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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gender Stereotypes in the Evaluation of Female and Male Top Management Leaders

Hannah, Kohnagel, Ulrich, Annika January 2024 (has links)
Agency and communality have previously emerged as gender stereotypes in theinterplay of leadership evaluations. Within an experimental vignette design, data from385 participants who answered an online survey was used to determine to what extenta leader's value orientation influences perceived competence and effectivenesscompared to male and female leaders. The first two hypotheses tested if a communalleader received higher ratings of competence and leadership effectiveness comparedto agentic leaders and if a male leader received higher ratings than female leaders. Thethird hypothesis tested a backlash effect for women in a way that the effect of lowerratings of perceived competence and leadership effectiveness for agentic leaders isstronger for female leaders compared to male leaders. Each participant randomlyreceived one vignette about a leader with one of the four conditions (male-communal/female-communal/ male-agentic/ female-agentic) and was asked to evaluate the leaderon perceived competence and effectiveness. The results showed that communal leadersreceived higher ratings of competence compared to agentic leaders, and likewise,female leaders were better evaluated than male leaders for competence andeffectiveness. Additionally, the interaction effect could not provide support for thehypothesis that there might be a backlash effect for women. A backlash effect wouldmean that the effect of lower ratings of perceived competence/leadership effectivenessfor agentic leaders is stronger for female leaders compared to male leaders. Limitationsand practical implications are discussed.

The Influence of Cognitive Processes on Attribution, Workplace Moral Judgments, and the Role of Perceived Psychological Distance

Nugaela, Vidusha, Carlesso, Luca January 2024 (has links)
This study bridges cognitive and organizational psychology, focusing on how cognitive processes, particularly global and local processing, interact with perceived distance to influence judgments, attributions, and moral evaluations in workplace scenarios. By administering a questionnaire,  data from 213 participants were collected and analyzed to understand how cognitive processes interact with moral questionability, attribution, and psychological distance within the workplace. During this research, we sought to confirm six hypotheses. The first two concerned attributions, focusing on whether local processing could influence people to resort to situational attribution, while global processing could favor dispositional attribution. Hypotheses three and four tested whether global processing made the behaviours perceived as morally objectionable and psychologically more distant than local processing. With hypothesis five, we wanted to investigate whether high psychological distance was associated with high moral questionability. The sixth hypothesis examined whether cognitive processing's impact on moral blame is partially mediated by perceived psychological distance. The findings revealed that individuals in the local processing condition were inclined to attribute behaviour more to dispositional factors, whereas those in the global processing condition tended to attribute it more to situational factors. Furthermore, people in the local processing condition perceived behaviours as more morally questionable and psychologically distant. Further analysis of Hypotheses 5 and 6 regarding the influence of perceived psychological distance on moral questionability and the mediating role of psychological distance between cognitive processes and moral questionability showed that there is a positive relationship between psychological distance and moral questionability and that perceived psychological distance has a mediating role between cognitive processes and moral questionability.

Höjdpunkter kontra förtret relaterat till mening i livet och känsla av sammanhang

Skramrud, Thilde, Molander, Anton January 2024 (has links)
Förtret och höjdpunkter hanterar alla människor dagligen. Effekten det egentligen har på individens känsla av sammanhang (KASAM) och mening i livet (MIL) är däremot relativt outforskat i Sverige. Forskning har indikerat att dagliga höjdpunkter och förtret har en korrelation till KASAM där förtret påvisat en starkare korrelation, samt att individens KASAM bör vara mer statiskt än MIL. Denna studie undersökte huruvida den tidigare forskningen hade stöd samt om dagliga höjdpunkter och förtret hade större påverkan än negativa och positiva livshändelser. I studien ingick 141 universitetsstudenter, 101 kvinnor och 40 män. Datainsamlingen skedde genom en enkätundersökning bestående av tre etablerade skalor. En korrelationsanalys samt regressionsanalyser visade att differensen mellan höjdpunkter och förtret har betydelse, samt är en signifikant prediktor, för graden av KASAM och MIL. Denna studie kan vara av värde för framtida forskning som underlag eller inspiration till att fylla den rådande kunskapsluckan, framför allt kring vikten av dagliga höjdpunkter.

Rhythms and information maintenance in working memory : How simultaneous hearing of isochronous and non-isochronous rhythms affect the performance of working memory

Khidri, Soren January 2024 (has links)
Research regarding the effect of rhythm on cognition has shown that isochronous rhythms can enhance maintenance in working memory. However, it is important to consider that much contemporary music includes both isochronous and non-isochronous rhythms simultaneously. To determine the practical benefits of this finding, it is necessary to explore rhythms thatclosely simulate contemporary music. The present study investigated how the maintenance-boosting effect of isochronous rhythm is affected by the simultaneous presence of a non-isochronous rhythm. Participants were tasked with remembering sequences of six letters for serial recall. In the rhythm condition, a woodblock sound was presented six times at regular intervals and a kick drum sound was presented eight times at irregular intervals during the delay between encoding and recall. In the silent condition, no sound was presented. The simultaneous presence of regular and irregular rhythms led to decreased memory performance compared to silence, suggesting that listening to complex rhythmic music can cause cognitive overload and disrupt attentional refreshing. These findings are discussed in relation to relevant theoretical frameworks and the limitations of this study.

Gender Differences in Gratitude Among University Students in Sweden

Rydh, Mathias January 2019 (has links)
Previous findings suggest that gratitude is related to a multitude of benefits, such as improved psychological well-being, decreased psychological distress and more positive social relationships. The interest in gratitude as a research topic for psychological science is relatively new, and as such, there are many aspects of gratitude that need to be studied more. One of these areas is gender differences in trait gratitude. The main purpose of this study was to investigate possible gender differences in trait gratitude and in positive- and negative affect. In addition, a possible relationship between trait gratitude and affect is investigated, as well as cultural differences between Swedish students and international students studying in Sweden. This study was unable to find any differences in trait gratitude, however, a gender difference was found in experienced negative affect and cultural differences were found inboth positive- and negative affect. A positive relationship between trait gratitude and positive affect, as well as a negative relationship between trait gratitude and negative affect, were also found.

Mäns attityd till könsbaserad ojämlikhet i arbetslivet och förekomsten av mäns kollektiva skuld gentemot kvinnor.

Oliver, Langenberg, Albin, Andersson January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna kvantitativa studie var att kartlägga förekomsten av mäns kollektiva skuld gentemot kvinnor i arbetslivet och dess eventuella samvarians med mäns attityd till könsbaserad ojämlikhet på arbetsplatsen. Även skillnader i kollektiv skuld och attityd till könsbaserad ojämlikhet mellan unga (18–41 år) och äldre (42–65 år) män undersöktes. En enkät delades ut till manliga anställda på ett internationellt telekombolag. Enkäten bestod av frågor översatta från Branscombe Collective Guilt Scale (BCGS) som mätte grad av kollektiv skuld samt frågor från Men´s Polarized Gender Thinking Questionnaire (MPGQ) som mätte mäns attityd till könsbaserad ojämlikhet på arbetsplatsen. Resultatet visade att kollektiv skuld hos män förekommer. En signifikant korrelation uppmättes mellan MPGQ och BCGS. Unga män rapporterade signifikant högre grad av kollektiv skuld jämfört med äldre män. Ingen signifikant skillnad uppmättes i attityd mellan grupperna. Denna studie belyser förekomsten av kollektiv skuld, dess koppling till attityd samt ålders inverkan på kollektiv skuld. / The purpose of this study was to examine the occurrence of collective guilt among men against women in working life and its possible correlation with men's attitude towards gender-based inequality at the workplace. Differences in collective guilt and attitude towards gender-based inequality between young (18-41 years) and elder (42-65 years) men was studied. A survey was distributed to an international telecom company. The survey was based on the Branscombe Colletive Guilt Scale (BCGS) which measured the level of collective guilt and the Men´s Polarized Gender Thinking Questionnaire (MPGQ) which measured men's attitude towards gender-based inequality in the workplace. The result demonstrated that collective guilt in men occurred. A significant correlation was measured between MPGQ and BCGS. Young men reported significantly higher levels of collective guilt compared to older men. This study illustrates the existence of collective guilt, its link to attitude, as well as the age's impact on collective guilt.

Medarbetare och chefers upplevelse av en organisations målarbete : Hur målarbetet kan främja arbetsmotivationen hos medarbetarna

Johansson, Anna, Qvarnström, Frida January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur chefer och medarbetare upplevde organisationens målarbete samt hur de ansåg att den kunde förbättras, för att på så vis stärka arbetsmotivationen hos medarbetarna. Elva enskilda intervjuer genomfördes och materialet analyserades med hjälp av en induktiv tematisk analys. Detta resulterade i två huvudteman: Målarbetet och dess olika nivåer samt Faktorer som främjar arbetsmotivationen. Resultatet visade på ett fungerande och aktivt målarbete där medarbetarna gavs utrymme för självbestämmande och delaktighet. Förslag på förbättringsområden för att främja arbetsmotivationen inom målarbetet var uppföljning, utvärdering och kontinuerlig feedback.

Chefers upplevelser av krav, kontroll och stöd i sitt ledarskap under distansarbete. / Leader´s experiences of demands, control and support in their leadership during remote-work.

Kaur, Raman, Törnblom, Linnéa January 2022 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att undersöka chefers upplevelser av krav, kontroll och stöd i sitt arbete under distansarbete. Studien baserades på en kvalitativ metod med en deduktiv ansats, teman till studien hämtades från krav-kontroll-stöd-modellen. Data samlades in via sju semistrukturerade intervjuer från en organisation. Deltagarna var kvinnor i olika åldrar med erfarenhet av ledarskap i en chefsposition och hade minst 50% av arbetstiden på distans. Data analyserades genom en tematisk deduktiv analys utifrån tre huvudteman: krav, kontroll och stöd, med tillhörande förutbestämda underteman utifrån Job Content Questionnaire (JCQ). Resultatet visade att chefer på den aktuella organisationen upplevde krav i ledarskapet, de behövde ständigt vara tillgängliga, lösa komplexa problem och de krav som försvårades under distansarbetet var att upprätthålla arbetsmiljöansvaret samt ett tydligt ledarskap. Kontroll erhölls i ledarskapet via ett mångsidigt arbetsinnehåll, planering, nytt lärande och beslutsfrihet. Stödet erhölls genom en uppmärksam chef, ett gott samarbete och hjälpsamhet bland kollegor. Denna studie går i linje med tidigare forskning om att individer som upplever krav, kontroll och stöd i sitt arbete befinner sig i ett aktivt tillstånd utifrån krav-kontroll-stöd-modellen. / The purpose of the present study was to examine leader´s experience of demands, control and support in their leadership during remote-work. The study was based on a qualiative method with a deductive approach, the themes in the approach were retrieved from the demand-control-support-model. The data was collected through seven semi-structrued interviwes from an organization, where the participants were women in different ages with leadership experience in a managerial position, and had at least 50% of their working hours through remote-work. The collected data was analyzed through a thematic deductive analysis based on three predetermined subthemes: demand, control and support. The main themes contained predetermined subthemes, wich were selected from the Job Content Questionnaire (JCQ). The result showed that leaders in the current organization experienced demands in their leadership, where they constantly had to be avalible and solve complex problems. The demands wich were perceived as the most difficult were to maintain "work enviroment responsibility" and a clear leadership. Control was obtained through versatile work content, new learning, planning and decision freedom. Support was obtained through an attentive boss, good cooperation and helpfulness among colleagues. This study is in line with previous reasearch that individuals who experience higher demands, control and support in their work are in an active state based on the demand-control-support-model.

Art-making as a resource for the emergence of alternative personal and recovery narratives for people with an experience of psychosis

O'Brien, Kate January 2014 (has links)
Dominant narratives about psychosis portray individuals as lonely, dangerous and unable to contribute to society. Such views may be incorporated into an individual’s personal story and are associated with negative outcomes for personal and clinical recovery. Art-making is associated with personal meaning-making and alternative forms of expression. It is therefore considered potentially relevant to narrative modification. Adult service-users with psychosis participated in a gallery-based art-making intervention. At interview, participants used their self-created images to help tell their story. Literary, experience-centred and culturally-oriented lenses were used to analyse narratives. Turning-points as modifiers of stigmatised dominant narratives were explored, as was how the intervention supported recovery. Art-making was associated with achievement, challenge and satisfaction. Story-telling using visual and verbal means opened up stories and alternative perspectives for participants. Recovery-principles including hope and aspiration were supported, identified through goals and recognition of achievement. Sharing experiences with others with similar experiences was viewed as impacting positively on mental-health. The intervention represented effective partnership working between NHS services and a gallery in overcoming barriers to accessing the arts, for people with psychosis. Achievements in art-making and narrating experience using visual and verbal means offered alternatives to personally limiting and illness-dominated narratives.

Japan's 2011 disaster : a grounded theory study of resilience in vicariously exposed Japanese citizens

Weldon, Paul January 2015 (has links)
Disasters are stressors and Post-disaster psychological interventions (PDIs) are designed to promote resiliency in affected populations; there is no supportive evidence that such interventions are effective in reducing or preventing clinical symptoms of PSTD. The purpose of this study was to explore how vicariously exposed Japanese citizens living in the UK responded to Japan's 2011 disaster, and how their responses may support the aims of PDIs and resiliency. A qualitative design using a snowball sampling method and semi-structured interview was conducted and analysed using grounded theory. Participants (n=18; m = 3, f = 15), who had lived in the UK for an average of 13.3 years, attended face to face interviews. They reflected on their thoughts, feelings, and behaviours from first hearing of the disaster. A preliminary grounded theory revealed the psychological process of appraisal and identification as drivers of establishing safety, helping responses and the development of a disaster narrative. The resultant theory supported the aims of PDIs, but highlighted the potential of disaster ‘victims’ utilising existing skills in the disaster to create a personal narrative of self-efficacy (resilience) in overcome feeling of helplessness in the disaster context. William James noted this phenomena during his experience of the San Francisco earthquake of 1906.

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