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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A presença das conjunções em um livro didático para ensino de língua estrangeira (Italiano): foco em textos argumentativos / The presence of the conjunctions in a textbook for a foreign language teaching (italian): focus on argumentative texts

Janaina Claro 16 October 2015 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem como objetivo investigar a presença das conjunções em um livro didático de língua italiana para estrangeiros. O material analisado consiste em textos argumentativos, com suas respectivas atividades, presentes nos três volumes da coleção Arrivederci!. Quanto ao aspecto teórico, procuramos apresentar definições de sujeito, língua, texto (KOCH, 2011a, MARCUSCHI, 2008) e argumentação, assim como modelos de competência comunicativa (BACHMAN, 2003; CELCE-MURCIA,2007). Ainda como fundamentação teórica, apresentamos um panorama comparativo das orações coordenadas e subordinadas da língua portuguesa e da língua italiana, bem como taxonomia das conjunções em ambas as línguas. Do ponto de vista metodológico, selecionamos os textos de caráter argumentativo presentes nos livros didáticos selecionados para o estudo, com base na presença de operadores modais (KOCH, 2011b) e elaboramos uma tabela para cada um dos três volumes da coleção, contendo: o número da unidade didática, a seção relativa a cada texto argumentativo, a modalidade (oral ou escrita), a quantidade, a listagem das conjunções e as atividades relacionadas a cada texto argumentativo. Quanto aos resultados obtidos, observamos que há pouca relação entre os textos argumentativos e atividades de produção escrita, potencialmente importantes para o desenvolvimento da competência linguística (SCHNEUWLY&DOLZ, 2004). Verificamos ainda, que os textos argumentativos estão desvinculados da sistematização das conjunções e de atividades explicitamente voltadas para o seu uso. O próprio Quadro Europeu Comum de Referência para as Línguas, base para o planejamento e para a elaboração de materiais didáticos, menciona o ensino da habilidade de argumentar apenas a partir do nível B2. Como último resultado deste estudo, mencionamos o descompasso entre a opinião dos professores sobre a necessidade de trabalhar sistematicamente com as conjunções desde os níveis iniciais e o baixo percentual de atividades e explicitações sobre as conjunções nos livros didáticos analisados. / The main goal of this dissertation is to investigate the presence of conjunctions in a textbook of Italian as a foreign language. The analyzed material are argumentative texts with their activities on the three volumes of the collection book Arrivederci!. As for the theoretical aspects, we try to present definitions of subject, language, text (KOCH, 2011a; MARCUSCHI, 2008) and argumentation, as well as the models of communicative competence (KOCH, 2011b; BACHMAN, 2003; CELCE-MURCIA, 2007). We present also for the theoretical aspects a comparative panorama of the coordinated and subordinated clauses in Portuguese and Italian and the conjunctions taxonomy in both languages. At the methodological point of view, we selected the texts in the textbooks that have had an argumentative character, it based on the presence of modals operators (KOCH, 2011b) and we made a table for each one of the volume in the collection. It had: the number of the unit, the section related of the argumentative text, the modality (oral or written), the quantity, a list of conjunctions and the activities related for each argumentative text. As for the results, we observed there is a little relation between the argumentative texts and those written activities, potentially important for the development of language skills (SCHNEUWLY & DOLZ, 2004). We also note, that the argumentative texts are unlink with the conjunctions systematization and activities focused for their use. The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, and Assessment (CEFR) cited the teaching of the argumentation ability on only from level B2. As the last result of this study, we mentioned the gap between the views of teachers on the need to work the conjunctions systematically from the beginners levels and the low percentage of activities and explanations about the conjunctions in the textbooks analyzed.

"Fighting Justly" in the XXth century : why do weapons disappear from the battlefield ? / "Combattre Justement" au 20e siècle : pourquoi les armes disparaissent du champ de bataille ?

Guillaume, Marine 15 June 2015 (has links)
Pourquoi certaines armes disparaissent des champs de bataille tandis que d’autres ne cessent d’y être déployées? Afin de répondre à cette question, notre travail entreprend d’analyser sous un angle inédit l’influence du droit de la guerre (jus in bello) dans le choix des acteurs (gouvernements et militaires) d’utiliser une arme plutôt qu’une autre. Plus précisément, il s’attache à démontrer que les perceptions collectives de ce que proscrit ou autorise le droit de la guerre concernant les conditions d’utilisation des armes (conceptualisées sous le nom de meta-norme du « combattre justement ») est décisif dans la manière qu’ont les acteurs d’appréhender, évaluer et utiliser leur armement. A travers l’analyse des trajectoires de trois armes différentes (armes chimiques, armes incendiaires et drones de combat) fondée sur des données objectives, archives et sources secondaires, nous démontrons que chacun des pics significatifs de l’utilisation de ces armes s’explique aussi par des changements importants dans les perceptions collectives du « combattre justement ». Ainsi, les acteurs cessent d’utiliser leurs armes, ou prétendent cesser, quand ils ne parviennent plus à justifier et démontrer que leur utilisation s’accorde avec leurs perceptions collectives du « combattre justement », et vice versa. In fine, notre travail démontre que la guerre demeure un processus de justification continu, et, parce que les perceptions du combattre justement forment le socle de ces justifications, elles sont décisives pour comprendre le choix des pratiques de guerre. En second lieu, parce que les perceptions collectives du combattre justement sont décisives pour comprendre les pratiques de guerre, notre travail s’intéresse à leur formation. Il démontre que les acteurs sont plus enclins à imposer leur propre perception comme étant la plus légitime lorsque leur argumentaire perpétue un ordre symbolique dominant et ne révèle pas les fondamentales contradictions inhérentes au droit de la guerre. Ainsi, notre travail propose d’analyser sous un nouvel angle l’impact du droit de la guerre, mais aussi celui des argumentaires et des symboles dans les pratiques de guerre. / The dissertation investigates why certain weapons continue, or cease to be employed on the battlefields. Employing an interpretivist perspective, it investigates an aspect largely overlooked by the extant literature: the impact of the meta-norm of 'fighting justly' on actors' weapons utilizations. The meta-norm of fighting justly is defined as the collective preconceptions shared by actors, on how and when the extant laws of war (jus in bello) either ban or allow weapons utilization. My work reveals that the significant shift in the utilization of three weapons (chemical weapons, incendiary weapons and unmanned aerial vehicles) can be explained by shifts in the dominant perceptions of the meta-norm of fighting justly. It is when actors believe that they cannot justify their weapons utilization with regards to their own meta-norm of fighting justly, that they decrease (or pretend to decrease by hiding) this utilization, or vice versa. In fine, when engaged in a war, militaries and states constantly seek to justify their actions, and the basis of these justifications is their understanding of the meta-norm of fighting justly. Because the meta-norm of fighting justly impacts on weapons variations, it is crucial to understand who shapes the norm, at the international level. My work reveals that states are engaged in a constant argument, where they defend, articulate and promote their own conception of fighting justly. In this 'battle for legitimacy', states are more likely to enshrine their own conception as the most legitimate one, under two conditions: namely, when their argument does not disrupt the extant symbolic order, and when it does not foster the inherent contradictions of the laws of war. Ultimately, this work aims to shed new light on how the laws of war influence practices of war. It also explores and provides new insights into the 'logic of arguing' and into the symbolic power in international relations.

Aquilo pelo que se luta nos discursos sobre TDAH dirigidos a professores e pais / The thing for which and by which there is a struggle in discourse about ADDH addressed to teachers and parents

Nathaly Dironze Galhardo 28 March 2014 (has links)
Esta pesquisa busca trazer um questionamento sobre a tentativa de diferentes setores da sociedade de tomar para si os cuidados da criança desautorizando as condições do núcleo social inicial, a família, de cuidar dos filhos. Para tanto, a questão de pesquisa que nos dá a direção é: Em que medida textos veiculados pela mídia sobre o TDAH (Transtorno do Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade), mais do que descrever um problema de saúde, delineiam produtos, oferecidos ao público apoiados em diferentes eixos argumentativos? Pretendemos tomar os enunciados básicos sobre o transtorno como objeto de estudos e, assim, os argumentos dos posicionamentos como corpus. Como pesquisa inicial, buscamos o que é oferecido como informação relativa ao transtorno nas publicações entre os anos 2000 e 2012 no banco de dados eletrônico da Editora Abril. Dentre as matérias que apareceram, selecionamos 15 para uma análise detalhada. Tais publicações apresentam características discursivas marcadas por elementos que contribuem para configurar posicionamentos em relação ao transtorno: defender a existência da doença, questionar a existência do transtorno como doença, propulsionar os perigos relativos à utilização do medicamento e caracterizar a sociedade atual para delinear uma forma de tratamento do Déficit de atenção. Após a análise pudemos compreender quais são os eixos argumentativos em torno do TDAH e os recursos utilizados pelos posicionamentos para argumentar a favor de seu ponto de vista. / This research seeks to bring a questioning about an attempt of different sectors of the society take to herself the care of the child, disallowing the initial core conditions, the family, of take care of the children. For this, the research question that gives us the direction is: To what extent the texts of the media about ADDH (Attention Deficit Disorder with Hiperactivity), more than describing a health problem, delineate products offered to the public supported by different argumentation axes? We intend to take basic statements about the disorder as an object of study, and thus the arguments of the positionings as corpus. As initial research, we seek what is offered as information about the disorder in publications between 2000 and 2012 in the Editora Abril electronic database. Among the texts that have appeared, we selected 15 for detailed analysis. These publications present discursive features marked by elements that contribute to configure positions in relation to the disorder: the defense of the disease existence, put in question the disorder existence as a disease, the power of the dangers relating to the use of the drug and characterize the current society to devise a way to treatment of attention Deficit. After the analysis we could understand what are the argumentative axes around ADDH and the resources used by each position to argue for their point of view.

Developing Language Learners’ Use of Appraisal for Argumentative Writing: A Systemic Functional Linguistics Approach

Abuhasan, Wlla 30 March 2021 (has links)
This study explores the impact of a pedagogic intervention grounded in Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) (Halliday & Matthiessen, 2014) designed to support language learners’ development of their English argumentative writing skills. The predominance of argumentative writing in school curricula and language assessment reflects the importance of helping language learners master this text-type in order for them to succeed in academic settings. This pedagogic intervention drew specifically on the Appraisal system of SFL to make explicit to students the interpersonal and evaluative language resources they can use to establish authoritative and intersubjective positioning as key means of achieving the overall purpose of argumentative texts. The study documents the impact of explicating to students appraisal resources during class instruction and helping them make more informed language choices as they engage with the information presented in their texts, and shape the interaction with their readers. The study drew on quantitative data stemming from students’ writing tasks and qualitative data in the form of reflection tasks and a research journal to explore the extent to which students’ understanding and use of different appraisal resources could be positively affected by the pedagogic intervention at the heart of this study. The analysis of the findings suggests that the intervention was successful in helping students familiarize themselves with and incorporate appraisal language to effectively convey their intended meaning in the composition of their argumentative texts. The findings also suggest that the teaching intervention contributed to students’ increased awareness of the range of lexicogrammatical choices available to them when they write as reflected in students’ skillful use of these resources in genre-specific ways. This included using appraisal resources to develop well-supported claims, in addition to establishing a critical authoritative position. Discussion of these findings focuses on the value of this type research on the pedagogic applications of the SFL framework as a way of advancing our understanding of how to better scaffold language learners and help them gain greater explicit control of the language resources necessary to successfully construct academic texts. As such, this study argues for the potential affordances of teaching pedagogies grounded in SFL theory in supporting language learners’ academic writing development. This study presents a case for the ability of SFL-informed pedagogies to empower students as writers by offering them new ways of looking at the writing process and using language to engage in advanced acts of meaning-making.

Carbon Storylines : The discursive struggle over carbon offsets as a decarbonization pathway in the Swedish Climate Policy Framework

Ideskär, Sandra January 2021 (has links)
This study addresses discourses and how they affect climate policy, through the example of carbon offsets as a tool to reach domestic emissions reductions in the Swedish Climate Policy Framework. An interpretation of Maarten Hajer’s argumentative discourse analysis is applied to understand the ideas and arguments that inform the policy debate on carbon offsets as a supplementary measure in this policy process. By mapping, comparing and finding dominating storylines, it presents how Swedish government actors, businesses- and non-governmental organizations legitimize, justify and contest carbon offsets. The findings suggest that the dominating storylines largely remain in the status quo on carbon offsets, connecting to the larger policy discourses of ecological modernization and green governmentality. They also show a potential attempt to divorce of international development from carbon offset mechanisms, as a way to increase efficiency. However, in a Paris Agreement and Article 6 landscape, room to reimage and critically evaluate the use of carbon offsets has also emerged. Established actors join civil society in raising uncertainty and doubt of the future of carbon offsets. These discursive shifts may impact how Sweden intends to exercise leadership in deep decarbonization going forward.

Att ta avstamp i gestaltande : Pedagogiskt drama som resurs för skrivande

Jacquet, Ewa January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

How to Save a Disappearing Nation? Discourses on How to Address the Consequences of Climate Change Induced Migration and Examples from Kiribati

Orhan, Akinalp January 2018 (has links)
Migration induced by the impacts of climate change is a complex phenomenon that consists of various concepts. It also consists of various perspectives about the cause and the effects of such migration. Regardless of these debates, however, some atoll island nations are under a threat of disappearance due the impacts of climate change, especially the rising sea levels. Migration remains the only option for these island nations. Consequently, there are numerous perspectives on how to address the arising problems due to such migration. By utilizing argumentative discourse analysis, this thesis identifies three dominant discourses that address these consequences of climate change induced migration and explores the island nation of Kiribati, although seemingly follows the lead of these dominant discourses, manages to shape and transform the discourses for the best interest of the Island Nation.

The Integration of Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening Skills in the Middle School Social Studies Classroom

Evans, Marianne Bristow 01 August 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this feasibility study is to provide evidence of how integrating reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills into eighth-grade social studies instruction facilitates student understanding of content material and ability to write about social studies content. In thiswithin-subjects paired-samples research study, 197 eighth-grade participants received instruction in a social studies content area and in argumentative writing. Data from a criterion-referenced social studies pre and posttest and data from pre and post instruction writing samples were analyzed to evaluate the influence of the integration of literacy tasks in middle school social studies classrooms oncontent area knowledge acquisition and argumentative writing quality. Analysis of the Criterion Referenced Test (CRT) data usingregression analysis showed that there was a statistically significant increase in the students’ performance on the CRT after the students engaged in literacy tasks emphasizing reading, writing, speaking, and listening during the social studies instruction. Analysis of the writing rubric scores using Cohen’s d showed statistically significant differences exist between the students pre and post essay scores. These results suggest that having students engage in reading, writing, speaking, and listening tasks and in explicit writing instruction and production during a social studies unit facilitates their content knowledge acquisition, improves the overall quality of students’ argumentative writing, and more specifically, improves the organization and development of that writing. It is recommended that further research be conducted to determine the best way to group students for collaboration when incorporating reading, writing, speaking, and listening tasks within content area instruction.

How Epistemologies Shape the Teaching and Learning of Argumentative Writing in Two 9th Grade English Language Arts Classrooms

Kwak, Subeom 04 September 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Um enfoque da organização composicional de textos bem formados , segundo a Fuvest / Focus on compositional organization of "Well formed" texts according to Fuvest

Castelhano, Telma Cristina da Silva Frasca 10 March 2016 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T19:34:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Telma Cristina da Silva Frasca Castelhano.pdf: 5832237 bytes, checksum: cfac7ff79d546b1edcbf34af81098c6f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-10 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This work is related to the research line "Text and Discourse in oral and written forms" of Postgraduate Program in Portuguese Language of PUC-SP. The general objective is to contribute to teachers and students regarding the preparation for taking entrance examinations with results that might provide a guideline on textual production of dissertative texts. The specific objectives are: highlight the text sequences and their encrustation on the textual scheme of the texts that are considered as model by the board that corrects the exams of Fuvest; confront the point of view projected by the reduced text proposed by Fuvest as a starting point for the production of essays by the applicant, with the projection of a new point of view selected by the candidate, having as parameter the understanding of the reduced proposed theme, i.e. the strategy used for the opinionated construction; highlight the theming and expansions by semantic progression of essays considered "well written", i.e. referral. The theoretical foundation is based on Textual Linguistics and, more specifically, in Textual Analysis of Discourses. To achieve our goal, we followed the study of textual sequences of Adam (2011) and the studies of Silveira (2012) on the argumentative text of a thesis and two theses. The results of the analyzes indicate that: the hierarchical explanatory sequence is most frequent in the texts published by Fuvest compared with the argumentative sequence; there is semantic progression by theming through the new point of view selected by the candidate / Esta dissertação se insere na linha de pesquisa Texto e Discurso nas modalidades oral e escrita , do Programa de Pós-Graduados em Língua Portuguesa da PUC-SP. O objetivo geral é contribuir com professores e alunos na situação de preparação para prestar o vestibular, com resultados que possam oferecer orientações a respeito da produção de textos dissertativos. Os objetivos específicos são: destacar as sequências textuais e suas incrustações no esquema textual dos textos considerados modelo pela banca corretora da Fuvest; confrontar o ponto de vista projetado pelo texto reduzido proposto pela Fuvest como ponto de partida para a produção das redações pelo candidato, com a projeção de um novo ponto de vista selecionado pelo candidato, tendo por parâmetro a compreensão do tema reduzido proposto, ou seja, a estratégia utilizada para a construção opinativa; evidenciar a tematização e expansões por progressão semântica das redações consideradas bem escritas , ou seja, a referenciação. A fundamentação teórica situa-se na Linguística Textual e, mais especificamente, na Análise Textual dos Discursos. Para atingirmos nossos objetivos, buscamos os estudos das sequências textuais em Adam (2011) e os estudos de Silveira (2012) sobre o gênero dissertativo de uma tese e de duas teses. Os resultados obtidos das análises apontam que: a sequência explicativa hierarquizada é mais recorrente nos textos publicados pela Fuvest que a sequência argumentativa; há progressão semântica por tematização por meio do ponto de vista novo selecionado pelo candidato

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