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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fil(s) de Rabelais : enquête sur les filiations modernes de l'écrivain (Nerval, Apollinaire) / Sons of Rabelais : investigation into the writer’s modern filiations

Malara, Anna-Joséphine 17 November 2012 (has links)
Pourquoi une thèse sur Rabelais, en 2012 ? Certes : en apparence on ne présente plus l’écrivain, qui s’inscrit ànotre Panthéon, sans conteste, comme l’un des « pères » de la littérature française. Pourtant, le constat quifonde notre propos, c’est qu’il y a, justement, une nécessité urgente à réintroduire Rabelais. Auprès du grandpublic – parce que les lecteurs la délaissent, souvent induits à penser qu’elle est illisible ou inactuelle. Leréintroduire, aussi, dans le discours de la critique généraliste, dont les recherches les plus stimulantes tendent àrejeter Rabelais, et son époque dans la sphère du non-littéraire. C’est aussi ce que les rares études sur laréception de l’écrivain indiquent : en suggérant qu’au-delà d’une série de reprises ponctuelles ou d’imitationsde second rang, l’auteur n’aurait pas eu de réelle postérité chez les écrivains modernes – et qu’il se serait heurtéà un « malentendu », sinon à une déconcertante « défiguration ». En somme, à l’époque moderne, l’oeuvre deRabelais s’identifie insidieusement à un objet du patrimoine : plus qu’à un objet littéraire – de rechercheslittéraires. Et en 2012, malgré soi, l’on en viendrait à reprendre les conclusions amères de Céline : que Rabelaisa « raté son coup ». Alors que faire ? Notre thèse sur les « fils de Rabelais », envisageant successivement les casde Nerval et d’Apollinaire, entend récuser ce constat accablant. En réhabilitant la notion de « fils » enlittérature, nous montrerons que Rabelais possède bel et bien une postérité dans la littérature moderne : qu’auXXIe siècle, son oeuvre réussit encore à faire parler d’elle – et à inspirer de nouveaux regards critiques. / Why present a thesis on Rabelais in 2012? Clearly, at first sight, we no longer need to showcase a writer who has undoubtedly earned his place in our Pantheon as one of the "fathers" of French literature. Yet, our whole thesis is based on the premise that there is a pressing need to revitalise Rabelais in our literary consciousness. Readers neglect his work – often led to believe that it is unintelligible or outdated – and the trend in the most stimulating of critical studies is to reject Rabelais and his era into the non-literary sphere. This is what the rare studies of how the writer was received show : they suggest that, aside from a series of one-off replications or substandard imitations, the author is not really a source of inspiration to modern writers – his legacy has come up against "misunderstanding" and has even bafflingly been "distorted". In short, in our modern age, Rabelais' work is insidiously identified as part of our heritage, rather than literary matter or a subject for literary study capable of inspiring critics and writers. If, in 2012, against our better judgment, we are tempted to concur with Céline's bitter conclusions: that Rabelais "failed in his design ". What should we do about it? The aim of our thesis on the "sons of Rabelais" is to challenge this damming conclusion, by considering successively Nerval’ and Apollinaire’ cases. Through a rehabilitation of the notion of a literary descendant or “son”, we will show that there is a clear thread between Rabelais and modern literature, and that in the 21st century, his work can still, and always still, succeed in attracting debate and discussion – inspiring fresh critical thought. Keywords : Rabelais – Nerval – Apollinaire – filiation – reception – posterity – analogy – manner.

Etymologická analýza označení barev a úsloví barvy obsahujících / Etymological analysis of colour names and related idioms

Hořejší, Anna January 2014 (has links)
TITLE: The etymological analysis of colour names and related idioms AUTHOR: Anna Hořejší DEPARTMENT: Department of the French language and literature SUPERVISOR: Mgr. Jiří Jančík ABSTRACT: This diploma thesis concerns the etymological analyses of colour names in the French language and related idioms. In the theoretical part we present the basic linguistic terminology necessary for the accomplishment of the etymological analyses; the practical part concerns the analyses itself. The objective of the thesis is to deeply analyze the six basic colours both from the etymological and symbolic point of view. Furthermore, the thesis concerns the etymological analyses of colours the names of which are to some extend specific and remarkable. We talk about colours like: fox tail, bonbon, the Berlin blue, tea, khaki, pearl or snow, divided into groups according to the word they contain (colours containing a name of an animal, food, liquid, material, the place of origin, etc.). These colours are examined not only etymologically; we are also interested in the reason for which they are called so. In the last part of the thesis we scrutinize also idioms containing a name of a colour; we talk about idioms like white night, yellow danger, to be bad like a red donkey, cordon bleu or green tongue. In this case, our goal is to...

L’analogie dans l’apprentissage des langues / The analogy in learning languages

Bougchiche, Redouane 10 December 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse soutient l'idée que dans l'acquisition linguistique, l’analogie en tant que processus cognitif a un rôle déterminant. Il ne s'agit pas de la simple ressemblance (A est comme B) mais d'un processus de calcul de quatrième proportionnel (trouver C, qui est à D comme A est à B). Elle se manifeste à tous les niveaux de l'analyse linguistique : phonologie, morphologie, syntaxe et lexico-sémantique. Ceci vaut pour l'acquisition de langue première et aussi pour l'apprentissage de langue seconde, mais cette fois dans des conditions différentes, la première langue jouant comme arrière-plan. L'analogie opère à partir d'exemples disponibles parce que rencontrés précédemment dans l'expérience linguistique. On rend compte ainsi de la régularité qui s'observe dans le langage sans devoir pour cela recourir à des règles. Le locuteur construit des représentations mentales (schèmes) pour chaque savoir rencontré qu’il intègre, produit et transforme par analogie, ce qui attribue à ce processus le caractère dynamique. / This thesis claims that, in language acquisition, analogy has a fundamental role as a cognitive process; not as a sheer resemblance but as a computation process aimed at computing a proportional fourth (find C, which is to D as A is to B). It operates at all levels of linguistic analysis: phonology, morphology, syntax, and lexico-semantics. This holds for L1 acquisition and L2 learning; in the latter, the conditions are different because L1 operates as a background. Analogy uses the examples that are available because that were previously met in linguistic experience. This accounts for the regularity that is to be observed in language without having to posit rules. The speaker constructs mental representations (schemas) for each knowledge he meets. He integrates, produces, and modifies the knowledge by analogy, which is why this process is dynamic.

Recherches sur la semi-auxiliarité en espagnol : le cas de ir / About semi auxiliarity : the example of ir

Quitard, Mathilde 02 October 2010 (has links)
Le but principal de ce travail est l’approche de chacun des radicaux auxquels la langue espagnole fait appel pour constituer le « verbe ir ». Après une remise en question de la catégorie « auxiliaire » et une analyse détaillée des combinatoires dans lesquelles on trouve ce verbe – qui expliquent les effets de sens produits en discours –, nous faisons l'hypothèse que le verbe ir n’a d’existence qu’à travers des radicaux signifiants divers, porteurs de signifiés [uniques] distincts. On ne peut donc envisager un seul signifié pour le « verbe ir », conglomérat de paradigmes hétérogènes, qui partagent tous cependant un trait commun : la « tension vers ». Cette étude cherche également à définir les liens qui unissent ces formes verbales, regroupées sous l’infinitif ir, à d’autres verbes de la langue espagnole tels que venir, andar, ser ou estar. / The main purpose of this work is to approach each one of the radicals used by the Spanish language to make up the « verb ir ». Reappraising the category known as « auxiliary » and completing a detailed analysis of the combinations in which this verb is to be found [that explain the sense effects produced in discourse] leads us to the assumption that the verb ir only exists through different significant radicals, each of them bearing its own – its one and only – meaning. It is therefore impossible to consider that the « verb ir » has only one meaning, as it is a conglomerate of heterogeneous paradigms that all share a common feature : the « tension towards ». This study also tries to define the links between those verbal forms, grouped under the infinitive ir, and other Spanish verbs such as venir, andar, ser or estar.

Afeto e cognição: efeitos de similaridades afetivas na transferência analógica em resolução de problemas / Affect and cognition: effects of affective similarity in analogical transfer in problem solving

Cagnin, Simone 15 October 2008 (has links)
Esse trabalho tem como principal objetivo estudar a influência das similaridades afetivas de problemas mal-definidos no processo de transferência analógica. Procura estudar, de modo mais específico, o efeito sobre a transferência analógica da similaridade entre as tonalidades afetivas agradáveis/alegres e desagradáveis/ tristes de histórias, que apresentam problemas análogos ao problema da radiação de Duncker. Esses efeitos são, por sua vez, investigados a partir da preferência, na situação-problema alvo, por um modo de solução aprendido na situação-problema fonte, quando vários modos de solução são apresentados aos participantes da pesquisa. Objetiva-se investigar esse tipo de influência em dois intervalos de tempo distintos: em sessões consecutivas e em sessões com intervalo de uma semana. Os resultados encontrados apontam para a existência de efeitos positivos dessas similaridades nos dois intervalos de tempo pesquisados, com maior freqüência relativa nas sessões consecutivas. Desse modo, pode-se concluir que, quando há mais de uma solução disponível e funcionalmente adequada para um determinado problema, similaridades de superfície, como as tonalidades afetivas de histórias de problemas, influenciam a preferência por um modo de solução. Verificou-se ainda que esse tipo de influência das similaridades afetivas não depende de uma alteração do estado de humor dos indivíduos. O papel do afeto na cognição poderia ser assim visto como mais abrangente do que o pressuposto na literatura da área, pois mesmo quando os indivíduos não se consideram afetados em seu humor pela leitura de histórias tristes e alegres, eles demonstram sofrer a influência das tonalidades afetivas dessas histórias. / The objective of this work is to study the influence of affective similarities of illdefined problems in analogical transfer. In a specific way, it seeks to study the effect of the similarities of happy/ pleasant and sad/ unpleasant affective tonalities of stories presented in problems analogs to the Dunckers radiation problem. These effects are investigated through the preference, in the target problem, for one kind of solution learned in the source problems, when more than one solution is presented. This research also focuses on such an influence in two different times: consecutive sessions and sessions with one week delay. The results point out to the existence of positive effects of these similarities in both intervals of time, with higher relative frequency in the consecutive sessions. The conclusion is that surface similarities, like the affective similarities of problems, influence the preference for one kind of solution, when there is more than one appropriate solution to the problem. It is showed that such an influence doesnt require a change in the individuals mood. It also suggests that the influence of the affect in cognition is broader than it is assumed in the literature, because even when the individuals dont report a change in their mood, they are influenced by the affective similarities of the problems stories.

Analogia e argumentação no debate parlamentar: o caso da criminalização da LGBTfobia / Analogy and argumentation in parliamentary debate: the case of the criminalization of the discrimination against LGBT people

Ferreira, Filipe Mantovani 25 September 2018 (has links)
Ao longo das últimas décadas, o estigma relacionado a grupos minoritários em virtude da religião, etnia, sexualidade, gênero ou outras características tem consistido em tema de debate em diferentes lugares do mundo. O Brasil não constituiu exceção a essa tendência. Em 08 de dezembro de 2011, o Projeto de Lei da Câmara nº 122 (PLC 122/06), cujo objetivo principal era criminalizar a LGBTfobia no país, foi debatido na Comissão de Direitos Humanos e Legislação Participativa do Senado Federal. O projeto, proposto pela deputada federal Iara Bernardi, consistia em uma resposta aos alarmantes números da violência em função de identidade de gênero e orientação sexual no Brasil. Participaram do debate os senadores Paulo Paim, Marta Suplicy, Magno Malta, Marinor Brito, Cristovam Buarque, Lídice da Mata, Marcelo Crivella, Eduardo Suplicy e Sérgio Petecão. O registro e a transmissão do debate foram feitos pela TV Senado. O debate foi marcado por intensa discordância entre senadores favoráveis e contrários aprovação do projeto. O dissenso entre esses grupos marcou-se linguísticodiscursivamente de variadas formas, entre as quais destacamos a construção de analogias de que seus membros lançaram mão com o objetivo de justificar seus posicionamentos políticos e de argumentar em favor deles. A tese defendida neste trabalho é que as analogias, em virtude da seletividade que lhes é inerente, colaboram para a construção de conceptualizações da realidade, as quais podem ser manipuladas a depender dos objetivos argumentativos dos oradores. Pressupomos, pois, que as analogias utilizadas têm função argumentativa e podem influenciar a maneira como se conceptualiza o projeto de lei, seus defensores e aqueles que a ele se opõem a ele. Tendo isso em vista, este trabalho objetiva identificar e analisar qualitativamente as analogias empregadas, a fim de desvelar as representações do PLC 122/06 e dos debatedores com cuja criação elas colaboram. A fim de viabilizar a identificação e análise das analogias, procedeu-se à transcrição do registro do debate feito pela TV Senado, o qual ocupou aproximadamente 1h33 de uma sessão da comissão de Direitos Humanos e Legislação Participativa do Senado Federal. A transcrição do debate foi feita em conformidade com as orientações do Projeto de Estudos da Norma Linguística Urbana Culta de São Paulo (Projeto NURC-SP). Constituem a base teórica deste trabalho estudos nas áreas de Argumentação (PERELMAN & OLBRECHTS-TYTECA, 1996 [1958]), Estudos Cognitivos da Analogia (HOLYOAK, 2005; GENTNER & BOWDLE, 2008; GENTNER & FORBUS, 2011) e Estudos Críticos do Discurso (VAN DIJK, 2014, 2012, 2008, 2006), entre outros. A análise do corpus permitiu constatar que os grupos discordantes, por meio do recurso a analogias, negociam o significado da aprovação do PLC122/06 para a sociedade brasileira, ora defendendo uma pretensa aceitabilidade deste, ora negando-a. A análise permitiu, além disso, que se descrevessem os usos de analogias dos senadores em termos de nichos analógicos e amálgamas, os quais têm função estruturante e argumentativa no debate sob análise. / The stigma directed toward minority groups because of their religion, ethnicity, sexuality, genre and other features has been a debate topic in different parts of the world throughout the past decades. Brazil was no exception to that tendency. On December 8th, 2011, bill no. 122/2006, which aimed at outlawing prejudice against the LGBT community in Brazil, was debated by the Human Rights and Participative Legislation Committee of the Federal Senate. The bill, proposed by Federal Deputy Iara Bernardi, was a response to the alarming rates of crimes motivated by sex orientation and genre identity in Brazil. Senators Paulo Paim, Marta Suplicy, Magno Malta, Marinor Brito, Cristovam Buarque, Lídice da Mata, Marcelo Crivella, Eduardo Suplicy, and Sérgio Petecão participated in the debate, which was recorded and aired by TV Senado. The debate was characterized by profound dissensus between senators who were favorable and unfavorable to the approval of the bill. The dissensus between those two groups was marked linguistically and discursively in various ways, including analogies, which are used by senators to justify the political stands they take and to argument in favor of them. The thesis that is defended in this work is that, because analogies are intrinsically selective, they may create different conceptualizations of reality, which means that they may be manipulated to meet the argumentative objectives of the speakers. It is thus assumed that analogies in discourse have argumentative roles and may influence the way in which the bill, its supporters and its opponents are conceptualized. Considering that, the objective of this work is to identify and analyze qualitatively the analogies used by the senators, so that the conceptualizations of the project, its opponents and its supporters they suggest can be observed. The transcription of the debate has been done according to the guidelines published by the Project of Study of the Standard Urban Linguistic Norm of São Paulo (Projeto NURC-SP). The theoretical basis of this work is to be found in studies in the areas of Argumentation (PERELMAN & OLBRECHTS-TYTECA, 1996 [1958]), Cognitive Studies of Analogy (HOLYOAK, 2005; GENTNER & BOWDLE, 2008; GENTNER & FORBUS, 2011), Critical Discourse Studies (VAN DIJK, 2014, 2012, 2008, 2006), among others. The analysis of the corpus made possible to conclude that the two groups of senators, by means of analogies, negotiate the meaning of the approval of the bill for the Brazilian population, sometimes defending the acceptability of the bill, sometimes calling it into question. The analysis also allowed the proposal and description of the concepts of analogical niches and amalgams, which both structure the debate and are used for argumentation purposes.

Le sens des bêtes. Rhétoriques de l'anthropomorphisme au XIXe siècle / The Sense of the beasts. Rhetorics of anthropomorphism in the 19th century

Plas, Élisabeth 15 November 2017 (has links)
Ce travail propose de lire un moment de l’histoire littéraire française à travers le prisme de l’animal, et plus particulièrement de ses représentations anthropomorphes. À partir de la littérature et de la pensée du xixe siècle, il s’agit de complexifier une définition restrictive de la notion d’anthropomorphisme en réfléchissant au statut de l’animal dans l’imaginaire romantique. L’anthropomorphisme est traditionnellement considéré comme une perception du monde naïve et spontanée et cette tendance à douer les choses et les êtres d’émotions, d’intentions ou de réactions supposées propres aux hommes repose sur un raisonnement analogique qui est à l’origine de genres littéraires aussi universels que la fable ou d’autres types d’apologues, qui héritent de ce préjugé de simplicité : l’anthropomorphisme serait ce mode de représentation non réaliste, divertissant voire comique, qui n’instruit qu’au prix d’une distorsion de la réalité. Au xixe siècle émerge une nouvelle conception de l’animal, en rupture avec celle de l’âge classique. L’histoire naturelle et la pensée romantique découvrent des parentés profondes entre l’homme et l’animal, qui donnent à l’anthropomorphisme un fondement épistémologique et philosophique, mais aussi affectif et politique, puisque l’idée d’une continuité entre les vivants est l’un des piliers de l’argumentation républicaine en faveur de la protection, puis du droit des animaux, depuis la période révolutionnaire. À partir d’un corpus littéraire, philosophique et scientifique, et d’une attention à l’histoire des animaux, de leur statut et de leurs traitements, ce travail voudrait dresser un panorama des paradigmes analogiques par lesquels les hommes ont pensé leurs liens aux animaux dans la première moitié du xixe siècle. Cette période apparaîtra ainsi comme un moment important de la reconfiguration du symbolisme animal, qui invente une forme d’allégorie réaliste, conciliant souci de l’animal et confiance en l’analogie. / This work attempts to read a moment of French literary history through the lens of animals, and more specifically anthropomorphic representations of them. From the 19th literature and thought, it will put forward a less restrictive definition of the notion of anthropomorphism by considering the status of animals in the romantic imaginary. Anthropomorphism is traditionally perceived as a naïve and spontaneous perception of the world. This tendency to endow things and beings with emotions, intentions or reactions supposedly inherent to humans is based on an analogical thinking that underlies literary genres as universal as fables or other kinds of apologues, that are also seen as simple, as if anthropomorphism was only this non-realistic, entertaining and even comical, mode of representation, that educates only thanks to a distortion of reality. During the 19th century, a new conception of animals emerges, breaking with the classical era. Natural history and romantic philosophy discover deep similarities between men and animals, that provide anthropomorphism with an epistemological and philosophical basis, but also affective and political ones, since the idea of a continuity between the being is one of the pillars of republican thinking on animal protection and animal rights since the Revolution. Looking at literary, philosophical and scientific texts, but also at the history of animals, at their status and treatments, this work would like to provide an overview of analogical paradigms through which men have conceived their relationships with animals over the first half of the 19th century. This period will therefore appear as an important moment of the reconfiguration of animal symbolism, inventing a type of realistic allegory, combining the concern for animals and a faith in analogical thinking.

Átomos, elementos químicos, planetas e estrelas - concepções de Mendeleev sobre o mundo microscópico / Atoms, planets and stars - Mendeleev\'s concepts about the microscopic world

Flávia Alves dos Santos Pereira Baia 24 February 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar as concepções a respeito de átomos e elementos químicos, expressas pelo químico russo Dmitri I. Mendeleev (1834 - 1907). Para isso, recorremos a textos desse autor que foram traduzidos para o inglês, principalmente seu livro didático Principles of Chemistry, mas também os artigos \"An Attempt to Apply to Chemistry one of The Principles of Newton\"s Natural Philosophy\", (1889) e \"An Attempt towards a chemical conception of the ether\", (1902). No decorrer do século XIX, a hipótese atômica formulada por Dalton, e elaborada por outros químicos, ainda não era unanimemente aceita pela comunidade científica. Nesse contexto, observamos que Mendeleev se alinhava aos autores que tinham reservas quanto à realidade física dos átomos. Para compreender seus motivos, é importante considerar que os primeiros estudos científicos de Mendeleev se referiam aos chamados \"compostos indefinidos\", isto é, compostos que não obedeciam à lei das proporções múltiplas de Dalton. Mendeleev reconhecia que a hipótese atômica explicava uma série de fenômenos químicos, mas não era capaz de explicar os compostos indefinidos. Por outro lado, Mendeleev propôs uma clara distinção entre os conceitos de elemento químico e de corpo simples. Os elementos seriam entidades abstratas, portadoras da individualidade química, ideia considerada fundamental por Mendeleev e que o conduziu à formulação da lei periódica. Nos escritos analisados, Mendeleev fez uso, de maneira recorrente, da analogia entre o sistema solar e as moléculas. Nessa analogia, os planetas remetem à ideia de individualidade, essencial para a compreensão do conceito de elemento químico; mas, ao mesmo tempo, não remetem à ideia de indivisibilidade física - o ponto da hipótese atômica que por muito tempo foi objeto de descrença por parte de Mendeleev. / This work aims to analyze the concepts of atom and chemical elements, as presented in the writings of the Russian chemist Dmitri I. Mendeleev, (1834 - 1907). In this analysis were used English translations of Mendeleev\"s texts, especially his textbook Principles of Chemistry, but also the papers \"An Attempt to Apply to Chemistry one of The Principles of Newton\'s Natural Philosophy\", (1889) and \"An Attempt Towards a chemical conception of the ether\", (1902). During the nineteenth century, the atomic hypothesis, proposed by Dalton and elaborated by other chemists, was not unanimously accepted by the scientific community. In this context, one may note that Mendeleev was aligned with authors who had reservations about the physical reality of atoms. To understand his reasons, it is important to consider that the first scientific researches performed by Mendeleev were on the so-called indefinite compounds, that is, compounds that did not obey Dalton\"s law of multiple proportions. Mendeleev recognized that the atomic hypothesis explained a series of chemical phenomena, but it could not explain indefinite compounds. Moreover, Mendeleev proposed a clear distinction between the concepts of chemical elements and simple bodies. Elements were abstract entities with chemical individuality, a crucial idea to Mendeleev that led him to the proposition of the periodic law. In the analyzed texts, Mendeleev used, on a recurring basis, the analogy between the solar system and molecules. In this analogy, planets relate to the idea of individuality, which is essential to understand the concept of chemical element, but at the same time does not refer to the idea of physical indivisibility - the point of the atomic hypothesis that has long been subject to disbelief by Mendeleev.

Princípio da simetria e argumento analógico: o uso da analogia na resolução de questões federativas sem solução constitucional evidente / The symmetry principle and the argument by analogy

Leoncy, Léo Ferreira 12 April 2011 (has links)
A partir da premissa de que a ordem constitucional e, no âmbito desta, a ordem constitucional federativa constituem duas ordens jurídicas abertas e, nessa medida, tanto indeterminadas como incompletas, propõe-se um modelo decisório baseado no argumento por analogia como forma de fazer frente tanto ao problema das lacunas normativas como à questão das lacunas de indeterminação presentes naqueles dois sistemas jurídiconormativos, com vistas especialmente a resolver certas questões federativas sem solução constitucional evidente que ocupam o Supremo Tribunal Federal naquelas hipóteses em que normalmente a Corte invoca como postulado para a sua decisão um suposto princípio da simetria. / Based on the assumption that the constitutional order and the underlying federative constitutional order are two open legal orders and, in this sense, are indeterminate as well as incomplete, a decision matrix based on the argument by analogy is proposed. This approach would address the problem of the normative gaps and also the issue of the semantic gaps that exist in the above-mentioned legal systems. In particular, it would help in the resolution of specific federative issues devoid of a clear constitutional solution that are under review by the Brazilian Supreme Court and which are decided by the Court on the basis of a supposed symmetry principle.

Étude des conditions d'efficacité d'une analogie mécanique instrumentée pour l'enseignement de l'électrocinétique en terminale scientifique / Study of the conditions of effectiveness of a mechanical analogy instrumented for teaching the electrokinetic to scientific 12th grade students

Dequidt, Clotilde 03 December 2015 (has links)
Depuis plus de trente années, des recherches en didactique de la physique ont montré dans un grand nombre de pays que les élèves rencontrent des difficultés d'apprentissage en électricité et ce, quel que soit le niveau scolaire. Ces difficultés s’expliquent notamment par un certain nombre de conceptions qui viennent entraver la compréhension des phénomènes électriques. Pour palier ces difficultés, les didacticiens, et de fait les enseignants, utilisent des analogies plus ou moins adaptées et performantes. Pour réaliser notre travail de recherche, nous étudions une analogie innovante entre les domaines mécanique (domaine source) et électrique (domaine cible), cette analogie a la particularité d'être instrumentée, ce qui permet d'expérimenter dans le domaine source. Notre travail de recherche s’intéresse aux conditions d’efficacité de cette analogie pour l'apprentissage des élèves. La revue bibliographique dans les domaines de la didactique de la physique, l'ergonomie et la cognition incarnée a permis, dans un premier temps, d'établir un ensemble de conditions auxquelles doit répondre l'analogie pour être efficace. Notre travail a permis de montrer que cette analogie possède les critères requis pour être considérée comme une analogie potentiellement efficace. Dans un second temps, nous avons vérifié l'impact de la mise en oeuvre de cette analogie avec des élèves de terminale scientifique. Pour cela nous avons réalisé des questionnaires et des entretiens avec les élèves. Les résultats aux questionnaires mettent en évidence une efficacité moindre que celle que laissait supposer l'étude sur le potentiel didactique de l'analogie. C'est par le biais d'entretiens auprès des enseignants et d'enregistrements de cours qu'une très grande disparité d'utilisation de l'analogie a été repérée. L'étude des données recueillies permet de mieux comprendre les raisons qui expliquent la faible utilisation de l'analogie. Ces résultats ont permis la conception d'une première version d'un guide d'utilisation à destination des enseignants. / For over thirty years, research in didactics of physics have shown in many countries that students encounter learning difficulties in electricity and that, regardless of the grade level. These difficulties can be especially explained by a number of misconceptions that prevent the understanding of electrical phenomena. To overcome these difficulties, researchers in didactics and teachers use analogies which are more or less adapted and powerful. To achieve our research, we study an innovative mechanical analogy between mechanical domain (source domain) and electrical domain (target domain). This analogy has the feature of being instrumented, which allows to experiment in the source domain. Our research focusses on the conditions of effectiveness of this analogy for student learning. The literature review in physics, science education, ergonomics and embodied cognition allowed, firstly, to establish a set of conditions to be met by the analogy to be effective. Our work has shown that this analogy has the necessary criteria to be considered an effective analogy. Secondly, we tested the impact of the implementation of this analogy with scientific 12th grade students. For this, we made tests and interviews with students. The test results show a lower efficiency than suggested by the study of the potential of the analogy. Through interviews with teachers and course records, we note a great disparity of use of the analogy. The study of collected data allows to better understand the reasons of the low use of the analogy. These results allowed to design a first version of a manual for teachers.

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