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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Swedish Holocaust Museum Between the Physical and the Virtual : A Perspective on the Importance of the Physical and Pedagogical in Virtual Museums

Simu, Johanna January 2022 (has links)
The creation of a new Holocaust museum in Sweden has sparked discussion regarding placement, how to make it accessible, and how to make that accessibility equal between the physical and virtual. The National Historical Museums of Sweden was given the task to open the Swedish Holocaust Museum in Stockholm 10 month after they were appointed the task (Regeringskansliet 2021b). This and receiving less than half of the funds requested for the project lead to the museum not being able to open with a physical space but will be a purely digital space on the official website when opened (ibid.; Hörmark 2022). The museum will then gradually gain a physical space (Annika 2022). Academic research on a new Holocaust museum and their implementations of virtual and digital tools has not been found, therefore this thesis aims to fill that gap with the aid of the previous research. The thesis examines the current available material for the not yet opened Swedish Holocaust Museum through qualitative methods. The pre-process entailed gathering available reports and public discussions, getting into contact with the staff at the National Historical Museums of Sweden and limiting the scope of the thesis. Interviews were conducted with three employees and observations were conducted on two testimony AI by Dimensions in Testimony. The post-process was transcribing, analysing, and categorizing the material under different themes. Throughout the process, academic research has continuously been read and implemented.   The analysis was conducted on the importance of the location of the museum and the public discourse on whether the museum ought to be located in Malmö or Stockholm. It also analyses the expected contents of the website, being the testimony AI and the interactive timeline through a pedagogical perspective. The website will only include the Dimensions in Testimony AI as well as five items and their description when it launches. Finally, the expected website contents were analysed through the potential of being a virtual museum.  The thesis found that the importance of the location might have been mediated by putting emphasis on accessibility through the website. Both the testimony AI and the timeline are pedagogically rich but comes with some technical difficulties. The website has great potential in becoming a virtual museum and should be viewed as such. The thesis also found that interactions between the physical and virtual space might increase the perceived authenticity of the virtual museum and generate more interest.

Public Service – at your service? : A study of attitudes toward the public service broadcasting company SVT

Mikkelsen Båge, Else January 2022 (has links)
Public service broadcasting is a longstanding broadcasting institution in Sweden. Being the most consumed and highly trusted media broadcasting institution on the market, it suffers both challenges and acclaim. It has become a highly politized matter. For the first time since its founding, trust and attitudes towards the public service broadcasting companies are starting to slowly dwindle and are being questioned. Representatives from parliament parties are calling for abolishment and restructuring, and the consumers are abandoning the public service broadcasting channels for commercial competitors. This is especially noticeable amongst youth. The aim of the study is to identify and analyse what factors can be relevant for understanding attitudes towards public service broadcasting. With a theoretical background in Markus Prior’s post-broadcast democracy, James G. Webster and Thomas B. Ksiazek’s audience fragmentation theory, and Strömbäck’s definition of media trust, a theoretical framework regarding consumption and factors concerning attitudes was constructed. Through this, the value of a public service broadcasting system could be charted, and consumer attitudes be understood.   The study consists of data from a nationwide survey. The data was analysed with binary logistic regression analysis, performed on two samples, one representing the Swedish population at large, and one representing youth. This to observe whether or not there were any differences between what factors constitute trust and positive attitudes towards public service broadcasting. Main findings include that youth is much less politically polarised than the population at large. Factors such as education, gender, and regularly consuming public service broadcasting content were also shown to be significant for attitude formation. From this, I could derive that the Swedish population, despite increased polarisation, still has very high levels of trust in, and positive sentiments towards the public service broadcasting company SVT.

Analýza a pretesting audiovizuální tvorby v perspektivě sociologických metod / Analysis and pretesting of audiovisual production from the perspective of sociological methods

Vajda, Mário January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to prove the applicability of sociological methods in the research of audiovisual production. The theoretical part of this thesis is based especially on the approaches of the authors G. H. Gallup and R. L. Nafziger and further the methods used in the given type of research are described. Based on the proven empirical research, the subject of which is a trailer for the upcoming film Adam Ondra: Pushing the Limits and which used qualitative and quantitative methods, which were also described in the theoretical section, the thesis demonstrates the applicability and effectiveness of the use of these methods in research of audiovisual production. In the final section of the thesis, recommendations for optimizing the film trailer in terms of more effective targeting of selected audiences are proposed.

Užívání médií mužskými příslušníky kultury fitness / The way of using media by the male members interested in fitness culture

Martinková, Michaela January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the interaction of male members of the fitness culture with content referring to this topic on social media. The diploma thesis examines the connections between the monitored content, the desire to build masculinity, the satisfaction of men with their own body, or the idea of an ideal male body. The aim of this thesis is to answer the questions of how men interpret media content, which suppose to inspire the creation of healthy lifestyle habits, and whether, or how, this content contributes to their approach to the fitness culture. Research shows that men attribute a significant influence to social media on their concept of fitness as a lifestyle. These participants talk about the strengths and weaknesses of the content of fitspiration, which affect the perception of their own body and mental well-being. Although, social media contributions motivate them to improve themselves and achieve better results, images of masculinity on social media force them to focus on the aesthetics of the body, the amount of muscles rather than on the quality of life, health and other benefits from the regular physical activity.

Role reklamy v životě seniorů / The role of advertising in the life of pensioners

Horáková, Zuzana January 2021 (has links)
The topic of the diploma thesis The role of advertising in the life of pensioners dedicates to czech pensioners and deals with an individual aspects of their relationship with advertising. The first part of the diploma thesis deals with the theoretical concent, which desribes the audience from the general perspective, history, new media and selected researches. The next chapter focuses on the pensioners themselves. I try here to define the basic concepts that are associated with them in terms of sociology and lifestyle of this older generation. The space is also devoted to the consumer beviour of pensioners, which is influenced by certain aspects of their lives. There is also a chapter about advertising and individual advertising media because of context the diploma thesis. The practical part of the diploma thesis is the evaluation of quantitative research, which concerned the influence of advertising messages on pensioners. The questionnaire included questions that emerged from the theoretical part. The questions asked about the source of the advertising message, the sufficient offer of products and services or what advertising should look like to make it more trustworthy. Based on the answers an evaluation was prepared, which answered the topic of my diploma thehis - whether the advertising...

Development of audience design in adolescents' reference production / Utveckling av mottagaranpassning i ungdomars referentproduktion

Arvidsson, Caroline January 2021 (has links)
Compared to adults, children are less effective at designing their utterances to suit the informational needs of their audience. This listener-catering behaviour, known as audience design, has been hypothesized to rely on domain general cognitive mechanisms, such as working memory and cognitive flexibility. Considering that adolescence is an important period of sociocognitive growth, research on the development of audience design beyond childhood is surprisingly scant. The aim of this study was to trace the development of audience design in early and middle adolescence, and test its reliance on cognitive control function. Participants (11–12 and 15–16 years) performed two tasks assessing (1) the ability to adjust referential expressions to inferred knowledge of hearers and (2) cognitive control function. The findings suggest that the ability to take into account the informational needs of listeners during utterance formation develops considerably between early and middle adolescence. Although performance on both tasks was higher in the middle adolescent group, the study provides no evidence for a reliance of the measured audience design behaviour on cognitive control function. Future research should aim to determine whether the development of audience design in adolescence is facilitated by an increased efficacy of knowledge state attribution processes. / Förmågan att anpassa sina yttranden efter samtalspartnerns behov är mindre utvecklad hos barn än hos vuxna. Beteendet att ackommodera lyssnaren vid yttrandeformulering benämns ofta som mottargaranpassning. Mottagaranpassning i konversation har föreslagits vara avhängig exekutiva funktioner, såsom arbetsminne och kognitiv flexibilitet. Med tanke på att ungdomsåren är en viktig period för social och kognitiv mognad har anmärkningsvärt lite forskning genomförts på utvecklingen av mottagaranpassning under ungdomsåren. Målet med studien var att undersöka utvecklingen av mottagaranpassning i ungdomsåren och testa dess eventuella avhängighet av exekutiva funktioner. Deltagare (11–12 och 15–16 år) genomförde två tester som mätte (1) förmågan att anpassa referentiella yttranden till lyssnares förmodade omvärldskunskap och (2) exekutiva funktioner. Resultaten indikerar att förmågan att anpassa sina yttranden efter lyssnares förmodade omvärldskunskap utvecklas betydligt under ungdomsåren. Trots att den äldre åldersgruppen presterade bättre på testet som mätte exekutiva funktioner, predicerade inte exekutiva funktioner förmågan att mottagaranpassa referentiella yttranden. Framtida studier bör undersöka huruvida förmågan att tillskriva kunskapstillstånd till andra effektiviseras under ungdomsåren, och således främjar utvecklingen av mottagaranpassning.

Liveproduktion med Twitch som ett substitut för en allseende Gud

Österlind, Jerker January 2021 (has links)
En undersökning av hur online-exponering påverkar kreativa processer. Genom att arbeta i en öppen live-stream har Jerker Österlind inför publik skapat en EP under 30 Twitch-sändningar. Denna text utforskar effekterna av att bjuda in åskådare till vad som brukar ske bakom stängda dörrar, hur det musikaliska resultatet påverkas, hur arbetsprocessen förändras och funderingar om hur livestreaming kan ge nya möjligheter för marknadsföring och karriär. https://open.spotify.com/album/18uGeyxD00Ssayi1exCCJo?si=qbFel0xUTaeF4rXiwlR2GQ / An inquiry about the impacts of online exposure on creative processes. By working in a public livestream, Jerker Österlind has made an EP in front of an audience during 30 Twitch broadcasts. This text explores the effects of inviting an audience to things that usually take place behind closed doors, how the musical result is affected, how work methods are changed and how livestreaming can open up new opportunities for marketing and careers.  https://open.spotify.com/album/18uGeyxD00Ssayi1exCCJo?si=qbFel0xUTaeF4rXiwlR2GQ / <p>Arbetet presenteras i form av en EP med fem spår. Alla instrument är spelade av J. Österlind.</p><p>Musiken kan höras här:</p><p>https://open.spotify.com/album/18uGeyxD00Ssayi1exCCJo?si=qbFel0xUTaeF4rXiwlR2GQ</p><p>och här:</p><p>https://mudbody.bandcamp.com/album/underachieve-ep</p>

Gender representation through the horrors of Fatal frame (2001) : Textual analysis into female gender representation in the Japanese survival horror game, Fatal Frame (2001)

Waller, Vanja January 2021 (has links)
Gender representation in the horror genre has many interesting discussions surrounding it through multiple perspectives such as psychoanalysis and culture. This article intends to expand the investigation of how female characters are portrayed in horror games. The research on female representation will investigate the potential connections between horror cinema and horror games in the survival horror game Fatal Frame (2001, Koei Tecmo), the first title of a series that is iconic f0r drawing inspiration from Japanese mythology and horror tropes while simultaneously using a large cast of female characters. To gather information about the audience to support the game analysis, an online survey will be released targeting players of the games. Thereafter, recorded, non-commentary footage of the first game, Fatal Frame (2001), will be observed and textually analysed through a framework with data points, based on the background of psychoanalysis, horror cinema, culture, and game theory.

Konsten att framträda utan publik : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om scenkonstnärers upplevelse av publikrestriktionerna. / The art of performing without an audience : A qualitative interview study on performing artists experience of the public ban

Skantz, Linn-Lee January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka scenkonstnärligt yrkesverksammas upplevelse av publikrestriktionerna till följd av Covid-19. För att besvara studiens frågeställning och belysa den individuella aktörens erfarenheter av fenomenet har en kvalitativ forskningsmetod använts. En semistrukturerad intervjuguide utformades utifrån frågeställningen och applicerades vid intervjutillfällena. I studien deltog fyra personer varav två var dansare och två teaterskådespelare. Frågeställningen löd; Hur upplever scenkonstnärligt yrkesverksamma restriktionerna beträffande publikbegränsning i sitt framträdande? Den insamlande data analyserades med tematisk analys och fyra teman fastställdes. Följaktligen; Publikens fysiska närvaro ger energi, att få tillbaka av publiken, andra vägar till prestation och det digitala rummet vidgas. Studiens resultat indikerar att en uteblivande publik haft en upplevd effekt på aktörens energi, nervositet, adrenalin och motivation. Vidare förefaller den direkta responsen av en närvarande publik kunna kopplas till yttre belöningar och motivationsfaktorer. Resultatet talade också för en ökad användning av digitala hjälpmedel i och med Covid-19 då fysiska träffar inte varit möjligt. Detta upplevs ha skapat nya utmaningar i fråga om medier och den kreativa processen. / The purpose of this study was to investigate how professionals within the performing arts experience the public ban as a result of Covid-19. To answer the researche question and shed light on the individual actor's experiences of the phenomenon, a qualitative research method has been applied. A semi-structured interview guide was designed based on the research question and used during the interviews. Four people participated in the study, two of whom were dancers and two theater actors. The question was; How do professionals within the performing arts experience the restrictions regarding audience limitation in their performance? The collected data were analyzed with thematic analysis and four themes were established. The audience's physical presence provides energy, Getting back from the audience, Other paths to performance and the digital space expands. The results of the study indicate that an absent audience had a perceived effect on the actor's energy, nervousness, adrenaline and motivation. Furthermore, the direct response of a present audience seems to be related to external rewards and motivational factors. The result also showed an increased use of digital aids since Covid-19 as physical meetings were not possible. This is perceived to have created new challenges in terms of media and the creative process.

Současný a společenský tanec: odlišná taneční prostředí pohledem tanečníka a diváka / Contemporary Dance and Ballroom Dance: Different Dance Environments from the Point View of Dancers and Audience

Slavíková, Petra January 2015 (has links)
The thesis examines the phenomenon of nonverbal communication via dance from the perspective of anthropology of dance. The objective of the thesis is to analyze the dance environment of contemporary and ballroom dance, based on the point of view of the dancers as well as of the audience. I determine the differences in the ways these forms of dance communicate through dance performances. I examine how dance functions as a means of language, on which level the communication is processing and what meanings and messages the audience decodes within the dance performance. The phenomenon of dance in its natural environment is studied semiotically, as a form of language in certain context. The fieldwork method is based on participant observation and semistructured interviews with both dancers and audience. The research was conducted in the studio of Nová scéna - Lidé v pohybu in Prague, which teaches contemporary dance, and in the dance club Akcent Dobruška, which focuses on ballroom dance. Keywords: Anthropology of Dance, Nonverbal Communication, Contemporary Dance, Ballroom Dance, Semiology, Performance, Audience, Meaning.

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