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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Scania’s Packaging Network : Analysis of the Environmental Impact of Alternative Fuels and Modalities Within the Transportation Network

Astori, Pietro, Guðmundsdóttir, Jóhanna Blöndahl January 2022 (has links)
In a fast-moving world with high demand for deliveries of various goods, the need for high performing transportation systems and networks has grown rapidly. As a reaction, the number of trucks has increased, which together with other transport solutions to cover the need has caused a growth of CO2e emissions. Sustainability awareness has pushed companies to consider and implement more sustainable transportation solutions to reduce the environmental impact from transport. The purpose of this study is to analyze and identify the root causes of CO2e emissions in a transport, delivery network. An understanding of the common characteristics of transports causing the highest levels of emissions is provided with an analysis of distances, modalities and fuel types. Additionally, alternatives are simulated to compare the current network to a system with different solutions implemented. The study was performed by analyzing available literature of intermodal transportation systems, alternative fuel types and different modalities. Data for a full year was collected from Scania AB, cleaned and analyzed to identify the type of transport to study further. The characteristics were identified by forming geographical regions based on location and available infrastructure, divide the transports by legs and distances, and sort the transports by fuel types and modalities. As a result, several flows were identified as examples representing the network where the effects of making changes could be most accurately identified.Simulations were performed for exemplary flows providing results for four out of seven regions in the network. Available infrastructure for different modalities was considered for each region and alternative fuel types researched. Considering the possibilities within the regions, each flow was simulated with the available solutions in the region. Additionally, infrastructure potentially developing in the near future, was considered as an alternative in cases where current availability is limited.The results from the simulations were unambiguous for intermodal transportation systems in the cases where electric rail was utilized over any mean of truck transport, regardless of the fuel type. Road transports run on Diesel were used as the baseline for the simulations as it is the highest utilized fuel type. Simulations of road transports on alternative fuels also provided a positive result for CO2e emissions as they decreased in all cases. / I en snabbföränderlig omvärld med en hög efterfrågan av olika varor har behovet av högpresternade transportsystem ökat drastiskt. Som en reaktion på detta har antalet lastbilar ökat signifikant vilket i sin tur, tillsammans med andra transportlösningar som ska täcka det växande behovet, har lett till ökande CO2-utsläpp. En ökad medvetenhet inom hållbarhet har tvingat företag att överväga och implementera mer hållbara transportlösningar för att minska miljöpåverkan inom transport. Syftet med denna studie är att analysera och identifiera grundläggande orsaker för CO2-utsläpp inom ett transport- och leveransnätverk.En förståelse för de gemensamma egenskaperna inom transport som orsakar de högsta nivåerna av utsläpp anges genom en analys av avstånd, modaliteter och typ av bränsle. Dessutom är alternativa lösningar simulerade för att jämföra det nuvarande nätverket mot ett system med andra implementationer.Studien genomfördes genom att analysera tillgänglig litteratur om intermodala transportsystem, alternativa sorter av bränsle och olika modaliteter. Data för ett helt år samlades in från Scania AB, rensades och analyserades för att identifiera vilken form av transport som skulle studeras vidare. Egenskaperna identifierades genom att bilda geografiska regioner utifrån läge och tillgänglig infrastruktur, uppdelade i längre och kortare sträckor, samt genom att sortera transporterna efter bränsletyp och modaliteter. Som ett resultat identifierades en grupp av flöden som exempel, vilka representerade nätverket och där effekterna av att göra förändringar kunde anses mest exakta. Simuleringar för exempelflöden utfördes och gav resultat till fyra av sju regioner inom nätverket. Tillgänglig infrastruktur för olika modaliteter övervägdes för varje region och olika bränsletyper undersöktes. Med tanke på de olika möjligheterna inom regionen simulerades varje flöde med de tillgängliga lösningarna i regionen. Dessutom ansågs infrastruktur som skulle kunna utvecklas inom snar framtid som ett alternativ i fall där nuvarande tillgänglighet är begränsad. Resultaten från simuleringarna var entydiga för intermodala transportsystem i fall där elektrisk järnväg användes i stället för lastbilstransport, oberoende av bränsletyp. Vägtransport som drivs med diesel användes som referens för simuleringarna eftersom det är den mest använda typen av bränsle. Simuleringar av vägtransport på alternativa bränsletyper gav också positiva resultat för CO2-utsläpp som minskade i samtliga fall.

Characterization of Vehicular Exhaust Emissions and Indoor Air Quality of Public Transport Buses Operating on Alternative Diesel Fuels

Vijayan, Abhilash January 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Analýza nákupu CNG vozidel skupinou RWE v České republice / Analysis of the vehicles on compressed natural gas purchased by RWE CZ Group

Bartejsová, Vladimíra January 2009 (has links)
This paper analyses the purchase and operation of vehicles on compressed natural gas. It contains a definition of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) and discusses the various phases of its use in transport. It indicates the differences of this alternative fuel compared to traditional fuel such as gasoline or diesel. Then it focuses on the main reasons to support the use of compressed natural gas transport and talks about the legislation which has a major role in the development of alternative fuels. Then it specifies the disadvantages which can be associated with its use in transport. The last section includes an analysis on the specific example of the RWE CZ Group, which compares the different costs for compressed natural gas vehicles and vehicles which run on conventional fuel. Specifically the cost per kilometer of vehicle, CO2 emission and purchase price are given for comparison.

Análise de viabilidade técnica, econômica, ambiental e mercadológica da instalação original de fábrica de sistema de conversão para uso de gás natural em veículos leves movidos a gasolina e/ou álcool. / Technical, economical, environmental and merchandizing practicability analysis of original assemblers installation of conversion system to the use of compressed natural gas in gasohol and / or ethanol impelled light vehicles.

Valiante, Daniel 14 November 2006 (has links)
É cada vez maior a busca por fontes de energia alternativas com vistas à substituição dos derivados do Petróleo, em especial após a crise da década de 70. A indústria automotiva segue a mesma tendência, buscando alternativas viáveis frente à incerteza do tempo e quantidade que ainda resta de estoque de combustíveis fósseis líquidos. Além do Álcool como meio de substituição ao Diesel e a Gasolina, a utilização de GNV - Gás Natural Veicular - está entre as tecnologias atualmente consideradas viáveis e eficientes. Segundo a ANP - Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis (2006), o Brasil possui reservas comprovadas de 306,4 x 109 m3 de Gás Natural, quantidade estimada para abastecer o mercado nacional, no cenário mais pessimista, pelos próximos cinqüenta anos. A associação desses fatores resulta na busca do consumidor brasileiro pela redução dos gastos cada vez maiores com combustível e no aumento da demanda por veículos movidos a Gás Natural. Apesar da notória demanda de mercado, atualmente existem no Brasil poucas opções de veículos leves com Sistemas de Conversão originalmente instalados pelas montadoras e com manutenção da garantia de fábrica. A falta de opções de oferta abre espaço para o grande aumento do número de oficinas de conversão, freqüentemente ignorando aspectos técnicos e de legislação de conversão, na intenção de apenas obterem lucros com o aumento de demanda. Mais do que pretensiosas conclusões definitivas, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo oferecer uma pequena contribuição à indústria e à sociedade, através da análise da viabilidade técnica, econômica, ambiental e mercadológica da instalação original de fábrica de Sistema de Conversão para uso de Gás Natural em veículos leves movidos a Gasolina e / ou Álcool, frente ao atual mercado de veículos convertidos e ao aumento da demanda por fontes de energia alternativa. / The search for alternative energy sources aiming the substitution of derivate Oil products is each time higher, especially after the 70s Petroleum crisis. The automotive industry follows this trend too, looking for possible alternatives in face of the uncertainness of time and quantity available stocks of liquid fossil fuels. Besides the Ethanol as a way of Gasohol and Diesel substitution, the CNG - Compressed Natural Gas - use is nowadays considered one of the most possible and efficient technologies. According to the ANP - National Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuel Agency (2006), Brazil owns 306,4 x 109 m3 of Compressed Natural Gas proved reserves, which are considered enough to supply the national market, in the worst case, for the next fifty years. The conjunction of these issues results in the Brazilian customers search for the each higher fuel expenses reduction and the raise of Compressed Natural Gas impelled vehicles demand. Despite the notorious market demand, there are nowadays on Brazil only a few options of light vehicles with Conversion System originally installed by automotive assemblers and warrantys maintenance. This lack of supply options creates a large field to the raise in the quantity of conversion workshops, frequently ignoring the technical aspects and the conversion legislation only with intent of achieving profit with the demand raise. More than pretentious definitive conclusions, the present work aims to offer a small contribution to the industry and society through the technical, economical, environmental and merchandizing practicability analysis of original assemblers installation of Conversion System to the use of Compressed Natural Gas in Gasohol and / or Ethanol impelled light vehicles, in face of the actual converted vehicles market and the demand raise for alternative energy sources.

Análise de viabilidade técnica, econômica, ambiental e mercadológica da instalação original de fábrica de sistema de conversão para uso de gás natural em veículos leves movidos a gasolina e/ou álcool. / Technical, economical, environmental and merchandizing practicability analysis of original assemblers installation of conversion system to the use of compressed natural gas in gasohol and / or ethanol impelled light vehicles.

Daniel Valiante 14 November 2006 (has links)
É cada vez maior a busca por fontes de energia alternativas com vistas à substituição dos derivados do Petróleo, em especial após a crise da década de 70. A indústria automotiva segue a mesma tendência, buscando alternativas viáveis frente à incerteza do tempo e quantidade que ainda resta de estoque de combustíveis fósseis líquidos. Além do Álcool como meio de substituição ao Diesel e a Gasolina, a utilização de GNV - Gás Natural Veicular - está entre as tecnologias atualmente consideradas viáveis e eficientes. Segundo a ANP - Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis (2006), o Brasil possui reservas comprovadas de 306,4 x 109 m3 de Gás Natural, quantidade estimada para abastecer o mercado nacional, no cenário mais pessimista, pelos próximos cinqüenta anos. A associação desses fatores resulta na busca do consumidor brasileiro pela redução dos gastos cada vez maiores com combustível e no aumento da demanda por veículos movidos a Gás Natural. Apesar da notória demanda de mercado, atualmente existem no Brasil poucas opções de veículos leves com Sistemas de Conversão originalmente instalados pelas montadoras e com manutenção da garantia de fábrica. A falta de opções de oferta abre espaço para o grande aumento do número de oficinas de conversão, freqüentemente ignorando aspectos técnicos e de legislação de conversão, na intenção de apenas obterem lucros com o aumento de demanda. Mais do que pretensiosas conclusões definitivas, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo oferecer uma pequena contribuição à indústria e à sociedade, através da análise da viabilidade técnica, econômica, ambiental e mercadológica da instalação original de fábrica de Sistema de Conversão para uso de Gás Natural em veículos leves movidos a Gasolina e / ou Álcool, frente ao atual mercado de veículos convertidos e ao aumento da demanda por fontes de energia alternativa. / The search for alternative energy sources aiming the substitution of derivate Oil products is each time higher, especially after the 70s Petroleum crisis. The automotive industry follows this trend too, looking for possible alternatives in face of the uncertainness of time and quantity available stocks of liquid fossil fuels. Besides the Ethanol as a way of Gasohol and Diesel substitution, the CNG - Compressed Natural Gas - use is nowadays considered one of the most possible and efficient technologies. According to the ANP - National Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuel Agency (2006), Brazil owns 306,4 x 109 m3 of Compressed Natural Gas proved reserves, which are considered enough to supply the national market, in the worst case, for the next fifty years. The conjunction of these issues results in the Brazilian customers search for the each higher fuel expenses reduction and the raise of Compressed Natural Gas impelled vehicles demand. Despite the notorious market demand, there are nowadays on Brazil only a few options of light vehicles with Conversion System originally installed by automotive assemblers and warrantys maintenance. This lack of supply options creates a large field to the raise in the quantity of conversion workshops, frequently ignoring the technical aspects and the conversion legislation only with intent of achieving profit with the demand raise. More than pretentious definitive conclusions, the present work aims to offer a small contribution to the industry and society through the technical, economical, environmental and merchandizing practicability analysis of original assemblers installation of Conversion System to the use of Compressed Natural Gas in Gasohol and / or Ethanol impelled light vehicles, in face of the actual converted vehicles market and the demand raise for alternative energy sources.

Trace Elemental Analysis of Ashes in the Combustion of the Binder Enhanced d-RDF by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy

Tai, Chia-Hui 11 1900 (has links)
Incineration is an attractive solution to the problems of disposing of municipal solid wastes and supplying energy. Because up to 25 percent of the waste in refuse-derived-fuel systems is ash, the physical and chemical characteristics of ash become more and more important for its potential impacts and methods suitable for their disposal. Trace elements concentration in ash is of great interest because of its relationship to regulatory criteria under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) regarding toxicity and hazards. The applications of a microwave oven sample dissolution method has been tested on a variety of standard reference materials, with reproducible and accurate results. Fourteen trace elements, As, Ba, Be, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Tl, V, and Zn, from the dissolved ash samples were determined by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry.

Možnosti využití LNG v ČR / Possible Applications of LNG in the Czech Republic

Machalová, Markéta January 2013 (has links)
This thesis evaluates the possibilities of application of LNG (liquefied natural gas) in the Czech Republic. LNG is a relatively new commodity, which has broad use in the world, but as of now, the Czech Republic hasn't entered its market. The main objective of this thesis is to determine whether there exists suitable use for LNG in the Czech Republic today. By analysis and calculation I came to the conclusion, that there are applications that would be economically advantageous and would, in addition, bring other significant benefits, such as reducing emissions. The most perspective is the use of LNG as an alternative truck fuel. Under certain conditions suitable applications are also LNG satellite stations, cogeneration or bus transport. The conclusion of this thesis is that liquefied natural gas has a great potential to expand to the Czech Republic.

An Assessment of fuel physical and chemical properties in the combustion of a Diesel spray

Nerva, Jean-Guillaume 18 June 2013 (has links)
With the slow but ineluctable depletion of fossil fuels, several avenues are currently being explored in order to define the strategic boundaries for a clean and sustainable energetic future, while accounting for the specificities of each sectors involved. In regard to transport applications, alternative fuels may represent a promising solution, at least at short or middle term, such as the International Energy Agency foresees that their share could account for 9% of the road transport fuel needs by 2030 and 27 % by 2050, with the potential resources to reach 48% beyond. If they have already been included in significant blending proportions with conventional fossil fuel in most of the occidental countries, their introduction also coincides with a long-time established program of continuously more drastic standards for engine emissions of NOX and PM, now even further demanding by the seek for combustion efficiency aiming at reducing CO2 emissions. While several works discuss the alternative fuels effect on exhaust emissions when used directly in production Diesel engines, results and analysis are sometimes contradictory, depending sometimes on the conditions in which they were obtained, and the causes of these results remain unclear. Therefore, in order to better understand their effect on the combustion processes, and thus extract the maximum benefits from these fuels in the optimization of engine design and calibration, a detailed comprehension of their spray and combustion characteristics is essential. The approach of this study is mostly experimental and based on an incremental methodology of tests aiming at isolating injection and combustion processes with the objective to identify and quantify the role of both fuel physical and chemical properties at some key stages of the Diesel combustion process. After obtaining a detailed characterization of their properties, five fuels have been injected in an optical engine enabling a sharp control of the thermodynamic e / Nerva, J. (2013). An Assessment of fuel physical and chemical properties in the combustion of a Diesel spray [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/29767 / Palancia

Evaluating the Economic Feasibility of Canola Biodiesel Production in North Dakota

Tapasvi, Dhruv, 1981- January 2006 (has links)
Numerous factors have pushed energy from biomass to the forefront of policy and industry discussions. Large harvests of traditional crops, low farm prices, dependence on foreign energy sources, and environmental problems have increased interest in renewable energy sources. Tools are needed to evaluate and compare different available feedstocks and to identify parameters and modifications for the production of renewable fuels such as biodiesel. The first paper examines the development of a biodiesel process model using commonly available spreadsheet software and process-engineering principles. The basis of the model is a continuous process with two stirred-tank reactors and sodium methoxide catalysis. The process is modeled as 27 units with 51 flows and 18 components. Mass flow rates and compositions of the process input and output streams are quantified using mass and component balances, energy balances, stoichiometric relations, and established process parameters. Oil composition and rate, methanol:triglyceride ratio, and expected transesterification of triglyceride are the user-specified inputs in the model. Based on commonly reported parameters (6: 1 methanol:triglyceride ratio and 98% transesterification) and a basis of 100 kg/h crude soybean oil, the model computes inputs of 13.8, 10.8, and 34.7 (in kg/h) for methanol, 10% sodium methoxide in methanol, and process water, respectively; and outputs of 93.5, 10.3, and 55.6 for soy biodiesel, glycerol, and waste stream, respectively. In the second paper, the mass flow rate data from the developed biodiesel process model are linked to cost data for evaluating the economic feasibility of biodiesel production in North Dakota with canola oil as the feedstock. Estimations of capital investment cost and total annual biodiesel product cost are conducted for two canola biodiesel production plants with 5 and 30 million gallons per year (MGY) capacities. These capacities were selected based on North Dakota and neighboring states' biodiesel demands, respectively. Capital investment cost analysis shows the presence of considerable economies of scale for the biodiesel production process for the two capacities. These cost calculations are based on the purchased equipment cost calculated from the equipment specifications. Total annual biodiesel product cost analysis shows that the major portion (>80%) of the total product cost is the raw material cost, similar to the analysis of previous economic feasibility studies. Cost benefits from the economies of scale are still present for the fixed charges, general expenses, and the manufacturing costs (other than the raw material costs) in the annual product cost calculations for the two production plant capacities. Finally, based on the gross profit evaluation for both plants, this study concludes that it is more worthwhile to invest in the 30 MGY production plant because of the greater cost returns from the economies of scale benefits. The results are more encouraging after the incorporation of the federal biodiesel tax incentive and favor the investment for biodiesel production in North Dakota. / North Dakota. Agricultural Experiment Station / USDA-CSREES (under Agreement No. 2003-34471-13523)

Estudio de la optimización de estufas de cocción tradicionales empleadas en países en desarrollo utilizando biomasa leña gasificada (aplicado a la R.D.Congo)

Mulumba Ilunga, Óscar 02 March 2021 (has links)
[ES] Resumen Casi la mitad de la población mundial no tiene acceso a energías como la electricidad o el gas y tienen que utilizar forzosamente biomasa para cocinar, principalmente leña y carbón. Lo que en países desarrollados parece un lujo, en otros muchos es una obligación, ya que no hay otra alternativa. Con un pequeño ahorro en el combustible que utilizan estas estufas de los países sin acceso a otro tipo de energía, el resultado global es extraordinario. En el caso de la República Democrática del Congo más del 80% de la población realiza sus actividades culinarias utilizando biomasa sólida (leña, carbón vegetal, etc.) Para cocinar en las zonas rurales y los extrarradios de las grandes ciudades se utiliza la tradicional estufa de tres piedras TCS-3P y en las zonas urbanas la tradicional estufa de carbón vegetal TCS-C. La principal desventaja de esta práctica es una combustión de baja eficiencia energética, con la consecuencia directa de un consumo excesivo de materias primas como carbón y leña y la correspondiente deforestación. Estos equipos de cocina tradicionales emiten muchos contaminantes perjudiciales para la salud (CO y PM), así como y emisiones que contribuyen al calentamiento global y al cambio climático (CO2 y BC). En este trabajo proponemos modelos para mejorar la eficiencia energética utilizando el modelo tradicional como punto de partida, tal como lo utiliza la comunidad local. Para las poblaciones que viven en condiciones muy críticas y precarias, se han propuesto "insertos de cerámica" que pueden fabricarse y añadirse a las estufas que utilizan en la actualidad. Estos insertos pueden actuar sobre el rendimiento con mejoras del 15%. Se ha propuesto y analizado una segunda mejora basada en la combustión natural de la estufa de carbón ICS-C. El modelo más prometedor es la estufa que utiliza el principio de micro gasificación de la biomasa. Se han diseñado dos modelos de esta estufa, el modelo ICS-G1 con un solo reactor de combustión y el modelo ICS-G2 con dos reactores de combustión, y se han realizado análisis de sostenibilidad con aplicación directa a las comunidades locales. El modelo de micro gasificación propuesto funciona con un suministro de aire forzado con una gran flexibilidad de variación de la potencia de fuego según el tipo de comida a cocinar. El sistema de suministro de aire es provisto por un pequeño motor alimentado por energía solar con autonomía proporcionada por una pequeña batería de litio recargable. Los modelos de gasificación muestran importantes ventajas en comparación con el sistema tradicional, mejor eficiencia energética, al necesitar menos de la mitad de leña que con la tradicional, reducciones drásticas de las emisiones contaminantes y atmosféricas, con un ahorro de emisiones de CO2 en la ciudad de Kinshasa estimadas en 3405 kton/año y una reducción de casi la mitad del tiempo dedicado a la preparación de alimentos. Estas estufas pueden utilizar todo tipo de combustibles sólidos, además del carbón, se realizaron ensayos con combustibles alternativos que provienen de residuos agrícolas (BSW3) de esta forma se limita la presión ejercida sobre los bosques debido al uso de leña para cocinar. Los métodos de prueba utilizados son la prueba de ebullición del agua y la prueba de cocción controlada, con esta última se realiza una preparación de alimentos en un ambiente controlado. Los resultados de estas mejoras se han aplicado a casos reales en Kinshasa y Bandundu. / [CA] Quasi la meitat de la població mundial no té accés a energies com l'electricitat o el gas i han d'utilitzar forçosament biomassa per a cuinar, principalment llenya i carbó. El que en països desenvolupats sembla un luxe, en molts altres és una obligació, ja que no hi ha una altra alternativa. Amb un xicotet estalvi en el combustible que utilitzen aquestes estufes dels països sense accés a una altra mena d'energia, el resultat global és extraordinari. En el cas de la República Democràtica del Congo més del 80% de la població realitza les seues activitats culinàries utilitzant biomassa sòlida (llenya, carbó vegetal, etc.) Per a cuinar en les zones rurals i els extraradis de les grans ciutats s'utilitza la tradicional estufa de tres pedres (TCS-3P) i en les zones urbanes la tradicional estufa de carbó vegetal (TCS-C). El principal desavantatge d'aquesta pràctica és una combustió de baixa eficiència energètica, amb la conseqüència directa d'un consum excessiu de matèries primeres com a carbó i llenya i la corresponent desforestació. Aquests equips de cuina tradicionals emeten molts contaminants perjudicials per a la salut (CO i PM), així com i emissions que contribueixen al calfament global i al canvi climàtic (CO₂ i BC). En aquest treball proposem models per a millorar l'eficiència energètica utilitzant el model tradicional com a punt de partida, tal com ho utilitza la comunitat local. Per a les poblacions que viuen en condicions molt crítiques i precàries, s'han proposat "inserits de ceràmica" que poden fabricar-se i afegir-se a les estufes que utilitzen en l'actualitat. Aquests inserits poden actuar sobre el rendiment amb millores del 15%. S'ha proposat i analitzat una segona millora basada en la combustió natural de l'estufa de carbó ICS-C. El model més prometedor és l'estufa que utilitza el principi de micro gasificació de la biomassa. S'han dissenyat dos models d'aquesta estufa, el model (ICS-G1) amb un sol reactor de combustió i el model (ICS-G2) amb dos reactors de combustió, i s'han realitzat anàlisi de sostenibilitat amb aplicació directa a les comunitats locals. El model de micro gasificació proposat funciona amb un subministrament d'aire forçat amb una gran flexibilitat de variació de la potència de foc segons la mena de menjar a cuinar. El sistema de subministrament d'aire és proveït per un xicotet motor alimentat per energia solar amb autonomia proporcionada per una xicoteta bateria de liti recarregable. Els models de gasificació mostren importants avantatges en comparació amb el sistema tradicional, millor eficiència energètica, en necessitar menys de la meitat de llenya que amb la tradicional, reduccions dràstiques de les emissions contaminants i atmosfèriques, amb un estalvi d'emissions de CO₂ a la ciutat de Kinshasa estimades en 3405 kton/any i una reducció de quasi la meitat del temps dedicat a la preparació d'aliments. Aquestes estufes poden utilitzar tot tipus de combustibles sòlids, a més del carbó, es van realitzar assajos amb combustibles alternatius que provenen de residus agrícoles (BSW3) d'aquesta forma es limita la pressió exercida sobre els boscos a causa de l'ús de llenya per a cuinar. Els mètodes de prova utilitzats són la prova d'ebullició de l'aigua i la prova de cocció controlada, amb aquesta última es realitza una preparació d'aliments en un ambient controlat. Els resultats d'aquestes millores s'han aplicat a casos reals a Kinshasa i Bandundu. / [EN] Abstract Almost half of the world's population does not have access to energy such as electricity or gas and they have to use biomass for cooking, mainly firewood and charcoal. What in developed countries seems a luxury, in many others is an obligation, since there is no other alternative. With a small saving in the fuel used by these stoves in countries without access to other types of energy, the overall result is extraordinary. In the case of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, more than 80% of the population carries out their culinary activities using solid biomass (firewood, charcoal, etc.). The traditional stove is used to cook in rural areas and on the outskirts of large cities. three-stone TCS-3P and in urban areas the traditional TCS-C charcoal stove. The main disadvantage of this practice is low energy efficiency combustion, with the direct consequence of excessive consumption of raw materials such as coal and firewood and the corresponding deforestation. These traditional kitchen equipment emits many harmful pollutants for health (CO and PM), as well as emissions that contribute to global warming and climate change (CO2 and BC). In this work we propose models to improve energy efficiency using the traditional model as a starting point, as used by the local community. For populations living in very critical and precarious conditions, "ceramic inserts" have been proposed that can be manufactured and added to the stoves they use today. These inserts can act on performance with improvements of 15%. A second improvement based on the natural combustion of the ICS-C coal stove has been proposed and analyzed. The most promising model is the stove that uses the principle of microgasification of biomass. Two models of this stove have been designed, the ICS-G1 model with a single combustion reactor and the ICS-G2 model with two combustion reactors, and sustainability analyzes have been carried out with direct application to local communities. The proposed micro gasification model works with a forced air supply with great flexibility of variation of the fire power according to the type of food to be cooked. The air supply system is provided by a small motor powered by solar energy with autonomy provided by a small rechargeable lithium battery. The gasification models show important advantages compared to the traditional system, better energy efficiency, since it requires less than half as much firewood than with the traditional system, drastic reductions in pollutant and atmospheric emissions, with savings in CO2 emissions in the city of Kinshasa estimated at 3405 kton / year and a reduction of almost half the time spent on food preparation. These stoves can use all types of solid fuels, in addition to coal, tests were carried out with alternative fuels that come from agricultural residues (BSW3) in this way the pressure exerted on the forests due to the use of firewood for cooking is limited. The test methods used are the water boiling test and the controlled cooking test, with the latter a food preparation is performed in a controlled environment. The results of these improvements have been applied to real cases in Kinshasa and Bandundu. / Mulumba Ilunga, Ó. (2021). Estudio de la optimización de estufas de cocción tradicionales empleadas en países en desarrollo utilizando biomasa leña gasificada (aplicado a la R.D.Congo) [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/163655 / TESIS

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