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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Belöningssystem i hotellbranschen : En studie om motivation, handlande och beslutsfattande / Reward systems in the hotel industry : A study about motivation, behavior and decision making

Karlsson, Malin, Winterberg, Stefanie January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund: Människors förändrade levnadsvanor med upplevelser så som hotell- och restaurangbesök har ökat kravet på den service som förväntas inom branschen. Kravet på ökad service ställer krav på att medarbetare ska vara motiverade till att prestera för att kunna erbjuda den service som efterfrågas och för att företagen ska kunna nå upp till sina uppsatta mål. För att motivera sina medarbetare och få dem att ta beslut som är i enighet med företagets mål kan företag använda sig av ett belöningssystem. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att kartlägga hur belöningssystemet i hotellkedjan är utformat för hotelldirektörerna samt hur bonussystemet uppfattas påverka motivation, handlande och beslutsfattande. Ett andra syfte är att identifiera och analysera de positiva och negativa effekter bonussystemet kan ge upphov till. Metod: En kvalitativ studie har tillämpats och en fallstudie på ett företag inom hotellbranschen har genomförts. Semi-strukturerade intervjuer med fem hotelldirektörer inom hotellkedjan har legat till grund för det empiriska materialet. Resultat och slutsatser: Studien visar att bonussystemet får hotelldirektörerna att bli motiverade till att prestera. Utformningen av belöningssystemet och bonusavtalets målsiffror är avgörande för vilka effekter det ger upphov till. Det är inte finansiella belöningar som främst motiverar utan det är uppskattning från gäster och personal som anses vara den främsta motivationsfaktorn. Beslut tas till största del utefter vad som är bäst för verksamheten. / Background: People and their changing lifestyles with experiences such as hotel and restaurant visits have increased demand for the service that is expected in the industry. The requirement for increased service requires that employees are motivated to perform in order to provide the services requested and to enable companies to achieve their goals. To motivate the employee, and get them to take decisions that are in agreement with the company goals, companies can use a reward system. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify how the reward system in the hotel chain is designed for hotel managers and how the bonus system is perceived to affect motivation, behavior and decision making. A second purpose is to identify and analyze positive and negative effects of the bonus system. Method: A qualitative study has been applied and a case study of a company in the hotel industry has been implemented. Semi-structured interviews with five managers at the hotel chain have been used to make the empirical material. Results and Conclusions: The study shows that the bonus system motivates hotel managers to perform. The design of the reward system and the goals in the bonus system are crucial for the effects it may lead to. It is not financial rewards that primarily motivate, instead it is the appreciation from guests and staff that is considered as the main motivation factor. Decisions are made to provide the greatest benefit for the business

The Learned Hand Formula vs. Bonus Pater Familias : En undersökning av culpabedömningens subjektiva del / The Learned Hand Formula vs. Bonus Pater Familias : A study of the subjective portion of the negligence assessment

Heberlein, Jonatan January 2014 (has links)
Av tradition har frågan om en person varit vårdslös eller inte avgjorts genom att personens bet­eende jämförts med en Bonus Pater Familias (BPF) d.v.s. en fiktiv ”normalt aktsam per­son” på det aktuella området. Modellen betraktas numera i princip som utmönstrad och culpa­bedömningen anses istället ta sin utgångpunkt i akt­samhets­­­normer uttryckta i lag, före­skrifter, praxis och sedvana (där BPF används som tankemodell). Om inte ovanstående ger svar görs en fri bedömning som utgår från The Learned Hand Formula (LHF) där hänsyn tas till risken för skada, den eventuella skadans storlek och skade­vållarens möjligheter till att före­­komma skadan. I den svenska modellen (ULHF) ingår även ett rekvisit som beaktar skade­­­vållarens insikt. Frågorna som aktualiseras är därmed hur BPF och ULHF används i sven­sk rätt och vilken betydelse det får beroende på vilken av modellerna som används samt hur den svenska användningen av LHF förhåller sig till den i några grannländer. Det är också av intresse att undersöka res­pektive modells ändamå­lsenlighet utifrån skadeståndsrättens syften och att se om det finns något samband mellan normskyddsläran och det subjektiva kriteriet i ULHF. I framställningen har konstaterats att det idag endast är sedvanemodellen av BPF som används i Sverige. Det har också fastslagits att både BPF och ULHF, trots yttre olikheter, är normativa och grundas på vad som anses utgöra en läm­plig riskfördelning i samhället varför det i princip inte blir någon skill­nad beroende på vilken av modellerna som nyttjas. Användningen av ULHF och BPF ser inte ut att skilja sig beroende på om det rör sig om ett inom- eller utom­oblig­atoriskt för­hållande med mer än att frågan om oaktsamhet i första hand avgörs genom en prövning utifrån vad parterna avtalat i det förstnämnda. För enskilda skade­vållare råder dock ett förut­säg­­barhets­problem avseende vilken av BPF eller ULHF som domstolarna kan komma att göra bedömningen efter, vilket dock inte har någon betydelse eftersom resultatet i princip blir dets­amma. Denna likhet innebär att ingen av mod­ellerna kan sägas uppfylla skade­­­stånds­­rättens huvud­syfte, som konstaterats vara riskför­delning och kostnads­placering, bättre än den andre. Trots oförutsäg­barheten får ord­ningen med två grunder för oaktsamhet anses vara läm­plig eftersom bl.a. alternativet hade varit att återgå till den intetsägande person­lighetsmodellen av BPF. Sambandet mellan det subjektiva rekvisitet och norm­skyddsläran är att båda grundas på intresseavvägningar om vad som utgör en lämplig risk­fördelning i samhället. En jäm­förelse avseende användningen av LHF i tysk, dansk och norsk rätt visar att den svenska modellen sticker ut genom det uttryckliga hänsynstagandet till det subjektiva kri­teriet. Em­ellertid framkommer att de praktiska skillnaderna dock inte är så stora länd­erna emellan efter­som användningen av modellen grundas på normativa över­väganden i samtliga länder. Således kan ingen av de jämförda länderna sägas använda ursprungsmodellen av LHF.

Tournaments in the public sector

Souza Junior, Celso Vila Nova de 31 March 2008 (has links)
Tournament theory shows that a firm may motivate employees by running competitors for rewards either for a group or individualistic schemes. The empirical literature on Tournaments has been grown. However, many studies use no appropriate data. This paper provides the first empirical evidence on three key assumptions in these models using a special case surrounding the incentives for workers in public sector. The dataset contains information from the Coordenacao de Fiscalizacao (i.e., the Inspections Division) of the Secretaria da Receita Federal (SRF) on the bonus program created by the Brazilian government to compensate tax officials for their efforts in collecting taxes and uncovering tax violations. We constructed a larger unbalanced panel data Tax collection containing information upon 110 tax agencies distributed between 10 regions and 45 time period by month, which allowed us to support the predictions raised above. In order to examine the tournaments predictions we emphasize the dynamic of the process taking into account the unobserved heterogeneity and endogeneity problems using appropriate GMM techniques. This enable us to pondered the possible inertia for time adjustments within tax agency, possibly in determining strategies to improve the tax agency performance on the sources most valuable for collection, which supports the hypothesis of learning by doing. The results also demonstrated evidence to support the following tournaments hypothesis: (1) prizes motivate agents to exert effort; (2) number of participants increased as the size of the prize increase; (3) differential in wages and bonus directly affect workers incentives.

Tournaments in the public sector

Souza Junior, Celso Vila Nova de. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (M. S.)--Economics, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2008. / Committee Chair: Silva, Emilson; Committee Member: Kilic, Rehim; Committee Member: Li, Haizheng.

Belöningssystem : Ökar det personalens motivation?

Bajrami, Dasmire January 2008 (has links)
<p>Denna studie handlar om GN-industris kollektiva belöningssystem som de en gång har haft samt hur de motiverar sina anställda att stanna kvar inom företaget. Med belöningssystem innebär att främja och motivera de anställda att arbeta mot gemensamma mål. Idag använder sig företaget av fast månadslön och tänker inte införa något bonussystem på väldigt länge. Det kollektiva bonussystemet misslyckades, eftersom det inte skapade motivation hos de anställda. I dagsläget riktas det mer diskussioner kring yttre belöningar, medan inre belöningar bara nämns i förbifarten. De anställda söker idag efter inre motivation för att kunna tillfredställa sina behov och arbetssituationer. Syftet med uppsatsen är att se hur de anställdas motivation har påverkats då det kollektiva belöningssystemet existerade och då det togs bort. Det handlar även om att ge förslag på förbättringar för att de anställda ska känna motivation till att arbeta och stanna kvar inom förtaget. Jag har valt att göra en kvalitativ undersökning i form av intervjuer, där sju anställda från GN-industri fick besvara på ett antal utförliga frågor. Slutsatsen jag kom fram till var att det kollektiva bonussystemet var misslyckad, eftersom de anställda inte påverkades prestationsmässigt av det. Respondenterna var negativt inställda till det kollektiva bonuslönen, för det skapade ständiga konflikter mellan arbetsgivare och arbetstagare. Lönesystemet var inte så motiverande som företaget hoppades på att det skulle vara.</p>

The role of bonus and commission schemes in value co-creation : exploring Tensions and Conflicts in Car Dealerships

Van Kleef, Bram Johannes January 2018 (has links)
Bonus and commission schemes are common practice among firms as an incentive for the salesforce. Despite the growing body of literature on value co-creation and the practical relevance, it remains unknown how these management tools relate to each other. There is a gap in research on conflict theory but it is argued that they derive from a paradox. The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of bonus and commission schemes and the potential tensions and conflicts that are caused by different paradoxes. It shows an exploration of how these paradoxes connect to value co-creation in car dealerships from a salesforce perspective. A theoretical framework is established to review the available literature. We have conducted six in-depth interviews to pursue rich qualitative data to fully grasp the dynamics of the dealership. We have found results that indicate a number of paradoxes that exist in the dealerships. We discuss that the variety of paradoxes bring tensions and conflicts forward, but also that some of the paradoxes are harmless. We also find that our respondents implicitly support value co-creation and that long-term relationships are essential. In our discussion a model is presented to present an overview.

A interação entre o desenvolvimento econômico e a transição demográfica do Brasil no século XX

Souza, Ângela Patricia Lima de January 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo da interação do desenvolvimento econômico brasileiro ocorrido no século XX com a transição demográfica da mesma época. A mudança de comportamento da população brasileira nos mostra grande influência da economia, mas também que a evolução demográfica foi essencial para o desempenho econômico. O Brasil chegou ao final do século passado completamente diferente, tanto no âmbito econômico como demográfico, do país de 1900. Quando o centro da pirâmide etária brasileira alargou, o país pôde aproveitar uma indispensável variável para o desenvolvimento econômico, o capital humano. O Brasil termina o século XX com a maioria de sua população em idade ativa e vivendo um período de “Bônus Demográfico”, condição propícia ao desenvolvimento econômico. Resta agora aproveitar os resultados destas mudanças. / This paper presents a study of the interaction of Brazilian economic development occurred in the twentieth century with the demographic transition at the same era. The population’s behaviour change shows great influence of the economy, but also that the demographic evolution was essential to economic performance. Brazil has reached the end of the last century completely different, both in economic and demographic scope, from the population of 1900.When the centre of the Brazilian age pyramid widened, the country could enjoy a vital crucial variable for economic development, human capital. Brazil ends the century with most of its population at working age and living in a period of "demographic bonus", a condition conducive to economic development. It remains now to enjoy the results of these changes.

A política de bonificação e avaliação em larga escala : tensões e intenções implicadas no trabalho docente em escolar estaduais do Rio de Janeiro / The bonus policy and evaluation : tensions and intentions involved in teaching in state schools of Rio de Janeiro

Diogo Silva do Nascimento 05 May 2015 (has links)
O presente trabalho investiga as tensões e intenções da política de bonificação elaboradas pela Secretaria de Estado e Educação do Rio de Janeiro (2011-2014), tendo como objetivo: identificar que configurações o trabalho docente tem assumido após a implementação da política de bonificação, a partir da perspectiva de professores; caracterizar os aspectos relativos à qualidade entre uma escola que recebe a bonificação e outra que não recebe e identificar indícios da natureza da qualidade que permeia a escola que recebe a bonificação. Todavia, a investigação das relações estabelecidas no contexto escolar pela política de bonificação, também perpassa por questões importantes na atualidade como: a contribuição da cultura do exame na confecção de indicadores e de que forma isso interferiu nas ações da Secretaria. Para tanto, os relatos dos docentes, a respeito das experiências tecidas na implantação da bonificação na escola, construíram a parte central do trabalho. A escolha da metodologia qualitativa, com uma grande contribuição do paradigma indiciário e nos estudos sobre performatividade, foi justificada pelo seu poder de ver na complexidade das relações praticadas na escola um grande potencial para o entendimento e significado das tenções existentes no cotidiano escolar. Assim, para um amplo entendimento, também foram investigados os movimentos que ocorreram para a implementação da primeira política de bonificação do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, nomeada de Nova Escola. Além disso, foram pesquisadas políticas de bonificação docente em outros estados. Contudo, os indícios apresentados, inicialmente, deixaram dúvidas sobre a real eficácia da bonificação. Afinal, qual a qualidade promovida por essa política de bonificação? / This study investigates the tensions and bonus policy intentions prepared by the Secretariat of State and Education of Rio de Janeiro (2011-2014), with the objective: identify the settings that teaching has taken after the implementation of the subsidy policy, from the perspective of teachers; characterize aspects of the quality of a school that receives the bonus and one that does not receive and identify the quality nature of the evidence that permeates the school receiving the bonus. However, the investigation of the relationships established in the school context by the bonus policy, also permeates important issues today as: examining the contribution of culture in the production of indicators and how it interfered with the Secretariat actions. Therefore, the reports of teachers, about the experiences woven into the implementation of the subsidy at school, built the central part of the work. The choice of qualitative methodology, with a large contribution and indicative paradigm in studies of performativity, was justified by its power to see the complexity of relations practiced in school is great potential for understanding and meaning of existing tensions in everyday school life. So for a broad understanding, were also investigated the movements that occurred in the implementation of the first subsidy policy of the State of Rio de Janeiro, named the New School. In addition, teacher bonus in other states policies were surveyed. However, the evidence presented initially left no doubt about the real effectiveness of the subsidy. After all, what the quality promoted by the rebate policy?

São Paulo contra o crime : governamentalização da segurança pública?

Siena, David Pimentel Barbosa de January 2017 (has links)
Orientadora: Profa. Dra. Camila Caldeira Nunes Dias / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ABC, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Humanas e Sociais, 2017. / O objeto de estudo se encontra situado no campo da política criminal. O programa "São Paulo Contra o Crime" foi categorizado como uma política pública de segurança, sendo que em sua análise foi utilizado o método qualitativo. Buscou-se identificar os principais elementos que dão sustentação ao programa, a começar pela organização policial, e depois na análise do Sistema Estadual de Coleta de Estatísticas Criminais. Por outro lado, considerou-se os principais problemas que dizem respeito a análise criminal. Após, foi elaborado uma análise genealógica do programa, buscando descrever o meio político no qual esse programa foi inserido. Além disso, foi elaborada a análise de desempenho, com o acompanhamento dos resultados dos quatro trimestres de 2014 e 2015. Por fim, essa política pública foi observada como um instrumento de governamentalização da segurança pública, garantindo o governo dos policiais e das populações de risco. / The object of study is situated in the field of criminal policy. The "São Paulo Against Crime" program was categorized as a public security policy, and the qualitative method was used in its analysis. The main elements that give support to the program were identified, starting with the police organization, and later in the analysis of the State System of Collection of Criminal Statistics. On the other hand, it was considered the main problems that concern the criminal analysis. Afterwards, a genealogical analysis of the program was elaborated, trying to describe the political environment in which this program was inserted. In addition, a performance analysis was elaborated, with the monitoring of the results of the four trimesters of 2014 and 2015. Finally, this public policy was observed as an instrument of governance of public security, guaranteeing the government of police and risk populations .

A política de bonificação e avaliação em larga escala : tensões e intenções implicadas no trabalho docente em escolar estaduais do Rio de Janeiro / The bonus policy and evaluation : tensions and intentions involved in teaching in state schools of Rio de Janeiro

Diogo Silva do Nascimento 05 May 2015 (has links)
O presente trabalho investiga as tensões e intenções da política de bonificação elaboradas pela Secretaria de Estado e Educação do Rio de Janeiro (2011-2014), tendo como objetivo: identificar que configurações o trabalho docente tem assumido após a implementação da política de bonificação, a partir da perspectiva de professores; caracterizar os aspectos relativos à qualidade entre uma escola que recebe a bonificação e outra que não recebe e identificar indícios da natureza da qualidade que permeia a escola que recebe a bonificação. Todavia, a investigação das relações estabelecidas no contexto escolar pela política de bonificação, também perpassa por questões importantes na atualidade como: a contribuição da cultura do exame na confecção de indicadores e de que forma isso interferiu nas ações da Secretaria. Para tanto, os relatos dos docentes, a respeito das experiências tecidas na implantação da bonificação na escola, construíram a parte central do trabalho. A escolha da metodologia qualitativa, com uma grande contribuição do paradigma indiciário e nos estudos sobre performatividade, foi justificada pelo seu poder de ver na complexidade das relações praticadas na escola um grande potencial para o entendimento e significado das tenções existentes no cotidiano escolar. Assim, para um amplo entendimento, também foram investigados os movimentos que ocorreram para a implementação da primeira política de bonificação do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, nomeada de Nova Escola. Além disso, foram pesquisadas políticas de bonificação docente em outros estados. Contudo, os indícios apresentados, inicialmente, deixaram dúvidas sobre a real eficácia da bonificação. Afinal, qual a qualidade promovida por essa política de bonificação? / This study investigates the tensions and bonus policy intentions prepared by the Secretariat of State and Education of Rio de Janeiro (2011-2014), with the objective: identify the settings that teaching has taken after the implementation of the subsidy policy, from the perspective of teachers; characterize aspects of the quality of a school that receives the bonus and one that does not receive and identify the quality nature of the evidence that permeates the school receiving the bonus. However, the investigation of the relationships established in the school context by the bonus policy, also permeates important issues today as: examining the contribution of culture in the production of indicators and how it interfered with the Secretariat actions. Therefore, the reports of teachers, about the experiences woven into the implementation of the subsidy at school, built the central part of the work. The choice of qualitative methodology, with a large contribution and indicative paradigm in studies of performativity, was justified by its power to see the complexity of relations practiced in school is great potential for understanding and meaning of existing tensions in everyday school life. So for a broad understanding, were also investigated the movements that occurred in the implementation of the first subsidy policy of the State of Rio de Janeiro, named the New School. In addition, teacher bonus in other states policies were surveyed. However, the evidence presented initially left no doubt about the real effectiveness of the subsidy. After all, what the quality promoted by the rebate policy?

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