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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les enseignants débutants du second degré issus du monde de l’entreprise / Analyse longitudinale de leur insertion dans un second métier

Dozolme, Sylvie 21 September 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse décrit l’insertion professionnelle d’enseignants stagiaires du second degré ayant déjà un vécu professionnel hors système éducatif. Elle retrace les expériences, les ressentis,les activités de ces enseignants lors de leur année de stage professionnel et tente d’identifier les effets de leur vécu professionnel antérieur dans leurs façons de percevoir le travail enseignant et d’intervenir en classe.L’étude a été conduite afin de comprendre leur parcours professionnel antérieur (typique ou atypique), leur motivation, l'(ou les) élément(s) déclencheur(s) de leur bifurcation professionnelle, les difficultés rencontrées, les attentes à l’égard du système… mais aussi lors de leur première année d'entrée dans le métier d'enseignant : les professionnalités antérieures de nouveau mobilisées, leurs expectatives professionnelles, les deuils à faire, l'adéquation ou non à ce nouveau métier… et les remaniements identitaires que cette bifurcation professionnelle a provoqués pour l’intégrer.Une cohorte initialement constituée de 20 enseignants fonctionnaires stagiaires, dans l’académie de Clermont-Ferrand, a été suivie durant l’année scolaire 2011/2012. La diversité des matières enseignées, couplée à la pluralité des lieux d’enseignement contribue à la richesse des matériaux recueillis, mais aussi limite les tentatives de généralisation à partir des monographies étudiées. Le recueil des données, s’est effectué en plusieurs phases : a) des entretiens individuels ont permis de mieux comprendre la trajectoire professionnelle de l'enseignant, reconstituée d’un point de vue chronologique, conduisant à son second métier ;b) un à deux enregistrements audiovisuels de l'enseignant concerné en activité devant ses élèves ; c) un à deux entretiens d'autoconfrontation sur la base de ces enregistrements ; d) en parallèle, la tenue par chaque débutant d’un carnet de bord dans lequel il a pu exprimer son ressenti de la semaine ; e) un bilan de fin d’année établi avec chaque enseignant volontaire de l’étude comportant un retour sur les évènements saillants de son point de vue.Les principaux résultats de la thèse montrent : a) les tensions identitaires vécues par ces nouveaux enseignants ; b) l’existence de typicalités de parcours conduisant à des processus de reprofessionnalisation ; c) la présence de phénomènes d’hystérésis ou au contraire de rejets des anciennes pratiques professionnelles ; d) la convocation de gestes professionnels issus de l’ancien métier.Au final, notre recherche met l’accent sur les similitudes et les différences d’entrée dans le métier entre celle des membres de notre cohorte et celle (décrite dans la littérature) des débutants ayant suivi un cursus normal, c’est-à-dire directement issus de l’université. Ce travail peut contribuer à offrir une aide potentielle aux formateurs pour mieux comprendre les tensions et les transformations identitaires que ces « nouveaux enseignants seconde carrière » issus de l’entreprise vivent afin de mieux les aider à s’adapter à leur nouveau métier. / This thesis describes the employability of secondary school trainee teachers who already have professional experience outside of the educational system. It traces the experiences, feelings, activities of these teachers during their year of internship and tries to identify the effects of their previous professional experience on their perception of teaching methods and on their classroom work. The study was conducted in order to understand their previous career (typical or atypical), their motivation, the initiating that led to their professional bifurcation, their difficulties and expectations towards the system... but also in their first year into the teaching profession: the former professional skills once again mobilized, their professional expectations, their grieving over losses, their suitability or not to this new job... and the professional identity related challenges that this bifurcation has generated. A cohort initially comprised of 20 teachers probationers in the region of Clermont-Ferrand, was followed during the school year 2011/2012. The diversity of the subjects taught, coupled with the plurality of educational places contributes to the richness of the materials gathered, but also limits the generalization attempts from the studied monographs. The collection of data was carried out in several phases: a) individual interviews helped to understand better the professional route of the teacher, reconstructed from a chronological point of view, leading to his second job; b) one or two audiovisual recordings of the teacher interacting with his students; c) one or two self-confrontation conversations based on these recordings; d) in parallel, each beginner had to write a professional diary in which he could express his feelings during the week; e) a year-end balance sheet made by volunteering teachers of the study with their feedback on what they considered salient events. The main results of the thesis have shown: a) the identity tensions experienced by these new teachers; b) the existence of course typicalities leading to re-professionalisation process; c) the presence of hysteresis phenomena or on the contrary the rejection of former professional practices; d) the calling for professional acts inherited from their past job experience. In the end, our research focuses on the similarities and differences in entering the teaching profession between the members of our cohort and the beginners (described in the literature) who have followed a regular curriculum, that is, ie directly from the university. This work may help provide potential assistance to trainers to better understand the tensions and identity transformations that these "new second career teachers" coming from the private sector live through and help them adapt to their new profession.

Using Tentacles in Planning and Scheduling Work : Activities, Roles and Contributions

Berglund, Martina January 2009 (has links)
Handling production scheduling is increasingly difficult for manyenterprises, and human involvement is necessary. The overall objective ofthis research was to gain further understanding of planners’ and schedulers’work within the manufacturing industry, to elucidate how their worksituation is formed, and to explain their significance to other employees’work and company activities. Scheduling work was studied in fourcompanies in the Swedish woodworking industry; a sawmill, a parquet floormanufacturer, a furniture manufacturer and a house manufacturer. Themethod used was activity analysis which is based on the analysis of workactivities in real work situations. Data collection included 20 days’observations and 65 interviews. Cross-case analysis with British cases onplanning work was also included.The findings revealed that the schedulers’ tasks lead to many activities. Twothirds of these are what can be expected. The remaining third constitutesactivities that depend on the schedulers’ individual attributes and the contextin which they work. The schedulers serve as problem solvers in a number ofdomains and constitute efficient information nodes, making them animportant service function. Furthermore, they have an alignment rolebetween different organizational groups. This role is specifically remarkablein dealing with production enquiries that must be aligned with productioncapability. Here, both planners and schedulers play an essential role inlinking the manufacturing and the commercial sides and their differentfunctional logics.Planners and schedulers in daily work exert strong influence on others. Theydo not hold legitimate power. Instead their influence emanates mainly fromaccess to and control of information and their ability to apply expertise tointerpret this information and examine the impact of decisions made acrossdifferent areas of the business. Personal power related to social skills is alsosignificant.Furthermore, they facilitate others’ work in continuous personalinteractions, serving the technical scheduling software system, and aligningdifferent organizational functions. In combination with expert knowledgeand developed social skills, they significantly contribute to quality operationsperformance. Finally, the schedulers influence the decision latitude of otheremployees and may indirectly promote job satisfaction, thus contributing todeveloping appropriate working conditions for others in the company. / QC 20100624

Activity Analysis for Continuous Productivity Improvement in Construction

Gouett, Michael C. January 2010 (has links)
In the construction industry, onsite labour is one of the most variable and costly factors which affect project profits. Due to the variable nature of construction labour and its correlation with profits, construction managers require a comprehensive understanding of the activities of workers onsite. For project success, it is important that workers are spending the majority of their time installing materials which advance the project. This material installation time is known in the construction industry as “direct-work” or “tool time”. Site management should continuously seek to improve the direct-work rate through the life of the project. A review of the literature indicates that no workface assessment method exists in the literature which provides: (1) a detailed description of worker activities, and (2) a continuous productivity improvement process to help management identify productivity inhibitors affecting site labour, to develop a plan to reduce or eliminate these issues, and to measure improvements as a result of these changes. In response to this need, this research has focused on the development of a workface assessment method called activity analysis. Activity analysis is a continuous productivity improvement process which efficiently measures the time expenditure of workers onsite and identifies productivity inhibitors that management must reduce or eliminate to provide workers with more time for direct-work activities. Six case studies were conducted to verify the feasibility of the activity analysis process. Further, cyclical data from two major construction firms was collected and statistically analyzed to validate the hypothesis that activity analysis can improve direct-work rates. It has been concluded that activity analysis, as a continuous productivity improvement process, is both feasible and when continually applied to a construction site, can significantly improve direct-work rates through the life of a project.

Activity Analysis for Continuous Productivity Improvement in Construction

Gouett, Michael C. January 2010 (has links)
In the construction industry, onsite labour is one of the most variable and costly factors which affect project profits. Due to the variable nature of construction labour and its correlation with profits, construction managers require a comprehensive understanding of the activities of workers onsite. For project success, it is important that workers are spending the majority of their time installing materials which advance the project. This material installation time is known in the construction industry as “direct-work” or “tool time”. Site management should continuously seek to improve the direct-work rate through the life of the project. A review of the literature indicates that no workface assessment method exists in the literature which provides: (1) a detailed description of worker activities, and (2) a continuous productivity improvement process to help management identify productivity inhibitors affecting site labour, to develop a plan to reduce or eliminate these issues, and to measure improvements as a result of these changes. In response to this need, this research has focused on the development of a workface assessment method called activity analysis. Activity analysis is a continuous productivity improvement process which efficiently measures the time expenditure of workers onsite and identifies productivity inhibitors that management must reduce or eliminate to provide workers with more time for direct-work activities. Six case studies were conducted to verify the feasibility of the activity analysis process. Further, cyclical data from two major construction firms was collected and statistically analyzed to validate the hypothesis that activity analysis can improve direct-work rates. It has been concluded that activity analysis, as a continuous productivity improvement process, is both feasible and when continually applied to a construction site, can significantly improve direct-work rates through the life of a project.

Įmonės pelningumą skatinančių strateginių veiksmų analizė remiantis UAB "X" / Strategic activity analysis impact on profitability growth based on company "X" research

Liutkutė, Goda 04 February 2009 (has links)
Kiekvienos įmonės tikslas yra uždirbti pinigus dabar ir ateityje, pilnai tenkinant klientų (rinkos) poreikius, generuojant didėjančią pridėtinę vertę ir adekvačiai ją paskirstant. Įmonėms vykdant veiklą rinkos ekonomikos sąlygomis, konkurencinė kova tarp įmonių nuolatos stiprėja, taigi norėdamos išlikti rinkoje įmonės taiko įvairius metodus ir priemones savo tikslams pasiekti. Vis dėl to siekdamos pelningumo didinimo įmonės privalo nuolatos ieškoti rezervų vykdomai veiklai gerinti, plėsti siūlomų produktų ir paslaugų asortimentą, diegti inovacijas ir žinoma, tobulinti valdymo metodiką. Siekiant įvertinti UAB „X“ veiklos pelningumo didinimo galimybes, buvo pasirinkta įmonės veiklos valdymo analizė, kurios metu buvo atskleisti vidaus ir išorės rezervai, leidžiantys didinti įmonės efektyvumą ir pelningumą. Darbo tikslas: Atlikti UAB „X“ veiklos analizę ir pateikti siūlymus kaip įmonei uždirbti pinigus dabar ir ateityje, pilniau tenkinant klientų (rinkos) poreikius, generuojant didėjančią pridėtinę vertę ir adekvačiai ją paskirstant. Darbo objektas: UAB „X“ 2004 – 2007 metų veikla. Darbo uždaviniai: 6. Atskleisti įmonės veiklos analizės reikšmę ir vietą valdymo sistemoje. 7. Aptarti pagrindinius įmonės veiklos analizės metodus, tyrimo būdus ir analizės rūšis. 8. Atlikti UAB „X“ 2004 – 2007 metų laikotarpio pagrindinės (gamybinės) ir finansinės veiklos analizes. 9. Atlikti biuro reikmenų rinkos tyrimą, atskleidžiant įmonės pagrindinę veiklą įtakojančius aplinkos veiksnius. 10... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The general purpose of every company is to earn money today and sustain the constant cash flow grow in the future, through overall customer (market) needs satisfaction and reasonable usage of company’s resources and competences. Doing business in today‘s market-based economy companies usually faces a lot of difficulties related with generating sustained economic growth, which requires increase in productivity and insists for significant investments in human and physical capital and accelerating technological change. The general solution, willing to survive, sustain competitive advantage and insist profit growth is to search for alternative solutions increasing work efficiency, products and services assortment enlargement, spread of innovations and company management improvement. Willing to evaluate joint stock Company “X” profit growth possibilities, it was decided to carry out activity analysis as a mean to identify and describe practical activities implemented by organization and evaluate their impact on its operations efficiency and overall results. The purpose of work is to carry joint stock Company “X” 2004-2007 year period activity analysis. The object of work is to conduct joint stick Company “X” activity analysis by searching for an optimal solution, how to earn money today and sustain the constant grow in the future. The tasks of work: 1. Disclose the theoretical background of activity analysis and emphasize its significance for company management. 2. Exclude... [to full text]

Envelhecimento, experiência e competência : uma abordagem ergonômica

Nunes, Gabriela Salomé 29 April 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Caroline Periotto (carol@ufscar.br) on 2016-09-12T12:29:34Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DissGSN.pdf: 1896290 bytes, checksum: 4b709c77e425124c415aa8ec78c05003 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marina Freitas (marinapf@ufscar.br) on 2016-09-13T14:14:14Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DissGSN.pdf: 1896290 bytes, checksum: 4b709c77e425124c415aa8ec78c05003 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marina Freitas (marinapf@ufscar.br) on 2016-09-13T14:14:20Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DissGSN.pdf: 1896290 bytes, checksum: 4b709c77e425124c415aa8ec78c05003 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-13T14:14:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DissGSN.pdf: 1896290 bytes, checksum: 4b709c77e425124c415aa8ec78c05003 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-04-29 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / The study of the relationship between aging, experience and competence has gained great attention because of the paradox faced by industries related to age and knowledge of its workers. You can see inexperienced young people with high-level training as opposed entering the labor market for older workers with less education, however with more experience. It is known that the aging labor situation puts physical and psychological changes resulting from advancing age, but also causes the increase of experience, which enables to accelerate and enrich the production process generating evolution of workers' skills. Several studies have been conducted principally aiming to understand the relationship between aging and work, however, most of these aging studies only in extreme ages beyond, focusing on losses resulting from the process instead of positives. Thus, in order to understand how the regulation is among the factors related to aging and gain experience as well as the development of skills of operators within a structural assembly sector, was held a review of the literature followed a study case in an industrial sector of aircraft assembly. Participants were five operators of different ages and working time. The data was collected by conducting interviews within the productive sector, followed by Work Ability Index questionnaire and perform the analysis of the activity. The data collected allowed the observation that the benefits arising from the gain experience and acquire skills stand out relative declines caused by chronological aging. Furthermore, it was observed that learners operators use a longer time to complete their activities, prioritized performance of the task on time at the expense of health protection and presenting a more detailed and preformed action sequence. It was also observed that the interaction between experienced operators and apprentices is critical for the exchange of knowledge in occupational environment. Thus, the study contributes to the understanding of the relationship between aging, experience and expertise focusing on the positive aspects that permeate this relationship. / O estudo da relação entre envelhecimento, experiência e competência tem ganhado grande atenção devido ao paradoxo enfrentado por indústrias relacionado à idade e ao conhecimento de seus trabalhadores. É possível observar jovens inexperientes com alto nível de formação entrando no mercado de trabalho em oposição a trabalhadores mais velhos, com menor formação, no entanto com maior experiência. Sabe-se que o envelhecimento em situação de trabalho evidencia alterações físicas e psicológicas decorrentes do avanço de idade, mas também ocasiona o aumento da experiência adquirida, o que permite acelerar e enriquecer o processo de produção gerando evolução das competências dos trabalhadores. Diversos estudos têm sido conduzidos visando compreender principalmente a relação entre envelhecimento e trabalho, no entanto, a maior parte deles estuda o envelhecimento apenas em idades extremas além de, focar nas perdas decorrentes deste processo em detrimento dos aspectos positivos. Assim, com o objetivo de compreender como ocorre a regulação entre os fatores relacionados ao envelhecimento e aquisição de experiência, bem como a evolução das competências dos operadores dentro de um setor de montagem estrutural, realizou-se uma revisão da literatura seguida de um estudo de caso em um setor industrial de montagem de aeronaves. Participaram do estudo cinco operadores de diferentes idades e tempo de trabalho. A coleta de dados ocorreu através da realização de entrevistas dentro do setor produtivo, seguidos do preenchimento do questionário de Índice de Capacidade para o Trabalho e da realização da análise da atividade. Os dados coletados permitiram observar que os benefícios advindos do ganho de experiência e aquisição de competências se sobressaem em relação os declínios causados pelo envelhecimento cronológico. Além disso, observou-se que operadores aprendizes utilizam um tempo maior para concluir suas atividades, priorizaram o cumprimento da tarefa no prazo em detrimento da proteção à saúde e que apresentam uma sequência de ação mais detalhada e pré-moldada. Observou-se também que a interação entre operadores experientes e aprendizes é fundamental para a troca de conhecimento em ambiente ocupacional. Assim, o estudo contribui com a compreensão da relação entre envelhecimento, experiência e competência tendo como foco os aspectos positivos que permeiam esta relação.

Estratégias operatórias dos inspetores de Huanglongbing (Greening) de uma propriedade citrícola no interior do Estado de São Paulo / Operative strategies of Huanglongbing (Greening)‟s scouts of a citrus property within the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil

Gonçalves, Glaucia Helena 09 December 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:51:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 4070.pdf: 5454081 bytes, checksum: ca554fa7a9667cd15a69e9c5e0a36841 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-12-09 / Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais / This research aimed to study the activity of the HLB's scouts, workers whose function is to identify symptomatic plants, in order to understand the physical constraints, cognitive and organizational involved in accomplishing the task, characterizing the operative approach used to identify diseased plants, and to elucidate what aspects hinder the identification of symptoms. The method adopted for the research was the Ergonomic Analysis of Work EAW (Güérin et al., 2001). The results, after validation with the operators and management, allowed understanding the complex relationships between the physical, cognitive and organizational aspects present on activity. Major difficulties were observed mainly in relation to the disposal of the scouts on the platforms and in relation to working hours, at the beginning and end of the journey. Important findings have highlighted strategies, unknown by the organization, used by scouts to locate candidates‟ trees to the fine analysis of investigation of symptoms. In conclusion, the analysis enable to understand the constraints and find technical and organizational solutions to the survey work on citrus groves as well as it showed signs and symptoms not investigated yet or rarely considered by researchers involved on searches aimed at increasing the ability to diagnose the disease in the field. / Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo estudar a atividade dos inspetores de HLB, trabalhadores cuja função é identificar plantas contaminadas por HLB, a fim de entender os constrangimentos físicos, cognitivos e organizacionais envolvidos na realização da tarefa, caracterizar as estratégias operatórias utilizadas para identificar as plantas doentes, e elucidar quais os aspectos dificultam a identificação de sintomas. O método adotado para a pesquisa foi a Análise Ergonômica do Trabalho - AET (Güèrin et al., 2001). Os resultados, após a validação com os operadores e gestão, permitiu a compreensão das intrincadas relações entre os aspectos físicos, cognitivos e organizacionais presentes na atividade. Maiores dificuldades foram observadas principalmente em relação à disposição dos inspetores nas plataformas e em relação ao horário de trabalho, no início e no fim da jornada. Achados importantes destacaram estratégias, desconhecidas pela organização, usadas pelos inspetores para localizar plantas candidatas para a análise fina de verificação dos sintomas. Em conclusão, a análise permitiu compreender os constrangimentos e encontrar soluções técnicas e organizacionais para o trabalho de inspeção em pomares de citros, bem como mostrar sinais e sintomas não investigados ainda ou raramente considerados pelos pesquisadores envolvidos em estudos que visam aumentar a capacidade de diagnóstico da doença no campo.

A Content-Based Recommendation System for Leisure Activities

Rodas Britez, Marcelo Dario 23 October 2019 (has links)
People’s selection of leisure activities is a complex choice because of implicit human factors and explicit environmental factors. Satisfactory participation in leisure activities is an important task since keeping a regular active lifestyle can help to maintain and improve the wellbeing of people. Technology could help in selecting the most appropriate activities by designing and implementing activities, collecting people profiles and their preferences relations. In fact, recommendation systems, have been successfully used in the last years in similar tasks with different types of recommendation systems. This thesis aims at the design, implementation, and evaluation of recommendation systems that could help us to better understand the complex choice of selecting leisure activities. In this work, we first define an evaluation framework for different recommendations systems. Then we compare their performances using different evaluation metrics. Thus, we explore and try to better understand the user’s preferences over leisure activities. After, having a comprehensive analysis of modelling recommended items and leisure activities, we also design and implement a content-based leisure activity recommendation system to make use of a taxonomy of activities. Moreover, in the course of our research, we have collected and evaluated two datasets obtained one from the Meetup social network and the other from crowd-workers and made them available as open data sources for further evaluation in the recommendation system research community.

Characterization of the anticancer properties of Ruthenium-derived compounds : mode of action, optimization and development of experimental tools / Caractérisation des propriétés anticancéreuses des composés dérivés du ruthénium : mode d'action, optimisation et développement d’outils expérimentaux.

Vidimar, Vania 23 April 2012 (has links)
Au cours des dernières années, une nouvelle classe de composés anticancéreux à base de ruthénium, appelés RDCs (Ruthenium-Derived Compounds), a été développé pour dépasser les limitations des agents chimiothérapiques contenants du platine. Contrairement à ces derniers, l’activité anticancéreuse des RDCs est en partie indépendante de l'interaction avec l'ADN. L’objectif principal de ma thèse a été ainsi de comprendre les mécanismes moléculaires quiinter viennent dans l’action anticancéreuse et antimétastatique des RDCs au-delà du dommage à l’ADN.J’ai démontré que le RDC11, contrairement au cisplatine, affecte les voies de signalisation de HIF-1 et mTOR, deux voies qui jouent un rôle clé dans le métabolisme cellulaire et qui sont souvent altérées dans les cellules cancéreuses.En parallèle, j’ai effectué un analyse structure/activité pour sélectionner des nouveaux RDCs ayant meilleures propriétés chimiques et pharmacologiques que le RDC11. Cette étude a permis d’identifier deux nouveaux RDCs qui réduisent la croissance tumorale in vivo avec un dosage beaucoup plus faible que le RDC11 et qui induisent la mort des cellules cancéreuses par une surproduction d'espèces réactives de l'oxygène et par l'activation de la caspase8. En conclusion, mes travaux ont conduit à l’identification de nouveaux mécanismes à la base de l’activité anticancéreuse du RDC11 qui pourraient expliquer certaines différences entre le mode d’action du RDC11 et du cisplatine. De plus, ils ont permis de sélectionner deux nouveaux RDCs plus efficaces que le RDC11. Ces résultat sont un impact important pour le développement de nouvelles thérapies anticancéreuses ou antimétastatiques. / In recent years, a new class of anticancer ruthenium-based drugs, called RDCs (Ruthenium-Derived Compounds), has been developed to overcome the limitations of classic platinum chemotherapeutics. Unlike the latter, the anticancer activity of RDCs is in part independent of DNA interaction. Therefore, the main objective of my thesis work was to elucidate the molecular mechanisms involved in RDCs anticancer and antimetastatic activity beyond DNA damage. I demonstrated that RDC11, unlike cisplatin, affects the HIF-1 and mTOR signaling pathways, two pathways that play a key role in cellular metabolism and that are frequently altered in cancer cells. In parallel, I performed a structure/activity analysis to select new RDCs endowed with better chemical and pharmacological properties than RDC11. This study allowed to identify two novel RDCs that reduce tumor growth in vivo at much lower doses than RDC11 and that induce cancer cell death by an overproduction of reactive oxygen species and activation of caspase 8. In conclusion, my work led to the identification of new mechanisms underlying the anticancer activity of RDC11 that could explain some of the differences between the mode of action of RDC11 and cisplatin. In addition, it allowed to select two novel RDCs which are more effective than RDC11. These results have a significant impact on the development of new anticancer or antimetastatic therapies.

L'analyse de l'activité comme préalable à la conception d'un environnement virtuel de formation : le cas d'une formation à la gestion d'incendies en milieu urbain chez les sapeurs-pompiers / Activity analysis as a prerequisite for the design of a virtual training environment : the case of a training for firefighters in the management of urbans fires

Cardin, Yohann 01 February 2016 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse s’inscrit dans un projet de conception de plate-forme d’apprentissage financé par la société STDI, société spécialisée dans le développement d’applications numériques à vocation pédagogique. Ce projet s’est déroulé au CERV (Centre Européen de Réalité Virtuelle) avec pour vocation de s’appuyer sur l’apport offert par les technologies liées à la réalité virtuelle.Dans la continuité de plusieurs travaux préalablement réalisés au CERV, notre démarche scientifique s’est attachée à introduire l’analyse de l’activité humaine en situation réelle de formation dans les boucles de conception d’une plate-forme de formation collaborative. Ce travail d’analyse a pu être réalisé en collaboration avec le SDIS 56 dans le cadre de la formation pratique des chefs d’agrès chez les sapeurs-pompiers. Ce travail s’est articulé autour de trois objets de recherche soulevant chacun des enjeux scientifiques spécifiques : étudier la complexité de l’activité décisionnelle des chefs d’agrès en situation d’intervention ; la coordination des équipes en intervention ; et l’activité des formateurs dans des situations de formation à risques.En faisant des choix méthodologiques s’inspirant de l’approche naturaliste, nos différents niveaux d’analyse ont pu mettre en évidence plusieurs résultats. L’analyse individuelle souligne pour le chef d’agrès l’alternance décisionnelle entre analyse de la situation et mise en place de l’intervention ainsi que l’importance des processus d’anticipation et de planification. L’analyse collective met en évidence l’articulation en cours d’intervention des activités individuelles de construction de signification en fonction des objectifs personnels et de la configuration spatiale et fonctionnelle de l’équipe. Enfin, l’analyse de l’activité des formateurs permet de préciser leur rôle de gestionnaire des situations de simulation ainsi que celui de facilitateur au cours des débriefings permettant une construction de connaissance a posteriori.La prise en compte de nos différents résultats a permis une prise en considération globale de l’environnement virtuel de formation et a ouvert certaines pistes de développement des outils pédagogiques déjà existants. / This thesis is part of a project to design a learning platform funded by STDI, a company specialized in the development of digital applications for teaching purposes. This project took place at the CERV (European Center for Virtual Reality) with the aim of relying on technologies related to virtual reality.In continuity with several works previously carried out at the CERV, our scientific approach has focused on introducing the analysis of human activity into a real training situation in the design loops of a collaborative training platform. This work of analysis was carried out in collaboration with the SDIS 56 in the framework of the practical training of chiefs in a fire brigade. This work was based on three research subjects, each of which raised specific scientific issues : studying the complexity of the decision-making activity of the operators in the situation of intervention ; the coordination of the crew in intervention ; and the activity of trainers in situations of risk training.By making methodological choices inspired by the naturalistic approach, our different levels of analysis have revealed several results. The individual analysis emphasizes the decision-making alternation between analysis of the situation and implementation of the intervention, as well as the importance of the anticipation and planning processes. The collective analysis reveals the articulation during the intervention of the individual sense-making activities according to the personal objectives and the spatial and functional configuration of the team. Finally, the analysis of the activity of trainers make it possible to specify their role as simulations managers and that of facilitators during the debriefings allowing a construction of knowledge a posteriori.Taking into account our different results, we have considered the global nature of the virtual training environment and developed some ideas for the improvement of existing teaching tools.

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