Spelling suggestions: "subject:"acculturation."" "subject:"ccculturation.""
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La duplicité à l'oeuvre : la mystification dans l'Abrégé d'histoire de la littérature portative et Bartleby et compagnie d'Enrique Vila-MatasOuellet, Dominic 08 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Lorsqu'il parcourt l'Abrégé d'histoire de la littérature portative et Bartleby et compagnie d'Enrique Vila-Matas, le lecteur ressent un malaise à l'endroit des informations biographiques et historiques que ces œuvres contiennent. En effet, celles-ci présentent au lecteur certaines informations erronées. Ce mémoire pose l'hypothèse qu'un tel malaise vient de ce que ces textes seraient des mystifications et rend compte des moyens par lesquels elles adviennent. Le premier de ces moyens est l'hybridité générique constitutive des œuvres. Celle-ci est définie par la présence dans un même texte littéraire de plusieurs genres. Elle se manifeste surtout dans Bartleby et compagnie. Elle a lieu à travers la juxtaposition et la superposition des différents genres qui la forment. L'entrelacs des genres ainsi produit fait en sorte que le lecteur reste confus et ne parvient plus à distinguer les informations appartenant, d'une part, à la fiction et, d'autre part, au factuel. La mystification naît à ce moment.
La deuxième voie par laquelle la mystification prend forme est l'hybridité des discours. Elle se manifeste surtout dans l'Abrégé d'histoire de la littérature portative et se présente sous trois formes différentes. Elle est d'abord la présence dans un même énoncé de deux discours différents; elle s'apparente à la polyphonie telle qu'elle est présentée par Mikhaïl Bakhtine et reprise par Oswald Ducrot. La deuxième forme d'hybridité des discours se manifeste à travers l'abrégé en tant que genre du discours parasité par les genres littéraires. Enfin, c'est l'hybridité des discours propres à la fiction et au factuel qui produit la mystification : des informations volontairement erronées s'insèrent dans le discours factuel. Du coup, le lecteur reçoit ces informations mensongères comme vraies. Selon la définition qu'en donne Jean-François Jeandillou, pour qu'il y ait mystification, la victime doit s'apercevoir qu'elle a été jouée. Dans l'Abrégé d'histoire de la littérature portative, l'on est à même de repérer les traces de la mystification à travers le travestissement de certaines informations historiques et biographiques. Pris d'un doute sur leur authenticité, le lecteur cherche à les valider (ou à les invalider). Pour ce faire, il doit sortir du texte et interroger différentes sources. La mystification devient formatrice grâce à cet effort demandé au lecteur. Montrer qu'il y a mystification dans Bartleby et compagnie constitue une tâche plus difficile. En effet, il n'y a pas, comme dans l'Abrégé d'histoire de la littérature portative, d'indices probants d'un tel jeu. Bartleby et compagnie exploite une forme postmoderne de la mystification qui joue avec l'incertitude de son propre statut mystifiant. Le lecteur ne peut jamais savoir avec certitude s'il est devant une mystification. De telles mystifications redisent l'impossibilité pour la littérature et les discours de savoir (biographie, histoire) de rendre compte de la totalité du monde. Elles manifestent aussi le discours autoréflexif d'une littérature qui se dévalue elle-même. Elles redisent cependant tout le plaisir qu'il reste à fréquenter cet art.
MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Enrique Vila-Matas, Mystification, Hybridité générique, Hybridité discursive
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La perception des immigrants ouest-africains de leur intégration professionnelle et sociale en lien avec le tissu-pagneBicaba, Gninimawede Rolande 11 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Comment des employés d'Afrique occidentale ou subsaharienne pour qui le tissu-pagne constitue un élément culturel sur le plan vestimentaire perçoivent-ils ce vêtement dans leur intégration professionnelle et sociale à Montréal? Le style vestimentaire est un élément incontournable dans le milieu de travail en général, mais constitue aussi un moyen d'intégration pour les immigrants ouest-africains. En effet, dans le cadre de notre étude, le processus d'intégration conduit à des modifications, voire une rupture dans le style vestimentaire des Africains subsahariens de sorte que ceux-ci essayent de se remodeler et de se réajuster dans leur nouveau contexte socioculturel. Notre étude a été axée essentiellement sur des Africains subsahariens francophones vivant à Montréal depuis quatre ans, afin de comprendre comment le style vestimentaire africain survit ou trouve sa place dans l'entreprise et dans la société en général à Montréal auprès de nos répondants. Notre étude a été construite selon la théorie interactionniste symbolique telle qu'elle a été expliquée par David Le Breton. Nous avons recueilli les perceptions de huit participants africains grâce à des entrevues semi-dirigées. Nous nous sommes préoccupés de cerner leurs avis sur la tenue vestimentaire africaine et la tenue en général en entreprise à Montréal afin de comprendre le rôle du tissu-pagne dans leur intégration professionnelle et sociale. Pour cerner cela, nous nous sommes basés sur les concepts de culture et d'intégration professionnelle, et sur les études sur le rôle du vêtement au sein de l'entreprise et sur le tissu africain. Ainsi, un aspect de la communication organisationnelle et un aspect de la communication interculturelle ont été jumelés. Notre méthodologie a été fondée sur l'analyse d'entrevues aux fins de connaître les raisons qui font que nos répondants portent ou non la tenue africaine pour marquer leur différence sur le plan professionnel et social. Cette étude présente donc un essai d'analyse de la place du tissu-pagne à la vie des immigrants africains interviewés. Notre objectif est de mettre en évidence le regard que les Africains eux-mêmes posent sur la valorisation du style vestimentaire africain à travers le tissu-pagne à Montréal.
MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Immigration, intégration, acculturation, vêtement
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Identités ethnolinguistiques et acculturation dans les communautés autonomes bilingues de l'EspagneMontaruli, Elisa January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Durant l'époque de la monarchie espagnole jusqu'au dix-neuvième siècle et durant la dictature du Général Franco au vingtième siècle (1939-1975), le mythe fondateur de construction nationale de l'Espagne était basé sur l'unité de la langue castillane et de la culture espagnole. Les politiques assimilationistes et exclusionistes ont réifié le castillan en tant que langue nationale et la culture espagnole comme l'essence identitaire de l'Espagne et ce, au détriment des langues et cultures régionales. Cependant, suite à la mort de Franco, la Constitution espagnole de 1978 est devenue le nouveau pilier de la construction nationale de la démocratie espagnole. Dans cette thèse, il est proposé que la reconnaissance et la légitimisation des cultures et des langues régionales enchâssées dans cette Constitution ont favorisé le développement d'identités prototypiques distinctes allant des identités uniquement autonome ou espagnole à une variété de permutations identitaires doubles autonome-espagnole. Un premier objectif de cette thèse est d'explorer comment les identités nationales et régionales coexistent et s'il est possible d'en dégager des profils sociopsychologiques prototypiques définis à partir de variables individuelles et intergroupes. Les sociétés culturellement et linguistiquement plurielles comme l'Espagne doivent composer avec l'intégration des multiples groupes qui se retrouvent en contact sur leur territoire. Ces groupes incluent les majorités et minorités nationales, mais aussi les immigrants internationaux. Les contacts intergroupes soutenus sont susceptibles d'engendrer des changements bidirectionnels chez les membres de tous ces groupes. On réfère à ce processus par le terme acculturation (Graves, 1967; Redfield, Linton, & Herskovits, 1936; Social Research Council, 1954). Le deuxième objectif de cette thèse est préciser le rôle des identités ethniques dans l'endossement des orientations d'acculturation des membres d'une communauté d'accueil envers les minorités nationale et immigrante. Leurs orientations d'acculturation représentent différentes façons de concevoir l'intégration des groupes minoritaires à la société d'accueil. Selon le Modèle d'acculturation interactif (MAI; Bourhis, Moïse, Perreault, & Senécal, 1997) la communauté d'accueil peut endosser cinq orientations d'acculturation:
l'individualisme, l'intégrationisme, l'assimilationisme, le ségrégationisme et l'exclusionisme. Dans la première étude, 2446 étudiants universitaires de cinq Communautés autonomes bilingues de l'Espagne ont répondu à un questionnaire. Les participants ont complété l'Échelle du profil d'identification multiple (Bourhis & Bougie, 1998) de même qu'une série d'échelles correspondant à des corrélats sociopsychologiques clés. La catégorisation des participants en fonction de leur degré d'auto-identification aux langues et cultures autonomes et espagnoles a suggéré la pertinence de six profils identitaires prototypiques (N = 1584 participants; 67%). Les résultats indiquent que les individus endossant une forte identité uniquement autonome (11%) ou uniquement espagnole (13%) sont plus susceptibles de s'engager dans des relations intergroupes problématiques. Les individus avec une identité pro-autonome (9%) sont fortement mobilisés en faveur de la communauté autonome, mais présentent des attitudes moins polarisées envers les Espagnols que les individus endossant une forte identité uniquement autonome. Les individus endossant une forte identité double (9%) sont mieux à même de jouer le rôle de conciliateurs culturels et linguistiques et de favoriser l'harmonie intergroupe. Les individus endossant une identité pro-espagnole (15%) ou une identité double modérée (7%) émergent comme conciliateurs culturels, susceptibles de bénéficier de l'apprentissage des langues autonomes. Les données de la deuxième étude ont été recueillies par l'entremise de questionnaires distribués à des étudiants de premier cycle universitaire de la Communauté autonome basque (CAB) en Espagne. Les participants (N= 727) ont complété l'Échelle du profil d'identification multiple (Bourhis & Bougie, 1998). La catégorisation des participants en fonction de leur degré d'auto-identification basque et espagnol a ainsi révélé deux profils identitaires prototypiques pertinents dans le cadre de la CAB. Un grand nombre de participants endosse une forte identité uniquement basque (N = 308) ou une forte identité double basque-espagnole (N = 219). Les participants ont également répondu à l'Échelle d'acculturation de la communauté d'accueil (ÉACA; Bourhis & Bougie, 1998) envers deux groupes établis dans la CAB: la minorité nationale espagnole et les immigrants marocains. Les résultats de cette étude indiquent que les participants ont une préférence pour les orientations d'acculturation individualiste et intégrationiste. Les individus endossant une forte identité uniquement basque ont des orientations d'acculturation moins accueillantes envers la minorité espagnole établie dans la CAB que les individus endossant une forte identité double basque-espagnole. Les conflits historiques entre Basques et Espagnols ne semblent cependant pas interférer sur les attitudes envers des immigrants internationaux: peu importe leur profil identitaire, les participants endossent des orientations d'acculturation similaires envers les immigrants marocains. À ce jour, plusieurs recherches empiriques ont investigué les corrélats psychologiques individuels et intergroupes de l'identification des immigrants à leur culture d'origine et à la culture de leur société d'accueil (e.g. Benet-Martinez & Haritatos, 2005; Benet-Martinez, Leu, Lee, & Morris, 2002; Benet-Martinez, Lee, & Leu, 2006; Hutnik, 1986; Sayegh & Lasry, 1993; Tadmor, Tetlock, & Peng, 2009; Zak, 1973). L'apport original de cette thèse est de tenir compte des identités ethnolinguistiques des membres d'une communauté d'accueil pour mieux cerner la dynamique relationnelle des sociétés culturellement et linguistiquement plurielles. En ligne avec d'autres recherches, les résultats de cette thèse suggèrent que les membres d'une communauté d'accueil qui s'identifient à un groupe social unique imperméable endossent des attitudes, intentions comportementales et orientations d'acculturation moins accueillantes que ceux dont l'identification est multiple (Bourhis, Barrette & Moriconi, 2008; Bourhis & Dayan, 2004; Montreuil, Bourhis, & Vanbeselaere, 2004). Ce lien a été obtenu auprès des membres d'une communauté d'accueil envers la minorité nationale historiquement rivale partageant son territoire, mais ne s'est pas généralisé aux immigrants internationaux. Ces résultats sont donc également cohérents avec le postulat du MAI selon lequel il est important de faire la distinction entre le statut valorisé ou dévalorisé d'un groupe minoritaire national ou immigrant (Bourhis et al., 1997). ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Identité ethnique, Relations intergroupes, Acculturation, Communautés d'accueil, Minorités linguistiques, Communautés autonomes bilingues de l'Espagne.
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Social Ecology of Adherence to Hypertension Treatment in Latino Migrant and Seasonal FarmworkersHall, Eleanor M 04 October 2011 (has links)
The prevalence of hypertension (HTN) is high in Latinos (Latino/Latina) Americans due to social and ecological factors. Increased migration of Latino migrant/seasonal farmworkers (MSFW) to the U.S. augments the social, economic, environmental, and psychosocial factors associated with health and illness. Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory was used to guide this study. The purposes of this cross-sectional, correlational study were to explore Latino MSFWs’ adherence to HTN treatment (medication adherence, blood pressure [BP] self-care, and BP control) and to examine the influence of BP knowledge, perceived stress, acculturation, health literacy, and health care access (HCA) on adherence to HTN treatment.
A total of 45 Latino (mean age 45 + 9) MSFWs receiving HTN treatment participated in this study. Spanish and English questionnaires were available for participants to measure adherence to HTN treatment and the five independent variables. Analysis included correlations, t-tests, hierarchical multiple regression, and hierarchical logistic regression.
The majority of MSFWs were from Mexico, female (55.6%), had less than a 6th grade education. Most (82%) of the MSFWs had uncontrolled BP, and were not adherent to medications (42%), even with high BP knowledge scores (M = 6.5 ±1.3). MSFWs perceived a high level of stress (M = 16 + 6.9), low acculturation level (Anglo orientation: M = 2.9 + 0.9), and no employer-provided health insurance for personal illnesses or injuries (93%). Blood pressure knowledge, perceived stress, acculturation, health literacy, and HCA accounted for 49% of the variance in the BP self-care; however, only higher BP knowledge was a significant predictor of better BP self-care (p < .001). Furthermore, acculturation was a significant predictor of BP control (p < .01).
This study explored select determinants of adherence to HTN treatment in Latino MSFWs in a culturally informed way. Although BP self-care behaviors appeared to be a consequence of BP knowledge, this study found low medication adherence in Latino MSFWs and uncontrolled BP explained by the two predictors, acculturation and health literacy. Perceived stress and health care access did not influence the adherence to HTN treatment. MSFWs had poor BP control and HTN treatment adherence. A culturally appropriate educational program is needed to help the MSFWs adherence to HTN treatment.
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Asian American Perceived Racism: Acculturation, Racial Identity, Social Context, and Sociopolitical Awareness as Predictors of Asian American Perceived RacismLee, Jae Hyun (Julia) 06 August 2007 (has links)
Asian Americans are believed to be immune to social barriers and challenges, because of their successes in the U.S. society. This belief, also known as the model minority myth, has caused Americans including Asian Americans themselves to believe that they are not faced with social challenges such as racism. The goal of this study was to examine the relationship among acculturation, racial identity, social context and sociopolitical awareness. Series of multiple regressions were conducted to examine the predictive model. The findings suggested three plausible models of perceived racism among Asian Americans. First two models suggested that racism should be distinguished from stereotypes. Third possible model suggested that racial identity and social context may mediate the relationship between assimilation and perceived racism. The study’s psychological and societal implications are discussed.
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A Melting Pot of Bagels and Tofu : A Study of Acculturation and Food ConsumptionKhuu, Ellin, Khuu, Emi January 2011 (has links)
Today‟s globalization enables people to move across borders for various reasons. When people move there are consequences they need to face; local customs that need to be taken into consideration. As individuals undergo the process of adapting to a new culture, acculturation occurs. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between the degree of acculturation and preference for American food. The study is applied on East Asian students residing in Texas, USA. Length of residence in the U.S. and sex are two demographic factors that are used to measure the influence on the degree of acculturation. The results show that these two factors are not statistically significant to explain the degree of acculturation. However, it was observed that there is a tendency that a longer length of residence indicates a higher degree of acculturation. The results also show that marginalization and integration are the two most frequent degrees of acculturation. Finally, even though there is a slight relationship between the degree of acculturation and preference for American food, it was not statistically significant. This thesis fills the gap of limited research of acculturation among East Asians and contributes to the theoretical explanation of how the degree of acculturation affects food consumption. It also helps businesses and market practitioners to better understand the East Asians as a target group.
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Social Identities, Citizenship, and State-building : A case study of KosovoSandström, Tomas January 2012 (has links)
This paper studies the importance of acknowledging social identities in a state-building process. Kosovo is a disputed area in which several ethnic groups reside. These groups obtain extensive rights within the legal framework of the Republic of Kosovo. Although these rights are extensive and, according to some, the best laws regarding minorities in Europe there are those who do not feel an attachment to the state. Historically states have been based on single-groups in so called nation-states in which the mainstream identity of the population were synonymous with that of the state. Today the view on the state has evolved into that of a multi-cultural society in which everyone are accepted regardless of their identity (i.e. sex, ethnicity, gender and so on). The conflict of Kosovo has its base in the Albanian population within Kosovo and their struggle for recognition as a people. Their struggle throughout the 20th century culminated with the complete removal of rights by Slobodan Milošević in 1989 and the formation of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) in 1993. By the end of the 20th century NATO intervened in the conflict resulting in the adaptation of UN Security Council Resolution 1244 in which the future of Kosovo where determined. After being administrated by the international UN mission (UNMIK) for almost 9 years Kosovo declared its independence. Kosovo were to be a multi-ethnic state constituted of its many communities (ethnic-groups). Today there are few people who uses the term 'Kosovar', instead people still identify themselves by their ethnic-identity. This paper studies the importance of social identities and if the citizenship of Kosovo can fill the position as an overlapping identity bringing the ethnic-groups of Kosovo together. Although the conclusion is that the citizenship cannot fill this position today the study identifies several issues that, when resolved, severely increases the possibility for the Kosovo citizenship to fulfill this position.
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The influence of acculturation on the prose comprehension of colon cancer information by English-as-a-second-language immigrant womenThomson, Maria Danette January 2010 (has links)
Introduction: Colon cancer is the third leading cause of cancer death among women in Canada. Although regular screening beginning at age 50 years can significantly decrease risk of colon cancer mortality, many eligible Canadian women have never obtained screening. Cancer screening rates among immigrant women to Canada are even lower than for native-born women. Disparities in the use of preventive cancer services by immigrants have been linked to limited acculturation and speaking a language other than English. Poor prose comprehension may frustrate access and use of preventive cancer information by older ESL immigrant women to Canada. In order to develop useful and actionable cancer prevention information, it is necessary to understand the barriers ESL immigrant women face in obtaining and using health and cancer information. Therefore, the primary objective of this research was to assess the relationship of acculturation on the prose comprehension of older ESL immigrant women to Canada.
Methods: Interviews were conducted with 78 older adult Spanish-speaking immigrant women (aged 45 to 73 years) residing in Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario. Acculturation was inferred by length of Canadian residency and measured using the Bidimensional Acculturation Scale (BAS). Several measures were used to assess comprehension including the shortened Test of Functional Health Literacy in Adults (S-TOFHLA), the Rapid Estimate of Literacy in Medicine (REALM), the Newest Vital Sign (NVS), and a modified Cloze procedure. The modified Cloze procedure was constructed using a one-page colon cancer information sheet created for the public by the Canadian Cancer Society. Four multiple linear regression analyses were used to test the relationship between the independent variables of acculturation (BAS) and length of Canadian residency, age, Spanish language education, employment, and media variables (television and internet use) on each measure of prose comprehension (i.e., dependent variables of scores on S-TOFHLA, NVS, REALM and Cloze). Logistic regression was used to test whether acculturation and comprehension predicted screening intentions. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to identify the women’s cancer information needs and preferences as well as the barriers they experienced in obtaining and understanding English language cancer information.
Results: Three significant models predicting comprehension of colon cancer and health information were identified. The independent variables BAS, Spanish language education and television viewing explained 23% of the variation in Cloze comprehension scores (F=6.76; df=3; p < 0.01; R2= 0.23). Approximately 42% of the variation in S-TOFHLA scores among older ESL immigrant women was explained by the independent variables BAS, age, television viewing and internet use (F=12.13; df=5; p < 0.01; R2=0.42). Using REALM as the dependent measure of comprehension, BAS and television viewing explained 17% of the variation in scores (F=7.54; df=2; p<0.01; R2=0.17). BAS was the only significant predictor of the dependent comprehension measure NVS (F=5.36; df=1; p=0.02; R2=0.07). Logistic regression models predicting colon cancer screening intentions were not significant. Qualitative data analyses revealed that women’s colon cancer information needs, preferences and perceived barriers accessing English language information did not vary according to BAS score or duration of residency in Canada. All women requested actionable information that was community and culturally specific. Additional factors related to older ESL immigrant women’s comprehension of cancer information were identified. These included self-efficacy, social networks and mode of information delivery. These additional modes of information delivery included receiving health information orally as compared to written information.
Conclusion: Acculturation (as measured by BAS) significantly predicted prose comprehension by older ESL Spanish speaking immigrant women across four separate measurement tools (Cloze, S-TOFHLA, REALM, NVS). Yet, the proportion of the variance in comprehension scores explained by acculturation and other demographic variables was low to modest, ranging from 7-42%. In addition to acculturation, self-efficacy and social networks may also be associated with prose comprehension. Low self-efficacy among older ESL immigrant women may be a barrier to information seeking and perceived comprehension. However, strong social networks may provide women with the confidence and resources necessary to access health information and services. These results highlight the need for the additional research regarding the influence of self-efficacy on ESL immigrants’ ability to find and use health and cancer information.
Recommendations: This research has important implications for public health educators. Health educators are encouraged to develop cancer and health information for ESL speakers in Canada that is community, culturally and linguistically specific and which provides actionable information. This is especially salient given the changing demographic and cultural profile of Canadians. Also, among older ESL immigrants who struggle with language barriers, receiving health information orally may be preferred.
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Investigation of Consumer Acculturation in Dining-out: a Comparison between Recent Chinese Immigrants and Established Chinese Immigrants in the Greater Toronto AreaYang, Tianmu 21 July 2010 (has links)
The interaction between culture and consumption of immigrants is an important research area in a number of fields including consumer behaviour, marketing, and ethnic studies. This article offers a specific look at issues related to the impact of acculturation on dining-out behaviour of Chinese immigrants living in the Greater Toronto Area in Canada, and the influence of individual factor of acculturation process (i.e., ethnic identification, length of residence, and age at immigration). This study focused on the similarities and comparisons between recent Chinese immigrants who have been in Canada for ten years or less and established Chinese immigrants who have been in Canada for more than ten years, in terms of their dining-out behaviour in the Greater Toronto Area.
There were two samples, the recent Chinese immigrants and the established Chinese immigrants in this study. Snowball sampling was applied to recruit the total 30 participants (15 of each sample). The author started to recruit from two participants of each sample among her friends and relatives and asked the interviewers to recommend another two qualified participants. Semi-structures, in-depth interviews were employed in this study to explore the impact of culture, levels of acculturation, ethnic identity, situational factors of ethnic identification and dining-out behaviour. The interviews were audio-recorded by permission and conducted in the participant’s preferable language (in English or in Mandarin Chinese). Data analysis was guided by several previous conclusions and model in the literatures and conducted in both qualitative (coding) and quantitative (SPSS) methods.
The findings resulted in some major conclusions. In terms of similarities, it is found that recent Chinese immigrants and established Chinese immigrants obtained restaurants information mostly from friends and relatives. They also searched on internet for other’s reviews, menus, and printable coupons. Secondly, result showed that Chinese immigrants perceived that because they have a long history of food, Chinese people are more willing to try different types of food when immigrated to Canada. Thirdly, situational factors such as peer influences played more significant role on dining-out decision making and self ethnic identifications than parental influences. In terms of differences, data indicated that among Chinese immigrants living in the Greater Toronto Area, recent Chinese immigrants had stronger ethnic identity to their original culture, and dined out more frequently than the established Chinese immigrants. Future, the result suggested that the highest level of Chinese ethnic food purchasing behaviour were reported by highest ethnic identifiers (ones who identified themselves as more Chinese). However, there was another important factor that influenced the levels of acculturation in dining-out behaviour more greatly than the length of immigration: the age at immigration. The study found that Chinese immigrants who immigrated at early age had the highest level of acculturation and identified themselves as more Canadian, while ones who immigrated at late life had the lowest level of acculturation and identifies themselves as more Chinese.
The findings reflected the impact of culture and consumer acculturation in dining-out among Chinese immigrants in the Greater Toronto Area and could potentially contribute to the marketing implications to both ethnic and mainstream restaurant marketers. This study also gives some future thoughts on the exploration of more variables at individual differences, as well as other perspectives of research conducting such as from psychological or economic perspective.
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Empirical study on the acculturation of business mergers in TaiwanSu, Tzu-ling 09 February 2010 (has links)
To compete globally, the financial service industry in Taiwan continuously expands markets and integrates sources and is one of the industries popular in mergers and acquisitions lately. Counting on people to deliver service is one of the traits in the field, therefore, it¡¦s worthy of attentions and discovery about the relations of the acculturation/the employees¡¦ working attitude/the perceived organizational performance between the acquiring and the acquired firms when combined.
The study targets on the two cases of M&As in the financial service industry happened in the past two years in Taiwan and it is conducted by the questionnaire survey. Throughout interviewing total 364 of the staffs and agents in Kaohsiung of two pairs of the acquiring and the acquired companies which were combined, the datum of the research is made by reliability analysis, descriptive analysis, Pearson correlation analysis, independent sample t-test, ANOVA, and multiple regression analysis to analyze the dimensions of the organizational culture and the employees¡¦ working attitudes and the perceived organizational performance of the acquiring and the acquired firms. The major findings are as follows:
1. The Organizational culture and the employees¡¦ working attitude both are statistically significant correlated to the perceived organizational performance, especially the latter affects the perceived organizational performance more than the former does.
2. Among the sub-dimensions, the organizational commitment in the employees¡¦ working attitude explains most the variation of the perceived organizational performance and then the recognition. Also, the service quality in the organizational culture explains most the one. It means that the organizational commitment and the recognition of employees¡¦ as well as the service quality are with significant influences on the perceived organizational performance.
3. The Organizational culture is statistically significant correlated to the employees¡¦ working attitude, and among its sub-dimensions the service quality explains most the variation of the employees¡¦ working attitude and then the teamwork. In other words, the service quality affects the working attitude of employees¡¦ significantly.
4. The working attitude of the employees¡¦ of the acquiring firm A is significantly different from the one of the acquired firm B, however, the odds in the identity degrees of the organizational culture and the perceived organizational performance between A and B are no significant.
5. The variations in the identity degrees either of the organizational culture, the working attitude of employees¡¦, or the perceived organizational performance between the acquiring firm C and the acquired one D are significant.
The research gives the evidence that the working attitude of employees¡¦ affects the perceived organizational performance most. It represents that the acquiring firms should pay more attentions to the soft integration such as human resources and culture when combined to know better the expectation and to reduce the uncertainty of employees¡¦ of both the acquiring and the acquired, to enhance the strength and value identified by both sides in order to reinforce the confidence as well as the identity of the employees¡¦ if it wants the merger to reach the expected accomplishment.
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