Spelling suggestions: "subject:"Action - 3research"" "subject:"Action - 1research""
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Experiencing Community through the Asian American Lens: A Qualitative Study of Photovoice ParticipantsLee, Jae Hyun Julia 11 August 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to understand why there is such lack of citizen participation among Asian Americans, despite the exponential growth of Asian American population in the state. Based on the literature on sense of community, citizen participation, and psychological empowerment, it was speculated that how individuals experience community may influence their motivation to participate. With the goal to understand and document how Asian Americans define community and experience sense of community, a sample of Asian Americans were interviewed. These individuals were participants of the Photovoice project conducted by a local community-based organization. The second aim of the study was to explore if and how a project like Photovoice enhanced the sense of community among participants. The findings suggested that Asian Americans defined various types and multiple communities. Also, it was suggested that because Asian American community is an imposed community of people of diverse Asian background, Asian Americans may not necessarily define it as a community or experience sense of community within the community. Based on the experiences of the participants, Photovoice seem to have great potential in bringing such diverse group as Asian Americans together as a community. Limitations of the study and future directions are discussed.
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Service Innovation in a Voluntary Organization: Creating Work Opportunities for Severely Developmentally Disabled AdultsNeher, Cathy Sue 11 May 2012 (has links)
Current literature on the developmentally disabled indicates they represent a large untapped labor pool that is significantly inhibited in its inclusion in the community. To address this unnecessary isolation, Right in the Community (RitC), a voluntary agency in Cobb County, Georgia, wanted to innovate its service offering by providing meaningful and sustainable work opportunities for those that are severely developmentally disabled. The Competing Values Framework (CVF) offers a dynamic and robust theoretical framework that has been adapted to explain many business factors in addition to organizational effectiveness. Based on a fourteen-month action research engagement at RitC, I adapted the CVF to concentrate on the dimensions of organizational focus, strategy formation and motivational traits to understand and guide service innovation in a voluntary organization. My research aided RitC’s development of a program to provide meaningful and sustainable work opportunities for those that are severely developmentally disabled. From a theoretical standpoint, I have added new knowledge on managing service innovation in voluntary organizations and adapted CVF for understanding and guiding service innovation in that particular context.
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Hur elever under en aktion bedömer sina kunskaper i slöjd : VAD - HUR - VARFÖRHalvorsen, Britt-Marie January 2011 (has links)
SAMMANFATTNING Den här magisteruppsatsen omfattar en empirisk studie i textilslöjdsundervisningen på en F- 6 skola. Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur elever reflekterar och bedömer sina kunskaper i textilslöjd under en aktion samt om aktionen fungerar som stöd för dem. Empirin består av 3 delstudier där elever i år 6 skrivit loggbok, gjort en självvärdering samt besvarat en enkät. Undersökningen har genomförts i pragmatismens anda med aktionsforskning som metod inom ramen för den ordinarie slöjdundervisningen under fyra veckor i följd. Ledstjärnan för studien har varit en matris för bedömning, vilken använts som utgångspunkt för aktionen. Ur denna matris har några förmågor särskilt lyfts fram som introduktion till aktionen. Under aktionens gång har eleverna genom att skriva loggbok, formativt, reflekterat över sina kunskaper och erfarenheter under den genomförda lektionen. I slutet av aktionen har eleverna, summativt med hjälp av matrisen, gjort en självvärdering av sina förmågor. Slutligen har en enkät besvarats av eleverna där deras uppfattning i frågor kring textilslöjd ställts. Empirin visade att eleverna kan reflektera och bedöma kring sina kunskaper i textilslöjd utifrån sitt slöjdarbete. Slöjdprodukten fungerade som det medierande verktyget vid deras reflektioner och bedömningar. Matrisen var en fungerande metod när eleverna summativt gjorde en självvärdering av sina förmågor. Enkäten visade att aktionen som metod hjälpt eleverna att aktivt arbeta med reflektion och bedömning. Sökord: aktionsforskning/action research, bedömning/assessment, slöjd/sloyd
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Värden i förskoleklassvärlden : Fyra pedagogers berättelser om förskoleklassverksamheten - en aktionsforskningsstudieJönsson, Ann-Charlotte January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med aktionsforskningsstudien är att lyfta fram förskoleklasslärares egna åsikter om förskoleklassverksamheten. Det är ett relativt outforskat område, förskoleklassreformen genomfördes 1996. Denna studie ska bidra med mer kunskaper med hjälp av förskoleklasslärares egna berättelser om förskoleklassverksamheten utifrån pedagogernas perspektiv. De fyra deltagande förskoleklasslärarna var ett strategiskt val, de fyra förskoleklasslärarna som deltog i aktionen erbjöds även att delta i studien. I denna kvalitativa studie utgår empirin från de gemensamma samtalen i aktionen. Förskoleklasslärarnas berättelser kondenserades och det skapades två fiktiva pedagoger Aina, som fick symbolisera samarbete, flexibilitet och framförhållning och Berit, som fick symbolisera konservatism, individualism och nuorientering. De två fiktiva pedagogerna representerar bägge de fyra förskoleklasslärarnas röster. Resultatet presenteras som en narrativ, ett samtal mellan Aina och Berit. Resultatet visade fram ett ensamt och otydligt uppdrag och ett flertal upplevda dilemman som mellan det förplanerade och det spontana, barns intresse eller läromedelsböcker och metoder, lek eller lärande med mera. Resultatet bekräftade även en hel del av andra studiers resultat som exempelvis skolifiering. Det visar att trots att förskoleklasslärarna fick stor hjälp med att inta en inlärningsriktad kunskapssyn vidgades perspektivet mot att innefatta en mer utvecklingsinriktad och interaktionistisk kunskapssyn. / The purpose of this research paper, based upon the principle of action science, has been to raise preschool teachers’ opinion relating to the preschool activity. The preschool activity, in its present form after the reformation was introduced in 1996, is to date a relatively new and unexplored area. This study, with the assistance of preschool teachers’ stories about their work from the perspective of their professional pedagogical training and experience, is meant to contribute further knowledge in this area. Four preschool teachers, whom were also offered to participate, were a strategic choice for this study. The empirical basis for this qualitative study originates from joint conversations within the action. The preschool teachers’ stories have been condensed and eventually two fictive personalities were created. These are the two pedagogues Aina and Berit. Aina symbolise cooperation, flexibility and considers future/proactive planning. Berit symbolise conservatism, individualism and considers reactive planning. These fictive personalities represent the voices of all four preschool teachers having participated in the study. The result is presented as a narrative, a conversation between Aina and Berit. The study produced results of a preschool teacher’s assignment described as isolated and unclear with several experienced dilemmas. These dilemmas arise between the planned and the spontaneous, between the child’s interest and teaching aids/books/methods and between play and learning etc. Furthermore, the result confirmed several other studies having shown e.g. “schoolification”. Therefore, this paper strongly support the notion that, in spite of preschool teachers receiving great assistance in terms of incorporating a learning aimed at knowledge, this perspective was here widened toward incorporating a learning aimed more at development and interaction.
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A Framework for Creating a Campus Culture of Compassion: A Participatory Action Research Approach to EqualityGillies, Jennifer January 2009 (has links)
The presence of students with disabilities on university campuses is steadily increasing; however, their total integration and inclusion into campus life has not been as successful (Merchant & Gajar, 1997; Promis, et al., 2001). Canadian students with disabilities continue to be marginalized within universities, mainly because a framework for inclusion has not been firmly established (Promis et al., 2001). Although universities offer services to support academic success, other facets of campus life offered to the general student population, such as recreation or athletics, are often neglected for students with disabilities. These aspects of student life should not be considered trivial as they have many benefits and can enhance a person’s experiences and quality of life at university (Ashton-Shaeffer et al., 2001; Blinde & McLung, 1997; Blinde & Taub, 1999; Promis et al., 2001). Guided by critical disability theory and the concept of embodiment, this dissertation used a participatory action research approach that united key partners from the University of Guelph community in order to examine issues around accessibility and inclusion of students with disabilities in campus recreational and athletic opportunities. The team included representatives from the University’s Centre for Students with Disabilities and the Department of Athletics, an undergraduate student with a disability, and two university alumni. The ultimate goal was to develop a planning framework to guide universities in supporting the human rights and inclusion of students with disabilities in extra-curricular campus life.
Interviews were conducted with five research team members and 18 University of Guelph stakeholders, including: students with and without disabilities, staff members from the Department of Athletics and the Centre for Students with Disabilities, faculty members, and senior administrators. A focus group was also held to share findings and generate feedback on a preliminary draft of the framework. What emerged from data analysis of the interviews, the focus group, team meetings, and journal entries was the development of a framework for Creating a Campus Culture of Compassion. This framework identifies how universities can implement programs, policies, services and practices that better respond to the changing and diverse needs and interests of students with disabilities in order to ensure their full engagement in all areas of campus life. The framework centres around six guiding principles that help guide universities toward developing a campus culture that is compassionate. Essentially, a campus culture of compassion values: (a) access for all; (b) diversity and uniqueness; (c) interdependence and social responsibility; (d) diverse knowledge basis, voices, and perspectives; (e) the power of learning and education as a tool for social change; and (f) the whole person. The framework also indicates three fundamental characteristics that a campus culture of compassion must possess. In essence, post-secondary institutions and their community members must be: (a) interconnected, (b) supportive and enabling, and (c) informed. Six process pieces are included in the framework which enables a campus culture of compassionate to be fuelled and sustained over time. These pieces include: (a) creating a vision for the future, (b) constructing a plan to achieve the vision, (c) securing funds to put the plan in place, (d) thinking critically and measuring actions against the vision, (e) being proactive to make change happen, and (f) reaching beyond compliance. The framework encourages university stakeholders to collectively reflect, dialogue, and collaborate in order to create broader systemic changes. These changes are necessary since constraints to campus engagement can threaten a student’s well-being and sense of self. This framework can serve as a starting point to initiate these conversations and inspire universities to use a participatory approach to encourage positive social change within the university context.
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Outdoor education as a tool forimmigrant learning: : An action research studySimpson, James January 2008 (has links)
In what ways can outdoor education be used when teaching immigrants the language of their new country? There is aneed to both concretise grammar teaching and diversify teaching methods to bring language acquisition closer to reallife situations. By using action research a collaborative study was made with four Finnish teachers in four immigrantlanguage classes by implementing a series of lessons using outdoor education. Focussing on the teacher’s experiencequalitative interviews were conducted both before and after the collaborative outdoor lessons. This was supported byobservation and student verbal and written evaluation. Both positive and negative aspects of outdoor education were explored in relation to how effective it is as a teachingmethod and as a method of cultural assimilation and group socialisation. Outdoor education was found to support a sense of group inclusion and strengthen collective group experience.Difficult concepts were dealt with in a more tangible manner which specifically benefited weaker students. Byexploring the unfamiliar as a group in a supportive environment constructive outcomes were gained. Being outdoorsand using natural materials democratised the cultural meeting. Peer collaboration was demanding but fruitful andshould be used more as a developmental tool in education.
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Förutsättningar för reflektion i skolans värld : En aktionsforskningsstudie om kollegahandledningHansson, Eva January 2011 (has links)
Studiens övergripande syfte är att bidra med kunskap om vilka förutsättningar som behövs för att lärare som ingår i gemenskaper skall uppleva att reflektion sker på ett meningsfullt sätt. Eftersom lärares kompetensutveckling idag, skall utgå från egna erfarenheter och initieras nerifrån av praktikerna, kan studien på längre sikt också bidra med att synliggöra framkomliga vägar för lärares kompetensutveckling, som ett led i skolutveckling och dessutom som ett led i att utveckla läraryrket till en profession.Studien ingick i ett aktionsforskningsprojekt där lärarna själva bestämde fokus, i syfte att utveckla sin egen praktik. Aktionen bestod av fyra faser på en grundskola. Hela aktionen pågick i ett och ett halvt år. Fas 4, studien, pågick under ett läsår. I de tre första faserna kartlades skolans förbättringshistorik och skolans kultur. Grundat på de tre första faserna, bestämde lärarna att den fjärde fasen skulle bestå av reflekterande samtal. De valde kollegahandledning som form. Träffarna spelades in och några träffar valdes ut som analysenheter. Data analyserades utefter vad lärarna pratade om och hur de pratade med varandra.Struktur, utgångspunkter och överlappning var de förutsättningar som framkom i analysen. I diskussionen sätts dessa i relation till frirum, gruppsammansättning och innehåll i samtal. Av detta framkom att skolor själva aktivt måste skapa frirum som ett led i skolutvecklingsprocessen. Det framkom också att inramningen för reflekterande samtal har betydelse, dels hur gruppen sätts samman men också hur tid kan avsättas och rum kan skapas för reflekterande arenor. Slutligen framkom det att utgångspunkter som förberedelse för reflektion har betydelse för vilket innehåll som behandlas och hur det behandlas. En sådan utgångspunkt var i studien bland annat en reflektionslogg. Genom den kunde lärarna öppna upp fönster till varandras praktik. / The study's overall aim is to contribute with knowledge about which conditions that are needed in order to that teachers, included in communities, will experience that reflection happens on a worthwhile way. Since today teachers' skill development will be paid from own experiences and to be initiated from below of practioners, the study can in a longer view also contribute with making visible passable roads for teachers to develop skill themselves, as a part of school development and also of developing teacher against a profession.The study was included in an action research project were the teachers decided focus, in aim to develop its own practice. The action consisted of four phases at a compulsory school. The entire action took place in one and a half year. Phase 4, the study, took place during a school year. During the three first phases the school’s improvement history and the school’s culture was examined. Based on the three first phases, the teachers decided that the fourth phase should consist of reflective deliberation. They choose collegial supervision as method. The meetings were taped and some were chosen out as analysis units. The analysis focused on what the teachers talked about and how the teachers talked with each other.Structure, starting points and overlap were the conditions that arrived in the analysis. In the discussion, these are set in relation to free room, group composition and contents in deliberations. Of this arrived that the schools actively must create free rooms as a part of a school development process. Moreover it arrived that the frame for reflective deliberations has importance, part's how the group is set together but also how time can be allocated and rooms can be created for reflective arenas. It also showed that starting points as preparation for reflection, have importance for which content that is treated and also how it is treated. Such a starting point was in the study among other things the reflection log. Through it the teachers could open up windows to each others practice.
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El lugar de la expresión oral con respecto a las demás destrezas lingüísticas en el material docente Ejercicios Amigos DosHuici, Marta Maria January 2011 (has links)
This dissertation research aims to analyze the material Ejercicios Amigos Dos used by students learning Spanish as a foreign language in a Swedish school. Specifically, it examines the place of speaking skills, in the context of basic language skills. This study was an exploratory and descriptive analysis of the material Ejercicios Amigos Dos.Qualitative method used was action research, which was based on the real needs of the author of this study to enhance their teaching.Sheet one and Sheet two containing educational criteria for the analysis of teaching materials were used to measure the place of speaking skills.The main findings in the analysis showed that speaking skills are taken into account in the teaching material, however there are some micro skills missing. Speaking skills do not take a prominent role in the teaching material. Writing skills are emphasized to a greater extent.
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Implementing the "Wiki Way" in a course in higher educationKalb, Hendrik, Kummer, Christian, Schoop, Eric 30 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Self-organised collaborative wiki work is reality in today’s businesses and students have to be prepared for the resulting requirements. Therefore, the aim of our paper is to demonstrate and to evaluate a way to practice self-organised and loosely coordinated wiki work in higher education. We simulate a common enterprise 2.0 collaboration situation to convey competences in a graduate-level classroom and identify challenges in this context following action research principles. We conclude with a series of insights that help higher education teachers to overcome organisational barriers and provide technical requirements for wiki software engineering.
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Development and Application of Digital Audio/Video Learning Material for Traffic Pattern Training in Airforce AcademyGuo, Shun-sian 05 August 2005 (has links)
Flying is a three dimensional exercise that is combined with time. It includes application of theory, realistic space handling and management of time. In order to let pilot feel the handling, tempo, movement in space, aircraft attitude and radio communication procedure for flying, it is a brand new challenge to develop digitization teaching material of flying handling skill for audio/video and assisting of simulation machine function weak point of the visual effect, use it to help student pilot with understanding the knowledge of flying handling.
This research initially statistically analyzed the training completion and drop-out data of 18 Basic Flying Training classes of the Chinese Air Force Academy, from the academic year of 88 to 92. The research found that the traffic pattern phase has 21.8% of drop-out rate among the 35.2% of the whole training drop-out rate. Furthermore, 16 out of 18 classes had the highest drop-out rate during the traffic pattern phase. Therefore, The purpose of this research lies in offering digitization teaching material for audio/video in order to help student pilot with understanding and learning the flying skill for traffic pattern, in hopes of assisting student pilot on handling and concept and providing effective learning method and technical instruction for both the student pilot and the training unit to advance the performance of flying training. The question of this research includes: 1. Novel flying training and teaching assistance equipments. 2. Raising the traffic pattern phase training completion rate. 3. Raising the traffic pattern phase training performance. 4. Investigating the potential problems associated with flying training.
The researcher is currently the Chinese Air Force Academy instructor pilot. Therefore, the researcher hopes through studying the law as the main research approach with oneself action of action research.In this research, the researcher except that collect putting to documents in order and devotes to develop digitization teaching material for audio/video and select two of the flying training classes of the current academic year, coordinating with the basic flying training schedule of the Chinese Air Force Academy. There will be surveys and interviews with case study through analysis tool for analyzing research data, after applied the traffic pattern digital Audio/Video. Lastly, the research procedure and data analysis will discover that action research has important value in the field of flight training and conclude critical influence factors for the teaching media aspect, unit administration aspect, flying training actual practice aspect, and flying students¡¦ aspect, in order to provide training advice and future research direction.
Keywords: Traffic Pattern¡BTraining Performance¡BCritical Influence Factor¡BAction Research¡BDigital Audio/Video Learning Material
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