Spelling suggestions: "subject:"alternative dispute resolution"" "subject:"allternative dispute resolution""
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Ochrana spotřebitele v cestovním ruchu / Consumer protection in tourismŠmolíková, Jana January 2009 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is the consumer protection in the tourist industry in the Czech Republic. The thesis is divided into four parts. The first part deals with the consumer protection in the Czech Republic in general. There is determined the term "consumer" and stated the list of legal enactments related to this issue. The second part is concerned with some duties of tourism service providers from the view of public law. The third and fundamental part of this thesis deals with contract law in tourism. There are examined the most usual contract types in this area, especially package travel contract. In the last part I mention consumer law enforcement in the Czech Republic. This part is aimed at the Alternative Dispute Resolution Project.
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Alternativní způsoby řešení sporů o doménová jména / Alternative dispute resolution for domain namesGongol, Tomáš January 2005 (has links)
The thesis in its theoretical part deals with problem of a domain name and alternative dispute resolution definitions. The view on the domain name definition is described both in Czech legal order and the international context. Rules of registration and using domain names are defined not only by the state law but also and above all by private rules formed by generic and country code top level domain administrators. Analyses of these legal sources and theirs comparison is necessary presumption for legal discretion of further development. Missing legal definition causes many problems which are shown in the context of concrete court and administrative decisions in the Czech Republic. Especially important are relations between domain names and trade marks, trade names, right to protection of person and the law of unfair competition. For definition of an alternative dispute resolution a special method of Aristoteles' logical square was used and applied on conditions of disputes resolution. The object of interest in the second practical part of the thesis is a legal regulation of .eu domain names. After necessary definition of legal sources, especially on secondary law level of the European Community, follows in practical part analysis of decisions concerning .eu domain name disputes issued by alternative procedure provided by the Czech Arbitration Court attached to the Economic Chamber of the Czech Republic and Agricultural Chamber of the Czech Republic, in the year of 2007. Essential part of this analysis is formation of domain name "case law".
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Procesně právní aspekty mediace v právu ES / Procedural aspects of mediation in EC lawRivera, Eva January 2012 (has links)
Procedural aspects of mediation in EC law Eva Rivera, 2011 1 Abstract The objective of this dissertation is the determination of the significance of procedural aspects of mediation and the answer to the question to what extent it has been considered within European Union law. The research is based on the assumption that the acknowledgment of a procedural relevance of mediation is crucial for its overall effectiveness. Mediation is besides its feature as a communication technique becoming ever more important as a dispute resolution procedure for civil and commercial conflicts in Europe. In this context the role of mediation within and in relation to other procedures for the resolution of disputes has to be considered. While on one hand the terminology and the differences between mediation and other forms of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) as well as certain judicial attempts of settling disputes may not always be easily determined, on the other hand, it can be stated that the ADR form of mediation is beyond its early stages and clearly shows its own procedural relevance. The comparison of European national jurisdictions in the field of mediation leads to a core definition of mediation as a voluntary process where a third person without the authority to pass a binding decision over the dispute between...
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La responsabilité médicale à Madagascar : Réalités internes et proposition d'actualisation en référence au droit médical français / Medical responsibility in Madagascar : Real situations and a project of renovation referring to french lawRazafiarison, Tahiry Anja 12 October 2013 (has links)
Afin de répondre aux attentes de la société malgache, une proposition de loi relative à la responsabilité médicale doit être en cohérence avec la vision locale de la pratique médicale. À Madagascar, l'issue d'un acte de soin est supposée émaner de la divinité et ne saurait être maîtrisé par le soignant. De fait, l'aléa thérapeutique s'insère dans le droit médical local. Le médecin n'est pas tenu de réaliser une guérison; il doit prodiguer des soins consciencieux et conformes à la science. Ceci étant, la culture malgache est sensible à toute atteinte corporelle subie par la victime d'accident médical. Le cas échéant, le médecin fait un "geste" de courtoisie à l'égard de la victime. Ce "geste" peut ne pas représenter l'intégralité du préjudice mais il participe au respect de la victime. Ainsi, à Madagascar, l'obligation médicale de réparer vise la reconnaissance de la douleur du patient et non la réparation quantitative du préjudice. Sur ce point, une divergence se dessine avec le droit français lequel préconise la réparation intégrale pour les atteintes corporelles. Les modes alternatifs de résolution des conflits présents dans les deux systèmes juridiques, dénouent cette divergence. / To come up to the Malagasy society's expectations a legal act on medical responsibility should be coherent with the local conception of medical practice. In Madagascar, the public opinion is convinced that medical practice has to deal with a divine action out of the physician's control so that the legal concept of therapeutic risk is therefore accepted. The physician is only required to assume the continuity of the service and to provide his or her best care to patients. Meanwhile Malagasy culture shows an extreme compassion towards people suffering of bodily injuries mainly when these wounds result from a malpractice. To prevent a godly punishment doctors usually have to donate to their injured patient. This helps to preserve the physician's reputation and his or her relationship with the patient. Medical duty in Madagascar is more a matter of recognition of the patient's pain than a procedure of compensation. French legal system is different as it promotes the complete compensation in case of malpractice. However, both legal systems are similar when proposing alternative process to resolve conflicts.
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Une réconciliation contestée : l'affaire de la répression de Tanjung Priok : violence, justice et fabrique de l'après-violence en Indonésie (1984-2005) / A disputed reconciliation : the case the case of the repression of Tanjung Priok : violence, justice and manufacture of post-violence in Indonesia (1984-2005Riotor, Clotilde 10 November 2017 (has links)
Pourquoi certains crimes d’État ou de masse sont-ils jugés au sortir d’un régime autoritaire ou d'une guerre civile, tandis que d'autres épisodes de violence voient leur traitement judiciaire en suspens ? Pourquoi passe-t-on parfois par des procédures ou institutions dites de « réconciliation » ? Ces dernières constituent-elles des formes de contournement de la justice ? La thèse tente de répondre à ces questions à l'aune d'un cas de violence survenu en 1984 en Indonésie. Tranchant avec un climat national souvent qualifié d'impunité des auteurs suspectés de violations graves passées, la « tragédie de Tanjung Priok » n'est pas restée sans suites. En 2003, cinq années après la démission de Suharto, quelque quinze militaires qui avaient été déployés sur les lieux lors du massacre furent jugés pour « crimes contre l'humanité » devant un tribunal national ad hoc des droits de l’homme. Or, une charte de « réconciliation », dite charte d'ishlah, se référant au droit islamique, signée avant le procès par les accusés et une partie des victimes, a déclenché une controverse et suscité l'embarras des acteurs institutionnels. Pour comprendre les enjeux de cette « réconciliation », ce travail fait dialoguer une revue comparative des mécanismes de justice transitionnelle à l'échelle internationale, avec un portrait de l'Indonésie en transition et une reconstitution historique des scènes-clés et polémiques ayant marqué l'ensemble d'une l'affaire qui s'étend sur plus de vingt ans. La thèse se démarque des descriptions surplombantes des lendemains de violence en insistant sur les dynamiques locales à l’œuvre sur une temporalité longue, à partir de sources variées (entretiens, tracts, procès, presse), depuis la contestation souterraine de la violence sous Suharto jusqu'aux années 2000. L'approche ici développée se distingue néanmoins des analyses centrées sur le déterminisme des structures pour mettre en lumière les effets de concaténation générés par la mondialisation des pratiques de justice transitionnelle. / Why are some state or mass crimes judged in courts after a civil war or the fall of an authoritarian regime, while other episodes of violence see their judicial treatment suspended ? Why do they sometimes go through so-called “reconciliation” procedures or institutions? Are these forms of circumvention of justice ? This thesis is an attempt to answer these questions in the light of a case of violence in 1984 in Indonesia. In full contrast with a national climate often referred to as impunity of suspected perpetrators of serious past violations since the transition, the “tragedy of Tanjung Priok” has not remained without judicial consequences after the fall of Suharto in 1998. In 2003, about fifteen soldiers who were deployed on the scene during the bloody events were charged and tried for “crimes against humanity” before a national ad hoc human rights court. However, a charter of “reconciliation”, called ishlah charter, referring to Islamic law, signed before the trial between suspected perpetrators and some of the victims sparked off a controversy and the embarrassment of institutional actors. To understand the stakes of this “reconciliation”, this work makes an extensive review of the evolutions of transitional justice mechanisms on an international scale dialogue with a portrait of Indonesia in transition and a historical reconstitution of the key scenes and the controversies that have arisen over the course of this whole affair, which extends over more than twenty years. Thus, this thesis departs from disembodied descriptions of post-violence in order to insist on local dynamics at work on a long temporality, this being based on manifold sources (interviews, tracts, trials, press), from underground contests of State violence during Suharto's era up to the 2000s. Yet, it should also be distinguished from analysis in terms of determinism of structures and, conversely, puts the stress on the concatenation effects generated by the globalization of practices of transitional justice.
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Meios alternativos na resolução de conflitos de interesses transindividuais / Alternative dispute resolution for collective rightsMerçon-Vargas, Sarah 29 March 2012 (has links)
O presente trabalho destina-se a examinar as perspectivas ao uso de meios extrajudiciais de resolução de conflitos para a composição de conflitos coletivos no Brasil. Para tanto, serão analisadas as principais características da negociação, mediação, conciliação e arbitragem, identificados os requisitos de admissibilidade para o uso de tais técnicas e explicitados os elementos a serem considerados no exame de adequação do uso de meios extrajudiciais. Além disso, serão examinadas as principais características dos direitos difusos, coletivos stricto sensu e individuais homogêneos, assim como as regras processuais pertinentes à legitimação e coisa julgada no processo coletivo. Mais adiante, o presente trabalho tentará sistematizar hipóteses sobre o cabimento e sobre a adequação das técnicas extrajudiciais para a resolução de conflitos que envolvem direitos coletivos. Ao final, será possível concluir que tais direitos podem e devem ser resolvidos por meio de técnicas extrajudiciais, em especial por meio da negociação, da conciliação e da arbitragem. / The following work aims at examining prospects in the use of alternative dispute resolution techniques in Brazilian class actions. To this end, it will, at first, analyze negotiation, mediation, conciliation and arbitration main characteristics. Also, admission criteria for each of these dispute resolution techniques will be identified and the elements that should be considered for the adequacy exam will be outlined. Further on, the three kinds of Brazilian class action and the main characteristics of each class procedures will be examined, with special concern to procedure laws pertaining legitimacy and res judicata. Moreover, the paper will systematically study the hypothesis in which extrajudicial conflict resolution techniques may be applied and the adequacy of their use in cases encompassing collective rights. Finally, in its conclusion, it will be demonstrated that extrajudicial techniques can be used to solve conflicts involving collective rights, mainly through negotiation, conciliation and arbitration.
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La médiation obligatoire en droit civil comme outil pour favoriser l'accès à la justiceDuranleau, Joëlle 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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An evaluation of the use of mediation in environmental dispute resolution under s.268 of the Resource Management Act 1991Borrie, N. C. January 2002 (has links)
Since the 1970s there has been a growing interest in, and utilisation of, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) techniques to resolve environmental conflicts in western societies. ADR was incorporated into one of New Zealand's main environmental statutes, the Resource Management Act 1991(RMA). Under s.268 of the RMA the Environment Court (the Court) may, if the parties agree, conduct mediation in order to facilitate settlement of resource management disputes. The RMA, which has now been in operation for ten years, gives no guidance as to the way in which mediation is to be conducted. The Court has developed procedures and processes for administering and conducting mediation. This study critically evaluates the practice of Court assisted mediation of environmental disputes under the RMA. A literature review and interviews with stakeholder groups are used in this evaluation. The study shows that mediation generates benefits for the Court and participants. It also identifies limitations with the current mediation procedures and processes. These may impact the effectiveness of participants in mediation, their satisfaction with, and support for, the mediated settlement and with the environmental outcomes. The study recommends a series of guidelines be prepared on the functions and administrative procedures of the Court and on the mediation process promoted by the Court. Further research is also recommended. It is considered that these recommendations, if implemented, will enhance the process for participants, ensure more equitable and consistent environmental outcomes, in terms of present and future generations, and retain public confidence in the mediation process.
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La résolution de conflits en milieu tribal au Proche-Orient (solha) : d'une pratique arabe traditionnelle à des principes universelsKhatcherian, Meher 08 1900 (has links)
La solha (« réconciliation » en arabe) est une méthode de résolution de conflits millénaire provenant du milieu tribal proche oriental. Bien au delà du simple règlement de litige, cette réconciliation vise à rétablir l’harmonie au sein des tissus sociaux déchirés. Habilitée à traiter toutes sortes de conflits, de la simple forme pénale aux cas criminels les plus complexes (cycles de vengeances et de vendetta), la solha s’est adaptée à des milieux très différents. La cause principale de son efficacité semble être l’universalité de ses principes fondamentaux (le pardon, la nécessité d’une réinsertion sociale du coupable, la satisfaction des victimes, etc.) ainsi que l’adéquation de ses rituels de réconciliation aux mœurs des populations qui la pratiquent.
Ce mémoire cherche à approfondir notre compréhension de cette approche traditionnelle afin d’enrichir nos connaissances et moyens en termes de résolution de conflits contemporains. A cette fin, seront isolés les éléments fondamentaux qui font l’efficacité de cette méthode. Ceux-ci constitueront un modèle théorique minimal de la solha qui permettra d’entamer, à ce stade de l’étude, une réflexion quant à la possibilité de transposer de tels acquis à des milieux d’interventions nouveaux. / The sulha (“reconciliation” in Arabic) is a thousand years old conflict resolution method used in the near east tribal world. Far beyond a simple mediation, its objective is a solid reconstruction of the destroyed social network. Habilitated to deal with all kinds of conflicts, from simple penal cases to long lasting vendettas, the sulha process has proven its usefulness in very different social milieu. The most evident reason for this success has been its dual composition: fundamental principles that seem universal (forgiveness, social reinsertion of the guilty, satisfaction of the victims, etc.) and adaptive rituals that fit into people’s customs.
This thesis seeks to enrich our knowledge and means in terms of conflict resolution by trying to reveal the mechanisms that make this method so efficient. The main objective is to compose a basic theoretical model of the sulha that would open a reflection about the possibility of transposing this model to new intervention contexts. / Avant-propos:
La résolution de conflits s’est installée dans les cursus universitaires comme une discipline à part entière sinon comme une orientation au sein de plusieurs sciences sociales. En effet, ce champ d’étude fait de plus en plus l’objet de réflexions en sciences politiques, en sociologie, en anthropologie, etc, et ce, de par l’interdisciplinarité des questionnements qui en relèvent.
Toutefois, la dimension religieuse, souvent considérée comme source de conflits, est quasi inexistante lorsqu’il est question d’approches de résolution. Nous nous proposons donc d’examiner la solha, une pratique proche orientale au sein de laquelle le fait religieux est une composante essentielle à la réconciliation escomptée.
Note concernant la translittération:
Les termes provenant de l’arabe feront l’objet d’une translittération phonétique basée sur le français. Notez que les translittérations en langue française sont différentes de celle en langue anglaise. Par exemple, le terme solha trouvera son équivalent anglais dans le terme sulha (d’où la différence d’orthographe entre le contenu de cette étude et les citations qui proviennent d’articles anglophones). De plus, notez que le genre (féminin, masculin) des termes translittérés reprendra celui de la langue d’origine, l’arabe. Ainsi, solha sera féminin, jaha aussi, etc… Finalement, pour des raisons de clarté, les termes translittérés seront tous en italique dans le texte.
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L'homologation et l'entérinement des ententes issues de processus de règlement amiable des litiges administratifsChiasson, Frédérique 04 1900 (has links)
Cette étude aborde les questionnements relatifs à l’homologation et à l’entérinement d’une entente de règlement amiable conclue dans le cadre des processus de médiation ou de conciliation administrative. L’étude vise d’abord à clarifier les concepts en définissant précisément la terminologie privilégiée. La mise en œuvre des demandes est ensuite analysée au regard de la compétence des tribunaux administratifs et de celle des tribunaux de droit commun à l’égard d’un accord de conciliation ou d’une transaction conclu dans le cadre d’un litige administratif. Les formalités relatives à la présentation de la demande sont exposées. Les tests de conformité à la loi et à l’ordre public sont ensuite circonscrits pour terminer par un examen des conséquences de l’homologation ou de l’entérinement de l’entente sur les recours ultérieurs possibles tels que le recours en révision administrative ou le recours en révision judiciaire. / This study examines the homologation or approval of a settlement agreement reached under administrative mediation or conciliation. The first part aims to clarify the concepts by defining the preferred terminology in a comprehensive way. The implementation of these applications is then analyzed according to the jurisdiction of administrative tribunals and courts of law with respect to a conciliation agreement or a transaction concluded under administrative proceedings. The formalities relating to the submission of the demand are exposed. The tests for compliance with the law and with public order are then circumscribed to complete with an examination of the consequences of the agreement on eventual remedies, as administrative review or judicial review.
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