Spelling suggestions: "subject:"crete"" "subject:"frete""
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Areté, výchova, sport / Arete, education, sportKalenský, Petr January 2015 (has links)
The term ARETE originated in Ancient Greece. It refers to intentional state of mind which leads to correct task-performing. Prof. Patočka considered ARETE a classification of free life. It is a certain virtue of man who not only focuses on his life but also tries to build a space for his realization by perceiving the true nature of things and acting in harmony with it. In this sense Heraclitus had already spoken about ARETE and similar conclusions were drawn by taoists in China,too. Education was highly regarded in Ancient Greece. A man could acquire ARETE through education. However, a teacher could not teach in such a way we understand nowadays. The teacher must be rather a tutor who is leading a student up the right path to the good as Socrates used to teach in Athens. It is not about quantity of knowledge but it is important to know fundamental principles, to understand relationships, to know their background. Sport was held in honour of the Gods, it was sacred. A winner of the Olympic Games proved his gratitude to Gods by achieving his success. The origin of the Olympic Games was then entirely based on ARETE. Key words: ARETE, education, sport, harmony, Olympic Games
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Trovärdigt : En studie om hur en kommunal verksamhet kan bygga upp sin trovärdighet i informativa texter om sina tjänsterNelsson, Isa January 2015 (has links)
Att lyckas nå fram med sitt budskap är beroende av ett flertal olika faktorer. Till exempel målgruppens förtroende för avsändaren. Hur ska en göra om målgruppen redan innan budskapet förs fram har en skeptisk inställning gentemot avsändaren? Med utgångspunkt i retorikens ethos undersöker jag i denna studie hur en kommunal verksamhet kan använda ethos för att bygga upp sin trovärdighet gentemot sin målgrupp. Genom att ta fasta på verksamhetens kompetens, deras värderingar och välvilja, och lyfta fram dessa i en informationstext om verksamheten, ligger förhoppningen i att målgruppens benägenhet att nyttja verksamhetens tjänster ökar. Till grund för denna studie ligger teorier rörande ethos samt kvalitativa intervjuer med målgrupp, avsändare och sakkunnig. / A succesfully communicated message is dependent on a number of factors. One example of such factor is that the target group have confidence in the sender. What should one do if the target group even before the message is communicated, are sceptic towards the sender? With rhetoric and the ethos as a starting-point in this study, I examine how a public organisation can use ethos to build it’s credibility towards the target group. By focusing on the organisation’s competence, values and good-will and expressing all this in an informative text about the organisation in question, the expectation is that the tendency to use their product and services will increase among the target group. Theories of ethos serve as base for this study, as do qualitative interviews with the target group, the sender and one expert.
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Retorik i psykoterapi : Hur en psykoterapeut etablerar sitt ethosChalmain, Kristina January 2011 (has links)
This paper aims to describe and discuss psychotherapy in rhetorical terms; in particular how psychotherapists can use their ethos, or person, as a means for convincing the patient, and subsequently discuss how these insights in turn can be useful for other rhetors. Classical rhetoric is commonly associated with one speaker exercising influence on an audience of many, but modern rhetoric is broader, and includes all situations where someone is attempting, by speech or in writing, to affect anyone, including the rhetor himself. With this broader definition, psychotherapy may also be considered a form of rhetoric. Psychotherapy does, however, highlight the aspect of power distribution, in that it is clear that it is up to the patient to determine whether the rhetoric will achieve its purpose or not, that is, if he will be influenced by it. In psychotherapy, it is also important to differentiate between persuading and convincing: for a permanent change to occur in the patient’s thoughts and actions, the deeper, "internal" form of conviction is necessary for change to take place. When attempting to convince an audience, it is important for the speaker to establish a credible ethos, that is, present a trustworthy persona. A psychotherapist can do this in several ways, including demonstrating compassion and empathy; retain an expert role but still be personal when the situation requires; and strike a balance between direct and indirect control of the situation. Creatively explored, these aspects may be fruitful for other rhetors as well. / Denna uppsats syftar till att beskriva och diskutera psykoterapi med hjälp av retoriska begrepp; i synnerhet hur en psykoterapeut kan använda sitt ethos, eller person, som ett medel för att övertyga patienten, och därefter diskutera hur dessa insikter i sin tur kan användas i andra retoriska situationer. Klassisk retorik förknippas med en talare som utövar påverkan på en månghövdad publik, men den moderna retoriken är bredare, och inbegriper alla tillfällen där någon söker i tal eller skrift påverka någon annan, inklusive sig själv. Med denna bredare definition kan även psykoterapi räknas som en form av retorik. Psykoterapin gör dock maktfördelningen mellan talare och tilltalad extra tydlig, i och med att det är upp till patienten att avgöra om retoriken ska uppnå sitt syfte eller ej, det vill säga om åhöraren ska låta sig påverkas av den. I psykoterapi är det också viktigt att göra skillnad mellan att övertalas och övertygas: för att en beständig förändring ska inträda hos patienten måste den djupare, ”inre” formen av förändring äga rum. Ett viktigt medel för att övertyga en åhörare är att talaren etablerar ett trovärdigt ethos, det vill säga presenterar en trovärdig personlighet. En psykoterapeut kan göra detta på flera sätt, till exempel genom att visa medkänsla och empati; behålla sin roll som expert men ändå vara personlig när situationen kräver; och skapa en balans mellan direkt och indirekt styrande av den aktuella terapisituationen. Applicerade med en dos kreativitet kan dessa aspekter vara givande att utforska även i andra retoriska situationer.
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Bullying: a escola como campo de guerraCossalter, Mônica Elizabeth 15 February 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-02-15 / La presente investigación tiene como objeto de estudios los practicantes de amenaza y acoso
escolar. Para tal, presenta un amplio cuadro de casos ocurridos en Brasil y en el mundo,
estudiados por investigadores distintos en los entornos físicos y virtuales. Analiza cuestiones
como agresividad, violencia, prejuicio, industria cultural y institución escolar. Realiza un
levantamiento semántico de los términos de las agresiones verbales de estos sujetos
apuntando prejuicios subyacentes, investiga cual es el discurso social por detrás de los actos
de amenaza y acoso escolar, busca relacionar este tipo de violencia y los valores dictados por
los medios de comunicación. Lista y analiza características de estos sujetos desde
investigaciones y dos obras cinematográficas, dibuja su perfil asociando con lo del héroe
griego, en lo que tiene relación con el término arete y sus implicaciones. Analiza el
practicante de amenaza y acoso bajo la óptica del tema de la guerra. / A presente pesquisa tem como foco de estudos os bullies. Para tal, apresenta um amplo
quadro de casos de bullying no Brasil e no mundo, estudados por pesquisadores diversos e
ocorridos em ambientes físicos e virtuais. Analisa questões como agressividade, violência,
preconceito, indústria cultural e instituição escolar. Realiza um levantamento semântico dos
termos das agressões verbais dos bullies apontando preconceitos subjacentes, investiga qual o
discurso social por trás dos atos de bullying, busca relações entre essa espécie de violência e
os valores ditados pelos meios de comunicação. Elenca e analisa características dos bullies a
partir de pesquisas e de duas obras cinematográficas, delineia seu perfil associando-o ao do
herói grego, no que concerne ao termo arete e suas implicações e analisa o bullie pela ótica da
temática da guerra.
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Frivilliga fel : den sokratiska paradoxen och Platons Staten / To Err Willingly : The Socratic Paradox and Plato's RepublicJohansson, Einar January 2020 (has links)
I denna uppsats undersöker jag hur två olika tolkningar av den sokratiska frivillighetsparadoxen ingen gör fel frivilligt påverkar möjligheten att förstå Platons dialog Staten. Min hypotes är att de två tolkningarna av frivillighetsparadoxen kastar ljus över diskussionen i Staten, och att det är nödvändigt att förstå frivillighetsparadoxens roll för att förstå vad som står på spel i Staten. I uppsatsen ämnar jag visa att ett möjligt sätt att läsa Staten är att tolka Sokrates och de övriga samtalsdeltagarnas uttalanden baserat på kontexten, eftersom vissa uttalanden är polemiska i sin karaktär, medan andra är traditionella. Jag argumenterar för att såväl den traditionella synen på Sokrates som den polemiska dito är korrekta analyser av Sokrates filosofiska gärning, men inte heltäckande sådana, eftersom Sokrates ibland är polemisk – mot de som kvickt måste nedkämpas – och ibland är instruerande på traditionellt manér, mot de som kan förbättras genom det filosofiska samtalet. Detta sätt att läsa Staten skiljer sig från andra genom att läsaren bör avstå a priori-uppfattningar om Sokrates, Thrasymakos eller Glaukons och Adeimantos ståndpunkter till förmån för att tolka beteenden hos samtalsdeltagarna samt deras uppfattningar, vilka förmedlas av texten.
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Konstens arete : Techne som dygd hos Platon i Den Mindre Hippias och GorgiasHildeman Togner, Theodor January 2018 (has links)
The most common question that scholars ask regarding the concept of techne in the Plato dialogues is if it is possible to understand arete, morale or the good, as a techne, that is, if arete kan be viewed as a knowledge, an ability or a skill. Is arete something that can be taught? In this essay I will explore this question from a reversed viewpoint, and try the claim that techne always in itself is an excercise of arete, inasmuch as the goal of a techne has to be the good, or ”what is best”, in order for it to be a techne for Plato at all.
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Excellence Redefined: The Evolution of Virtus in Ancient RomeTrygstad, Emily J. 24 April 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Design of Survivable Networks with Bounded-Length Paths / Conception de Réseaux Fiables à Chemins de Longueur BornéeHuygens, David D. P. O. 30 September 2005 (has links)
In this thesis, we consider the k-edge connected L-hop-constrained network design problem. Given a weighted graph G=(N,E), a set D of pairs of terminal nodes, and two integers k,L > 1, it consists in finding in G the minimum cost subgraph containing at least k edge-disjoint paths of at most L edges between each pair in D. This problem is of great interest in today's telecommunication industry, where highly survivable networks need to be constructed.
We first study the particular case where the set of demands D is reduced to a single pair {s,t}. We propose an integer programming formulation for the problem, which consists in the st-cut and trivial inequalities, along with the so-called L-st-path-cut inequalities. We show that these three classes of inequalities completely describe the associated polytope when k=2 and L=2 or 3, and give necessary and sufficient conditions for them to be facet-defining. We also consider the dominant of the associated polytope, and discuss how the previous inequalities can be separated in polynomial time.
We then extend the complete and minimal description obtained above to any number k of required edge-disjoint L-st-paths, but when L=2 only. We devise a cutting plane algorithm to solve the problem, using the previous polynomial separations, and present some computational results.
After that, we consider the case where there is more than one demand in D. We first show that the problem is strongly NP-hard, for all L fixed, even when all the demands in D have one root node in common. For k=2 and L=2,3, we give an integer programming formulation, based on the previous constraints written for all pairs {s,t} in D. We then proceed by giving several new classes of facet-defining inequalities, valid for the problem in general, but more adapted to the rooted case. We propose separation procedures for these inequalities, which are embedded within a Branch-and-Cut algorithm to solve the problem when L=2,3. Extensive computational results from it are given and analyzed for both random and real instances.
Since those results appear less satisfactory in the case of arbitrary demands (non necessarily rooted), we present additional families of valid inequalites in that situation. Again, separation procedures are devised for them, and added to our previous Branch-and-Cut algorithm, in order to see the practical improvement granted by them.
Finally, we study the problem for greater values of L. In particular, when L=4, we propose new families of constraints for the problem of finding a subgraph that contains at least two L-st-paths either node-disjoint, or edge-disjoint. Using these, we obtain an integer programming formulation in the space of the design variables for each case.
Dans cette thèse, nous considérons le problème de conception de réseau k-arete connexe à chemins L-bornés. Etant donné un graphe pondéré G=(N,E), un ensemble D de paires de noeuds terminaux, et deux entiers k,L > 1, ce problème consiste à trouver, dans G, un sous-graphe de cout minimum tel que, entre chaque paire dans D, il existe au moins k chemins arete-disjoints de longueur au plus L. Ce problème est d'un grand intéret dans l'industrie des télécommunications, où des réseaux hautement fiables doivent etre construits.
Nous étudions tout d'abord le cas particulier où l'ensemble des demandes D est réduit à une seule paire de noeuds. Nous proposons une formulation du problème sous forme de programme linéaire en nombres entiers, laquelle consiste en les inégalités triviales et de coupe, ainsi que les inégalités dites de L-chemin-coupe. Nous montrons que ces trois types d'inégalités décrivent complètement le polytope associé lorsque k=2 et L=2,3, et donnons des conditions nécessaires et suffisantes pour que celles-ci en définissent des facettes. Nous considérons également le dominant du polytope associé et discutons de la séparation polynomiale des trois classes précédentes.
Nous étendons alors cette description complète et minimale à tout nombre k de chemins arete-disjoints de longueur au plus 2. De plus, nous proposons un algorithme de plans coupants utilisant les précédentes séparations polynomiales, et en présentons quelques résultats calculatoires, pour tout k>1 et L=2,3.
Nous considérons ensuite le cas où plusieurs demandes se trouvent dans D. Nous montrons d'abord que le problème est fortement NP-dur, pour tout L fixé et ce, meme si les demandes sont toutes enracinées en un noeud. Pour k=2 et L=2,3, nous donnons une formulation du problème sous forme de programme linéaire en nombres entiers. Nous proposons également de nouvelles classes d'inégalités valides, pour lesquelles nous réalisons une étude faciale. Celles-ci sont alors séparées dans le cadre d'un algorithme de coupes et branchements pour résoudre des instances aléatoires et réelles du problème.
Enfin, nous étudions le problème pour de plus grandes valeurs de L. En particulier, lorsque L=4, nous donnons de nouvelles familles de contraintes pour le problème consistant à déterminer un sous-graphe contenant entre deux noeuds fixés au moins deux chemins de longueur au plus 4, que ceux-ci doivent etre arete-disjoints ou noeud-disjoints. Grace à ces dernières, nous parvenons à donner une formulation naturelle du problème dans chacun de ces deux cas.
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Neoptólemo entre a cicatriz e a chaga : lógos sofistico, peithó e areté na tragédia Filoctetes de SófoclesDagios, Mateus January 2012 (has links)
A presente dissertação, intitulada “Neoptólemo entre a cicatriz e a chaga: lógos sofístico, peithó e areté na tragédia Filoctetes de Sófocles”, busca analisar como Sófocles problematiza para a pólis ateniense o lógos sofístico, a ambigüidade da figura do sofista e os efeitos de tal posição sobre os valores e os significados, em um conflito com os padrões éticos da areté. Examina-se como os personagens Odisseu, Filoctetes e Neoptólemo, na interação dos seus discursos, põem em discussão os poderes, as limitações e os usos dos discursos, em especial o persuasório, a peithó. Trabalha-se com a hipótese de que existe no texto trágico um conflito de visões de mundo e de significados e de que as diferentes posturas dos personagens frente ao lógos constituem representações de discursos antagônicos, pertencentes ao repertório cultural da cidade ateniense do último quarto do século V a.C. Parte-se do pressuposto teórico de que a tragédia grega é uma arte política, que trabalha o mito e a pólis e os seus vocabulários, de forma que o Filoctetes de Sófocles (409 a.C.) discutiria temas caros à pólis como a comunicação e a educação, relacionados então com a ascensão dos sofistas. / This work aims to analyze how Sophocles discusses before the Athenian polis’ citizens sophistic logos, the ambiguous position of sophists, and their impact as a debate about values and meanings and as a conflict with the ethical standards related to arete. It is examined how the characters Odysseus, Philoctetes, and Neoptolemus deal with the possibilities, limits, and uses of speech in their interactions, rendering persuasion, peitho, as especially problematic. Considering that tragic poetry examines conflicts in meanings and standpoints, the characters’ different stances about logos are regarded as representative of opposing views available in Athens’ cultural repertoire in the last quarter of the fifth century BC. Theoretically, Greek tragedy is taken as a political art that operates with both myth and polis, its issues and vocabularies, so that Sophocles’ Philoctetes (409 BC) could be interpreted as a discussion of issues of great concern for Athens such as communication and education, both then inseparable from the rise of the sophists.
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Neoptólemo entre a cicatriz e a chaga : lógos sofistico, peithó e areté na tragédia Filoctetes de SófoclesDagios, Mateus January 2012 (has links)
A presente dissertação, intitulada “Neoptólemo entre a cicatriz e a chaga: lógos sofístico, peithó e areté na tragédia Filoctetes de Sófocles”, busca analisar como Sófocles problematiza para a pólis ateniense o lógos sofístico, a ambigüidade da figura do sofista e os efeitos de tal posição sobre os valores e os significados, em um conflito com os padrões éticos da areté. Examina-se como os personagens Odisseu, Filoctetes e Neoptólemo, na interação dos seus discursos, põem em discussão os poderes, as limitações e os usos dos discursos, em especial o persuasório, a peithó. Trabalha-se com a hipótese de que existe no texto trágico um conflito de visões de mundo e de significados e de que as diferentes posturas dos personagens frente ao lógos constituem representações de discursos antagônicos, pertencentes ao repertório cultural da cidade ateniense do último quarto do século V a.C. Parte-se do pressuposto teórico de que a tragédia grega é uma arte política, que trabalha o mito e a pólis e os seus vocabulários, de forma que o Filoctetes de Sófocles (409 a.C.) discutiria temas caros à pólis como a comunicação e a educação, relacionados então com a ascensão dos sofistas. / This work aims to analyze how Sophocles discusses before the Athenian polis’ citizens sophistic logos, the ambiguous position of sophists, and their impact as a debate about values and meanings and as a conflict with the ethical standards related to arete. It is examined how the characters Odysseus, Philoctetes, and Neoptolemus deal with the possibilities, limits, and uses of speech in their interactions, rendering persuasion, peitho, as especially problematic. Considering that tragic poetry examines conflicts in meanings and standpoints, the characters’ different stances about logos are regarded as representative of opposing views available in Athens’ cultural repertoire in the last quarter of the fifth century BC. Theoretically, Greek tragedy is taken as a political art that operates with both myth and polis, its issues and vocabularies, so that Sophocles’ Philoctetes (409 BC) could be interpreted as a discussion of issues of great concern for Athens such as communication and education, both then inseparable from the rise of the sophists.
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