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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tuning the Transport Properties of Layered Materials for Thermoelectric Applications using First-Principles Calculations

Saeed, Yasir 11 May 2014 (has links)
Thermoelectric materials can convert waste heat into electric power and thus provide a way to reduce the dependence on fossil fuels. Our aim is to model the underlying materials properties and, in particular, the transport as controlled by electrons and lattice vibrations. The goal is to develop an understanding of the thermoelectric properties of selected materials at a fundamental level. The structural, electronic, optical, and phononic properties are studied in order to tune the transport, focusing on KxRhO2, NaxRhO2, PtSb2 and Bi2Se3. The investigations are based on density functional theory as implemented in the all electron linearized augmented plane wave plus local orbitals WIEN2k and pseudo potential Quantum-ESPRESSO codes. The thermoelectric properties are derived from Boltzmann transport theory under the constant relaxation time approximation, using the BoltzTraP code. We will discuss first the changes in the electronic band structure under variation of the cation concentration in layered KxRhO2 in the 2H phase and NaxRhO2 in the 3R phase. We will also study the hydrated phase. The deformations of the RhO6 octahedra turn out to govern the thermoelectric properties, where the high Seebeck coefficient results from ”pudding mold" bands. We investigate the thermoelectric properties of electron and hole doped PtSb2, which is not a layered material but shares “pudding mold" bands. PtSb2 has a high Seebeck coefficient at room temperature, which increases significantly under As alloying by bandgap opening and reduction of the lattice thermal conductivity. Bi2Se3 (bulk and thin film) has a larger bandgap then the well-known thermoelectric material Bi2Te3, which is important at high temperature. The structural stability, electronic structure, and transport properties of one to six quintuple layers of Bi2Se3 will be discussed. We also address the effect of strain on a single quintuple layer by phonon band structures. We will analyze the electronic and transport properties of Tl-doped Bi2Se3 under strain, focusing on the giant Rashba spin splitting (Tl doping breaks the inversion symmetry in Bi2Se3) and its dependence on biaxial tensile and compressive strain.

Study and Characterization of Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Perovskites for Solar Cells Applications

Vega Fleitas, Erica 28 November 2018 (has links)
[ES] Las perovskitas orgánicas-inorgánicas de haluros de metilamonio y plomo y sus mezclas han mostrado propiedades optoelectrónicas óptimas como absorbente ideal para aplicaciones fotovoltaicas. Los dispositivos solares basados en perovskita han evolucionado rápidamente, desde una eficiencia del 3.9% en 2009, al 22.7% en 2017 y con un coste de fabricación más bajo que las células solares de silicio. Una desventaja del uso de absorbentes de perovskita en dispositivos fotovoltaicos es su baja estabilidad. Las células con un alto rendimiento, pierden su eficiencia y se degradan rápidamente. Para poder producir estos materiales industrialmente es necesario realizar estudios en profundidad que mejoren la eficiencia y estabilidad. Una vía de mejora es la ingeniería composicional, estrategia que hemos empleado en la elaboración de esta tesis y que consiste en la investigación y mejora de las propiedades optoelectrónicas y morfológicas, derivadas de la sustitución y/o combinación de cationes y aniones, que constituyen el material de perovskita. Se sintetizaron polvos puros de perovskita de I, Br, Cl, a partir de los cuales se prepararon capas puras y mixtas MAPbX3-xYx, con el objetivo de mejorar sus propiedades optoelectrónicas y estructurales. Los análisis de difracción de rayos X mostraron las propiedades estructurales de los polvos cristalinos y capas puras y mixtas. Los análisis de UV-vis y fotoluminiscencia mostraron que el rango de absorción varía a lo largo del espectro visible en función del contenido del haluro en las capas. Los análisis de fotoluminiscencia y calorimetría diferencial de barrido muestran los cambios de fase de las perovskitas puras a distintas temperaturas, coincidiendo dichos cambios en ambos análisis. El análisis FESEM de las perovskitas puras mostró las diferencias morfológicas entre los polvos y capas. Siguiendo esta línea de investigación, se estudiaron con más detalle las perovskitas mixtas de yodo-bromo, con un contenido de bromo de hasta el 33%, consiguiendo ajustar el bandgap para evitar pérdidas en la absorción y mejorar las propiedades optoelectrónicas, estructurales y morfológicas. A pesar de las buenas propiedades optoelectrónicas de las perovskitas de metilamonio, el catión orgánico disminuye su estabilidad, lo que llevó a investigar otros cationes inorgánicos. Las perovskitas de cesio son una alternativa prometedora, y por esta razón hemos sintetizado capas finas de perovskitas de cesio mixtas, CsPbBr3-xIx, para determinar los efectos que produce la sustitución parcial del yodo en las propiedades físicas y la estabilidad. Se obtuvieron capas con una buena resistencia a la humedad y temperatura, favoreciendo su aplicación en el campo fotovoltaico. Se ha estudiado la sustitución parcial del catión de metilamonio con otros cationes orgánicos, como el guanidinio e imidiazolio. Se demostró que pequeñas cantidades de guanidinio mejoran la estabilidad de las capas y su morfología. Se estableció el límite de solubilidad del guanidinio en el 20%, aproximadamente, y se determinó la estructura cristalina de las mezclas. La intensidad del pico de fotoluminiscencia aumentó para mezclas por debajo del límite de solubilidad. Se obtuvieron resultados similares para la sustitución del metilamonio con pequeñas cantidades de imidazolio. Los análisis de rayos X establecieron el límite de solubilidad en aproximadamente el 10% y una mejora en la cristalinidad. Los resultados de fotoluminiscencia sugieren que pequeñas cantidades de imidazolio reducen significativamente las recombinaciones no radiativas, actuando como un pasivador efectivo. Finalmente, se muestra el proceso de fabricación de dispositivos basados en MAPbI3 y sintetizados en función de las condiciones ambientales y empleando el dietil éter como anti-solvente. Los dispositivos mostraron una eficiencia máxima del 14.73%. Se ha probado que la oxidación del spiro-OMeTAD, bajo condiciones cont / [FR] Les perovskites orgàniques-inorgàniques de halurs de metilamoni i plom i les seues mescles han mostrat propietats optoelectròniques òptimes com a absorbent ideal per a aplicacions fotovoltaiques. Els dispositius solars basats en perovskita han evolucionat ràpidament, passant d'una eficiència del 3.9% en 2009, fins al 22.7% en 2017, i amb un cost de fabricació més baix que les cèl·lules solars de silici. No obstant això, un dels desavantatges de l'ús de absorbents de perovskita és la baixa estabilitat. En general, les cèl·lules que mostren un alt rendiment, perden la seua eficiència i es degraden ràpidament. Per a que aquestos materials puguen ser produits industrialment a gran escala és necessari estudiar-los en profunditat per millorar la eficiència i estabilitat. Una de les vies de millora és l'enginyeria composicional, estratègia que hem emprat en l'elaboració d'aquesta tesi i que consisteix en la investigació i la millora de les propietats optoelectròniques i morfològiques, derivades de la substitució i/o combinació de cations i anions, que constitueixen el material de perovskita. S'han sintetitzat pols purs de perovskita per a I, Br, Cl, a partir d'els quals es van preparar capes pures i mixtes MAPbX3-xYx per a millorar les propietats optoelectròniques i estructurals. Mitjançant anàlisi de difracció de raigs X, s'estudiaren les propietats estructurals del pols cristalins i capes pures i mixtes. Els anàlisis d'UV-vis i fotoluminiscència, mostren que el rang d'absorció varia al llarg de l'espectre visible en funció del contingut de l'halur. Les anàlisis de fotoluminiscència i calorimetria diferencial mostren els canvis de fase de les perovskites pures a diferents temperatures, coincidint aquestos canvis en totes dues anàlisis. L'anàlisi FESEM de les perovskites pures, mostra les diferències morfològiques entre els pols i capes. Seguint aquesta línia d'investigació, s'estudiaren les perovskites mixtes de iode-brom, amb un contingut de brom de fins el 33%, ajustant el bandgap per a evitar pèrdues en l'absorció i millorar les propietats optoelectròniques, estructurals i morfològiques. Malgrat les bones propietats optoelectròniques de les perovskites de metilamoni, el catió orgànic disminueix la estabilitat, la qual cosa ha portat a investigar l'ús d'altres cations inorgànics. Les perovskites de cesi són una alternativa prometedora, i per aquesta raó hem sintetitzat capes fines de perovskites de cesi mixtes, CsPbBr3-xIx, per tal de determinar els efectes de la substitució parcial del iode en les propietats físiques i l'estabilitat. Es van obtenir capes amb una bona resistència a la humitat i a la temperatura, afavorint la seua aplicació en el camp fotovoltaic. S'ha estudiat també la substitució parcial del catió de metilamoni amb altres cations orgànics, com el guanidini i imidiazoli. S'ha demostrat que petites quantitats de guanidini milloren l'estabilitat i la morfologia de les capes. S'ha establert que el límit de solubilitat del guanidini es del 20%, aproximadament, i s'ha determinat l'estructura cristal·lina de les mescles. S'ha observat un augment en la intensitat del pic de fotoluminiscència per a mescles per sota del límit de solubilitat. Es van obtenir resultats similars per a la substitució del metilamoni amb petites quantitats de imidazoli. Les anàlisis de difracció de raigs X van establir el límit de solubilitat en aproximadament el 10% i una millora en la cristalinitat. Els resultats de fotoluminiscència suggereixen que petites quantitats de imidazoli redueixen les recombinacions no radiatives, actuant com un pasivador efectiu. Finalment, es mostra el procés de fabricació de dispositius basats en MAPbI3 i sintetitzats en funció de les condicions ambientals, especialment la humitat relativa i utilitzant el dietil èter com anti-solvent. Els dispositius van mostrar una eficiència màx / [EN] Organic-inorganic methylammonium lead halides perovskites and their mixtures have shown optimal optoelectronic properties as an ideal absorber for photovoltaic applications. In the last decade, solar devices based on perovskite have evolved rapidly, going from an initial efficiency of only 3.9% in 2009, to an efficiency of 22.7% in 2017 and being, at the same time, more cost-effective than silicon solar cells. However, one of the main disadvantages when using perovskite absorbents in photovoltaic devices is their low stability. In general, cells that show high performance lose their efficiency and degrade rapidly. For these materials to be scalable it is necessary to carry out in-depth studies aiming at improved efficiency and stability. One of the main sources to improve stability and efficiency is compositional engineering, a strategy employed in the elaboration of this thesis, consisting of the investigation and improvement of the optoelectronic and morphological properties, derived from the substitution and / or combination of cations and anions, which constitute the perovskite material. Pure powders of perovskite were synthesized, for I, Br, Cl, from which pure and mixed MAPbX3-xYx films were prepared in order to improve their optoelectronic and structural properties. By means of X-ray diffraction analysis, the structural properties of crystalline powders and pure and mixed films were studied. Employing UV-vis and photoluminescence analysis, it was observed that the absorption range varied along the visible spectrum as a function of the halide content in the thin films. Both, photoluminescence and differential scanning calorimetry analysis showed the changes of phase of the pure perovskites at different temperatures. FESEM characterization of the pure perovskites showed the morphological differences between the powders and the films. Following this line of research, mixed perovskites of iodine-bromine with a bromine content of up to 33% were studied in more detail. The bandgap was tuned to avoid significant losses in absorption and improve the optoelectronic, structural and morphological properties. Despite the excellent optoelectronic properties of the methylammonium perovskite, the presence of the organic cation decreases its stability, which prompted research into the use of other inorganic cations. Cesium perovskites, are a very promising alternative, and for this reason we synthesized thin films of mixed cesium perovskites, CsPbBr3-xIx, to determine the effects of the partial substitution of iodine on physical properties and stability. Films with a very good resistance to moisture and temperature were obtained, which will favor the application of this type of perovskites in the photovoltaic field. The partial replacement of the methylammonium cation with other organic cations, such as guanidinium and imidiazolium, was also studied, showing that small amounts of guanidinium significantly improve the stability of the films and their morphology. It was established that the solubility limit of guanidinium is approximately 20%, and the crystalline structure of the mixtures was determined. An increase in the intensity of the photoluminescence peak for mixtures below the solubility limit was observed. Similar results were obtained for the substitution of methylammonium with small amounts of imidazolium. X-ray diffraction analyzes established the solubility limit at approximately 10% and an improvement in crystallinity. Photoluminescence results suggest that small amounts of imidazolium significantly reduce nonradiative recombinations, acting as an effective passivator. Finally, the manufacturing process of devices based on MAPbI3 and synthesized according to environmental conditions, especially relative humidity and using diethyl ether as anti-solvent is shown. The devices presented a maximum efficiency of 14.73%, proving that the oxidation of spiro-OMeTAD, under controlled humidity conditions, can improve efficiency. / Vega Fleitas, E. (2018). Study and Characterization of Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Perovskites for Solar Cells Applications [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/113402 / TESIS

Fabrication and Study of the Optical Properties of 3D Photonic Crystals and 2D Graded Photonic Super-Crystals

Lowell, David 12 1900 (has links)
In this dissertation, I am presenting my research on the fabrication and simulation of the optical properties of 3D photonic crystals and 2D graded photonic super-crystals. The 3D photonic crystals were fabricated using holographic lithography with a single, custom-built reflective optical element (ROE) and single exposure from a visible light laser. Fully 3D photonic crystals with 4-fold, 5- fold, and 6-fold symmetries were fabricated using the flexible, 3D printed ROE. In addition, novel 2D graded photonic super-crystals were fabricated using a spatial light modulator (SLM) in a 4f setup for pixel-by-pixel phase engineering. The SLM was used to control the phase and intensity of sets of beams to fabricate the 2D photonic crystals in a single exposure. The 2D photonic crystals integrate super-cell periodicities with 4-fold, 5-fold, and 6-fold symmetries and a graded fill fraction. The simulations of the 2D graded photonic super-crystals show extraordinary properties such as full photonic band gaps and cavity modes with Q-factors of ~106. This research could help in the development of organic light emitting diodes, high-efficiency solar cells, and other devices.

Non-linear optical deformation potentials in uniaxially strained ZnO microwires

Sturm, Chris, Wille, Marcel, Lenzner, Jörg, Khujanov, Sherzod, Grundmann, Marius 07 August 2018 (has links)
The emission properties of bent ZnO microwires with diameters ranging from 1.5  μm to 7.3  μm are systematically investigated by cathodoluminescence spectroscopy at T ≈ 10 K. We induced uniaxial strains along the c-axis of up to ±2.9 %. At these high strain values, we observe a nonlinear shift of the emission energy with respect to the induced strain, and the magnitude of the energy shift depends on the sign of the strain. The linear and non-linear deformation potentials were determined to be D1=−2.50±0.05 eV and D2=−15.0±0.5 eV, respectively. The nonlinearity of the energy shift is also reflected in the observed spectral broadening of the emission peak as a function of the locally induced strain, which decreases with increasing strain on the compressive side and increases on the tensile side.

Temperature dependent self-compensation in Al- and Ga-doped Mg0.05 Zn0.95O thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition

Mavlonov, Abdurashid, Richter, Steffen, von Wenckstern, Holger, Schmidt-Grund, Rüdiger, Lorenz, Michael, Grundmann, Marius 11 August 2018 (has links)
We studied the doping efficiency of Al and Ga dopants in (Mg,Zn)O alloys as a function of the growth temperature and post growth annealing times. High-temperature growth results in the highest structural quality and highest electron mobility; the doping efficiency is limited by the dopant’s solubility. It was investigated in detail that a low growth temperature is needed to achieve free carrier densities above the solubility limit of the dopants. Samples grown at temperatures of 300 °C and below have a free carrier density significantly above the solubility limit yielding the minimum resistivity of ρmin=4.8×10−4  Ω cm for Mg0.05Zn0.95O: Al thin films grown on glass at 300 °C. Annealing of these samples reduces the free carrier density and the absorption edge to values similar to those of samples grown at high temperatures. The saturation of the free carrier density and the optical bandgap at their high temperature growth/annealing values is explained by the thermal creation of acceptor-like compensating defects in thermodynamic equilibrium.

Multi-level Integrated Modeling of Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Devices, Components, Circuits, and Systems for Next Generation Power Electronics

Sellers, Andrew Joseph January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Synthesis and Functionalities of Conjugated Polymers with Controllable Chirality and Low Bandgaps / 制御可能なキラリティーやローバンドギャップを有する共役系ポリマーの合成とその機能

Ahn, Sangbum 23 March 2015 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第19011号 / 工博第4053号 / 新制||工||1624(附属図書館) / 31962 / 京都大学大学院工学研究科高分子化学専攻 / (主査)教授 赤木 和夫, 教授 秋吉 一成, 教授 金谷 利治 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DGAM

Strain-Controlled AlN Growth on SiC Substrates / SiC基板上への歪み制御AlN層の成長

Kaneko, Mitsuaki 23 September 2016 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第19997号 / 工博第4241号 / 新制||工||1656(附属図書館) / 33093 / 京都大学大学院工学研究科電子工学専攻 / (主査)教授 木本 恒暢, 教授 藤田 静雄, 准教授 船戸 充 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DGAM

Circuit Level Reliability Considerations in Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Devices

Dhakal, Shankar January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Study of ohmic contact formation on AlGaN/GaN heterostructures

Wen, Kai-Hsin January 2019 (has links)
It is challenging to achieve low-resistive ohmic contacts to III-nitride semiconductors due to their wide bandgap. A common way to reduce the contact resistance is to recess the ohmic area prior to metallization. In the minimization of the contact resistance, parameters like the recess depth, anneal temperature and design of the metal stack are commonly optimized. In this work, three other approaches have been evaluated. All experiments were performed on AlGaN/GaN heterostructures. The fabricated ohmic contacts were recess etched, metallized with a Ta/Al/Ta stack, and annealed at 550-575◦C.Firstly, it is shown that the laser writer intensity, transmittance and focus offset during optical lithography affect the contact resistance. The reason is believed to be the variation in the resist profile, which has an impact on the metal coverage. At the optimum intensity/transmittance/focus condition, which generates a relatively medium undercut, a contact resistance of 0.23 Ωmm was obtained.In the second approach, the metal layer of annealed contacts was removed by wet etching, followed by the re-deposition of a metal stack and annealing. The purpose was to increase the amount of N vacancies in the AlGaN, which are responsible for the contact formation. A minimum contact resistance of 0.41 Ωmm was achieved with this method, compared to 0.28 Ωmm with the regular method (without remetallization).In the last approach, the bottom Ta layer was sputtered, whereas evaporation was used in all other cases. The minimum contact resistance was found to be 0.6 Ωmm, which was higher than for the evaporated contacts. The reason was assumed that the thickness of sputtered Ta should be thinner than the evaporated Ta due to its higher density. Moreover, the obtained lower sheet resistance is assumed to caused by the atomic scale damage due to the high energy ions during sputtering. / En utmaning med III-nitrid-halvledare är att uppnå låg-resistivitetskontakter, på grund av deras breda bandgap. Ett konventionellt tillvägagångsätt för att reducera kontaktresistansen är att fördjupa ohmska ytan före metallisering. I strävandet av att minska den ohmska resistansen sker vanligtvis en optimering av följande parametrar, recessddjup, anlöpningstemperatur och metallagersdesign. I detta arbete så har samtliga tre parametrar evaluerats. Alla experiment utfördes på AlGaN/GaNheterostrukturer. De tillverkade ohmska kontakterna var recesssetsade, metalliserade med ett Ta/Al/Ta lager och anlöpt vid 550-575◦C.Den primära undersökningen, visar att laserritar-intensitet, -transmission och fokusförskjutning under optisk litografi inverkar på kontaktresistansen. Anledningen antas vara variation i resistprofilen, vilket påverkar metallbeläggningen. Vid optimal intensitet/transmission/fokus-förhållanden, (som genererar en underskärning), blev den resulterande kontaktresistansen 0.23 Ωmm uppmätt.I en sekundär undersökning, avlägsnas ohmska kontaktens metallager genom våtetsning, följt av en återdeponering av ett nytt metallager, samt anlöpning. Syftet var att öka mängden N-vakanser i AlGaN-lagret, som formar ohmska kontakten. Minsta kontaktresistansen uppmätt var 0.41Wmm, att jämföras med 0.28 Ωmm, som uppnåddes genom den konventionella metoden (utan återmetallisering).Den sista undersökningen jämförde sputtrade med evaporerade bottenlager av Ta, (evaporation användes som standardmetod i de tidigare undersökningarna). Med sputtrning blev den minsta kontakresistansen 0.6 Ωmm, (högre än de evaporerade kontakterna). En hypotetisk förklarning kan vara att det sputtrade Ta-lagret är tunnare än det evaporerade Ta-lagret, på grund av en dess högre densitet. Därutöver, den uppmätta lägre skiktresistansen antas bero på den skada i atomskala som sker vid de höga energi-kollisioner som joner skapar vid sputtrning.

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