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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Artister som (o)frivilliga ledare

Andersson, Sofie, Nyman, Nathalie, Orup, Josefine January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund och problem: Baserat på att ett informellt ledarskap är något som tillskrivs en person av människor som har en vilja att följa denne, är ledarskapsrollen inte nödvändigtvis alltid självvald. Därmed fanns ett intresse att lyfta ledarens förhållningssätt till sin tillskrivna ledarroll. Genom detta sågs även en möjlighet att belysa att ledarskap inte enbart ger upphov till konsekvenser för följarna utan även för ledaren i fråga. Problemformulering: Hur förhåller sig artister till sitt tillskrivna ledarskap? Syfte: Syftet med detta arbete är att redogöra för om ett tillskrivet ledarskap upplevs som positivt och/eller negativt av artisten i fråga. Metod: Studien är av kvalitativ karaktär samt har en induktiv forskningsansats. Insamling av empiri till rapporten har skett genom sju semistrukturerade intervjuer med verksamma artister samt branschaktörer vilka på olika sätt arbetar nära artister. Slutdiskussion: Majoriteten av rapportens respondenter framhåller ett positivt förhållningssätt till den informella ledarroll yrket som artist medför. Framförallt lyfts aspekter som en känsla av tillhörighet, bekräftelse och uppskattning samt en ömsesidig, nära relation med följarna. Denna studie tyder på att följarna i många fall är av större vikt än ledaren i fråga. Det är vidare just denna relation samt artistens beroendeställning gentemot följarna som till stor del påverkar, och även i vissa fall avgör, hur artister förhåller sig till sitt tillskrivna ledarskap.

Dopady legislativních změn na příjmy malých obcí / The impacts of legislative changes on revenues of small municipalities

Hylská, Ludmila January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with legislative changes in tax revenues of municipalities since 2001. The changes in the shared taxes and property taxes are considered. The aim is to evaluate the legislative changes related to tax revenues of municipalities and to evaluate their impact on tax revenues of the three selected small municipalities. The theoretical part of the thesis covers the legislative changes that have occurred in the law on the tax assignment and law on the tax of real estate over the last ten years, and amendment to law on the tax assignment with the expected effect from 1 January 2013. The practical part consists of an analysis of tax revenue of three selected small municipalities and their development in response to legislative changes. The last part of the thesis summarizes the most important findings. In this thesis, I came to the conclusion that in every of the three analyzed municipalities the revenues from shared taxes and from property taxes increased over the period of interest.

Mitt arbete blev tilldelat : En sociologisk studie av hur osäkra anställningar påverkar de anställdas vardagsliv

Bergvall, Emma, Backerling, Minna January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis was to investigate young adult workers' experience of having an insecure employment and whether it affects the employee's ability to establish themselves in society. The study is based on six qualitative interviews with young adults between the age of 20–30 years old. The young adult had a part time or temporary employment. These types of employment are classified as insecure employment in this study. The employee´s have harder to plan their future, privacy, working life and economics. The data material has been analyzed using different theoretical perspectives. These are flexible labor markets, precarious employment, shame model and self-identity theory. The results of the study show that insecure employment affects young adult workers in their daily lives and working life. The form of employment has shown in the interviewees that it affects the mental health by experience stress and concern for the future. The stress is primarily based on the planning of everyday life. We could see that well-being at the workplace was an important part of the interviewer's experience of good working conditions. Other consequences of insecure employment is that the economy becomes unpredictable as the workings days are in many case only short term planned without a promise of extended employment. There were also some positive effects of having an insecure employment. These positive consequences are not as obvious as the negative ones. / Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka unga vuxna arbetstagares upplevelser av att inneha en osäker anställning och om det påverkar arbetstagarens möjligheter att etablera sig i samhället. Studien är kvalitativ och det har gjorts sex intervjuer med unga vuxna arbetstagare i åldern 20-30 år. De unga vuxna arbetstagarna ska ha en tidsbegränsad anställning i form av vikariatsanställning, deltidsanställning eller tidsbegränsad anställning. I denna studie har vi utgått ifrån att dessa anställningsformer är osäkra anställningar eftersom arbetstagarna har svårare att planera sin framtid och ekonomi samt sitt privatliv och arbetsliv. Datamaterialet har analyserats med hjälp av olika teoretiska perspektiv. Dessa är flexibel arbetsmarknad, prekär anställning, skam-modellen samt självidentitetsteori. Studiens slutsats är att osäkra anställningar påverkar unga vuxna arbetstagare i deras vardagsliv samt arbetsliv. Anställningsformen har visat sig påverka intervjupersonernas psykiska hälsa där de upplever stress och oro inför framtiden. Stressen grundar sig främst i svårigheten att planera vardagslivet. Vi kunde se att trivsel på arbetsplatsen var en viktig del för att intervjupersonen skulle må väl och vilja stanna kvar längre trots anställningsformen. Andra konsekvenser av att ha en osäker anställning är att ekonomin blir oförutsägbar eftersom arbetstagaren inte vet hur många timmar hen får ihop eller om anställningen kommer att förnyas. Det fanns även spår av positiva effekter av att inneha en osäker anställning. Dessa positiva konsekvenser framkommer dock inte lika tydligt som de negativa.

Bringing John Green to Schools: Incorporating Young Adult Literature in a Secondary English Language Arts Classroom

Adams, Emily 01 January 2014 (has links)
As educators and administrators continue to struggle with the low literacy proficiency rates in this country, a new genre of literature is making its way into the classroom. Young Adult Literature, such as the works of John Green, are becoming a more familiar sight inside the classroom. However, some parents, educators, and members of the school districts are not happy with this new trend. In the last year, alone, young adult books have been challenged hundreds of times in hopes of getting them removed from the classroom and library. I believe that these books need to stay in the schools, though. Through this thesis, I explore the possibility of Young Adult Literature having more of a presence in the secondary English Language Arts classroom in order to increase motivation, engagement, social awareness, and literacy rates. In this research project, only 13% of 11th and 12th grade English Language Arts students reported enjoying the reading they were currently assigned, despite their statement that they enjoy reading, in general. These books do not lead to motivated and engaged readers. By incorporating Young Adult Literature into the standard curriculum of an English Language Arts classroom, teachers can enhance motivation, engagement, and productivity. Students can continue to learn the same literary concepts and techniques, in addition to being exposed to current social problems. When Young Adult Literature is brought into a classroom, an environment is created in which students can learn what they think, why they think it, and how to respect the differing opinions of others.

Receiver-Assigned CDMA in Wireless Sensor Networks

Petrosky, Eric Edward 23 May 2018 (has links)
A new class of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) is emerging within the Internet of Things (IoT) that features extremely high node density, low data rates per node, and high network dependability. Applications such as industrial IoT, factory automation, vehicular networks, aviation, spacecraft and others will soon feature hundreds of low power, low data rate (1-15 kbps) wireless sensor nodes within a limited spatial environment. Existing Medium Access Control (MAC) layer protocols, namely IEEE 802.15.4, may not be suitable for highly dense, low rate networks. A new MAC protocol has been proposed that supports a Receiver-Assigned Code Division Multiple Access (RA-CDMA) physical (PHY) layer multiple access technique, which may enable higher network scalability while maintaining performance and contributing additional robustness. This thesis presents a comparison of the contention mechanisms of IEEE 802.15.4 non- beacon enabled mode and RA-CDMA along with a Matlab simulation framework used for end-to-end simulations of the protocols. Simulations suggest that IEEE 802.15.4 networks begin to break down in terms of throughput, latency, and delivery ratio at a relatively low overall traffic rate compared to RA-CDMA networks. Results show that networks using the proposed RA-CDMA multiple access can support node densities on the order of two to three times higher than IEEE 802.15.4 within the same bandwidth. Furthermore, features of a new MAC layer protocol are proposed that is optimized for RA-CDMA, which could further improve network performance over IEEE 802.15.4. The protocol's simple and lightweight design eliminates significant overhead compared to other protocols while meeting performance requirements, and could further enable the deployment of RA-CDMA WSNs. / Master of Science / Factories, automobiles, planes, spacecraft and other systems in the future will require hundreds of sensors within a relatively small area for data gathering purposes. The sensors, which form Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), must have some method of wireless communication that allows each of them to transmit information when needed without obstructing other sensors’ transmissions. Wireless communication protocols provide a method for doing so. Some recognizable examples of wireless communication protocols include Bluetooth, WiFi, 3G and LTE. For WSNs in the future, the industry’s leading candidate protocol is called IEEE 802.15.4, but it may not be most suitable because it is known to break down as large amounts of sensors are added to its networks. Because of this, a new protocol has been proposed around a channel sharing technique called Receiver-Assigned Code Division Multiple Access (RACDMA), which uses a different strategy to efficiently distribute network resources among sensors. This work analyzes the differences between IEEE 802.15.4 and RA-CDMA, focusing specifically on how each protocol allows sensors to transmit without conflicting with one another. A simulation framework is introduced for complete simulations of each protocol. The result of the simulations shows that IEEE 802.15.4 breaks down in dense sensor networks. RACDMA, however, is able to support very large networks, on the order of two to three times the size of IEEE 802.15.4. This result could be an enabling technology for large wireless sensor networks in the future. Additionally, a new protocol optimized for RA-CDMA is presented. Its simple design could further enable the deployment of RA-CDMA WSNs.

„Žaliosios“ investavimo sistemos įgyvendinimo Lietuvoje galimybių tyrimas / Research of opportunities for implementation of “green” investment scheme in lithuania

Džiugaitė, Laura 26 June 2014 (has links)
Darbo objektas – „žalioji“ investavimo sistema. Darbo tikslas – ištirti „žaliosios“ investavimo sistemos įgyvendinimo galimybes Lietuvoje. Darbo uždaviniai: remiantis mokslinės literatūros analize, atskleisti „žaliosios“ investavimo sistemos sampratą; išnagrinėti užsienio šalių patirtį kuriant ŽIS; remiantis Aplinkos ministerijos pateikiamais duomenimis, sudaryti ŽIS įgyvendinimo Lietuvoje galimybių tyrimo modelį; atlikti ŽIS įgyvendinimo galimybių Lietuvoje empirinio tyrimo modelio įvertinimą bei nustatyti pagrindines ŽIS įgyvendinimo Lietuvoje galimybes ir kliūtis. „Žalioji“ investavimo sistema yra naujas finansinis mechanizmas, kurio dėka pajamos, gautos iš nustatytosios normos vienetų pardavimo, yra toliau investuojamos į šiltnamio dujų mažinimą. Atlikus ekspertų apklausą, nustatyta, kad Lietuvoje tikslingiausia skirti 80 proc. „sunkaus“ ir 20 proc. „lengvo žalinimo“ projektams. Lietuvoje yra daug neišnaudotų energijos efektyvumo didinimo ir atsinaujinančių išteklių kūrimo galimybių, o stiprioji ŽIS pusė yra jau veikianti Lietuvoje teisinė bazė ir institucinė sistema. Tyrimas parodė, kad per mažai žmogiškųjų išteklių panaudojama ŽIS kūrimui, tobulinimui ir valdymui ir LAAIF yra silpnas žmogiškųjų gebėjimų ir kompetencijos. Nustatyta, kad Lietuva sugebės laiku parduoti tik dalį, o ne visą NNV perteklių. Kadangi Lietuva turi galimybių įgyvendinti ŽIS, ji gali sėkmingai dalyvauti tarptautiniame klimato kaitos kapitalistiniame žaidime pasinaudodama šiuo naujuoju finansiniu... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / An object of the work – “green” investment scheme. The aim of the work - to research the potentialities of implementation of “green” investment scheme in Lithuania. Tasks of the work: on the basis of scientific literature analysis to specify the concept of the “green” investment scheme; to consider the foreign experience in developing GIS; based on data, supplied by the Ministry of the Environment, to create the model of opportunities for implementation GIS in Lithuania; to execute the assessment of empirical study model of GIS Implementation opportunities in Lithuania and to identify the key opportunities and barriers of GIS implementation in Lithuania. “Green” investment scheme is a new financial mechanism, by which the income from sale of the assigned amount units is being further invested in a greenhouse gas reduction. Executing experts survey, identified that dedicating 80 percent for “hard” and 20 percent for “soft greening” projects is the most appropriate variant in Lithuania. In Lithuania is a lot of unused energy efficiency and renewable resource development opportunities and a strong GIS side is already operating legal framework and institutional framework of Lithuania. The study showed that too little human resources is being used for GIS design, development and management and LEIF is weak of human capacity and competence. It was found that Lithuania will be able to sell only a part, but not all AAU surplus. Since Lithuania has the opportunities to implement GIS... [to full text]

O trabalho do professor de Inglês em curso livre: na tessitura das prescrições

Malabarba, Taiane January 2010 (has links)
Submitted by Silvana Teresinha Dornelles Studzinski (sstudzinski) on 2015-06-24T15:21:01Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TaianeMalabarba.pdf: 1272565 bytes, checksum: e1f0a3e1eb14f4d93a966849bcdc9db3 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-06-24T15:21:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TaianeMalabarba.pdf: 1272565 bytes, checksum: e1f0a3e1eb14f4d93a966849bcdc9db3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Tendo por base um curso livre de línguas estrangeiras que opera sob o sistema de franquias, este estudo tem o objetivo de caracterizar o trabalho prescrito aos professores dessa instituição, principalmente no que se refere ao chamado “treinamento”. Os alicerces teóricos para a realização desta pesquisa encontram-se, fundamentalmente, nos estudos desenvolvidos dentro do quadro do Interacionismo Sociodiscursivo (ISD), postulado por Bronckart (1999, 2006, 2008, 2009) e colegas. Eleger o ISD como base teórico-metodológica se deu pela vontade de abordar o trabalho prescrito aos professores a partir do viés do ensino enquanto trabalho, ou seja, pela necessidade de ir além das pesquisas sobre a sala de aula desenvolvidas no campo da didática das línguas. É no quadro do ISD também que encontramos a coerência metodológica para o tratamento dos dados. Os dados gerados também fizeram emergir a necessidade de lançarmos nosso olhar para os aportes vindos da área de Ensino e Aprendizagem de Língua Estrangeira, buscando compreender o métier pesquisado. A geração dos dados foi realizada dentro do contexto da rede de escolas do curso livre, do qual foram identificadas as fontes prescritivas. Identificado o chamado treinamento como a principal delas, buscamos conhecê-lo através de entrevista com o diretor pedagógico, responsável por “treinar” os professores. A análise dos dados foi realizada com base nos resultados obtidos por Bronckart e amplamente discutidos e ampliados por integrantes do grupo do ISD (BRONCKART, 2008; BRONCKART e MACHADO, 2004; ABREU-TARDELLI, 2006; GUIMARÃES, 2007). Elementos linguísticos emergentes dos dados apoiaram nossa análise, que, além de conhecer o treinamento, procurou perceber de que forma essas prescrições são veiculadas e o papel atribuído aos professores no contexto investigado. Os resultados reiteram a complexidade do trabalho docente. Revelam ainda a posição do diretor pedagógico em relação às prescrições formuladas por ele mesmo e permitem verificar como ele representa o agir docente. Tais elementos deixam pistas das implicações dessa tessitura prescritiva no trabalho real dos docentes do curso em questão. / Based on a free course of foreign languages which is part of a franchising system, this study aims at characterizing the work which is assigned to the teachers of this course, mainly concerned to the “teacher training”. The theoretical bases for this investigation are found, principally, in the studies developed in the framework of the Socio-discursive Interactionism (ISD) as presented by Bronckart (1999, 2006, 2008). The choice of the Socio-discursive Interactionism as the theoretical-methodological framework was made due to the wish of studying the work which is assigned to the teachers taking into account that teaching is also a job. By this we mean the necessity of going beyond the researches about teaching which are developed in the area of language didactics. It is in the ISD framework also that we find the coherence to deal with the data. From this data, however, the necessity of looking at another framework emerged. These are the studies accomplished in the field of teaching and learning a foreign language, which we sought in order to understand the métier. The data was conceived within the context of free course of foreign languages, in which the origins of the assigned work were found. Once the “teacher training” was identified as the principal of them, we sought to understand it through the interview with the pedagogic director, responsible for “training” the teachers. The analysis of the data was done based on the results obtained by Bronckart and widely discussed and expanded by members of ISD group (BRONCKART, 2008; BRONCKART e MACHADO, 2004; ABREU-TARDELLI, 2006; GUIMARÃES, 2007). Linguistic elements found in the data supported our analysis, which, beyond characterizing the teacher training, tried to realize the way this assigned work is conveyed and the role given to the teachers in the context investigated. The results reaffirm the complexity of the educational work. They also reveal the position of the pedagogic director concerning the work which he himself assigns to the teachers and turn visible the way the director represents the teaching acting. Such elements indicate the implications of this assigned texture in the real work of the teachers of the course investigated.

應收帳款管理業務法律關係之研究 / factoring

林安紜, Lin, An-Yun Unknown Date (has links)
本論文共分八章.第一章緒論,包括研究動機、研究方法與限制,以及本論文之結構。第二章應收帳款管理業務概論,所談為應收帳款管理業務之定義、沿革、種類、及功能。由於風土民情及業務運作上的差異,各國的學者對應收帳款管理業務的性質看法尚未趨於一致,第三章即就英.美學者與實務見解加以整理,並指出應收帳款業務當事人間的權義關係。首先介紹銷貨人對管理人所負之移轉債權、通知購貨人之義務和其他附隨之義務。談到移轉債權,型態上,由實務運作,可分為多次讓與及一次讓與兩種,而一次讓與尚涉及將來發生之債權是否具讓與性,學者於此爭論紛紛;此外債權由銷貨人手上移轉到管理人處,其法律上性質如何,亦有不同說法,本文於此作一整理。依本國民法,通知購貨人債權已移轉的義務,雖並不一定是由銷貨人負擔,但本文參考外國立法例,認為由銷貨人單方負擔最能減少購貨人受詐欺而蒙二次清償風險的狀況,所以視通知為銷貨人之義務,於此也討論通知的性質及時間。最後談及管理人對銷貨人所負之給付對價、承擔風險的義務及其他附隨義務,例如提供管理帳款、會計之服務、以其在特定業界之長年經驗,對銷貨商提供業務諮詢。第四章之主題為銷貨人與購貨人間的權利義務銷貨人與購貨人間最主要的當然是原商業交易之關係,但本章重點在討論:如銷貨人與購貨人間契約中有一禁止讓與特約,則會對應收帳款管理業務產生什麼影響?本文將由禁止讓與特約之效力、檢討及迴避三點切入此問題。第五章討論管理人與契約外第三人間的法律關係所謂管理人與契約外第三人間的法律關係,包括管理人與購貨人間的權利義務、以及管理人與購貨人以外第三人間的法律關係。管理人與購貨人間的權利義務,始於銷貨人將債權讓與管理人時,內容包括購貨人對管理人的清償、以及抗辯的援用與割斷,對此本文將以比較法的方式作一介紹。管理人與購貨人以外第三人,最常發生關係的時候就是銷貨人就同一債權多次讓與。例如,面臨財務窘境的銷貨人將已賣與管理人而尚未交付之債權,再設定質權以獲資金之暫時舒緩,如果調度得當,銷貨人於管理人向購貨人要求清償之前就已清償質借債款,則尚不致引起太大爭執,然一旦周轉不靈,就會發生在同一債權多次讓與時誰才能取得優先受讓權的問題。關於優先權誰屬的問題,各國態度不一,本文仍以比較法的方式,對德、日,英美及我國法作一論述,最末並提出淺見做結。延續上一章管理人與購貨人以外第三人間所發生的同一債權多次讓與的問題。實務上,銷貨人與供應其銷貨來源之上游,我們稱之供貨人( supplier ),二者間常有「所有權保留」 ( reservaton of title ) 之約定,其意義為在銷貨人將貨款付清與供貨人之前,供貨人仍保有貨品之所有權,稱之「單純的所有權保留約款」。如果當事人間所約定者,除了「單純的所有權保留約款」,還包括有延長的所有權保留約款中的「預行轉讓約款」(Vorausabtretungsklausel),則若銷貨人不清償貨款,在銷貨人將貨品移轉與購貨人前,供貨人可以取回其貨品,而在銷貨人將貨品移轉與購貨人後,供貨人便可基於購貨人之新債權人的身分,對銷貨人之銷售所得主張受讓,於後者情形,就可能與管理人的權利產生衝突。基於「所有權保留約款」所生之權利競合問題,即第六章所欲探討的主題。本章首先討論保留所有權約定的法律效果,包括對購貨人和對管理人的效力;接著,要探討應收帳款管理契約遇上保留所有權約定的效力,由於應收帳款管理業務在我國尚屬方興未艾,還沒發生這種問題,故本文還是以比較法的態度,藉德、英學界、實務界之作法來介紹此課題。自七十年代起,在國際私法統一研究所( The International Institute for the Unification of Private Law )的主導及多國的協商之下,產生了國際應收帳款管理公約( Unidroit Convention on International Factoring )。第七章旨在討論公約之適用範圍、以及其關於法律關係之規定的介紹,同時也要站在一批判的角度,指出公約之缺失與貢獻。第八章是結論 目    錄 第一章 緒論*****...*******************...1 第一節 研究動機***...******************...1 第二節 研究方法與限制****...**************...4 第三節 本文架構********...*************...4 第一章 應收帳款管理業務概論**********...******...8 第一節 定義與沿革****************...****...8 第一項 定義******************...****...8 第二項 沿革******************...****...9 第一節 種類與功能******************...**.10 第一項 種類**********************...10 第一款 以有無償還請求權為區別************...10 第一目 無償還請求權之預付**************10 第二目 有償還請求權之應收帳款管理業務********13 第二款 以有無預付為區別***************...15 第一目 預付應收帳款管理業務*************15 第二目 到期應收帳款管理業務*************16 第三款 以有無讓與通知為區別*************...17 第一目 通知型應收帳款管理業務*****.******...17 第二目 不通知型應收帳款管理業務***********17 第四款 國內業務與國際業務之區別***********...20 第五款 有銀行參與之應收帳款管理業務*********...22 第二項 功能*************..*********.23 第一款 信用擔保功能******************.23 第二款 業務代行之功能*****************.24 第三款 提供融資之功能****************.*25 第一節 應收帳款管理業務與應收票據買賣業務之比較******26 第一項 概說******************...****.26 第二項 應收帳款管理業務與應收票據買賣業務之比較...****.27 第一章 應收帳款管理業務當事人間之法律關係**...*******.30 第一節 應收帳款管理契約之基本內容*************30 第二節 銷貨人方面*********************33 第一項 移轉債權之義務******************33 第一款 債權讓與之基礎原因關係*************33 第一目 前言*********************33 第二目 德國*********************35 第三目 英國*********************37 第四目 美國*********************39 第五目 管見*********************40 第二款 債權讓與之方式****************...42 第一目 個別讓與*******************43 第二目 概括讓與*******************45 第二項 通知購貨人之義務****************...54 第一款 概說*********************...54 第二款 通知的性質*******************.56 第三款 通知的時間******************...60 第三項 其他義務********************...61 第三節 管理人方面********************...66 第一項 給付對價的義務*****************...66 第二項 風險的承擔*******************...67 第一款 對購貨人之授信風險***************.67 第二款 對銷貨人之授信風險**************...67 第三項 其他義務********************...68 第四章 銷貨人與購貨人間的法律關係*************..69 第一節 原商業交易之關係*****************...69 第二節 禁止讓與特約*******************...69 第一項 禁止讓與特約之效力***************...69 第二項 禁止讓與特約之檢討***************...72 第三項 禁止讓與特約之迴避***************...75 第一款 行紀關係的利用****************...75 第二款 債務保證制度的利用***************78 第五章 管理人與契約外第三人間的法律關係**********..81 第一節 緒言***********************..81 第二節 管理人與購貨人間的法律關係************..81 第一項 購貨人對管理人的清償**************..82 第二項 抗辯的援用與割斷****************..86 第一節 管理人與購貨人以外第三人間的法律關係********91 第一項 德國**********************...92 第二項 日本**********************...93 第三項 英美**********************...96 第四項 我國**********************...98 第五項 結論**********************.101 第六章 應收帳款管理業務與所有權保留約款之競合*******102 第一節 緒論***********************.102 第二節 所有權保留約款對購貨人的影響***********.103 第三節 應收帳款管理業務與所有權保留約款之競合******.103 第一項 前言**********************.105 第二項 德國**********************.106 第一款 問題背景*******************.106 第二款 學說爭議*******************.108 第一目 供貨人優先保護說**************..108 第一目 管理人權利優先說**************..111 第三目 折衷說*******************..112 第三項 英國**********************.114 第一款 概說*********************.114 第二款 所有權保留約款之成立要件**********.....114 第三款 銷貨人與供貨人間法律關係之性質*******.....116 第四款 管理人權利之優越性**************.117 第四節 小結**********************.....118 第七章 國際應收帳款管理公約之適用*************120 第一節 緒言***********************.120 第一節 公約之適用範圍******************.120 第一項 前言**********************.122 第二項 定義**********************.123 第一款 應收帳款管理契約之定義************.123 第二款 國際應收帳款管理契約之定義**********.127 第三項 公約之適用範圍*****************.128 第一款 直接適用*******************.128 第一款 間接適用*******************.132 第一目 準據法之選定****************..132 第二目 法院逛尋******************..136 第三節 關係人間之權利與義務***************.137 第一項 前言**********************.137 第二項 管理人與銷貨人之權義**************.138 第一款 前言*********************.138 第二款 債權移轉之形式****************.139 第三款 其他權利之移轉*************..**...140 第三項 購貨人之權義******************.141 第一款 禁止債權讓與特約之效力************.141 第二款 清償與抗辯******************.143 第一目 購貨人之清償****************..143 第一目 購貨人之抗辯****************..145 第四節 公約之評議********************.148 第一項 關於適用範圍之規定***************.148 第二項 關於法律關係之規定***************.149 第一款 管理人與銷貨人之其他債權人的請求權競合方面**.149 第二款 應收帳款管理契約方面****. ********...150 第三款 禁止債權讓與特約方面****. ****..****.150 第三項 小結**********************.152 第八章 結論************************153 第一節 利用應收帳款管理業務之效益************.153 第二節 應配合之措施*******************.155 第三節 結語***********************.157 附件一****************************158 附件二****************************167 參考書目***************************177 / This dissertation is about factoring. Two main roles of the factoring agreement are the factor and the client who sells goods to his custom. Because the client is not good at managing his receviables, the client assigns(or sells) the receviables to the factor to conduct, then he may concentrate his energy in making his bussiness better. For the receviables assigned from the client to the factor are between the client and the custom at first, after they are assigned , the relative rights of the receviables are also assigned to the factor, and the custome becomesthe debtor of the factor. That means because of factoring, there will be a complex triangel relationship among the factor, the client and the customer. Besides, The relationship is often not so narrow, 'cause the client may borrow money from others such as banks, we call them the third party, on the security of the receviables assigned to the factor, if the client can't get the receviables back from banks by giving back money to the banks, the factor will face the problems that he may lose those rights of the receviables. The author tries to make relationships among the factor,the client, the customer and the third party clear in this dissertation. Because factroing is getting more and more important now, Unidroit Convention on International Factoring is also introdeced.

The influence of contagion information and behavior on older adolescents' perceptions of peers with chronic illness

Grizzle, Jonhenry Cordell 01 November 2005 (has links)
To explore attributions about chronically ill peers, 545 older adolescents ages 17-26 read a short vignette describing a brief social encounter with a hypothetical peer suffering from a medical condition, and then responded to a series of questionnaires to assess their perceptions of that peer. Nine measures intended to assess perceptions of ill peers were developed and empirically validated. Test-retest reliability and internal consistency was moderate to good for all measures. Component structure of the Peer Acceptance Questionnaire (PAQ), Peer Acceptance Questionnaire ?? 3rd Person (PAQ-F), and Perceived Similarity Questionnaire (PSQ) were also evaluated. Principal components analysis yielded a 2-factor structure of Openness and Egalitarianism for both the PAQ and PAQ-F. A 6-factor structure of (a) Familial/Spiritual, (b) General Health, (c) Social, (d) Behavioral, (e) Physical, and (f) Educational was suggested for the PSQ. Results indicated an interaction between illness type and behavior on acceptance ratings, such that behavior potentiated the effect of illness type on acceptance. In addition, vignette characters with contagious illnesses were rated less favorably than those with noncontagious illnesses, and vignette characters displaying typical behavior were rated more favorably than either withdrawn or aggressive vignette characters. Illness-specific knowledge, ratings of perceived similarity, and ratings of assigned blame predicted acceptance ratings, whereas illness-specific knowledge and acceptance ratings predicted ratings of assigned blame. Finally, significant differences were observed between first- and third-person ratings of both acceptance and assigned blame.

Hur påverkar goal-setting och self-efficacy prestationer på uppgifter med olika grad av komplexitet?

Jelassi, Ramzi January 2017 (has links)
Många motivationsteorier existerar vilka försöker beskriva drivkraften bakom våra handlingar. En sådan är goal-setting teorin enligt vilken specifika svåra mål skapar bättre prestationer. Self-efficacy påverkar dessutom influensen av mål eftersom individer med hög self-efficacy tenderar att engagera sig mer kring uppsatta mål. Effekten av mål verkar även bero på nivån av komplexitet i en uppgift. Syftet med studien var därför att vidare undersöka hur goal-setting och self-efficacy tillsammans påverkar prestationer på uppgifter med olika grad av komplexitet. En enkätundersökning med 145 undersökningsdeltagare genomfördes där prestation på två olika uppgifter testades med och utan mål samt relaterades till generell self-efficacy. Resultaten visade dock inga signifikanta skillnader i prestation mellan grupper som blev tilldelade specifika svåra mål och grupper som inte blev tilldelade tydliga mål. Ingen signifikant påverkan av self-efficacy kunde heller påvisas för de olika betingelserna. Resultaten antas främst bero på uppgifternas korta tidsspann, deltagarnas egen förmåga och uppgifternas svårighetsgrad.

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