Spelling suggestions: "subject:"applicatication software."" "subject:"ratios:application software.""
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Using Variability Management in Mobile Application Test ModelingPüschel, Georg, Seidl, Christoph, Schlegel, Thomas, Aßmann, Uwe 22 May 2014 (has links)
Mobile applications are developed to run on fast-evolving platforms, such as Android or iOS. Respective mobile devices are heterogeneous concerning hardware (e.g., sensors, displays, communication interfaces) and software, especially operating system functions. Software vendors cope with platform evolution and various hardware configurations by abstracting from these variable assets. However, they cannot be sure about their assumptions on the inner conformance of all device parts and that the application runs reliably on each of them—in consequence, comprehensive testing is required. Thereby, in testing, variability becomes tedious due to the large number of test cases required to validate behavior on all possible device configurations. In this paper, we provide remedy to this problem by combining model-based testing with variability concepts from Software Product Line engineering. For this purpose, we use feature-based test modeling to generate test cases from variable operational models for individual application configurations and versions. Furthermore, we illustrate our concepts using the commercial mobile application “runtastic” as example application.
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Towards Better Language Models: Algorithms, Architectures, and ApplicationsWu, Qingyang January 2024 (has links)
This thesis explores the advancement of language models by focusing on three important perspectives: Algorithms, Architectures, and Applications. We aim to improve the performance, efficiency, and practical usage of these language models. Specifically, we studied reinforcement learning for language models, recurrent memory-augmented transformers, and practical applications in text generation and dialogue systems.
Firstly, we address the limitations of the traditional training algorithm, maximum likelihood estimation (MLE). We propose TextGAIL, a generative adversarial imitation learning framework that combines large pre-trained language models with adversarial training to improve the quality and diversity of generated text. We further explore a modern reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) pipeline to more effectively align language model outputs with human preferences.
Next, we investigate architecture improvements with Recurrent Memory-Augmented Transformers. In this direction, we first introduce Memformer, an autoregressive model that utilizes an external dynamic memory for efficient long-sequence processing. We build upon Memformer and propose MemBART, a stateful memory-augmented Transformer encoder-decoder model. Recurrent Memory-Augmented Transformers demonstrate superior performance and efficiency in handling long contexts compared to traditional Transformer architectures.
Finally, we make several contributions to effectively applying language models to dialogue systems in practice. We design task-oriented dialogue systems that leverage pre-trained language models to significantly reduce the need for human annotations. We also introduce DiactTOD, a novel approach to improving the out-of-distribution generalization ability of dialogue act-controlled generation in task-oriented systems. In this thesis, we also make progress by expanding the scope of traditional task-oriented dialogue systems by proposing a novel paradigm that utilizes external knowledge tools to provide more accurate knowledge. Our penultimate application tackles the data-scarcity problem common in many real-world dialogue systems. We propose an automatic data augmentation technique to improve training efficacy. Lastly, we make progress on end-user experiences by presenting FaceChat, a multimodal dialogue framework enabling emotionally-sensitive, face-to-face interactions, demonstrating the potential of multimodal language models in various applications.
Our work highlights the significance of building better language models, demonstrating how these improvements can positively impact a wide range of downstream tasks and applications. Our work makes a meaningful contribution to language model research, providing valuable insights and methodologies for developing more powerful and efficient models.
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Gobuddy - Android mobile applicationNellaiappan, Kalaivani 01 January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this application is to serve the end user of an Android Smart phone, with reliable, instantaneous and location based information on places of interest such as restaurants, gas stations, hotels, movie theaters, and the like by using the phones' built-in GPS. The basic information includes viewing the map and address of the place of interest and getting the directions to a particular place in addition to having some extra features. Contains computer source code.
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Characterizing software components using evolutionary testing and path-guided analysisMcNeany, Scott Edward 16 December 2013 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Evolutionary testing (ET) techniques (e.g., mutation, crossover, and natural selection) have been applied successfully to many areas of software engineering, such as error/fault identification, data mining, and software cost estimation. Previous research has also applied ET techniques to performance testing. Its application to performance testing, however, only goes as far as finding the best and worst case, execution times. Although such performance testing is beneficial, it provides little insight into performance characteristics of complex functions with multiple branches. This thesis therefore provides two contributions towards performance testing of software systems. First, this thesis demonstrates how ET and genetic algorithms (GAs), which are search heuristic mechanisms for solving optimization problems using mutation, crossover, and natural selection, can be combined with a constraint solver to target specific paths in the software. Secondly, this thesis demonstrates how such an approach can identify local minima and maxima execution times, which can provide a more detailed characterization of software performance. The results from applying our approach to example software applications show that it is able to characterize different execution paths in relatively short amounts of time. This thesis also examines a modified exhaustive approach which can be plugged in when the constraint solver cannot properly provide the information needed to target specific paths.
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Automatic synthesis of application-specific processorsMutigwe, Charles January 2012 (has links)
Thesis (D. Tech. (Engineering: Electrical)) -- Central University of technology, Free State, 2012 / This thesis describes a method for the automatic generation of appli- cation speci_c processors. The thesis was organized into three sepa- rate but interrelated studies, which together provide: a justi_cation for the method used, a theory that supports the method, and a soft- ware application that realizes the method. The _rst study looked at how modern day microprocessors utilize their hardware resources and it proposed a metric, called core density, for measuring the utilization rate. The core density is a function of the microprocessor's instruction set and the application scheduled to run on that microprocessor. This study concluded that modern day microprocessors use their resources very ine_ciently and proposed the use of subset processors to exe- cute the same applications more e_ciently. The second study sought to provide a theoretical framework for the use of subset processors by developing a generic formal model of computer architecture. To demonstrate the model's versatility, it was used to describe a number of computer architecture components and entire computing systems. The third study describes the development of a set of software tools that enable the automatic generation of application speci_c proces- sors. The FiT toolkit automatically generates a unique Hardware Description Language (HDL) description of a processor based on an application binary _le and a parameterizable template of a generic mi- croprocessor. Area-optimized and performance-optimized custom soft processors were generated using the FiT toolkit and the utilization of the hardware resources by the custom soft processors was character- ized. The FiT toolkit was combined with an ANSI C compiler and a third-party tool for programming _eld-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) to create an unconstrained C-to-silicon compiler.
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Addressing application software package project failure : bridging the information technology gap by aligning business processes and package functionalityKruger, Wandi 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: An application software package implementation is a complex endeavour, and as such it
requires the proper understanding, evaluation and redefining of the current business
processes to ensure that the project delivers on the objectives set at the start of the
Numerous factors exist that may contribute to the unsuccessful implementation of
application software package projects. However, the most significant contributor to the
failure of an application software package project lies in the misalignment of the
organisation’s business processes with the functionality of the application software
package. Misalignment is attributed to a gap that exists between the business processes
of an organisation and what functionality the application software package has to offer to
translate the business processes of an organisation into digital form when implementing
and configuring an application software package. This gap is commonly referred to as
the information technology (IT) gap.
The purpose of this assignment is to examine and discuss to what degree a supporting
framework such as the Projects IN Controlled Environment (PRINCE2) methodology
assists in the alignment of the organisation’s business processes with the functionality of
the end product; as so many projects still fail even though the supporting framework is
available to assist organisations with the implementation of the application software
This assignment proposes to define and discuss the IT gap. Furthermore this
assignment will identify shortcomings and weaknesses in the PRINCE2 methodology
which may contribute to misalignment between the business processes of the
organisation and the functionality of the application software package.
Shortcomings and weaknesses in the PRINCE2 methodology were identified by:
• Preparing a matrix table summarising the reasons for application software
package failures by conducting a literature study; Mapping the reasons from the literature study to those listed as reasons for project
failure by the Office of Government Commerce (the publishers of the PRINCE2
methodology); • Mapping all above reasons to the PRINCE2 methodology to determine whether
the reasons identified are adequately addressed in the PRINCE2 methodology.
This assignment concludes by proposing recommendations for aligning the business
processes with the functionality of the application software package (addressing the IT
gap) as well as recommendations for addressing weaknesses identified in the PRINCE2
methodology. By adopting these recommendations in conjunction with the PRINCE2
methodology the proper alignment between business processes and the functionality of
the application software package may be achieved. The end result will be more
successful application software package project implementations. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Toepassingsprogrammatuurpakket implementering is komplekse strewe en vereis
daarom genoegsame kennis, evaluasie en herdefiniëring van die huidige
besigheidsprosesse om te verseker dat die projek resultate lewer volgens die doelwitte
wat aan die begin van die projek neergelê is.
Daar bestaan talryke faktore wat kan bydrae tot die onsuksesvolle implementering van
toepassingsprogrammatuurpakket projekte. Die grootste bydrae tot die mislukking van
toepassingsprogrammatuurpakket lê egter by die wanbelyning van die organisasie se
besigheidsprosesse met die funksionaliteit van die toepassingsprogrammatuurpakket.
Wanbelyning spruit uit gaping tussen die besigheidsprosesse van `n organisasie en
die funksionaliteit wat die toepassingsprogrammatuur kan aanbied om die
besigheidsprosesse van 'n organisasie om te skakel in digitale formaat wanneer `n
toepassingsprogrammatuurpakket geimplementeer en gekonfigureer word. Daar word
gewoonlik na hierdie gaping verwys as die informasie tegnologie (IT) gaping.
Die doel van hierdie opdrag is om te evalueer en bespreek in watter mate
ondersteunende raamwerk soos die PRojects IN Controlled Environment (PRINCE2)
metodologie kan help om die organisasie se besigheidsprosesse in lyn te bring met die
funksionaliteit van die eindproduk; aangesien so baie projekte steeds misluk ten spyte
van die ondersteunende raamwerke wat beskikbaar is om organisasies by te staan met
die implementering.
Die opdrag beoog om die IT gaping te definieer en te bepreek. Verder sal hierdie opdrag
die swakhede in die PRINCE2 metodologie, wat moontlik die volbringing van behoorlike
belyning tussen die besigheidsprosesse en die funksionaliteit van die
toepassingsprogrammatuurpakket belemmer, identifiseer. Swakhede en tekortkominge in die PRINCE2 metodologie is as volg geïdentifiseer:
• Voorbereiding van matriks-tabel wat die redes vir
toepassingsprogrammatuurpakket mislukking deur middel van die uitvoering van
literatuurstudie opsom
• Koppeling van die redes bekom deur middel van die literatuurstudie met die redes
vir projek mislukking geidentifiseer deur die Office of Government Commerce
(uitgewers van die PRINCE2 metodologie)
• Koppeling van al die bogenoemde redes na die PRINCE2 metodologie om vas te
stel of die redes wat geïdentifiseer is voldoende deur die PRINCE2 metodologie
aangespreek word.
Die opdrag sluit af met aanbevelings om die besigheidsprosesse in lyn te bring met die
funksionaliteit van die toepassingsprogrammatuurpakket en aanbevelings vir swakhede
wat in die PRINCE2 metodologie geïdentifiseer is aan te spreek. Behoorlike belyning
tussen besigheidsprosesse en die funksionaliteit van toepassingsprogrammatuurpakket
kan behaal word indien hierdie aanbevelings aangeneem word en tesame met die
PRINCE2 metodologie gebruik word. Die eindresultaat is meer suksesvolle
implementering van toepassingsprogrammatuurpakket projekte.
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A pattern based approach for the architectural design of e-business applicationsDabous, Feras Taleb Abdel Rahman, School of Information Systems Technology & Management, UNSW January 2005 (has links)
With the widespread use of the Internet and its associated technologies, enterprises have to evolve in the way they are conducting business. 'e-business applications' refer to a new class of distributed applications that involves the Internet as a communication platform. Each e-business application supports the full automation of business processes that can span across multiple enterprises. For a given application domain that involves e-business application development, a number of design decisions that best fullfil stakeholders requirements have to be made. One important issue is the reuse of functionality which exists within legacy systems that can belong to one or more enterprises within the same domain. Most existing design approaches are inadequate in supporting the exploration of all design combinations. Moreover, there is little work on how to identify the best design decisions systematically for a given application domain. In this thesis we present a pattern-based approach that addresses the architectural design of e-business applications. We identify a number of architectural patterns whose instantiation on a given design problem correspond to different architectural design alternatives. We also identify models that enable the estimation of quality attributes for such alternatives. Then we investigate and utilise methods to select the best pattern for a given design problem. We also describe the process of generating the alternative architectures, estimating their qualities, and then ranking them with respect to any quality attribute or a combination of quality attributes. We validate this approach on a real life case study in the area of capital markets. The case study concerns realistic e-business applications that rely on existing legacy applications. The validation exercise has produced predictions which have been compared with actual design decisions that have been made. The thesis also proposes a framework for the systematic identification of architectural patterns. An additional set of architectural patterns and their impact on the case study are discussed. The main contribution of this thesis is in the identification of patterns and quality attributes models for the architectural design of e-business applications that aid in the systematic selection of the most appropriate architectural pattern for a given problem context.
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後進者如何取得競爭優勢:應用軟體產業關鍵優勢分析 / How does the late comer get core competence: An analysis of the new competence of the application software industry林映帆, Lin, Ying Fan Unknown Date (has links)
經濟學上有所謂先進者優勢 (First-mover Advantage) 的這個概念,認為一個產業的先驅公司,相較於後進的競爭對手,應該存在著許多優勢,例如: 可在對手未出現前先搶下大塊地盤,對市場定價的擁有主動權,以及在產業標準制定過程上的影響力及品牌知名度等等。 但是當先進者能處於原有市場之市場榮耀之際,很可能因為沉溺於舊有的成功,而對產業的新技術視而不見,或是低估新產業的崛起速度導致喪失先進者先機而兵敗如山倒。 處於典範轉移時代,產業的變遷速度已非舊有經驗可以預測,以往企業營收創新高都是大肆慶祝,但最近看市場領先者,如國內的宏碁電腦或是國外的諾基亞,均是在營收創新高時被調降企業評等,發出警訊。如近期宏碁電腦在PC市場已邁向全球第一名挑戰惠普HP之際,卻發生毛利下降,並警覺在智慧型手機市場已落後宏達電一大截,且現有產品線也難有競爭優勢而陣前換將。再看諾基亞,2007年營收或穫利都創新高,但到2011年市值僅Apple的7%,連續十四年的手機市佔率第一名也被三星超前;由於大部份都是低階手機,手機獲利狀況也僅Apple的三分之一。反之,後進廠商由於尚未形成經濟規模或商業模式,透過模仿式創新或破壞式創新,反而更容易動態調整策略去因應變動的環境或發現尚未被滿足的市場。在典範轉移時代,成功不是沿用舊有成功方式,而是需要想像力來找到創新的機會。而一個新進的軟體廠商,該掌握哪些競爭優勢,才能迅速搶佔市佔率?
本研究以導航產業為例,來看導航應用軟體的發展趨勢並比較先後進者優劣勢。導航產業由2003年神達電腦推出第一台結合GPS導航晶片的PDA Mio 168以來,迅速在市場上熱銷,並帶來台灣市場導航產業的一片榮景。但由於市場飽和,及受到車機與智慧型手機的雙面夾擊,使得原本的明星產業迅速在市場萎縮,2010整體台灣市場的數量一年已不到20萬台,較之2005年已萎縮了四分之一,且平均售價下降至USD 100,毛利率從40% 掉到8%。為了突破便攜式導航機PND(Portable Navigation Device)市場衰退的重圍,研勤科技在2008年創新推出第一套在iPhone上導航的導航軟體,後進者勤崴國際科技的「導航王」手導航軟體緊接著在2009年推出,在短短一年間,賣出一百萬套軟體,此數量是傳統導航機硬體三年的市場總和,軟體銷售量為先進者研勤科技的兩倍。在推出落後於現有廠商之下,後進者是透過哪些策略取得70%導航軟體市佔率?
1. 後進者的軟體廠商其策略及競爭優勢為何?
2. 配合進入時機,後進者軟體廠商該採何種競爭策略?
3. 市場變動快速時,是否後進者更有優勢?
4. 本個案研究的策略優勢,是否可提供給硬體廠商參考,增加產品區隔性?
本研究透過各學者所提之先後進優勢比較,並利用Hamel(2000) 的新事業發展模式四大要素,來比較兩個個案在先後進優勢與事業經營策略,並以此兩個個案來看後進者具有那些競爭優勢。
1. 在先後進優勢與事業經營策略之比較下,以此兩個個案看來,後進者修正了先進者所犯之錯誤,並有學習及鎖定策略的目標,較先進者有優勢。
2. 在進入時機上,在市場快速變動時,由於先進者尚未建立產業標準,故很容易被後進者取代,而在動態賽局環境下,能隨機應變的後進者更有優勢。
3. 除了先後進優勢,事業經營的策略也主宰了公司的走向及成功與否的主要關鍵因素,先進者縱有品牌網絡優勢,但策略錯誤,也反而被網絡優勢所害,在網路時代被大量散播產品或公司形象劣勢,造成負向循環。
4. 先進者研勤公司也因急於在2009上市,推出過多產品線,反而造成本身資源不匹配,無法支援產品更新,無考慮到公司資源,並作最適分配。
5. 其他先進領導導航機品牌,更是陷入管理惰性,過度依賴過去成功經驗,面對替代性產品出現卻無法跨足軟體市場,喪失新市場機會。
Keyword: 後進者優勢,先進者優勢,應用軟體,事業經營策略
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Desenvolvimento de protótipo de aplicativo móvel em Android® para o controle e acompanhamento nutricional da saúde óssea em mulheres menopáusicas / Mobile application prototype development in Android® for control and nutrition of bone health monitoring in menopausal womenOselame, Cristiane da Silva 09 December 2015 (has links)
Após a redução dos estrógenos no período da menopausa algumas mulheres passam a perder massa óssea acima de 1% ao ano chegando ao final de cinco anos com perda superior a 25%. Neste sentido, fatores como idade avançada, baixa ingestão de cálcio e menopausa precoce favorecem o aparecimento da osteoporose. Métodos preventivos como orientação nutricional para uma dieta adequada e o apoio da tecnologia por meio de aplicativos que avaliam o consumo alimentar são essenciais. Desta forma, objetivou-se neste estudo desenvolver um aplicativo em plataforma Android® voltado à avaliação das condições nutricionais e orgânicas envolvidas na saúde óssea e grau de risco para o desenvolvimento de osteoporose em mulheres pós-menopáusicas. Para o alcance deste objetivo procedeu-se um estudo com 72 mulheres com idade entre 46 a 79 anos, provenientes do programa de exercícios físicos para a saúde óssea do Laboratório de Pesquisas em Bioquímica e Densitometria da Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná. Os dados foram coletados no segundo semestre de 2014 por meio de exames de Densitometria Óssea e Composição Corporal, Exames de Sangue, dados Antropométricos e Avaliação Nutricional. Foram incluídas no estudo mulheres com diagnóstico atualizado de osteopenia ou osteoporose primária, com idade igual ou superior a 45 anos em fase pós-menopáusica. Para a avaliação da densidade mineral óssea e composição corporal utilizou-se o aparelho de Absortometria de Dupla Energia de Raios-X (DXA) da marca HologicTM modelo Discovery A. Para a avaliação antropométrica foi incluído a Massa Corporal, Estatura, Circunferência Abdominal, Circunferência da Cintura e Circunferência do Quadril. O instrumento para avaliação de consumo alimentar utilizado foi o Recordatório de 24 horas de um dia (R24h). A estimativa da ingestão de energia e nutrientes foi realizada a partir da tabulação dos alimentos ingeridos no Software Diet Pro 4®. Em uma sub amostra com 30 mulheres com osteopenia/osteoporose foram realizados os exames de cálcio sérico e fosfatase alcalina. Os resultados demonstraram no grupo de mulheres (n=30) ingestão média de cálcio de 570mg/dia (±340). A análise do cálcio sérico apresentou média dentro da normalidade (10,20mg/dl±0,32) e valores médios e fosfatase alcalina ligeiramente aumentados (105,40 U/L±23,70). Ainda, houve importante correlação entre o consumo de ideal de proteínas e o consumo de cálcio diário (0,375 p valor 0,05). Com base nestes achados, foi desenvolvido um aplicativo fase inicial na plataforma Android® do sistema operacional do Google®, sendo denominado de OsteoNutri. Optou-se pela utilização Java Eclipse® onde nele foram executados a versão Android® do projeto; escolha de ícones de aplicação e configuração do editor visual para construção dos layouts do aplicativo. Foi utilizado o DroidDraw® para desenvolvimento das três interfaces gráficas do aplicativo. Para os testes práticos utilizou-se um celular compatível com a versão que foi criada (4.4 ou superior). O protótipo foi desenvolvido em conjunto com o Grupo de Desenvolvimento Aplicativos e Instrumentação (GDAI) da Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná. Portanto, este aplicativo pode ser considerado uma importante ferramenta no controle dietético, possibilitando controle mais próximo de consumo de Cálcio e Proteínas dietéticas. / Following a drop in estrogen in the period of menopause some women begin to lose bone mass more than 1% per year reaching the end of five years with loss greater than 25%. In this regard, factors such as older age, low calcium intake and premature menopause favor the onset of osteoporosis. Preventive methods such as nutritional counseling to a proper diet and the support of technology through applications that assess dietary intake are essential. Thus, this study aimed to develop an application for Android® platform focused on the evaluation of nutritional and organic conditions involved in bone health and risks for developing osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. To achieve this goal we proceeded to a study of 72 women aged 46-79 years, from the physical exercise for bone health of the Laboratory for Research in Biochemistry and Densitometry the Federal Technological University of Paraná program. Data were collected in the second half of 2014 through tests Bone Densitometry and Body Composition, Blood Tests, Anthropometric data and Nutrition Assessment. The study included women with a current diagnosis of osteopenia or osteoporosis primary, aged more than 45 years postmenopausal. For the assessment of bone mineral density and body composition used the device Absorptiometry Dual Energy X-ray (DXA) brand Hologic Discovery TM Model A. For anthropometric assessment was included to body mass, height, abdominal circumference, Waist circumference and hip circumference. The instrument for assessing food consumption was used Recall 24 hours a day (24HR). The estimated intake of energy and nutrients was carried from the tabulation of the food eaten in the Software Diet Pro 4®. In a sub sample of 30 women with osteopenia / osteoporosis serum calcium and alkaline phosphatase tests were performed. The results demonstrated a group of women (n = 30) average calcium intake of 570mg / day (± 340). The analysis showed a mean serum calcium within the normal range (10,20mg / dl ± 0.32) and average values and slightly increased alkaline phosphatase (105.40 U / L ± 23.70). Furthermore, there was a significant correlation between the consumption of protein and the optimal daily intake of calcium (0.375 p-value 0.05). Based on these findings, we developed an application early stage in Android® platform operating system Google®, being called OsteoNutri. We chose to use Java Eclipse® where it was executed Android® version of the project; choice of application icons and setting the visual editor for building the application layouts. The DroidDraw® was used for development of the three application GUIs. For practical tests we used a cell compatible with the version that was created (4.4 or higher). The prototype was developed in conjunction with the Group and Instrumentation Applications Development (GDAI) of the Federal Technological University of Paraná. So this application can be considered an important tool in dietary control, allowing closer control consumption of calcium and dietary proteins.
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Um modelo baseado em princípios de usabilidade para aplicação em interfaces de usuário para a interação humano-computadorPechansky, Rubem January 2011 (has links)
A maturidade da área de Interação Humano-Computador (IHC) pode ser atestada pela grande quantidade de conjuntos formados por regras, diretrizes e normas (aqui designados como diretivas) que têm sido formulados por dezenas de autores como guias para o estudo, criação e melhoria de interfaces de usuário. No entanto, esses conjuntos apresentam diferenças significativas entre si: muitas dessas diretivas, incluindo algumas já consagradas no universo da IHC, não pertencem ao mesmo nível de abstração nem formam um conjunto homogêneo de enunciados. Essa falta de unidade, aliada à acelerada evolução das tecnologias digitais, tem contribuído para manter essas diretivas (e a própria disciplina de IHC, segundo alguns) em um estado constante de fragmentação e permanente modificação. Mesmo assim, podem ser encontrados princípios — ou leis essenciais, universais e imutáveis — que são subjacentes às diretivas e que podem delas ser extraídos através de uma metodologia adequada. Para contribuir com esse processo, a presente pesquisa apresenta uma revisão dos critérios utilizados para a compilação de conjuntos de diretivas de usabilidade, além de um método de três etapas para a redução progressiva de um número significativo de diretivas a uma lista simples de princípios de usabilidade. Os resultados deste trabalho incluem um modelo metodológico e um conjunto de sete princípios que podem ser utilizados para a pesquisa a e prática da Interação Humano-Computador. / The maturity of the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) field can be attested by the large number of existing sets of rules, guidelines and standards (called directives herein) that have been formulated by dozens of authors as guidelines for the study, design and improvement of user interfaces. Still, these sets present significant differences among themselves: many of these directives, including some already established in the realm of HCI, do not belong to the same level of abstraction and do not constitute a homogeneous set of statements. This lack of unity, coupled with the rapid evolution of digital technologies, has contributed to maintain these directives (and, according to some, the very discipline of HCI) in a constant state of fragmentation and perpetual change. Even so, it is possible to find among them certain principles — i.e., essential laws that are universal and immutable — which underlie these directives and can be extracted from them using an appropriate methodology. To contribute to this process, this research presents a review of the criteria used to compile these sets of usability directives and a three-step method for the progressive reduction of a significant number of directives to a simple list of usability principles. The results include a methodological framework and seven principles that can be used for the research and practice of Human-Computer Interaction.
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