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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Förvaltningsmyndigheternas kommunikationsskyldighet : Regelverk och tillämpning / The duty of administrative authorities to communicate : Regulations and application

Pavon, Christian January 2015 (has links)
This essay deals with the principle of communication as phrased in section 17 of the Swedish administrative act. According to this section administrative authorities are obliged to inform a party involved in an administrative case of all material which has been added to the case by somebody else and is of importance for the decision and then give the party an opportunity to comment on it. The purpose of this essay is to examine how courts evaluate the way administrative authorities apply this rule. How do the authorities fail in their obligation to communicate and what do the courts say about this? The essay includes a description of the details of the law and what preparatory work and doctrine say about it. The essay includes an analysis of thirteen court cases. The courts were critical of the application of the rule in a majority of cases. The analysis showed different kinds of deviations from the obligation to communicate. The courts only accepted minor deviations. In most cases where the authorities had failed in their communication the courts reversed the decisions. The conclusion of the analysis is that the courts are very strict when they evaluate how administrative authorities apply their obligation to communicate. / I inledningen till denna uppsats görs en liknelse mellan det som kallas kommunikationsprincipen och boken Processen av Franz Kafka där huvudpersonen upplever motsatsen till allt det som denna princip innebär. Uppsatsen behandlar kommunikationsskyldigheten som den regleras i 17 § förvaltningslagen. Det är en skyldighet som förvaltningsmyndigheter har gentemot enskilda och som är mycket viktig för rättssäkerheten och allmänhetens förtroende för myndigheter. En enskild kan vara inblandad i ett ärende hos en förvaltningsmyndighet. Det kan till exempel handla om att en person söker bygglov eller att en person som äger en restaurang riskerar att få sitt serveringstillstånd indraget. I alla sådana ärenden som innebär myndighetsutövning mot enskild måste myndigheten informera den som är part i ärendet om alla de uppgifter som tillförts ärendet av någon annan än honom/henne själv och som har betydelse för utgången i ärendet. Det kan handla om muntliga eller skriftliga uppgifter, uppgifter som tillförts ärendet inifrån eller utifrån myndigheten. Parten ska också ges tillfälle att komma med synpunkter på dessa uppgifter. Den enskilda individen ska inte själv behöva undersöka om nya uppgifter kommit in. Det är myndighetens ansvar att se till att den enskilda får dessa uppgifter.   Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur domstolarna bedömer att förvaltningsmyndigheterna tillämpar denna regel. Vilka brister finns i myndigheternas tillämpning av sin kommunikationsskyldighet och hur bedömer domstolarna dessa brister? Vad beror bristerna på?   För att undersöka detta analyserades totalt 13 rättsfall. Där förekom olika typer av brister i kommunikationen, muntliga yttranden från t.ex  arbetsgivarrepresentanter i tjänstetillsättningsärenden kommunicerades inte. I ett par fall informerade myndigheterna inte om uppgifter de själva tillfört ärendet. Orsakerna till bristerna kunde förutom försummelse och bristande rutiner vara feltolkningar av lagen. I ett par fall kunde man misstänka att myndigheterna avsiktligt avstod att meddela vissa uppgifter. Domstolarna godtog bara mycket små avvikelser från kommunikationsskyldigheten. I de allra flesta av fallen bedömde domstolarna att bristerna var så allvarliga att besluten upphävdes och återförvisades till lägre instans för ny bedömning Analysen visar att domstolarna är mycket stränga i sin bedömning av förvaltningsmyndigheternas tillämpning av regeln om kommunikationsskyldighet.

La confrontation des autorités administratives indépendantes au principe démocratique / Confronting independent administrative authorities to the democratic principle

Dubiton, Stéphanie 23 November 2012 (has links)
Nées dans l'incertitude, les autorités administratives indépendantes semblent aujourd'hui durablement implantées dans le paysage institutionnel français. Le succès remporté par la catégorie juridique ne saurait, toutefois, éluder les questions que posent ces instances vis-à-vis des principes fondateurs de la démocratie moderne. Au regard des schémas ordinaires de la théorie de la représentation, les autorités administratives indépendantes constituent, en effet, une déviation du système démocratique. Pourtant, une conception renouvelée de la théorie politique permet d'établir ces organismes comme de potentielles entités démocratiques. En dehors des rouages traditionnels de l'Etat, la formule institutionnelle révèle la possibilité d'une démocratie enrichie et ressourcée. Reste que, sous peine de ruiner l'originalité de l'objet juridique, les pouvoirs publics et les corps constitués doivent prendre la mesure du phénomène par un ajustement du contrôle juridictionnel et un aménagement du contrôle politique. / Despite uncertain beginnings, independent administrative authorities now appear implanted once and for all in the French institutional landscape. However, the success of this legal category must be confronted with the founding principles of modern democracy. By comparison with the dominating theory of representation, independent administrative authorities constitute, in fact, a deviation from the democratic system. Yet a renewed conception of political theory enables these organisations to be considered as genuine democratic entities. Beyond traditional state structures, their institutional configuration reveals the possibility of an enriched and revitalised democracy. Nevertheless, both government and state bodies must take stock of the impact of this phenomenon by adjusting both judicial and political controls; otherwise, the originality of this legal subject could be ruined.

O princípio da confiança legítima sob a perspectiva das práticas reiteradamente observadas pelas autoridades administrativas em matéria tributária / The principle of legitimate expectations from the perspective of the practices observed repeatedly by administrative authorities on tax matters

Tilkian, Guilherme 23 May 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho versa sobre a aplicação do princípio da confiança legítima no Direito Tributário brasileiro, com foco no art. 100, inciso III, do Código Tributário Nacional (CTN), que trata das práticas reiteradamente observadas pelas autoridades administrativas. Parte-se da origem do princípio, aproximando a investigação por meio do princípio da segurança jurídica, da certeza do direito e da irretroatividade; em seguida, diferencia-se a proteção da confiança da boa-fé objetiva e prossegue-se pelo princípio da legalidade e a evolução jurisprudencial a respeito da conservação positiva ou negativa dos atos eivados de vícios quando deles se originaram direitos. Foca-se, então, nos requisitos para a configuração da confiança digna de proteção e os mecanismos de proteção positiva ou negativa dessa confiança. Desse ponto em diante, o estudo passa a desenhar a proteção da confiança legítima nos atos do Poder Executivo, por meio da análise do art. 100 do CTN, como fonte secundária de direito tributário. Conceituam-se as normas complementares, a origem e sua função, para então proceder-se ao exame específico das práticas reiteradamente observadas pelas autoridades administrativas e sua relação com o princípio da confiança legítima. Em seguida, analisa-se o parágrafo único do art. 100 do CTN para avaliar se são corretas a não atualização monetária da base de cálculo do tributo e a admissão de retroatividade parcial dos efeitos do reconhecimento da ilegalidade da prática administrativa em que confiou o contribuinte. Examina-se, de início, se a inércia da Administração Pública acerca de lançamento cuja homologação se dê de maneira tácita seria um silêncio positivo a configurar prática reiterada suficiente para dar respaldo à proteção do parágrafo único do art. 100 do CTN. O estudo avalia se, no caso dos tributos indiretos, pela impossibilidade de o contribuinte transferir ao consumidor a exação, justificaria uma proteção maior do que aquela conferida pelo próprio parágrafo único do art. 100 do CTN. Por derradeiro, a norma do art. 146 é confrontada com a do art. 100, inciso III, ambos do CTN, para fins de estabelecer os campos de aplicação de uma e de outra e em que medida elas se relacionam com a proteção da confiança legítima. / This work deals with the application of the principle of legitimate expectations in Brazilian tax law, focusing on Article 100, section III of the Brazilian Tax Code, which deals with the practices observed repeatedly by administrative authorities. The proposed scientific part of the origin of the principle, approaching research through the principle of legal security, legal certainty and non-retroactivity. Then differentiates the protection of reliable objective good faith and goes by the principle of legality and judicial developments regarding conservation (positive or negative) of the acts riddled with addictions when their rights originated. Focuses, then, on the requirements for setting up trust worthy of protection and the protection mechanisms positive or negative that trust. Thereafter the study is to draw back the protection of legitimate expectations in the acts of the Executive, through the analysis of Article 100 of the Internal Revenue Code, as secondary sources of tax law. Conceptualize themselves supplementary rules, the origin and function, down to the specific scope of practice repeatedly observed by the administrative authorities and their relation to the principle of legitimate expectations. Then we analyze the sole paragraph of article 100 of the Internal Revenue Code to assess whether it is correct not to monetary base tax calculation and admission of retroactivity of the effects of partial recognition of the illegality of administrative practice that relied on the taxpayer. Turning to specific issues initially analyzed is the inertia of public administration, which tacitly approves taxes charged for approval, would be a positive silence configuring repeated practice enough to give birth to protect the sole paragraph of article 100 of the Tax Code national. The study evaluates whether, in the case of indirect taxes, the inability of the taxpayer to transfer the consumer the exaction would justify greater protection than that afforded by the sole paragraph of article 100 of the Internal Revenue Code. Finally, the norm of Article 146 is confronted with Article 100, item III, both of the National Tax Code, for purposes of establishing fields of application of one and the other and the extent to which both relate to the protection of legitimate expectations.

O princípio da confiança legítima sob a perspectiva das práticas reiteradamente observadas pelas autoridades administrativas em matéria tributária / The principle of legitimate expectations from the perspective of the practices observed repeatedly by administrative authorities on tax matters

Guilherme Tilkian 23 May 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho versa sobre a aplicação do princípio da confiança legítima no Direito Tributário brasileiro, com foco no art. 100, inciso III, do Código Tributário Nacional (CTN), que trata das práticas reiteradamente observadas pelas autoridades administrativas. Parte-se da origem do princípio, aproximando a investigação por meio do princípio da segurança jurídica, da certeza do direito e da irretroatividade; em seguida, diferencia-se a proteção da confiança da boa-fé objetiva e prossegue-se pelo princípio da legalidade e a evolução jurisprudencial a respeito da conservação positiva ou negativa dos atos eivados de vícios quando deles se originaram direitos. Foca-se, então, nos requisitos para a configuração da confiança digna de proteção e os mecanismos de proteção positiva ou negativa dessa confiança. Desse ponto em diante, o estudo passa a desenhar a proteção da confiança legítima nos atos do Poder Executivo, por meio da análise do art. 100 do CTN, como fonte secundária de direito tributário. Conceituam-se as normas complementares, a origem e sua função, para então proceder-se ao exame específico das práticas reiteradamente observadas pelas autoridades administrativas e sua relação com o princípio da confiança legítima. Em seguida, analisa-se o parágrafo único do art. 100 do CTN para avaliar se são corretas a não atualização monetária da base de cálculo do tributo e a admissão de retroatividade parcial dos efeitos do reconhecimento da ilegalidade da prática administrativa em que confiou o contribuinte. Examina-se, de início, se a inércia da Administração Pública acerca de lançamento cuja homologação se dê de maneira tácita seria um silêncio positivo a configurar prática reiterada suficiente para dar respaldo à proteção do parágrafo único do art. 100 do CTN. O estudo avalia se, no caso dos tributos indiretos, pela impossibilidade de o contribuinte transferir ao consumidor a exação, justificaria uma proteção maior do que aquela conferida pelo próprio parágrafo único do art. 100 do CTN. Por derradeiro, a norma do art. 146 é confrontada com a do art. 100, inciso III, ambos do CTN, para fins de estabelecer os campos de aplicação de uma e de outra e em que medida elas se relacionam com a proteção da confiança legítima. / This work deals with the application of the principle of legitimate expectations in Brazilian tax law, focusing on Article 100, section III of the Brazilian Tax Code, which deals with the practices observed repeatedly by administrative authorities. The proposed scientific part of the origin of the principle, approaching research through the principle of legal security, legal certainty and non-retroactivity. Then differentiates the protection of reliable objective good faith and goes by the principle of legality and judicial developments regarding conservation (positive or negative) of the acts riddled with addictions when their rights originated. Focuses, then, on the requirements for setting up trust worthy of protection and the protection mechanisms positive or negative that trust. Thereafter the study is to draw back the protection of legitimate expectations in the acts of the Executive, through the analysis of Article 100 of the Internal Revenue Code, as secondary sources of tax law. Conceptualize themselves supplementary rules, the origin and function, down to the specific scope of practice repeatedly observed by the administrative authorities and their relation to the principle of legitimate expectations. Then we analyze the sole paragraph of article 100 of the Internal Revenue Code to assess whether it is correct not to monetary base tax calculation and admission of retroactivity of the effects of partial recognition of the illegality of administrative practice that relied on the taxpayer. Turning to specific issues initially analyzed is the inertia of public administration, which tacitly approves taxes charged for approval, would be a positive silence configuring repeated practice enough to give birth to protect the sole paragraph of article 100 of the Tax Code national. The study evaluates whether, in the case of indirect taxes, the inability of the taxpayer to transfer the consumer the exaction would justify greater protection than that afforded by the sole paragraph of article 100 of the Internal Revenue Code. Finally, the norm of Article 146 is confronted with Article 100, item III, both of the National Tax Code, for purposes of establishing fields of application of one and the other and the extent to which both relate to the protection of legitimate expectations.

ntegrering av nyanlända – en kvalitativ studie om myndigheters och kommuners samverkan / The integration of new arrivals – a qualitative study about the collaboration between administrative authorities and municipalities

Camci, Esra, Bajrami, Mergime January 2016 (has links)
Ämnet som denna studie behandlar är nyanländas integrering i det svenska samhället. Det framställs ett samhälleligt problem som teorier konkluderar är en följd av ett organisatoriskt problem bland de involverade parterna inom etableringsreformen. Syftet med denna uppsats är att studera hur de samverkande myndigheterna och kommunerna arbetar för att påverka nyanländas integrering och etablering i samhället, samt huruvida användningen av starkare styrmedel skulle påvisa sig bidra till en effektiv integrering av nyanlända. Två utvalda kommuner och samtliga myndigheter, förutom Migrationsverket, har intervjuats för att besvara på uppsatsens frågeställningar. Resultatet pekar på en god samverkan mellan parterna samtidigt som det även förekommer otydlighet kring ansvarsfördelning och arbetsuppgifter. Med tidigare erfarenheter som utgångspunkt kan det hävdas att det finns en stor sannolikhet att starkare styrmedel skulle kunna vara en effektiv åtgärd i att integrera nyanlända genom att förhindra att en stor andel nyanlända flyttar till segregerade områden där det inte råder goda förutsättningar för integration. / The following study deals with the integration of new arrivals in Sweden. A societal problem is depicted which theories conclude is the result of an organizational problem among the partners in the establishment reform. The purpose of this essay is to study how the collaborating authorities and municipalities work together to influence the integration and establishment of new arrivals and also whether the use of more forceful means of actions would prove to contribute to an effective integration of newcomers. Two designated municipalities and all administrative authorities, with the exception of the Swedish Migration Agency, were interviewed to answer the essay questions. The results point towards a good cooperation between the parties; however, a lack of clarity of the partners' responsibilities and duties has been found. With previous experiences as a basis it can be argued that there is a high probability that the usage of more forceful means of actions could be an effective means of integrating newcomers by preventing large proportions from moving to segregated areas, where poor conditions for integration is prevalent. The study is written in Swedish.

Postavení a činnost Rady pro rozhlasové a televizní vysílání / Position of activities of the Council for Radio and Television Broadcasting

Drdla, Jan January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the issue of The Council for Radio and Television Broadcasting (the Council). The Council is an administrative office, which the public has little information about, and this lack of facts often results in various misunderstandings. The main objective of this thesis is to provide information about the Council and its activities and thus help to eliminate these mistakes and lack of knowledge. The thesis combines the administrative law and the media law. The thesis is composed of two major parts. The Council in general is dealt with in the first part. The history is summarized, the Council as an independent administrative regulatory authority is described and further examples of such administrative offices are provided in this part. The areas in which the Council operates are presented in the second part of this thesis, which is divided into three chapters according the main laws concerning the broadcasting. The first one deals with the law on broadcasting. Key broadcasting licenses and basic obligations of broadcasters are discussed in this chapter. The second chapter is about the law on the regulation of advertising. The last of these relevant laws is the law on audiovisual media services on demand, which regulates the newest electronic medium - the internet. Electronic mass...

Historie finanční správy v českobudějovickém okrese (v jeho současných hranicích) od roku 1918 do současnosti / The history of financial managemet in the current borders of the region of České Budějovice from 1918 to the present day.

SIEBENSTICHOVÁ, Sandra January 2011 (has links)
The dissertation deals with the history of financial management in the current borders of the region of České Budějovice from 1918 to the present day. It is focused only to the sphere of tax and customs administration because of the topic breadth. The purpose of this dissertation is to find and analyse the current organization of tax administration.

Hedersrelaterat våld : En diskursanalys av hur offer och förövare av hedersrelaterat våld gestaltas i policydiskurser hos svenska förvaltningsmyndigheter / Honour-related violence : A discourse analysis of how victims and perpetrators of honorrelated violence are portrayed in policy discourses of Swedish administrative authorities

Johansson Nilsson, Amanda January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine how victims and perpetrators of honour-related violence are portrayed in discourses of Swedish administrative authorities who have a national mission to combat honour-related violence. Carol Bacchi’s what’s the problem represented to be is used as an analytical tool together with the concept of cultural and universalist speech. This is used to analyse the problem representations on which honour-related violence is based on, how victims and perpetrators of honor-related violence are portrayed and with what consequences. The analysis shows that there are three salient problem representations: “lack of knowledge”, “failed integration” and “inadequate cooperation”. The analysis also show how victims and perpetrators of honor-related violence are portrayed in both cultural speech and universalist speech in a complex and intertwined social construction.

Humankapital i statens tjänst : En fallstudie av Länsstyrelsen Dalarna

Martinsson Hansen, Antonia, Rosén, Elin January 2017 (has links)
Studien baserades på ett uppdrag från Länsstyrelsen Dalarna att undersöka den psykosociala arbetsmiljön inom organisationen med avgränsning till arbetsbelastning, arbetstakt och måltydlighet. Syftet med studien var att skapa förståelse för förhållandet mellan offentlig sektor som kontext, psykosocial arbetsmiljö och humankapital. Vidare var syftet att utforma en handlingsplan till Länsstyrelsen Dalarna för att förbättra den psykosociala arbetsmiljön inom organisationen. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna bestod av teorier kring offentlig sektor med fokus på tillsyns- och förvaltningsmyndigheter, och psykosocial arbetsmiljö. En grundläggande teori för studien var Job Demands-Resources Theory. Teorier kring humankapital och kunskapsintensiva medarbetare har också använts. Studien var kvalitativ och personliga intervjuer genomfördes med sex (6) medarbetare, och två gruppintervjuer gjordes med två (2) fackliga representanter respektive tre (3) chefer. Resultat och analys visade att medarbetarna upplevde en hög arbetsbelastning och otydliga mål. Individuella och subjektiva åsikter och upplevelser hade inverkan på resultatet. Slutsatserna var att det finns ett komplext förhållande mellan offentlig sektor, humankapital och medarbetarnas uppfattningar om den psykosociala arbetsmiljön, och att det förekommer olika förhållanden på olika nivåer inom den psykosociala arbetsmiljön. Att beakta organisationens resurser och krav visade sig ha betydelse för den psykosociala arbetsmiljön och arbetet med att förbättra den. Åtgärder som föreslogs var bland annat en bredare syn gällande kompetensförsörjning. / The study was based on an assignment from the County of Dalarna to examine the psychosocial work environment within the organization, with limitation to work load, work rate and goal clarity. The aim of the study was to create an understanding for the relationship between public sector as a context, psychosocial work environment and human capital. Furthermore, the aim was to design an action plan to the County of Dalarna to improve the psychosocial work environment within the organization. The theoretical base consisted of theories regarding public sector with focus supervisory and administrative authorities, and psychosocial work environment. A fundamental theory for the study was Job Demands- Resources Theory. Theories concerning human capital and knowledge intense co-workers were also used in the study. The study was qualitative, and individual interviews were conducted with six (6) co-workers. Two group interviews were also conducted with two (2) trade-union representatives respectively three (3) managers. The result and analysis showed that the co-workers experienced high work load and a low degree of goal clarity. Furthermore, individual and subjective views and experiences had an impact on the outcome. The conclusions were that there is a complex relationship between public sector, psychosocial work environment and human capital, and that there are different relationships on different levels within the psychosocial work environment. Taking account of the organization's resources and requirements has proven to be of importance for the psychosocial work environment and the work to improve it. Proposed measures were changed views on skills supply among others.

L'ordre public immatériel en droit public français / Immaterial public order in French public law

Peyroux-Sissoko, Marie-Odile 27 November 2017 (has links)
Notion centrale des rapports entre l’État et les individus, l'ordre public mis en œuvre par la police administrative est traditionnellement identifié comme étant matériel. Essentiel à l'équilibre entre maintien de la paix sociale et garantie des droits et libertés individuels, il y est particulièrement fait recours lorsqu'est en cause la sécurité. La législation (lato sensu) récente en matière d'état d'urgence le rappelle. Mais l'ordre public n'est pas uniquement matériel, limité à la sécurité, à la tranquillité et à la salubrité publiques. Notion classique du droit public, l'ordre public ne cesse d'évoluer. Il est en effet possible de tirer de divers phénomènes épars l'existence d'un ordre public immatériel dont l'émergence et l'utilisation visent à répondre à des déséquilibres apparus dans l'État de droit. Permettant notamment la protection de valeurs objectives à partir desquelles la société est ordonnée, l'ordre public immatériel vise à rééquilibrer les rapports entre le collectif et l'individuel. Il est en ce sens une notion fonctionnelle. Il est ainsi possible de définir l'ordre public immatériel et de construire un régime juridique qui lui soit adapté. Impuissant à restreindre les libertés dans la vie privée, il s'exprime dans le cadre de l'espace public auquel il est cantonné, ce qui limite d'autant les risques d'intrusion de l'État. Il peut être vu comme une notion autonome. Cette formalisation permet d'identifier plus facilement l'ordre public immatériel. Surtout, elle laisse entendre qu'il pourrait s'imposer durablement dans l'ordre juridique français. / A key notion in the relationship between the State and individuals, public order implemented by the administrative authorities is normally considered as material. Essential to the balance between maintaining social peace and ensuring respect for individual rights and freedoms, public order is implemented especially where security is involved. Recent legislation (in the broad sense) introducing the state of emergency is a case in point. However, public order is not merely material or restricted to matters of public security, peace or health. Public order, a traditional notion in public law, continues to evolve. From the various different phenomena, it is indeed possible to deduce the existence of an immaterial public order, the emergence and implementation of which are intended to offset the disequilibrium arising from the rule of law. The purpose of immaterial public order, which ensures the protection of objective values around which society is organised, is to restore the balance between the public and the individual. In that sense, it is a functional notion. It is therefore possible to define immaterial public order and build a legal system adapted to it. Immaterial public order, which is powerless to restrict freedoms in private life, expresses itself in the public domain to which it is confined, thereby limiting the risks of State intervention. lt can be seen as a notion in its own right. As a result of this formalisation, immaterial public order can be more readily identified. Above all, formalisation suggests that it could become a permanent feature of the French legal system.

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