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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reconstrução paleohidrológica em sistemas de várzea na Amazônia Peruana

Aniceto, Keila Cristina Pereira 26 April 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Biblioteca de Pós-Graduação em Geoquímica BGQ (bgq@ndc.uff.br) on 2016-04-26T17:27:20Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TeseKAniceto.pdf: 7215824 bytes, checksum: b930fcc52874c9e437f1d692f113bde8 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T17:27:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TeseKAniceto.pdf: 7215824 bytes, checksum: b930fcc52874c9e437f1d692f113bde8 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Universidade Federal Fluminense. Instituto de Química. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geociências-Geoquímica. Niterói, RJ / As variações paleohidrológicas pelas quais passaram os lagos Hubos e Quistococha ao longo do Holoceno Médio e Superior, foram reconstruídas através de análises semi-quantitativas e qualitativas dos argilo-minerais e dos elementos Al, Si, S, K, Ca, Mn Ti, Fe, Rb, Sr e Zr. A fim de avaliar como o Rio Amazonas influencia os processos sedimentares destes ecossistemas, determinou-se a concentração elementar de carbono (carbono orgânico total-COT) e nitrogênio (nitrogênio total-NT), composição isotópica do carbono e nitrogênio (δ13C e δ15N). O Lago Hubos, está situado próximo à confluência dos rios Ucayali e Marañon, faz parte da planície de inundação do Rio Ucayali e sua conexão com o canal principal se dá de forma indireta e através do pequeno rio Yarapá e sua distância do canal rio é de aproximadamente 2 km. A sedimentação do lago Hubos nos últimos 4130 anos cal AP, se deu sob a influência da forte dinâmica do Ucayali, que resultou em datações 14C invertidas ou com idades muito próximas em trechos extensos do testemunho. Entre 4130 e 2870 anos cal AP a concentração de COT era baixa (<1%), os valores de δ13C e δ15N do lago apresentaram uma matéria orgânica que é mistura de fitoplancton e com matéria orgânica típica de solos e plantas C3 e a presença de laminações, o que sugere um sistema de baixa energia hidrodinâmica. A assembléia mineral com assinatura típica do Ucayali, apresentou elevados percentuais de esmectita (~61%), caulinita (~15%), clorita (~8%) e ilita (18%) e a mineralogia por FRX sugere variabilidade da maior parte dos dados, sugerindo pulsos de inundação neste período. Uma lacuna na sedimentação foi observada entre 2870 e 700 anos cal AP (unidade III). Este sedimento foi caracterizado por concentrações mais elevadas de COT (4,3%), matéria orgânica originada de plantas C3, elevados percentuais de esmectita (67%), caulinita (~12%), clorita (~6%) e ilita (15%) e predominância de material intemperizado e grosso no sedimento. Após esse período, o material sedimentado era pós-moderno e bioturbado, as concentrações de COT de 2,1% e esmectita (~52%), caulinita (~29%), clorita (~4%) e ilita (15%), esta matéria orgânica é característica de solos e plantas C3, com redução de frações mais grossas no sedimento e aumento de material inalterado. O material mais superficial é antigo, provavelmente retrabalhado, com concentração de COT 1,29% e esmectita (~46%) caulinita (~12%), clorita (~26%) e ilita (18%). A FRX, sugere material de granulometria mais grossa e mais alterado quimicamente. O lago Quistococha faz parte da Reserva Quistococha, e está localizado à 10 km do centro da cidade de Iquitos e aproximadamente 10 Km do rio Amazonas. Entre cerca de 6.100 e 4.900 anos cal AP, o lago estava sob forte influência do rio Amazonas. O que induziu a maiores taxas de sedimentação (~0,5 cm ano-1), a deposição predominante foi de partículas relativamente grossas (silte grosso) e laminadas, em detrimento do material orgânico (~5%). A mineralogia da fração argila determinou percentuais de esmectita (~41%), clorita (~9%), ilita (~20%), e caulinita (~29%). A razão FRX, sugere presença de material alterado quimicamente e laminações de 0,7 cm de espessura. A diminuição da granulometria e da espessura das laminações a partir de 5800 anos cal AP, até seu completo desaparecimento indicam a perda gradual da influência do Amazonas. Um hiato foi observado a partir de 4.900 anos calAP, cujo motivo provável ainda precisa ser investigado. Condições mais seca do Holoceno Médio impediram a volta da sedimentação, que só aconteceu apos 2600 anos cal AP, com o retorno das condições mais úmidas estabelecidas durante o Holoceno Tardio. A perda da influência do rio Amazonas induziu alterações significativas na sedimentação lacustre, determinando sua atual condição de isolamento. Caracterizado por taxas de sedimentação extremamente baixas (0,02 cm ano-1), sedimentos mais finos, ricos em material orgânico (20-80%) e fração argila composta de esmectita (~35%); clorita (~5%); ilita (~16%); e caulinita (~44%) / The palaeo-hydrological variations through which passed Hubos and Quistococha lakes along the Middle and Upper Holocene were reconstructed using a semi-quantitative and qualitative analyzes of clay minerals and the elementsAl, Si, S, K, Ca, Mn Ti, Fe, Rb, Sr e Zr. In order to assess how the Amazon River influences the sedimentary processes of these ecosystems, was determined the elementary concentration of carbon (total organic carbon-TOC) and nitrogen (total nitrogen-NT), isotopic composition of carbon and nitrogen (δ13C and δ15N). The Hubos Lake, is situated near the Ucayali and Marañon rivers confluence, part of the floodplain of the Ucayali river and its connection with the main channel occurs indirectly and through small river Yarapá and its distance from the river channel is aproximately2 Km. The sedimentation of the lake Hubos in the last 4130 years cal BP, occurred under the influence of the strong dynamics of the Ucayali, which resulted in 14C datings reversed or very close in age in extensive excerpts of testimony . Between 4130 and 2870 years cal AP TOC concentration was low (<1%), the values of δ13C and δ15N of lake showed an organic matter which is mixed with phytoplankton and typical organic matter from soils and plants C3 and the presence of laminations, which suggests a system of low hydrodynamic energy. The mineral meeting with the typical signature of Ucayali showed high percentages of smectite (~ 61%), kaolinite (~ 15%), chlorite (~ 8%) and illite (18%) and mineralogy by XRF suggests variability of most data, suggesting flood pulses during this period. A gap in sedimentation was observed between 2870 and 700 cal years BP (Unit III). This sediment was characterized by higher concentrations of TOC (4.3%), organic matter originating from plants C3 smectite high percentage (67%), kaolinite (~ 12%), chlorite (~ 6%) and illite (15 %) and predominance of the weathered and coarse sediment. After this period, the settled material was postmodern and bioturbed, TOC concentrations of 2.1% and smectite (~ 52%), kaolinite (~ 29%), chlorite (~ 4%) and illite (15%) this organic matter is characteristic of soils and C3 plants, with reducing coarser fractions in the sediment and unaltered material increase. The most superficial material is old, probably reworked, with 1.29% TOC concentration and smectite (~ 46%) kaolinite (~ 12%), chlorite (~ 26%) and illite (18%). The XRF suggests a thicker granulometry and chemically altered material. The Quistococha lake is part of Quistococha Reserve, and is located 10 km from the center of Iquitos city and approximately 10 km of the Amazon River. Between about 6100 and 4900 years cal BP, the lake was under strong influence of the Amazon River. What led to higher sedimentation rates (~ 0.5 cm-1 year), was the predominant deposition of relatively coarse particles (coarse silt) and laminated, to the detriment of the organic material (~ 5%). The the clay fraction mineralogy determined percentage of smectite (~ 41%), chlorite (~ 9%), illite (~ 20%), and kaolinite (~ 29%). The XRF reason, suggests the presence of chemically altered material and laminations of 0.7 cm thick. The decrease of granulometry and the laminations thickness from 5800 cal years BP, until its complete disappearance indicate the gradual loss of the Amazon influence. A gap was observed from 4900 cal years BP, whose probable reason still needs to be investigated. Drier conditions in the Middle Holocene prevented the sedimentation return, which only happened after 2600 cal years BP, with the return of most humid conditions established during the late Holocene. The loss of influence of the Amazon river induce significant changes in lacustrine sedimentation, determining its current condition of isolation. Characterized by extremely low sedimentation rates (0.02 cm year-1), fine sediments, rich in organic material (20-80%) and clay fraction composed of smectite (~ 35%); chlorite (~ 5%); illite (~ 16%); and kaolinite (~ 44%)

Feedbacks between vegetation and rainfall in the Amazon basin

Zemp, Delphine Clara 13 June 2016 (has links)
Das erste Ziel dieser Arbeit ist eine umfassende Analyse der Wasserflüsse durchzuführen und Quellen und Senken des kontinentalen Niederschlags zu identifizieren. Als Analysemethode werden komplexe Netzwerke verwendet, ein Ansatz, mit dessen Hilfe das neuartige Konzept des “cascading moisture recycling'''' (CMR) eingeführt wird. CMR wird als vielfache Verdunstung von Niederschlag während des Feuchtigkeitstransports über bewaldeten Gebieten definiert. Dieses Verfahren ermöglicht es, den Anteil von CMR an der Menge des regionalen Niederschlags zu quantifizieren und Schlüsselregionen des CMR zu identifizieren. Die Analyse zeigt, dass der südliche Bereich des Amazonasbeckens nicht nur eine direkte Quelle für Niederschlag im La-Plata Becken ist, sondern auch als ``Brückenregion'''' dient, über die die verdunstete Feuchtigkeit des ganzen Amazonasbeckens auf dem Weg in die Subtropen transportiert wird. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass eine Neubewertung der Vulnerabilität des Amazonasregenwalds unter Umweltveränderungen unabdingbar ist. Dies ist das zweite Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit. Durch diese Veränderungen könnten große Teile des Regenwaldes in eine Savanne umgewandelt werden. Dies würde wiederum den Niederschlag reduzieren, was sich negativ auf die Stabilität der verbleibenden Waldgebiete auswirken und ein Waldsterben verursachen kann. Für die Analyse dieser Zusammenhänge werden ebenfalls komplexe Netzwerke verwendet, um das Konzept der Ökosystem-Resilienz und CMR basierend auf Beobachtungsdaten zu kombinieren. Es werden die Schlüsselregionen, in denen Entwaldung zu einer Destabilisierung der verbleibenden Wald führt, identifiziert und die Möglichkeit eines großflächigen Absterben des Regenwaldes aufgrund von verlängerter Trockenzeit untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Diversität des Regenwaldes und die durch den Feuchtigkeitstransport gegebene Konnektivität der Waldgebiete eine wichtige Rolle für die Stabilität und ökologische Integrität dieses Ökosystems spielen. / The first aim of this thesis is to improve the understanding of vegetation-atmosphere interactions by means of complex network analysis of water fluxes from the sources to the sinks of rainfall in South America. This novel approach allows to introduce the concept of “cascading moisture recycling” defined as moisture recycling on the continent involving re-evaporation cycles along the way. A methodological framework is developed to quantify the importance of cascading moisture recycling and to identify key regions that sustain this process. It reveals, for instance, that the southern part of the Amazon basin is not only a direct source of rainfall for the La Plata basin as previously thought but also an intermediary region that re-distribute moisture evaporating from the entire Amazon basin towards the subtropics. This new concept lays the foundation for evaluating the vulnerability of the Amazon forest to environmental perturbations, which is the second aim of this thesis. Land-use and rainfall variability are expected to be intensified at the end of the twenty-first century and may push the south-eastern part of the Amazon forest towards a grass-dominated ecosystem. Such a forest loss would reduce local dry-season evapotranspiration and the resulting moisture supply for down-wind rainfall. In turn, this might erode the resilience of the remaining forest and lead to further forest losses. Using a complex network approach, the concepts of forest resilience and cascading moisture recycling are combined in a data-driven modeling framework. Key regions are identified where deforestation would greatly destabilize the remaining forest, as well as tipping points in dry-season intensification for large-scale self-amplified Amazon forest loss. The findings highlight the need to maintain the diversity and connectivity of forest patches in order to sustain the ecological integrity of the largest remaining tropical forest on Earth.

A UNESCO e a governança ambiental na bacia amazônica /

Matsunaga, Fernando. January 2011 (has links)
Orientador: Enrique Amayo Zevallos / Banca: Samuel Alves Soares / Banca: Petronio de Tilio Neto / O Programa de Pós-Graduação em Relações Internacionais é instituído em parceria com a UNESP/UNICAMP/PUC-SP em projeto subsidiado pela CAPES, intitulado "Programa San Tiago Dantas" / Resumo: A Organização das Nações Unidas para a Educação, Ciência e Cultura (UNESCO) é estruturada de forma multidisciplinar atuando nas diversas áreas do saber e conhecimento. Uma delas é a questão ambiental, que ganha cada vez mais destaque no cenário internacional. Atualmente está em desenvolvimento e execução a Década da Educação para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável, que vai de 2005-2014 (DEDS) e conta com diversas parcerias e busca ampliar ações em prol da Sustentabilidade Ambiental. Este projeto é estruturado de forma a pensar e discutir a Governança Global Ambiental (GGA) - sua origem, processos e problemas (conceituais e práticos) - e entender como a UNESCO contribui para a GGA através da Educação para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável (EDS). Embora a UNESCO seja uma Instituição de atuação global, enfocaremos as ações e debates desenvolvidos na Bacia Amazônica relacionados principalmente com o Programa Latino-Americano e Caribenho de Educação Ambiental (PLACEA), no âmbito da Iniciativa Latino Americana e Caribenha de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ILAC), proposta pela Venezuela em 2003 e o Plano Andino-amazônico de Comunicação e Educação Ambiental (PANACEA), proposto pelo Peru em 2005 / Abstract: The United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is structured in a multidisciplinary way acting on several areas of knowledge. One of that is the environmental that gain more space in the international scene. The United Nations Decade of the Education for the Sustainable Development from 2005 to 2014 is an initiative in progress that has many partnerships and seeks to expand actions toward Environmental Sustainability. This project is structured in a way that allow us to think and discuss the Environmental Global Governance (EGG) - its origins, process and problems (conceptual and practical) and understand how the UNESCO contribute to the EGG throughout the Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). Although it is an Institution of global scale, our focus will be in the actions and debates on the Amazon Region specially those that are related with the Latin American and Caribbean Program of Environmental Education (PLACEA), part of the of the Latin American and Caribbean Initiative for Sustainable Development (ILAC), proposed by Venezuela in 2003 and the Andean-amazonic Plan of Environmental Communication and Education (PANACEA), proposed by Peru in 2005 / Mestre

Variações espaciais na estrutura da assembleia de peixes do baixo rio Araguaia durante um ciclo hidrológico / Spatial variations on fish assemblage structure of the lower Araguaia River during a hydrological cycle

Orsi, Carlos Henrique 23 August 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T18:13:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Carlos Henrique Orsi.pdf: 1050981 bytes, checksum: 04c595bd725a75ff4c7d08c180f10951 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-08-23 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The region of the lower Araguaia River is influenced by a flood pulse that causes changes in the environment. This study aimed to identify the spatial effects (main river and tributaries) on the assembly structure of fish. Samples were taken every two months between March and September 2009, at 14 sites (7 in the Araguaia River and 7 in tributaries), fishes were collected with gill nets exposed for 24 hours, for the analysis effort was standardized and indexed in catch per unit of effort in number and biomass, then the attributes of the assembly and the total abundance were set and spatial distribution patterns were identified through factorial analysis. The beta diversity was estimated as the rate of renewal of species. An ordination analysis indicated the formation of three axes and their scores were retained for a PerManova analysis. Analysis of the indicator species was performed to determine if there were local indicator species. Species richness and abundance of fish were higher in the channel of the Araguaia River during the dry season. The diversity in the channel of the Araguaia River in low water seasons and dry seasons differed from the tax on water and flood in relation to the abundance in number of individuals and beta diversity showed that the Araguaia River and tributaries have their assemblages in a non-random status. The evenness showed no significant differences between sites and seasons. The evaluation of indicator species identified a number of species that stick out among the others, mainly in the main channel in the dry season, these facts may be related to environmental changes between seasons, flooding its banks and several structures along the river, providing new habitats and causing some species seek more favorable environments to their needs during the different seasons. / A região do baixo rio Araguaia sofre a influência de um pulso de inundação que causa modificações no ambiente. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo identificar os efeitos espaciais (calha e tributários) na estrutura da assembleia da ictiofauna. As amostras foram realizadas bimestralmente entre março e setembro de 2009, em 14 locais (7 no rio Araguaia e 7 em tributários), os peixes foram coletados com redes de espera expostas por 24 horas, sendo que para as análises, o esforço foi padronizado e indexado em captura por unidade de esforço em número e biomassa, em seguida os atributos da assembleia e abundância total foram calculados e posteriormente os padrões de distribuição espacial foram identificados através de análises bifatoriais. A diversidade beta foi estimada como a taxa de renovação de espécies. Uma análise de ordenação indicou a formação de 3 eixos e seus escores foram retidos para análise de PerManova. A análise de espécies indicadoras foi realizada para determinar se existiam espécies indicadoras de locais. A riqueza de espécies e abundância de peixes foram maiores na calha do rio Araguaia durante a estação seca. A diversidade na calha do rio Araguaia nas estações vazante e seca divergiu dos tributários nas estações enchente e cheia em relação à abundância em número de indivíduos e a diversidade beta mostrou que o rio Araguaia e os tributários apresentam suas assembleias de forma não aleatórias. A equitabilidade não apresentou diferenças significativas entre os locais e as estações. A avaliação de espécies indicadoras permitiu identificar algumas espécies que sobressaem em relação às outras, principalmente na calha principal na estação seca, tais fatos podem estar relacionados às mudanças no ambiente entre as estações, alagando as margens e várias estruturas ao longo do rio, disponibilizando novos habitats e fazendo que algumas espécies procurem ambientes mais propícios as suas necessidades durante as diferentes estações do ano.

Large scale spatio-temporal variation of carbon fluxes along the land-ocean continuum in three hotspot regions

Hastie, Adam 03 June 2019 (has links) (PDF)
Previous research has shown a close relationship between the terrestrial and aquatic carbon (C) cycles, namely that part of the C fixed via terrestrial net primary production (NPP) is exported to inland waters. In turn, it has been demonstrated that once in the freshwater system C can not only be transported laterally as dissolved organic carbon (DOC), particulate organic carbon (POC) and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) but is also mineralized and evaded back to the atmosphere as CO2, or buried in sediments. A number of hotspot areas of aquatic CO2 evasion have been identified but there are considerable gaps in our knowledge, particularly associated with understanding and accounting for the temporal and spatial variation of aquatic C fluxes at regional to global scales, which we know from local scale studies, to be substantial. In this thesis, three important regional hotspots of LOAC activity were identified, where significant gaps in our understanding remain.For the boreal region, an empirical model is developed to produce the first high resolution maps of boreal lake pCO2 and CO2 evasion, providing a new estimate for total evasion from boreal lakes of 189 (74–347) Tg C yr-1, which is more than double the previous best estimate. The model is also used along with future projections of terrestrial NPP and precipitation, to predict future lake CO2 evasion under future climate change and land-use scenarios, and it is found that even under the most conservative scenario CO2 evasion from boreal lakes may increase 38% by 2100. For the Amazon Basin, the ORCHILEAK land surface model driven by a newly developed wetland forcing file, is used to show that the export of C to and CO2 evasion from inland waters is highly interannually variable; greatest during wet years and lowest during droughts. However, at the same time overall net ecosystem productivity (NEP) and C sequestration is highest during wet years, partly due to reduced decomposition rates in water-logged floodplain soils. Furthermore, it is shown that aquatic C fluxes display greater variation than terrestrial C fluxes, and that this variation significantly dampens the interannual variability in NEP of the Amazon basin by moderating terrestrial variation. Finally, ORCHILEAK is applied to the Congo Basin to investigate the evolution of the integrated aquatic and terrestrial C fluxes from 1861 to the present day, and in turn to 2099 under a future climate and land-use scenario. It is shown that terrestrial and aquatic fluxes increase substantially over time, both over the historical period and into the future, and that these increases are largely driven by atmospheric CO2. The proportion of terrestrial NPP lost to the LOAC also rises from 3% in 1861 to 5% in 2099 and this trend is driven not only by atmospheric CO2 but also by climate change. This is in contrast to the boreal region where the proportion of NPP exported to inland waters is predicted to remain relatively constant, and to the Amazon, where a decrease has been predicted, due to differences in projected climate change. / L’état de l’art dans le domaine a montré qu’il y avait un lien étroit entre les cycles du carbone terrestre et aquatique :en effet, une partie du carbone fixé par photosynthèse (productivité primaire brute) est transférée vers les milieux aquatiques continentaux pour être ensuite transporté latéralement sous forme de carbone organique dissous (COD), de carbone organique particulaire (COP), de carbone inorganique dissous (CID). Durant ce transfert latéral, le carbone peut être minéralisé puis réémis vers l’atmosphère sous forme de CO2 ou enfoui dans les sédiments. Cependant, nous sommes encore loin de bien comprendre et surtout de quantifier les variations temporelles et spatiales des flux de carbones à l’échelle régionale et globale, même si les études faites à l’échelle locale nous montrent qu’elles sont importantes. Au cours de cette thèse, nous nous sommes focalisés sur 3 grandes régions pour lesquelles la connaissance des flux de carbone le long du continuum aquatique reliant les écosystèmes terrestres aux océans étaient encore très parcellaire.Pour la région boréale, un modèle empirique a été développé afin de produire les premières cartes à haute résolution de pCO2 et d’émission de CO2 pour les lacs boréaux. Les résultats du modèle nous ont permis de contraindre les émissions totales de CO2 pour les lacs boréaux à 189 (74-347) Tg C an-1, soit plus du double des estimations précédentes. Ce modèle a ensuite été couplé aux projections de production primaire brute terrestre et de précipitations afin de prédire les émissions de CO2 pour ces lacs pour différents scénarios de changement climatique et d’occupation des sols. Les résultats montrent que même en prenant le scénario le plus conservatif, les émissions de CO2 des lacs boréaux augmenteraient de 38% d’ici 2100.Pour le bassin de l’Amazone, le modèle d’écosystème terrestre ORCHILEAK, paramétré par de nouvelles donnés de forçage des zones humides, a été utilisé pour démontrer que l’export de carbone terrestre vers les réseaux fluviaux ainsi que les émissions de CO2 ont une très grande variabilité interannuelle :émissions élevées lors des années à forte précipitation et basses lors des années sèches. Cependant, la productivité nette de l’écosystème (PNE) Amazone et la fixation nette de carbone à l’échelle du bassin sont plus élevées lors des années humides, en partie dû au taux de décomposition de carbone organique réduit lorsque les sols sont saturés en eau. De plus, les résultats montrent que les flux de carbone des systèmes aquatiques ont une plus grande variabilité que les flux terrestres, ce qui atténue considérablement la variabilité interannuelle de la PNE du bassin de l'Amazone.Pour finir, nous avons appliqué ORCHILEAK au bassin du Congo afin d’étudier l’évolution intégrée des flux de carbone terrestres et aquatiques de 1861 à nos jours, ainsi que de projeter leur devenir au cours du 21eme siècle selon les scénarios de changement climatiques et de changement d’occupation des sols. Nous avons montré que les flux terrestres et aquatiques augmentent de façon significative durant la période historique et dans le futur, cette augmentation étant largement induite par l’augmentation du CO2 atmosphérique et, dans une moindre mesure, par le changement climatique. En particulier, la proportion de la productivité primaire brute terrestre exportée vers le continuum aquatique passe de 3% en 1861 à 5% en 2099. Ce résultat contraste avec ceux obtenu pour la région boréale où cette proportion reste relativement constante et pour l’Amazone où c’est une baisse qui est en fait prédite. Ces différences s’expliquent par des trajectoires de changement climatique distinctes pour ces 3 régions. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Aerosol profiling with lidar in the Amazon Basin during the wet and dry season 2008

Baars, Holger 19 April 2012 (has links)
Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden die Eigenschaften von atmosphärischen Aerosolpartikeln im tropischen Regenwald des Amazonasgebietes bestimmt. Dazu wurden die Daten einer fast einjährigen Lidarmesskampagne ausgewertet und diskutiert. Die Messungen wurden mit einem automatischen Mehrwellenlängen-Polarisations-Raman-Lidar im zentralen Amazonasbecken nahe Manaus, Brasilien, im Zeitraum von Januar bis November 2008 durchgeführt. Somit konnten erstmalig optische und mikrophysikalische Aerosoleigenschaften im Amazonasgebiet während der Regenzeit (ca. Dezember-Mai) und Trockenzeit (ca. Juni-November) höhenaufgelöst charakterisiert werden. Einleitend werden die meteorologischen Bedingungen im Amazonasgebiet erläutert und eine Literaturübersicht über Aerosolforschung in dieser Region gegeben. Das Messgerät sowie verschiedene Kalibrier- und Korrekturschemen, die zur Datenauswertung notwendig sind, werden vorgestellt. Auch Vergleiche mit anderen Messgeräten werden diskutiert. Diese zeigen, dass die aus den Lidarmessungen abgeleiteten Parameter von hoher Qualität sind. Anhand von Fallstudien werden mit Hilfe von Rückwärtstrajektorien und Satellitenmessungen typische Aerosolbedingungen am Messstandort diskutiert. Um die generellen Unterschiede zwischen Regen- und Trockenzeit zu quantifizieren, wird eine statistische Auswertung aller analysierten Lidarmessungen präsentiert. Die Analyse der Lidardaten zeigt, dass während der Regenzeit im Amazonasgebiet in ca. der Hälfte aller Fälle sehr saubere Bedingungen mit einer Aerosol Optischen Dicke (AOD) von weniger als 0.05 (bei 532 nm) vorherrschen können. Allerdings wurde in ca. 30% aller analysierten Fälle im Zeitraum von Januar bis Mai auch afrikanisches Aerosol, vornehmlich Saharastaub und Biomasseverbrennungsaerosol (BBA), am Messstandort detektiert. Dabei dominierte meist BBA die Aerosolpopulation, wie die Depolarisationsmessungen zeigten. In der Trockenzeit ist die Atmosphäre im Amazonasbecken hauptsächlich mit BBA aus Südamerika belastet. Daher ist die AOD im Durchschnitt um einen Faktor drei größ er als in der Regenzeit. BBA wurde zu dieser Jahreszeit regelmäßig bis zu einer Höhe von 4-6 km detektiert. Basierend auf den vorgestellten Langzeitmessungen werden erstmalig die optischen Eigenschaften von südamerikanischem BBA statistisch analysiert und diskutiert. / Continuous lidar measurements were performed in the Amazon rain forest for almost one year in 2008. The results of the automated multiwavelength-Raman-polarization lidar observations were presented in this dissertation. These measurements are the first long-term observations of the vertical aerosol structure ever made in the Amazon Basin. The advanced lidar observations were conducted 60 km north of Manaus in the central northern part of Amazonia. The area is widely covered with pristine rain forest. A HYSPLIT backward-trajectory analysis showed that the observations were representative on a regional scale for the central northern part of the Amazon rain forest. The general weather conditions in this region are characterized by a wet (December-June) and a dry season (July-November). During the dry season, a high fire activity occurs in Amazonia, which heavily influences the atmospheric conditions. With the lidar instrument, vertical profiles of the particle backscatter coefficient at 355, 532, and 1064 nm, of the particle extinction coefficient at 355 and 532 nm, and of the particle linear depolarization ratio at 355 nm can be determined. The results from the long-term lidar observations performed in Brazil contain a lot of new information about the aerosol conditions in the central northern Amazon Basin and corroborate certain findings from former aerosol measurements in Amazonia. It was shown for the first time that advection of Saharan dust together with biomass burning aerosol (BBA) from Africa occurred regularly throughout the wet season. In about one third (32%) of all lidar observations during the wet season, African aerosol was dominating the optical aerosol properties in Amazonia. The analysis of the vertical aerosol structure during such events revealed that the African aerosol arriving in the central northern Amazon Basin was usually trapped in the lowermost 3-3.5 km of the troposphere. To quantify the amount of Saharan dust and African smoke transported towards the lidar site, the dust contribution to the measured optical aerosol properties was separated by means of the measured particle depolarization ratio. This study led to the result that in about one half of the cases with African aerosol advection, smoke particles contributed to more than 50% to the total Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD). The smoke transport from Africa towards Amazonia occurred predominantly between January and April when the fire activity in Central Africa was highest. BBA is thus a major constituent of the aerosol plumes that are regularly transported from Africa towards Amazonia. This is a key finding of the presented study. During clean conditions, an AOD (532 nm) of less than 0.05 was observed and the aerosol was trapped in the lowermost 2 km of the troposphere. However, the analysis of the long-term data set revealed that these clean atmospheric conditions occurred in only 48% of all wet-season cases. One example for such background conditions was intensively discussed and it was shown that a major meso-scale rain event occurred in the Amazon region at the same time. This precipitation event was possibly partly responsible for the very low aerosol load. Two case studies from the dry season were presented for which BBA dominated the optical properties. In the first case, a comparable high aerosol load (AOD of 0.41) prevailed while in the second one, a medium aerosol load (AOD of 0.15) was observed. Aged BBA advected from regions south of the lidar site were identified to be the dominant aerosol species for both cases. However, very different geometrical, optical and microphysical properties of BBA (e.g., vertical layering, lidar ratio, Ångström exponent, effective radius, SSA) were observed on both days. In the first case, aerosol was present up to about 4.5 km. Extinction-related Ångström exponent s of about 1 and lidar ratios between 70 and 90 sr were found at different heights for the smoke aerosol. The BBA was highly absorbing (SSA of 0.81) at heights of the highest RH (85%), whereas above under dry conditions (RH=50%) only moderate absorption (SSA of 0.93) was detected. In the second case, smoke was detected up to 4.5 km, and Ångström exponent of about 2 and lidar ratios of 45-55 sr were measured in the aerosol layers. The BBA was only moderately absorbing indicated by SSA values between 0.92 and 0.94. The reason for the differences in the smoke properties could be the shorter travel time to the lidar site (<24 h), different aging processes (e.g., cloud/rain processing), or different burning conditions. In both cases, no depolarizing effects of the BBA could be observed. The strong contrast between the aerosol conditions in the dry season and the wet season were confirmed by the statistical analysis of all lidar observations in 2008. Due to the high BBA concentration in the atmosphere, the mean AOD of the dry season was found to be a factor of 3 higher than the mean AOD of the wet season (0.26 compared to 0.08 at 532 nm). Maximum AOD values were less than 0.55 (at 532 nm) and hence show that the lidar location was not in the direct vicinity of fire events. In only 7% of all cases in the dry season 2008, an AOD below 0.1 was observed. Also the maximum extinction and backscatter coefficient values in the dry season 2008 were 2-3 times higher than during the wet season of this year. The vertical aerosol distributions differ also significantly between the two seasons. In the wet season, the aerosol was mostly trapped in the lowermost 2.5 km, while in the dry season aerosol typically reached up to 4.5 km. Aerosol was occasionally detected up to 6.14 km in the dry season. The majority of the aerosol (95% of the AOD), however, was found to be on average below 2.3 km in the wet season and below 3 km in the dry season. During the wet season, lofted aerosol layers and multiple aerosol stratification was less frequent than in the dry season. The extent of BBA plumes during the dry season showed no correlation to the ML top height. Virtually uniform smoke haze layers were observed up to the AL top. Thus, pyro-convection and/or cloud-related mixing seem to be the major processes for the vertical distribution of BBA.

A UNESCO e a governança ambiental na bacia amazônica

Matsunaga, Fernando [UNESP] 06 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:26:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2011-06-06Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T18:30:30Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 matsunaga_f_me_mar.pdf: 578631 bytes, checksum: 4f9ea920c19f05a53f249fdb3e1b0a5d (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / A Organização das Nações Unidas para a Educação, Ciência e Cultura (UNESCO) é estruturada de forma multidisciplinar atuando nas diversas áreas do saber e conhecimento. Uma delas é a questão ambiental, que ganha cada vez mais destaque no cenário internacional. Atualmente está em desenvolvimento e execução a Década da Educação para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável, que vai de 2005-2014 (DEDS) e conta com diversas parcerias e busca ampliar ações em prol da Sustentabilidade Ambiental. Este projeto é estruturado de forma a pensar e discutir a Governança Global Ambiental (GGA) – sua origem, processos e problemas (conceituais e práticos) - e entender como a UNESCO contribui para a GGA através da Educação para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável (EDS). Embora a UNESCO seja uma Instituição de atuação global, enfocaremos as ações e debates desenvolvidos na Bacia Amazônica relacionados principalmente com o Programa Latino-Americano e Caribenho de Educação Ambiental (PLACEA), no âmbito da Iniciativa Latino Americana e Caribenha de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ILAC), proposta pela Venezuela em 2003 e o Plano Andino-amazônico de Comunicação e Educação Ambiental (PANACEA), proposto pelo Peru em 2005 / The United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is structured in a multidisciplinary way acting on several areas of knowledge. One of that is the environmental that gain more space in the international scene. The United Nations Decade of the Education for the Sustainable Development from 2005 to 2014 is an initiative in progress that has many partnerships and seeks to expand actions toward Environmental Sustainability. This project is structured in a way that allow us to think and discuss the Environmental Global Governance (EGG) – its origins, process and problems (conceptual and practical) and understand how the UNESCO contribute to the EGG throughout the Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). Although it is an Institution of global scale, our focus will be in the actions and debates on the Amazon Region specially those that are related with the Latin American and Caribbean Program of Environmental Education (PLACEA), part of the of the Latin American and Caribbean Initiative for Sustainable Development (ILAC), proposed by Venezuela in 2003 and the Andean-amazonic Plan of Environmental Communication and Education (PANACEA), proposed by Peru in 2005

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