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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The effect of submerged arc welding parameters on the properties of pressure vessel and wind turbine tower steels

Yang, Yongxu 21 October 2008
Submerged arc welding (SAW) is commonly used for fabricating large diameter linepipes, pressure vessels and wind turbine towers due to its high deposition rate, high quality welds, ease of automation and low operator skill requirement. In order to achieve high melting efficiency required for high productivity, best weld quality and good mechanical properties in manufacturing industries, the welding process parameters need to be optimized. In this study, the effect of SAW current and speed on the physical and mechanical properties of ASME SA516 Gr. 70 (pressure vessel steel) and ASTM A709 Gr. 50 (wind turbine tower steel) were investigated. Three welding currents (700 A, 800 A and 850 A) and four travel speeds (5.9, 9.3, 12.3 and 15.3 mm/s) were used to weld sample plates measuring 915 mm x 122 mm x 17 mm. The weld quality and properties were evaluated using weld geometry measurements, visual inspection, ultrasonic inspection, hardness measurements, optical microscopy, tensile testing, Charpy impact testing and scanning electron microscopy. It was found that the physical and mechanical properties of the weldments were affected by SAW parameters. Severe undercuts were found at high travel speed and welding current. Low heat input caused lack of penetration defects to form in the weldments. The welding process melting efficiency (WPME) achieved was up to 80%. The hardness of the coarse grain heat affected zone (CGHAZ) and the weld metal increased with travel speed. The toughness of both materials increased with increasing travel speed and welding current. The yield and tensile strengths of the weldments of SA516 Gr.70 and A709 Gr.50 steels were within the same range as those of their respective parent metals because all test specimens broke in the parent metals. Also, the parent metals of both steels had the highest fracture strain and percent elongation. The percentage elongation increased with travel speed but decreased with welding current.

Circular motion for robotized metal deposition : verification and implementation

Denys, Kristof January 2013 (has links)
Metal deposition is an additive layered manufacturing process that deposits molten metal droplets on a substrate and by repeating this process layer by layer, a complex shaped 3D geometry can be manufactured. In this thesis, the metal deposition process is performed by a robot with a wire feeder tool and a laser as energy source to melt the metal wire. The robot programming for robotized metal deposition process can be completely automated by computer aided robotics software. University West is currently developing an add-in application in a computer aided robotics software, Process Simulate, that is capable of programming the robotized metal deposition process. The first goal of this thesis was to verify the up to now developed software and the process from CAD drawing down to robot code. Another goal was to find and implement an algorithm that will reduce the number of locations on a circular arc to three locations. The algorithm to minimize the locations must be capable of changing all the different curvature paths to linear and circular arc motions which are easy to translate to robot code. The user should be able to decide the fitting precision of the approximated motion path to the original path. A real robot cell setup is modelled in Process Simulate. This lets Process Simulate generate the correct robot code for that specific cell.  Since each robot cell has its own unique setup, a custom script will be developed that changes the universal robot code, that Process Simulate generates, to the custom robot code required in this specific robot cell. The software is improved and tested from CAD drawing down to robot code but still needs to be debugged more and needs implementation of some non-existing features.

Estudio bioquímico y molecular de la producción de precursores de carbamato de etilo por bacteria lácticas asociadas al proceso de vinificación

Araque Granados, Maria Isabel 28 June 2010 (has links)
Las bacterias lácticas (BL) mas frecuentes aisladas de vino fueron estudiadas en su capacidad de degradación de la arginina y su implicación en la generación de precursores de carbamato de etilo (CE) como citrulina y carbamil fosfato. Todos los lactobacilos heterofermentativos así como Oenococcus oeni, Pediococcus pentosaceus y algunas cepas de Leuconostoc mesenteroides y Lactobacillus plantarum fueron positivas en cuanto a su capacidad de degradación. Así mismo también se estudio la presencia y la expresión de los genes del operon arc de la vía de la arginina deiminasa. Los resultados obtenidos sugieren que en algunas de las cepas los genes del operon arc no siempre están en arreglo de operon y por lo tanto no hay evidencia de todos los genes implicados. En algunos casos aunque el operon este completo la degradación puede no sucederse, o la actividad enzimática de cada una de las enzimas codificada ser distinta. La velocidad de degradación varia dependiendo de las condiciones del medio lo que contribuye a la acumulación de precursores y a la posible formación de CE. / The most frequently isolated lactic acid bacteria (LAB) of wine were screened for arginine degradation. The generation of precursors such as citrulline and carbamyl phosphate for generation ethyl carbamate (CE) was review. Degrading strains included all heterofermentative lactobacilli, Oenococcus oeni, Pediococcus pentosaceus and some strains of Leuconostoc mesenteroides and Lactobacillus plantarum. The presence and the expression of operon arc genes for arginine-deiminase pathway was studied in several strains of different species of LAB. In some strains, there no existence of all genes involved because theirs aren't always grouped together as an operon. In other strains, the pathway isn't active or kinetic activity of each encoded enzymes is different. The environmental condition of growth can affect in the rate of degradation which can lead to accumulation of precursors of CE at media.

Évolution du relief le long des marges actives : étude de la déformation Plio-Quaternaire de la cordillère côtière d'Équateur

Reyes, Pedro 15 April 2013 (has links) (PDF)
La marge d'Équateur est caractérisée par un bassin avant-arc formé par un socle crétacé et une couverture de sédiments marins d'âge Crétacé à Quaternaire. Le relief de cette zone comprend d'une part la cordillère Côtière proprement dite et la plaine Côtière, située entre la cordillère Côtière et les Andes. Ce travail porte sur l'évolution et le soulèvement de la cordillère Côtière durant le Néogène. Dans un premier temps, nous avons réalisé une étude géologique régionale de la cordillère côtière. À partir de l'analyse stratigraphique et structurale des formations géologiques, nous avons réalisé une carte géologique de la cordillère côtière au 1/500 000 qui nous a permis d'effectuer pour la première fois des corrélations stratigraphique et un schéma structural à l'échelle complète de la cordillère. Dans un deuxième temps nous avons réalisé une étude géomorphologique de la zone. À partir de l'analyse de MNT, d'images satellites et aériennes nous avons défini les principales caractéristiques morphologiques de la zone d'étude. En particulier, le travail a porté principalement sur l'analyse de la géométrie du réseau hydrographique, la mesure de la géométrie des vallées et du profil en long des rivières à l'échelle de la cordillère Côtière. En complément nous avons mesuré le profil longitudinal des terrasses alluviales le long du rio Jama et analysé la morphologie des cônes alluviaux qui se déposent au pied des Andes sur la plaine Côtière. Les résultats ont permis de proposer une évolution du soulèvement de la cordillère Côtière. Les mesures des incisions relatives des rivières suggèrent que le soulèvement de la cordillère Côtière n'est pas homogène et que la cordillère est segmentée en plusieurs blocs dont les taux de soulèvement relatif sont variables: les blocs du Nord présentant les incisions les plus importantes. L'analyse des profils longitudinaux des terrasses alluviales du rio Jama montre une activité néotectonique le long des failles du système de Jama. Le taux de soulèvement estimé à partir de cette analyse est de 0.9 à 1.2 mm/ an pour le segment central de la cordillère Côtière. L'analyse du cône de Santo Domingo, situé aux pieds des Andes, révèle une importante interaction entre le soulèvement de la cordillère Côtière et le remplissage sédimentaire de la plaine côtière dont le résultat est la réorganisation du réseau hydrographique en deux grands bassins hydrographiques: Guayas au Sud et Esmeraldas au Nord. A plus long termes, la géologie et la stratigraphie montrent que la partie du Sud a subis une plus forte érosion (soulèvement ?) qu'au Nord. La mise en évidence de plusieurs discordances à l'échelle régionale montre que la cordillère Côtière s'est soulevée de façon hétérogène depuis le Plio-Pléistocène formant un grand antiforme segmenté et contrôlé par des failles régionales qui présentent une direction proche de la direction du mouvement vers le NE-NNE du bloc Nord-Andin.

Inhibition réciproque du transport de cadmium et de calcium dans les cellules adrénocorticales de truite arc-en-ciel (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

Gagnon, Elyse January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Certains métaux peuvent agir comme perturbateurs endocriniens: les truites arc-en-ciel vivant dans les lacs contaminés au cadmium (Cd) ou au zinc (Zn) présentent une sécrétion cortisolique affaiblie en réponse au stress comparativement à celles non exposées. Des études in vitro ont révélé que le Cd et le Zn agissent directement sur la cellule adrénocorticale et nous avons démontré que le ¹⁰⁹Cd est transporté dans ces cellules par un système de transport spécifique. Comme la sécrétion cortisolique en réponse à l'adrénocorticotrophine (ACTH) impliquerait un influx de calcium (Ca), nous avons émis l'hypothèse que le Cd et le Zn inhiberaient cet influx. Les effets réciproques du Cd et du Ca, ainsi que du Zn, sur le transport de ¹⁰⁹Cd et de ⁴⁵Ca ont été caractérisés dans des cellules adrénocorticales isolées de truites d'élevage. Nous avons utilisé des milieux d'incubation inorganiques et avons analysé les résultats en terme de spéciation des métaux. Nos résultats démontrent l'existence d'un transport spécifique pour le ⁴⁵Ca. Des inhibitions réciproques entre le Cd et le Ca ont été observées en conditions optimisant les niveaux de Cd²⁺ comparativement aux chloro-complexes (CdCln²¯n). Le Zn inhibe préférentiellement le transport de ¹⁰⁹CdCln²¯n sans affecter l'accumulation de ⁴⁵Ca. Le Cd pourrait donc perturber la sécrétion de cortisol en diminuant la biodisponibilité du Ca dans les cellules stéroïdogéniques du tissu interrénal, mais il est peu probable que le Zn agisse ainsi. Le transport de ¹⁰⁹Cd étant inhibé par le Zn, ces deux métaux n'agiraient pas en synergie sur la fonction hormonale. Cette étude valide l'utilisation de cellules adrénocorticales isolées pour mieux comprendre la défaillance cortisolique observée chez les poissons vivant en écosystèmes contaminés. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Cadmium, Zinc, Calcium, Cortisol, Spéciation, Inhibition réciproque.


Pérez Mansilla, Sonia 02 February 2001 (has links)
Un digrafo o grafo dirigido se dice que es k-arco transitivo si tiene grupo de automorfismos que actúa transitivamente en el conjunto de k-arcos. Para un entero positivo k, un k-arco de un digrafo es una secuencia (x0,x1,.,xk) de k+1 vértices del digrafo tal que para cada i=0,.,k, (xi,xi+1) es un arco del digrafo. Los digrafos de esta clase tienen una alta simetría y por lo tanto pueden ser útiles como modelos de transmisión y de difusión de la información. Uno de los problemas de que nos ocupamos en esta Tesis es la modelización de topologías de redes de interconexión altamente simétricas mediante digrafos k-arco transitivos. Así, una primera parte de la tesis se dedica precisamente a la construcción de digrafos k-arco transitivos, que es una de las principales contribuciones de la tesis. La forma en que se estructura esta memoria es la siguiente:En los primeros Capítulos incluimos la notación y terminología básica de digrafos que utilizaremos a lo largo de la Tesis, así como un estado del arte de otras construcciones de digrafos k-arco transitivos conocidas hasta la fecha. Introducimos también las herramientas claves para nuestra construcción de digrafos k-arco transitivos como son las 1-factorizaciones y los recubrimientos de digrafos. En particular, definimos los recubrimientos de Cayley de digrafos arco-coloreados.En el Capítulo 3 presentamos nuestra construcción de digrafos k-arco transitivos, que es también una técnica de construcción de recubrimientos k-arco transitivos de digrafos conexos regulares arbitrarios para cada entero positivo k. Como técnica de contrucción de recubrimientos k-arco transitivos, generaliza los resultados de Babai de 1985 para los casos k=0,1. La idea de la construcción consiste en escoger recubrimientos vértice transitivos "apropiados" del digrafo línea k-línea iterado del digrafo de partida, de manera que estos recubrimientos sean también digrafos k-línea iterados. Además, los digrafos k-arco transitivos de los que son k-línea iterados resultan ser además recubrimientos del digrafo de partida. Los recubrimientos "apropiados" de los digrafos k-línea iterados son recubrimientos de Cayley de los digrafos con 1-factorizaciones k-uniformes. Previamente, definimos las 1-factorizaciones k-uniformes de digrafos k-línea iterados y probamos que todo digrafo k-línea iterado admite 1-factorizaciones de este tipo. En el Capítulo 4 introducimos el concepto de cuadrado latino uniforme y damos una caracterización de las 1-factorizaciones 1-uniformes de digrafos línea en términos de cuadrados latinos uniformes. En particular, obtenemos el número de 1-factorizaciones 1-uniformes de un digrafo línea en función del número de cuadrados latinos uniformes de manera constructiva. Se demuestra también que los cuadrados latinos uniformes son isomorfos al cuadrado latino de la tabla de composición de un grupo del mismo orden. Como consecuencia, calculamos explicítamente los cuadrados latinos uniformes de orden pequeño y obtenemos las 1-factorizaciones 1-uniformes de digrafos línea de grado pequeño de algunas familias de digrafos. La última parte del capítulo la dedicamos a la representación de grupos de permutaciones que actúan regularmente en el conjunto de arcos de un digrafo. En el Capítulo 5 estudiamos el grupo de automorfismos de los recubrimientos k-arco transitivos que obtenemos con nuestra técnica. Se dan resultados interesantes en términos de la normalidad para los recubrimientos de Cayley de grado dos. Por último en este capítulo, estudiamos la estructura del grupo de automorfismos de los digrafos k-arco transitivos que son homeomorfos a un ciclo y en particular, vemos que un digrafo de Cayley es homeomorfo a un ciclo si y sólo si existe un subgrupo normal del grupo base tal que los generadores están contenidos en una de las clases laterales del subgrupo. / A digraph or directed graph is said k-arc transitive if it has automorphism group that acts transitively on the set of k-arcs. For a positive integer k, a k-arc of a digraph is a sequence (x0,x1,.,xk) of k+1 vertices of the digraph such that for each i=0,.,k, (xi,xi+1) is an arc of the digraph. Digraphs in this class have high symmetry and so they can be useful as models of transmission and diffusion of the information. One of the problems we work on this Thesis is the modelation of topologies of highly symmetric interconnection networks using k-arc transitive digraphs. Thus, the first part of the Thesis is devoted to the construction of k-arc transitive digraphs, which is one of the main contributions of this Thesis. The memory of the Thesis is structured as follows.In the firstly chapters we introduced the notation and basic terminology about graphs that we are going to use throughout the Thesis. Moreover, we include a short background about another constructions of k-arc transitive digraphs known up to now. We also include the main ingredients for our construction of k-arc transitive digraphs as the 1-factorizations and covers of digraphs. In particular, we define the Cayley covers of arc-colored digraphs.In Chapter 3 we present our construction of k-arc transitive digraphs, which is also a technique to construct k-arc transitive covers of connected regular arbitrary digraphs for every positive integer k. As a construction tecnique of k-arc transitive digraphs, it generalizes results of Babai of 1995 for the cases k=0,1. The idea of the construction consists of choosing 'appropiate' vertex transitive covers of the k-line iterated digraph of the starting digraph in such a way that this covers are also k-line iterated digraphs. Furthermore, the k-arc transitive digraphs of which they are k-line iterated digraphs turn out to be covers of the starting digraph. The 'appropiate' covers of k-line iterated digraphs are Cayley covers of digraphs with k-uniform 1-factorization. Previously, we define a k-uniform 1-factorization of a k-line iterated digraph and we prove that every regular digraph admits 1-factorizations of this kind. In Chapter 4 we introduce the concept of uniform latin square and we give a characterization of the 1-uniform 1-factorizations of line digraphs in terms of uniform latin squares. In particular, we obtain the number of 1-uniform 1-factorizations of a line digraph as a function of the number of uniform latin squares in a constructive way. We also prove that uniform latin squares are isomorphic to a latin square of the composition table of a group of the same size (in fact, the group is the complete set of discordant permutations obtained by the columns of the latin square). As a consequence, we calculate explicitly the uniform latin squares of small order and we obtain the 1-uniform 1-factorization of line digraphs of small degree of some families of digraphs. The last part of this chapter is devoted to the representation of permutation groups that acts regularly on the set of arcs of a digraph. In Chapter 5 we study the automorphism group of the k-arc transitive covers we obtain with our technique. We give some results in terms of the normality for the Cayley covers of degree two. Finally in this chapter, we study the structure of the automorphism group of the k-arc transitive digraphs homomorphic to a directed cycle. In particular, we see that a Cayley digraph is homomorphic to a cycle if and only if there exists a normal subgroup of the base group such that the generators are contained in one of the cosets of the subgroup.

Metodik för robotsimulering och programmering av bågsvetsrobotar / Methodology for robot simulation and programming of arc welding robots

Hänninen, Sofia, Karlsson, Gunilla January 2008 (has links)
Det finns flera fördelar med robotiserad bågsvetsning jämfört med manuell bågsvetsning. När det gäller produktivitet och repeterbarhet är robot överlägsen människa, vilket gör att produkterna håller jämnare kvalitet. I slutet av 80-talet började offline-programmering att tillämpas. Att programmera en robot offline innebär att utföra programmeringen med dator utan direkt tillgång till roboten. Genom simulering visualiseras ett robotprogram i en grafisk modell av den fysiska robotcellen utan att den fysiska roboten behöver tas ur produktion. För att systemet för offline-programmering (OLP) ska vara effektivt, måste dess modellers kinematik överensstämma med dess fysiska motsvarigheter. En virtuell modell av en cell skiljer sig dock alltid något från verkligheten. Därför krävs kalibrering När simuleringsprogrammet är färdigt och kalibreringen är utförd, ska programmet översättas till ett för roboten specifikt programspråk. Detta görs genom en så kallad translator. Denna rapport har skrivits på uppdrag av Delfoi. Delfoi har i flera år använt sig av DELMIA IGRIP för offline-programmering av bågsvetsningsrobotar. DELMIA har nu gett ut en ny generation program i den gemensamma plattformen V5. Plattformen innehåller bland annat DELMIA V5 Robotics och CATIA V5. Området för bågsvetsning har varit relativt outforskat. Därför vill företaget undersöka hur långt V5 Robotics har utvecklats inom detta område. Syftet är att undersöka om utvecklingen av V5 Robotics kommit tillräckligt långt för att kunna säljas till kund för offline-programmering av bågsvetsning. Arbetet påbörjades genom att kartlägga den arbetsmetodik som Delfoi använder sig av vid bågsvetsning i IGRIP. Detta har skett i programvaran UltraArc, som innehåller IGRIP’s applikation för bågsvetsning. Dessutom gjordes en kartläggning av användandet av AMP, Arc weld Macro Programming, vid offline-programmering av bågsvetsning. Nästa del var att ta fram en metodik för bågsvetsning i V5 Robotics. De båda programmen och dess metodik har sedan jämförts, för att ta reda på om V5 Robotics är tillräckligt utvecklat för att migrera från IGRIP till V5 Robotics. Demonstrationer av arbetssättet i V5 Robotics har genomförts på Delfoi samt hos en av Delfois kunder, BT Industries i Mjölby. Författarnas slutsats är att V5 Robotics är redo att användas för OLP av bågsvetsning. För de företag som använder sig av CATIA V5 finns det stora fördelar med att starta migrationen från IGRIP till V5 Robotics. Metodiken mellan de båda mjukvarorna har stora likheter, men vissa delar har utvecklats till det bättre i V5 Robotics. Dock kan den nya programvaran behöva testas i verkliga projekt för att säkerställa att hela programmeringsprocessen fungerar tillfredsställande innan bytet genomförs. / There are several advantages in robotic arc welding, compared to manual arc welding. When it comes to productivity and repeatability, robot is superior to man, which generates more even quality in products. In the end of the 1980’s, offline programming was put into practice. To program a robot offline means to perform the programming on a computer with no direct access to the robot. Through simulation, the robot program is visualized as a graphic model of the actual workcell, without having to take the actual robot out of production. For the offline programming system (OLP) to be efficient, the kinematics of the models need to correspond to its physical counterpart. A virtual model is always slightly different from the reality. That is why calibration is necessary. When the simulation program is complete and the calibration is done, the program needs to be translated to the language of the target robot. This is done through a post processor. This thesis was written as an assignment from the company Delfoi. Delfoi has been using DELMIA IGRIP for offline programming of robotic arc welding for several years. DELMIA now has released a new generation of programs in the common platform V5. The platform includes for example DELMIA V5 Robotics and CATIA V5. The area of arc welding has been relatively unexplored. That is why the company wants to investigate how far V5 Robotics has developed in this area. The purpose is to investigate if the development of V5 Robotics has come far enough for V5 Robotics to be taken to customers for OLP of arc welding. The work was begun by surveying the methodology used by Delfoi in arc welding in IGRIP. This has been done in the software UltraArc, which consists of the arc welding application from IGRIP. There was also a surveillance of the application of AMP, Arc weld Macro Programming, in offline programming of arc welding. The next step was to evolve a methodology for arc welding in V5 Robotics. The two softwares and their methodologies were then compared to find out whether or not V5 is enough developed for migration from IGRIP to V5 Robotics. Demonstrations of the method of working in V5 Robotics were held on Delfoi and on BT Industries in Mjölby, which is one of Deloi’s clients. The conclusion of the writers is that V5 Robotics is ready to be used in OLP of arc welding. For companies using CATIA V5, there are great advantages in migrating from IGRIP to V5 Robotics. The methodoldgies of the softwares show great similarities, but some parts have been developed to the better in V5 Robotics. Though, the new software needs to be tested in real projects to assure that the entire process of programming functions satisfying before the change is completed.

Konsekvensanalys för ”worst case scenario” på Mälarhamnar AB Västerås

Dotzsky, David January 2008 (has links)
Abstract Consequence analysis ”worst case scenario” at Mälarhamnar AB Västerås David Dotzsky Mälarhamnar AB is a company that handle large amounts of oil, diesel, biofuel and petrol. That result in a lot of work to prevent accidents. The risks with modern technology is very small but it can’t be eliminated. This project is a continued investigation on a previous consequence analysis for Mälarhamnar AB. It is important to know which authorities who will be involved before and after a worst case scenario at the fuel depot. It is conclusive that the responsibility of each party that is involved is defined. The communication between the involved parties is also important for the most efficient way to deal with the problems that occur after a fire in the depot. The information have been gathered through communication with and information from the environmental and health protection agency in Västerås, Mälardalens fire and rescue association, Västerås municipality, county administrative board in Västmanland and the national agency of preparation for crises among others. The effects from a depot fire would threat people in Västerås if the wind is northeast, then all the pollutants reach the city core. A fire can also cause eutrofication in Lake Mälaren, which might lead to overgrowth of poisonous algae and lack of oxygen. The responsibility is divided on a lot of parties but Mälarhamnar AB is ultimately responsible in case of fire. Nyckelord: ARC Miljö, bensin, cistern, myndighet, Mälaren, OKQ8, bränsledepå, olycka, petroleum, tillsyn.

Thermal Stability of Arc Evaporated ZrCrAlN

Syed, Muhammad Bilal January 2012 (has links)
This research explores the thermal stability of ZrCrAlN material system. For this purpose fourteen different compositions of ZrCrAlN coatings were deposited onto tungsten carbide substrates by using reactive cathodic arc evaporation. These compositions were further annealed at 800oC, 900oC, 1000oC and 1100oC temperatures. EDS was employed to specify the compositions. The crystal structure of the coatings were analysed by XRD, and the hardness of these coatings was determined by Nanoindentation. The experimental findings reported a significant age hardening of Zr0.16Cr0.12Al0.72N and a delayed h-AlN formation in Zr0.07Cr0.40Al0.52N. ZrCrAlN was thus proved to be thermally stable. / Multifilms,A4:2 Growth and characterization of Multicomponent Nitrides by Magnetron Sputtering and Arc evaporation

Evaluation and Simulation of Black-box Arc Models for High-Voltage Circuit-Breakers / Utvärdering och simulering av black-box ljusbågsmodeller för högspänningsbrytare

Gustavsson, Niklas January 2004 (has links)
The task for this Master thesis was to evaluate different black-box arc models for circuit-breakers with the purpose of finding criteria for the breaking ability. A black-box model is a model that requires no knowledge from the user of the underlying physical processes. Black-box arc models have been used in circuit-breaker development for many years. Arc voltages from tests made in the High Power Laboratory in Ludvika were used for validation, along with the resistance calculated at current zero, R0, and 500 ns before current zero, R500. Three different arc models were evaluated: Cassie-Mayr, KEMA and an arc model based on power calculations. The third model gave very good results and if the model is developed further, the breaking ability could easily be estimated. The arc model based on power calculations could be improved by using better approximations of the quantities in the model, and by representing the current better. A further suggestion for the following work is to combine the second arc model tested, the KEMA model, with the model based on power calculations in order to estimate the KEMA model parameters. The R0 and R500 values should also be calculated from more tests, in order to find a clear limit of the breaking ability.

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