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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Тексты песен Ивана Алексеева (Noize MC): стилистические особенности и аксиологическое содержание : магистерская диссертация / Lyrics of Ivan Alekseev (Noize MC): Stylistic Features and Axiological Content

Овчинников, Ю. Е., Ovchinnikov, I. E. January 2021 (has links)
В магистерской диссертации исследуются тексты песен Ивана Алексеева – лидера одной из популярных рок-рэп-групп. Целевая установка исследования, связанная с выявлением аксиологических и стилистических особенностей текстов песен И. Алексеева, последовательно реализуется во введении и двух основных главах. В первой главе проанализированы определения поэтического языка; изучены труды по стилистике и лингвоаксиологии; систематизированы опорные понятия лингвоаксиологии, позволяющие осмыслить авторскую стратегию, ориентированную на целевого коллективного адресата. Во второй главе выявлены векторы влияния текстов на целевую молодежную аудиторию; реализован опыт системно-смыслового анализа отдельного текста; отмечены эстетически и аксиологически значимые речевые единицы; описаны тропы и фигуры; сконструирован фрагмент аксиологического лексикона популярной группы; установлены аксиологические предпочтения автора, отстаивающего константы национальной культуры, отвергающего главенство утилитарных ценностей. / The master’s thesis explores the lyrics of Ivan Alekseev – the leader of one of the popular rock-rap groups. The study aims at identifying the axiological and stylistic features of I. Alekseev’s lyrics. This purpose is consistently realized in the introduction and two chapters. In the first chapter, the definitions of poetic language are analyzed; works on stylistics and linguoaxiology are studied; the basic concepts of linguoaxiology, allowing to understand the author’s strategy focused on the target audience, are systematized. In the second chapter, the vectors of the influence of texts on the target youth audience are identified; the systematic semantic text analysis is carried out; aesthetically and axiologically significant speech units are found out; figures of speech are described; a fragment of the axiological lexicon of the popular group is constructed. There are also distinguished the author’s axiological preferences: he defends the constants of national culture and rejects the primacy of utilitarian values.


Reres, Shannon Elizabeth 14 December 2023 (has links)
"transgression" is a poetry collection with claws and nail polish. Across four acts, Reres uses a chorus of voices to interrogate the role of the transgressing woman—both present and past, privately and publicly. Transgressing, for Reres, is a performance. Moreover, it is a performance in which women have been asked, coerced—even forced—to participate for millenia. By stepping into the role of the transgressing woman deliberately, Reres turns this tradition on its head. In these pages, she shows that there is power in putting on masks and costumes, just as there is power in taking them off. The difference—between performance as power and performance as prison—resides in the freedom to choose. / Master of Fine Arts / "transgression" is a poetry collection.

Mise en visibilité ou invisibilisation de soi, l’organisation de la présentation de soi sur Instagram par les individus issus de la génération Z

Cadillac, Léo 12 1900 (has links)
Dans la Mise en scène de la vie quotidienne (1956), Erving Goffman fait ressortir que, dans la sphère « hors ligne », l’individu se produit quotidiennement sur différentes « scènes » identitaires, en fonction de différents « public ». En fonction des contextes, l’acteur choisit de se présenter sous un « masque social » approprié, selon qu’il se trouve, par exemple, avec ses parents, avec ses amis, avec son « crush » ou face à son employeur. Or, sur Instagram, l’utilisateur doit composer avec le mélange de ses différents « publics », sur une unique « scène » identitaire : son compte principal. Les individus issus de la génération Z en tant que « digital natives » sont très actifs dans la construction de leur identité numérique, si bien qu’ils ont parfois du mal à distinguer les limites entre la sphère réelle et la sphère virtuelle. D’autre part, ces jeunes adultes se trouvent à une étape charnière de leur vie, pris entre plusieurs préoccupations : trouver l’amour, assurer leur avenir professionnel, satisfaire leurs parents, marquer leur appartenance à un groupe de pairs… L’objectif de ce mémoire consiste à mieux comprendre la façon dont les individus issus de la génération Z organisent leur présentation de soi sur Instagram. Pour ce faire, douze utilisateurs issus de la génération Z, actifs sur le réseau social Instagram ont été interrogés. Les résultats de la recherche montrent que, en réaction aux différentes attentes qui pèsent sur eux, les jeunes utilisateurs développent sur leur compte principal une présentation de soi marquée par la recherche de neutralité, un profil Instagram « vitrine », une « façade » aseptisée qui satisfait les différents publics présents parmi leurs abonnés. Ce compte principal constitue la face « émergée » de l’identité sur Instagram. Mais, comme le suggère la métaphore tirée de l’iceberg, à travers d’autres fonctionnalités, sur Instagram, les utilisateurs développent, en parallèle de leurs contenus « grand public » et à l’abri de certains regards inquisiteurs, une identité « underground », qui correspond la face « immergée » de leur identité sur Instagram. Par le biais de leurs stories « amis proches » d’abord, puis, dans un détournement d’usage, via un compte secondaire (dit « Finstagram »), les jeunes utilisateurs revêtent un « masque social » bien différent du premier. La validation de leur identité n’étant plus une priorité sur cette scène « cachée », dans les « coulisses » de leur présentation de soi, les utilisateurs ne craignent plus d’exprimer leurs opinions, de se présenter sous le prisme de l’auto-dérision ou même d’exposer des pratiques socialement dévalorisées. Ce mémoire constitue une première étude qualitative de l’organisation de la présentation de soi par les utilisateurs issus de la génération Z sur Instagram. / In The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life (1956), Erving Goffman highlights that in the “offline” sphere, the individual performs daily on different identity “stages” according to different “audiences.” The actor selects the appropriate “social mask” based on the context and the presence of certain “audience” members such as his parents, friends, “crush,” or employer. However, on Instagram, the user must perform for a mixture of different “audiences” on a single identity “stage”: his main account. As “digital natives,” individuals from Generation Z are highly active in constructing their online personas, to the point that they may sometimes have difficulty distinguishing the boundaries between real and online worlds. On the other hand, these young adults are at a pivotal stage of their lives where they are caught between various concerns: finding love, ensuring their professional future, meeting parental expectations, establishing their sense of belonging in a group of peers… The objective of this thesis is to better understand the way individuals from Generation Z organize their self-presentation on Instagram. To pursue this goal, we interviewed twelve users from Generation Z who are active on the Instagram. The results of this research show that in response to the various expectations weighing on them, young users developed a self-presentation on their primary Instagram account that emphasized neutrality. This account serves as a “showcase” profile and a sanitized “façade” that intends to satisfy the various audience members among their followers. It constitutes the “emerged” facet of identity on Instagram. However, as the iceberg metaphor suggests, users utilized other features on Instagram to develop an “underground” or “submerged” identity visible only to a select few alongside their “mainstream” content. First, through “close friends” stories, then, in a reconfiguration of Instagram features, through a secondary account (known as a “finstagram”), young users adopted a “social mask” very different from the one on their primary account. Since the validation of their identity is no longer a priority on this “hidden” stage, in the “backstage” of their self-presentation, users are no longer afraid to express their opinions, present themselves through the lens of self-deprecation or even expose socially stigmatized activity. This thesis constitutes a first qualitative study about the organization of self-presentation by users from Generation Z on Instagram.

“Man känner sig inspirerad, man får liksom känslor, man får fakta om hur det är” : En intervjustudie med barn om etniska och kulturella representationer i disneyfilmer

Englund, Kim, Klaesson, Alice January 2023 (has links)
The study examines how children act as audiences, which needs are fulfilled through their consumption of Disney films and how children receive messages about cultural representations in animated films. Furthermore, how children relate to Disney's characters and their understanding of what is real and made-up in Disney's films is examined. The hope is to contribute with insights into how children create meaning based on Disney's ethnic and cultural representations, as well as how these can have significance for children's identification processes. Uses and gratification along with reception and representation theory are applied as theoretical starting points. The material was collected through semi-structured and sensory interviews with children aged 10-11 and then analyzed through a thematic analysis. The results showed that the children mainly have a ritual media use and watch Disney films with the motive of social interaction with parents. Thus, children's opportunities to be an active audience can be somewhat limited, as adults can control the children's media use to a certain extent. Both internal and external characteristics matter when children identify themselves and others with Disney characters. The children were also able to distinguish ethnic and cultural elements in Disney's films which helped them to create an understanding of the films' characters and messages. In addition, the results showed that children put Disney's stereotypical depictions in relation to reality, which can affect how children see themselves and others. Finally, the results showed that the children in the study assume that the Disney films are based on fantasy, even though they understand that the films' message may have a connection to reality.

Scandale et gravité : histoire et fonctionnement du scandale en musique sous la IIIe République française (1902 à 1924)

Ruel, Alexis 03 1900 (has links)
Le scandale est un concept qui suscite l’intérêt des chercheurs de plusieurs disciplines comme l’histoire de l’art, la sociologie ou la politique, mais moins ceux du domaine musical savant. Il s’agit d’une chose surprenante étant donné que certains des scandales les plus flamboyants ont pris place sur les scènes musicales. La période qui correspond à la IIIe République en France est remplie de ces œuvres célèbres qui ont suscité réactions violentes et négatives chez une grande partie de l’auditoire. Qu’est-ce qui a déclenché de telles passions? Quels sont les facteurs qui peuvent expliquer le rejet de ces œuvres au moment de leur présentation? L’objectif de ce mémoire est de présenter ces différents scandales d’envergure et de proposer une schématisation plus claire des actions des différents acteurs du champ sous la forme d’un système simple axé autour de la métaphore conceptuelle de l’opposition entre une force centrifuge, exercée par l’œuvre sur le champ, et une force centripète, exercée par le champ sur l’œuvre. Axée principalement autour de la lutte en constante évolution entre les traditionalistes et les modernes, la recherche réalisée présente sept cas particuliers entre 1902 et 1924 : Pelléas et Mélisande de Claude Debussy (1902), Le Sacre du Printemps d’Igor Stravinski (1913), Salomé de Richard Strauss (1907), les Histoires naturelles de Maurice Ravel (1907), le Pierrot Lunaire et la musique atonale d’Arnold Schoenberg à Paris (1922), Parade d’Érik Satie (1917) et 1finalement Relâche du même compositeur (1924). La question qui sera posée est la suivante : Comment les forces en action, qu’elles soient sociales, politiques, culturelles ou esthétiques, qui entourent la présentation d’une œuvre scandaleuse affectent-t-elles sa réception et son acceptation auprès du public et des acteurs du champ musical? / Scandal is a concept that attracts the interest of researchers in many disciplines, such as art history, sociology and politics, but less so in the field of scholarly music. This is surprising, given that some of the most flamboyant scandals have taken place on the musical stage. The period corresponding to the Third Republic in France is full of these famous works, which provoked violent and negative reactions from large sections of the audience. What triggered such passions? What factors might explain the rejection of these works at the time of their presentation? The aim of this dissertation is to present these various large-scale scandals and propose a clearer schematization of the actions of the various players in the field in the form of a simple system centered around the conceptual metaphor of the opposition between a centrifugal force, exerted by the work on the field, and a centripetal force, exerted by the field on the work. Focusing mainly on the constantly evolving struggle between traditionalists and moderns, the research carried out presents seven specific cases between 1902 and 1924: Claude Debussy's Pelléas et Mélisande (1902), Igor Stravinsky's Le Sacre du Printemps (1913), Richard Strauss's Salomé (1907), Maurice Ravel's Histoires naturelles (1907), Arnold Schoenberg's Pierrot Lunaire and atonal music in Paris (1922), Érik Satie's Parade (1917) and finally Relâche by the same composer (1924). The question that will be asked is: How do the social, political, cultural and aesthetic forces at work around the presentation of a scandalous work affect its reception and acceptance by the public and those involved in the musical field?

Audience Matters: Exploring Audience in Undergraduate Creative Writing

Cucciarre, Christine Peters 05 November 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Agenda Building in the Age of Online Audience Feedback

Mayock, Patrick R. 24 April 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Relationship between History Plays and Historical Studies Through Comparing the Dramas and the Audience Receptions of Yi Sang Counts to Thirteen and Our Joyful Young Days

Jeon, Youngji 28 April 2010 (has links)
No description available.

“Maybe I’ll see you on the stage”: Spontaneous Audience Action in the Performance of the Plays of Victoria Nalani Kneubuhl

Seager Cecchini, Ashley 13 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Have it Your Way: Audience and Brand Identity in User-Generated Advertising

Gerlock, Grant L. 12 December 2011 (has links)
No description available.

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