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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le "je" professionnel en construction des professeurs des école débutants : Une approche psychophénoménologique / The professional "I" of starting school teacher : .A psychophenomenologiacl approach

Ferrero-Boutrais, Magali 04 November 2015 (has links)
Notre recherche étudie la pratique des professeurs des écoles débutants à partir d'une approche par la description de leur vécu, de leur point de vue, c'est-à-dire en première personne. La méthode de recueil des données choisie est l'entretien d'explicitation de Vermersch, dans le but de mieux comprendre comment se construit le « je » professionnel chez les professeurs des écoles débutants. Cet accompagnement amène la personne interviewée à recontacter, au plus près, son vécu passé. Les verbalisations ainsi recueillies concernent, selon notre choix, des descriptions de situations de classe. À partir de l'analyse de ces données, nous avons mis en évidence des gestes professionnels d'ajustement (Jorro) des professeurs des écoles débutantes qui sont le résultat de prises d'information/prises de décision très brèves en situation. Les principaux indices qui attirent l'attention des professeurs des écoles débutantes sont relatifs aux élèves : leurs mouvements, leurs paroles, leur expressivité (le regard, l'absence de réaction, les sourires, etc.). Nous avons mis en évidence des compétences émergentes chez les professeurs des écoles débutantes, qui relèvent de compétences transversales. Pour nous, une compétence émergente est un savoir-faire professionnel mû par une intention, un sous-but, qui est en cours de construction chez le professeurs des écoles, qui, souvent n'est pas encore conscientisé, mais qui est présent dans la description en première personne d'un vécu de classe. Ces savoir-faire appartiennent au préréfléchi de l'action et vont donner lieu à des prises de conscience par le processus cognitif de réfléchissement. Les compétences émergentes que nous avons pu identifier sont au nombre de quatre : faire verbaliser les élèves, favoriser les interactions entre les élèves, écouter et prendre en compte la parole des élèves, utiliser son corps et son positionnement dans la classe. Deux catégories de compétences émergentes se dégagent : l'importance du corps de l'enseignant par les professeurs des écoles débutantes, d'une part, et l'importance de la prise en compte de la parole des élèves, d'autre part. Ces deux objets de prise de conscience semblent fondamentaux dans la conduite de la classe, pour instaurer un climat de confiance et pour assurer une relation pédagogique propice à l'apprentissage des élèves. Notre recherche met en évidence des compétences conscientisées par les professeurs des écoles débutantes. Elles sont déjà présentes à la conscience des professeurs des écoles débutantes interviewées, ou ont fait l'objet d'une prise de conscience au cours de notre recherche. Elles sont constituées de ce que la professeurs des écoles sait qu'elle sait faire. Ces compétences conscientisées font partie des gestes professionnels (Jorro). Ces gestes professionnels contiennent les savoir-faire historiques du métier et intègrent des compétences que le professionnel ajuste selon ses perceptions et les relations inter-subjectives, en situation. Nous avons montré que les compétences émergentes et les compétences conscientisées, constituant des gestes professionnels, étaient sous-tendues par des valeurs pour les professeurs des écoles débutantes de notre corpus. Ces valeurs sont : créer un climat de confiance dans la classe, de donner confiance en eux aux élèves, d'aider les élèves en difficulté et de rendre les élèves autonomes. Ces valeurs sous-jacentes sont incarnées par les professeurs des écoles débutantes à travers une posture d'écoute et de respect des élèves, sachant manier aussi l'humour, une posture d'accompagnement des élèves (dans le sens d'être « à côté », de « rassurer » et d'« encourager »). Ces valeurs représentent les deux piliers du « je » professionnel en construction chez les professeurs des écoles débutantes : l'importance de la relation aux élèves et l'importance du lâcher-prise. Nous formulons l'hypothèse que ce « je » professionnel évolue tout au long de la carrière des professeurs des écoles. / Our research studies the practice of the primary school teachers beginners starting from an approach by description from their real-life experience, their point of view, i.e. in first person. The selected method of collection of the data is the elicitation interview method of Vermersch, with an aim of better understanding how the professional “I” of the primary school teachers beginners in construction. This accompaniment brings the person interviewed to recontact, with close, its past real life experience. The entries of charge thus collected concern, according to our choice, descriptions of situations of class. Starting from the analysis of these data, we highlighted professional gestures of adjustment (Jorro) of the primary school teachers beginners which are the result of acquisitions of information and very short decision makings in situation. The principal indices which draw the attention of the primary school teachers beginners are relating to the pupils: their movements, their words, their expressivity (the glance, the absence of reaction, smiles, etc.). We highlighted emergent competences of the primary school teachers beginners, which concern transverse competences. For us, an emergent competence is a professional know-how drived by an intention, a under-goal, which is in construction at the primary school teachers beginners, which, often is not conscientized yet, but which is present in description in first person of the real life experience on class. This know-how belongs to the given cognitive process of the action and will cause awakenings by the cognitive process of reflecting. Emergent competences that we could identify are four : to make the pupils to verbalize, support the interactions between the pupils, to listen to and to take into account the word of the pupils, to use teacher's body and its positioning in the classroom. Two categories of emergent competences appear: importance of the body of the teacher by the primary school teachers beginners, on the one hand, and the importance of the taking into account of the word of the pupils, on the other hand. These two objects of awakening seem fundamental in the control of the class, to found a climate of trust and to ensure a teaching relation favourable with the training of the pupils. Our research highlights the competences conscientized by the beginners primary school teachers. They are already present at the conscience of the primary school interviewed teachers, or were the object of an awakening during our research. They consist of what the primary school teachers beginners know that they can do. These conscientized competences are part of the professional gestures (Jorro). These occupational gestures contain historical know-how of the trade and integrate competences which the professional adjusts according to his perceptions and the intersubjective relations, in situation. We showed that emergent competences and conscientized competences, constituting professional gestures, were underlain by values for the primary school teachers beginners of our corpus. These values are : to create a climate of trust in the class, to give confidence in them to the pupils, to help the pupils in difficulty and to make the pupils autonomous. These subjacent values are incarnated by the primary school teachers beginners through a posture of listening and respect of the pupils, knowing to also handle humour, a posture of accompaniment of the pupils (in the direction to be “at side”, “to reassure” and “to encourage”). These values represent the two pillars of the professional “I” in construction of the primary school teachers beginners: importance of the relation to the pupils and importance of the release-catch. We formulate the assumption that this “I” professional evolves throughout the career of the primary school teachers.

Analyse de l’activité d’enseignants stagiaires du second degré en situation de vidéoformation autonome : contribution à un programme de recherche technologique en formation / Analysis of the activity of secondary school trainee teachers in autonomous videoforming situation

Flandin, Simon 19 November 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse rend compte d’une recherche inscrite dans le programme empirique et technologique du « cours d’action », un programme d’anthropologie cognitive poursuivant conjointement (i) un but épistémique par la production de concepts sur l’activité humaine et (ii) un but transformatif par la conception d’aides favorisant des transformations majorantes de cette activité. La thèse s’inscrit plus particulièrement dans un volet consacré à la vidéoformation des enseignants. La recherche dont elle rend compte poursuit des travaux antérieurs décrivant, analysant et modélisant l’activité des enseignants débutants afin de mieux comprendre les difficultés qu’ils rencontrent et les aider à mieux y faire face. Elle fait plus particulièrement suite à ceux qui ont abouti à la conception de NéoPass@ction (neo.ens-lyon.fr), un dispositif de vidéoformation en ligne basé sur la modélisation de l’évolution de l’activité typique des débutants du second degré dans une situation identifiée comme critique : l’entrée en classe et la mise au travail des élèves.L’objectif principal de la thèse est l’étude systématique de l’activité d’enseignants stagiaires du second degré en situation d’utilisation autonome de NéoPass@ction. Son objectif secondaire est l’étude exploratoire de l’influence de cette vidéoformation autonome sur l’activité enseignante en classe. La thèse vise ainsi à (i) investir la modalité d’autonomie en vidéoformation, originale sur le plan empirique ; (ii) contribuer à la connaissance de l’activité et des modalités d’apprentissage des enseignants en situation de vidéoformation, essentiellement étudiées à partir d’objets intermédiaires et rarement à grains fins et de façon holistique ; (iii) alimenter un processus de conception continuée de NéoPass@ction ; et (iv) proposer des pistes technologiques pour la conception et la mise en oeuvre de dispositifs de vidéoformation. Six enseignants stagiaires ont participé à l’étude par deux utilisations autonomes deNéoPass@ction, de quarante-cinq minutes chacune, et en accueillant le chercheur trois fois dans leur classe. Quatre types de données ont été recueillies : des données d’observation (i) de l’activité de vidéoformation (capture dynamique d’écran) et (ii) de l’activité en classe(enregistrements vidéo), et des données d’entretien (iii) de remise en situation à l’aide des traces numériques de l’activité de vidéoformation et (iv) d’autoconfrontation aux enregistrements en classe.Les résultats (i) montrent des structures typiques de différents niveaux dans l’organisation de l’activité en situation d’utilisation de NéoPass@ction ; (ii) montrent des concordances entre activité attendue par les concepteurs et activité réelle des enseignants, mais aussi des décalages motivant des aménagements ; (iii) modélisent un processus typique d’apprentissage (iv) articulant des séquences d’exploration (orientées-dispositif) et d’enquête (orientées-travail), (v) impliquant différents niveaux d’immersion mimétique correspondant à différents types d’enquête, (vi)ouvrant des séquences d’enquête consistant en l’identification et l’évaluation conjointes et spontanées de couplages significatifs [enjeu/action], (vii) aboutissant à la typification des couplages perçus et évalués comme viables et enviables, et (viii) pouvant participer d’une trajectoire de développement et s’accompagner d’échos significatifs en situation de classe. Un premier niveau de discussion globale des résultats mobilise des concepts essentiellement sémiotiques et narratologiques et présente des aménagements effectués et possibles pourNéoPass@ction ; un second niveau repositionne les résultats dans l’état de l’art empirique et technologique et propose des pistes de conception en vidéoformation. / This thesis reports on a research included in the empirical and technological program of "course-of-action", a program of cognitive anthropology jointly endorsing (i) an epistemic aim by producing concepts on human activity and (ii ) a transformative aim by designing aids enhancing the improvement of that activity. The thesis is part of a particular strand to video-enhanced teacher development. The research which it reports builds on previous work describing, analyzing and modeling the activity of beginning teachers in order to better understand the challenges they face and help them cope better. It especially follows on those that led to the design of NéoPass@ction (neo.ens-lyon.fr), an online video-enhanced device based on the modeling of the evolution of the typical activity of secondary school beginners in a situation identified as critical : entrying into the classroom and getting students to work. The main aim of the thesis is the systematic study of the activity of trainee teachers of secondary school in a situation of autonomous use of NéoPass@ction. Its secondary aim is the exploratory study of the influence of this autonomous video-enhanced training on teaching activity in the classroom. The thesis thus aims to (i) investigate the modality of autonomous videoenhanced training, an empirically original object; (ii) contribute to the knowledge of activity and of learning conditions for teachers in video-enhanced situations, that are mainly studied from intermediate objects and rarely in a fine-grained and holistic way; (iii) feeding a design-in-use process of NéoPass@ction; and (iv) make technological propositions for the design and implementation of video-enhanced devices and training sessions. Six trainee teachers participated in the study by two autonomous uses of NéoPass@ction, forty-five minutes each, and by hosting the researcher three times in their classroom. Four types of data were collected: observation data (i) of video-enhanced training activity (dynamic screen captures) and (ii) of teaching activity (video recordings); and interview data (iii) of re-situation using digital traces of the video-enhanced training activity and (iv) self-confrontation to classroom recordings. The results (i) identify typical structures of different levels in the organization of the activity in the situations of NéoPass@ction use; (ii) show matches between activity expected by the designers and actual activity performed by the teachers, but also offsets motivating design developments; (iii) model a typical learning process (iv) articulating exploration sequences (device-oriented) and inquiry sequences (work-oriented), (v) involving various levels of mimetic immersion corresponding to various types of inquiry, (vi) opening inquiry sequences consisting in the joint and spontaneous identification and evaluation of significant couplings [issue / action], (vii) resulting in the typification of the couplings perceived and evaluated as viable and “enviable”, and (viii) that can foster vocational growth and generate significant echoes in teaching situations. A first level of overall discussion of the results mobilizes primarily semiotic and narratological concepts and presents completed and possible design arrangements of NéoPass@ction; a second level repositions the results in the state of empirical and technological art and makes propositions for video-enhanced design.

Comprendre les situations d’exposition aux nanoparticules par l’intégration de l’activité de travail à la mesure : vers une construction de la prévention / Understanding exposure situations to nanoparticles by integrating work activity with measurement : towards a construction of prevention

Galey, Louis 24 June 2019 (has links)
Le récent développement des nanotechnologies induit des expositions potentielles aux nanoparticules dans une diversité de milieux professionnels. Une meilleure appréhension des risques et des expositions professionnelles aux nanoparticules représente alors un enjeu essentiel pour les acteurs de la prévention, ce qui nécessite d’enrichir, voire de rompre, avec les approches classiques de métrologie et de prévention. Dans ce contexte, notre thèse se centre sur le développement d’une méthodologie transdisciplinaire intégrant l’analyse de l’activité à la mesure afin de produire des connaissances sur l’exposition aux nanoparticules et sa maîtrise. A partir de la construction et de la validation d’une méthodologie par des spécialistes de la mesure des nanoparticules, de l’épidémiologie et de l’ergonomie, nos résultats s’orientent autour de trois axes. 1) La revue systématique de la littérature des préconisations actuelles pour évaluer les expositions professionnelles aux nanoparticules met en avant l’existence de 23 documents centrés sur la mesure des nanoparticules manufacturées seulement sans s’intéresser aux nanoparticules émises non intentionnellement par certains procédés industriels. Par ailleurs, ces recommandations à destination des préventeurs doivent évoluer pour une meilleure prise en compte de l’activité de travail et devenir opérationnelles. 2) La méthode d’évaluation de l’exposition produite tenant compte de ces limites, est passée par une mobilisation des acteurs de l’entreprise pour collecter des informations sur les situations potentielles d’exposition. Ensuite, des mesurages en temps réel et intégrés des aérosols, accompagnés d’enregistrements de la fréquence cardiaque et respiratoire sont synchronisés à des vidéos de situations de travail. Un découpage à différentes échelles temporelles en phase de l’activité ou en action détaillée de l’opérateur, conduit à révéler des situations d’exposition réelles aux nanoparticules, et évaluer leurs niveaux d’exposition intégrant l’intensité physique. 3) Nous montrons que les échanges avec les opérateurs lors d’entretiens de confrontation aux vidéos et mesures synchronisées, permettent de rendre visibles ces situations d’exposition et leurs déterminants, sous forme de situations d’exposition caractéristiques. Cette présentation des résultats de l’analyse de l’activité, contribue à comprendre et mettre en perspective les pratiques de sécurité formelles pour les faire évoluer. C’est par ces échanges collectifs que les déterminants de l’exposition sont découverts, ce qui permet aux différents acteurs de renforcer la maîtrise de l’exposition. L’usage des situations d’exposition est aussi un moyen d’agir sur les projets de conception en transférant des repères pour la conception et la prévention. Il devient alors possible d’enrichir les évaluations de l’exposition aux nanoparticules et contribuer à la construction collective de la sécurité dans l’innovation. / The recent development of nanotechnologies has led to potential exposures to nanoparticles in a variety of workplaces. A better understanding of occupational exposures to nanoparticles represents a major stake for prevention stakeholders. These exposures require an overhaul of, and perhaps a break from traditional metrology and prevention approaches, as they are challenged by the particular characteristics of nanoparticles. In this context, this thesis focuses on the development of a transdisciplinary methodology integrating work activity analysis with measurement in order to produce knowledges on exposure to nanoparticles and its control.From the construction and the validation of a methodology between specialists in nanoparticle measurement, epidemiology and ergonomics, our results follow three axes. 1) The systematic review of the literature on current recommendations for assessing occupational exposures to nanoparticles highlights the existence of 23 documents focusing on the measurement of manufactured nanoparticles only, excluding nanoparticles emitted unintentionally by some industrial processes. In addition, these recommendations for preventionists must evolve to take better account of work activity and become operational. 2) The exposure assessment method developed in this thesis work is based on the mobilization of the company's stakeholders to gather information on potential exposure situations. Then, real-time as well as time averaged aerosol measurements, accompanied by heart rate recording, were synchronized with videos of work situations. A breakdown at different time scales, at the work activity stage or in more detailed action carried out by the operator, revealed real exposure situations to nanoparticles, and characterized the associated exposure levels, taking into account the physical intensity of the work. 3) We show that discussions with operators during confrontation interviews involving real-time measurement synchronized to videos of the work activity, made it possible to make these exposure situations and their determinants visible, in the form of “typical exposure situations”. Presenting the results in association with the work activity analysis in the companies contributes to understanding and questioning the regulated safety practices to make them change. It is through these collective exchanges that the determinants of exposure are discovered, allowing to the company’s stakeholders to improve exposure control. The use of exposure situations is also a means of influencing design projects by transferring requirements for conception or prevention. It therefore becomes possible to expand exposure assessment to nanoparticles and contribute to collectively build safety within innovation.

Setting Target Rates for Construction Activity Analysis Categories

Shahtaheri, Maryam 16 March 2012 (has links)
This thesis is focused on increasing productive actions in construction by a procedure known as Activity Analysis. Activity Analysis is a continuous productivity improvement tool for identifying barriers to site productivity with the goal of decreasing them and thereby increasing the direct work rate. A preceding study validated this approach, however it had two limitations. No reevaluation was conducted on projects in Canada by the authors, and not enough resources or data were available to understand behaviour of the activity rates in absolute value terms across many projects. Based on three case studies and data collected over 17 days by the author and a colleague, Activity Analysis was validated as being applicable in Canadian conditions. A desired value, known as a target rate, was then studied in order to be able to set expectations with respect to the productivity to be achieved in each cycle. The premise behind setting a “target rate” is that 100% direct work is neither possible nor desirable, since some time must always be spent on communications and planning. However, a higher direct work rate is generally better than a lower rate. Thus, a target rate is needed. A mathematical model called ANFIS was developed as a means of setting the desired level of activities. Through consideration of a variety of factors that affect labour productivity, the developed model was trained based on 65 data points. The model was found to be easy to use and flexible enough to be appropriate for all of the factors considered. Based on the data points available from 5 different past projects and 3 recent projects and the experience associated with these projects, three additional methods of defining the target rate were developed. The impact of these results is that companies now have appropriate methods and an initial data set for industrial construction in order to establish target rates for direct work and supporting activities. This should help reduce project costs and improve productivity.

Advanced Concepts for Automatic Differentiation based on Operator Overloading

Kowarz, Andreas 28 March 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Mit Hilfe der Technik des Automatischen Differenzierens (AD) lassen sich für Funktionen, die als Programmquellcode gegeben sind, Ableitungsinformationen rechentechnisch effizient und mit geringem Aufwand für den Nutzer bereitstellen. Eine Variante der Implementierung von AD basiert auf der Überladung von Operatoren und Funktionen, die von vielen modernen Programmiersprachen ermöglicht wird. Durch Ausnutzung des Konzepts der Überladung wird eine interne Funktions-Repräsentation (Tape) generiert, die anschließend für die Ableitungsberechnung herangezogen wird. In der Dissertation werden neue Techniken erarbeitet, die eine effizientere Tape-Erstellung und die parallele Tape-Auswertung ermöglichen. Anhand von Laufzeituntersuchungen für numerische Beispiele werden die Möglichkeiten der neuen Techniken verdeutlicht. / Using the technique of Automatic Differentiation (AD), derivative information can be computed efficiently for any function that is given as source code in a supported programming languages. One basic implementation strategy is based on the concept of operator overloading that is available for many programming languages. Due the overloading of operators, an internal representation of the function can be generated at runtime. This so-called tape can then be used for computing derivatives. In the thesis, new techniques are introduced that allow a more efficient tape creation and the parallel evaluation of tapes. Advantages of the new techniques are demonstrated by means of runtime analyses for numerical examples.

Setting Target Rates for Construction Activity Analysis Categories

Shahtaheri, Maryam 16 March 2012 (has links)
This thesis is focused on increasing productive actions in construction by a procedure known as Activity Analysis. Activity Analysis is a continuous productivity improvement tool for identifying barriers to site productivity with the goal of decreasing them and thereby increasing the direct work rate. A preceding study validated this approach, however it had two limitations. No reevaluation was conducted on projects in Canada by the authors, and not enough resources or data were available to understand behaviour of the activity rates in absolute value terms across many projects. Based on three case studies and data collected over 17 days by the author and a colleague, Activity Analysis was validated as being applicable in Canadian conditions. A desired value, known as a target rate, was then studied in order to be able to set expectations with respect to the productivity to be achieved in each cycle. The premise behind setting a “target rate” is that 100% direct work is neither possible nor desirable, since some time must always be spent on communications and planning. However, a higher direct work rate is generally better than a lower rate. Thus, a target rate is needed. A mathematical model called ANFIS was developed as a means of setting the desired level of activities. Through consideration of a variety of factors that affect labour productivity, the developed model was trained based on 65 data points. The model was found to be easy to use and flexible enough to be appropriate for all of the factors considered. Based on the data points available from 5 different past projects and 3 recent projects and the experience associated with these projects, three additional methods of defining the target rate were developed. The impact of these results is that companies now have appropriate methods and an initial data set for industrial construction in order to establish target rates for direct work and supporting activities. This should help reduce project costs and improve productivity.

Analyse des performances physiques, des incidences physiologiques d’un match de football de haut niveau et des facteurs d’influence : mention spéciale au contexte d’enchaînement des matchs / Physical performance of high-level football matches, physiological incidences and influencing factors : special reference to the congested periods of matches

Djaoui, Léo 18 December 2017 (has links)
Le football moderne est caractérisé par des efforts intermittents de très haute intensité. Pendant un match, les joueurs réalisent des performances, qu'elles soient physiques ou techniques, en lien direct avec la spécificité de leur poste de jeu, leur rôle tactique et leur positionnement sur le terrain. Un match de football de haut niveau induit des variations de fréquence cardiaque, une baisse de réserves énergétiques, une augmentation des dommages musculaires, du stress oxydatif et une affectation du statut immunitaire. Incidences physiologiques auxquelles se rajoutent des modifications de perception de la fatigue, des douleurs musculaires, du bien-être, de la qualité du sommeil, du stress psychologique et de l'humeur. Toutes ces incidences se mesurent, se quantifient et s'analysent en lien direct avec des facteurs contextuels comme le lieu du match, le moment de la journée, le système de jeu, …, et les périodes d'enchainement de match (e.g. deux à trois matchs par semaine) qui peuvent avoir une influence significative. La présente thèse a pour objectif principal l'étude de l'influence de l'enchainement de matchs sur les performances physiques et sur les cinétiques de récupération mesurées sur des marqueurs sanguins, salivaires et des questionnaires de perception, sur des joueurs de football de haut-niveau / Modern football is characterized by very high-intensity intermittent efforts. During a match, players perform technical and physical tasks in relation to their specific positions on the field. A high-level football match induces heart-rate variations, energetic storage lowering, muscular damage and oxidative stress increase and immune status alteration. These physiological variations are accompanied by modifications of fatigue perceived, muscle soreness, wellness, sleep quality, psychological stress and overall mood. All these incidences can be measured, quantified and analyzed, in direct relation to contextual factors like game location, time of the day, playing system, …, and congested period of matches (e.g. two to three matches per week). The present thesis aims to report all the ways to monitor match load and fatigue and aims to analyze the influence of playing matches during congested periods on physical activity and on physiological post-match kinetics, over high-level football players

Parler d'expérience en situation de formation : significations, formes et fonctions : le cas des enseignants associés de l'enseignement supérieur / Talk about experience within a training situation : Significations, forms and functionsThe case of associate professors in higher education The case of associate professors

Arciniegas Cardoso, Martha Isabel 26 November 2015 (has links)
La notion d'expérience est une notion polysémique. Plusieurs significations lui sont attribuées. L'expérience est à la fois processus, produit, capital, connaissance pratique, trajectoire, réalité, potentialité, mode de formation, modalité d'apprentissage, vécu, élan vital, énergie, événement.Le chercheur qui s'intéresse à la question de l'expérience, de son expression et de sa transmission, se trouve ainsi confronte à cette pluralité sémantique et au défi de la définir.Ce travail de recherche vise à comprendre ce qui est convoqué quand un formateur fait référence à ce qu'il reconnait et désigne comme son expérience professionnelle ou comme savoir issu de celle-ci. Cette thèse porte sur l'étude de la communication de l'expérience professionnelle des professeurs associés temporaires en situation de formation et se propose d'appréhender les liens établis par ces formateurs entre l'espace du travail et l'espace de formation, en analysant plus particulièrement le contenu des références que ces enseignants font des situations vécues et issues de leur pratique professionnelle, pendant la conduite de leur activité de formation.Pour cela, une démarche méthodologique multiforme est mise en œuvre : tout d'abord, la rencontre avec les acteurs, l'exploration de parcours et de significations, puis, l'observation des situations de formation, de manière à se confronter à leur complexité et, enfin, l'élaboration d'un matériau discursif, issu de la confrontation des acteurs aux traces (enregistrements audio et vidéo) de l'activité déployée dans les situations observées, en présence du chercheur.Les résultats de la recherche permettent d'identifier sur le plan de la communication, des configurations des processus de référenciation à l'expérience professionnelle vécue dans une situation de formation, déclinées en trois composantes : significations, formes énonciatives et fonctions.Ces configurations mises à jour contribuent d'une part à mieux comprendre ce qui est désigné comme expérience professionnelle par ces acteurs dans les situations observées et, d'autre part, l'usage qu'ils en font dans leurs pratiques de formation, des pratiques sociales qui semblent être au cœur des stratégies des universités dans le glissement progressif vers une approche plus professionnalisante de l'enseignement supérieur. / The notion of experience is a polysemous one. Several significations are ascribed to it. Experience means process, product, resources, practical knowledge, career-path, reality, possibility, training style, learning mechanisms, background, vital spark, energy, and occasion all at once. Researchers who are interested in the matter of experience, its expression and its transmission, will find themselves confronted with this semantic plurality and the challenge of defining it.This research work aims at understanding what is convoked when associate professors refer to what they admit and design as their professional experience or as the knowledge derived from it. The present thesis focuses on the study of the communication of the professional experience of temporary associate professors during training courses. It also intends to comprehend the connection entrenched by these associate professors between the working and the training space by analyzing more specifically the content of the references they make based on situations they have experienced which also emerge form their professional activity during their training practice.For this purpose, a multidimensional methodological approach has been implemented. First of all, the researcher met with the professionals in order to explore their background and significations of experiences. Then, the researcher observed the training situation in such a way as to confront their complexity. And finally the researcher, through the confrontation between the participants and their traces (audio and video recording) of the activity carried out during the observed situations, produced a discursive data in his/her presence.The outcomes of this research enable us to identify, on a communication plan, the configurations of referencing processes of professional practice experienced in a training situation. These outcomes are divided into three parts: significations, enunciative forms and functions. These updated configurations contribute on the one hand to better understand which those participants designated as professional experience during the observed situations. On the other hand, to better understand the use they make of their professional experience within their training practices. These social practices seem to be at the heart of the universities' strategies within the progressive slide towards a more professionalizing approach in higher education.

Conforto e desconforto de passageiros em cabines de aeronaves

Greghi, Marina Fonseca 29 February 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:50:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 4219.pdf: 3324543 bytes, checksum: 612f41dbf613dfc01e074237ec3bafa6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-02-29 / Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos / Comfort is a subject matter that is gaining relevance in the aviation industry, taking into consideration the necessity of the manufactures, as well as the airlines, in differentiating themselves in a market far more competitive. Nevertheless, comfort is a subjective experience, affected by many factors (psychological, physical and physiological) and a reaction of the environment. Therefore the case studies about the theme highlight a difficulty to analyze all the variable that interfere in the perception of comfort and discomfort, mainly when it comes to aircraft cabins. The general objective of this case study was to identify the variables related to comfort and discomfort in airplane cabins, through the passengers analysis of the activity in use situations, in order to develop a model for the assessment of comfort and discomfort. The case study was undertaken in 36 Brazilian airports and during 40 segments in corporate domestic flights, and the data collection adopted were: 377 questionnaires in airports and 291 in-flight questionnaires, 44 postures records and actions and also 12 semi-structured interviews. The data collected through the questionnaire were statistically analyzed and the ones obtained by systematic observations were analyzed and reinstated in the participants selfconfrontation interviews. One verified that the passengers most frequent activities are: feeding (91,1%), resting and sleeping (82,3%), reading, writing and working (80,5%), entertaining activities (56,1%), as well as, going to the toilet (54,8%). Out of those activities, the one which is harder for the passengers is resting and sleeping (74,6). From the analysis of the difficulties regarding every single activity, one verified that the variables related to space, as leg-room, personal area, as well as, the physical space for the movement of the body are the critical variable mentioned by the passengers. The crew service and also the entertainment on board were considered as well once they can produce comfort. One of the results of this case-study was the proposal of a methodology that led to envelops of postures with the calculation of the passengers area in use during their action, which can be a useful tool in the process of aircraft cabins project when making possible the calculation of the space for the action with base in the rebuilt course. In relation to the model of comfort and discomfort, a proposal was elaborated having the passengers action as a mediator. The proposed model parts from the premise that comfort and discomfort should be considered as two dimensions separated from experience, that feature different determinants (Zhang et al., 1996) and that the activity, in particular, the possibility and/or impossibility of acting, is in a mediator element between comfort and discomfort, being able to interfere in that relationship. From this case study have been developed one conceptual model and a methodology to analyze the comfort- the activity analysis is the main element of the model. Besides that, the database created in this study can be considered one tool to be use by the engineers, while they can use during the development of the project, in order to generate knowledge to the user. / O conforto é uma temática que vem ganhando relevância na indústria aeronáutica, tendo em vista a necessidade dos fabricantes e companhias aéreas de se diferenciar em um mercado cada vez mais competitivo. Entretanto, a literatura aponta o conforto como uma experiência subjetiva, sendo afetado por vários fatores (físicos, fisiológicos, e psicológicos), além de ser uma reação ao ambiente. Diante disso, os estudos realizados sobre o tema apontam uma dificuldade de analisar todas as variáveis que interferem na percepção do conforto e desconforto, principalmente quando se trata de cabines de aeronaves. O objetivo geral deste estudo foi desenvolver um modelo para avaliação de conforto e desconforto, buscando identificar as variáveis relacionadas ao conforto e desconforto em cabines de aeronaves, por meio da análise da atividade dos passageiros em situações de uso. O estudo foi realizado em 36 aeroportos brasileiros e durante 40 trechos de voos comerciais nacionais, e as técnicas de coleta de dados adotadas foram: aplicação de 377 questionários em aeroportos e 291 questionários durante viagens aéreas, 44 registros de posturas e ações e 12 entrevistas semiestruturadas. Os dados coletados por meio de questionários foram analisados estatisticamente e os obtidos por meio de observações sistemáticas foram analisados e restituídos aos participantes em entrevistas de autoconfrontação. Em relação ao modelo de conforto e desconforto, elaborou-se uma proposta tendo como elemento intermediador a ação do passageiro. O modelo proposto parte da premissa de que o conforto e desconforto devem ser considerados como duas dimensões separadas da experiência, que possuem diferentes determinantes (Zhang et al., 1996), e de que a atividade, mais especificamente a possibilidade/impossibilidade de agir, constitui-se em um elemento intermediador entre conforto e desconforto, sendo capaz de interferir nesta relação. Outro resultado do estudo foi a proposta de uma metodologia que resultou em um banco de dados e envelopes de posturas, com cálculo da área ocupada pelo passageiro durante a ação, que podem ser ferramentas a serem utilizadas no processo de projeto de cabines de aeronaves, ao possibilitar a análise de posturas adotadas, o cálculo do espaço para ação com base no curso reconstruído e, análise do discurso dos passageiros. Verificou-se que as atividades realizadas com maior frequência pelos passageiros são: alimentar-se (91,1%,), repousar e dormir (82,3%), ler, escrever e trabalhar (80,5%,), atividade de entretenimento (56,1%) e ir ao banheiro (54,8%). Destas, a atividade na qual os passageiros apresentam maiores dificuldades é repousar e dormir (74,6). A partir da análise dos constrangimentos referentes a cada uma das atividades, constatou-se que as variáveis relacionadas ao espaço, como espaço para as pernas, espaço pessoal e espaço para movimentação do corpo, são as variáveis criticas apontadas pelos passageiros por serem variáveis relacionadas ao desconforto. Também foram identificadas variáveis, tais como o atendimento da tripulação e o entretenimento a bordo, que podem gerar conforto. Uma das contribuições do estudo foi a proposta de uma base conceitual e de um método para o estudo de conforto, tendo como elemento central a ação do usuário. Além disso, o banco de dados gerado no estudo, a partir da análise do usuário em situações reais de uso, pode ser considerado uma ferramenta para uso dos projetistas, uma vez que estes podem consultá-lo ao longo de processo de desenvolvimento do produto, de forma a agregar informações sobre o usuário e ambiente de uso.

Le vécu subjectif des apprentis en situation professionnelle comme ressource en apprentissage / The subjective experience of apprentices in a professional situation as a learning resource

Lecefel, Pierre 15 November 2019 (has links)
Dans la présente thèse, l’hypothèse selon laquelle un dispositif d’analyse de pratiques professionnelles basé sur l’entretien d’explicitation a un impact sur le sentiment d’efficacité personnelle des formateurs de CFA et de leurs apprentis est émise. Ici, l’idée est que le modelage de maîtrise, définit par Bandura (1986), comme le processus d'acquisition d'un comportement par l'observation d'un modèle, se fait au travers de la verbalisation par un apprenti de moments vécus en entreprise. À cette occasion, ses pairs, qui assistent à l’entretien, peuvent opérer un transfert de compétences des situations de travail grâce à « l’exposition à des modèles réels ou symboliques manifestant des compétences et des stratégies utiles [qui] augmente la croyance des sujets en leurs propres capacités » (Bandura, 1982 ; Schunk, 1987, cités par Bandura, 2007, p. 144). Cette approche s’inscrit dans une volonté de valoriser l’analyse après coups de l’activité (Pastré, 2011) dans la formation des apprentis afin de développer leur intelligence au travail.Ici, l'enjeu scientifique consiste donc à documenter l'impact d'une modalité de formation, qui utilise l'action mise en œuvre puis explicitée a posteriori, sur le développement des acteurs d'un centre de formation d'apprentis (CFA). Durant une année scolaire, un groupe expérimental, composé de 32 apprentis, suit une modalité de formation avec ateliers de professionnalisation (Faingold, 2014), quand un autre groupe contrôle, composé de 37 apprentis, est soumis à une modalité de formation usuelle, soit sans ateliers de professionnalisation. Les scores du SEP des deux groupes sont mesurés en prétest puis en posttest à l’aide de l’échelle du sentiment d’efficacité personnelle de l’apprenti en situation professionnelle de Lecefel, Ramassamy et Troadec (soumis), puis une analyse de variance (ANOVA) est effectuée afin de comparer la variance des moyennes des scores de ces groupes après l’intervention. Ce design quasi-expérimental montre des résultats statistiquement significatifs quant à la modalité de formation proposée. Ainsi, le SEP des deux groupes varie entre le prétest et le posttest. En effet, celui du groupe expérimental progresse alors que celui du groupe contrôle diminue. L’ANOVA mixte appliquée à la variance des moyennes des scores confirme un effet d’interaction significatif, F(1,67)= 7,99 ; p =.006 et une taille d’effet moyen des ateliers de professionnalisation (Faingold, 2014) sur le SEP des apprentis d = .53 (Cohen, 1988). / In this thesis, the hypothesis that a system of professional practice analysis based on the explanation interview has an impact on the self-efficacy of apprenticeship training centre (ATC) trainers and their apprentices is put forward. Here, the idea is that mastery modelling, defined by Bandura (1986) as the process of acquiring behaviour through the observation of a model, is done through the verbalization by an apprentice of moments lived in a company. On this occasion, his peers, who attend the interview, can transfer skills from work situations through "exposure to real or symbolic models that demonstrate useful skills and strategies[that] increase subjects' belief in their own abilities" (Bandura, 1982; Schunk, 1987, cited by Bandura, 2007, p. 144). This approach is part of a desire to enhance the after-the-fact analysis of the activity (Pastré, 2011) in the training of apprentices in order to develop their intelligence at work.Here, the scientific challenge is therefore to document the impact of a training modality, which uses the action implemented and then explained afterwards, on the development of the actors of an ATC. During a school year, an experimental group, composed of 32 apprentices, follows a training modality with professionalization workshops (Faingold, 2014), while another control group, composed of 37 apprentices, is subjected to a usual training modality, i.e. without professionalization workshops. The self-efficacy scores of both groups are measured in pre-test and post-test using the Lecefel, Ramassamy and Troadec (submitted) Apprenticeship Self-Efficacy Scale, and then an Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) is performed to compare the variance of the mean scores of these groups after the intervention. This quasi-experimental design shows statistically significant results regarding the proposed training modality. Thus, self-efficacy of both groups varies between pre-test and post-test. Indeed, the experimental group's rate of progress is increasing while the control group's rate is decreasing. The mixed ANOVA applied to the variance of the mean scores confirms a significant interaction effect, F(1.67)= 7.99; p =.006 and an average effect size of the professionalization workshops (Faingold, 2014) on the self-efficacy of apprentices d =.53 (Cohen, 1988).

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