Spelling suggestions: "subject:"anger"" "subject:"inger""
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Ardeur et vengeance : anthropologie de la colère au XVIIe siècle / Heat and revenge : anthropology of anger in the 17th centuryLe Floc'h, Justine 02 December 2019 (has links)
L’objectif de cette étude est de déterminer comment la pensée et l’imaginaire de la colère se façonnent en France au XVIIe siècle à partir d’un corpus large de littérature morale, comprenant des traités de médecine, de théologie, de philosophie, de morale et de civilité. La colère compte alors parmi les passions et se définit, conformément à la proposition aristotélicienne, comme un désir de vengeance qui fait suite à une marque de mépris et qui se manifeste dans le corps par un bouillonnement de sang autour du cœur. Elle est également une des quatre humeurs du système médical hippocratico-galénique : la bile jaune (cholè) menace les colériques de fièvres et autres inflammations. Associée à une folie et à un vice chez Sénèque, l’Ire figure enfin dans le septenaire des péchés capitaux, aux côtés de l’Orgueil et de l’Envie. Mais l’anthropologie chrétienne lui reconnaît également de bons usages, et tout l’effort des moralistes, médecins et théologiens de l’époque moderne est de déterminer comment concilier la dimension naturelle et physiologique de la passion avec l’aspiration à la vertu dans l’usage du monde. Ces auteurs encouragent au gouvernement des passions, à la fois dans une démarche charitable, et afin de favoriser leur usage rhétorique dans la mise en scène de soi sur la scène mondaine. Notre étude contribue à l’histoire des émotions de l’époque moderne par l’analyse des discours qui ont forgé les représentations et l’imaginaire de la colère. En déployant le modèle topique de la colère à partir de la littérature morale, considérée comme une formation discursive composée des différents champs du savoir, elle participe à l’anthropologie historique de l’affectivité. / This study aims to determine how the representations of anger were built in France in the 17th century from a broad collection of moral literature, including treatises on medicine, theology, philosophy, morals and civility. Anger was counted among the passions and defined, according to the Aristotelian proposal, as a desire for revenge caused by a perception of contempt, which manifests itself in the body with blood boiling around the heart. Anger (colère) was then correlated with choler, which is one of the four humors of the Hippocratic and galenic medicine (cholè): yellow bile causes fever and other kinds of inflammation. Considered as a form of madness and a vice by Seneca, the Ire finally appeared in the septenary scheme of the deadly sins, alongside Pride and Envy. But Christian anthropology also acknowledged its good uses, and the whole effort of the moralists, doctors and theologians of the early modern period was to determine how to reconcile the natural and physiological dimension of passion with the aspiration to virtue for the use of world. These authors encouraged the government of passions, both in a charitable perspective, and to promote their rhetorical use for self-staging in society.Our study contributes to the history of emotions in early modern France by analyzing the discourses that built the representations and the imagination of anger. By deploying the topical model of anger from a collection of moral literature considered as a discursive formation composed of different fields of knowledge, it participates in developing the historical anthropology of affectivity.
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Hopelessness Depression as a Predictive Risk Factor for Recidivism and Survival Time Among Juvenile OffendersMcGinnis, Todd Milton 01 January 2017 (has links)
In the United States, there is a high incidence of recidivism among juvenile offenders with mental health disorders. This is a critical social issue facing the public and the Department of Juvenile Justice Administration today. However, research is not clear on the role of psychological factors in recidivism frequency and survival time. The purpose of this study was to examine whether hopelessness depression, as measured by suicidal-ideation, depression-anxiety, anger-irritation, and alcohol-drug use, and offense type, were predictors of recidivism frequency and survival time when controlling for age, gender, and race. The total sample consisted of archival data from 404 juvenile offenders between the ages 13 and 19, who were detainees in the Juvenile Detention facility between January 1, 2009, and December 31, 2012. Data consisted of scores from the Massachusetts Youth Screening Instrument, which is part of the standard intake screening at time of booking. A hierarchical regression analysis indicated a collective significant predictive relationship between age, gender, race, suicidal-ideation, depression-anxiety, anger-irritation, alcohol-drug-use, and recidivism frequency and survival time. Posthoc analyses of variance indicated statistically significant differences in alcohol-drug-use and anger-irritation levels between races. However, the multiple linear regression indicated that suicidal-ideation and depression-anxiety did not significantly predict either recidivism frequency or survival time. Results could enable juvenile justice staff to detect hopelessness depression among juvenile reoffenders at an earlier stage and offer better treatment aimed at reducing future occurrences of youth recidivism, thereby benefitting individuals as well as society.
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Buddhist Teacher Responses to Sexual Violence: Race, Gender, and Epistemological Violence in American BuddhismBuckner, Ray Moishe January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Alexithymia Is Associated With Deficits in Visual Search for Emotional Faces in Clinical DepressionSuslow, Thomas, Günther, Vivien, Hensch, Tilman, Kersting, Anette, Bodenschatz, Charlott Maria 31 March 2023 (has links)
Background: The concept of alexithymia is characterized by difficulties identifying and
describing one’s emotions. Alexithymic individuals are impaired in the recognition of
others’ emotional facial expressions. Alexithymia is quite common in patients suffering
from major depressive disorder. The face-in-the-crowd task is a visual search paradigm
that assesses processing of multiple facial emotions. In the present eye-tracking study,
the relationship between alexithymia and visual processing of facial emotions was
examined in clinical depression.
Materials and Methods: Gaze behavior and manual response times of 20 alexithymic
and 19 non-alexithymic depressed patients were compared in a face-in-the-crowd task.
Alexithymia was empirically measured via the 20-item Toronto Alexithymia-Scale. Angry,
happy, and neutral facial expressions of different individuals were shown as target and
distractor stimuli. Our analyses of gaze behavior focused on latency to the target face,
number of distractor faces fixated before fixating the target, number of target fixations,
and number of distractor faces fixated after fixating the target.
Results: Alexithymic patients exhibited in general slower decision latencies compared
to non-alexithymic patients in the face-in-the-crowd task. Patient groups did not differ
in latency to target, number of target fixations, and number of distractors fixated prior
to target fixation. However, after having looked at the target, alexithymic patients fixated
more distractors than non-alexithymic patients, regardless of expression condition.
Discussion: According to our results, alexithymia goes along with impairments in
visual processing of multiple facial emotions in clinical depression. Alexithymia appears
to be associated with delayed manual reaction times and prolonged scanning after
the first target fixation in depression, but it might have no impact on the early search
phase. The observed deficits could indicate difficulties in target identification and/or
decision-making when processing multiple emotional facial expressions. Impairments
of alexithymic depressed patients in processing emotions in crowds of faces seem not
limited to a specific affective valence. In group situations, alexithymic depressed patients
might be slowed in processing interindividual differences in emotional expressions
compared with non-alexithymic depressed patients. This could represent a disadvantage
in understanding non-verbal communication in groups.
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Érinyes-héroïne ; suivi de, Performativité de la violence dans Travesties-kamikaze et Filles-commandos bandées de Josée YvonLampron, Clarence 08 1900 (has links)
Mémoire en recherche-création / Ce mémoire en recherche-création explore les différentes stratégies scripturales par lesquelles la violence au féminin s'inscrit dans la littérature. La partie « création » de ce mémoire se compose de poèmes féministes qui mettent en scène la violence à travers un chœur de voix féminines et hétérodoxes. Le recueil de poèmes est un hommage à plusieurs auteures féministes, afin de l'inscrire dans une filiation. Ils sont marqués par un ton manifestaire inhérent à la communauté sororale qui émerge de l'écriture. Les voix qui portent la création sont incarnées dans des corps grotesques, permettant de déstabiliser la notion hétéronormative du genre féminin. Les poèmes sont travaillés à la manière du fanzine : ils se situent en marge de l'institution littéraire de par la volonté de transgression qui en émane grâce aux procédés typographiques et langagiers. Ce sont des poèmes de l'oralité qui ont été conçus pour être dits, hurlés, beuglés. Les textes mettent en place une poétique de la guérilla et du terrorisme au féminin, où les bombes langagières ne laisseront personne tranquille.
Fondée sur la manière dont la violence se déploie dans l'écriture de Josée Yvon, la partie « recherche » de ce mémoire s'intéresse à l'émergence d'un féminin construit hors des cadres hégémoniques à travers la colère, l'abject et la parole injurieuse. Dans Filles-commandos bandées (1976) et Travesties-kamikaze (1980), l'écrivaine donne à entendre les cris et les aboiements des « filles », qui par la rage, s'unissent d'une seule voix pour entreprendre une véritable révolte contre l'ordre établi. Afin que leur insurrection soit possible, l'auteure massacre la langue par divers procédés discursifs, façonnant ainsi une poétique fondée sur l'excès. Pour que cette langue châtiée puisse s'incarner dans le texte, elle doit être portée par des corps marqués du sceau de l'abject, au sens où l'entend Julia Kristeva dans Pouvoirs de l'horreur (1980). La mise en spectacle des corps abjects opère une réelle résistance, bouleversant les codes de la représentation. C'est par la réappropriation du discours haineux que les personnages yvoniens pourront investir l'abjection pour construire leur agentivité. Grâce à la « resignification » conceptualisée par Judith Butler (2004), Josée Yvon fait advenir dans le langage patriarcal un sujet féminin qui peut utiliser la parole violente comme lieu d'identification positive. Ce mémoire se penche donc sur la manière dont les « filles » yvoniennes ne sont plus des victimes-objets violentées, mais bien des sujets parlants et violents. / This research-creation dissertation explores the different scriptural strategies with which female violence is inscribed in literature. The “creation” part of this dissertation is made up of feminist poems that stage violence through a chorus of female and heterodox voices. The collection of poems is a tribute to several feminist authors, placing creation in a lineage. They are marked by a manifest tone inherent to the sisterhood community that emerges from the writing. The voices carrying the texts come to life in grotesque and sexual bodies, making it possible to destabilize the heteronormative notion of the female gender. The poems are worked in the style of a fanzine: they are located next to the literary institution by the will to transgress which emanates through typographical and photo-literary processes. These are oral poems that were created to spoken, shouted, barked. The texts set up a poetics of guerrilla and feminine terrorism, where language bombs will not leave any reader indifferent.
Based on the way in which violence unfolds in Josée Yvon's writing, the “research” part of this dissertation explores the emergence of a femininity constructed outside hegemonic standards through anger, abject and insultable speech. In Filles-commandos bandées (1976) and Travesties-kamikaze (1980), the writer grants a voice to the cries and barks of her “girls”, who in rage, unite as a single voice to undertake a real revolt against the established order. For their insurrection to be possible, she massacres the language by various discursive processes, thus shaping a poetics based on excess. In order for this chastened language to be take shape in the text, it must be worn by bodies marked with the seal of the abject, in the sense that Julia Kristeva understands it in Powers of Horror (1980). The staging of abject and grotesque bodies operates a true resistance, upsetting the codes of representation. It is through the reappropriation of hate speech that the characters will be able to invest abjection to build their agency. Thanks to the “resignification” of Judith Butler (2004), Josée Yvon brings in patriarchal language a female subject who can use violent speech as a place of positive identification. This dissertation therefore examines the way in which Yvon's “girls” are no longer abused victim-objects, but rather loud and violent subjects.
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No description available.
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Divine Struggles: Parents' Contributions and Attachment to God as a MediatorHomolka, Steffany J. January 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Turning Outrage into Disgust: The Emotional Basis of Democratic Backsliding in HungaryDeBell, Paul Armstrong 21 November 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Dating Violence Attitudes, Experiences and Perceptions of Women in College: An Indian ContextSom, Anurag 10 November 2006 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to understand the attitudes, perceptions and experiences of college women in modern India with regard to intimate partner violence, specifically dating violence. Surveys were collected from 489 undergraduate female participants. Only 99 participants (20%) were or had been in a dating relationship. The participants in this study self reported both perpetrating and receiving violence in these relationships. A significant positive relationship was found between dating violence perpetration and victimization and four risk factors: witnessing and experiencing abuse in one's family of origin, attitudes justifying wife beating, and problem behaviors associated with alcohol use. A significant negative relationship was found between anger management skills and the perpetration and victimization of violence in dating relationships. Finally, even though the rate of dating and alcohol use is low in India, the problem behaviors associated with these phenomena are very similar to those identified in the United States.
Although much is known about domestic violence and wife assault in the Indian context, there is almost no information or effort in the direction of prevention and education in the realm of dating violence. While India is advancing technologically, creating new opportunities for its youth, there is no simultaneous effort being made to protect its youth from risks of urbanization and cultural shifts. The young adults of India today are joining the global economy. However, there is no system put in place to educate and nurture their social and cultural evolution. Findings from this study suggest that as the youth open themselves up to the culture of dating and premarital courtship, there needs to be a parallel effort made to educate and train them about healthy relationships. / Master of Science
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A Comparison of Three Groups of Undergraduate College Males--Physically Abusive, Psychologically Abusive, and Non-Abusive: a Quantitative AnalysisLundeberg, Kirsten Marie 16 October 1999 (has links)
This study compares three groups of undergraduate college males in heterosexual dating relationships: those who are physically and psychologically abusive (n=39), those who are solely psychologically abusive (n=44), and those who are non-abusive (n=34). These three groups are compared along the following variables: self-reported history of experiencing family of origin violence; self-reported history of witnessing family of origin violence; level of self-reported impulsivity; level of self-reported satisfaction with life; level of self-reported alcohol use; level of self-reported relationship satisfaction; and amount of self-reported anger management skill. An analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed significant main effects among the three groups of males along several of the variables examined (Wilks' Lambda F = 4.80, df = 10, 220, p <.001). Post hoc tests revealed significant differences among the three groups of males.
This study revealed that these three groups differ significantly along their levels of alcohol use (F = 10.16, p <.001), their reported levels of relationship satisfaction (F = 4.23, p <.05), and their levels of anger management skills (F = 14.56, p<.001). This information can be helpful to clinicians and educators who are working with college populations. It would seem that psychoeducation might be useful for some of these men so that they might develop alternatives to violence, and may hopefully decrease the risk factors associated with the perpetration of relationship violence. Intervening early and effectively with these dating relationships can be a substantive step towards preventing the escalation and maintenance of violence in relationships. / Master of Science
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