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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Wine Jars Speak : A text study

Wahlberg, Eva-Lena January 2012 (has links)
The Wine Jars Speak: A text study. Reworked and translated from a Swedish MA thesis, Vinkärlsetiketterna berättar: En textstudie from 2008 in Egyptology, Uppsala University. This paper examines the texts written on shards from wine jars found at El-Amarna, Tutankhamun’s tomb (KV 62) and Deir el-Medina. Information concerning the administration of wine and its production, found in these texts, is examined. Wine was an important element in Egyptian society and a common iconographic motif in tombs at Thebes during New Kingdom. A survey on previous research on the subject is presented. This is followed by analysis of the different reoccurring elements found in the texts. A definition of the standard formulation of the wine jar label texts is given and the minimal level of information needed for the administration of wine production and distribution is identified.  The chapter of the analysis deals with the various types of information given in the label texts, such as date, wine classification, and function. The next chapter presents the words associated with the vineyard, the names of the institutions involved in the production and use of wine, and the place names that identify where wine production took place. The following chapter deals with the titles and personal names of the officials involved in wine production. This study shows that these small texts contribute to an understanding of wine production. They also display continuity in form that bridges the turbulence of the Amarna Period. The earlier examples of these texts do not have an ideological component. It is first with the Ramesside Period, and the more intrusive inclusion of the name of the King, that some ideological intent can be identified.

Pottery from the late period to the early Roman period from Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt / Pottery from Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt

Patten, Shirley Fay January 2000 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Macquarie University, Division of Humanities, Dept. of Ancient History, 2000. / Bibliography: p. 475-498. / PART I -- Thesis introduction -- Location, environment and routes of the Western Desert -- Cultural, historical and archaeological setting of Dakhleh Oasis -- Introduction to the vessel typology -- Introduction to the site catalogue -- Technology of pottery manufacture -- Fabrics and wares -- Conclusion -- PART II -- The vessel typology -- The site catalogue. / This thesis analyses a body of largely unpublished ceramic material from Dakhleh Oasis in the Western Desert of Egypt. The material is primarily from the survey of Dakhleh Oasis and the testing of sites by members of the Dakhleh Oasis Project and, except for some Phase 4 material recovered from excavations at Ismant el-Kharab, is unstratified. It covers a thousand years of Egyptian pottery-making from the eighth century BC to the late second century AD. -- A comprehensive survey of published and unpublished material from other sites in Egypt and adjacent regions has been undertaken to acquire comparative material for the pottery from Dakhleh Oasis. In addition, a study of the technical characteristics of the vessels that have remained accessible has been undertaken to describe and explain ancient pottery practices and to build up a framework for comparative purposes. -- With this body of information, a vessel typology divided into two series, each of which are further divided into two phases, has been devised and the chronology of the vessels determined. This ceramic typology has been used to compare surveyed sites of different utilisation - cemetery, settlement and temple sites - and to establish a dating system for these sites. The resulting chronology will be a guide to the determination of future excavations in the oasis and will assist in the on-going study of the socio-economic development of the oasis. The typology also provides a corpus of pottery for the processing of material from future excavations in Dakhleh Oasis and information for other ceramicists working in Egypt and elsewhere. -- The comparative survey of ceramic material from other sites demonstrates that Dakhleh Oasis, although a remote region in the Western Desert of Egypt, maintained contact with the Nile Valley and more distant areas. It also shows that, while this interaction influenced local pottery styles, the oasis retained and developed its own pottery traditions. -- In addition, a preliminary analysis has been made of fabrics and clays for descriptive purposes and to increase knowledge of the ancient ceramics from the oasis. -- A database has also been built to store and manipulate the information on this extensive body of ceramic material from Dakhleh Oasis. The pottery drawings have been produced in a format readily accessible for electronic transfer to researchers in the field of Egyptian ceramics. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / 498, [199] p. ill. (some col.), maps

La perception des rythmes quotidiens en Égypte ancienne / Perception of daily rhythms in Ancient Egypt

Salmas, Anne-Claire 26 February 2011 (has links)
Les études qui se sont intéressées au temps dans la culture pharaonique se sont pour la plupart attachées à l’analyse des rythmes récurrents, à caractère religieux. Pourtant, à côté de ce temps cosmique, les sources, textuelles comme iconographiques, permettent d’entrevoir en filigrane un temps des hommes que nous nous proposons d’étudier, en nous restreignant cependant au moment de la journée, unité fondamentale du vécu. Cette thèse poursuit donc un double objectif, induit par le double sens du mot « quotidien » : outre la nuance temporelle qu’il possède, il en vient à caractériser par glissement de sens ce qui a trait à la vie de tous les jours, ce qui est habituel et familier. En raison de son iconicité, l’écriture hiéroglyphique fournit d’emblée des informations sur la perception du temps quotidien, dont le vocabulaire est caractérisé par le disque solaire ; cependant, cette image permet plus largement de conceptualiser la notion abstraite de temps, qui ne possède pas d’équivalent dans la langue. En outre, nous nous sommes attachée à l’aspect quantitatif du temps quotidien, soit son découpage, fondé sur des repères (mouvements du soleil, changements de luminosité, couleurs du ciel et de la terre ou projection des ombres pour les heures) perceptibles pour les uns dans l’étude du lexique, pour les autres dans celle des instruments de mesure. Enfin, nous avons cherché à mettre en évidence l’aspect qualitatif du temps quotidien, soit la manière de vivre la journée et, inévitablement, la nuit, en dressant un bilan-temps de l’homme égyptien et en montrant l’hétérogénéité des pratiques temporelles. / The studies which tried to deal with time in the pharaonic civilization were often limited to the analysis of recurring rhythms of religious character. However, aside of this cosmic time, textual as well as iconographical sources allow to get a glimpse at a men’s time which we want to consider here by restricting the subject to the frame of the day, the fundamental unit of the everyday life. This thesis pursues a double objective, led by the double meaning of the word « daily » : besides the undeniable temporal nuance that it possesses, it can also characterize the matters of daily life by a shift in meaning, namely what’s usual and familiar. Regarding its iconicity, the hieroglyphic writing gives direct information on perception of daily time, the vocabulary of which is characterized by the sun disc ; however, this image gives a larger idea of the notion of time for which there is no comparison in the language. Besides, we also tried to take account of the quantitative aspect of the daily time, its divisions, based on benchmarks (movements of the sun, light changing, colours of the sky and the earth or shadow projections for hours) visible for ones through the study of the vocabulary, for others through the study of the measuring instruments. Finally, we tried to underline the qualitative aspect of the daily time, namely the way the day was live and, inevitably, the night, by giving a typical daytime schedule of the Egyptian and by showing the heterogeneity of the daily activities

The Origins of the State in Ancient Egypt / El origen del Estado en el antiguo Egipto

Seidlmayer, Stephan Johannes 10 April 2018 (has links)
Ancient Egypt counts among the few historical cases which document the origins of the state. In contrast to other regions, where state organization remained for a long period on the level of city states, an extensive territorial state emerged in Egypt at the end of the 4th millennium BCE. Archaeological research during the last few decades has revealed a wealth of new information. In particular the emergence of complex social, economic and political structures can be followed from the earlier part of the 4th millennium. Within the regional setting, the development of city-state like structures can be documented. In addition, large scale networks of communication and interaction, extending from the Levant south to the area of the 2nd cataract of the Nile, can be recognized which anticipated important structures and functions of the territorial state of dynastic Egypt. Thus the origins of the state can be anchored within a larger context of structural development. At the same time, the question needs to be addressed: how did social, economic and cultural structures later on develop within the political framework of the pharaonic state? / El antiguo Egipto está entre los pocos casos históricos que documentan los orígenes del Estado. En contraste con otras regiones donde la organización estatal permaneció por mucho tiempo en el nivel de ciudades-Estado, en Egipto surgió un extenso Estado territorial ya hacia fines del cuarto milenio a.C. La investigación arqueológica realizada durante las últimas décadas ha revelado una abundancia de nueva información. De manera particular, el surgimiento de la complejidad social y de las estructuras económicas y políticas se puede seguir desde la parte temprana del cuarto milenio. Dentro de este entorno regional se pueden reconocer tanto el desarrollo de estructuras de tipo ciudades-Estado como redes de comunicación e interacción de gran escala que alcanzaron desde el área sur del Levante hasta la Segunda Catarata del Nilo; estas últimas anticiparon estructuras y funciones importantes del Estado territorial del posterior Egipto dinástico. De este modo, los orígenes del Estado pueden ser determinados dentro de un contexto más grande de progreso estructural. Al mismo tiempo, el tema necesita ser abordado en el marco de cómo, más adelante, surgieron organizaciones sociales, económicas y culturales al interior del escenario político del Estado faraónico.

Vinkärlsetiketterna berättar : En textstudie / The Wine-jar labels tell a story : A study of the texts

Wahlberg, Eva-Lena January 2008 (has links)
This paper examines the texts written on shards from wine-jars found at El-Amarna, Tutankhamuns tomb (KV 62) and Deir el-Medina. Information concerning the administration of wine and its production, found in these texts, is examined. Wine was an important element in Egyptian society and a common iconographic motif in tombs at Thebes during New Kingdom. A survey on previous research on the subject is presented. This is followed by analysis of the different reoccurring elements found in the texts. A definition of the standard formulation of the wine jar label texts is given and the minimal level of information needed for the administration of wine production and distribution is identified.  The chapter of the analysis deals with the various types of information given in the label texts, such as date, wine classification, and function. The next chapter presents the words associated with the vineyard, the names of the institutions involved in the production and use of wine, and the place names that identify where wine production took place. The following chapter deals with the titles and personal names of the officials involved in wine production. This study shows that these small texts contribute to an understanding of wine production. They also display continuity in form that bridges the turbulence of the Amarna Period. The earlier examples of these texts do not have an ideological component. It is first with the Ramessid Period, and the more intrusive inclusion of the name of the King, that some ideological intent can be identified.

Enquête sur tit et djed dans le domaine funéraire, à partir de la documentation du Nouvel Empire / Investigation about tit et djed in funerary context, based on the documentation of the New Kingdom

Froppier, Elsa 08 December 2016 (has links)
Tit et djed sont les noms égyptiens de deux signes utilisés à la fois dans le système hiéroglyphique et dans le domaine iconographique, mais qui se matérialisent aussi sous forme d’objets (amulettes) intégrés aux rites funéraires ; ce triple emploi ayant longtemps empêché de définir distinctement leur nature. Leur apparition, remontant aux plus hautes époques de l’histoire de l’Égypte ancienne (Ire dynastie), montre déjà une affectation funéraire marquée des emblèmes, spécialisation qui ne cessera de progresser tout au long de cette vaste période, avec une nette transition au Nouvel Empire, justifiant le cadrage chronologique mais aussi la sélection du contexte funéraire pour notre étude. Celle-ci se propose d’examiner trois catégories principales de documents : les papyri du Livre des Morts, l’iconographie des tombes et les décors du mobilier funéraire, dans le but de comprendre les croyances et fonctions associées à l’emploi combiné des deux emblèmes, en tenant toujours compte des aspects politiques et religieux relatifs à l’institution pharaonique qui pourraient l’éclairer. / Tit and djed are the egyptian names of two signs employed at the same time in the hieroglyphic system and in the iconographic domain, but which materialize too in the form of objects (amulets) into the funerary rites ; this triple use long prevented to define their nature. Their occurrence, which dates from the first dynasty, already shows a funerary affectation of the emblems, specialization which continues to progress during this period, with a transition during the New Kingdom, justifying the chronological framing but also the selection of the funeral context for our study. This one intends to examine three main categories of documents : the Book of the Dead papyri, the iconography of the tombs and the decorations of the funeral furniture, in order to understand the beliefs and functions concerning both signs, always by taking into account political and religious aspects relative to the pharaonic institution, which could enlighten it.

Origin of the Egyptian Domestic Cat

Johansson, Carolin January 2012 (has links)
This study presents mitochondrial genome sequences from 22 Egyptian house cats with the aim of resolving the uncertain origin of the contemporary world-wide population of Domestic cats. Together with data from earlier studies it has been possible to confirm some of the previously suggested haplotype identifications and phylogeny of the Domestic cat lineage. Moreover, by applying a molecular clock, it is proposed that the Domestic cat lineage has experienced several expansions representing domestication and/or breeding in pre-historical and historical times, seemingly in concordance with theories of a domestication origin in the Neolithic Middle East and in Pharaonic Egypt. In addition, the present study also demonstrates the possibility of retrieving long polynucleotide sequences from hair shafts and a time-efficient way to amplify a complete feline mitochondrial genome.

Faience production and use in the Late Period Lower Egypt from an international perspective / Fajans produktion och användning under Egyptens senperiod ur ett internationellt perspektiv

Gullman-Strand, Felicia January 2023 (has links)
Faience objects were first produced in Egypt in the pre-Dynastic era and were since then deeply connected with ancient Egyptian material culture and everyday life. Faience has been used for vessels, jewellery and for religious objects and the techniques and trends have evolved over time. There is a great amount of faience objects excavated from Naukratis making it a suitable location for this study. This study has used a catalogue with objects excavated in Naukratis to identify trends, Greek and Egyptian faience, and the market for faience in Naukratis. By first introducing the location of Naukratis in the Late Period, the study then provides an overview over faience production techniques both from Egypt and Naukratis. This was then applied to the objects to distinguish reoccurring features and potential cultural influence on the faience production and demand. The aim was to show the exchange of production techniques between Greek and Egyptian faience which can be exemplified by the Greek technique for polychromatic faience showing up in Egyptian faience objects with traditionally Egyptian motifs. The objects revealed a demand for handcrafted faience with Egyptian motifs of animals, fertility gods and a design for both suspension and as standing decoration. This supports later day findings that the city of Naukratis was a city not only dedicated to Greek citizens but had a mixed population. It also showed that while the origin of a faience object is difficult to determine, influences of technique can still be seen. / Fajansobjekt var först skapade i Egyptens fördynastiska tid och har sedan haft en stark samanhörighet med gammal Egyptens materialkultur och vardag. Fajans har använts till att tillverka krukor, smycken och religiösa objekt och teknikerna samt trender från Naukratis har utvecklats över tiden. Det finns en stor del fajansobjekt utgrävda från Naukratis, vilket gör staden en lämplig stad för denna studie. Studien har använt en katalog med objekt utgrävda i Naukratis för att kartlägga trender, grekisk och egyptisk fajans, och marknaden för fajans i Naukratis. Det var sedan applicerad på objekten för att utskilja återkommande egenskaper och möjliga kulturella inflytanden på fajansens produktion och efterfrågan. Syftet var att visa utbyte av produktionstekniker för flerfärgad fajans som uppkommer i egyptisk fajans med traditionellt egyptiska motiv. Objekten visade en efterfrågan för handgjord fajans med egyptiska motiv av djur, fertilitetsgudar och en design som passar både för stående dekorationsobjekt men som också kan hängas upp. Detta stödjer nya diskussioner om att Naukratis inte bara var en stad dedikerad till grekiska medborgare men att staden hade en blandad befolkning. Det visar också att medan fajansobjektens ursprung var svårt att hitta, så kunde inflytande av tekniker fortfarande urskiljas

Ancient Egyptian furniture in context: from ancient production, preservation to modern-day reconstruction and conservation

Pepler-Harcombe, Aletta Maria 02 1900 (has links)
The dissertation investigates the ancient Egyptian furniture industry, from ancient production and preservation, to modern-day reconstruction and conservation. The main focus of the dissertation falls on an in-depth investigation of styles and designs that can be viewed as characteristic/diagnostic of ancient Egyptian furniture. Emphasis falls on the evolution of functional and decorative elements and the development of individual items. Key design markers are identified and the developments of certain styles are traced. In-depth discussions reveal the finer structural and design elements of individual items along a chronological time frame. These include beds, stools, chairs, footrests, couches, mattresses and cushions, boxes and chests, tables, bed canopies and screens. Introductory chapters provide the reader with background information relevant to the furniture industry, including tree species and timber properties, trade and import, tools, technologies and production methods, while the final chapter investigates the possible applications of modern technology for assessment, conservation and reconstructive purposes. / Old Testament and Ancient Near Eastern Studies / M.A. (Ancient Near eastern Studies)

The essence and use of perfume in ancient Egypt

Byl, Sheila Ann 02 1900 (has links)
The ancient Egyptians were famous for their exotic and luxury perfumes in the ancient world, even having cities that specialised in perfume production in the Ptolemaic Period, when they exported these perfumes all over the Mediterranean. They produced these perfumes, and other scented preparations, from aromatic plants, fats and oils. The deities were fragrant beings, imbued with the divine essence, and perfume was considered by the Egyptians to be the sweat of the god Ra. Some deities were specially linked to perfume, one of the most important being Nefertem, god of perfume and of the primordial fragrant blue lotus flower. Incense was to the Egyptians the ‘eye of Horus’, burnt as an offering to the deities in temples. Aromatic plant material was stored in perfume/unguent ‘laboratories’, and perfumers’ workshops produced the precious perfumed oils and unguents, used in the funerary context, rituals, ceremonies, festivals and banquets. / History / M.A.

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