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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La relación de proximity, trust y loyalty en tiendas de conveniencia

Gregori Canales, Diego Alfonso, Requejo Villacorta, Melissa 03 March 2021 (has links)
Este estudio tiene como principal objetivo examinar la relación entre la proximidad, la confianza y lealtad de los clientes hacia las tiendas de conveniencia. Según lo investigado, se pudo evidenciar un efecto positivo con las dimensiones de proximidad como access, functional, relational y social, tanto en la confianza como en la lealtad del cliente. Estas relaciones se probarán mediante un cuestionario y serán medidas por medio de la escala de Likert de 1-5 puntos. Por último, para el análisis de los resultados se utilizará la técnica de ecuaciones estructurales (SEM) basado en la variancia (PLS). / The main objective of this study is to examine the relationship between proximity, trust and customer loyalty towards convenience stores. As investigated, a positive effect could be evidenced with the proximity dimensions such as access, functional, relational and social, both in trust and customer loyalty. These relationships will be tested by means of a questionnaire and will be measured using the 1-5 point Likert scale. Finally, for the analysis of the results, the technique of structural equations (SEM) based on variance (PLS) will be used. / Trabajo de investigación

Atributos de las aplicaciones de comida por delivery y su relación con el valor percibido y la lealtad de marca / Attributes of food delivery apps and their relationship with perceived value and brand loyalty

Castro Valdez, Camila Giuliana, Sir Ridia , Deyna Giuliana 03 March 2021 (has links)
El incremento de la tecnología ha logrado cambiar el estilo de vida de las personas, ofreciendo una gran variedad de herramientas para satisfacer sus necesidades. Una de ellas, son las aplicaciones móviles, consideradas relevantes para facilitar diversas funciones. Dentro de esta categoría, se encuentran las aplicaciones de comida por delivery, las cuales han identificado la oportunidad de mantener contacto con el cliente a través del servicio a domicilio. El documento analizó el proceso de uso de estas aplicaciones de comida por delivery, por parte de personas que buscan un servicio sencillo y práctico mediante un tercero. Este proceso, fue analizado a través del modelo SOR, que identifica estímulos que por medio de organismos logran llegar a completar una acción en específico. Por ello, en esta investigación se consideró la influencia de diferentes dimensiones, como el sistema de navegación, la compatibilidad del aplicativo con el usuario y la facilidad de uso del mismo. Es así, que también se tomó en cuenta la importancia de la variedad de opciones de comida que ofrece el aplicativo, generando un impacto en el valor percibido por el usuario y llevándolo al desarrollo de una relación de lealtad con la marca. Finalmente, se identificaron los alcances y las limitaciones de la investigación. Además de la metodología basada en encuestas a 400 usuarios con experiencia y uso frecuente de las aplicaciones de comida por delivery. Esta información contribuyó con el desarrollo del estudio y con la obtención de resultados que concluyen la realización de un mejor análisis. / The improvement of technology has made a change in the lifestyle of people offering a variety of tools to cover their needs. One of these tools are the mobile applications, also known as apps, which are used in very different ways depending on the need. One of these ways is the food delivery apps. Which have identified the opportunity the food services keep in touch with their clients through the delivery service. This document analyzed the process of use of these food delivery apps from people who search to get this service for a simple and practical way using a third party app. This process is analysed through the SOR model, which identifies the stimulus from organisms that get to complete certain action. In this sense, the investigation we considered the influence of different dimensions, like the navigation system, the compatibility of the app with the user and how easy it is to use. In accordance with the above, we took into account the importance of the variety of food the app offers, the impact of the perceived value from the users and transferring this to the development of a loyalty relationship with the mark. Finally, we identified the scopes and limitations of this academic project and the methodology based on surveys to 400 users with experience and frequent use of food delivery apps. This information contributes to the development of this study and obtaining results to conclude a better analysis. / Trabajo de investigación

La relación que existe entre el consumer personality y brand personality y su influencia en el brand loyalty del sector zapatillas

Perales Caro, Samantha Luana, Medina Escobar, Jorge Antonio 02 March 2021 (has links)
En este trabajo se analizará la relación entre el Brand Personality y el Consumer Personality y su influencia en el Brand Loyalty en el sector de zapatillas. Se identificará la importancia de esta investigación para el mercado peruano y se determinará si es que realmente existe una relación entre las primeras dos variables que pueda impactar en la tercera. El enfoque de esta investigación se centra en el consumer personality, cuyas dimensiones son personalidad, rasgos sociales e identificación, en cómo esta variable se refleja en el brand personality, con dimensiones como sinceridad, responsabilidad, actividad y emoción y posteriormente, en cómo esta relación influencia en el brand loyalty que desarrolla el consumidor. Se empleará un modelo de análisis correlacional y de regresión lineal múltiple como metodología para el estudio y se tomarán en cuenta las limitaciones que puedan proceder del cambio en el hábito de consumo de las personas por la coyuntura actual. / In this work we will analyze the relationship between Brand Personality and Consumer Personality and their influence on Brand Loyalty in the sneakers sector. The importance of this research for the peruvian market will be identified and it will be determined whether there really is a relationship between the first two variables that may impact the third. The focal point of this research focuses on the personality of the consumer, which dimensions are personality, social traits and identification, in how this variable is reflected in the personality of the brand, with dimensions such as sincerity, responsability, activity and emotion and later, in how this relationship influences the brand loyalty developed by the consumer. We will use a correlational analysis and multiple linear regression model as the methodology for the study and the limitations that may come from change in people’s consumption habits due to the current situation will be taken into account. / Trabajo de investigación

Efectos del Brand Trust en el Brand Equity y el Brand Loyalty de las marcas durante la pandemia COVID-19 / Effects of Brand Trust on Brand Equity and Brand Loyalty of brands during the COVID-19 pandemic

Lucero Sabrozo, Julia Gloria Valeria, Vásquez Pedemonte, Fiorella Harumy 02 March 2021 (has links)
El COVID-19 provocó que múltiples empresas se vean inevitablemente afectadas con efectos a corto y largo plazo. En el Perú, los consumidores se están enfrentando a un entorno incierto y cambiante que los obliga continuamente a realizar ajustes en su día a día. Por ello, las empresas deben evaluar minuciosamente las acciones por tomar con sus marcas ya que, los consumidores han dejado de lado sus conductas habituales y están atentos a todo lo que ocurre en su entorno. Múltiples empresas se vieron en la obligación de trabajar más la confianza de marca para mantener la lealtad que estos brindaban al usuario final con la finalidad de que las ventas no disminuyeran y a su vez que más personas no pierdan credibilidad puesto que, muchas de ellas juegan un rol importante dentro de la crisis sanitarias que vivimos actualmente. / COVID-19 caused multiple companies to be inevitably affected with short and long-term effects. In Peru, consumers are facing an uncertain and changing environment that continually forces them to make adjustments in their day to day. For this reason, companies must carefully evaluate the actions to be taken with their brands since consumers have put aside their usual behaviors and are attentive to everything that happens in their environment. Multiple companies were forced to work more on brand trust to maintain the loyalty that they provided to the end user in order that sales did not decrease and in turn that more people did not lose credibility since many of them play an important role in the current health crisis. / Trabajo de investigación

Brand experience y customer satisfaction en relación al brand loyalty en la categoría supermarkets online / Brand experience and customer satisfaction in relation to brand loyalty in the online supermarkets category

Punco Paye, Karina Martha, Herrera Ríos, Natalia Elizabeth 02 March 2021 (has links)
El propósito de este estudio buscó determinar si existe relación alguna entre las dimensiones del brand experience (sensory experience, affective experience, behavioural experience y intellectual experience) a  nivel de supermercados online en Lima Metropolitana, Perú, con las variables de customer satisfaction y brand loyalty de los consumidores de dichos comercios, debido al incremento de supermercados online a causa de la pandemia mundial por el COVID-19.  Este estudio se ha basado principalmente en investigaciones hechas en Asia y Europa.  El estudio se basó en una muestra de 400 encuestados y pretende validar las hipótesis propuestas respecto al grado de significancia que existe entre las variables de brand experience, customer satisfaction y brand loyalty. Para el análisis estadístico correspondiente de la data obtenida, se evaluará mediante correlaciones, regresiones, Alfa Cronbach para la relación de las variables en estudio y la fiabilidad de las escalas, los cuales se analizaron en el software SPSS. / The purpose of this study sought to determine if there is any relationship between the dimensions of the brand experience (sensory experience, affective experience, behavioral experience and intellectual experience) at the level of online supermarkets in Metropolitan Lima, Peru, with the variables of customer satisfaction and brand loyalty of consumers in these businesses, due to the increase in online supermarkets due to the global pandemic by COVID-19. This study has been based primarily on research done in Asia and Europe. The study was based on a sample of 400 respondents and aims to validate the proposed hypotheses regarding the degree of significance that exists between the variables of brand experience, customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. For the corresponding statistical analysis of the data obtained, it will be evaluated through correlations, regressions, Cronbach's Alpha for the relationship of the variables under study and the reliability of the scales, which were analyzed in the SPSS software / Trabajo de investigación

El entertainment, interaction, trendiness, customisation y eWOM aplicado por los supermercados de Lima Metropolitana en relación al brand loyalty / The entertainment, interaction, trendiness, customization and eWOM applied by the supermarkets of the Lima Metropolitan area in relation to brand loyalty

Sobrevilla Chiappe, Paloma Alessia, Romaña Abugattas, Flavia 03 December 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo tiene como finalidad explicar cómo el entretenimiento (experiencias divertidas y entretenidas al usar plataformas de redes sociales), interacción (grado en que las plataformas de RRSS ofrecen oportunidades para el intercambio de opiniones e información bidireccional), tendencia (comunicación de una marca con información reciente, actualizada y de moda), customización (medida en la que se adaptan los esfuerzos de marketing y los mensajes para satisfacer las preferencias de los consumidores) y boca a boca electrónico (comunicaciones realizadas por clientes sobre un producto, marca o empresa que utilizan las plataformas de redes sociales) aplicado por los supermercados de Lima Metropolitana se relaciona con la lealtad de marca (consumidores que prefieren comprar la misma marca de manera consistente). Asimismo, el enfoque de la investigación se basa en cómo los supermercados, a través de las redes sociales, interactúan con su público objetivo y cómo se fomenta la interrelación entre los consumidores y la empresa mediante las plataformas online. Utilizando encuestas en línea con escalas de likert de 7 puntos, se buscará recopilar información de 400 padres de familia (hombres y mujeres) residentes en Lima Metropolitana entre las edades de 30 a 45 años con un NSE A, B y C para llevar a cabo la investigación de tipo correlacional con enfoque cuantitativo de carácter concluyente. / The present paper aims to explain how entertainment (fun and entertaining experiences when using social media platforms), interaction (degree to which RRSS platforms offer opportunities for the exchange of opinions and bidirectional information), trendiness (communication of a brand with recent, up-to-date and trendy information), customization (the extent to which marketing efforts and messages are tailored to meet consumer preferences) and eWOM (communications made by customers about a product, brand or company that use social media platforms) applied by the supermarkets of Lima Metropolitan area is related to brand loyalty (consumers who prefer to buy the same brand consistently). Likewise, the research focus is based on how supermarkets, through social networks, interact with their target audience and how the interrelation between consumers and the company is fostered through online platforms. Using online surveys with 7-point likert scales, we will seek to collect information from 400 parents (men and women) living in the Lima Metropolitan area between the ages of 30 to 45 years with A, B and C socioeconomic level to carry out correlational research with a conclusive quantitative approach. / Trabajo de investigación

Factores que influyen en la intención de compra de smartphones en adultos jóvenes / Factors influencing the purchase intention of smartphones in young adults

Honorio Orrego, Flavio Iván 19 February 2021 (has links)
Los smartphones se han convertido en una parte integral en la vida de las personas, encontrándose en constante evolución y actualización como efecto de las necesidades y preferencias cambiantes de los consumidores. Por tal motivo, el presente estudio busca identificar cuáles son los factores que influyen en la intención de compra de smartphones en adultos jóvenes. Para ello, se aplicó el método de investigación cuantitativo para probar hipótesis, basándose en un análisis estadístico, junto con un enfoque explicativo. La elección de la muestra es no probabilística por conveniencia, teniendo un tamaño de 452 personas. Así mismo, la técnica de recolección de datos utilizada fue el cuestionario, también denominado encuesta. Esta investigación empleó el análisis de regresión lineal múltiple y recopiló datos válidos de 361 encuestados (adultos jóvenes que cumplan con el perfil). Los resultados del análisis mostraron que la marca, características del producto, necesidades sociales y el precio son los factores que guardan relación significativa con la intención de compra de smartphones, mientras que la conveniencia e influencia social no influyen en la misma. En tal sentido, este estudio analiza cada variable relacionada con la intención de compra de smartphones proponiendo un modelo, el cual incorpora nuevos factores en base a lo estudiado, permitiendo conocer su relación con la intención de compra. Así mismo, estos resultados aportan a que las empresas entiendan y conozcan al consumidor al que se dirigen, pudiendo ofrecerle el producto que están buscando. / Smartphones have become an integral part of people's lives, are constantly evolving and updating as a result of the changing needs and preferences of consumers. Therefore, the present study seeks to recognize which are the factors that influence the purchase intention of smartphones in young adults. For this purpose, the quantitative research method was applied to test hypotheses, based on the statistical analysis, along with an explanatory approach. The sample is non-probabilistic for convenience, having a size of 452 people. Likewise, the data collection technique used was a questionnaire, also denominated survey. This investigation used a multiple linear regression analysis and collected valid data from 361 respondents (young adults who meet the profile). The results of the analysis showed that the brand, product characteristics, social needs and the price are the factors that are significantly related to the intention to buy smartphones, while convenience and social influence have no impact on it. In this sense, the study examines each variable relating to the purchase intention of smartphones, proposing a model, which incorporates new factors founded on what has been studied, allowing to notice its relation to the purchase intention. Furthermore, these outcomes contribute to enterprises comprehend and get to know their target consumers, being able to offer them the product they are looking for. / Tesis / PE

Varumärkeslojalitet inom hotellbranschen : En kvalitativ studie på svenska fritidsresenärer

Ida, Bjälvestrand, Forsman, Saga January 2023 (has links)
Aim: The aim of the study is to examine which factors affecting hotel brand loyalty among Swedish leisure- travelers are the most central. Previous studies regarding hotel brand loyalty are lacking on the Swedish market, and therefore a research gap has been identified. The aim of the study is to be helpful regarding creating loyalty in the hotel industry. Method: The study has been conducted according to a qualitative research method using semi-structured interviews. The interviews have been transcribed and analyzed using an inductive, thematic analysis. The result is presented in a figure.  Results and conclusions: The authors found that brand trust, brand image, consumer satisfaction and perceived value were the most central factors that affected hotel brand loyalty positively. Brand attitude, perceived quality and brand personality did not have a noticeable effect on hotel brand loyalty. Contribution of the thesis: The study contributes to increasing the knowledge of hotels for Swedish leisure-travelers regarding how they can create loyalty towards their brand.  Suggestions for future research: The authors have identified three suggestions for future research. 1. Research how much the different factors affect brand loyalty and rank them. 2. Examine what liaison brand trust, consumer satisfaction and brand loyalty have. 3. Conduct a further developed study on brand attitudes and brand loyalty.

Sambandet mellan country-of-origin och svenska konsumenters varumärkeslojalitet och priskänslighet : En kvantitativ studie om huruvida svenska konsumenters associationer till Sverige kan påverka deras lojalitet och priskänslighet mot svenska livsmedelsvarumärken.

Nordin, Julia, Tušetić, Emilia January 2023 (has links)
Titel: Sambandet mellan country-of-origin och svenska konsumenters varumärkeslojalitet och priskänslighet – En kvantitativ studie om huruvida svenska konsumenters associationer till Sverige kan påverka deras lojalitet och priskänslighet mot svenska livsmedelsvarumärken. Nivå: Examensarbete på Grundnivå (kandidatexamen) i ämnet företagsekonomi. Författare: Julia Nordin & Emilia Tušetić Handledare: Blanca Astrid Moreno Datum: 2023 – maj Syfte: I tider då matvarupriser stiger ändrar svenska konsumenter ofta sina köpbeteenden. Tidigare studier har dock visat att varumärkeslojala konsumenter generellt är mindre priskänsliga. Andra studier har även diskuterat om ett varumärkes ursprungsland kan ses som en betydande faktor som gör kunden mer lojal och därmed mindre benägen att byta till ett billigare varumärke då priserna stiger. Få studier har däremot gjorts i svensk kontext, varför denna studie finner ett stort intresse i att undersöka vilket samband country-of-origin har med svenska konsumenters lojalitet och priskänslighet för svenska livsmedelsvarumärken. Studiens frågeställningar blir således: Vilket samband har country-of-origin med svenska konsumenters lojalitet för svenska livsmedelsvarumärken, samt vilken effekt har country-of-origin på valet av svenska livsmedelsvarumärken när dessa ökar i pris?  Metod: Studien grundar sig i den positivistiska forskningsfilosofin med en hypotetisk-deduktiv forskningsansats. Studien åtar en kvantitativ strategi med en surveydesign som bidragit med data från 135 respondenter. Datamaterialet har sedan analyserats i statistikprogrammet SPSS. Resultat & Slutsats: Studiens resultat visar att country-of-origin inte har något signifikant samband med svenska konsumenters lojalitet för svenska livsmedelsvarumärken men att det finns ett positivt signifikant samband mellan country-of-origin och svenska konsumenters val av svenska livsmedelsvarumärken. Studien kunde också fastställa att svenska konsumenter med positiva attityder till Sverige, svenskar och människor som köper kött från svenska varumärken, är mindre priskänsliga beträffande svenska livsmedelsvarumärken än konsumenter med negativa attityder. Examensarbetets bidrag: Examensarbetet har bidragit till det företagsekonomiska forskningsområdet såväl teoretiskt som praktiskt genom att visa vilket samband som finns mellan svenska konsumenters associationer till Sverige och deras lojalitet och priskänslighet mot svenska livsmedelsvarumärken. Kunskapen om de prisrelaterade konsekvenserna av ett varumärkes ursprungsland kan komma till användning när prissättningsstrategier eller strategier för marknadskommunikation ska utformas, framför allt då prisnivån stiger och konsumenternas köpbeteende förändras.  Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Denna undersökning har gjorts på ett begränsat urval av respondenter. Av denna anledning föreslås att framtida forskning tar del av ett heterogent sannolikhetsurval med ett större antal respondenter. Det finns även möjlighet att utvidga studien till att omfatta andra dimensioner av varumärkeslojalitet, andra produktkategorier och produktklasser, konsumentens grad av etnocentricitet, samt andra länder. / Title: The relationship between country-of-origin and Swedish consumers' brand loyalty and price sensitivity – A quantitative study on whether Swedish consumers' associations with Sweden can influence their loyalty and price sensitivity towards Swedish food brands. Level: Student thesis, final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration.  Authors: Julia Nordin & Emilia Tušetić Supervisor: Blanca Astrid Moreno Date: 2023 – may Aim: In times when food prices are rising, Swedish consumers often change their purchasing behavior by buying less or by switching to cheaper brands. However, previous studies argue that brand loyal consumers are less price sensitive. Other studies have also discussed whether a brand's country of origin is a significant factor that can make the customer more loyal to a brand, and thus less inclined to switch to a cheaper brand as prices are rising. However, few studies have been done in a swedish context, which is why this study finds great interest in investigating the relationship between the country of origin of a brand and Swedish consumers' loyalty and price sensitivity for Swedish food brands. The research questions are: What relationship does country-of-origin have with Swedish consumers' loyalty to Swedish food brands, and what effect does country-of-origin have on the choice of Swedish food brands when these increase in price? Method: The study is based on the positivist research philosophy with a hypothetical-deductive research approach. The study adopts a quantitative strategy with a survey design that contributed data from 135 respondents. The data has then been analyzed in the statistical program SPSS. Results & Conclusion: The results of the study show that country-of-origin has no significant relationship with Swedish consumers' loyalty to Swedish food brands, but that there is a positive significant relationship between country-of-origin and Swedish consumers' choice of Swedish food brands. The study was also able to determine that Swedish consumers with positive attitudes towards Sweden, Swedish people and people who buy food from Swedish brands, are less price sensitive regarding Swedish food brands than consumers with negative attitudes. Contribution of the thesis: This thesis has contributed to the business economics research area both theoretically and practically by showing the connection between Swedish consumers' associations to Sweden and their loyalty and price sensitivity towards Swedish food brands. The knowledge of price-related consequences of a brand's country of origin can be used when pricing strategies or marketing communication strategies are to be designed, especially when the price level rises and consumers' buying behavior changes. Suggestions for future research: This survey has been conducted on a limited sample of respondents. For this reason, it is suggested that future research includes a heterogeneous probability sample with a larger number of respondents. It is also possible to include other dimensions of brand loyalty, different product categories and product classes, the customer's level of ethnocentricity, and other countries.

Hur påverkar emotionella faktorer konsumenters relationsskapande? : En kvantitativ studie om sportvarumärken / How do emotional factors affect consumers' relationship building? : A quantitative study on sports brands

Ljungdahl, Nils, Djuric, Filip, Claesson, Max January 2023 (has links)
Syfte: Att skapa lojala kunder i dagens samhälle har blivit allt mer komplext till följd av e-handelns framfart. Relationen mellan konsument och varumärke var förr fokuserad vid pris och kvalitet. På senare tid visar studier att området kring långvariga relationer är komplexare än så. Mer mjuka värden i form av emotionella faktorer har visat sig spela en avgörande roll i företagens strävan att skapa relationer och lönsamhet på längre sikt. Studiens syfte är att undersöka de emotionella faktorer som påverkar konsumenters varumärkeslojalitet och långvariga relationer. Metod: I studien används en kvantitativ metod där en enkätundersökning publiceras för sportintresserade konsumenter. Data kopplat till faktorerna varumärkeslojalitet, varumärkeskärlek, emotionell anknytning samt funktionalitet samlades in och analyserades med hjälp av en multipel regressionsanalys. Flera T-tester genomfördes även för att påvisa eventuella skillnader i varumärkeslojalitet mellan varumärken och generationer. Resultat & slutsats: Resultatet av den multipla regressionsanalysen tyder på att det finns ett samband mellan varumärkeslojalitet och emotionell anknytning samt varumärkeskärlek. Vidare redovisas en skillnad i hur de olika varumärkena uppfattas när det kommer till emotionellt och funktionellt. Den yngre generationen visar även på en högre varumärkeslojalitet baserat på de två sportvarumärkena som undersöks. Teoretiskt- och praktiskt bidrag: Vårt bidrag till forskningen är att ge en bredare kunskap till det komplexa området som varumärkeslojalitet och långvariga relationer är. Få studier i Sverige har forskat kring de emotionella faktorerna som påverkar varumärkeslojalitet. På så sätt bidrar studien med relevant kunskap som företag och marknadsförare kan nyttja i verksamheterna. Fo¨rslag pa° framtida forskning: Studien avgränsar sig till den svenska sportbranschen där majoriteten av respondenterna befinner sig i 20-30 års ålder. Vidare forskning föreslår att nå ut till den äldre generationen för att påvisa eventuella skillnader i resultatet. I denna och tidigare studier undersöks kläder inom sportbranschen och lyxvarubranschen. Fortsatta studier rekommenderas att undersöka andra branscher och områden där livsmedelsbutiker ges som exempel. Vidare föreslås att ta in fler variabler som är direkt kopplade till varumärkeslojalitet. / Purpose: Creating loyal customers in today's society has become increasingly complex as a result of the progress of e-commerce. The relationship between consumer and brand used to be focused on price and quality. More recently, studies show that the field of long-term relationships is more complex than that. Softer values in the form of emotional factors have proven to play a decisive role in companies' efforts to create relationships and profitability in the longer term. The purpose of the study is to investigate the emotional factors that influence consumers' brand loyalty and long-term relationships. The language of the thesis is Swedish. Method: The study uses a quantitative method where a survey is published for consumers interested in sports. Data linked to the factors brand loyalty, brand love, emotional attachment and functionality were collected and analyzed using a multiple regression analysis. Several T-tests were also conducted to demonstrate any differences in brand loyalty between brands and generations. Results & conclusions: The results of the multiple regression analysis indicate that there is a relationship between brand loyalty and emotional attachment as well as brand love. Furthermore, the study shows differences in how consumers perceive the brands in terms of their functional and emotional aspects. The younger generation also shows a higher brand loyalty based on the two sports brands used in the study. Theoretical and practical contribution: Our contribution to the research is to provide a broader knowledge to the complex area of brand loyalty and long-term relationships. Few studies in Sweden have researched the emotional factors that influence brand loyalty. In this way, the study contributes relevant knowledge that companies and marketers can use in their operations. Suggestions for future research: The study is limited to the Swedish sports industry where the majority of respondents are in their 20s and 30s. Further research suggests reaching out to the older generation to demonstrate any differences in outcome. In this and previous studies, clothing in the sports industry and the luxury goods industry is examined. Further studies are recommended to investigate other industries and areas where grocery stores are given as an example. Furthermore, it is suggested to include more variables that are directly linked to brand loyalty.

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