar structural principals as well as others of his »poetical« texts. The description of the disparate form of expression of the autobiographic I result in the text-immanent strategies of the enormous complex self-dramatisation of Müller; his »Theater der Schrift«.
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Die vrou as outobiograaf: die Suid-Afrikaanse konteksNortje, Sandra 30 June 2007 (has links)
This dissertation is a report on a study about autobiography as genre, focusing on the voice
of the white, Afrikaans-speaking woman. The point of departure for this study was a survey
of the number of autobiographies written in Afrikaans by these women. With the focus on
the limited number of such autobiographies three autobiographies were studied, namely,
Met die Boere in die veld (Sarah Raal), My beskeie deel (M.E.R.) and 'n Wonderlike geweld
(Elsa Joubert). Within the framework of the complexity systems theory the role of the
observer (author/reader) was studied to determine the possibility of demonstrating that
when reading/writing an autobiography, some epistemological changes may occur,
manifesting as conceptual changes in the mind of the observer. It could be demonstrated
that because of women's sensitivity to interpersonal relationships they are capable of acting
as unique registers of the complexity of individual existence, while remaining aware of the
constant influence, effect and needs of the other. / AFRIKAANS & THEORY OF LIT / MA (AFRIKAANS)
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Die vrou as outobiograaf: die Suid-Afrikaanse konteksNortje, Sandra 30 June 2007 (has links)
This dissertation is a report on a study about autobiography as genre, focusing on the voice
of the white, Afrikaans-speaking woman. The point of departure for this study was a survey
of the number of autobiographies written in Afrikaans by these women. With the focus on
the limited number of such autobiographies three autobiographies were studied, namely,
Met die Boere in die veld (Sarah Raal), My beskeie deel (M.E.R.) and 'n Wonderlike geweld
(Elsa Joubert). Within the framework of the complexity systems theory the role of the
observer (author/reader) was studied to determine the possibility of demonstrating that
when reading/writing an autobiography, some epistemological changes may occur,
manifesting as conceptual changes in the mind of the observer. It could be demonstrated
that because of women's sensitivity to interpersonal relationships they are capable of acting
as unique registers of the complexity of individual existence, while remaining aware of the
constant influence, effect and needs of the other. / AFRIKAANS and THEORY OF LIT / MA (AFRIKAANS)
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Otros álbumes. Usos, reúsos y reciclajes del álbum de familia en las prácticas artísticas contemporáneas dentro del programa VISIONA (2012-2016)Vicente Mullor, Pedro Joaquín 04 March 2021 (has links)
[ES] En esta tesis doctoral se analizan y estudian la relevancia y significación de diferentes trabajos y proyectos de artistas contemporáneos en torno al álbum de familia y la representación autobiográfica, siguiendo para ello la programación del programa de la Imagen VISIONA, formando esta la estructura de la tesis. Este trabajo parte de un estudio de los orígenes y evolución del álbum de familia desde la invención de la fotografía hasta la actualidad, al mismo tiempo que se analizan los diferentes estudios teóricos y muestras expositivas en torno al álbum de familia. Una vez contextualizado el álbum de familia, la tesis estudia el programa de la Imagen VISONA, las motivaciones y sus orígenes, así como parte de los contenidos de algunas de las diferentes actividades de VISIONA. De esta forma se analizan aspectos como el uso del álbum de familia por artistas contemporáneos, la trascendencia del álbum de familia en la construcción de nuestras identidades individuales y colectivas, o hasta qué punto el uso del álbum de familia y la autobiografía constituyen un tema de trabajo e interés en el arte contemporáneo y que constituye casi un género propio en el arte contemporáneo propio de finales del siglo XX y principios de XXI. / [CA] En aquesta tesi doctoral s'analitzen i estudien la rellevància i significació de diferents treballs i projectes d'artistes contemporanis entorn de l'àlbum de família i la representació autobiogràfica, seguint per a això la programació del programa de la Imatge VISIONA, formant aquesta l'estructura de la tesi. Aquest treball parteix d'un estudi dels orígens i evolució de l'àlbum de família des de la invenció de la fotografia fins a l'actualitat, al mateix temps que s'analitzen els diferents estudis teòrics i mostres expositives entorn de l'àlbum de família. Una vegada contextualitzat l'àlbum de família, la tesi estudia el programa de la Imatge VISONA, les motivacions i els seus orígens, així com part dels continguts d'algunes de les diferents activitats de VISIONA. D'aquesta forma s'analitzen aspectes com l'ús de l'àlbum de família per artistes contemporanis, la transcendència de l'àlbum de família en la construcció de les nostres identitats individuals i col·lectives, o fins a quin punt l'ús de l'àlbum de família i l'autobiografia constitueixen un tema de treball i interés en l'art contemporani i que constitueix quasi un gènere propi en l'art contemporani propi de finals del segle XX i principis de XXI. / [EN] This PhD thesis studies and analyses the relevance and significance of different works and projects by contemporary artists around the family album and autobiographical representation, following the activities of the cultural program VISIONA, forming this the structure of this thesis. This thesis also includes a study of the origins and evolution of the family album from the invention of photography to the present, at the same time that the different theoretical studies and exhibitions around the family album are analysed. Once the family album is contextualized, the thesis studies the cultural program VISONA, the motivations and its origins, as well as part of the contents of some of the different activities at VISIONA. Regarding this, the thesis analyses and studies aspects such as the use of the family album by contemporary artists, the importance of the family album in the construction of our individual and collective identities, or to what extent the use of the family album and autobiography constitute a subject of work and interest in contemporary art and that constitutes almost its own genre in contemporary art typical of the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. / Vicente Mullor, PJ. (2021). Otros álbumes. Usos, reúsos y reciclajes del álbum de familia en las prácticas artísticas contemporáneas dentro del programa VISIONA (2012-2016) [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/163024
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Theorising the counterhegemonic : a critical study of Black South African autobiography from 1954-1963Gilfillan, Lynda, 1948- 11 1900 (has links)
In this thesis, I examine a critical procedure appropriate to Black South African
autobiography of the 1950s and early 1960s. In particular, I examine these
autobiographies as examples of counterhegemonic writing in which the self counters the
hegemonic apartheid notion of identity, based on racial and cultural purity, and I propose
that the hybrid selves encoded in these narratives have the capacity to inform a new
South African nationhood.
Chapter One necessitates an autocritique, in which I locate my own discourse within the
intersecting discursive strands of Western and local theory, an effort that is guided by the
imperatives that emerge from the autobiographies themselves. In Chapter Two, I suggest
that the postcolonial autos displaces Humanist, and appropriates postmodernist,
conceptions of the "I". Rewriting the terms of the autobiographical pact, the authority of
grapos is re-instated in counternarratives that give privileged status to the bios - to
lives that claim "I AM!" and selves that reconstruct identity. A related concern is the
relationship between autobiographical criticism in South Africa and hegemony.
In the chapters that follow, I examine the various ways in which counterhegemonic selves
are constructed in Tell freedom, Down Second Avenue, Drawn in colour: African
Contrasts and The Ochre People. Peter Abrahams's autobiography is discussed largely
in terms of Frantz Fanon's insights on identity construction and the notion of a "hybrid
I". Es'kia Mphahlek's (re)writing of the self - whose main feature is ambivalence - forms
the focus of Chapter Four. These notions are developed in the final chapter, which
focuses on Noni Jabavu's narratives that encode an "in-between" cultural identity and, as
in the autobiographies of Abrahams and Mphahlele, a metonymic "I". / English Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (English)
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Theorising the counterhegemonic : a critical study of Black South African autobiography from 1954-1963Gilfillan, Lynda, 1948- 11 1900 (has links)
In this thesis, I examine a critical procedure appropriate to Black South African
autobiography of the 1950s and early 1960s. In particular, I examine these
autobiographies as examples of counterhegemonic writing in which the self counters the
hegemonic apartheid notion of identity, based on racial and cultural purity, and I propose
that the hybrid selves encoded in these narratives have the capacity to inform a new
South African nationhood.
Chapter One necessitates an autocritique, in which I locate my own discourse within the
intersecting discursive strands of Western and local theory, an effort that is guided by the
imperatives that emerge from the autobiographies themselves. In Chapter Two, I suggest
that the postcolonial autos displaces Humanist, and appropriates postmodernist,
conceptions of the "I". Rewriting the terms of the autobiographical pact, the authority of
grapos is re-instated in counternarratives that give privileged status to the bios - to
lives that claim "I AM!" and selves that reconstruct identity. A related concern is the
relationship between autobiographical criticism in South Africa and hegemony.
In the chapters that follow, I examine the various ways in which counterhegemonic selves
are constructed in Tell freedom, Down Second Avenue, Drawn in colour: African
Contrasts and The Ochre People. Peter Abrahams's autobiography is discussed largely
in terms of Frantz Fanon's insights on identity construction and the notion of a "hybrid
I". Es'kia Mphahlek's (re)writing of the self - whose main feature is ambivalence - forms
the focus of Chapter Four. These notions are developed in the final chapter, which
focuses on Noni Jabavu's narratives that encode an "in-between" cultural identity and, as
in the autobiographies of Abrahams and Mphahlele, a metonymic "I". / English Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (English)
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A story that would (O)therwise not have been toldAlexander, Pauline Ingrid 28 February 2004 (has links)
My mini-dissertation gives the autobiography of Talent Nyathi, who was born in rural Zimbabwe in 1961. Talent was unwillingly conscripted into the Zimbabwean Liberation Struggle. On her return to Zimbabwe, she has worked tirelessly for the education of her compatriots.
Talent's story casts light on subject-formation in conditions of difficulty, suffering and victimization. Doubly oppressed by her race and gender, Talent has nevertheless shown a remarkable capacity for self-empowerment and the empowerment of others.
Her story needs to be heard because it will inspire other women and other S/subjects and because it is a corrective to both the notions of a heroic Struggle and the `victim' stereotype of Africa.
Together with Talent's autobiography, my mini-dissertation offers extensive notes that situate her life story in the context of contemporary postcolonial, literary and gender theory and further draws out the significance of her individual `history-from-below'. / English Studies / M.A.
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