Spelling suggestions: "subject:"arendt"" "subject:"brendt""
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The Framing of Evil in Oppressive Systems : Barbara, Phoenix, and Transit by Christian PetzoldAschenbrenner, Anna January 2022 (has links)
The present study aims to create a deeper understanding of the cinematic representation of “evil”. Therefore, a special focus lies on contemporary historical fiction films whose stories are set in totalitarian systems with direct or indirect references to German history. This is interesting as the depiction in films influences the viewer's perspective and understanding of history. While many film narratives have very stereotypical imaginations of good and evil, there are also films that use a more observational perspective on the social dynamics that align with specific situations rather than address villains. As one of the main representatives of the Berlin School, Christian Petzold adopts such an observational perspective in his thematic trilogy “Love in the Times of Oppressive Systems”(Barbara, Phoenix, and Transit). In the three independent stories, he deals with the relationship between the male and female protagonists in different stages of oppression in German society, whereby the power structures in the oppressive systems influence human interactions and social situations of everyday life. Using these films as examples, I will look at the framing of evil in totalitarian systems. For this purpose, I will examine the characters and their constellations and individual and general threats, and their motivations for actions as they are played out in these film narratives by Petzold on a cinematographic and thematic level. By referring to Hannah Arendt's conceptualization of evil, the thesis accounts for the representation of “evil” as a multidimensional phenomenon, and how it resonates in the cinematography and historical imagination of Petzold’s films.
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Self Creation and Social Critique: Kierkegaard, Arendt, and Castoriadis on Thinking and DiscourseRogerson, Nicholas T. 22 August 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Glimmering worlds: the drama of dying in Shakespeare's EnglandByker, Devin Lee 04 December 2016 (has links)
This dissertation explores how late medieval and early modern English culture understood the possibilities of experience inherent within our dying moments. I argue that, rather than approaching the moment of death as exclusively terrible, unbearable, or meaningless, as some literary scholars have claimed, many could instead hope to find within such moments the opportunity for what Erasmus called “glimmerings”—new revelations, actions, and experiences of the world. I explore how the drama of Shakespeare and Marlowe investigates both the promises and illusions of the glimmering worlds cast up in one’s dying moments.
This project draws on the thought of Hannah Arendt to elucidate the actions, forms of life, and worlds that can be undertaken and sustained in the circumstances of dying. In Chapter One, I uncover the late medieval roots of an association between dying moments and worldly awareness, expressed in fifteenth-century English texts such as Nicholas Love’s Mirror of the Blessed Life of Christ, Thomas Hoccleve’s Learn to Die, the morality play The Castle of Perseverance, and Desiderius Erasmus’s Preparation to Death. My second chapter argues that sixteenth-century ars moriendi texts such as Thomas Lupset’s Way of Dying Well, Thomas Becon’s Sick Man’s Salve, The Book of Common Prayer’s “Order for the Burial of the Dead,” and John Foxe’s Acts and Monuments each provide strategies of dying that preserve both self and world from the deteriorating force of mortality. Chapter Three moves from theological to dramatic inquiries into the moment of death, examining how Marlowe’s tragedies The Jew of Malta and Doctor Faustus scrutinize the risks of dying in conditions of exposure, in contrast with the sheltering protections of dying in a little room. My fourth chapter takes up Shakespearean tragedy to illustrate how King Lear evaluates and dramatizes the consequences of William Perkins’ Salve for a Sick Man, which contends that we are unable to undertake meaningful action in our final moments. In my last chapter, I show how Shakespeare’s late plays, Pericles and The Winter’s Tale, consider whether, in the presence of death, one can claim flourishing life and feel at home in the world.
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Schelling, Heidegger, and EvilHawkins, Devon M. 17 April 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Hannah Arendt and the Meaning of Political ActionHartford, Charlie 19 June 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Access to an asylum processFlood, Hanna January 2012 (has links)
This study examines the asylum process in Europe from the perspective of unaccompanied refugee children affected by the Dublin Regulation. The aim is to explore whether these children get access to a legally certain asylum process in the Common European Asylum System by comparing the experiences of the children with legal documents, directives and guidelines on how the procedure should be implemented. The study has been conducted as a multiple case study where information has been collected from previous research, published stories and reports, news articles, legal documents and an interview with a representative from a local network supporting asylum seekers living in clandestinity. The study uses the theory of Hannah Arendt regarding the right to have rights, examining whether the children’s experiences of the asylum process in Europe compared to legal documents show signs of them being excluded from a legally certain process and what that may mean for their human rights to be implemented and protected. International human rights law states that children, and especially unaccompanied refugee children shall always receive special protection due to their vulnerable status and the European Union should guarantee a legally certain asylum procedure for all refugees in all member states. This study illuminates difficulties for unaccompanied refugee children affected by the Dublin Regulation to get access to a legally certain asylum process in Europe and in accordance with the theory of Arendt their functional statelessness tend to exclude them from getting human rights, advocated as universal, fulfilled.
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From Force to Political Power: Frantz Fanon, M. K. Gandhi, and Hannah Arendt on Violence, Political Action, and EthicsCorrem, Tal January 2014 (has links)
This dissertation analyzes the problem of political violence in popular struggles for freedom and regime change. It seeks not only to explicate the different arguments for and against the use of violence in political struggle, but also the extent to which these various ways set the conditions for the political landscape after the struggle. To do that, I engage the arguments of Frantz Fanon, M. K. Gandhi, and Hannah Arendt. While these authors diverge with regard to the role of violence in popular struggles, all three conceptualize ways to achieve nonviolent politics or at least to reduce the role of violence in normal everyday politics. While Fanon and Gandhi offer viable diagnoses of the problem of violence and liberation, by stressing the structural and affective dimensions of political violence, Arendt challenges the traditional equation between political power and violence and offers an institutional alternative in her theory of a federated council system. My analysis reconstructs the link between the critique of violence (state, colonial, or mass violence) and the constructive theory of foundation and preservation of stability and effective relations of trust. These relations of trust are necessary to prevent recurring violence and escalation in the period following the struggle. By analyzing the intersections of violence, political action, and ethics in the work of Fanon, Gandhi, and Arendt, I provide a theoretical framework for understanding the role of violence in popular struggles and everyday politics, while avoiding the limitations of each theory. The aim of this study is threefold: first, to provide an alternative to the prominent positions of realism and moralism in political philosophy through an evaluation of ethical argumentation in politics regarding the problem of violence; second, to contribute to debates about political freedom, and sovereignty in democratic theory through examination of different solutions for the conservation of power and freedom in the transition from struggle to ordinary politics; and third, to develop a critical lens with which to examine situations of conflict and popular struggles, the place of violence, and the transition to ordinary politics. By way of conclusion, I demonstrate the relevance of this study through examination of a concrete case from the Middle East: the Egyptian revolution of 2011. The theoretical framework set by the multifocal debate provides a resource to analyze the promise and the ensuing crisis of the Egyptian project. / Philosophy
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El concepto de mal en el pensamiento de Hannah Arendt : dimensión moral, jurídica y políticaWagon, María Elena 26 September 2019 (has links)
En el pasado siglo XX el horror que llevó a cabo el régimen totalitario nazi interpeló a
los intelectuales de todo el mundo y los instó a reflexionar sobre el problema del mal.
Hannah Arendt no fue la excepción, pues el problema del mal es un tema que, de
manera transversal, recorre la totalidad de su obra. Con el advenimiento de los
totalitarismos del siglo XX, las categorías con las que se lo pensaba quedaron obsoletas
y fueron incapaces de brindar un marco de análisis acorde con la magnitud de los
acontecimientos. Esta situación generó la necesidad de la creación de nuevas categorías
de análisis y promovió el abordaje desde diferentes perspectivas teóricas.
El mal radical es un concepto que remite, en el pensamiento arendtiano, al
intento, por parte de los regímenes totalitarios, de eliminar todo rasgo humano de los
individuos. Bajo dicho régimen se anula toda capacidad del individuo de ser espontáneo
reduciéndose su obrar a la mera reacción ante diferentes estímulos. El mal radical
convierte en superfluos a los seres humanos, los vuelve prescindibles, intercambiables,
desechables. Este tipo de mal deviene en una categoría incomprensible en tanto es
irreductible a motivaciones claras que lo expliquen. El mal banal, en cambio, es un
nuevo tipo de mal que se caracteriza por su falta de reflexión y de compromiso
ideológico. En esto radica su peligrosidad y su gran poder de propagación. En la figura
de Eichmann Arendt vio materializada una capacidad infinita para llevar a cabo los
males más horrendos por los motivos más fútiles y nimios. La pensadora deduce de su
experiencia en Jerusalén que el no ejercicio de la facultad de pensamiento puede llevar a
la humanidad a realizar el peor de los males sin inmutarse por ello. Por último, la noción
de mal ordinario que Arendt no problematiza y que es desestimada por la mayoría de los
análisis críticos, hace referencia a una tipología de mal con la que la pensadora
caracteriza los crímenes juzgados en Frankfurt y que complejiza el estudio del problema
del mal en la obra arendtiana en relación con las nociones de mal radical y mal banal.
El objetivo del presente trabajo es abordar las diferentes concepciones
arendtianas del mal, a saber: el mal radical, la banalidad del mal y el mal ordinario,
desde tres dimensiones de análisis diferentes: la moral, la jurídica y la política. Por
medio de este estudio se pretende determinar si existen continuidades en las reflexiones
sobre el mal llevadas a cabo por Arendt o si, por el contrario, hay un cambio abrupto en
su pensamiento. A diferencia de los estudios críticos existentes en los que se intenta
responder a este interrogante de manera unidimensional, en este trabajo se busca
desmenuzar las tres obras clave del corpus arendtiano en las que Arendt propone cada
una de las tres concepciones del mal mencionadas, a saber: OT, EJ y AJ, desde la óptica
tridimensional de lo moral, lo jurídico y lo político. Se concluye que el mal radical y la
banalidad del mal no son nociones excluyentes entre sí sino que fungen como
expresiones que remiten a dos niveles diferentes, uno más general y estructural y el otro
vinculado con el comportamiento de los individuos dentro de las estructuras
gubernamentales estudiadas.
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Aux origines de la condition humaine : de la naissance selon Hannah Arendt à l'enfance chez Gaston BachelardDelot, Anne 18 April 2018 (has links)
La tradition philosophique a défini l'être humain par sa faculté de penser qui, face à cette fatalité qu'est la mort, le caractérise comme le seul être conscient de sa finitude. Hannah Arendt, au lendemain de l'expérience totalitaire, cherchait à reconstruire philosophiquement ce qui avait été ébranlé, à savoir le sens et la valeur de la vie humaine. Or, pour contrer l'hypothèse totalitaire de la super fuite de l'homme, il lui fallait un fondement indiscutable, un fondement ontologique, qu'elle trouva dans un élément occulté par l'ensemble de la tradition philosophique : la naissance. La question que pose Arendt est la suivante : en quoi la naissance détermine-t-elle la condition humaine ? Selon son hypothèse, la naissance engendrerait la faculté d'agir et, par extension, le monde ainsi que la liberté. Cette analyse possède le mérite de traiter, par le biais de la naissance, de l'enfant en soi, alors que ce dernier est généralement envisagé en philosophie à travers la question de l'éducation. Sur ce point, Arendt rejoint Gaston Bachelard, dont les travaux relatifs aux spécificités de l'enfance viendraient compléter et confirmer sa théorie de la natalité.
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La crise de l'éducation : un regard arendtien sur la situation québécoiseCayouette-Guilloteau, Valérie 24 April 2018 (has links)
Toute l'œuvre de Hannah Arendt est une interpellation à « penser ce que nous faisons », pour reprendre ses mots. Ce travail poursuit le même objectif : s'arrêter un instant et réfléchir à nos pratiques. En continuité avec son intérêt - rarissime en philosophie - pour la question de la natalité, nous circonscrivons notre champ de recherche à l'une des dimensions les plus importantes d'une communauté politique : l'éducation. Adoptant la perspective d'une citoyenne prenant part à son monde commun, nous nous intéressons davantage à la situation concrète du système éducatif québécois, le nôtre. À partir de la présentation d'une constellation de problèmes circonstanciels, nous en venons à accepter un constat plus général de crise. À la suite de Hannah Arendt, nous revenons aux fondements de l'éducation et en interrogeons les finalités. Ainsi, nous espérons échapper à une nostalgie simpliste et mieux identifier ce que nous voulons pour le Québec contemporain en ce domaine. Dans une première partie, nous retraçons brièvement l'histoire du système éducatif québécois et les nombreuses transformations de ses intentions et pratiques pédagogiques. Puis, nous dégageons quelques problématiques importantes vécues et rapportées par les acteurs et actrices du milieu : les difficultés croissantes du modèle de l'« ascenseur social », le réductionnisme scientifique et la technicisation croissante de cette activité et l'influence hégémonique du management. Dans un deuxième temps, nous référant principalement au célèbre texte La crise de l'éducation, nous situons l'œuvre de Hannah Arendt dans son contexte historique, clarifions sa toile conceptuelle et établissons son appartenance à une tradition éducative libérale. Reprenant les constats de la première partie, nous étudions plus avant l'idée de crise en général et dans le domaine de l'éducation en particulier. Pour ce faire, nous nous référons aux travaux du phénoménologue Edmund Husserl que nous considérons comme une influence importante pour notre auteure. Finalement, toujours en dialogue avec la pensée arendtienne, nous défendons l'idée de refonder l'éducation québécoise sur un modèle humaniste renouvelé. Celui-ci, désirant dépasser les oppositions simplistes entre transmission des connaissances et développement des compétences, propose une sorte de conservatisme progressiste. L'éducation ainsi conçue poursuit la double finalité de la transmission d'un solide socle culturel commun et du développement des aptitudes nécessaires à la participation de tous et toutes à la vie démocratique. Nous allons chercher du côté de Normand Baillargeon, Paul Hirst, John Dewey, Martha C. Nussbaum et Georges Leroux les prolongements contemporains dont nous avons besoin pour réactualiser la pensée arendtienne en éducation. Mots-clés : Éducation; Hannah Arendt; Crise; Humanisme; Québec
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