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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'influence de la distance entre des marqueurs statiques sur la discrimination d'intervalles temporels : à la recherche de l'effet kappa classique en modalité auditive

Ouellet, Bastien 08 May 2021 (has links)
Le but de la présente recherche est d'étudier l'influence de la séparation spatiale entre des marqueurs auditifs statiques sur la discrimination de la durée. Dans ce contexte, une surestimation de cette dernière en fonction de l'augmentation de la distance entre les marqueurs des intervalles temporels est fréquemment observée. Il s'agit de l'effet kappa. Bien que démontré en modalité tactile et visuelle, aucune étude ne le met clairement en évidence avec une méthode expérimentale équivalente pour l'audition. Afin de préciser son implication et de tenter d'établir les limites temporelles et spatiales de sa manifestation pour cette modalité, dix participants doivent comparer deux intervalles temporels vides délimités par trois stimuli auditifs statiques séparés par une distance variant, en ratios, de 1:1:1 à 1:1:2 (1 = 0,90 m et 2 = 1,80 m). Ce type de tâche correspond à la méthode des stimuli constants. Les standards utilisés sont de 160 ms et de 320 ms. Généralement, les résultats obtenus indiquent qu'il n'y a pas d'effet kappa avec les paramètres utilisés. Au contraire, une tendance à percevoir les intervalles temporels comme étant plus courts lorsqu'ils sont délimités par des marqueurs séparés par une plus grande distance est observée.

Interaction audio-visuelle et modularité = Auditory-visual interaction and modularity

Radeau, Monique January 1991 (has links)
Doctorat en sciences psychologiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Personlig färgning eller tradition? : En komparativ studie i musikalisk interpretation / Personal Touch or Tradition? : A comparative study in musical interpretation

Sandén, Ingrid January 2012 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen handlar om det som inom västerländsk konstmusik benämns interpretation eller tolkning, d.v.s. den process som börjar med artistens studium av musikverkets noterade förlaga och slutar med det klingande resultatet. Uppsatsens fokus är det sistnämnda – artistens musikaliska gestaltning av ett verk. Syftet är att studera det estetiska spänningsfält som finns inom interpretationskonsten: å ena sidan hyllas det personliga och unika; å andra sidan finns konventioner om vad som är rätt och fel i en tolkning. Materialet för uppsatsens undersökning är fyra världspianisters inspelningar av Frédéric Chopins postuma Nocturne KK IVa Nr.16 i ciss-moll. Pianisterna är Wladyslaw Szpilman, Claudio Arrau, Roland Pöntinen och Garrick Ohlsson. Undersökningen är komparativ; de fyra pianisternas inspelningar jämförs utifrån ett antal förutbestämda variabler med målsättningen att dels få grepp om den personliga dimensionen i deras interpretationer, dels fastställa eventuella gemensamheter i desamma. Det sistnämnda skulle då kunna betraktas som exempel på interpretationskonventioner, vilka sätter gränser för det personliga i en tolkning. Den musikanalytiska metod som används är den auditiva musikanalysen, d.v.s. analysen utgår från ett aktivt lyssnande på musikens förlopp. Chopins noterade förlaga utgör dock en viktig referens. Resultatet av interpretationsanalyserna visar att de fyra pianisterna gör fyra olika, personligt färgade tolkningar av Chopins komposition. Men de visar samtidigt att mycket av det ”personliga” sker inom ramar för musikaliska ställningstaganden som verkar vara gemensamma för de fyra. Här är det motiverat att tala om interpretationskonventioner i frågan om Chopins pianomusik. Men då inspelningarna är hämtade från en tidsperiod på närmare 60 år vore begreppet interpretationstradition lika korrekt. Slutsatsen blir att de fyra pianisternas personligt färgade tolkningar är resultatet av individuella förhållningssätt till såväl det noterade som till icke-noterade interpretationstraditioner. Uppsatsen visar också att konstmusikens ”notbundenhet” ändå öppnar för stor personlig variation, liksom att det inom genren existerar ”gehörstraditioner” där var och en sätter sin prägel utifrån det som han eller hon har hört andra göra. / This paper deals with what we in Western Art music call interpretation or practice, that is, the process that begins with the artists’ study of the notated model of the musical piece and ends with the sounding result. The focus of the paper is the latter - the artists’ musical performance of a piece. The purpose is to study the aesthetical divergence that is contained within the art of interpretation: on one hand the personal and unique is celebrated; on the other hand there are conventions about what is considered right and wrong in an interpretation. The material that is used in the study is four recordings by world-class pianists of Frédéric Chopin’s posthumous Nocturne KK IVa Nr.16 in C sharp minor. The pianists are Wladyslaw Szpilman, Claudio Arrau, Roland Pöntinen and Garrick Ohlsson. The investigation is comparative; the recordings of the four pianists are compared from several predetermined variables with the goal on one hand being to understand the personal dimension of their interpretations and on the other hand, to define possible commonalities of the same. Thus, the latter could be regarded as an example of conventions of interpretation, which define the boundaries regarding the personal dimension of an interpretation. The method of musical analysis that is used is the auditive musical analysis, that is, the analysis is based upon an active listening to the sequence of the music. However, Chopin’s notated model makes for an important reference. The result of the interpretation analyses indicates that the four pianists make four different, individual interpretations of Chopin’s composition. At the same time, however, they demonstrate that the personal dimension in an interpretation takes place within the boundaries regarding musical standpoints that the four pianists seem to have in common. Here, it is justified to talk about conventions of interpretation regarding the piano music of Chopin. However, because the recordings are collected from a period of almost 60 years, it would also be sufficient to talk about tradition of interpretation. The conclusion is that the individual interpretations of the four pianists are the results of individual approaches to the notated as well as non-notated traditions of interpretation. The paper also shows that the constraints of notation within art music still leave room for great individual variation, and that “by ear- traditions” exist within the genre, in which everyone personalizes the piece based upon what he or she has heard others do.

Avaliação eletrofisiológica e comportamental do processamento auditivo (central) e treinamento auditivo em indivíduos idosos / Electrophysiological and behavioral assessment of (central) auditory processing in elderly individuals

Alonso, Renata 16 February 2012 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O idoso freqüentemente apresenta alterações no Processamento Auditivo (Central), as quais contribuem para uma piora na qualidade de vida e afetam o relacionamento social destes indivíduos. O Treinamento Auditivo é uma prática amplamente utilizada na reabilitação de indivíduos com Transtorno de Processamento Auditivo (Central) e sua efetividade pode ser comprovada por meio de testes comportamentais e eletrofisiológicos. OBJETIVOS: Os objetivos deste estudo foram caracterizar o Processamento Auditivo (Central) em indivíduos idosos e verificar a efetividade do Treinamento Auditivo em idosos com Transtorno de Processamento Auditivo (Central). MÉTODOS: Participaram do estudo 15 indivíduos com Transtorno de Processamento Auditivo (Central) (Grupo Estudo) e 13 indivíduos sem Transtorno de Processamento Auditivo (Central) (Grupo Controle) com idades entre 60 e 79 anos. Todos os sujeitos realizaram uma avaliação inicial comportamental do Processamento Auditivo (Central) e uma primeira gravação do complexo N1-P2-N2 e do P300 (avaliação eletrofisiológica). O Grupo Estudo foi submetido a um programa de Treinamento Auditivo em cabine acústica durante oito sessões e, um mês após o término deste período foram realizadas novas avaliações comportamental e eletrofisiológica. O Grupo Controle foi submetido a um Treinamento Visual com duração de oito semanas, e, um mês após o término deste período, foi realizada nova avaliação eletrofisiológica. RESULTADOS: Na avaliação comportamental, houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre o Grupo Estudo e o Grupo Controle, e nas situações pré e pós Treinamento Auditivo no Grupo Estudo, nos testes Dicótico de Dígitos e Padrão de Freqüência. Quando comparados os dados eletrofisiológicos, não foram encontradas diferenças significantes na comparação entre os grupos na avaliação inicial e, após o Treinamento Auditivo e o Treinamento Visual, houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre os grupos nas latências de N1, P2 e N2. Na comparação do Grupo Estudo antes e após o Treinamento Auditivo, houve diferença estatisticamente significante para a latência de N2, e na comparação do Grupo Controle antes e após o Treinamento Visual, houve diferença significante na latência de P2 e na amplitude de N1P2. CONCLUSÕES: O Grupo Estudo, quando comparado ao Grupo Controle, apresentou pior desempenho na avaliação comportamental do Processamento Auditivo (Central), e ambos os grupos apresentaram respostas eletrofisiológicas similares antes do Treinamento Auditivo e do Treinamento Visual. O programa de Treinamento Auditivo foi eficaz na melhora do desempenho nas habilidades do Processamento Auditivo (Central) no Grupo Estudo, e esta melhora também pôde ser visualizada na diminuição da latência das ondas N1, P2 e N2 e no aumento da amplitude do P300 após o Treinamento Auditivo / INTRODUCTION: Elderly individuals usually present (Central) Auditory Processing Disorder which contribute for the deterioration of quality of life and affect the social relations of such individuals. The Auditory Training is a broadly used technique in the rehabilitation of individuals with (Central) Auditory Processing Disorder and its effectiveness may be evidenced by behavioral and electrophysiological tests. AIMS: This study aimed to characterize the (Central) Auditory Processing in elderly individuals and to verify the effectiveness of Auditory Training in elderly with (Central) Auditory Processing Disorder. METHODS: 15 individuals with (Central) Auditory Processing Disorder (Study Group) and 13 individuals without (Central) Auditory Processing Disorder (Control Group), ranging in age from 60 to 79 years old, took part in the study. All subjects underwent an initial behavioral assessment of (Central) Auditory Processing and a first recording of N1-P2- N2 complex and of P300 (electrophysiological assessment). The Study Group underwent an Auditory Training program in acoustic booth for eight sessions, and a month later new behavioral and electrophysiological assessments were performed. The Control Group underwent a Visual Training during eight weeks, and a month later a new electrophysiological assessment was performed. RESULTS: There was a significant statistical difference between the Study Group and the Control Group in the behavioral assessment and in the situations pre and post Auditory Training in the Study Group in Dichotic Digit and Frequency Pattern tests. Concerning the electrophysiological data, no significant differences were found between the groups in the initial assessment; after the Auditory and the Visual Training there was a significant statistical difference between the groups in the latency of N1, P2 and N2. Comparing the Study Group before and after the Auditory Training, there was a statistically significant difference for the latency of N2; and comparing the Control Group before and after the Visual Training, there was a significant difference for the latency of P2 and the amplitude of N1P2. CONCLUSIONS: The Study Group presented worse performance in the behavioral assessment of the (Central) Auditory Processing when compared to the Control Group, and both groups presented similar electrophysiological responses before the Auditory and the Visual Training. The Auditory Training improved the performance of (Central) Auditory Processing skills in the Study Group, and this improvement could also be verified in the latency decrease of waves N1, P2 and N2 and in the increase of P300 amplitude, after the Auditory Training

Den ljudlösa bilen : En undersökning om buller, bång och brummande bilar

Bigun, Christopher, Sjöstrand, Erik January 2015 (has links)
Examensarbetet kommer undersöka aktiv ljuddesign för tysta personbilar. Utifrån tidigare forskning om hur elbilen utsätter människor i tätområden för fara på grund av avsaknaden av auditiv information, ska vi utveckla förslag på dynamiska billjud som förhåller sig till trafiksäkerhet, design och minskade ljudföroreningar. Den totala ljudnivån i städer är långt över rekommendationen och följden blir ett hälsoproblem i större städer. Den här undersökningen kommer därför behandla problematiken kring ljudföroreningar i städer och hur elbilen kan sänka den totala ljudnivån och samtidigt bibehålla medvetenheten hos de gående och cyklister som hamnar i riskzonen när bilar inte längre låter lika starkt. Vår gestaltning resulterade i motorljud som inte bara har en varnade effekt på sin omgivning, utan som också minskar ljudföroreningar i jämförelse med förbränningsmotorer. / This degree project will examine active sound design for quiet vehicles. Based on former research wether electric cars expose humans living in urban areas to danger due to the absence of auditive information, we will develop suggestions for dynamic eninge sounds which are related to traffic safety, design and reduced noise pollution. Cities’ overall noise levels are far beyond recommended, and the consequences causes health issues in bigger cities. This paper will therefore discuss the problems with noise pollution in cities, and wether the electric car is capable of reducing the overall sound levels while maintaining pedestrians’ and cyclists’ awareness in traffic by auditive information. Our interpretation resulted in engine sounds which not only contains a causionary effect on it’s surroundings, but also could contribute to the reduction of noise pollution in comparison to combustion engines.

Sounds at work - akustische Repräsentationen für die Mensch-Computer-Interaktion in kooperativen und hybriden Arbeitsumgebungen

Müller-Tomfelde, Christian. Unknown Date (has links)
Techn. Universiẗat, Diss., 2003--Darmstadt. / Dateien in unterschiedlichen Formaten.-Enth.: Textteil. CD-Daten.

Etude des facteurs liés à l'attention conjointe chez de très jeunes enfants présentant un trouble du spectre autistique : régulation visuelle et auditive, désengagement attentionnel, motivation sociale et non sociale

Gaulmyn, Aude de 02 November 2015 (has links)
Les études réalisées sur les enfants avec un trouble du spectre autistique (TSA) ont montré des particularités d’orientation visuelle, de régulation auditive, d’engagement et de contrôle attentionnel, de motivation sociale et non sociale dès le plus jeune âge. Notre recherche porte sur l’influence de ces facteurs sur l’attention conjointe. Une cohorte de 50 enfants, âgés de 21 à 50 mois, diagnostiqués avec un TSA, a été évaluée dans un cadre clinique. L’évaluation incluait une échelle de régulation auditive et visuelle remplie par les parents; une grille que nous avons construite pour quantifier la motivation de l’enfant vers autrui et vers l’objet dans deux situations d’engagement; une mesure du temps de l’engagement attentionnel ainsi que la capacité de désengagement. Parallèlement, un score d’attention conjointe a été obtenu par l’échelle de la communication sociale précoce (ECSP). Les résultats indiquent : 1. un effet du traitement visuel de l’information sur l’attention conjointe. 2. une médiation partielle de la motivation sur l’attention conjointe, quand elle est associée au traitement visuel. 3. Un lien entre le désengagement attentionnel et l’attention conjointe. Nos analyses statistiques suggèrent un rôle de la motivation sociale et non sociale dans l’attention conjointe, ce qui à notre connaissance, n’avait pas encore été montré par une évaluation clinique chez de très jeunes enfants avec TSA. Les résultats obtenus constituent un signe encourageant quant à la possibilité de créer des outils tels que la grille de motivation sociale et non sociale pour améliorer le diagnostic clinique et la prise en charge. / Research has shown dysfunctions in visual orientation and audition regulation, attention engagement and control, social and non-social motivation at a very young age in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This study investigated the relations of these factors to joint attention. 50 children with autism spectrum disorder, aged 21 to 50 months, were assessed using a clinical evaluation questionnaire on visual and audition regulation; a grid elaborated for the purpose of this research to quantify child’s social and non-social motivation; a time measurement of engagement and disengagement states. Joint attention scores were obtained with the Early Social Communication Scales (ESCS). Results show: 1. an effect of visual information processing on joint attention. 2. an impact of motivation, when associated to visual regulation, on joint attention. 3. a relation between attention disengagement and joint attention.Our statistical analyses suggest a role of social and non-social motivation in joint attention skills. To our knowledge, seldom clinical evaluations are targeted on motivation skills in relation to joint attention for young children with ASD. These results confirm empirical research, provide additional tools to clinicians for diagnostic, and suggest targets for early intervention.

Os efeitos do retardo de crescimento intra-uterino no comportamento de orientação do recém nascido a termo, aos estímulos visuais e auditivos, no período pós-natal imediato

Saraiva, Jane Nunes da Silva January 2002 (has links)
Com o objetivo de comparar a orientação visual e auditiva no período neonatal imediato entre recém-nascidos (RNs) a termo pequenos para idade gestacional (PIGs) com os de peso adequado (AIGs), assim como o seu custo para os bebês, foi estudada uma população de RNs sadios, dividida em dois grupos. Pacientes e Métodos: nós conduzimos um estudo transversal controlado, onde fator de exposição foi o retardo de crescimento intra-uterino (RCIU) e os desfechos foram os comportamentos de orientação visual e auditiva dos bebês, bem como o custo para sua realização ( itens suplementares). O exame completo foi realizado (EACN) mas neste momento enfatizamos para estudo os comportamentos de orientação e seu custo para o bebê. O grupo 1 foi constituído por 56 RNs PIGs e o grupo 2 por 118 RNs AIGs. O instrumento utilizado foi a Escala de Avaliação do Comportamento Neonatal (EACN) de Brazelton e o exame ocorreu entre 48 e 72 horas após o nascimento. Para minimizar os efeitos de drogas usadas em analgesia obstétrica com impacto no comportamento neonatal, só foram incluídos no estudo, bebês cujas mães tenham recebido, no máximo, bloqueio peri-dural com marcaína. Foram excluídos os malformados, aqueles cujas mães não realizaram prénatal, os RNs PIG simétricos, os que necessitaram cuidados intensivos e aqueles cujas mães tinham antecedentes de uso de outras drogas, que não tabaco. Além dos ítens de orientação e o custo dela para o RN, outras variáveis incluíram: a idade materna, paridade, tipo de parto, Apgar a 1 e 5 minutos, idade gestacional, sexo, cor, peso, comprimento e perímetro cefálico do RN, e a prevalência de aleitamento materno. Para a análise estatística, os dados foram descritos pela média e desvio-padrão e as comparações entre os grupos foram feitas através do teste t para amostras independentes. Para a avaliação da magnitude das diferenças, foi calculado o tamanho de efeito padronizado (TEP). Resultados: Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas quanto à idade materna, paridade, Apgar no primeiro e quinto minutos, idade gestacional, sexo dos bebês, cor e tipo de alimentação. No entanto, elas foram encontradas para o peso de nascimento, comprimento e perímetro cefálico. Os comportamentos de resposta aos itens de orientação aos estímulos animados e inanimados, visuais e auditivos, foram significativamente diferentes entre os grupos, assim como os itens suplementares. Discussão: os achados deste estudo suportam a idéia de que os RNs PIGs apresentam respostas de menor qualidade aos estímulos de orientação visual e auditiva, tanto animados como inanimados do que os bebês AIG no período pós-parto imediato. Nossos resultados confirmam observações de estudos anteriores de que essas diferenças são encontradas no grupo de orientação como um todo. Em nosso estudo, porém, diferentemente dos estudos prévios, encontramos significância comparando-se os comportamentos de resposta a cada um dos ítens do comportamento social. As significativas diferenças encontradas nos ítens suplementares, reforçam a idéia de que os bebês PIG se constituem em um grupo de risco para a interação com o seu meio ambiente. / In order to compare the behavior of visual and auditive orientation in the imediate neonatal period between fullterm, small for gestational age (SGA) to those of adequate weight to gestational age (AGA), we studied 174 healthy neonates, divided in two groups. Subjects and Methods: we conducted a controlled, cross-sectional study, where the exposure factor was the intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) and the endpoints were the babie’s visual and auditive orientation behaviors, as well as the cost to it (supplementary itens). The complete NBAS was performed but at this moment we enfasize the orientation behavior and supplementary itens to study. Group 1 was made by 56 SGA babies and group 2 by 118 AGA neonates. As instrument, we used the Brazelton's Neonatal Behavior Assessment Scale (NBAS) and the exam ocurred between 48 and 72 hours after birth. With the goal of minimize the effects of drugs used for obstetric analgesia in the neonatal behavior, only babies whose mothers received no more than epidural blockage with marcaíne were included in the study. We excluded children with malformations, those who required intensive care, those whose mothers has no prenatal care, the simetric SGA babies, as well as those whose mother received medication other than marcaíne or used drugs, except tobaco. We looked at the baby's orientation behavior as well as the cost to it. Other studied variables were: maternal age, parity, type of delivery, Apgar score at 1 and 5 minutes, gestational age, and baby's colour, gender, weight, lenght, cephalic perimeter and prevalence of breastfeeding. Statistical analysis was carried out after treating data by the mean and standard-deviation and comparisons between groups were made using the t test. To evaluate the magnitude of the differences, we calculated the Cohen's Effect Sizes. Results: we weren't able to find any significant difference between groups regarding maternal age, parity, Apgar scores, gestational age as well as babie's colour, gender or breasfeeding. However, we found significant differences in birth weight, as expected due to the study design. And also, in lenght and cephalic perimeter. Orientation behavior, that is, response to animated and inanimated visual and auditory stimulous was significantly different between groups, as well as the behavior in the supplementary itens. Discussion: our results support the idea that SGA babies perform poorly than their AGA pairs in the NBAS orientation group as a whole. And also, that they need more support from the examiner. This has allready been reported by others. However, in this study, differently than others, AGA babies behaved better than SGA newborns in every item of the orientation exam. The significant differences found in the supplementary itens support the idea that SGA babies represent a risk group for interaction with their caretakers.

Os efeitos do retardo de crescimento intra-uterino no comportamento de orientação do recém nascido a termo, aos estímulos visuais e auditivos, no período pós-natal imediato

Saraiva, Jane Nunes da Silva January 2002 (has links)
Com o objetivo de comparar a orientação visual e auditiva no período neonatal imediato entre recém-nascidos (RNs) a termo pequenos para idade gestacional (PIGs) com os de peso adequado (AIGs), assim como o seu custo para os bebês, foi estudada uma população de RNs sadios, dividida em dois grupos. Pacientes e Métodos: nós conduzimos um estudo transversal controlado, onde fator de exposição foi o retardo de crescimento intra-uterino (RCIU) e os desfechos foram os comportamentos de orientação visual e auditiva dos bebês, bem como o custo para sua realização ( itens suplementares). O exame completo foi realizado (EACN) mas neste momento enfatizamos para estudo os comportamentos de orientação e seu custo para o bebê. O grupo 1 foi constituído por 56 RNs PIGs e o grupo 2 por 118 RNs AIGs. O instrumento utilizado foi a Escala de Avaliação do Comportamento Neonatal (EACN) de Brazelton e o exame ocorreu entre 48 e 72 horas após o nascimento. Para minimizar os efeitos de drogas usadas em analgesia obstétrica com impacto no comportamento neonatal, só foram incluídos no estudo, bebês cujas mães tenham recebido, no máximo, bloqueio peri-dural com marcaína. Foram excluídos os malformados, aqueles cujas mães não realizaram prénatal, os RNs PIG simétricos, os que necessitaram cuidados intensivos e aqueles cujas mães tinham antecedentes de uso de outras drogas, que não tabaco. Além dos ítens de orientação e o custo dela para o RN, outras variáveis incluíram: a idade materna, paridade, tipo de parto, Apgar a 1 e 5 minutos, idade gestacional, sexo, cor, peso, comprimento e perímetro cefálico do RN, e a prevalência de aleitamento materno. Para a análise estatística, os dados foram descritos pela média e desvio-padrão e as comparações entre os grupos foram feitas através do teste t para amostras independentes. Para a avaliação da magnitude das diferenças, foi calculado o tamanho de efeito padronizado (TEP). Resultados: Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas quanto à idade materna, paridade, Apgar no primeiro e quinto minutos, idade gestacional, sexo dos bebês, cor e tipo de alimentação. No entanto, elas foram encontradas para o peso de nascimento, comprimento e perímetro cefálico. Os comportamentos de resposta aos itens de orientação aos estímulos animados e inanimados, visuais e auditivos, foram significativamente diferentes entre os grupos, assim como os itens suplementares. Discussão: os achados deste estudo suportam a idéia de que os RNs PIGs apresentam respostas de menor qualidade aos estímulos de orientação visual e auditiva, tanto animados como inanimados do que os bebês AIG no período pós-parto imediato. Nossos resultados confirmam observações de estudos anteriores de que essas diferenças são encontradas no grupo de orientação como um todo. Em nosso estudo, porém, diferentemente dos estudos prévios, encontramos significância comparando-se os comportamentos de resposta a cada um dos ítens do comportamento social. As significativas diferenças encontradas nos ítens suplementares, reforçam a idéia de que os bebês PIG se constituem em um grupo de risco para a interação com o seu meio ambiente. / In order to compare the behavior of visual and auditive orientation in the imediate neonatal period between fullterm, small for gestational age (SGA) to those of adequate weight to gestational age (AGA), we studied 174 healthy neonates, divided in two groups. Subjects and Methods: we conducted a controlled, cross-sectional study, where the exposure factor was the intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) and the endpoints were the babie’s visual and auditive orientation behaviors, as well as the cost to it (supplementary itens). The complete NBAS was performed but at this moment we enfasize the orientation behavior and supplementary itens to study. Group 1 was made by 56 SGA babies and group 2 by 118 AGA neonates. As instrument, we used the Brazelton's Neonatal Behavior Assessment Scale (NBAS) and the exam ocurred between 48 and 72 hours after birth. With the goal of minimize the effects of drugs used for obstetric analgesia in the neonatal behavior, only babies whose mothers received no more than epidural blockage with marcaíne were included in the study. We excluded children with malformations, those who required intensive care, those whose mothers has no prenatal care, the simetric SGA babies, as well as those whose mother received medication other than marcaíne or used drugs, except tobaco. We looked at the baby's orientation behavior as well as the cost to it. Other studied variables were: maternal age, parity, type of delivery, Apgar score at 1 and 5 minutes, gestational age, and baby's colour, gender, weight, lenght, cephalic perimeter and prevalence of breastfeeding. Statistical analysis was carried out after treating data by the mean and standard-deviation and comparisons between groups were made using the t test. To evaluate the magnitude of the differences, we calculated the Cohen's Effect Sizes. Results: we weren't able to find any significant difference between groups regarding maternal age, parity, Apgar scores, gestational age as well as babie's colour, gender or breasfeeding. However, we found significant differences in birth weight, as expected due to the study design. And also, in lenght and cephalic perimeter. Orientation behavior, that is, response to animated and inanimated visual and auditory stimulous was significantly different between groups, as well as the behavior in the supplementary itens. Discussion: our results support the idea that SGA babies perform poorly than their AGA pairs in the NBAS orientation group as a whole. And also, that they need more support from the examiner. This has allready been reported by others. However, in this study, differently than others, AGA babies behaved better than SGA newborns in every item of the orientation exam. The significant differences found in the supplementary itens support the idea that SGA babies represent a risk group for interaction with their caretakers.

Qualité de vie des sujets âgés déficients auditifs : rôle, place et importance des déterminants de qualité de vie / Quality of life of elderly hearing impaired : role, place and importance of quality of life determinants

Lazzarotto, Sébastien 02 June 2017 (has links)
Le vieillissement de la population dans les pays développés fait surgir des enjeux dans le champ de la santé, parmi lesquels la déficience auditive tient une place importante. En France, environ 5,5 millions de personnes seraient malentendants. Des travaux ont été menés sur le retentissement des problèmes auditifs sur la vie quotidienne des individus présentant une déficience auditive liée à l’âge: difficultés de communication, isolement progressif, restrictions des activités quotidiennes sociales, modifications de l’humeur, troubles cognitifs... Le handicap et les conséquences précédemment listées vont avoir un impact sur la qualité de vie des individus et également celle de leur entourage. Le couple (ou dyade), formé par la personne déficiente et son aidant principal, va ainsi devoir faire face à l’installation progressive de la déficience. Celle-ci va modifier les relations entre les deux membres formant ce couple ainsi que les relations sociales du couple en général, qu’elles soient familiales, professionnelles ou sociales au sens large. Chaque membre du couple va mobiliser des stratégies d’adaptation qui lui sont propres. Dans le but d’explorer les différents mécanismes d’ajustement au sein de cette dyade et comprendre les liens potentiels entre la nature des stratégies d’ajustement utilisées sur leur qualité de vie, nous avons procédé séquentiellement à différentes étapes: 1. Lister les outils mesurant la qualité de vie des individus présentant une déficience auditive liée à l’âge ; 2. Identifier les déterminants de la qualité de vie de ces individus et celle de leurs proches ; 3. Examiner les liens entre les stratégies d’ajustement mobilisées par chaque membre. / The aging population in developed countries gives rise to considerable challenges in the health field, including hearing loss has a very important place. In France, about 5.5 million people are hearing impaired. Work has been conducted on the impact of hearing loss on the daily life of individuals with hearing loss related to age: communication difficulties, progressive isolation, restriction of social activities of daily living, mood changes, cognitive disorders ... The disability itself and all the consequences listed above will obviously have an impact on the quality of life of individuals and also those around them. The pair (or dyad), formed by the impaired person and his primary caregiver, itself defined as the person it considers most involved in his daily life, will thus be faced with the progressive installation of disability. This will gradually alter the relationship between the two members forming the couple and the social relations of the couple in general, be they family, professional or social at large. Each member of the couple will mobilize coping strategies of its own. In order to explore the various adjustment mechanisms within the dyad and understand the potential links between the nature of adjustment strategies on their quality of life, we performed sequentially at the following stages: 1. List tools for measuring quality of life of individuals with hearing loss related to age; 2. Identify the major determinants of the quality of life of these individuals and that of their close; 3. Examine the specific links between adjustment strategies used by each member of the dyad on its own quality of life and that of his close.

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