Spelling suggestions: "subject:"android applicatication"" "subject:"android ratios:application""
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Evaluating the Performance of Android and Web Applications for the 2048 Game : Using FirebaseKokatam, Om Tejaswini, Pulimi, Pavithra Reddy January 2023 (has links)
Background: In the rapidly evolving field of game development, the demand for diverse platform support is increasingly significant. This thesis explores the creation of a Unity-based game compatible with both Web and Android platforms, addressing the rising need for cross-platform gaming experiences. The project aims for a comprehensive and adaptable methodology.Objectives: Our thesis aims to conduct a thorough performance comparison between an Android gaming application and a gaming web application, both featuring a similar user interface, using Firebase metrics. The evaluation will be performed on two designated devices, D1 and D2, measuring CPU load, network load, and memory usage. The research aims to provide insights into the performance variations of these applications while playing the 2048 game on specific devices. This investigation contributes to a deeper understanding of how different platforms and device specifications impact gaming experiences in terms of computational load and network responsiveness.Method: In our thesis, we optimize Unity as the main game engine, allowing for easy-platform-to-platform code exchange. To gather user information and performance metrics, it incorporates Firebase SDK(Software Development Kit), which includes Firebase Analytics and Firebase Performance SDK. Using Android Studio and VisualStudio Code as the main development tool and Firebase Hosting for web deployment, the project is exported for both Android and the Web. The test was conducted on two devices (D1 and D2) while playing the game 2048 for 30 seconds.Results: The result of our analysis shows the comparison of metrics for CPU, memory, and network load of 2048 games for web and Android applications for two devices d1 and d2. The Web D2 consumes more memory than Android D2. Web and Android D1 use similar amounts of memory. Coming to CPU load D2 consumes more than D1 for both Web and Android. The network for web D2 has more network load than web D1 and both Android D1, and D2 have similar network loadConclusions: In conclusion, the Android applications will provide a more streamlined user experience, notably in terms of CPU and network efficiency when compared to the Web app While Android D1 and Web D1 have comparable memory requirements, Web tasks, particularly on Web D2, and Android tasks, especially on AndroidD2, both need significant memory utilization.Keywords: Web application, Android application, Firebase, Unity, Test lab, Performance
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Development of a Rubiks Cube Solving Application for Android DevicesMirtes, Morgan Rene 09 December 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Αξιοποίηση κοινωνικών δεδομένων για την ανάπτυξη εφαρμογής για τους χρήστες κινητών συσκευώνΠαπαδόπουλος, Λεωνίδας 03 October 2011 (has links)
Όσο οι δυνατότητες των φορητών συσκευών, όπως κινητά τηλέφωνα, PDA’s, laptops και smartphones γίνονται ολοένα μεγαλύτερες, η αποθήκευση κοινωνικών δεδομένων σε αυτές έχει γίνει πλέον ανάγκη και τα κοινωνικά δίκτυα που αναπτύσσονται μέσω του internet έχουν κατακλίσει τον παγκόσμιο ιστό, τόσο μεγαλύτερη πρέπει να είναι και η ευκολία του χρήστη να χρησιμοποιήσει και να συγχρονίσει όλες αυτές τις πληροφορίες, σε όλες τις συσκευές που έχει στην κατοχή του χωρίς ιδιαίτερο κόπο.
Στην συγκεκριμένη διπλωματική παρουσιάζουμε ένα συνδυασμό android application και server services, που δίνει την δυνατότητα στον εκάστοτε χρήστη, που έχει στην κατοχή του λογαριασμό στο facebook και συσκευή με λειτουργικό σύστημα Android 1.6 (υπάρχει συμβατότητα μέχρι και το Android 2.3), να συγχρονίσει τις επαφές του κινητού τηλεφώνου του με αυτές από το facebook, εισάγοντας κοινωνικά δεδομένα, όπως ημερομηνία γέννησης, τελευταία ανανέωση του status και username, από την βάση δεδομένων του facebook σε κάθε αντίστοιχη επαφή που υπάρχει στο κινητό τηλέφωνο. Βασικός μας σκοπός ήταν η απλότητα στην χρήση της εφαρμογής και η ασφάλεια στην διακίνηση και αποθήκευση των κοινωνικών δεδομένων αφού πρόκειται για προσωπικές πληροφορίες του κάθε χρήστη.
Στην συνέχεια παρουσιάζουμε τις τεχνικές λεπτομέρειες και τέλος, τους μελλοντικούς μας στόχους και προτείνουμε προοπτικές για μελλοντική εργασία στο συγκεκριμένο θέμα. Στο παράρτημα παρατίθεται αναλυτικά όλος ο κώδικας που χρησιμοποιήθηκε για την ανάπτυξη αυτής της διπλωματικής εργασίας. / --
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GEOVIB : An Application to SupportVisually Impaired and Blind Children inFollowing Geometry LecturesSchmidt, Julia January 2017 (has links)
Inclusive education has increased in popularity over the last two decades. Inclusiveclassrooms consist of children from diverse backgrounds and with variousimpairments, with special educational needs. Children with special educationalneeds in vision require assistive tools to access visual information. Topics thatmake strong use of such information, e.g. geometry, can therefore be challengingfor children with visual impairments or blindness (VIB) as well as their teachers.Assistive tools like video magniers and physical objects in the shape ofgeometric gures are used to aid VIB in learning basic geometry. Researchershave investigated tools and applications to aid VIB in learning geometry byusing haptic or auditory feedback as well as combinations of these. However,the tools are often not created with considering the classroom environment. Tounderstand the situation and challenges of these two stakeholders (VIBs andtheir teachers) better, a preliminary questionnaire was conducted. Five participantsof each of the two groups lled out the questionnaires. A concept for anAndroid tablet application to convey pre-existing geometric shapes and theirannotations to VIB, using sound feedback and sonication was created andpartly developed in two incremental implementation phases. The shapes arerecreated on the tablet using elements like circles and paths and then enhancedwith sound feedback to guide VIB to the various elements. With an iterativedesign, the two prototype increments were evaluated. The rst evaluation wasan usability study. Using seven blindfolded, young adult participants, feedbackwas gathered on dierent combinations between sound, tactile, and vibrationfeedback, as well as the general usability of the application for an validation ofthe approach. Each participants was presented the dierent approaches in anotherorder. For each approach, they were asked to explore three basic geometricshapes and then, without blindfold, draw these shapes. The time for applicationinteraction was measured and overall observation notes were taken. After eachapproach a short questionnaire was given to the participant. Another longerquestionnaire was conducted after all approaches were tested. It was foundthat sound feedback alone is not sucient in precisely conveying the geometricshapes to the users. However, combined with tactile objects to mark positionsof vertices on the screen the result improved signicantly and this approach wasfavored by the participants. The usability of the application is good but hasroom for improvement. A study was conducted with two teachers as expertslater on with the second prototype version. Two teachers with several yearsof experience teaching geometry to VIB in inclusive settings were interviewedconcerning the expected usability of the application for VIB and in the classroom,as well as general challenges and possibilities of including the applicationinto geometry lectures. As the teachers were located in Germany, they weresent a video demonstrating the application. One interview was conducted overemail while the other was conducted over Skype. The only challenges identiedare the media anity of teachers and the reliability of technology. VIB are notexpected to face challenges in utilizing the application and teachers could havemore freedom in the geometric shapes they present to their class.
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iSmart taxi app / iSmart Taxi AppPashang-Gardi, Hemin January 2015 (has links)
iSmart Taxi är en Android mobilapplikation (app) för taxiförarna på iSmart Taxi AB. Förarna kan med hjälp av denna applikation rapportera deras körningar. Denna applikation har skapats med hjälp av ett REST-API för att interagera med databasen. Rapporten innehåller beskrivning om hur applikationen skapades och hur återkoppling från testfall som genomfördes av användarna påverkade applikationens design. / iSmart Taxi is a mobile application (app) for taxi drivers at iSmart TaxiAB. The application helps the drivers to register their fares on an Android mobile. A REST-API was build to interact with the database. The report contains a description of how the application was created and how the feedback from the tests conducted by the users affected application design.
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Design and Development of a Comprehensive and Interactive Diabetic Parameter Monitoring System - BeticTrackChowdhury, Nusrat 01 December 2019 (has links)
A novel, interactive Android app has been developed that monitors the health of type 2 diabetic patients in real-time, providing patients and their physicians with real-time feedback on all relevant parameters of diabetes. The app includes modules for recording carbohydrate intake and blood glucose; for reminding patients about the need to take medications on schedule; and for tracking physical activity, using movement data via Bluetooth from a pair of wearable insole devices. Two machine learning models were developed to detect seven physical activities: sitting, standing, walking, running, stair ascent, stair descent and use of elliptical trainers. The SVM and decision tree models produced an average accuracy of 85% for these seven activities. The decision tree model is implemented in an app that classifies human activity in real-time.
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Kontejner pro migrující softwarové komponenty bežící na OS Android / A Container for Migratating Software Components Running on Android OSŠčešňák, Vladimír January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with creating a container for the migration components that are used on the Android operating system, how they operate and distribute, the life cycle of the container, and the ability to customize other components for this container. The work deals with the analysis of the Android operating system, existing solutions, the design of the own container and the way of distributing the components on the devices where the container is used. The next section describes the implementation of the server component that distributes components. It also deals with the implementation of container-containing library and a sample application that illustrates how it is possible to link all these elements together.
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Automated Bacterial Lighting System : An Agriculture Technology Solution with Focus on User ExperienceJäger, Viktor, Pazirai, Sebastian January 2021 (has links)
Technology in agriculture has in recent years gone from being traditional equipment for agriculture to digital monitoring systems, data collection, and optimization of various processes. The technology within the agriculture domain is called AgTech. Agricam is an AgTech company that have developed a product called Bacticam that combines software, hardware, and veterinary expertise to solve problems in milk production for farmers. Bacticam is a station for bacterial cultivation that is located on the farm and operated by the farmer. Bacticam enables farmers to grow bacteria and analyze milk samples on the farm, with the help of artificial intelligence (AI), to determine the condition of the milk and the overall health conditions of the cow. Bacticam analyses bacterial colonies by taking two photographs of the bacterial growth on the milk samples. These two photographs are taken within certain time intervals with two different light settings to highlight certain parts of the bacterial growth sample images for analysis. The process of photographing the samples is done by using a fixed Android mobile phone. Today, the Bacticam requires the user to switch the light settings manually which poses a risk of contamination to every analyzed sample. A solution to this problem would be to automate the change of light setting during the photography process by connecting custom control electronics, through Bluetooth, to the Android device. The problem explored in this thesis is the lack of designs of systems that control lighting remotely from Android devices and custom control electronics through a Bluetooth interface with a focus on customer experience (CE) and developer experience (DE). The goal is to contribute to new solutions in the AgTech domain with a focus on CE and DE. The result to the stated problem is called the Automatic Bacterial Lighting System (ABLS), which automates the process of changing the light setting during the photography process of bacterial colonies in milk samples for the Bacticam. The ABLS increase the reliability of the Bacticam by reducing the number of interactions the customer has to perform. The ABLS have been developed to establish a stable Bluetooth connection between an Android device and custom control electronics with a focus on both CE and DE. A literature study was conducted prior to the development of the ABLS to explore the domain and gain a better understanding of the issue at hand. / Teknik inom jordbruk har under de senaste åren gått från att enbart bestå av klassisk utrustning för jordbruk till digitala övervakningssystem, datainsamlingar samt IT optimeringar av diverse processer. Dessa moderna tekniklösningar inom jordbruksdomänen kallas för AgTech. Agricam är ett AgTech företag som har utvecklat en produkt som heter Bacticam, som kombinerar mjukvara, hårdvara samt veterinärkompetens för att lösa problem inom mjölkproduktion för mjölkbönder. Bacticam är en station för bakterieodling och sköts och hanteras på gården av mjölkbonden. Bacticam gör det möjligt för mjölkbönder att odla bakterier och analysera mjölkprover på sin gård med hjälp av en AI, för att på så sätt fastställa kvaliteten på mjölken samt kons hälsotillstånd. Bacticam analyserar bakteriekolonier genom att ta två bilder på bakterietillväxten på mjölkproverna. Dessa bilder tas inom vissa tidsintervall med två olika ljussättningar för att skapa en ordentlig profil av bakterieodlingen. Processen med att ta de två fotografierna görs med hjälp av en fastmonterad Androidmobiltelefon. I nuläget kräver Bacticam att användaren byter ljusinställningen manuellt under fotograferingen. Detta innebär en risk för kontaminering vid varje analyserat prov som tas. En lösning på detta problem är att automatisera bytet av ljussättningen under fotograferingsprocessen genom att ansluta styrelektronik till Androidmobiltelefonen via Bluetooth. Problemet som denna avhandling hanterar är bristen på kunskap om utformning av system som fjärrstyr belysning från Androidenheter via ett Bluetoothgränssnitt med hjälp av anpassad styrelektronik med ett fokus på kund- och utvecklarupplevelse. Målet var att bidra till nya lösningar inom AgTech-domänen med fokus på kund- och utvecklarupplevelse. Resultatet till det angivna problemet är döpt till Automatic Bacterial Ligting System (ABLS) och automatiserar ljussättningen under fotograferingsprocessen för att på så vis öka tillförlitligheten på Bacticam genom att minska antalet interaktioner som krävs av användare för att hantera Bacticam. ABLS har utvecklats för att skapa en stabil Bluetoothanslutning mellan en Androidenhet och anpassad styrelektronik med fokus på både kund- och utvecklarupplevelse. En litteraturstudie gjordes inför utvecklandet av ABLS för att bekräfta att avhandlingsproblemet var unikt samt att ABLS därför skulle lösa ett unikt problem. En utvärderingsmodell upprättades för att underlätta analysen samt bekräfta validiteten av ABLS.
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A Mobile Platform for Measuring Air Pollution in Cities using Gas SensorsMölder, Mikael January 2018 (has links)
Although air pollution is one of the largest threats to human health, the data available to the public is often sparse and not very accurate nor updated. For example, there exists only about 5-10 air quality measuring points across the city of Stockholm. This means that the available data is good in close proximity of the sensing equipment but can differentiate much only a couple of blocks away. In order for individuals to receive up to date information around a larger city, stationary measurements are not sufficient enough to get a clear picture of how the current state of the air quality stands. Instead, other methods of collecting this data is needed, for instance by making the measurements mobile. GOEASY is a project financed by the European Commission where Galileo, Europe’s new navigational service, is used to enable more location-based service applications. As part of the GOEASY project is the evaluation of the potential of collaborative applications where users are engaged to help individuals affected by breathing-related diseases such as asthma. This thesis presents the choice of architecture and the implementation of a mobile platform serving this purpose. Using sensors mounted on a range of objects real time air quality data is collected and made available. The result is a mobile platform and connected Android application which by utilizing air quality sensors, reports pollution measurements together with positional coordinates to a central server. Thanks to the features of the underlying systems used, this provides a platform which is accurate and more resilient to exploits compared to traditional location-based services available today. The result allows individuals with respiratory conditions to receive much more accurate and up to date information in a larger resolution. It also serves the purpose of demonstrating the potential of the supporting technology as part of the GOEASY project. / Trots att föroreningar i luften är bland de största hoten mot mänsklig hälsa är den information som finns tillgänglig för allmänheten ofta både gles och inte tillräckligt noggrann eller uppdaterad. Till exempel finns det i hela Storstockholm endast mellan 5–10 luftkvalitetstationer som mäter föroreningar. Detta innebär att den data som finns tillgänglig är bra i närheten av mätutrustningen men kan skilja sig mycket enbart ett par kvarter bort. För att öka mängden information som är tillgänglig till allmänheten räcker inte längre enbart de stationära lösningarna som finns idag för att visa hur de rådande halterna av föroreningar står sig. Andra metoder måste införas, exempelvis genom att nyttja mobila mätningar från en plattform som kan röra sig fritt. GOEASY är ett projekt finansierat av den Europeiska Kommissionen, där Galileo, Europas nya navigationssystem används för att tillåta fler platsbaserade tjänster att äntra marknaden. Som en del av GOEASY projektet ingår evalueringen av potentialen i en applikation där användare samlar in data för att hjälpa individer med andningssvårigheter som astma. Denna avhandling presenterar valen till arkitekturen samt implementationen av en mobil plattform som en del av GOEASY. Lösningen använder sig av mobila luftkvalitetsensorer som kan monteras på en rad olika objekt som samlar data i realtid som görs tillgänglig för allmänheten. Resultatet är en mobil plattform och tillhörande Android applikation som med hjälp av luftkvalitetsensorer rapporterar halten av olika skadliga föroreningar tillsammans med platsinformation till en central server. Tack vare egenskaperna av de underliggande systemen som används, skapas en plattform som är mycket mer precis när det gäller positionering jämfört med liknande system som finns tillgängligt. Det resulterande systemet gör det möjligt för individer med andningssvårigheter att få tillgång till noggrannare samt mer uppdaterad information i större utsträckning än vad som för närvarande är tillgängligt. Systemet fyller även syftet med att demonstrera potentialen i den bakomliggande teknologin som en del av GOEASY.
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Patalpų apsaugos sistemos kūrimas Arduino mikrokontroleriu / Development of the Premises Security System Using Arduino MicrocontrolerMotuzas, Armandas 16 July 2014 (has links)
Darbe buvo susipažinta su apsaugos sistemomis, Arduino platforma ir Android sistema. Projektuojant standartinę apsaugos sistemą su Arduino mikrokontroleriu, buvo pasirinktos tinkamiausios dalys. Rasti ir išanalizuoti galimi komunikavimo būdai tarp Arduino platformos ir Android operacinės sistemos. Pasirinktu geriausiu komunikavimo būdu, buvo realizuota standartinė apsaugos sistema, kurią galima valdyti nuotoliniu būdu internetiniu puslapiu arba Android programėle. / In this Project were been familiarized with security systems, Arduino platform and Android system. Designing a standart security system with Arduino microcontroller was choosen the most suitable components. Was choosed and analized possible ways to communicate between the Arduino platform and the Android operating system. Choosen best way of comunication, has been realized in standart security system that can be operated by remote with web page or Android application.
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