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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Abort eller barnamord : svenska och irländska journalisters rapportering om abort / Abortion or infanticide : how Swedish and Irish journalists report on abortion

Lundberg, Matilda, Strömfors, Emelie January 2012 (has links)
I denna studie undersöks hur journalister på Sveriges och Irlands största dagstidningar, Dagens Nyheter och Irish Independent, rapporterar om abort under perioden 1 januari - 1 augusti 2012. Studiens teoretiska utgångspunkt har inspirerats av Jesper Strömbäcks teori om mediernas gestaltningsmakt. Carol Lee Bacchis ‘What´s the problem’-approach har gett en förståelse för att abortfrågan ses på olika sätt i olika delar av världen. Bill Kovach och Tom Rosenstiels journalistiska riktlinjer har varit utgångspunkt för vad som förväntas av yrkesverksamma journalister världen över. För att besvara hur journalisterna på de båda tidningarna rapporterar om abort genomfördes en kvantitativ analys som omfattade 152 texter. Den kvantitativa analysen kompletterades med en kvalitativ analys av fem texter från varje tidning. Studien visar att de ideologiska och kulturella strukturer som återfinns i samhället i hög grad återspeglas i hur journalister rapporterar om abort. Abort omskrivs med en högre acceptans i Dagens Nyheter och mer konservativt i Irish Independent. Samtidigt är svenska journalisters rapportering om abort mer likriktad än de irländska journalisternas, som visar på en bredare spann av åsikter och sätt att se på abortfrågan. Det finns inte enbart skillnader i hur irländska och svenska journalister rapporterar om abort. Studien visar att även om journalisterna har olika syn på abortfrågan ser de på den som makthavarnas ansvar - inte individens. Svenska journalisters rapportering om abort blir även mer lik de irländska journalisternas när abortfrågan övergår till att handla om det mer etiskt känsliga ämnet fosterdiagnostik.

La relation contemporaine entre le religieux et le politique : une étude de cas du Christian Coalition

Morrissette, Evelyne 15 March 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse tentera de démontrer, dans un premier temps, si les idéologies religieuses conservent une grande importance aux États-Unis, et ce, malgré la sécularisation apparente de la société. Une analyse du processus politique qui est à l’œuvre dans la mobilisation et l’action du Christian Coalition – organisation de la nouvelle droite chrétienne – permet de cerner la place qu’a le religieux dans la sphère publique, et plus particulièrement, dans la sphère politique. Plus spécifiquement, nous observerons les stratégies et les actions que le C.C. entreprend dans le but d’exercer des pressions et d’influencer les débats et le pouvoir politique, tout en déterminant la nature des enjeux qui motivent une mobilisation pour ce groupe protestant conservateur. Une évaluation basée sur le courant des mouvements sociaux illustrera la mesure dans laquelle la nouvelle droite chrétienne détient une partie du pouvoir social et jouit du rôle d’acteur politique par son institutionnalisation dans la sphère politique.

Abort : Sjuksköterskors upplevelser vid avbrytande av graviditeter inom gynekologisk vård / Abortion : Nurses' experiences with termination of pregnancies in gynecological care

Lundberg, Angelica, Segerdahl Cutillas, Carin January 2012 (has links)
Bakgrund: Internationellt existerar fortfarande illegala aborter med kvinnans hälsa, och i somliga fall liv, som insats. Inom gynekologisk vård i Sverige arbetar allmänsjuksköterskor vilka vars arbetsuppgifter bland annat består av att vårda kvinnor som genomgår inducerade aborter. Deras arbete vilar på den svenska abortlagens bestämmelser om kvinnans rätt till fri abort samt den övergripande hälso- och sjukvårdslagen. Allmänsjuksköterskor har fått en mer framträdande roll i arbetet med inducerade aborter i takt med den ökade användningen av den medicinskt inducerade aborten. I sitt arbete ställs sjuksköterskorna inför specifika arbetsuppgifter vilka kan tyckas påfrestande. Hälso- och sjukvårdslagen kräver vård på lika villkor och ett mål om god hälsa, detta gäller även sjuksköterskors arbete. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda kvinnor som genomgår en inducerad abort. Metod: En litteraturöversikt bestående av tio vetenskapliga studier, varav åtta av dessa var av kvalitativ ansats. Litteratursökning utfördes huvudsakligen i vårdvetenskapliga databaser. Dataanalysen genomfördes med textanalys och resulterade i sju centrala teman. Resultat: Resultatet visade att flertalet sjuksköterskor stöttade kvinnans rätt till abort, men trots detta kantades tillvaron av varierande attityder gentemot kvinnan och hennes beslut om abort. Sjuksköterskorna upplevde omvårdnaden som krävande samt förekomst av moraliska dilemman och etisk stress. Att ha ett professionellt förhållningssätt och en icke-dömande attityd var viktiga inslag i arbetet. Sjuksköterskorna efterlyste handledning och utbildning samt ett reflekterande arbetsklimat som ett medel för att uppnå och bevara sin egen hälsa på arbetsplatsen. Diskussion: En tolkning av resultatet utfördes utifrån Hesook Suzie Kims Human Living Concept. Diskussion fördes hur vårdrelationen påverkas av sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att arbeta med inducerade aborter samt sjuksköterskors behov av reflektion, handledning och utbildning på arbetsplatsen. / Background: From an international perspective women are still subject to illegal abortions, putting their health, and in some cases their life, at risk. In gynecological care in Sweden nurses duties consists, amongst others, of caring for women undergoing induced abortion. Their work is based on the swedish abortion law on women's right to abortion aswell as the health care law. Nurses have been given a more prominent role regarding induced abortions in pace with the increasing use of the medically induced abortion. In this work, the nurses are exposed to specific tasks which can seem demanding. The health care law requires care on equal terms, and a goal of good health, this should also apply to the nurses’ work. Aim: The aim was to describe nurses' experiences of caring for women undergoing induced abortion. Methods: A literature review consisting of ten scholarly articles, eight of which were of a qualitative approach. Literature searches were primarly conducted in health science databases. Data analysis was performed with text analysis and resulted in seven key themes. Results: The results showed that the majority of nurses supported the woman's right to abortion. Despite this, differing attitudes existed towards the women and their decisions on abortion. The nurses felt that caring was demanding and pointed out the existence of moral dilemmas and ethical stress. A professional approach and a non-judgmental attitude were important elements in the work. The nurses called for supervision and education, and a reflective working climate as a means of achieving and maintaining their own health in the workplace. Discussions: Interpretation of the results was performed using Hesook Suzie Kim's Human Living Concept. Discussion reflected on how the care relationship is affected by the nurses’ experiences of working with induced abortions and nurses’ need of reflection, supervision and training in the workplace.

Unga kvinnors känslomässiga upplevelser vid abort : En litteraturstudie / Young women’s emotional experiences with abortion : A literature review

Leholat, Vanja, Svensson, Angelica January 2013 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sedan 1975 när abortlagen i Sverige trädde i kraft, har kvinnor själva haft möjlighet att avgöra om deras graviditet ska avbrytas innan den 18:e graviditetsveckan. I dagens sjukvård tenderar personalen att se mer till det fysiska vilket gör att kvinnors tankar och känslor förbises. Behovet av kunskap om kvinnors känslomässiga upplevelser av abort är därför betydelsefullt att belysa. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa unga kvinnors känslomässiga upplevelser i samband med abort. Metod: Studien utformades som en allmän litteraturstudie där nio artiklar samlades in och analyserades. Resultat: Ur analysen framkom tre kategorier vilka var Känslomässiga upplevelser i samband med beslutet, Känslomässiga upplevelser i samband med ingreppet och Känslomässiga upplevelser efter aborten. Kategorierna tar upp både positiva och negativa känslor som berör abortupplevelsen. Diskussion: Tre centrala fynd diskuterades utifrån de tre resultatkategorierna. Dessa fynd belyser kvinnornas oro och rädsla i samband med beslutstagandet, kvinnornas känsla av lättnad de upplever direkt efter aborten och känslan av upprördhet och ledsamhet som kan finnas hos kvinnorna flera år efter aborten. Slutsats: Då abortupplevelsen är individuell, är det viktigt att sjuksköterskan ser till hela kvinnans upplevelse, både det fysiska, psykiska och känslomässiga.

La relation contemporaine entre le religieux et le politique : une étude de cas du Christian Coalition

Morrissette, Evelyne 15 March 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse tentera de démontrer, dans un premier temps, si les idéologies religieuses conservent une grande importance aux États-Unis, et ce, malgré la sécularisation apparente de la société. Une analyse du processus politique qui est à l’œuvre dans la mobilisation et l’action du Christian Coalition – organisation de la nouvelle droite chrétienne – permet de cerner la place qu’a le religieux dans la sphère publique, et plus particulièrement, dans la sphère politique. Plus spécifiquement, nous observerons les stratégies et les actions que le C.C. entreprend dans le but d’exercer des pressions et d’influencer les débats et le pouvoir politique, tout en déterminant la nature des enjeux qui motivent une mobilisation pour ce groupe protestant conservateur. Une évaluation basée sur le courant des mouvements sociaux illustrera la mesure dans laquelle la nouvelle droite chrétienne détient une partie du pouvoir social et jouit du rôle d’acteur politique par son institutionnalisation dans la sphère politique.

Context Effects on Abortion Questions: Who is Inconsistent

Carlson, Carolyn S. 12 January 2006 (has links)
Measuring public opinion on abortion is an ongoing concern for political scientists, mainly because the public does not always exhibit fixed attitudes on such topics. Most citizens express a centrist viewpoint between the pro choice and pro life extremes. These include a small group whose answers to abortion questions are so inconsistent that they give public officials an inaccurate measure of public opinion on this important issue. Inconsistent responses may result from context effects, such as the order in which the questions are asked or the way they are asked. Usually, researchers ask a battery of questions in which respondents say whether they approve of abortion generally and under a variety of circumstances, citing the reasons for which a woman might seek an abortion. This project includes an independent national survey using questions adopted from the General Social Survey. The sample is divided into four experimental groups with different question orders. Based on these findings, the recommended question order would be the one with the general question last and the remaining specific questions in a somewhat random pattern alternating between the so-called “hard” and “easy” individual abortion situations. One of the more surprising findings is that people didn’t recognize themselves as subtracting the specific situations from the general question when it was asked first; hardly any said that was what they were doing when they gave inconsistent answers. Otherwise, about an equal number of respondents admitted answering the questions off the top of their heads as those who showed ambivalence by claiming they were deeply committed to their inconsistent responses. The study found most people who inconsistent on abortion are moderates leaning towards pro choice. Also, politically conservative regular church-goers can be just as inconsistent on abortion as the non-religious, non-political, low-educated non-church goers, especially if they are basically pro choice. Without a full understanding of who is generating inconsistent answers on abortion, some researchers may be tempted to eliminate these respondents from their sample. This research should allow them to understand these respondents better and develop better question wording and question orders to reduce their numbers.

Selective abortion on the basis of prenatal genetic diagnosis: ethical problems faced by the doctor

Smolska, Andriana January 2006 (has links)
The modern world is facing a revolutionary development in the clinical medicine and biomedical sciences. Due to the different life supporting systems, it is easily possible to keep patients with severe diseases alive. With organ transplantation a lot of people, who would otherwise die can live long and happy lives. In vitro fertilization allows a woman to bear the child that is not genetically related to her. Due to the possibility of contraception, safe abortions and prenatal diagnosis, women and couples can make preferable choices concerning their future child. Such medical developments and improvements have a great impact on our life, and provoke a lot of ethical questions and moral dilemmas. The aim of this thesis is to answer the question whether prenatal diagnosis can be justified as it mainly leads to the selective abortion, whether and when the fetus counts as a person and whether the prospective parents can perform selective abortion on the basis of fetal disability; and to discuss ethical problems that are experienced by the doctor, who brings the news into the family and what is his/her role in the decision-making process.

Sjuksköterskans förhållningssätt i vården till patienter som genomgår inducerad abort : En litteraturstudie

Lindblad, Sanna, Schröder, Anna January 2011 (has links)
Theoretical framework: The Theory of Human Caring by Jean Watson was used as a theoretical framework. Aim: The aim of this literature review was to describe the attitude of nursing patients who go through an induced abortion, from a nurse perspective. Method: This literature review is based on a sample of nine qualitative and quantitative studies, collected in the databases Cinahl, PubMed and PsycInfo. The qualities of the studies were assessed through modified templates. Analysis of the results from the studies was inspired of a content analysis. Findings: The nurses experienced their work as meaningful since they give support to the patient. The nurses felt that their work was justified when the decision to have an abortion was well thought through and they felt respect towards the patient when they were aware of the patient’s circumstances. The nurses experienced stress and emotional impact when they faced ethical dilemmas and contradictions to abortion. Conclusion: Nurses experience can affect how patients experience care. Many nurses feel that they do not get enough support to handle difficult situations that they encounter in their work. Nurses who experience a high level of support in the workplace perceive tasks as less demanding what leads to better treatment.

Reproductive Practices: Kurdish Women Responding To Patriarchy

Him, Miki 01 February 2010 (has links) (PDF)
This disseration is a case study of reproductive practice among Kurdish rural-urban migrant women in Van, Turkey. Van is one of the eastern provinces where high fertility persists despite the rapid fertility decline in the country. In Van and some other provinces where Kurdish population concentrates, however, fertility levels not only continue to be high but also increased in the period between 1980 and 2000. In order to explore the social dynamics behind the divergent fertility trend, this dissertation conducted interviewing with women in a Kurdish migrant neighbourhood and examined their reproductive experiences from the feminist political economic perspective that pays particular attention to reproduction&rsquo / s embeddededness in patriarchal social relations which are contingent upon political economic contexts. This dissertation argues that Kurdish migrants in the studied neighbourhood experienced, and still experience, considerable socioeconomic insecurities resulted from the neoliberal economic policy since the 1980s and the destructive mass displacement in the 1990s. Migration to the city could offer women empowering opportunities. Yet, while the traditional rural form of patriarchal practices lingered until recently, a new form of patriarchy seeks to restore masculine confidence in the context of insecurities by tightly controlling the woman&rsquo / s movement and considerably hinders her access to public spaces and hence reproductive healthcare. This dissertation proposes that enduring high fertility among the recent Kurdish migrants can be closely related to the form of patriarchy reconfigured in a way to work against the woman&rsquo / s autonomy which is essential for the exercise of reproductive rights.

Controversial Issues Related To Reproductive Biotechnology: An Empirical Study

Ocak, Gulsevim Evsel 01 February 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This study examines the problems which are created by assisted reproductive techniques on the individuals and their decisions about the reproduction. In the study, the data of a field study which was conducted in 2010 is used in order to make the examination deeper and to give a qualitative and quantitative dimension to the theoretical framework. Through the sociological analysis of both controversial issues occurred by pre-natal reproductive technologies such as sex selection, abortion, PGD, IVF babies, disability, etc. and personal decisions which are impossible to be given independent from the social environment, providing a contribution to the development of sociology of reproduction is desired. In this study it is claimed that assisted reproductive techniques are power which will possibly get ahead of natural reproduction and reduce and even erase the biodiversity and coincidental characteristics of human reproduction, and increase the inequalities in the society. Thus this power may courage the reproduction of &lsquo / desirables&rsquo / and prevent &lsquo / undesirable&rsquo / ones from living and even insemination anymore. Another argumentation which is under discussion is the illusion of all these activities and problems were taking their sources from the own decisions of prospective parents. Reproductive biotechnology commerce hopes to people through its economy, cuts across all boundaries through the bounties of its technical abilities and by doing so it does not see a drawback in making people &lsquo / victims&rsquo / of their choices that regarded as &lsquo / rational and free&rsquo / which in fact mere &lsquo / irrational&rsquo / preferences. Thus in this thesis, the theoretical foundations and social results of this technology which extending up to the pre-natal processes are discussed to contribute a more democratic policies

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