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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pokročilé algoritmy fúze 3D medicínských dat pro specifické lékařské problémy / Advanced Algorithms for 3D Medical Image Data Fusion in Specific Medical Problems

Malínský, Miloš January 2013 (has links)
Fúze obrazu je dnes jednou z nejběžnějších avšak stále velmi diskutovanou oblastí v lékařském zobrazování a hraje důležitou roli ve všech oblastech lékařské péče jako je diagnóza, léčba a chirurgie. V této dizertační práci jsou představeny tři projekty, které jsou velmi úzce spojeny s oblastí fúze medicínských dat. První projekt pojednává o 3D CT subtrakční angiografii dolních končetin. V práci je využito kombinace kontrastních a nekontrastních dat pro získání kompletního cévního stromu. Druhý projekt se zabývá fúzí DTI a T1 váhovaných MRI dat mozku. Cílem tohoto projektu je zkombinovat stukturální a funkční informace, které umožňují zlepšit znalosti konektivity v mozkové tkáni. Třetí projekt se zabývá metastázemi v CT časových datech páteře. Tento projekt je zaměřen na studium vývoje metastáz uvnitř obratlů ve fúzované časové řadě snímků. Tato dizertační práce představuje novou metodologii pro klasifikaci těchto metastáz. Všechny projekty zmíněné v této dizertační práci byly řešeny v rámci pracovní skupiny zabývající se analýzou lékařských dat, kterou vedl pan Prof. Jiří Jan. Tato dizertační práce obsahuje registrační část prvního a klasifikační část třetího projektu. Druhý projekt je představen kompletně. Další část prvního a třetího projektu, obsahující specifické předzpracování dat, jsou obsaženy v disertační práci mého kolegy Ing. Romana Petera.

Förebygger kirurgiska munskydd infektion hos patienten vid interventionell radiologi? : en litteraturöversikt / Surgical face masks as infection prevention in interventional radiology : a literature review

Wiippa, Beatrice, Azarnia, Sadaf January 2018 (has links)
Introduktion: Ett av röntgensjuksköterskans ansvarsområden är att förebygga spridning av vårdrelaterade infektioner, och inom interventionell radiologi innebär detta att arbeta med aseptisk teknik. Munskydd har varit standard inom kirurgi i ett århundrade men inom interventionell radiologi saknas nationella riktlinjer för dess användande, trots att den sterila tekniken i övrigt är densamma. Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturöversikt var att klargöra huruvida kirurgiska munskydd kan förebygga infektion hos patienten vid interventionell radiologi. Metod: Studien genomfördes som en allmän litteraturöversikt enligt Friberg (2017) för att sammanställa kunskapsläget inom området. Tolv kvantitativa artiklar hittades genom systematisk litteratursökning i PubMed. Artiklarna kvalitetsgranskades, analyserades och resultatet presenterades i två huvudkategorier. Resultat: Munskydd har ingen påvisad effekt att förebygga postoperativa sårinfektioner vid kirurgi eller coronarangiografi men förhindrar till viss del spridning av bakterier. Slutsats: Forskningen på munskydd är begränsad vilket gör det svårt att dra några slutsatser. Fler studier som fokuserar på munskydds effektivitet inom interventionell radiologi behövs. Författarna anser att munskydd inom interventionell radiologi inte bör vara obligatoriskt utan upp till varje avdelning att från fall till fall bestämma huruvida det ska användas eller inte. / Introduction: One of the radiographer's responsibilities is to prevent the spread of healthcare-associated infections. In interventional radiology, this means working with aseptic technique. Surgical face mask protection has been the standard of surgery for a century, but in interventional radiology there are no national guidelines for its use, even though the sterile technique is the same. Aim: The aim of this study was to clarify whether surgical face masks prevent infection in patient in interventional radiology. Methodology: A literature review (Friberg, 2017) has been done to identify the current knowledge in the field. The study includes twelve quantitative articles collected through a systematic literature search in PubMed. After quality review the articles were analyzed and presented into two main categories. Result: Concerning postoperative wound infections, there is no strong evidence to prove that using surgical face masks prevents infections during surgery or coronary angiography. However, using such mask prevents the spread of bacteria to some extent. Conclusion: Research on oral protection is limited, making it difficult to draw any conclusions. A set of new tests are needed to identify the effect of using mask in today’s interventional radiology. Based on the results of the studies, it can be concluded that: generally, mouth protection within interventional radiology should not be mandatory. However, each radiology department need to consider the operating condition and status of the patient and decide if the personal should follow mouth protection process.

Modèles de Mumford-Shah pour la détection de structures fines en image / Mumford-Shah model for detection of fine structures in image processing

Vicente, David 14 September 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse est une contribution au problème de détection de fines structures tubulaires dans une image2-D ou 3-D. Nous avons plus précisément en vue le cas des images angiographiques. Celles-ci étant bruitées, les vaisseaux ne se détachent pas nettement du reste de l’image, la question est donc de segmenter avec précision le réseau sanguin. Le cadre théorique de ce travail est le calcul des variations eten particulier l'énergie de Mumford-Shah. Cependant, ce modèle n'est adapté qu'à la détection de structures volumiques étendues dans toutes les directions de l’image. Le but de ce travail est donc deconstruire une énergie qui favorise les ensembles qui ne sont étendus que dans une seule direction, cequi est le cas de fins tubes. Pour cela, une nouvelle inconnue est introduite, une métrique Riemannienne,qui a pour but la détection de la structure géométrique de l’image. Une nouvelle formulation de l’énergie de Mumford-Shah est donnée avec cette nouvelle métrique. La preuve de l'existence d'une solution au problème de la minimisation de l’énergie est apportée. De plus, une approximation par gamma-convergence est démontrée, ce qui permet ensuite de proposer et de mettre en oeuvre une implémentation numérique. / This thesis is a contribution to the fine tubular structures detection problem in a 2-D or 3-D image. We arespecifically interested in the case of angiographic images. The vessels are surrounded by noise and thenthe question is to segment precisely the blood network. The theoretical framework of our work is thecalculus of variations and we focus on the Mumford-Shah energy. Initially, this model is adapted to thedetection of volumetric structures extended in all directions of the image. The aim of this study is to buildan energy that favors sets which are extended in one direction, which is the case of fine tubes. Then, weintroduce a new unknown, a Riemannian metric, which captures the geometric structure at each point ofthe image and we give a new formulation of the Mumford-Shah energy adapted to this metric. Thecomplete analysis of this model is done: we prove that the associated problem of minimization is wellposed and we introduce an approximation by gamma-convergence more suitable for numerics. Eventually,we propose numerical experimentations adapted to this approximation.

Etude des facteurs de risque cliniques de maladie veineuse thromboembolique chez les femmes : implication sur la réduction des risques liées à la stratégie diagnostique de l'embolie pulmonaire chez les femmes enceintes / Study of the clinical predictive risk factors of venous thromboembolic (VTE) disease in women : involvement in the risk reduction related to the diagnostic strategy of pulmonary embolism (PE) in pregnant patients

Tromeur, Cécile 03 May 2018 (has links)
Introduction: La stratégie diagnostique de l’EP au cours de la grossesse est incertaine du fait du manque d’études solides d’un point de vue méthodologique, et du risque lié à l’irradiation des examens diagnostiques (angioscanner thoracique et scintigraphie pulmonaire). L’enjeu est donc de valider des stratégies performantes d’une part, et d’identifier des marqueurs cliniques permettant de réduire le recours aux examens irradiants d’autre part. Notre premier objectif a été d’identifier les pièges au cours de la stratégie diagnostique de l’EP (baisse de la performance du dosage des D‐dimères, des scores de probabilité clinique et de l’imagerie) au cours de la grossesse. Le deuxième objectif a été de comparer les performances diagnostiques et les risques des deux examens d’imagerie de référence que constituent la scintigraphie pulmonaire et l’angioscanner thoracique. Le troisième objectif a été de valider une stratégie diagnostique permettant une réduction du recours aux examens irradiants (ajustement du taux de D-dimères sur la probabilité clinique). Le dernier objectif a été de mettre en place un programme de recherche centré sur le poids des antécédents familiaux de MVTE, paramètre lui aussi susceptible de réduire le recours aux examens paracliniques. Conclusion : Au terme de ces analyses, nous avons développé un programme de validation d’une stratégie diagnostique de l’EP chez la femme enceinte ; en outre, l’identification d’un ajustement du taux de D‐dimères sur la probabilité clinique ainsi que, en termes de perspective, sur les antécédents familiaux de MVTE a le potentiel de conduire à des stratégies diagnostiques moins irradiantes et plus performantes chez les femmes enceintes ayant une suspicion d’EP. / Introduction : The diagnostic strategy for PE during pregnancy is uncertain due to the lack of high quality studies and the risk of radiation exposure with computed tomography pulmonary angiography (CTPA) and ventilationperfusion (V-Q) lung scan. The challenge is to validate diagnostic strategies, and to identify predictive factors to reduce the number of additional imaging tests with radiation exposure.First, we aim to identify pitfalls during the diagnostic strategy of PE (the D-dimer assay threshold, clinical probability scores, imaging) during pregnancy. Second, our objective was to compare the diagnostic efficiency of CTPA and (V-Q) lung scan during pregnancy.Third, our objective was to validate a diagnostic strategy wich reduces the number of imaging tests (adjustment of the D-dimer level on the clinical probability). Finally, the last objective was to set up a research program focused on the weight of the family history of MVTE, that may also reduce the need of additional tests. Conclusion : We identified an ongoing validation protocol with a new diagnostic algorithm in pregnant patients withPE suspicion ; Furthermore, identifying a D-dimer level adjustement as well as a family history of VTE can lead tomore effective diagnostic stragegies with less radiation exposure for pregnant women with suspected PE.

Integração do estudo anatômico coronariano através da angiotomografia/escore de cálcio ao estudo funcional de perfusão miocárdica pelo PET-CT utilizando rubídio na investigação da doença arterial coronariana / Integration of the coronary anatomy study through angiotomography/coronary artery calcium score to the functional study of myocardial perfusion by PET-CT using rubidium in the investigation of coronary artery disease

Mateus Guimarães Fahel 20 October 2017 (has links)
Introdução: A doença arterial coronariana (DAC) persiste com alta morbimortalidade. Várias modalidades diagnósticas não-invasivas estão disponíveis para sua avaliação, incluindo escore de cálcio coronariano (EC), angiotomografia coronariana (AngioTC) e tomografia por emissão de pósitrons com rubídio (PET-CT82Rb), com ótimas sensibilidade e especificidade. A integração destes métodos em um exame híbrido permite delinear extensão anatômica e funcional da aterosclerose, possibilitando diagnósticos mais corretos. Objetivo: Avaliar anatomia coronariana e perfusão miocárdica de pacientes suspeitos ou portadores de DAC com tecnologia híbrida (PETCT82Rb e AngioTC/EC), testando a hipótese da maior acurácia do método híbrido em relação aos métodos isolados, correlacionando com desfecho de IAM/óbito cardíaco após 24 meses. Métodos: Foram incluídos 54 pacientes dos ambulatórios de cardiologia do Instituto do Coração (InCor-HCFMUSP), que realizaram estudo híbrido no departamento de Medicina Nuclear do InCor entre maio e outubro de 2013. A carga aterosclerótica coronariana foi contabilizada pelo escore de cálcio; a quantidade de lesões coronarianas, o grau de redução luminal e a composição das placas foram avaliados através da AngioTC; isquemia/fibrose pelo PET-CT82Rb foi contabilizada através do SDS (summed difference score) do estresse e repouso e a reserva de fluxo coronariana (RFC) foi considerada reduzida quando menor que 2mL/min/g. Após 24 meses, foi realizado contato telefônico e avaliação do prontuário dos pacientes, sendo pesquisado infarto agudo do miocárdio/óbito cardíaco como desfecho clínico principal. Resultados: Dentre os participantes, houve predomínio de homens (61,3%), com idade média de 55,5 ± 12,3 anos. A maioria apresentava sobrepeso/obesidade (76%), hipertensão arterial sistêmica (70,4%) e/ou dislipidemia (61,1%). O protocolo durou uma média de 52,2 ± 3,5 min e a dose total média de radiação foi 12,29 ± 2,88 mSv. A média do EC total foi 127,3 ± 249,0, sendo que 24% da amostra possuíam EC maior que 100. Houve predomínio de placas de ateroma mistas (51,3%), com 13% dos pacientes apresentando lesões angiograficamente significativas ( >= 50%). Oito pacientes apresentaram resultado alterado na análise perfusional qualitativa/semiquantitativa (14,8%), metade com isquemia e metade com fibrose. A RFC estava reduzida globalmente em 18,5% dos pacientes e de forma segmentar em 5,6%. Após 24 meses, 9,3% dos pacientes apresentaram infarto, 60% destes fatais. Houve concordância no máximo moderada dos métodos avaliados com a RFC (Kappa = 0,514; p= 0,001). Quanto ao desempenho dos métodos para ocorrência de IAM em 24 meses, foi demonstrada elevada acurácia da RFC para tal finalidade, com AUROC de 0,963 (IC95% 0,912 - 1,000; p= 0,001), com melhor ponto de corte de 1,975 mL/min/g. Não foi identificada alteração na sensibilidade ou no valor preditivo negativo quando a RFC foi agregada aos outros métodos, inclusive houve redução do valor preditivo positivo e da especificidade em relação à RFC isoladamente. Conclusão: O método híbrido não apresentou maior acurácia que a RFC pelo PET-CT82Rb isoladamente na predição de IAM em dois anos de acompanhamento, todavia, a tomografia cardíaca agrega informações importantes capazes de influenciar a conduta clínica nos pacientes não isquêmicos e possivelmente modifica desfechos em médio/longo prazo / Introduction: Coronary artery disease (CAD) persists with high morbidity and mortality. Several non-invasive diagnostic imaging modalities are available for its evaluation, including coronary calcium score (CS), coronary CT angiography (AngioCT) and positron emission tomography with rubidium (82Rb PET-CT), with excellent sensitivity and specificity. The integration of these methods into a hybrid examination allows delineating the anatomical and functional impact of atherosclerosis, enabling more accurate diagnoses. Objective: To evaluate coronary anatomy and myocardial perfusion of patients with suspected or known CAD with hybrid technology (82Rb PET-CT and AngioCT/CS), testing the hypothesis of the greater accuracy of the hybrid method in relation to the isolated methods, correlating with myocardial infarction/cardiac death outcome after 24 months. Methods: Fifty-four consecutive patients referred from the Cardiology outpatient clinics of the Heart Institute (InCor-HCFMUSP) to perform CAD assessment in a hybrid study in the Department of Nuclear Medicine of InCor, between May and October 2013, were enrolled. The coronary atherosclerotic burden was accounted by CS; the amount of coronary lesions, stenosis severity and plaque composition were evaluated through AngioCT; 82Rb PET-CT perfusional analysis was evaluated through the rest and dipyridamole stress summed difference score (SDS) and the coronary flow reserve (CFR) was considered impaired when < 2mL/min/g. After 24 months, the composite outcome of myocardial infarction and cardiac death was evaluated through telephone contact and patient\'s medical records. Results: From the 54 enrolled patients, mean age was 55.5 ± 12.3 years and 61% were male. Most patients presented overwheight/obesity (76%), systemic arterial hypertension (70%) and/or dyslipidemia (61%). The protocol lasted an average of 52.2 ± 3,5 min and mean radiation dose was 12.29 ± 2,88 mSv. The mean total CS was 127.3 ± 249.0, and 24% of the patients were above 100. There was a predominance of patients with mixed atheroma plaques (51.3%) and 13% presented angiographically significant lesions ( >= 50%). Eight patients presented perfusion impairment in the qualitative/semi-quantitative perfusion analysis (14.8%), half with ischemia and half with fibrosis. The CFR was globally reduced in 18.5% of the sample and in a segmental manner in 5.6%. After 24 months of follow-up, 9.3% of the patients had a myocardium infarction, 60% of these were fatal. A maximum of moderate agreement was found between the methods and CFR (Kappa = 0.514, p= 0.001). Regarding the performance of the different methods for predicting infarction in 24 months, CFR reached high accuracy, with AUROC of 0.963 (95% CI 0.912 - 1.0; p= 0.001), with a cutoff point of 1.975 mL/min/g. No variation in neither sensitivity nor negative predictive value was identified when the other methods were added to CFR, instead, there was a reduction in positive predictive value and specificity in relation to unaided CFR. Conclusion: There was no incremental value of the hybrid method when compared to isolated CFR 82Rb PET-CT for the prediction of myocardial infarction in two years follow-up. However, cardiac CT aggregates important information capable of influencing clinical management of nonischemic patients and possibly modifies medium/long-term cardiac outcomes

Avaliação da perfusão miocárdia com estresse farmacológico no tomógrafo de 320 canais nos pacientes com bloqueio de ramo esquerdo em investigação de doença arterial coronariana / Evaluation of pharmacological stress myocardial perfusion tomography in 320 channels in patients with left bundle branch block in the investigation of coronary artery disease

Estêvan Vieira Cabeda 25 October 2013 (has links)
Introdução: A perfusão miocárdica de estresse pela tomografia (PMT) é um método emergente e não-invasivo para detecção de isquemia miocárdica. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a acurácia diagnóstica da PMT em pacientes com bloqueio de ramo esquerdo (BRE) que estavam em pesquisa diagnóstica de doença arterial coronariana (DAC) e o valor adicional da PMT sobre a tomografia computadorizada com múltiplos detectores (ATC) usando tomógrafo com 320 detectores, e compará-los com a cintilografia de perfusão miocárdica (SPECT) para detecção de isquemia miocárdica com estenose coronariana significativa (estenose >- 70%), utilizando a angiografia coronariana quantitativa (QCA) e a angiografia coronariana pela tomografia computadorizada com múltiplos detectores como referências. Material e Métodos: Quarenta e dois pacientes com BRE e SPECT ( < 2 meses) em avaliação diagnóstica de DAC foram encaminhados para realizar o protocolo de tomografia que incluiu o escore de cálcio, PMT, ATC e realce tardio do miocárdio. Trinta pacientes foram encaminhados para angiografia coronária invasiva. As imagens foram interpretadas por observadores independentes e alheios aos resultados dos exames e aos dados clínicos. Foram realizadas análises por paciente e por território. O estudo obteve a aprovação da comissão de ética e todos os pacientes assinaram consentimento informado. Resultados: A idade média dos pacientes foi 63 +- 10 anos e, destes, 67% mulheres (28 pacientes). A dose média de radiação total foi de 9,3 +- 4,6 mSv. Na análise por paciente, sensibilidade, especificidade, valores preditivos positivo e negativo foram de 86%, 89%, 80 e 93% para a PMT (p=0,001) (kappa 0,74) e 63%, 91%, 65% e 90% (p < 0,001) na análise por território (kappa 0,55), respectivamente. Em ambas as análises, o ATC mostrou excelente precisão, com área sob a curva ROC=0,9. Considerável concordância foi demonstrada entre SPECT e o QCA (kappa 0,32 e 0,26) nas análises por paciente e por território, respectivamente. A avaliação combinada da ATC com a PMT permitiu melhorar a acurácia diagnóstica para detecção de estenose coronariana com redução luminal hemodinamicamente significativa ( >= 70%) comparando-se com a ATC, PMT ou SPECT isolados, demonstrado por valores de sensibilidade, especificidade, e valores preditivos positivos e negativos de 93%, 87%, 87%, 93% (p < 0,0001) na avaliação combinada por paciente, e 85%, 90%, 79%, 93% (p < 0,0001) na avaliação combinada por território. Conclusão: O uso do protocolo tomográfico de estresse é viável e possui boa acurácia para diagnóstico de DAC em pacientes com BRE com resultados superiores ao SPECT. A combinação da PMT e ATC permitiu melhorar a acurácia diagnóstica da avaliação de obstrução coronariana significativa em pacientes com BRE / Introduction: Stress computed tomography myocardial perfusion (CTP) is an emerging and non-invasive method to detect myocardial ischemia. The objective of this study was to evaluate diagnostic accuracy of CTP in patients with left bundle branch block (LBBB) who were being evaluated for coronary artery disease (CAD) and the additional value of CTP on computed tomography angiography (CTA) using 320-row detector CT scanner and compare them with single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) for detection of myocardial ischemia with significant coronary stenosis >= 70% using quantitative invasive coronary angiography (QCA) and coronary CT angiography as references. Material and Methods: Forty two LBBB patients with SPECT ( < 2 months) in diagnostic evaluation for CAD were referred to stress CT protocol which included calcium score, CTP, CTA and myocardial delayed enhancement. Thirty patients were referred to invasive coronary angiography. Independent blinded observers performed analyses of the images. Per-patient and perterritory analyses were conducted. Ethical committee aproval was obtained and all patients gave informed consent. Results: The mean age was 63 +- 10 years. 67% were women (28 patients). The total mean radiation dose was 9,3 +- 4,6 mSv. In per-patient sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative values were 86%, 89%, 80 and 93%, for CTP (p=0,001) (kappa 0.74) and 63%, 91% 65% and 90% (p < 0,001) in per-territory analysis (kappa 0.55), respectively. In both analyses, CTA showed excellent accuracy with area under receiver operating curve (AUC) = 0.9. Fair agreement was demonstrated between SPECT and QCA (kappa 0,32 e 0,26) in per-patient and per-territory analyses, respectively. The combined analysis of CTA with CTP, improved diagnostic accuracy for detection of coronary stenosis with hemodynamically significant luminal reduction ( >= 70%) compared with CTA, CTP or SPECT alone, demonstrated by sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values of 93%, 87%, 87%, 93% (p < 0,0001) in the combined evaluation by patient and 85%, 90%, 79%, 93% (p < 0,0001) in the combined evaluation by territory. Conclusion: The use of customized stress CT protocol is feasible and has good accuracy for the diagnosis of CAD in patients with LBBB with results better than SPECT. The combination of PMT and ATC has improved the diagnostic accuracy of the assessment of significant coronary obstruction in patients with LBBB

Alterações de difusão e perfusão cerebral por RM em angioplastia carotídea com \"stent\" sob proteção cerebral por filtros / Changes in diffusion and perfusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging in carotid angioplasty with stenting under cerebral protection by filters

Antenor Tavares de Sá Júnior 09 October 2009 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A angioplastia carotídea com stent (ACS) sob proteção cerebral é opção terapêutica em pacientes com estenose carotídea. Existe o risco de embolia apesar da utilização do filtro e as modificações na perfusão cerebral após tratamento da estenose carotídea não são claras. O propósito deste estudo é avaliar, após ACS sob proteção cerebral por filtros, modificações nas seqüências de RM de difusão (DWI) e perfusão (PWI), correlacionando-as com os aspectos técnicos da ACS, com as características da estenose e com dados demográficos dos pacientes. MÉTODO: Trinta e seis pacientes portadores de estenose carotídea com idade média de 72,08 anos foram submetidos a exame de RM um dia antes e até 72 horas após a ACS com filtro de proteção. Todos os pacientes eram assintomáticos após a ACS. Áreas de restrição na DWI após a ACS foram correlacionadas com aspectos demográficos, com aspectos da técnica de angioplastia e com a presença de infartos prévios por RM. Os parâmetros CBV volume sanguíneo cerebral, MTT tempo de trânsito médio e TTP tempo para o pico são empregados para análise por PWI. RESULTADOS: Na DWI, 18 de 36 (50,00%) pacientes apresentaram novos focos (NF) de restrição na DWI após ACS. Todos os NF foram clinicamente silenciosos (100%). Estes NF eram localizados em território cerebral nutrido pela artéria carótida submetida à ACS em 77,19% e menores que 10 mm em 91,53%. Os NF em território cerebral não irrigado pela artéria carótida submetida à angioplastia correspondiam a 22,81% destes. A presença de infartos cerebrais prévios na RM foi o único fator com influência no aparecimento de NF (p=0,037). Fatores demográficos e aspectos relacionados com a técnica de angioplastia não tiveram importância na gênese dos NF. Na PWI foi observada melhora nos parâmetros temporais TTP (p<0,001) e MTT (p=0,019) quando comparados de forma normalizada em relação ao território contralateral. CONCLUSÃO: Os novos focos de restrição na DWI após ACS (NF) foram mais comuns no território ipsilateral (77,19%), no entanto houve NF no território contralateral à ACS (22,81%), possivelmente, associados ao cateterismo diagnóstico. Os NF, na sua maioria, são de pequeno diâmetro (<10 mm em 91,53%). Melhora precoce na PWI, observada nos dados normalizados, foi demonstrada nos parâmetros temporais (TTP e MTT). / INTRODUCTION: Carotid angioplasty with stent (CAS) under cerebral protection is a therapeutic option in patients with carotid stenosis. There is a risk of embolism even with a filter, and changes in cerebral perfusion after treatment are not clearly understood. The purpose of this study was to evaluate changes in diffusion- (DWI) and perfusion- (PWI) weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sequences correlating them with the technical aspects of CAS, stenosis characteristics and patient demographic data. METHODS: Thirty-six carotid stenosis patients with an mean age of 72.08 years were submitted to MRI exam one day before and up to 72 hours after CAS with filter protection. All patients were asymptomatic after CAS. Areas of restriction on DWI were correlated to demographic aspects, technique of angioplasty as well the presence of previous stroke by MRI. The parameters, CBV - cerebral blood volume; MTT - mean transit time, and TTP- time to peak, are used for PWI analysis. RESULTS: Eighteen of the 36 patients (50.00%) presented new focus (NF) of restriction by DWI after CAS. All new focus were clinically silent. The NF were located in the cerebral area fed by the carotid artery submitted to CAS in 77.19% and smaller than 10mm in 91.53%. NF in cerebral area not irrigated by carotid artery submitted by angioplasty correspond to 22,81 %. The presence of previous ischemic lesion on MRI was the only factor which influenced the appearance of NF (p=0.037). Demographic factors and aspects related to angioplasty technique had no importance on NF genesis. Improvement in PWI timing parameters - TTP (p<0.001) and MTT (p=0.019) were observed in relation to the contralateral territory (normalized data). CONCLUSION: The restriction NF in the DWI after CAS are more common in the ipsilateral territory (77.19%), however there were some NF in the contralateral territory to the CAS (22.81%), possibly associated with diagnostic catheterization. Most of the NF were small in diameter (<10mm in 91.53%). Short-term improvement in PWI were demonstrated by normalized timing parameters (TTP and MTT).

Tratamento endovascular das dissecções e pseudoaneurismas da artéria vertebral. / Endovascular treatment of dissections and pseudoaneurysms of the vertebral artery.

Paulo Puglia Junior 11 November 1999 (has links)
As dissecções da artéria vertebral causam acidentes vasculares cerebrais isquêmicos e hemorrágicos. A dissecção arterial é a ruptura da sua parede com formação de hematoma intramural. Podem ser espontâneas, acometendo a artéria vertebral extra ou intracraniana. O tratamento em geral é clínico, porém em alguns casos está indicada intervenção. A via endovascular é uma importante alternativa, permitindo o tratamento específico da lesão em alguns casos, mas na maioria sacrificando a artéria vertebral, após teste de tolerância à oclusão. Com o objetivo de analisar os aspectos clínicos e técnicos do tratamento endovascular, estudamos de forma prospectiva 15 pacientes. Três apresentavam dissecções traumáticas (todas extracranianas) e 12 espontâneas, dos quais dois tiveram traumatismos menores como desencadeantes. Cinco pacientes apresentaram dissecções extracranianas, oito, intracranianas e dois, combinadas. No grupo das extracranianas, a principal indicação de tratamento foi a presença de fístula arteriovenosa, em três dos cinco pacientes. No grupo da intracranianas, foi a presença de hemorragia meníngea. Nos quatro pacientes com acidente vascular isquêmico, a indicação de tratamento deveu-se à presença de pseudoaneurismas que não involuíram com tratamento clínico. Nesse grupo, dois pacientes tinham dissecção extracraniana, um, intra e um, combinada. Um paciente apresentou intolerância à oclusão e foi encaminhado para tratamento conservador. Dos 14 pacientes tratados, um teve como estratégia a oclusão seletiva da lesão, 11 a oclusão da artéria vertebral proximal à lesão e dois oclusão acima e abaixo da lesão. Os materiais utilizados foram balões destacáveis em sete pacientes, molas de destaque livre em 6 e molas eletricamente destacáveis associadas a molas de destaque livre em 1 paciente. Dois pacientes apresentaram complicações do tratamento, e um paciente, recidiva de fístula arteriovenosa, todos resolvidos sem seqüelas. A angiografia controle revelou oclusão total do segmento dissecado ou do pseudoaneurisma em 9 pacientes, reversão do fluxo em quatro e preservação da artéria vertebral com oclusão da lesão em um. Num período de seguimento de 8,6 meses não se registraram recorrências. O tratamento foi eficiente na prevenção de ressangramentos e na trombose dos pseudoaneurismas e apresenta segurança em relação a complicações. / Vertebral artery dissections can cause brain ischemia and hemorrhage. Arterial dissection consist of mural tears with subsequent intramural hematoma formation. They may occur either spontaneously or as a consequence of traumatism, in the extracranial or intracranial vertebral artery. The treatment is usually clinical, but in some instances intervention is indicated. The endovascular approach is an important tool, allowing specific treatment of the lesion in some cases, but sacrificing the vertebral artery in most cases. With the aim of analyze the clinical and technical aspects of the endovascular treatment, we studied prospectively 15 patients treated by endovascular approach. Three presented traumatic dissections (all extracranial) and 12 spontaneous dissections, two of which after minor traumatic events. Five patients had extracranial dissections, eight, intracranial and two, combined. In the extracranial dissection group, the main indication for treatment was the presence of an arteriovenous fistula (three of five patients). In the intracranial group, it was subarachnoid hemorrhage. Four patients presenting with brain isquemia were treated because of pseudoaneurysms that did not resolve in clinical treatment. In this group 2 patients had extracranial dissections, one had intracranial and one had both. One patient did not tolerate occlusion and was treated clinically. Fourteen patients were treated by endovascular means, one with selective lesion occlusion, 12 with proximal vertebral artery occlusion and two with proximal and distal vertebral artery occlusion. The embolic material were detachable balloons in 7 patients, platinum microcoils in 6 patients and electrically detachable platinum microcoils and platinum microcoils in one patient. Two patients presented complications, and one presented recurrence of an arteriovenous fistula, all resolved without sequelae. Angiographic controls disclosed total occlusion of the segment with dissection or of the pseudoaneurysm in 9 patients, retrograde flow in 4 and vertebral artery preservation with selective lesion occlusion in 1. During a mean follow-up period of 8,6 months no recurrence was observed. The treatment was efficient in preventing recurrent hemorrhage and promoting pseudoaneurysms thrombosis, besides it was a safe treatment option.

Proposta de uma nova projeção angiográfica específica para a bifurcação da artéria coronária esquerda na era da intervenção percutânea do tronco coronário esquerdo / A specific angiographic view of left coronary artery bifurcation in the left main percutaneous coronary intervention era

Reis, Samir Seme Arab 27 October 2016 (has links)
Introdução – Pouco se publicou na literatura médica a respeito de projeções angiográficas dedicadas às anatomias especiais. Neste cenário, propomos uma projeção angiográfica para a exposição da bifurcação do tronco da artéria coronária esquerda (TCE) quando o conjunto de projeções rotineiras previamente utilizadas foi ineficaz para exibir com clareza essa região. Pacientes e Métodos – 84 pacientes foram submetidos à projeção Lateral Direita (90-120°) associada a Cranial (30-40°). Estudo de reprodutibilidade, realizado com a participação de dois observadores independentes, julgou a eficácia da projeção proposta. O índice kappa, ajustado para a prevalência e viés (PABAK) com IC de 95%, foi utilizado para demonstrar a intensidade da concordância inter e intraobservador: ≤ 0,20 = ruim, 0,21 – 0,40 = fraca, 0,41 – 0,60 = moderada, 0,61 – 0,80 = substancial e 0,81 – 1,0 = quase perfeita. Resultados – A projeção proposta foi eficaz em 79% dos angiografias com concordância de 0,76 (0,6 – 0,9; P ≤ 0,001). A origem e o segmento proximal da artéria coronária descendente anterior foram expostos em 89% com concordância de 0,86 (0,7 – 1,0; P ≤ 0,001), a origem e o segmento proximal da artéria circunflexa foram expostos em 83% com concordância de 0,72 (0,5 – 1,0; p ≤ 0,001) e a origem e o segmento proximal do ramo intermediário, quando presente, foram expostos em 89% com concordância de 0,79 (0,6 – 1,0; p ≤ 0,001). Conclusão – A projeção proposta é eficaz, segura e reproduzível. Em situações especiais, onde projeções rotineiras falham, essa poderá exibir detalhes importantes da anatomia da bifurcação do TCE à cinecoronariografia ou ser a projeção de trabalho durante a intervenção coronariana percutânea. / Objectives – We propose a 90 – 120° right lateral with 30-40° cranial angiographic view to expose the bifurcation of the left main coronary artery (LMCA) when previously used routine projections were inefficient at clearly showing this region. Background – Little has been published in the medical literature regarding angiographic projections dedicated to special anatomies. Methods – A total of 84 patients were subjected to the proposed projections. A reproducibility study, conducted with the participation of two independent observers, judged the effectiveness of the proposed projection. The Prevalence and Bias Adjusted Kappa (PABAK) index, with a 95% confidence interval (CI), was used to demonstrate the intensity of intra- and inter-observer agreement: ≤ 0.20 = poor, 0.21 – 0.40 = slight, 0.41 – 0.60 = moderate, 0.61 – 0.80 = substantial and 0.81 – 1.0 = almost perfect. Results – The proposed projection was efficient in 79% of the angiograms, with agreement of 0.76 (0.6 – 0.9; P ≤ 0.001). The origin and the proximal segment of the anterior descending coronary artery were exposed in 89% of the angiograms, with agreement of 0.86 (0.7 – 1.0; P ≤ 0.001); the origin and the proximal segment of the circumflex artery were exposed in 83% of the angiograms, with agreement of 0.72 (0.5 – 1.0; P ≤ 0.001); and the origin and the proximal segment of the intermediate branch, when present, were exposed in 89% of the angiograms, with agreement of 0.79 (0.6 – 1.0; P ≤ 0.001). Conclusion – The proposed projection is effective, safe and reproducible. In special situations where routine projections fail, this proposed projection can reveal important details of the anatomy of the bifurcation of the LMCA during conventional / Tese (Doutorado)

Specifika ošetřovatelské péče u klientů/pacientů s komplikacemi po selektivní koronarografii/PTCA / Specifications of nursering care of patiens with complications after direct SKG/PTCA

BLÁHOVÁ, Ilona January 2010 (has links)
Abstract In the Czech Republic there is no doubt about the tendency of gradual increase in median life expectancy, which is significantly affected by the fact that mortality from cardiovascular diseases, especially from acute coronary syndromes, has been decreasing. Besides the provable effect of a healthy lifestyle, diet and, by all means, a quality and effective pharmacotherapy, a significant development in the field of interventional cardiology contributes to this accomplishment. The number of coronographies, coronary angioplasties and implanted stents have multiplied, and today the invasive coronarographic diagnostics and percutaneous myocardial revascularization belong to the the most common diagnostic and therapeutic methods in treatment of acute forms of ischemic heart diseases. An obvious prerequisite for such a rapid development in the field of intervention coronary angiography was the establishment of a sufficiently dense network of catheter laboratories and specialized facilities, which provide a highly professional and intensive care for patients. This thesis is focused on three basic objectives: ? To survey and characterize differences in nursing care concerning various complications in patients after SKG / PCI ? To survey bio / psycho / social impacts of complications after SKG / PCI on a patient ? To identify and summarize personal and material prerequisites and requirements to ensure quality nursing care for these complicated conditions The research was conducted by using a qualitative methodology. The methods used were observation, non-standardized interviews and medical and nursing records analyses. The research survey samples on which the investigation was focused were patients with the acute coronary syndrome hospitalized in the coronary care unit in the Cardio Center in České Budějovice, their family members and also the nursing staff providing the comprehensive nursing care. The outcomes of this survey were eleven descriptive case reports characterizing the occurrence of the most frequent complications in patients with ACS after SKG / PCI. To ensure clarity, each case study is complemented by a thought map with an account of the most important nursing interventions in the management of specific acute conditions. The paper also contains a framework analysis of bio / psycho / social impacts of complicated situations on patients. It is interesting to compare this matter from the perspective of nurses and patients, which is seen in correlation graphs. The section describing the organizational and personnel provision is introduced with the characteristics of the medical process and it also contains the list of medical personnel with their qualifications and the length of experience in the Coronary care unit in České Budějovice. Summarization of the instrumental medical equipment is also based on the analysis of previous cases and is accompanied by photographs of the equipment typical and indispensable for the care of patients in the Coronary care unit, which primarily has an informative and complementary character to get an integrated view of the Coronary care unit running and the nursing staff work.

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