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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Iršād al-ġāwī bal isʿād al-ṭālib wa-l-rāwī li-l-iʿlām bi-tarǧamat al-Saḫāwī : édition et analyse de la première partie de l’autobiographie d’al-Saḫāwī (831-902/1428-1497) / Iršād al-ġāwī bal isʿād al-ṭālib wa-l-rāwī li-l-iʿlām bi-tarǧamat al-Saḫāwī : Edition and study on the first part of the autobiography by al-Saḫāwī (1428-1497)

Guérin du Grandlaunay, René 14 November 2015 (has links)
Muḥammad b. ʿAbd al-Raḥmān Šams al-Dīn al-Saḫāwī (831-902/1428-1497) est principalement un savant égyptien musulman spécialiste des traditions du Prophète. Également historien, il est surtout connu pour avoir écrit un important dictionnaire biographique très utilisé pour documenter l’histoire de la fin de la période mamelouke. L’édition partielle d’un abondant texte autobiographique nous donne l’occasion de connaître un peu mieux ce lettré provenant du milieu des marchands cairotes. Dans notre étude introductive à l’édition, nous définissons le genre littéraire, la tarǧama, auquel appartient l’Iršād al-ġāwī et situons l’ouvrage d’al-Saḫāwī dans son contexte littéraire immédiat. Avant d’étudier en détail la toute première période de sa formation, nous présentons le contexte social dans lequel est né Šams al-Dīn al-Saḫāwī. Le dernier chapitre de l’étude décrit l’aspect codicologique particulier à l’édition de ce texte. Il apporte également les élémentsde méthode mis en oeuvre dans l’édition. Seuls les cinq premiers éléments de l’Iršād al-ġāwī se trouvent ici édités : un préambule, une introduction thématique sur la licéité pour le musulman de faire son propre éloge, le premier chapitre sur la famille de l’auteur, le deuxième sur sa formation et, enfin, le troisième sur les enseignements qu’il donna au Caire et dans le Ḥiǧāz. / Muḥammad b. ʿAbd al-Raḥmān Šams al-Dīn al-Saḫāwī (831-902/1428-1497) was primarily a Muslim Egyptian scholar specialist on the traditions of the Prophet. Also an historian, he is best known for a large biographical dictionary used extensively in the historigraphy of the end of the Mamluk period. The partial edition of an abundant autobiographical text affords us us the opportunity to develop our knowledge of the scholar in question, situated as he within a milieu of middle-class Cairene traders. In our introductory study to the edition, we specify the genre tarǧama to which it belongs Iršād al-ġāwī and we situate the work of al-Saḫāwī in its immediate literary context. Before studying in detail the first period of his education, we introduce the social context in which Šams al-Dīn al-Saḫāwī was born. The final chapter of the study describes the codicological aspects of this particular edition of the text. It also provides the method used in this edition.This edition features the first five parts of Iršād al-ġāwī only. 1. It begins with a preamble ; 2. it then develops a thematic introduction on the theme of the legality for self-praise ; 3. the first chapter focuses on the author’s family ; 4. the second chapter deals important questions related to the author’s formation ; 5. finally, the third chapter considers the theachings given by al-Saḫāwī in Cairo and in the Ḥiǧāz.

Umírání jako příběh (několik řešení) / Dying as a story (several solutions)

Kloudová, Daniela January 2017 (has links)
The dissertation aims at showing the differences in dealing with the death issue in characteristic works of art of both Czech and world literature. Above all, it pursues the comparison of two novels Život střídá smrt ("Life Becomes Death") by Petr Prouza and Nebe nemá dno ("Heaven is Bottomless") by Hana Andronikova. Both unique books belong to key Czech novels with the topic of death. Moreover, both of them deal with death from the point of personal experience, which means they are strongly autobiographical. The dissertation concentrates on creative processes and topical aspects, grasps autobiographical elements of both novels and all the identities and differences in the approach to the same topic. Therefore, the dissertation is devoted to listing the works of art dealing with death, further on to the analyses, interpretation and comparison of the novels Život střídá smrt ("Life Becomes Death") and Nebe nemá dno ("Heaven is Bottomless") together with the reflexion of reader's experience.

L'oeuvre d'Alfredo Molano : sous le signe de l'hybridation générique / The work of Alfredo Molano : under the sign of the generic hybridization

Osorio Mejía, Jesús David 19 May 2014 (has links)
Alfredo Molano, écrivain et sociologue colombien contemporain, remet en question la concentration de la propriété terrienne et la distribution inégale des richesses. L'étude de son oeuvre explore trois axes centraux. Premièrement, la transformation de son écriture, qui évolue d'un format propre au discours scientifique vers le témoignage journalistique et littéraire. Cet écart par rapport à l'objectivisme scientifique entraîne un certain risque de fictionnalisation, que l'écrivain assume, car, d'après lui, il ne porte aucune atteinte à la factualité des récits et favorise en revanche leur lecture et leur diffusion. Nous avons également analysé la technique, chère à l'écrivain, de l' « imputation », consistant en la fusion de plusieurs témoins en un seul personnage, qui garde les traits des individus dont il s'est inspiré. Notre intérêt s'est aussi porté sur l'hybridation générique, puisque le Colombien fait appel aux récits de vie, de voyages et d'apprentissage, autant qu'aux textes sentimentaux, d'action et d'aventures, et à l'essai, entre autres. Cette confluence reflète la complexité d'une société féodale et postmoderne, et permet l'expression d'une variété de témoins hétérogènes, notamment les Amérindiens, les paysans, les activistes politiques, les délinquants et les prisonniers. Ils sont, pour la plupart, victimes de l'inégalité et du conflit permanent entre le centre hégémonique et la périphérie opprimée, deux pôles aussi flous que la violence est tangible, sanglante et multiforme. Alfredo Molano, comme la plupart des témoins, ne s'en tient pas au constat de cette violence, il la dénonce ouvertement et propose des solutions structurelles. Il s'oriente vers la construction d'une « mémoire historique », reconnaissant la souffrance des victimes, et vise une société non seulement hybride, mais surtout juste et égalitaire. / Alfredo Molano, a contemporary Colombian writer and sociologist, calls into question the concentration of land property and the unequal distribution of wealth. The study of his writing explores three main axes. At first, the transformation of his writing, which advances from a scientific discourse to the journalistic and literary testimony. This distance concerning the scientific objectivism carries away some risk of fictionnalisation. The writer assumes because, according to his point of view, his writing has no effect on the factuality of the stories but it is quite easy to read and to circulate. Then, the writer's technique of the "imputation" has been analysed. The author is really attached to. It consists on the fusion of many witnesses into a single character, who keeps the characteristics of people he was inspired by. Finally, our study of his writing is also focused on generic hybridisation, since the Colombian refers not only to the stories of Life, travel and learning, as well as sentimental texts, action and adventures, but also to the essay, among many others. This confluence reflects the complexity of a feudal and postmodern society, and allows the expression of heterogeneous diversity of witnesses, particularly Amerindians, farmers, political activists, offenders and prisoners. Most of them are victims of the inequalities and the continuous conflict between the hegemonic center and the oppressed periphery, two poles as fuzzy as the violence is palpable, bloody and multiform. Alfredo Molano, like most of his witnesses, does not content himself by the recording of this violence, but he denounces it openly and proposes structural solutions. He turns himself towards the development of a "historical memory", recognizing the suffering of victims and targeting a society not only hybrid, but most of all just and egalitarian. / Alfredo Molano, escritor y sociólogo colombiano, critica la concentración de la propiedad de la tierra y la distribución desigual de la riqueza. Este estudio de su obra explora tres ejes principales. Primeramente, la transformación de su estilo, de un formato propio del discurso científico, hacia el testimonio periodístico y literario. Tal distanciamiento frente al objetivismo científico conlleva cierto riesgo de ficcionalización, asumido por el escritor, para quien ésta no afecta de manera alguna el carácter fáctico de los relatos y, en cambio, facilita su lectura y su difusión. Analizamos igualmente la técnica "molanesca" de la "imputación", consistente en fusionar varios testigos en un solo personaje, el cual conserva los rasgos de los individuos en los que se inspira. Nos hemos interesado también por la hibridación genérica, puesto que el colombiano recurre a las historias de vida, a los relatos de viajes y de aprendizaje, así como a textos sentimentales, de acción y de aventuras, y al ensayo, entre otros. Esta confluencia refleja la complejidad de una sociedad tan feudal como posmoderna y permite la expresión de una serie de testigos heterogéneos, como los amerindios los campesinos, los activistas políticos, los delincuentes y los reclusos. Son ellos, en su mayoría, victimas de la desigualdad y del permanente conflicto entre el centro hegemónico y la periferia oprimida, dos polos tan difusos como tangible, sangrienta y multiforme es la violencia. Alfredo Molano, como casi todos sus testigos, no se limita a constatar dicha violencia; la denuncia abiertamente y propone soluciones de fondo. El escritor trabaja en la construcción de una “memoria histórica” y vislumbra una sociedad no sólo híbrida, sino ante todo justa e igualitaria.

Modernity, Multiculturalism, and Racialization in Transnational America: Autobiography and Fiction by Immigrant Muslim Women Before and After 9/11

Aydogdu, Zeynep 16 September 2019 (has links)
No description available.

[pt] DOBRA / [en] FOLD

[pt] Em forma de registros diários, a presente tese – que reúne um conjunto de poemas e uma sequência de textos em prosa – descreve acontecimentos relacionados à adaptação da narradora a uma nova cidade. O tema serve como convite para refletir sobre a passagem do tempo. Poemas e fragmentos enfocam o transcurso de semanas e meses por prismas diversos, subvertendo, cada um à sua maneira, a cronologia convencional dos diários. Esses tratamentos diferentes da escrita suplementam-se, buscando avaliar suas próprias posições. O título faz referência à noção de dobra formulada por Roland Barthes, que aponta o instante em que se tem consciência de estar numa encruzilhada, no ponto de virada, quando se ingressa na outra vida, na nova vida. Ainda de acordo com Barthes, escolher a nova vida só é possível se essa decisão engendrar uma nova prática de escrita, por sua vez, dobrada em autocrítica. / [en] This thesis, which takes shape as daily notes, combines a set of poems and a prose text in which the narrator describes the period of adaptation in a new city. The subject serves as a trigger to reflect on the passage of time, throughout weeks and months, through different prisms. By doing so, these poems and fragments subvert, each in their own way, the conventional chronology of diaries, seeking to supplement and to examine their own status. The title of the thesis refers to the notion of fold formulated by Roland Barthes, which describes the moment in which one becomes aware of being at a crossroads, at a turning point, when their other life – a new life – begins. Also according to Barthes, the new life is only possible if this decision brings along a new practice of writing, folded up as self-criticism.

Breaking the Chains : The Relation between Race, Religion & Violence in Malcolm X’s Pursuit of Black Liberation

Al-Khishali, Hedil January 2023 (has links)
This essay aims to explore the complex interplay between race, religion, and violence as depicted in The Autobiography of Malcolm X by Alex Haley. Through an exploration of Frantz Fanon's theories regarding recognition and violence, alongside James H. Cone’s concept of Black theology, the essay establishes a foundation for the analysis. This analysis will analyze Malcolm X’s evolving transformative identity and political agenda. The essay aims to understand Malcolm X’s engagement with Islamic teachings, his critique of Christianity, and his experiences with violence, and how these themes together shape his social and political agenda in his pursuit of liberation. Malcolm X challenges the racial narrative and argues that White people are devils. This perception undergoes a profound shift after his pilgrimage to Mecca. This transformative journey sheds light on the factors that shaped Malcolm X’s perspective on religion, racial separation, self-defense, and liberation. This essay argues that Malcolm X underwent a profound evolution of ideological perspectives after his affiliation with the NOI and his trip to Mecca, leading to a deeper understanding of Black liberation and the complexities of racial identity.

From Private to Public: Narrative Design in Composition Pedagogy

Comer, Kathryn Bridget 27 September 2011 (has links)
No description available.


FLAVIA PINTO LEIROZ 28 March 2019 (has links)
[pt] A tese Ego-histórias: repertórios teóricos alternativos, dedicada à investigação de novos discursos autobiográficos situados nos limiares entre historiografia, biografia e ficção, tem por objetivo a construção de ferramentas teóricas a partir da análise crítica de quadros conceituais vigentes. Na ótica de novas questões, são tematizadas e reavaliadas, de um lado, posições tradicionais ancoradas na unidade do sujeito, na autenticidade de sua fala e na ilusão referencial, legitimadas pela oposição dicotômica de pares conceituais, como real/ficcional, autenticidade/encenação, sujeito/objeto. Por outro lado, são oferecidos modelos analíticos e estratégias descritivas que permitem entender a escrita autobiográfica atual como gênero híbrido, de configuração plural, que desafia pactos autobiográficos fundados sobre a identidade entre as instâncias autoral, narrativa e ficcional. Os próprios processos autorreflexivos subjacentes à escrita de si são problematizados à luz de novas convicções epistemológicas construtivistas (S. SCHMIDT; H. MATURANA) e de molduras sistêmicas entendidas como catalisadores de complexidade. No horizonte dessas concepções, são discutidas, entre outras, formas de autoanálise (P. BOURDIEU) e projetos autobiográficos (E. SAID) convergindo ambos na produção de ego-histórias responsáveis pela transformação de teorias em narrativa e permitindo aos teóricos a fusão entre observador e objeto observado, baseada no conceito de observação de segunda ordem. Desse modo, são ensaiados novos vínculos entre suas ideias particulares e a inserção delas no contexto contemporâneo que escapam a relações tradicionais de causalidade e acentuam a responsabilidade dos próprios produtores. Em perspectiva paralela, é analisada a relação entre corpo e escrita e entre emoção e experiência, vigorosamente presentes e ressonantes como propostas conceituais que não perdem sua força interpelativa pela transformação em meras abstrações filosóficas, mas exibem seu poder pela opção construtora de uma vida no mundo. Em seu conjunto, a tese representa uma contribuição inovadora para a construção de repertórios teóricos alternativos que permitem elaborar um saber adequado às novas configurações de escritos autobiográficos. / [en] The thesis Ego-histories: theoretical alternatives repertoires, dedicated to research into new autobiographical discourses situated in the thresholds between historiography, biography and fiction, aims to build theoretical tools from the review of existing conceptual frameworks. In the analysis of new issues, are highlighted and reevaluated, on the one hand, traditional positions anchored in the unity of the subject, the authenticity of its discourse and referential illusion, legitimized by the dichotomous opposition of conceptual pairs such as real/fictional, authenticity/staging, subject/object. On the other hand, are offered analytical models and descriptive strategies that allow to understand the current autobiographical writing as a hybrid genre, with plural configurations that challenge the autobiographical pact based on the identity between instances of authorship, narrative and the fictional. The very processes underlying the self-reflexive writing itself, are analyzed in the light of new constructivist epistemological convictions (S. SCHMIDT; H. MATURANA) and systemic frames understood as a catalyst of complexity. In the perspective of these concepts are discussed, among others, forms of self-analysis (P. BOURDIEU) and autobiographical projects (E. SAID) converging both in the production of ego-histories responsible for transforming theories in narratives and thus allowing the theoretical melting between observer and observed object, based on the concept of second-order observation. Thus, are tested new links between their particular ideas and insertion them in the contemporary context that escape of traditional relations of causality and emphasize the responsibility of their producers. In a parallel perspective, is analyzed the relation between body and writing and between emotion and experience, vigorously present and resonant as conceptual proposals that do not lose its strength of interpellation by transforming them into mere philosophical abstractions, but they exhibit their power by the option of building a life in the world. Overall, the thesis represents an innovative contribution to the construction of alternative theoretical repertoires that allow to draw up a knowledge appropriate to produce a new settings of autobiographical writings.

Die Wirklichkeit schreiben / Autofiktionales Erzählen in den skandinavischen Gegenwartsliteraturen

Hansen, Marie Lindskov 15 March 2022 (has links)
Das schreibende Ich prägt formal wie thematisch die literarische Entwicklung der letzten Jahre. Seit der Jahrtausendwende hat die Produktion autobiographischer und autofiktionaler Literatur insbesondere auf dem skandinavischen Buchmarkt erheblich zugenommen. Obwohl (noch) kein kritischer Konsens besteht, was der Begriff Autofiktion genau bezeichnet, ist das Changieren zwischen Fakt und Fiktion im autobiographischen Schreiben zu einer der beliebtesten literarischen Strategien im zeitgenössischen Erzählen avanciert. Die literaturwissenschaftliche Forschung zur Autofiktion ist im Zuge dessen auf diesen Trend aufgesprungen und insbesondere nach der Veröffentlichung von Karl Ove Knausgårds Romanprojekt Min kamp (2009–2011) sind die literaturwissenschaftlichen Diskussionen zu Autofiktion und literarischer Selbstdarstellung in Skandinavien deutlich angestiegen. Die literaturwissenschaftlichen Beiträge kreisen im weiteren Sinne um die dichotomischen Beziehungen von Fakt vs. Fiktion, Roman vs. Autobiographie sowie um die Inszenierung der Autor*innen in der literarischen Öffentlichkeit. Dabei ist autofiktionales Schreiben als konkrete erzählerische Praxis betrachtet in den Hintergrund gerückt, weshalb in dieser Arbeit der Versuch gemacht wird, die Fragen nach den literarischen Verfahren innerhalb dieser Texte in den Vordergrund zu stellen. Mit Ausgangspunkt in Texten von August Strindberg, Maja Lundgren, Karl Ove Knausgaard und Björn Rasmussen wird in dieser Arbeit Spezifika einer autofiktionalen Erzählpraxis herausgearbeitet, in welcher die Autorin oder der Autor in erster Linie einen narrativen Autoritätsanspruch über ihren bzw. seinen autobiographischen Text erhebt und hierdurch in der Bestrebung, die autobiographische Wirklichkeit zu schreiben, die Grenze zwischen Wirklichkeit und Literatur und somit zwischen Leben und Text transzendiert / Since the turn of the Millennium there has been a remarkable increase in the production of autobiographical and autofictional literature in Scandinavia. While there is (still) no critical consensus to what the term autofiction precisely designates, the oscillation between fact and fiction in autobiographical writings has emerged as one of the most favoured literary strategies when it comes to negotiating, (re)-constructing, and staging identity and individuality. The academic discussions about autofiction and autofictional writing in Scandinavia are mostly concerned with the opposed relations of fact/fiction, true/false, and novel/autobiography or with the mediatised performativity of the author in the public sphere. In this respect, the specific narrative practices of autofictional writing have taken a back seat in the academic exploration of autofiction. In this thesis it is examined how autofictional writing in selected novels by August Strindberg, Maja Lundgren, Karl Ove Knausgaard and Björn Rasmussen is being set forth within the narration of the text, a thus far unexplored research field. The analysis of the position of the author in his or her text enables us to see that the interplay of fact and fiction in the autobiographical text is predominantly conveyed by narrative strategies. The narrative presence of the author in the text entails specific self-reflexive practices, which can be identified through an increased use of narrative transgressions of the extradiegetic and diegetic discourses that allow the actual author of the text to slip into his narration. The narrative roaming between the reality of the author and the narration that he is producing is used as a means of taking over the authority of the individual life story and to write autobiographical on own subjective and aesthetic terms.

Outo-etnografie, apologie en belydenis in outobiografieë van Elsa Joubert, André P. Brink en Koos Kombuis

Rothmann, Jan-Ben 02 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / ’n Merkbare opbloei in die publikasie van literêre niefiksietekste wêreldwyd het gelei tot die klassifikasie van sodanige tekste as ’n vierde genre. Die politieke oorgang in Suid-Afrika in 1994 het gelei tot ’n soortgelyke toename in outobiografiese tekste waarin kommentaar gelewer word op die Suid-Afrikaanse politieke werklikheid deur die vertel van sowel persoonlike as kollektiewe geskiedenisse. Daymond en Visagie (2012) identifiseer outo-etnografie, apologie en belydenis as kenmerke van die Suid-Afrikaanse outobiografie ná 1994. In hierdie navorsingsverslag word enkele resente skrywersoutobiografieë van onderskeidelik Elsa Joubert (’n Wonderlike geweld: jeugherinneringe (2005); Reisiger (2009)), André P. Brink (’n Vurk in die pad (2009)) en Koos Kombuis (Seks & drugs & boeremusiek: die memoirs van ‘n volksverraaier (2000); Die tyd van die Kombi’s: ‘n persoonlike blik op die Afrikaanse rock-rebellie (2009)) gemeet aan die kriteria wat deur Daymond en Visagie voorgestel word. Die beskrywing en interpretasie van verskeie outo-etnografiese merkers lei daartoe dat hierdie outobiografieë as ’n vorm van kulturele introspeksie beskou kan word. / A marked proliferation in the publication of literary nonfiction globally led to the classification of such texts as a fourth genre. The political transition in South Africa in 1994 caused a similar increase in autobiographical texts in which commentary is offered on the South African political reality through the telling of both personal and collective histories. Daymond and Visagie (2012) identify autoethnography, apologia and confession as characteristics of post-1994 South African autobiographies. In this research report some contemporary writers’ autobiographies, respectively those of Elsa Joubert (’n Wonderlike geweld: jeugherinneringe (2005); Reisiger (2009)), André P. Brink (’n Vurkin die pad (2009)) and Koos Kombuis (Seks & drugs & boeremusiek: die memoirs van ‘n volksverraaier (2000); Die tyd van die Kombi’s: ‘n persoonlike blik op die Afrikaanse rock-rebellie (2009)) are evaluated using the criteria proposed by Daymond and Visagie. The description and interpretation of various autoethnographical markers confirm that these autobiographies can be considered a form of cultural introspection. / Afrikaans and Theory of Literature / M.A. (Afrikaans)

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