Spelling suggestions: "subject:"authorisation"" "subject:"uthorisation""
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Critical review of the quality of environmental authorizations in South Africa / Andrew Brian CaddickCaddick, Andrew Brian January 2015 (has links)
This dissertation critically reviews the quality of South African environmental authorisations through
the application of a methodology adopted from the Lee and Colley (1999) environmental impact
assessment (EIA) report review package. The literature review shows that to date limited research
has been conducted on the quality of environmental authorisations nationally. Anecdotal evidence
suggests that environmental authorisations are of weak quality; hence the development of guidelines
on the compilation of environmental authorisations by the Department of Environmental Affairs
(DEA). In this dissertation, the quality of the environmental authorisations is critically reviewed
against the requirements of the National Environmental Management Act (Act No. 107 of 1998) and
departmental guidelines. The research concludes that only 64% of reviewed authorisations are
deemed satisfactory, while 36% were unsatisfactory. When the basic assessment report (BAR) and
scoping and environmental impact assessment (S&EIA) process authorisations are compared it is
concluded that the there is a minimal difference in quality. The BAR achieved a 69% satisfactory
rating while the S&EIA process achieved a 61% satisfactory rating. The dissertation concludes by
making recommendations to improve the quality of authorisations. / M (Environmental Management), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015
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An investigation of the database systems for the management of radiation sourcesNgubane, Mkhuliseni 27 January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the database system used at the South African Radiation Control Authority and compare it with RAIS (Regulatory Authority Information System). A radiation regulatory authority requires an adequate and effective data management system in order to carry out its regulatory control program efficiently and effectively. RAIS is a comprehensive system that includes all of the main functionality required to support a regulatory framework.
A mixed methods approach, including a quantitative descriptive comparative evaluation research study was conducted to determine if the database system currently used by the South African Radiation Control Authority is effective as a data management tool for a regulatory body. Two analyses were conducted. Firstly, the specification records of the South African database system were compared with that of RAIS. Secondly, current database users were surveyed by means of a structured questionnaire.
Both analyses reveal that RAIS performs better than the Radiation Control database in the main areas of the regulatory framework. The study results also highlight some of the shortcomings and strengths of the Radiation Control database / Medical Informatics / M.A. (Public Health)
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Das fórmulas ao nome: bases para uma teoria da sexuação em Lacan / From formulas to naming: conceptual bases for a sexuation theory in LacanAmbra, Pedro Eduardo Silva 26 October 2017 (has links)
A presente tese tem por objetivo a explicitação de bases conceituais que sustentem uma nova leitura da teoria da sexuação. O texto busca investigar a origem e extrair consequências da máxima o ser sexual só se autoriza de si mesmo e de alguns outros, enunciada por Lacan no seminário Os não-bestas erram, num exercício de redescrição das fórmulas da sexuação a partir de um dizer. Visando sublinhar a dimensão processual da sexuação, elegeu-se o conceito de identificação como método e realizouse um levantamento de suas incidências junto aos registros real, simbólico e imaginário ao longo do ensino de Lacan. No primeiro capítulo, discutiu-se a influência de Marcel Proust na concepção lacaniana que liga a autorização sexuada ao grupo e o paralelo entre a sexuação e a autorização do psicanalista. Buscou-se, junto a modalidades de luta por reconhecimento social e político de gêneros não inteligíveis, um modelo de grupo que Lacan precisa como aquele de um real recentemente emergido. No segundo capítulo, retraçaram-se as origens das noções de significante (na ideia de constelação simbólica), grande Outro (descrito inicialmente como grandes Outros) e lei simbólica (e sua indissociável relação com a norma em Lévi-Strauss), buscando demonstrar de que forma a alteridade simbólica que localiza a posição do sujeito sexuado é plural e baseia-se na variabilidade dos elementos num dado sistema estrutural. O último capítulo buscou apresentar, tanto em Freud como em Lacan, o papel fundamental dos semelhantes no processo de assunção sexual, bem como discutiu a autorização em termos de uma precipitação presente tanto no estádio do espelho quanto no momento de concluir do tempo lógico. Por fim, uma discussão relativa à noção de sinthoma demonstrou a centralidade do ato de nomeação enquanto instância que enoda os três registros da sexuação / This thesis aims to detail the conceptual bases for a new reading of Lacans sexuation theory. We intent to investigate the genesis and consequences of the proposition The sexed being is only authorized by him/herself and by some others, uttered by Lacan on his seminar Les non-dupes errant, as he describes the formulas of sexuation in terms of a saying. In order to underscore the sexuations processual dimension, the concept of identification was turned into a methodological tool as we proceed an analysis of its incidences among the registers of the real, symbolic and imaginary in Lacans teaching. On our first chapter, weve discussed the sexuation and its parallel with the analysts authorization as well as Marcel Prousts influence on the lacaninan relation between sexed authorization and the question of the group. Gender related social and political struggles were taken as a model of the lacanian notion of group as an real recently emerged. On our second chapter, weve explored the origins of the notions of signifier (from the idea of symbolic constellation), big Other (initially described as big Others) and symbolic law (and its inseparable relation with the norm in Lévi-Strauss), to indicate how the symbolic alterity that locates the sexed subjects position is plural and based on the elements variability at one given structural system. The last chapter presents the fundamental role of the neighbors on the sexual assumptions process and discusses the authorization in terms of an anticipation found in both mirror stage and the logical times moment of concluding. Lastly, an analysis of the notion of sinthome has shown the centrality of the act of naming as an instance that knots the three registers of the sexuation
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Les actes unilatéraux des États comme éléments de formation du droit international / Unilaleral acts of States as parts of the formation process of international LawRobin, Denys-Sacha 03 December 2018 (has links)
Les actes juridiques unilatéraux des États, extrêmement variés dans leurs formes comme leurs contenus, contribuent à la formation et à l’évolution des normes internationales. Cependant, la présente thèse soutient que ces actes unilatéraux ne constituent pas, pris isolément, un mode de production du droit international ; tout au plus en sont-ils des éléments de formation. Parmi tous les actes adoptés par les États, certains seulement véhiculent des «prétentions normatives stricto sensu». Ces prétentions manifestent une certaine tension entre l’exercice par les États d’un pouvoir d’application du droit existant, en vertu de normes d’habilitation établies ou revendiquées, et d’un pouvoir de l’interpréter ou de le transformer. Dans ces conditions, ces prétentions bénéficient d’une existence objective et d’une opposabilité présumée tout en étant potentiellement contestables durant un certain laps de temps. L’attribution d’une valeur au silence des tiers intéressés apporte la preuve d’un tel présupposé. Ainsi, la représentation proposée met en lumière l’exercice par les États d’un véritable pouvoir de sommation : il découle des prétentions identifiées un effet autonome consistant à requérir les réactions des tiers susceptibles d’en remettre en cause le bien-fondé. Les protestations, reconnaissances ou acquiescements silencieux des tiers constituent alors la condition nécessaire et suffisante aux fins de détermination de l’(in)opposabilité du contenu normatif des prétentions. Du processus décrit, il peut être déduit que l’existence et la signification des rapports de droit produits par la confrontation des prétentions et réactions des États reposent certes sur des accords informels. Toutefois, le fonctionnement du processus révèle avant tout l’influence considérable de l’unilatéralisme sur la définition et l’évolution du droit international. Les États se voient en effet soumis à une obligation accrue de vigilance à l’égard des prétentions susceptibles d’emporter des effets sur leurs droits et obligations. / Unilateral acts of States, which are extremely varied in both form and content, contribute to the formation process and evolution of international standards. However, this thesis suggests that unilateral acts, taken in isolation, are not a means of producing international law; at most they are elements in its formation process. Among the acts adopted by States, some merely express “normative pretentions in the strict sense of the term”. These pretentions express a certain tension in a State’s exercising of a power of application of existing law, in virtue of established or claimed capacitation, and the power to interpret or transform it. Under these conditions, these pretentions benefit from objective existence and supposition of opposability, while remaining potentially contestable during a given period of time. The attribution of a value to the silence of concerned third parties is proof of such a presupposition. This means the proposed representation shows the exercising by States of an actual power of summons: the pretentions identified give rise to an independent effect requiring the action of third parties likely to question validity. Protests, recognition or acquiescence of third parties thus constitute the condition deemed necessary and sufficient to the determination of the (un)opposability of the normative content of the pretentions. From the process described, it is possible to deduce that the existence and significance of law produced by the confrontation of pretentions and reactions of States is based on informal agreements. However, the functioning of the process reveals above all the considerable influence of unilateralism on the definition of the evolution of international law. States are subject to an increased obligation for vigilance with regard to pretentions likely to impact their rights and obligations.
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Administration of Access Rights in Web ApplicationsWorm, Stefan 28 October 2005 (has links) (PDF)
This work deals with the problem to find and rate a solution how to administrate access rights in web based applications that are flexible and offer a fine-grained allocation of rights.
In particular the program phpGACL is analyzed and integrated into an example application to prove the feasibility of this system in principle. / Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Lösungsfindung und -bewertung des Problems, Zugriffsrechte webbasierter Anwendungen flexibel zu administrieren und eine möglichst feinkörnige Rechtevergabe zu erlauben.
Insbesondere das Programm phpGACL wird analysiert und in eine Beispielanwendung integriert um die prinzipielle Realisierbarkeit des System zu überprüfen.
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Ο κοινοτικός κανονισμός REACH για τις επικίνδυνες χημικές ουσίεςΔροσόπουλος, Δημήτριος 16 June 2010 (has links)
Σκοπός της εργασίας αυτής είναι η ανάλυση του νέου νομικού καθεστώτος διαχείρισης και ελέγχου των χημικών ουσιών σε ευρωπαϊκό επίπεδο και η ανάδειξη των ποικίλων διακυβευμάτων που αυτό θέτει. Το νέο αυτό νομικό καθεστώς, παρά την μακροχρόνια διαβούλευση του, δεν είναι τελικά απαλλαγμένο από αδυναμίες και προβλήματα εφαρμογής.
Πρόκειται για τον νέο κανονισμό REACH (αρχικά του Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of Chemicals) ή κανονισμό 1907/2006/ΕΚ. Ο κανονισμός REACH αποτελεί ένα ενιαίο ευρωπαϊκό νομοθέτημα για την καταχώριση, την αξιολόγηση, την αδειοδότηση και τους περιορισμούς των χημικών ουσιών, αντικαθιστώντας 40 διαφορετικά υφιστάμενα νομοθετικά μέτρα.
Η εργασία χωρίζεται στην εισαγωγή, σε έξι κεφάλαια και τέλος τα συμπεράσματα. Στην εισαγωγή παρουσιάζεται η υφιστάμενη νομοθεσία της ευρωπαϊκής ένωσης για τις χημικές ουσίες, τα προβλήματα από την εφαρμογή της καθώς και η ανάγκη για ένα νέο νομοθετικό πλαίσιο το οποίο θα αντικαταστήσει το υφιστάμενο και θα έχει ως πρωταρχικό σκοπό την προστασία της ανθρώπινης υγείας και του περιβάλλοντος. Αναφορά γίνεται στην βιώσιμη ανάπτυξη και την πράσινη χημεία, καθώς αποτελούν βασικούς πυλώνες του κανονισμού. Επίσης παρουσιάζονται οι βασικές αρχές του κανονισμού (αρχή της προφύλαξης, της υποκατάστασης κλπ) καθώς και οι επιδιωκόμενοι στόχοι από την εφαρμογή του.
Στο πρώτο κεφάλαιο γίνεται μια αναλυτική παρουσίαση της αρχής της προφύλαξης, η οποία αποτελεί βασική και θεμελιώδης αρχή του κανονισμού. Γίνεται αναφορά στην σχέση της με την αρχή της πρόληψης, στην πορεία της μέσα στο ευρωπαϊκό δίκαιο και στη διατροφική πολιτική της ευρωπαϊκής ένωσης καθώς και η αντιμετώπισή της από το ελληνικό δικαιικό σύστημα.
Στο δεύτερο κεφάλαιο παρουσιάζεται αναλυτικά η οικοδόμηση του κανονισμού REACH, μέσω των σημαντικότερων χρονολογικών γεγονότων που άλλοτε ενίσχυσαν και άλλοτε αποδυνάμωσαν το κανονισμό, ικανοποιώντας κάθε φορά και διαφορετικά συμφέροντα ή απαιτήσεις, έως την οριστικοποίηση του τελικού του κειμένου. Ειδική αναφορά γίνεται στο ρόλο του Παγκόσμιου Οργανισμού Εμπορίου για τη διαμόρφωση του τελικού κειμένου του κανονισμού.
Στη συνέχεια, στο τρίτο κεφάλαιο, παρουσιάζονται αναλυτικά το πεδίο εφαρμογής του κανονισμού, τα θεσμικά όργανα και οι αρμοδιότητές τους καθώς και οι βασικές διατάξεις του κανονισμού, η καταχώριση, η αξιολόγηση, η αδειοδότηση και περιορισμοί των χημικών ουσιών.
Ακολουθεί το τέταρτο κεφάλαιο, όπου παρουσιάζεται ο κανονισμός CLP (αρχικά του Classification, Labelling, Packaging) για την ταξινόμηση, την επισήμανση και συσκευασία χημικών ουσιών και μειγμάτων ή κανονισμός 1272/2008/EK. Ο κανονισμός CLP συμπληρώνει και τροποποιεί τον κανονισμό REACH στο κενό που παρουσιάζει όσον αφορά την ταξινόμηση, την σήμανση και τη συσκευασία των χημικών ουσιών και τον εναρμονίζει με το Παγκόσμιο Εναρμονισμένο Σύστημα ταξινόμησης και επισήμανσης για τις χημικές ουσίες και τα μείγματα των Ηνωμένων Εθνών.
Στο πέμπτο κεφάλαιο γίνεται μια αναλυτική αποτίμηση του κανονισμού REACH, καθώς παρουσιάζονται και αναλύονται τόσο οι θετικές του όψεις όσο και οι αδυναμίες του. Αναλυτική αναφορά γίνεται στο κόστος εφαρμογής του κανονισμού καθώς και στα οικονομικά οφέλη που προκύπτουν από την εφαρμογή του. Επίσης παρουσιάζοντα τα προβλήματα ερμηνείας και εφαρμογής του κανονισμού.
Ακολουθεί το έκτο κεφάλαιο, στο οποίο γίνεται αναφορά στην εφαρμογή του κανονισμού REACH στην Ελλάδα καθώς παρουσιάζεται η υπεύθυνη αρμόδια αρχή για την εφαρμογή του κανονισμού και ο ρόλος της, το πεδίο εφαρμογής του κανονισμού (επιχειρήσεις χημικών προϊόντων) καθώς και ο ρόλος του Συνδέσμου Ελληνικών Χημικών Βιομηχανιών.
Τέλος στα συμπεράσματα γίνεται μια συγκεντρωτική παρουσίαση και σύγκριση των αρνητικών και θετικών χαρακτηριστικών του κανονισμού και αποτιμάται ο βαθμός της επίτευξης των αρχικών στόχων του μέσα στο χρονικό διάστημα από την ημερομηνία εφαρμογής του έως σήμερα. Επίσης παρουσιάζεται πως ο κανονισμός REACH αποτελεί καινοτόμο νομοθετικό εργαλείο στα χέρια της διοίκησης αν και αποδυναμωμένος σε σχέση με το αρχικό του κείμενο και την αρχική πεποίθηση για ολοκληρωμένη και υψηλού επιπέδου προστασία της ανθρώπινης υγείας και του περιβάλλοντος. / Aim of this work is the analysis of new legal regime of management and control of chemical substances in European level and the emergence of diverse implications that this poses. This new legal regime, despite its long-lasting consultation, is not finally exempted from weaknesses and problems of application.
This is the new REACH Regulation (initials of the Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of Chemicals) or regulation 1907/2006/EC. REACH is a uniform European legislation on the registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemicals, replacing 40 different existing legislative measures.
The work is divided into the introduction, six chapters and finally conclusions. The introduction presents the existing EU legislation on chemicals, the problems of implementation as well as the need for a new legal framework which will replace the existing and will have as fundamental aim the protection of human health and environment. Reference is made to sustainable development and green chemistry, which are key pillars of the regulation. It also presents the basic principles of the regulation (precautionary principle, substitution principle, etc) as well as the objectives pursued by its application.
In the first chapter becomes an analytic presentation of precaution principle, which constitutes basic and fundamental principle of regulation. Reference is made in relation to the prevention principle, in European law and food policy in the European Union as well as its confrontation from Greek law system.
In the second chapter is presented in detail the construction of REACH regulation, by means of the most important chronological facts that sometimes reinforced and sometimes watered down regulation, satisfying each time and different interests or requirements, until the finalization of the final text. Special reference to the role of the World Trade Organization is made for the configuration of final text of regulation.
Afterwards, in the third chapter, are presented in detail the field of application of regulation, the institutional bodies and their competences as well as the basic provisions of regulation, the registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemicals.
Fourth chapter follows, where regulation CLP is presented (initials of the Classification, Labeling and Packaging) for the classification, labeling and packaging of substances and mixtures or regulation 1272/2008/EC. Regulation CLP supplements and modifies regulation REACH in the void that it presents with regard to the classification, labeling and packing of chemical substances and it harmonizes REACH with the World Harmonized System of classification and labeling for the chemical substances and mixtures of United Nations.
In the fifth chapter becomes an analytic assessment of regulation REACH, while are presented and analyzed both positive aspects and weaknesses. A detailed reference becomes in the cost of implementing the regulation and to the economic benefits arising from its application. Also the problems in the interpretation and application of the regulation are presented.
Following the sixth chapter, in which reference is made in the implementation of reach in Greece as the responsible authority for the application of the regulation and its role, the field of application of regulation (enterprises of chemical products) as well as the role of the Association of Greek Chemical Industries.
Finally, in the conclusions is a summary and comparison of negative and positive characteristics of regulation and evaluation of the extent of the initial objectives within the period from the date of application until now. It also shows that REACH is an innovative legislative tool in the hands of the administration, although weak compared to the initial text, and the initial conviction for integrated and high level of protection of human health and environment.
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L'autorisation administrative / The Administrative AuthorisationSeurot, Laurent 15 November 2013 (has links)
Le régime d'autorisation est traditionnellement présenté comme un instrument depolice institué dans le but d'éviter que l'exercice de certaines libertés ne trouble l'ordre public. De cette fonction du régime d'autorisation se déduisent les principaux caractères de l'acte d'autorisation, acte unilatéral de police, précaire et incessible. Chacun de ces caractères se trouve cependant partiellement démenti par certaines évolutions du droit positif, en particulier par le phénomène de patrimonialisation qui touche un nombre croissant d'autorisations. Jusqu'à présent, ces évolutions n'ont été appréhendées que comme des exceptions à des principes dont la prétention à la généralité valait encore. L'ampleur de ces évolutions invite cependant à douter de la pérennité d'une telle présentation. L'objet de cette recherche est de montrer que ces évolutions sont la conséquence de ladiversité fonctionnelle du régime d'autorisation. En effet, le régime d'autorisation n'est pas nécessairement un instrument de police. Il est également utilisé comme un moyen soit de répartir l'accès à une ressource rare, soit d'organiser l'exercice d'une activité d'intérêt général. Cette diversité fonctionnelle du régime d'autorisation donne naissance à des catégories d'autorisations, catégories qui, une fois ordonnées, forment une typologie. Cette approche plurielle permet de comprendre pourquoi les autorisations répondent à des régimes juridiquesdifférents. / The authorisation scheme is traditionally presented as a policing system. From thisfunction of the authorisation scheme one can deduce the principal characteristics of the authorisation, unilateral police decision, precarious and untransferable. However, each of these characteristics is refuted by certain developments of substantive law, particularly by the phenomenon of patrimonialisation which affects an increasing number of authorisations. Until now, these developments have only been understood as exceptions to well-established principles. However, the scope of these developments casts doubt on the durability of such a way of seeing.The objective of this research is to show that these developments are the consequence of the functional diversity of the authorisation scheme. The authorisation scheme is not necessarily a policing system. It is also used as a means to allocate resources or to organise an activity of general interest. The functional diversity of the authorisation scheme gives rise to several categories of authorisations, categories that once organised form a typology. This pluralapproach makes it possible to understand why the authorisations operate under different legal frameworks.
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An investigation of the database systems for the management of radiation sourcesNgubane, Mkhuliseni 27 January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the database system used at the South African Radiation Control Authority and compare it with RAIS (Regulatory Authority Information System). A radiation regulatory authority requires an adequate and effective data management system in order to carry out its regulatory control program efficiently and effectively. RAIS is a comprehensive system that includes all of the main functionality required to support a regulatory framework.
A mixed methods approach, including a quantitative descriptive comparative evaluation research study was conducted to determine if the database system currently used by the South African Radiation Control Authority is effective as a data management tool for a regulatory body. Two analyses were conducted. Firstly, the specification records of the South African database system were compared with that of RAIS. Secondly, current database users were surveyed by means of a structured questionnaire.
Both analyses reveal that RAIS performs better than the Radiation Control database in the main areas of the regulatory framework. The study results also highlight some of the shortcomings and strengths of the Radiation Control database / Medical Informatics / M.A. (Public Health)
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Das fórmulas ao nome: bases para uma teoria da sexuação em Lacan / From formulas to naming: conceptual bases for a sexuation theory in LacanPedro Eduardo Silva Ambra 26 October 2017 (has links)
A presente tese tem por objetivo a explicitação de bases conceituais que sustentem uma nova leitura da teoria da sexuação. O texto busca investigar a origem e extrair consequências da máxima o ser sexual só se autoriza de si mesmo e de alguns outros, enunciada por Lacan no seminário Os não-bestas erram, num exercício de redescrição das fórmulas da sexuação a partir de um dizer. Visando sublinhar a dimensão processual da sexuação, elegeu-se o conceito de identificação como método e realizouse um levantamento de suas incidências junto aos registros real, simbólico e imaginário ao longo do ensino de Lacan. No primeiro capítulo, discutiu-se a influência de Marcel Proust na concepção lacaniana que liga a autorização sexuada ao grupo e o paralelo entre a sexuação e a autorização do psicanalista. Buscou-se, junto a modalidades de luta por reconhecimento social e político de gêneros não inteligíveis, um modelo de grupo que Lacan precisa como aquele de um real recentemente emergido. No segundo capítulo, retraçaram-se as origens das noções de significante (na ideia de constelação simbólica), grande Outro (descrito inicialmente como grandes Outros) e lei simbólica (e sua indissociável relação com a norma em Lévi-Strauss), buscando demonstrar de que forma a alteridade simbólica que localiza a posição do sujeito sexuado é plural e baseia-se na variabilidade dos elementos num dado sistema estrutural. O último capítulo buscou apresentar, tanto em Freud como em Lacan, o papel fundamental dos semelhantes no processo de assunção sexual, bem como discutiu a autorização em termos de uma precipitação presente tanto no estádio do espelho quanto no momento de concluir do tempo lógico. Por fim, uma discussão relativa à noção de sinthoma demonstrou a centralidade do ato de nomeação enquanto instância que enoda os três registros da sexuação / This thesis aims to detail the conceptual bases for a new reading of Lacans sexuation theory. We intent to investigate the genesis and consequences of the proposition The sexed being is only authorized by him/herself and by some others, uttered by Lacan on his seminar Les non-dupes errant, as he describes the formulas of sexuation in terms of a saying. In order to underscore the sexuations processual dimension, the concept of identification was turned into a methodological tool as we proceed an analysis of its incidences among the registers of the real, symbolic and imaginary in Lacans teaching. On our first chapter, weve discussed the sexuation and its parallel with the analysts authorization as well as Marcel Prousts influence on the lacaninan relation between sexed authorization and the question of the group. Gender related social and political struggles were taken as a model of the lacanian notion of group as an real recently emerged. On our second chapter, weve explored the origins of the notions of signifier (from the idea of symbolic constellation), big Other (initially described as big Others) and symbolic law (and its inseparable relation with the norm in Lévi-Strauss), to indicate how the symbolic alterity that locates the sexed subjects position is plural and based on the elements variability at one given structural system. The last chapter presents the fundamental role of the neighbors on the sexual assumptions process and discusses the authorization in terms of an anticipation found in both mirror stage and the logical times moment of concluding. Lastly, an analysis of the notion of sinthome has shown the centrality of the act of naming as an instance that knots the three registers of the sexuation
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Increasing Efficiency and Scalability in AWS IAM by Leveraging an Entity-centric Attribute- & Role-based Access Control (EARBAC) ModelKarlsson, Rasmus, Jönrup, Pontus January 2023 (has links)
Cloud computing is becoming increasingly popular among all types of companies due to its inherent benefits. However, because of its infrastructure, it might be difficult to manage access rights between users and resources. To address these difficulties, Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides Identity and Access Management (IAM) and features that support the use of different access control models, for example, Role-based Access Control (RBAC) and Attribute-based Access Control (ABAC). Access control models are used for authorisation within systems to decide who gets access to what. Therefore, to determine what constitutes an efficient (the average time it takes to perform a task in AWS IAM) and secure access control model, a thorough study of background material and related work was conducted. Through this study, it was found that RBAC lacked scalability whilst ABAC lacked administrative capabilities. It was also found that flexibility and scalability were two important factors when designing access control models. Furthermore, by conducting a survey and designing an access control model for AWS through various iterations, a new access control model called Entity-centric Attribute- & Role-based Access Control (EARBAC) was developed. In an experiment comparing it with the RBAC model, the EARBAC model was found to be both efficient and secure, in addition to its flexibility and scalability. Furthermore, EARBAC was also found to be 27% faster than RBAC in AWS IAM. These results suggest that the model is useful when developing cloud infrastructures in AWS.
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