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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vervalle state, hulpbronoorloë en vredemaking : die gevalle Sierra Leone

Van Schalkwyk, Denver Christopher 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis explores the issue of collapsed states with reference to William Reno's (2001) theory. Since the end of the Cold War we find in many places that the state itself has collapsed. According to this thesis state collapse refers to a situation where the structure, authority, laws and political order have fallen apart. The phenomenon of collapsed states is historic and worldwide, but nowhere are there more examples than in contemporary Africa. Sierra Leone is an example of a collapsed state in Africa. The state in Sierra Leone was after the commencement of the conflict in 1991 not capable of performing the duties which are required of a state when a state wants to be called a state. Governments in collapsed states lack the capacity to make binding, effective decisions. As a basic institution, the state loses its sovereignty as the most central institution in the society. Resource wars are nowadays a characteristic of collapsed states like Sierra Leone. Resources are used by key figures in the resource wars to enrich themselves. They also exploit the resources to finance their actions and propaganda. Diamonds was the resource which was exploited commercially by the 'government' and Foday Sankoh, a rebel/insurgent, as well as Charles Taylor, a warlord. The resource war was one of the reasons why the state in Sierra Leone collapsed further. It had lead to the total collapse of the state in Sierra Leone. With the commencement of the conflict in Sierra Leone, the issue of peacemaking came to the fore in Sierra Leone. The conflict in Sierra Leone was an intrastate conflict. The primary goal of the United Nations (UN) is to maintain international security and peace. Intrastate conflicts do not form part of the UN's traditional mandate regarding peacemaking. The UN thus had no basic framework of how to get involved in the intrastate conflict in Sierra Leone. The UN only became involved in 1999 in the form of UNAMSIL. Before the intervention of the UN, the 'government' of Sierra Leone turned to Private Military Companies (PMC's) in the form of Executive Outcomes and Sandline International. The problem with the intervention of PMC's in a conflict is that they are not sanctioned by international organisations like the UN. As a regional initiative, ECOWAS in the form of ECOMOG, also became involved in Sierra Leone. The intervention of both ECOMOG and PMC's in Sierra Leone failed to produce peace or the restoration of the state. Only the UN achieved peacemaking and the holding of an election. The conclusion of this thesis is that Sierra Leone fits in the theory of Reno (2001 ) re collapsed states. Sierra Leone is a typical example of a collapsed state and it also illustrates the validity of the concept. This however does not mean that Sierra Leone will be a collapsed state forever. There is the possibility that Sierra Leone can make a transition from a collapsed state to a stronger state to a more stable and functional state. It need, however, be noted that all conclusions in this thesis are of a preliminary nature. The conclusions will therefore be subject to further confirmation by later studies. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis verken die kwessie van vervalle state met verwysing na William Reno (2001) se teorie. Sedert veral die einde van die Koue Oorlog vind ons die tendens dat verskeie state verval het. In hierdie tesis verwys die konsep van 'n vervalle staat na 'n situasie waar die struktuur, gesag, politieke orde en wette uitmekaar geval het. Die verskynsel van vervalle state is histories en kom wêreldwyd voor. Kontemporêre Afrika verskaf egter die meeste voorbeelde van vervalle state. Sierra Leone is 'n voorbeeld van so 'n vervalle staat. Na die aanvang van die konflik in 1991 was die staat in Sierra Leone nie meer daartoe instaat om die funksies te verrig wat van 'n staat vereis word indien so 'n staat as 'n staat geag wil word nie. Die 'regering' in 'n vervalle staat beskik nie meer oor die kapasiteit om bindende, effektiewe besluite te neem nie. Die staat, as 'n basiese instelling, verloor sy soewereiniteit as die sentrale instelling in die samelewing. Die verval van 'n staat word toenemend met die uitbreek van 'n konflik- in hierdie geval 'n- hulpbronoorlog gekenmerk. Hulpbronne word deur die sleutelfigure, wat betrokke is in die hulpbronoorlog in die vervalle staat, gebruik om hulself te verryk. Hierdie hulpbronne word ook gebruik om die sleutelfigure se aksies en propaganda te finansier. Diamante is as hulpbron in Sierra Leone deur die 'regering' en Foday Sankoh, 'n rebellinsurgent, asook Charles Taylor, 'n oorlogsbaron, kommersieël uitgebuit. Die burgeroorlog met sy talle fasette, het tot die totale verval van die staat aanleiding gegee. Die kwessie van vredemaak het met die uitbreek van die konflik in Sierra Leone na vore getree. Die konflik in Sierra Leone was 'n intrastaatkonflik. Die primêre doel van die Verenigde Nasies (VN) is om internasionale vrede en sekuriteit te handhaaf. Intrastaatkonflikte as sulks maak nie deel uit van die tradisionele opdrag van die VN betreffende vredemaak nie. Die VN het gevolglik nie oor 'n basiese raamwerk beskik van hoe om by die intrastaatkonflik in Sierra Leone betrokke te raak nie. Die VN het eers in 1999 in die vorm van UNAMSIL in Sierra Leone betrokke geraak. Voor die intervensie van die VN het die 'regering' van Sierra Leone hom tot Private Militêre Bystand (PMB) in die vorm van 'Executive Outcomes' en 'Sandline International' gewend. Die problematiek insake PMB is dat dit nie deur internasioale organisasies soos die VN gesanksioneer word nie. As 'n regionale inisiatief het ECOWAS ook in die vorm van ECOMOG by die intrastaatkonflik in Sierra Leone betrokke geraak. In hierdie tesis sal daar gemeld word dat beide ECOMOG en PMB, met die uitsondering van die VN, se pogings vir vredemaak in Sierra Leone gefaal het. Die slotsom waartoe hierdie tesis kom is dat Sierra Leone inpas by Reno (2001) se teorie insake die verskynsel van vervalle state. Sierra Leone is 'n tipiese voorbeeld van 'n vervalle staat en dit illustreer die geldigheid van die konsep. Dit beteken egter nie dat Sierra Leone permanent 'n vervalle staat hoef te wees nie. Die moontlikheid bestaan wel dat Sierra Leone die oorgang vanaf 'n vervalle staat na 'n stabieler, meer funksionele staat kan maak. Dit dien egter gemeld te word dat alle afleidings in hierdie tesis as voorlopig van aard beskou kan word. Hierdie afleidings is onderhewig aan verdere bevestiging of weerlegging deur latere studies.

Financial literacy as core competency of South African military officers : a measurement instrument

Van Nieuwenhuyzen, Bernard J. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (School of Public Management and Planning ))—University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Since 1994, education and training in South Africa has experienced various changes, driven mainly by the Green Paper on Skills Development and the White Paper on Education which set objectives and outcomes and gave guidelines on how education and training should be approached, planned, and managed. The White Paper on Education necessitated change in SA tertiary institutions such as Stellenbosch University and its respective faculties. The Faculty of Military Science, which is situated at the South African Military Academy (SAMA) in Saldanha, accepted the challenge of contributing to the full personal development of students, by undertaking to shape people capable of organising and managing themselves and their human activities, including their financial activities, responsibly and effectively. The success of higher education institutions in empowering young people to be financially capable is questioned by various publications and surveys. Preliminary findings from surveys in 2004 and 2005 among students at the SAMA suggest that they are largely financially illiterate, thus potentially economically volatile. These findings introduce the research problem and serve as a foundation for the development of a scientific, socially relevant, valid and reliable financial literacy measurement instrument. A combined qualitative and quantitative research methodology is applied to develop a measurement instrument, which is then assessed for validity and reliability by applying it in a case study. The secondary objective of this research is the social study of the financial knowledge, financial behaviour and financial attitude levels of individuals. To ensure relevance between the case study and the measurement instrument, financial literacy is initially evaluated as a management competency. Financial literacy is stated as a key competency in the South African National Defence Force (SANDF). The financial literacy measurement instrument was constructed after an exploration of the contextual and conceptual nature of financial literacy. A questionnaire was selected as the ideal method of gathering the required information. The questionnaire’s validity and reliability were assessed as part of descriptive research in the development phase, as well as in the case study. The face and content validity were proven through input from respondents and subject experts. Reliability of the measurement instrument was assessed by calculating item difficulty, item discrimination, means, standard deviations and ultimately the internal consistency of the financial knowledge, behaviour and attitude sections of the measurement instrument. In the case study first-year students achieved an average of 50.17% for their financial knowledge although they rated their own knowledge levels to be 60.8%. The respondents struggled most with questions pertaining to investment, insurance, and inflation, and least with retirement and income and expenditure questions. This research underlines the importance of financial literacy as a management competency and its importance at a global, national, organisational and personal level. It produces a valid and reliable financial literacy measurement instrument that can be used by different stakeholders in South Africa to assess financial knowledge, behaviour and attitude, and thus indicate where intervention is required. Having a valid and reliable measurement instrument for measuring financial literacy creates opportunity for future research and development. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sedert 1994 het die opvoeding- en opleidingsteater in Suid-Afrika dramatiese veranderinge ondergaan met veral die die Groenskrif op Vaardigheidsontwikkeling en die Witskrif op Opvoeding, wat die doelwitte en uitkomste gestel het en die toon aangegee het in terme van hoe opvoeding en opleiding aangepak, beplan en bestuur behoort te word. Verandering genoodsaak deur die Witskrif op Opvoeding sou by assosiasie ook verandering noodsaak in SA tersiêre inrigtings soos Stellenbosch Universiteit en haar fakulteite. Die Fakulteit Krygskunde, gevestig by die Suid-Afrkaanse Millitêre Akademie (SAMA) in Saldanha, het die uitdaging aanvaar om by te dra tot die totale persoonlike ontwikkeling van studente deur te onderneem om mense te vorm wat in staat sal wees om hulself en hul aktiwiteite verantwoordelik en doeltreffend te bestuur, insluitend hul finansiële aktiwiteite. Hoër Onderwys se sukses met die bemagtiging van jong mense tot finansieel vaardige individue is deur verskeie navorsingsverslae bevraagteken. Voorlopige bevindinge van studies in 2004 en 2005 onder voograadse studente van die SAMA is dat hulle grootliks finansieel ongeletterd is en gevolglik ekonomies kwesbaar. Die bevindinge is die vertrekpunt van die probleemstelling vir hierdie studie, en vorm die basis vir die ontwikkeling van 'n wetenskaplik- en sosiaalrelevante, geldige en betroubare finansiële geletterdheidsmetingsinstrument. 'n Gekombineerde kwalitatiefkwantitatiewe navorsingsmetodologie is toegepas in die ontwikkeling van 'n metingsinstrument, en die verbandhoudende bepaling van sy geldigheid en betroubaarheid deur die toepassing daarvan in 'n gevallestudie. Die sekondêre doelwit van hierdie navorsing is die sosiale studie van die finansiële kennis-, finansiële gedrags- en finansiële houdingsvlakke van individue. Ten einde relevansie tussen die gevallestudie en die metingsinstrument te verseker, is finansiële geletterdheid aanvanklik as 'n bestuursvaardigheid geëvalueer. Finansiële geletterdheid word in die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Weermag (SANW), as kernvaardigheid aangedui. Die finansiële geletterdheidsinstrument is gekonstrueer na 'n verkenning van die konteksuele en konsepsuele aard van finansiële geletterdheid. 'n Vraelys is geselekteer as die ideale metode om die relevante data te bekom. Die vraelys se geldigheid en betroubaarheid is as deel van deskriptiewe navorsing in die ontwikkelingsfase, en ook tydens die gevallestudie, bepaal. Die gesigs- en inhoudsgeldigheid is bevestig deur respondentterugvoer en vakspesialisinsette. Betroubaarheid van die metingsinstrument is bepaal deur die berekening van itemmoeilikheidsgraad, itemdiskriminasie, gemiddelde, standaardafwyking en uiteindelik interne betroubaarheid van die finansiële kennis-, gedrags- en houdingsafdelings van die metingsinstrument. In die gevallestudie, het eerstejaarstudente 'n gemiddeld van 50.17% vir die kennisfaktor behaal, alhoewel hulle hul eie kennisvlakke gemiddeld as 60.8% aangedui het. Respondente het hoofsaaklik gesukkel met kennisvrae wat handel oor beleggings, versekering en inflasie. Hul het die minste gesukkel met kennisvrae wat handel oor aftrede en inkomste en uitgawes. Hierdie navorsing bevestig die belangrikheid van finansiële geletterdheid as bestuursvaardigheid, asook op 'n globale, nasionale, organisatoriese en persoonlike vlak. Hierdie studie het 'n geldige en betroubare finansiële geletterdheidsmetingsinstrument opgelewer; een wat deur diverse finansiële geletterdheidsaandeelhouers in Suid-Afrika aangewend kan word. Hierdie metingsinstrument sal empiriese inligting oor finansiële kennis-, gedrags-, en houdingsvlakke genereer en aantoon waar intervensie benodig word. Die belangrikheid van finansiële geletterdheid, sowel as die noodsaak vir 'n geldige en geloofwaardige metingsinstrument, is geleenthede vir verdere navorsing en ontwikkeling.

Development of military leadership : a proposed model for the South African National Defence Force

Erasmus, Willem Driesse 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Public Management and Planning ))—University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The result of this research is an alternative model for leadership character development in the South African National Defence Force (SANDF). The SANDF reflects the racial and cultural diversity of South Africa as a nation. The need for a unifying leadership-related mechanism for the military milieu in which humane leadership development will flourish, is evident. This statement is based on the premise that no evidence is found that any previous efforts by the SANDF to instil a leadership philosophy or policy as a way of military life was successful. Further shortcomings in the current SANDF leadership development model, apart from the reality that its selection process of officer candidates needs improvement, are the absence of political guidance and participation in the development of its military leaders, as well as emaciated attention to the development of the character side of leaders during officer formative training. The SANDF, unlike the international tendency, has no military leadership institution to ensure that its leadership development policies and practices are based on sound academic research. Such an institution will also ensure that the SANDF stays contemporary in the global field of military leadership development. The shortcomings of the current SANDF Model were identified by progressing through the academic theories on leadership and leadership development to a comparative analysis of leadership development practices in the militaries of Germany, the United Kingdom, Canada and the SANDF. This supplied the information needed to propose the Five Point Star Model (FPS Model) for leadership character development in the SANDF. The five components of the FPS Model, which address the shortcomings of the current SANDF Model, are Convergent Leadership, Political Participation, Superior Selection, Interventions for Leadership Character Development, and a Military Leadership Institution. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die uitkoms van hierdie navorsing is ’n alternatiewe model wat die tekortkominge in die ontwikkeling van leierskapkarakter in die Suid Afrikaanse Nasionale Weermag (SANW) aanspreek. Die SANW weerspieël die rasse- en kulturele diversiteit van die Suid Afrikaanse nasie, wat die behoefte aan ‘n samebindende leierskapsverwante meganisme na vore bring. Hierdie stelling is gegrond daarop dat geen bewys, waar die SANW daarin geslaag het om ’n samebindende leierskapsfilosofie of –beleid as ‘n militêre leefwyse te vestig, gevind is om sodoende die militêre milieu te skep waarin mensgerigte leierskap sal floreer nie. Verdere tekortkominge in die huidige Leierskapsontwikkelingsmodel van die SANW, bo en behalwe dat die keuringsproses van kandidaat-offisiere uitgebrei en verbeter moet word, is die afwesigheid van politieke deelname en rigtinggewing waar die ontwikkeling van die land se jong militêre leiers ter sprake is. Te min aandag word ook gewy aan die ontwikkeling van kandidaat-offisiere se karakter of inbors tydens offisiersvorming kursusse. Die internasionale tendens is vir weermagte om ‘n militêre leierskapsinstelling te hê. Die SANW het nie so ‘n instelling om te verseker dat militêre leierskapsontwikkelingsbeleid en -praktyke op behoorlike akademiese navorsing gefundeer is nie. Dit maak dit moeilik om ’n kontemporêre bydrae in die internasionale veld van militêre leierskap te maak. Die wyse waarop die tekortkominge van die huidige SANW Leierskapsontwikkelingsmodel geïdentifiseer is, was om voort te bou op die akademiese teorieë oor leierskap en leierskapsontwikkeling en om ’n vergelykende studie tussen leierskapsontwikkelingspraktyke in die weermagte van Duitsland, Brittanje, Kanada en die SANW te doen. Die vergelykende studie het inligting verskaf om die Vyfpuntster Model vir die ontwikkeling van leierskapkarakter in die SANW voor te stel. Die vyf komponente van die nuwe model spreek die tekortkominge van die huidige SANW Model aan, en die komponente is Konvergerende Leierskap, Politieke Deelhebberskap, Voortreflike Keuring, Intervensies vir Leierskapkarakterontwikkeling, en ‘n Instansie vir Militêre Leierskap.

Transformation in the South African National Defence Force : with specific reference to gender equality

Monethi, Dineo Cecilia 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Transformation is an inevitable consequence of human resource practices and includes the political imperatives, behavioural transformation and the turnaround change. Gender equality is a critical component of the United Nations Resolution on Human Rights (Resolution 1325). Women are subjected to a variety of barriers that determine their organisational experiences, and therefore the achievement of gender equity requires the elimination of patriarchal practices, stereotypes and attitudes that perpetuate their marginalisation. Striving for gender equity within the armed forces should not reduce women to being passive victims of the transformation agenda as they operate both during conflict and peace-time. The representation and empowerment of women into decision-making structures and the protection of their rights can be spearheaded through the gender mainstreaming strategies. In the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) transformation placed greater emphasis on racial representivity to the neglect of gender equity. This situation has effectively contributed to the gender dialogue which aimed to assess the implementation of gender equity objectives. Furthermore, it is the guiding principle on the participation of women in the military to enhance gender representation and the attainment of self-actualisation and excelling in their areas of responsibilities. The purpose of the study was to explore the extent to which the SANDF supports gender transformation imperatives to ensure gender equity and it further investigated gender integration within the SANDF as a supportive theoretical analysis. The conceptual framework of gender transformation and gender mainstreaming in the military, and in particular within the SANDF, in the context of Employment Equity was conducted. To make an objective and informed assessment, the attitudes and perceptions of middle management and lower management of both the SANDF were measured. Data were collected from respondents through three sessions of facilitated focus group interviews and a semi-structured self-administered questionnaire. The sample was drawn from the Pretoria region. The findings of the study indicated that the DOD top leadership is supportive of gender transformation by the effective promulgation of transformation policies and the improvement in the representation of women in decision-making structures. The military environment is trying to create a conducive environment for women by providing resources, the essential training for women to maximise their potential, and furthermore by allowing their inclusion in all areas including deployment areas. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Transformasie is ‘n onvermydelike gevolg van personeelbestuurspraktyk en sluit in die politieke imperatiewe, gedragstransformasie en omkeerverandering. Geslagsgelykgeregtigheid is ‘n kritieke komponent van die Verenigde Volke se Resolusie aangaande Menseregte (Resolusie 1325). Vroue word onderwerp aan ‘n verskeidenheid hindernisse wat hul organisasie ervarings bepaal en daarom vereis die bereiking van geslagsgelykgeregtigheid die uitwissing van patriargale praktyke, stereotipes en houdings wat marginalisering bevorder. Die strewe na geslagsgelykgeregtigheid binne Weermagte behoort vroue nie te degradeer tot passiewe slagoffers van die transformasie agenda nie aangesien hulle aangewend word tydens beide konflik- en vredestye. Die verteenwoordiging en bemagtiging van vroue in besluitmakende strukture en die beskerming van hulle regte kan gerig word deur geslagshoofstroming strategieë. In die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Weermag (SANW) plaas transformasie groter klem op rasse verteenwoordiging as op die nalating van geslagsgelykgeregtigheid. Die situasie het effektief bygedra tot die geslagsdialoog wat beoog om die implementering van geslagsgelykgeregtigheid doelwitte te evalueer. Dit is ook verder die leidinggewende beginsel rakende die deelname van vroue in die militêr om geslagsverteenwoordiging te bevorder, die bereiking van selfaktualisering en uitblinking in hulle verantwoordelikeidsomgewings. Die doel van hierdie studie was om te bepaal tot welke mate die SANW geslagstransformasie imperatiewe ondersteun ten einde geslagsgelykgeregtigheid te verseker en het ook ondersoek ingestel na geslagsintegrasie binne die SANW as ‘n ondersteunende teoretiese anal ise. Die konseptuele raamwerk is geskep rakende geslagstransformasie en geslagshoofstroming in die militêr, en in besonder aangaande die SANW binne die konteks van Werkverskaffingsgelykheid. Ten einde ‘n objektiewe en ingeligte evaluering uit te voer, is die houdings en persepsies van Departement van Verdediging (DvV) militêre en siviele middelbestuurders en lae vlak bestuurders gemeet. Data is versamel van respondente tydens drie geleenthede van gefasiliteerde fokusgroep onderhoude en ‘n semi -geadministreerde vraelys. Die steekproef is geneem vanuit die Pretoria omgewing. Die bevindinge van die studie dui daarop dat die (DvV) se top-leierskap ondersteunend is aangaande geslagstransformasie deur die effektiewe uitvaardiging van transformasie beleide en die verbetering van verteenwordiging van vroue in besluitmakende strukture. Die militêre omgewing poog om ‘n omgewing te skep wat toeganklik is vir vroue deur die voorsiening van middele wat noodsaaklik is vir opleiding van vroue ten einde hul potensiaal te optimaliseer en hulle verder toegang te verleen tot alle gebiede insluitend gevegsgebiede.

Professional military education in the South African national defence force : the role of the military academy

Esterhuyse, Abel Jacobus 03 1900 (has links)
340 leaves printed on single pages, preliminary pages i-xvii and numbered pages 1-322. Includes bibliography, table of contents, list of figures, list of tables, list of abbreviations. / Dissertation (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The study represents a descriptive analysis of the tensions that drive the need for an educated military in South Africa and, more specifically the role of the South African Military Academy in the provision thereof. The purpose of the research was to demarcate the proper role of the South African Military Academy in the academic and professional preparation of officers for the South African National Defence Force (SANDF). This purpose necessitated, firstly, an analysis of the need for education in armed forces in general and in South Africa in particular, with specific reference to the tensions underpinning military education and training. It secondly called for a broad assessment of the nature of professional military education in the SANDF at large to contextualise the role and function of the South African Military Academy. These discussions are based on a literature overview, document analysis and unstructured interviews with decision makers. In the first part of the study, a framework is developed for the education of officers. The framework is based on the assumption that modern military professionalism is rooted in a need for training to develop military skills, education to understand and develop the military body of knowledge and experience as the application of skills and knowledge. It is also based on the identification of four knowledge clusters that need to be the focus of officer education, namely the external security environment within which armed forces operate, the nature of armed forces as organisations, the professional employment of armed force(s), and the physical environment within which armed forces operate. The framework highlights three levels of officer development: the making of lieutenants, the making of colonels, and the making of generals. This framework is used for the analysis of education, training and development in the SANDF. Both the positive and negative attributes as well as trends in training and education in the SANDF are discussed. The discussion serves as the departing point for an outline of the debate about the role of the Military Academy since democratisation in 1994. It is argued that there is no clarity about the role and function of the Military Academy. Critical questions are also asked about the nature of the academic programmes offered to officers at the Military Academy. The departmental level agreement between the Department of Defence and the University of Stellenbosch is pointed out as the raison d'être for many of the problems with which the Military Academy is confronted. The study finally highlights the need for education as a requirement for officership in the SANDF, a reconsideration of military socialisation at the Military Academy, the difficult position of the Faculty of Military Science, the need for a core academic programme, and structural changes that are needed at the Military Academy. It is recommended that, like many foreign military academies, the future existence of the Military Academy be assured through national legislation. The involvement of the University of Stellenbosch in the education of young officers at the Military Academy should not be terminated. However, the existence, functioning, organisation and structure of the Military Academy should not be based on a “goodwill-approach” between the University and the Department of Defence. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie bied beskrywende analise van die spannings wat die behoefte aan opgevoede weermag in Suid-Afrika onderlê en, meer spesifiek, die rol van die Militêre Akademie in die voorsiening van opvoeding in dié verband. Die besondere oogmerk van die navorsing is die afbakening van die werklike rol van die Suid-Afrikaanse Militêre Akademie in die akademiese en professionele voorbereiding van offisiere vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Weermag (SANW). Hierdie oogmerk vereis, eerstens, ontleding van die noodsaaklikheid vir die opvoeding van weermagte in die algemeen en in Suid-Afrika in die besonder, met spesifieke verwysing na die spannings wat militêre opvoeding en opleiding onderlê. Dit noodsaak, tweedens, breë waardering van die aard van professionele militêre opvoeding in die SANW om die rol en funksie van die Suid-Afrikaanse Militêre Akademie te kontekstualiseer. Die besprekings is gebaseer op literatuuroorsig, dokumentontleding en ongestruktureerde onderhoude. In die eerste deel van die studie word raamwerk vir die opvoeding van offisiere ontwikkel. Dié raamwerk is gebaseer op die aanname dat moderne militêre professionalisme gebaseer is op militêre opleiding om vaardighede te ontwikkel, opvoeding om die militêre kennisliggaam te verstaan en ontwikkel, asook ervaring as toepassing van vaardighede en kennis. Die raamwerk omvat ook die identifisering van vier fokus kennisareas, naamlik die eksterne omgewing waarin weermagte opereer, die organisatoriese aard van krygsmagte, die professionele aanwending van krygsmag(te), en die fisiese omgewing waarin krygsmagte opereer. Die raamwerk beklemtoon voorts drie vlakke van offisiersopvoeding: die ontwikkeling van luitenante, die ontwikkeling van kolonels, en die ontwikkeling van generaals. Die raamwerk word vervolgens vir ontleding van opvoeding, opleiding en ontwikkeling in die SANW gebruik. Beide die positiewe en die negatiewe kenmerke sowel as tendense van opleiding en opvoeding in die SANW word bespreek. Dié bespreking dien as vertrekpunt vir ontleding van die debat oor die rol van die Militêre Akademie sedert demokratisering in 1994. Daar word aangevoer dat daar geen duidelikheid oor die rol en funksie van die Militêre Akademie bestaan nie. Kritiese vrae word gevra oor die aard van die akademiese programme wat aan offisiere by die Militêre Akademie gebied word. Die departementele ooreenkoms tussen die departement van Verdediging en die Universiteit Stellenbosch word voorgehou as die raison d'être van baie probleme waarmee die Akademie gekonfronteer word. Die studie beklemtoon die behoefte aan opvoeding as vereiste vir offisierskap in die SANW, die heroorweging van militêre sosialisering by die Militêre Akademie, die heroorweging van die posisie van die Fakulteit Krygskunde, die behoefte aan akademiese kernleerplan, en strukturele veranderinge wat by die Militêre Akademie vereis word. Daar word aanbeveel dat, soos in die geval van verskeie buitelandse militêre akademies, die toekoms van die Militêre Akademie deur nasionale wetgewing verseker word. Die betrokkenheid van die Universiteit Stellenbosch in die opvoeding van offisiere moenie daardeur beëindig word nie. Die bestaan, funksionering, organisering en struktuur van die Militêre Akademie moet egter nie op “welwillendheidsooreenkoms” tussen die Universiteit en die Departement van Verdediging gebaseer wees nie.

The impact of US-China relations on Taiwan's military spending (1966-1992).

Yu, Tsung-Chi Max 05 1900 (has links)
Previous research has shown that Taiwan's military spending is affected either by China's military buildup or the US's military pipeline. This study investigates whether it is also true an ongoing US-China relationship has dynamic effects. Three major findings are obtained from the statistical analyses. First and foremost, the level of US-China conflict has a contemporaneous positive effect on Taiwan's military spending. Second, the analyses also indicate that the volatility of US-China relations has negative effects on Taiwan's military spending. This finding suggests that instability in US-China relations will prompt Taiwan to decrease its military spending due to a higher amount of perceived security on the one hand, and Taiwan wants to avoid further provoking China on the other. Third, analyses indicate that an error correction model fares better than a simple budgetary incremental model in explaining the re-equilibrating effects of GNP growth on Taiwan's military spending. Overall, the results demonstrate the interplay of domestic and international constraints and may help to predict what will be the expected military spending when Taiwan's economy changes. I suggest that Taiwan's military spending is likely to be influenced by US-China relations as well as by foreign investment and domestic economic constraints as long as the United States policy toward the Taiwan problem remains unchanged.

Information operations (IO) organizational design and procedures

Caldwell, Russell J. 03 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / Multi National Force (MNF) operations recognize the existence of shared national interests in a specific geographic region. Furthermore, MNF operations seek to standardize some basic concepts and processes that will promote habits of cooperation, increased dialogue, and provide for baseline Coalition/Combined Task Force (CCTF) operational concepts. This thesis and its' recommendation for a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) are aimed at improving interoperability and CCTF operational readiness. The SOP will focus on the spectrum of Information Operations (IO) with regards to Military Operations Other Than War (MOOTW) and Small Scale Contingencies (SSC) during MNF operations. First, existing doctrine and cases will be analyzed to develop a foundation for this study. This thesis will seek to identify the existing IO procedures to be utilized during MNF operations. Next, exercise observations and lessons learned reviews serve as the basis for IO SOP Annex development to support the MNF SOP. / Lieutenant, United States Navy

The citizen-officer ideal: a historical and literary inquiry

DeBuse, Mark R. 03 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / Due to their unique expertise, military officers have always held a special position within Western society. Yet, while individuals who have demonstrated knowledge of warfare and prowess in battle have long been held in high regard by society and the members of their profession, it is those who have also demonstrated the ideals of citizenship and chivalry who serve as the icons for thoughtful military officers. The purpose of this thesis is to examine the evolution of the citizen-officer ideal- through a close study of historical and literary case studies. By establishing a common theme or values among completely separate exemplars of this ideal, a continuum joining Odysseus, Cincinnatus, Beowulf, and Gawain to Washington, Chamberlain, and Marshall might eventually be carried forward to the present and the modern military officer. Specific focus is given to the roles that classical notions of citizenship and the Code of Chivalry have played in shaping the ethos of the American officer. / Lieutenant, United States Navy

Military-media relationships : identifying and mitigating military-media biases to improve future military operations

Bohrer, Shawn A. 03 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release; distribution in unlimited. / A noticeable civil-military gap has emerged in American society where the public does not fully understand the mission of the military, and the military does not understand the expectations and demands by the public in a liberal democracy. Maintaining a good rapport with the media and not fostering a civil-military gap will allow the public to embrace 'good news' stories that are introduced by the military as well as accept the times when a negative story breaks the news. Cooperating with the media by allowing appropriate access to the military is vital to effective information operations. This research identifies instances of failure in military-media relationships by reviewing the historical relationship between the media and military in wartime as well as two examples in the last 15 years in which the Navy has mishandled newsworthy events-the 1989 explosion aboard the USS IOWA and the 2001 collision between the submarine, USS GREENEVILLE and the Japanese fishing trawler, Ehime Maru. The purpose of this project is to determine and ultimately to mitigate military bias against the media. / Lieutenant, United States Navy

Réflexions sur la guerre motorisée dans l'espace européen à travers la presse et la littérature militaire : étude comparative France-Allemagne-Grande-Bretagne, 1919-1935 / Thoughts on motorized warfare in Europe through press and military literature : a comparative study France-Germany-Great Britain, 1919-1935

Menat, Candice 23 January 2015 (has links)
Par le biais d'une analyse exhaustive de la presse et de la littérature ouverte produite durant les années charnières 1919-1935 en France, en Allemagne et en Grande-Bretagne, on étudie chronologiquement le fonctionnement des canaux de transmission dans l'élaboration des doctrines d'emploi des forces motorisées. Les impasses tactiques de la Grande Guerre ont suscité l'invention d'armes nouvelles telles le char et l'avion utilisant la dynamique du moteur. On s'efforce de comprendre l'incidence sur les organisations militaires du rattachement des chars à telle ou telle arme. Contrastant avec le paradigme des fronts statiques cultivé par les Français vainqueurs, les penseurs militaires britanniques inaugurent une rupture dont les Allemands, tétanisés par l'idée de la revanche, tirent tout le parti possible dans les limites particulièrement strictes posées par le Traité de Versailles. On verra comment s'établit une éventuelle articulation entre les combats au sol et la guerre aérienne. On se propose de mesurer les échanges en utilisant notamment la grille de la technique, en s'interrogeant sur la capacité de certains officiers à imposer leurs idées dans un contexte politique et social donné. Dans le cadre de la progression différenciée vers la professionnalisation des armées en Europe, on suivra l'évolution de la relation de l'homme à la machine induite par la remise en cause du rôle de la cavalerie / Through an exhaustive analysis of newspapers and the literature within the public domain produced during the pivotal years 1919-1935 in France, in Germany and in Great Britain, we will chronologically study how transmission channels function in the development of doctrines on the use of motorized forces. During the Great War, tactical deadlocks led to the invention of new weapons like aeroplane and tank, using the dynamic of the engine. We will try to understand the impact on military organizations of the annexation of tanks to a particular army corps. Contrasting with the paradigm of static front lines promoted by the victorious French, British military decide to change tactics. The Germans, longing for revenge, get the most out of this innovation within the limits of the particularly strict clauses in the Treaty of Versailles. We will study how a potentially functional interaction has developed between ground and air battlefields. We will examine the exchanges using particularly the scale of technique, questioning the ability of some officers to impose their ideas in a given social and political framework. As part of the differentiated advancement of professionalization of the army in Europe, we will monitor developments regarding the 'human-machine' relationship driven by questioning the role of the cavalry

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