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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Earnings Management in State-Owned Enterprises : A quantitative study comparing earnings management between Swedish state-owned and privately-owned enterprises

Gustafsson, Felix, Palmqvist, Nils January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Families and performance : The impact of family ownership on performance in Sweden

Nylöf, Julia, Rehme, Johanna January 2023 (has links)
This study investigates whether family ownership influences firms’ accounting and market-based performance as measured by ROA respectively Tobin’s Q. The Swedish market is especially interesting due to its unique corporate governance system, and because previous studies based on a Swedish sample present contradictory findings on the family-performance relationship. Furthermore, we explore whether the stake, the active involvement of family members, and the presence of other blockholders, can be connected to firm performance. The results suggest that family firms are related to superior accounting performance as compared to non-family firms, and that actively involved family members are related to the positive relation. The evidence on market performance shows that families are awarded lower valuations as compared to non-family firms. The market results seem to be driven by extensive control in terms of voting rights or the combined monitoring powers of multiple blockholders, as family firms with a moderate stake of 20-50%, and firms without other blockholders, are not related to market discounts. Connecting to agency theory, the findings suggest that family ownership is related to reduced agency costs type I, thus increasing the profitability, but may be associated with higher type II costs if their control is too extensive.

Många medlemmar, få beslutsfattare : En flerfallstudie om beslutsfattande i kooperativ / Many members, few decision-makers : A multi-case study on decision-making in co-operatives

Olsson, Alice, Hildebrand, Ida January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: I Sverige finns det många företag både stora och små som använder sig utav den kooperativa organisationsmodellen. Trots att kooperativa företag är en stor del av näringslivet är kunskapen om dem begränsad. Kooperativa företag ägs av sina medlemmar bygger på principen demokratisk medlemskontroll, vilket innebär en medlem en röst. Eftersom kooperationer bygger påmedlemskontroll påverkar detta hur beslutsfattande ser ut i organisationen, vilket gör beslutsfattandeett intressant ämne att studera djupare i kooperationer. Det finns mycket tidigare forskning om beslut däremot finns det inte det när det kommer till kooperationer. Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att öka kunskapen inom beslutsfattande i kooperativ genom att ur styrelsens och ledningens perspektiv undersöka hur de resonerar sig fram till beslut, vad deras roll ibeslutsfattande får för konsekvenser och hur de arbetar med att representera sina medlemmar i besluten. Metod: Studien har genomförts som en kvalitativ flerfallstudie. Studien följer en abduktiv ansats och har ett fenomenologiskt perspektiv. Det empiriska materialet från fyra olika kooperativ har samlats in med hjälp av semi-strukturerade intervjuer med subjekten. Slutsats: Beslutsfattare inom ett kooperativ använder sig huvudsakligen av ett konsekvenslogiskt resonemang för att komma fram till beslut och beslutsfattarna eftersträvar rationalitet i sina beslut genom att välgrundade beslutsunderlag ses som viktigt. När besluts resoneras fram är det viktigt att desom är involverade i beslutsfattandet måste få möjlighet att förstå sig på beslutsunderlaget och det bör det förankras bland involverade parter. Studien påvisar vikten av kommunikation och motivation bakom de beslut som har tagits av organisationen för att hantera motstånd, ge beslutet legitimitet samt underlätta implementering. Genom studien kan vi dra slutsatsen att medlemsdeltagandet är inte lika stort som det kunde ha varit och de kooperationer i vår studie som upplevde skilda åsikter bland medlemmarna, som var av majoritet, såg inte det som något negativt utan att det var bra med många åsikter. Styrelsen och ledningen arbetar med att representera medlemmarna genom att ta beslut som är i organisationens bästa intresse däremot orsakar informationsasymmetrin mellan medlem och styrelsen/ledningen att medlemmens styrsignaler inte alltid får gehör. / Background: In Sweden there are many companies both large and small that use the cooperativeorganization model. Although co-operative enterprises are a large part of the business community, the knowledge of them is limited. Co-operative enterprises are owned by their members based on the principle of democratic member control, which means one member one vote. Since cooperatives are based on member control, it affects how decision-making is constructed in the organization, which makes decision-making an interesting topic to study in depth in cooperatives. There is a lot of previous research on decision-making, but not when it comes to co-operatives.  Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to increase knowledge of decision-making in co-operatives by examining, from the perspective of the board and management, how they reason their way to decisions, the consequences of their role in the decision-making and how they work to represent their members in the decisions.  Method: The study has been conducted as a qualitative multi-case study. The study follows an abductive approach and has a phenomenological perspective. The empirical material has been collected from four different co-operatives through semi-structured interviews with subjects. Conclusion: Decision-makers in a co-operative mainly use consequentialist reasoning to reason their way to decisions, and the decision-makers strive for rationality in their decisions which is shown through the emphasis of having well-informed decision-making materials. When decisions are reasonedout, it is important that those involved in the decision-making process must be given the opportunity to understand the basis of the decision and it should be anchored among the parties involved. The study demonstrates the importance of communication and motivation behind the decisions taken by the organization in order to manage resistance, give the decision legitimacy and facilitate implementation. We can also conclude that member participation is low, and the subjects that experienced differingopinions among members, did not see this as something negative, rather useful. The board and management work to represent the members by making decisions that are in the best interest of the organization, but the information asymmetry between the member and the board/management means that the member´s control signals are not always heard.

Banks, credit and culture. Cross border lending and credit ratings, their effectiveness and the impact of cultural differences.

Mulder, Gert Jan January 2005 (has links)
Having the author been involved in banking and finance for almost 25 years, this thesis intends to reflect on the role of banks with emphasis on cross border lending and credit rating, their effectiveness and the impacts of cultural differences. Perhaps this would not differ substantially from a researcher or a scholar, yet the exploratory approach taken in this research will be somewhat different as it deliberately seeks to answer a number of questions relevant to practitioners in today’s banking. In trying to achieve this goal, this thesis hopefully may find its way to international bankers wondering about the perspectives of their business in general and their profession in specific. It even may perhaps improve the understanding of their clients. The Basel committee which published the new Basel II framework on bank regulation and supervision was the result of long and careful discussions, wide consultations and comprehensive impact studies. Whereas Basel II covers the entire risk profile and supervision of financial institutions, this research is limited to the cross border lending by banks to companies and provides the views from both practicing international bankers and their customers on their 3 expectations regarding Basel II, credit rating and the relevance of context and culture differences. Bankers all over the world are being trained on how to read balance sheets, yet less attention is being paid as to by whom they are being created and how precisely these balance sheets came into existence, other than the accountancy standards applied. Bankers furthermore seem to agree on the fact that credit risks in large part are related to the management competencies, effective corporate governance and integrity of management and organization. The argument could be made that the assessment of management capabilities, governance and integrity may be hindered in those cases where the culture is little understood. In a three days conferences titled; “The Future of Relationship Banking”, 80 senior executives from international banks and large companies were gathered in Punta del Este, Uruguay and were asked to speak about these aspects. A transcript of the conference is provided as annex to this thesis (Annex 1) and serves to triangulate the findings of the research. Main findings of three management papers were presented by the researcher during the conference. A survey was performed during the conference and in addition, through an online survey, in total over 100 practitioners in the field participated in the survey. Results show a variation of conclusions, but very especially seem to confirm the view, contrary to the approach taken in Basel II, that cultural differences and context are felt to be highly relevant in cross border lending.

Leadership Competence: Does Gender Really Matter? : A study on the operational gender diversity and its impact on financial performance and stock volatilty

Nordin, Simon, Vangstad, Beata January 2023 (has links)
This thesis aims to take part of and contribute to the continuously ongoing debate ongender diversity, more specific about gender diversity in the operational level includingthe gender of CEO in Swedish firms across the Large cap, Mid Cap and Small Cap lists.The purpose is to analyze whether there is a statistical significance between operationalgender diversity and financial performance as well as firm volatility. The thesis uses aquantitative method with an OLS multiple regression analysis on a total of 448 Swedishlisted firms. The measures used for performance are return on assets (ROA) and return onequity (ROE), as well as volatility as a risk measure. The test variables used are femaleCEO and female executives, against the control variables females in the board, sector,market capitalization and full-time employees. The results of the thesis suggest that thereis not any significant correlation between the gender of the CEO and firm performance aswell as volatility, and there is neither any significant correlation between the genderdiversity amongst the executives and the firm performance or stock volatility.

Revisorns roll i familjeföretag : en studie ur familjeföretagens perspektiv / The auditor’s role in family businesses : A study from the perspective of family businesses

Holmstrand, Julia, Kälström, Klara, Johansson, Maja January 2023 (has links)
Familjeföretag är en av de vanligaste företagskonstellationerna i Sverige och kan ställas inför unika utmaningar. Att vara ett familjeföretag innebär att det i många fall finns komplexa familjerelationer i företaget och att det kan vara svårt att skilja på privat- och arbetsliv. På grund av detta löper familjeföretag ofta större risk för att konflikter uppstår. Tidigare studier menar att revisorn kan vara den första att upptäcka problem i ett familjeföretag och därmed fylla en viktig funktion genom att anta fler roller än som enbart granskare. Det finns dock de som menar att revision bör separeras från andra tjänster för att inte riskera att skada revisorns oberoende. Vilken roll som revisorn har, eller bör ha, är således omdiskuterat vilket ligger till grund för denna studies syfte som är att bidra med förståelse för hur familjeföretag uppfattar revisorns roll. Studien genomfördes med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer med respondenter från sju olika familjeföretag. Vidare har agentteorin och stewardshipteorin använts för att analysera empirin och därmed förstå relationerna, familjeföretagens unika karaktärsdrag samt revisorns roll. Studien visar att familjeföretagen uppfattar revisorns roll som granskare och rådgivare. Rådgivare är den roll de främst efterfrågar och är i behov av medan granskare snarare är något de behöver på grund av att de, enligt lag, är revisionspliktiga. Revisorn som granskare är dock inte enbart ett nödvändigt ont utan även något familjeföretagen värdesätter då revisionen utgör en kvalitetsstämpel. Tidigare studier, där revisorer tillfrågats, visar istället att revisorns dominerande roll är som granskare. Detta tyder på skillnader mellan familjeföretagens och revisorernas uppfattningar om revisorns roll. Studien kan därför bidra till att revisorer kan förstå familjeföretagens uppfattning om revisorns roll, och vad de efterfrågar, och därmed uppnå ett bättre samarbete. / Family businesses are one of the most common business constellations in Sweden and can be faced with unique challenges. Being a family business means that in many cases there are complex family relationships in the company and that it can be difficult to distinguish between private and work life. Therefore, family businesses often run a greater risk of conflicts arising. Previous studies suggest that the auditor can be the first to discover problems in a family business and thus fulfill an important function by taking on more roles than as solely an auditor. However, there are those who believe that auditing should be separated from other services in order not to risk damaging the auditor's independence. What role the auditor has, or should have, is thus debated. This is the foundation for the purpose of this study which is to contribute with an understanding of how family businesses perceive the auditor's role. The study has been accomplished by using semi-structured interviews with respondents from seven different family businesses. Furthermore, the agency theory and the stewardship theory have been used to analyze the empirical evidence and thereby understand the relationships, the unique characteristics of family businesses and the role of the auditor. The study shows that family businesses perceive the auditor's role as auditor and advisor. Advisor is the role they mainly request and need, while auditor is rather something they need because they are required to audit by law. However, the auditor as an auditor is not only a must, but also something that family businesses value, as the audit is a sign of quality. Previous studies, where auditors were asked, show that the auditor’s dominant role is as an auditor. This indicates differences between the family businesses' and the auditors' perceptions of the auditor's role. This study can therefore contribute to auditors being able to understand the family businesses' perception of the auditor's role, and what they demand, and thereby achieve better cooperation.

The Impact of Awareness of Being Monitored on Internet Usage Policy Compliance: An Agency and Stewardship View

Summers, Nirmalee 14 August 2015 (has links)
Internet usage has become a norm in most organizations where organizations have started monitoring employee, Internet usage, e-mail communications, social network usage and etc. With the increased Internet usage, Internet misuse by employees has increased the potential for security vulnerabilities for these organizations. Organizations have established various security countermeasures such as sanctions, incentives, and Internet usage policies in order to prevent Internet misuse and protect the organizational information assets. However, it is important for organizations to understand whether these Internet usage polices are effective in mitigating the threats towards Internet misuse. Therefore, this dissertation investigates the impact of different countermeasures such as sanctions, incentives and awareness of being monitored on Internet usage policy compliance. Furthermore, it investigates the impact of organizational stewardship culture consisting of collectivism and low power distance, on Internet usage policy compliance behavior. A research model was developed to test the influence of penalties (sanction severity, sanction certainty, sanction celerity), incentives, collectivism and power distance on Internet usage policy compliance intention. Furthermore, it investigates the impact of awareness of being monitored which has not received much attention from information security researchers. In order to test the hypothesized relationships in the research model, data was collected utilizing an online survey through an online survey panel provider, Amazon Mechanical Turk. The findings indicate that, sanction certainty, awareness of being monitored, collectivism and power distance have a significant influence on Internet usage policy compliance intention of the sample population. Additionally, when employees are aware that they are being monitored, it increases the effectiveness of sanction severity and celerity. This dissertation makes several contributions to research and practitioners. It contributes to research by investigating the impact of two contrasting theories where agency theory assumes that employees are motivated through extrinsic factors whereas stewardship theory assumes that they are motivated through intrinsic means (organizational stewardship culture). It contributes to practitioners as well by highlighting the importance of controls such as computer monitoring, swift punishments in protecting organizational assets. As the results suggest, apart from the controls, organizational stewardship culture can play an important role in mitigating some of these threats as well.

Miniatures Matter: Agency and Affect in Photographs by Lori Nix

Postlewait, Mariah A. 14 April 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Svenska börsbolags prestation under Covid-19 : En kvantitativ studie kopplad till VD:ns Lön, Kön & Företagsspecifika Erfarenhet

Jonsson, Vilma, Stenvall, Nellie January 2022 (has links)
Företag är av stor vikt för det svenska samhället. Presterar de dåligt, drabbar det inte enbart den svenska ekonomin utan även de anställda och deras liv. De senaste åren har antalet noterade aktiebolag på Nasdaq Stockholm ökat, ökningen medför att företagens intressenter blir allt fler. Det är därför även viktigt för aktieägarna att företagen leds av den mest lämpade VD:n och presterar optimalt. I tidigare forskning har det observerats att faktorer såsom lön, kön samt företagsspecifik erfarenhet kan påverka VD:ns agerande och således även företagets prestation. Motstridiga resultat har presenterats mellan företagets prestation och kön samt företagsspecifik erfarenhet, samtidigt som positiva resultat observerats mellan prestationen och lön. Covid-19 har varit brännande aktuellt de senaste åren och en mängd åtgärder har införts från den svenska staten. Forskning från andra länder har konstaterat att företagens prestation har påverkats negativt av Covid-19 pandemin. Vidare har det observerats från tidigare kriser som drabbat den svenska ekonomin, att egenskaper som VD:n besitter haft en stor påverkan på hur företaget klarat sig under kriserna. Detta examensarbete ämnar därmed att undersöka hur de svenska företagens prestation har påverkats av Covid-19, samt om VD:ns egenskaper i form av lön, kön samt företagsspecifik erfarenhet har någon koppling till hur företaget presterar under denna ekonomiska kris. Examensarbetet präglas av en kvantitativ metod där publika företag på Nasdaq Stockholm har legat till grund för studien. Ett antal företag har exkluderats på grund av avgränsningar samt bortfall. Slutligen har det resulterat i att 277 företag observerats under åren 2017 till 2020. Resultaten som återfunnits har visat på att det inte finns något signifikant samband mellan Covid-19 och företagets prestation, däremot finns det tendenser som tyder på detta. Dessutom har det observerats att vissa egenskaper hos VD:n har olika betydelse beroende på om företaget befinner sig i en tid med Covid-19 eller ej. Resultatet visar på att VD:ns kön har större betydelse för prestationen under Covid-19. Detta pekar på att en manlig VD bidrar till ett högre resultat under Covid-19 än vad kvinnliga gör, vilket inte går att konstatera för perioden innan. Däremot är det tydligt att företagen presterar bättre både innan samt under Covid-19, om VD:n har en lång företagsspecifik erfarenhet. Avslutningsvis kunde det observeras att den totala lönen har ett svagt negativt samband med företagets prestation innan men inte under Covid-19.

LAGSTADGAD CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY OCH EARNINGS MANAGEMENT - FINNS DET ETT SAMBAND? : En kvantitativ studie på svenska börsnoterade bolag / STATUTORY CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND EARNINGS MANAGEMENT – Is there a correlation? : A quantitative study on Swedish listed companies

Ekholm, Amanda, Jonsson, Hannah, Öhman, Emilia January 2024 (has links)
Forskningsfråga:                           Hur påverkar införandet av lagstadgad CSR i Sverige användningen av diskretionära periodiseringar? Syfte:                                                         Syftet med studien är att undersöka och förklara sambandet mellan obligatorisk Corporate Social Responsibility och Earnings Management i svenska börsnoterade bolag med stöd av agentteorin. För att besvara syftet kommer Jones modifierade modell och DeAngelo modellen tillämpas samt jämföras med ESG-poäng. Metod:                                                       Studien tillämpade en kvantitativ metod och utgick från en positivistisk forskningsfilosofi med en deduktiv ansats. Studieperioden var mellan år 2019–2022 och urvalet bestod av svenska börsnoterade bolag som möter kraven för obligatorisk CSR. Insamlingen av data har skett med hjälp av Business Retriever och Refinitiv Eikon. Jones modifierade modell och DeAngelo modellen har använts för att mäta diskretionära periodiseringar. Slutsats:                                 Studien finner ett signifikant positivt samband mellan obligatorisk CSR och EM när Jones modifierade modellen tillämpats. När sambandet med hjälp av DeAngelo modellen mäts erhålls inte ett statistiskt samband och kan därmed inte utifrån den modellen tolka resultatet. / Research question:               How does the introduction of statutory CSR in Sweden affect the use of discretionary accruals? Purpose:                                 The purpose of the study is to investigate and explain the correlation between mandatory Corporate Social Responsibility and Earnings Management in Swedish listed companies with the support of agency theory. To answer the purpose of the study, the Jones modified model and the DeAngelo model will be applied and compared with ESG-scores. Method:                                                   The study applied a quantitative method and is based on a positivist research philosophy with a deductive approach. The study period was between the years 2019–2022 and the sample consisted of Swedish listed companies who met the requirements for mandatory CSR. The data collection took place with the help of Retriever Business and Refinitiv Eikon. The Jones modified model and DeAngelo model have been used to measure discretionary accruals.  Conclusion:                             The study finds a significant positive correlation between mandatory CSR and EM when the Jones modified model was applied. When the relationship is measured using the DeAngelo model, a statistically significant correlation is not obtained, and the result therefore cannot be interpreted based on that model.

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