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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Patterns and outcomes of healthcare use among at-risk alcohol users /

Heise, Barbara Anne. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Virginia, 2007. / Includes bibliographical references. Also available online through Digital Dissertations.

Processes of Relapse and Recovery in Alcoholics

Floyd, Dorthy Rhea 08 1900 (has links)
This study was designed to investigate risk factors for resumption of alcohol use during the early period following treatment. Specifically, the influence of cognitions, stressful life events, subjective appraisal of stress, expectancies about alcohol use, and personal coping responses was explored.

Le sujet alcoolique : l'articulation entre diagnostic, nomination et identité / Alcoholic subject : interaction among diagnosis, nomination and identity

Escher Furtado, Luísa 03 November 2017 (has links)
L’analyse de l'arrimage de l'alcoolisme à la construction du sujet et la manière dont le diagnostic alcoolique peut produire des effets sur l’identité, nous a amené a élaborer trois hypothèses : l'étiquette 'alcoolique' peut avoir des effets dans le processus de production de la subjectivité; les effets subjectifs de la nomination sont liées aux usages que le nom« alcoolique » a dans de différents contextes historiques ; l'identification comme alcoolique est marquée par une recherche d’alliance du sujet à un réseau social plutôt que par le sentiment d'identité subjectif d'uniformité et de continuité de ce que désigne le diagnostic d'alcoolisme. La recherche de terrain dans des Centres d’addictologie et des Associations a abouti à la réalisation de cinq entretiens. L'identité alcoolique peut constituer des processus d'appartenance pour qui a une vie marquée par la migration; de résistance au productivisme, pour qui a dû travailler à l’armée et sur des chaînes de production; et une ouverture à l'amitié pour qui a souffert de ruptures affectives. Cependant cette identité peut cacher la singularité du sujet, lorsqu’elle sert comme explication close et clé à des conflits. / The analysis of the connection made of alcoholism to the construction of the subject and how the alcoholic diagnosis might produce effects on the process of production of identity lead us to three hypotheses: the label "alcoholic" might impact the process of production of subjectivity; the subjective effects of a nomination are related to the uses the name “alcoholic” have in different historical contexts; The identification as an alcoholic is marked by a search for alliance of the subject with a social network a lot more than it is marked for the subjective feeling of identity to a uniformity and continuing of what is designated by the diagnosis of alcoholism. The field research in addictology centres and associations derived from five interviews. The alcoholic identity might constitute a process of belonging for those who have their lives transformed by migration; of resisting productivism, for those who have to be in the army and in big productive chains and it could also be an opening to new friendships for those who have been through relationship break-ups. However, this identity might hide the singularity of the subject, as when it is used as a conclusive key explanation to conflicts.

Narrativas de vida de mulheres alcoolistas: contribuições para a prática da enfermeira no CAPS ad / Narratives of life of alcoholic women: nurse`s practice contribuition in the CAPS ad

Daniele Oliveira Aguiar 12 February 2014 (has links)
Estudo de natureza qualitativa utilizou o Método de Narrativa de Vida, cujo objeto foi a motivação da mulher alcoolista para iniciar e aderir ao tratamento no Centro de Atenção Psicossocial de Álcool e outras Drogas (CAPS ad). Os objetivos foram: a) conhecer os motivos que levam a mulher alcoolista a iniciar e aderir ao tratamento; b) descrever o itinerário terapêutico percorrido pela mulher alcoolista; c) identificar os fatores que favorecem a adesão da mulher alcoolista ao tratamento; d) discutir a contribuição das narrativas das mulheres alcoolistas para a prática da enfermeira no CAPS ad. Foram entrevistadas 26 mulheres usuárias de álcool em tratamento no CAPS ad, oriundas de dois cenários distintos no Estado do Rio de Janeiro: um CAPS ad de uma cidade do interior do Estado na região Sul Fluminense no Médio Paraíba e um CAPS ad na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. O arcabouço teórico de sustentação do estudo baseou-se em dois pontos: A Reforma Psiquiátrica no Mundo e no Brasil, a evolução da Política Pública, a Legislação Brasileira para atendimento de usuários de álcool e outras drogas, incluindo Itinerários Terapêuticos, a atuação da Equipe Interdisciplinar no CAPS ad e o papel da Enfermeira e da enfermagem na Saúde Mental e no CAPS ad. O alcoolismo feminino, retratando a evolução do papel da mulher contemporânea na sociedade, questões de gênero e as implicações biológicas, culturais e sociais do alcoolismo onde Edwards e colaboradores discutem as questões biopsicosociais envolvidas na questão. A coleta de dados utilizou a entrevista aberta, com pergunta única: Fale-me a respeito de sua vida que tenha relação com a sua motivação para iniciar e aderir ao tratamento de dependência alcoólica que realiza no CAPS ad. A análise evidenciou: que um dos motivos que caracteriza o alcoolismo feminino refere-se ao prazer proporcionado pelo álcool como escape para as mulheres aliviarem o peso de suas vidas. Estas viveram e experimentaram a solidão, a dor, o sofrimento, a vergonha, a discriminação, as perdas e os agravos físicos e psicológicos decorrentes do uso abusivo de bebida alcoólica. Estas mulheres viveram seus conflitos e suas dores sozinhas com raríssimas exceções, até chegarem ao fim do poço, quando então decidiram procurar e aceitar ajuda. Os itinerários terapêuticos apresentados foram: Hospital Geral; Unidade Básica de Saúde; Pré-natal; Alcoólicos Anônimos (AA); CAPS; CAPS i; Ambulatório de Psiquiatria; Hospital Psiquiátrico e Clínica Especializada de Internação. A motivação para terem iniciado o tratamento foram: desejo de mudarem a realidade que viveram; a perda do poder familiar, ou seja, a perda da guarda dos filhos; a solidão que viveram e a imposição de terceiros para iniciarem o tratamento. Como motivação para adesão ao tratamento foi encontrada na totalidade das narrativas a permanência para conseguir ficar sem uso de bebida alcoólica, e o apoio que receberam da equipe interdisciplinar. Na percepção das mulheres em relação à atuação da equipe interdisciplinar do CAPS ad foi relatada sobre a ajuda que receberam, a escuta, o acolhimento, a paciência, o relacionamento interpessoal entre usuários e profissionais, o cuidado, a força para continuar e a valorização delas como sujeitos essenciais de suas histórias. / Study of qualitative nature used the Narrative of Life Method, which object was the motivation of the alcoholic woman to begin and adhere to treatment in the Center of Psychosocial Attention of Alcohol and others Drugs (CAPS ad). The objectives were: a) to know the motives that lead the alcoholic woman to begin and adhere to treatment; b) to describe the therapeutic itinerary traveled by the alcoholic woman; c) to identify the factors that favor the adhesion of the alcoholic woman to the treatment; d) discuss narratives`s contribution of the alcoholics women for the nurse`s practice in the CAPS ad. Twenty-six women users of alcohol in treatment in CAPS ad, originated from two scenarios distinct in Rio de Janeiro State: one CAPS ad of a city in the state in the southern region in the Middle Paraíba Fluminense and one CAPS ad at Rio de Janeiro city. The theoretical support for the study was based on two points: The Psychiatric Reform in the World and in Brazil, the evolution of Public Policy, the Brazilian legislation for serving users of alcohol and other drugs, including Therapeutic Itineraries, the performance of the team interdisciplinary in CAPS ad and the role of nurse and nursing in Mental Health and CAPS ad. The female alcoholism, depicting the changing role of contemporary woman in society, gender issues and biological implications, cultural and social aspects of alcoholism where Edwards and colleagues discuss the biopsychosocial issues involved in this matter. The data collection used the open interview, with single question: "Tell me about your life that is related to their motivation to initiate and adhere to the treatment of alcoholic dependence that performs treatment at a CAPS ad." The analysis showed: that one of the motives that characterizes the female alcoholism refers to the pleasure derived from alcohol as an escape for women lighten the weight of their lives. They have lived and experienced the loneliness, the pain, the suffering, shame, discrimination, losses and physical and psychological injuries resulting from the abuse of alcoholic beverage. These women lived its conflicts and sorrows alone with very few exceptions, until they reached the "end of the pit," when then decided to seek and accept help. The therapeutic itineraries presented were: General Hospital, Basic Health Unit, Prenatal, Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), CAPS, CAPS infant, Psychiatry Clinic, Psychiatry Hospital and Hospitalization Clinic. The motivation for having started the treatment was: desire to change the reality they lived, the loss of family power, that is, loss of child custody; loneliness they lived and the imposition of a third part to initiate treatment. As motivation to treatment adherence was found in all the narrative permanence to get run out of alcohol use, and support they received from the interdisciplinary team. In the perception of women regarding the role of the interdisciplinary team in CAPS ad was reported on the help they received, the listening, acceptance, patience, interpersonal relationship between users and professionals, the care, the strength to continue and valorization of them as essential subjects of theirs stories.

The Roles of Sensation Seeking and Level of Response to Negative, Sedative Alcohol Effects in the Intergenerational Transmission of Risk for Developing Alcohol Use Disorders

January 2015 (has links)
abstract: The present study tested the respective mediating effects of sensation seeking and initial level of response (LR) to negative, sedative alcohol effects on the relation between the density of familial history of alcoholism and adolescent alcohol use. Additionally, the present study tested the direct effect of LR to negative, sedative alcohol effects on adolescent drinking over and above the effects of sensation seeking; and also tested the moderating effect of sensation seeking on the relation between level of response negative, sedative alcohol effects and adolescent drinking. Specifically, OLS regression models first estimated the effects of sensation seeking, LR to negative, sedative alcohol effects, and their interaction on alcohol outcomes, over and above the influence of covariates. Indirect effects were then tested using the PRODCLIN method through RMediation. Analyses failed to support sensation seeking as a mediator in the relation between familial history of alcoholism and adolescent drinking, and as a moderator of the relation between LR and adolescent drinking. However, analyses did support a robust direct effect of LR to negative, sedative alcohol effects on adolescent alcohol involvement. A significant mediating effect of initial LR to negative, sedative alcohol effects on the relation between familial alcoholism and adolescent drinking was found, however failed to maintain significance in post-hoc analyses attenuating the downward bias of the measure of initial LR. Initial LR to negative, sedative alcohol effects continued to predict adolescent drinking after attenuating measure bias. These findings strengthen research on initial LR to negative, sedative alcohol effects as a risk for greater alcohol involvement in adolescence, and underscore the complexity of studying the familial transmission of alcoholism in adolescent populations / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Psychology 2015

Atitudes e conhecimentos de enfermeiros frente ao álcool, alcoolismo e alcoolista: estudo comparativo entre dois grupos / Attitudes and knowledge of nurses towards alcohol, alcoholism and alcoholics: a comparative study between two groups

Janaina Soares 17 December 2010 (has links)
Introdução: O consumo mundial do alcool e de outras substancias psicoativas vem crescendo significativamente nas ultimas decadas, fenomeno que tem contribuido para o aumento da carga de doencas em todo o mundo. No Brasil, os levantamentos realizados sobre o uso de álcool e drogas vem apontando elevadas taxas de dependentes dessas substancias, fato que tem contribuido para ampliar o contato dos profissionais da saude, dentre eles, os enfermeiros, com situacoes que envolvem o uso e o abuso de substancias psicoativas, independente do local onde atuem. O fato justifica a importancia da realizacao de estudos para investigar as atitudes e os conhecimentos desses profissionais frente ao alcool, o alcoolismo e ao alcoolista. Objetivo: verificar e comparar as atitudes e os conhecimentos de dois grupos de enfermeiros frente ao alcool, ao alcoolismo e ao alcoolista. Método: Tratou-se de um estudo exploratório de abordagem quase-experimental, realizado com uma amostra de 280 enfermeiros, destes, 140 foram submetidos a um curso de capacitacao na area de alcool e outras drogas e constituiram o Grupo experimental. Na coleta de dados, foram aplicados um questionario sociodemografico, um questionario de conhecimento e a Escala de Atitudes frente ao alcool, alcoolismo e alcoolista EAFAAA. Para verificar e comparar as atitudes e os conhecimentos entre os dois grupos, procederam-se analises estatísticas descritivas e para analisar a associacao entre as variaveis do estudo e as atitudes e conhecimentos, procedeu-se uma analise por Regressão logistica. Todas as analises foram feitas por meio do pacote SPSS versão 17.0. Resultados: A amostra final contou com 185 participantes, 101 enfermeiros do grupo controle e 84 do grupo experimental. Os participantes de ambos os grupos tenderam a apresentar atitudes mais positivas, observando-se uma discreta predominancia de atitudes positivas no GE. Com relacao aos conhecimentos, nao foram observadas diferenças significativas entre os dois grupos. Os maiores preditores para atitudes positivas encontrados neste estudo foram possuir preparo para atuar com dependentes quimicos (z=2,895), ter recebido maior carga-horaria durante a graduacao sobre a tematica alcool e outras drogas (z=2,202) e possuir pos-graduacao (z=1,806). Conclusão: O nivel de conhecimento influencia diretamente nas atitudes de enfermeiros frente ao alcool, alcoolismo e ao alcoolista, a relacao entre as atitudes e conhecimentos e proporcional, ou seja, quanto maior o conhecimento maior a tendencia de apresentar atitudes mais positivas. Enfermeiros que receberam maior carga horaria de conteudos relacionados ao tema durante a formacao profissional, apresentaram atitudes mais positivas e melhor conhecimento frente ao tema do estudo do que aqueles que nao receberam nenhuma formacao ou a receberam-na em menor carga horaria. / Introduction: Global consumption of alcohol and other psychoactive substances has significantly increased in recent decades. This phenomenon has contributed to increase the disease burden around the world. In Brazil, surveys on alcohol and drugs use have appointed high rates of dependence on these substances, a fact that has contributed to increase health professionals contact, including nurses, with situations that involve psychoactive substance use and abuse, independently of their place of work. This fact justifies the importance of research on these professionals attitudes and knowledge regarding alcohol, alcoholism and alcoholics. Aim: to verify and compare attitudes and knowledge regarding alcohol, alcoholism and alcoholics in two groups of nurses. Method: An exploratory study with a quasi-experimental approach was carried out in a sample of 280 nurses, 140 of whom were submitted to a training course in alcohol and other drugs, who constituted the Trial group (TG). For data collection, a socio-demographic questionnaire was applied, as well as a knowledge questionnaire and the Scale of Attitudes towards alcohol, alcoholism and alcoholics EAFAAA. To verify and compare attitudes and knowledge between both groups, descriptive statistical analyses were carried out. To check for associations between the study variables and the attitudes and knowledge, logistic regression analysis was applied, using SPSS version 17.0. Results: The final sample included 185 participants, 101 nurses in the control group and 84 in the trial group. Participants in both groups tended to present more positive attitudes, showing a slight predominance of positive attitudes in the TG. Regarding knowledge, no significant differences were observed between the two groups. The main predictors of positive attitudes found in this study were being prepared to work with chemical addicts (z=2.895), having received more hours on alcohol and other drugs in the undergraduate program (z=2.202) and having a graduate degree (z=1.806). Conclusion: The knowledge level directly influences the nurses attitudes towards alcohol, alcoholism and alcoholics, the relation between attitudes and knowledge is proportional, i.e. the greater the knowledge, the stronger the trend to present more positive attitudes. Nurses who received more hours of contents on the theme during their professional education displayed more positive attitudes and better knowledge on alcohol, alcoholism and alcoholics than those who did not receive any or less hours of education.

Estado nutricional de indivíduos alcoolistas crônicos na internação e na alta médica, em um hospital psiquiátrico, Araçatuba/SP

Dias, Ariadine Pires [UNESP] 26 July 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:23:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2006-07-26Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:09:05Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 dias_ap_me_arafcf.pdf: 699185 bytes, checksum: 9c8d879eb81e0148dc753ca00a529d39 (MD5) / Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) / O trabalho realizado teve como objetivo principal caracterizar epidemiologicamente a população de alcoolistas crônicos do hospital psiquiátrico de Araçatuba, S.P., e estimar o estado nutricional destes pacientes pela determinação do IMC por ocasião da internação hospitalar e verificar o efeito do período da abstinência, no estado nutricional, comparando-se com o IMC determinado na alta médica. A amostra foi de 33 pacientes que haviam sido diagnosticados como alcoolistas pelo CID10 e, a partir deste diagnóstico, foi aplicado uma anamnese geral com questões abertas e fechadas que incluem: dados sócio-econômicos-cultural, patologias associadas, presença do tabagismo, queixas freqüentes e tipo de bebida alcoólica consumida, o qual foi abordado somente ao fato do entrevistado já ter declarado fazer uso de tal bebida, já que o mesmo não é abstêmio à internação. Para avaliação do estado nutricional dos pacientes, foi realizado, no dia da internação, ou após dois dias, e no dia da alta meþdica, com consentimento do mesmo, uma avaliação antropométrica, e o achado do diagnóstico nutricional calculado a partir do Índice de Massa Corpórea (IMC), preconizado pela Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS), com as prevalências de eutrofia, desnutrição, sobrepeso ou obesidade. Os resultados do presente estudo mostram que os pacientes alcoolistas crônicos, internos do hospital psiquiátrico, são predominantemente homens, adulto jovens, com baixo grau de escolaridade (1° grau incompleto) e renda familiar de 0 a 2 salários mínimos, mostrando com base na revisão científica deste trabalho, ser este o perfil mais freqüente dos alcoolistas crônicos. O estado nutricional foi predominantemente eutrófico na internação e na alta médica não foi observada alteraão significativa no estado nutricional, mesmo com ganho ponderal e aumento de IMC. / The main objective of this work is to describe epidemiologically the chronic alcoholic population from the psychiatric hospital in Araçatuba, SP, and to put the nutritional state of these patients, by the IMC determination of the hospitalization and check the effect of the absence period, in the nutritional state, comparing with the IMC determined to doctors. The sample was of 33 patients that had been diagnosed as alcoholic people by the CID10 and, since this diagnostic, it was applied a general activity with direct and indirect questions that include: social-economic and cultural information, common disease, the smoke presence, frequent complains and the kind of alcoholic drink they took, that was approached only the fact that the interviewee admitted to use alcoholic drinks. To make the assessment of the patients nutritional state, it was done, on the day of the internment, or after two days, and on the last day, with their conception, an anthropological assessment, and the found of the Nutritional Diagnostic is calculated from the IMC, admitted by the World Health Organization (WHO), with the characteristics of malnutrition, poor nutrition or over weight. The results of the previous studies show that the chronic alcoholic patients, who live in the psychiatric hospital, are most of the times, young adults, with a low school level (elementary school incomplete) and the familiar income is between 0 and 2 minimum wage, saying that this is frequent profile of the chronic alcoholic people. The Nutritional State was in a larger way malnutrition during the internment and when they left it was not detected any significant change in the nutritional state, even with a small win of weight and the increase of IMC. The alcoholism also involve important aspects of public health on the region, being this work an incentive to encourage the professionals to prevent this problem.

Efeito do consumo crônico de álcool na lesão periapical induzida em ratos / Chronic alcohol consumption effect on induced apical periodontitis in rats

Fabbro, Renan Dal [UNESP] 10 July 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Renan Dal Fabbro (renandalfabro@gmail.com) on 2017-08-21T13:17:33Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Mestrado Renan.pdf: 1996961 bytes, checksum: 56e2ace3a1a9fd59c575055bd82cb0d3 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Monique Sasaki (sayumi_sasaki@hotmail.com) on 2017-08-23T19:21:27Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 fabbro_rd_me_araca.pdf: 1996961 bytes, checksum: 56e2ace3a1a9fd59c575055bd82cb0d3 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-23T19:21:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 fabbro_rd_me_araca.pdf: 1996961 bytes, checksum: 56e2ace3a1a9fd59c575055bd82cb0d3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-07-10 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Objetivo: analisar o efeito do consumo crônico de álcool no desenvolvimento da lesão periapical. Material e métodos: Trinta e dois ratos foram divididos em 4 grupos: Controle (C): sem periodontite apical (PA) e dieta não alcoólica (DNA); (AL): sem PA e dieta alcoólica (DA); (AP): com PA e DNA; (AP+AL): com PA e DA. Solução alcoólica à 20% foi fornecida aos grupos AL e AP+AL como única fonte de hidratação por todo experimento. A PA foi induzida nos primeiros molares inferiores esquerdos ao final da 4a semana de administração da dieta alcoólica. Alterações de peso, e quantidade de alimentos sólidos e líquidos foram tabulados ao longo das 8 semanas. Ao final deste período, os animais foram eutanaziados e as mandíbulas removidas para análise da densidade óssea seguida do processamento histológico para histomorfometria, bem como análise por imunohistoquímica da expressão das proteínas RANKL, OPG, TRAP, HIF-1α e ALP. As comparações múltiplas dos resultados foram realizadas por análise de variância seguida pelo teste de Tukey. Para dados não paramétricos foi utilizado o teste de Mann-Whitney nas comparações CvsAL e APvsAP+AL. O nível de significância utilizado foi de p<0,05. Resultados: animais que receberam a dieta alcoólica tiveram um ganho de peso inferior aos dos outros grupos p<0,05. A área da região periapical não foi influenciada pela administração da solução alcoólica, entretanto, o infiltrado inflamatório foi mais intenso em AP+AL comparado à AP p<0,05. Análise radiográfica mostrou diferença apenas entre os grupos com e sem PA. O grupo AP+AL mostrou os maiores valores para indicadores de osteoclastogênese TRAP, HIF-1α e RANKL p<0,05. Conclusão: A dieta alcoólica exerceu efeito significativo na severidade da periodontite apical, exacerbando a resposta inflamatória e a osteoclastogênese. / Aim: evaluate the effect of chronic alcohol consumption on the periapical lesion. Material and methods: Thirty-two rats were divided into 4 groups: Control (C): without apical periodontitis (AP) and non-alcoholic diet (NDA); (AL): without AP and alcoholic diet (AD); (AP): with AP and NDA; (AP + AL): with AP and AD. Alcoholic solution at 20% was given to the AL and AP+AL groups as the sole source of hydration throughout the experiment. AP was induced in the lower left first molars at the end of the 4th week. Changes in weight, and amount of solid and liquid foods were recorded over 8 weeks. At the end of this period, the animals were euthanized and the jaws removed for of x-ray bone density analysis followed by histological processing for histomorphometry, as well as immunohistochemical analysis for RANKL, OPG, TRAP, HIF-1α and alkaline phosphatase. Multiple comparisons of results were performed by analysis of variance followed by the Tukey test. For non-parametric data the Mann-Whitney test was used in the comparisons CvsAL and APvsAP+AL. The level of significance was set at p <0.05. Results: animals that received alcoholic diet had a weight gain lower than the other groups p <0.05. The periapical region area was not influenced by the administration of the alcohol solution, however, the inflammatory infiltrate was higher in AP+AL compared to the AP p <0.05. Radiographic analysis showed difference only in the comparisons between the groups with and without apical periodontitis. The AP+AL group showed the highest values for osteoclastogenesis markers TRAP, HIF-1α and RANKL p <0.05. Conclusion: Alcoholic diet had a significant effect on the severity of apical periodontitis, exacerbating the inflammatory response and osteoclastogenesis.

Oficina terapêutica e um caso de alcoolismo

Rodrigues, Edgar [UNESP] 02 August 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:29:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2010-08-02Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:59:02Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 rodrigues_e_me_assis.pdf: 647512 bytes, checksum: b83921d06c32f071235ff7e6c9922082 (MD5) / O alcoolista sempre foi visto apenas através de seus sintomas, de sua dinâmica destrutiva e da sua doença, sem considerar a sua subjetividade. As propostas de atenção das políticas públicas são centradas na medicação, no alívio da sintomatologia clínica, restrita à abstinência e sem compreensão da relação psíquica sujeito/álcool. O presente trabalho propõe uma reflexão sobre uma proposta de atenção integral aos sujeitos alcoolistas, elegendo as oficinas terapêuticas como dispositivo de implementação de suas redes de contratualidade. Para tanto, recorremos à psicanálise, como fundamentação teórica e ao método intercessor, como dispositivo específico de produção de conhecimento, para compreender o alcoolista enquanto sujeito psíquico – e sua significação com o objeto droga – e social – como produto e produtor de suas relações sociais e afetivas. Esta metodologia permite considerar os desejos e necessidades dos sujeitos, suas decisões e soluções em relação aos problemas cotidianos; enquanto produtor de conhecimento, o seu papel de protagonista em sua vida, suas ações e na responsabilidade por seu tratamento e a possibilidade de transformação da realidade na qual se insere. Este estudo se baseia na análise de um sujeito alcoolista, acompanhado em uma instituição de saúde mental. Reflete sobre as oficinas como propostas terapêutica para os sujeitos alcoolistas, buscando construir um projeto de clínica-ampliada, que contemple ações em redes de contratualidade social, por meio das estratégias da Atenção Psicossocial / The alcoholic has long been seen only by their symptoms, their dynamics and their destructive disease, regardless of its subjective. The care guidelines proposed by public policies are focused on medication, on the relief of clinical symptoms, restricted to the abstinence and not taking into account the subject’s psychic relationship with alcohol. This paper proposes a discussion on a proposal for a comprehensive care to alcoholic subjects, which adopts the therapeutic workshops as an instrument to implement their contractuality network. Thus, we resort to the psychoanalysis as the theoretical foundation, and to the intercessor method as a specific directive of knowledge generation to understand the alcoholic as a psychic subject – its significance to the drug object – and social – as the product and the producer of its social and affective relations. This methodology allows us to consider the wishes and needs of the subjects, their decisions toward their everyday problems; as a generator of knowledge, their starring role in their own life, their actions and the responsibility for their treatment as well as the possibility of changing the reality of which they are part. This study is based on the analysis of an alcoholic subject, assisted in a mental health institution. It discusses the workshops as therapeutic proposals to treat the alcoholic subjects, aiming to develop a project of an extended-clinic which adopts actions in social contractualism networks, through strategies of Psychosocial Treatment

Prevalência e fatores associados ao uso de álcool entre idosos do município de Sâo Paulo/SP, Estudo SABE

Pinho, Roberta Justel do [UNESP] 27 August 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:29:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2012-08-27Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T18:39:14Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 pinho_rj_me_botfm.pdf: 790270 bytes, checksum: c001864cf364fd166ae301e05133b9fd (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Apesar do rápido avanço no número de idosos em todo mundo, diversas questões relacionadas a esse crescimento ainda apresentam-se pouco exploradas, como é o caso do uso de álcool por essa população. Estimar a prevalência de uso de álcool e de uso de risco de álcool bem como identificar os fatores associados a ambos os desfechos em amostra de idosos residentes no município de São Paulo/SP, participantes do ESTUDO SABE (Saúde, Bem-estar e Envelhecimento) em 2006. Análise transversal, com amostra aleatória por conglomerados de sujeitos com 60 anos ou mais (n=1184). As variáveis dependentes foram uso de álcool e uso de risco de álcool, este, identificado através do Short- Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test Geriatric (SMAST-G). Foram variáveis de exposição: características sociodemográficas, suporte familiar, condições de vida e saúde, declínio cognitivo, tabagismo e capacidade funcional. As estimativas de prevalência e respectivos intervalos de confiança foram obtidos aplicando-se pesos que corrigiram para o efeito de amostragem complexa. A significância estatística foi avaliada através do teste de Rao-Scott, por tratar-se de amostra complexa. A análise multivariada foi feita através da construção de modelos de regressão logística tanto para uso de álcool quanto para uso de risco de álcool, com cálculo de Odds Ratios ajustadas. Foram incluídas nos modelos as variáveis que mostraram associação com os desfechos com p≤0,25 na análise univariada. Permaneceram no modelo final as variáveis independentes que mantiveram associação com desfecho após ajuste (p≤0,05). A maioria da amostra era composta por mulheres (59,2%), idosos na faixa dos 60-64 anos (29,7%), brancos (63,7%), com escolaridade média de 4-7 anos (40,4%), aposentados (40,0%) e casados (61,9%). A prevalência de uso de álcool foi... / Despite the rapid advance in the number of elderly people worldwide, many issues related to this growth is still scant explored, as it is the case of alcohol use by this population. Objective To estimate the prevalence of alcohol use and hazardous use and factors associated with them among older adults living in São Paulo/ SP, who took part in SABE Study (Health, Wellness and Aging) in 2006. This is a cross-sectional analysis with random cluster sample of subjects aged 60 years or more (n = 1184). The dependent variables were alcohol use and hazardous alcohol use, the last one it was identified by the Short Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test-Geriatric (SMAST-G). Exposure variables were: demographic information, family support, living conditions and health, cognitive decline, smoking and functional capacity. . Prevalence estimates and confidence intervals were obtained by applying weights that corrected for the design. Statistical significance was assessed by the Rao-Scott test, because it is a complex sample. Multivariate analysis was done by building logistic regression models for both alcohol use and hazardous use of alcohol, with calculation of adjusted odds ratios. It was included in the models the variables that showed association with outcomes with p ≤ 0.25 in univariate analysis. Remained in the final model the variables that kept associated with outcome after adjustment (p ≤ 0.05). The majority of the sample were women (59.2%), aged between the ages of 60-64 years (29.7%), white (63.7%), and mean schooling was 4.7 years (40 4%), retired (40.0%) and married (61.9%). The prevalence of alcohol use was 21.1% and 47.7% among women and men, respectively (p = 0.001), with prevalence of alcohol use in the total sample of 31.9%. Alcohol use was associated with being male (ORadjusted = 3.71, CI 2.62 to 5.26), being younger... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)

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