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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hur kan Sustainability Management Control Systems användas för att integrera hållbar utveckling inom banksektorn? / How can Sustainability Management Control Systems be used to integrate sustainable development in the banking sector?

Häger, Sandra, Falk, Emma January 2017 (has links)
Hållbar utveckling är ett aktuellt ämne i dagens samhälle och det ställs allt högre krav på att företag ska ta sitt ansvar för att bidra till en hållbar utveckling. Bankerna är de aktörer som kan styra hur kapital ska investeras och har därmed stor makt och mycket att vinna på att främja en hållbar utveckling i samhället. De globala affärsmöjligheterna som marknaden för hållbar utveckling utgör uppskattas att år 2050 uppgå till omkring tre biljoner dollar per år. Banking on shared value (BSV), som är en vidareutveckling av creating shared value, innebär att banker kan generera ekonomiskt värde på ett sätt som samtidigt skapar socialt och miljömässigt värde. Av en granskning som har utförts av Fair Finance Guide framgår det att de sju största bankerna i Sverige får relativt låga hållbarhetsbetyg. Många forskare menar att sustainability management control systems (SMCS), vilket är en en utvecklad modell av Malmi och Browns teori om MCS kan vara nyckeln till att lyckas integrera hållbar utveckling i verksamheten. Det efterfrågas dock fler praktikfall inom området. Syftet med denna studie är att bidra till en ökad förståelse för hur företagsledningen inom banksektorn kan använda SMCS för att integrera hållbar utveckling i sin verksamhet En fallstudie har genomförts av Ekobanken som är den enda svenska bank som är medlem i Global Alliance for Banking on Values och som har fått högst betyg av samtliga banker i Fair Finance Guides granskning. Det empiriska materialet har samlats in med hjälp av intervjuer med två personer inom Ekobankens ledning samt från dokumentstudier. Studien har en abduktiv ansats. Vi har identifierat Ekobankens mest framträdande styrningsverktyg som kulturell styrning som har ett starkt fokus på hållbar utveckling, administrativ styrning och cybernetiska styrningsverktyg. Ekobanken har enligt oss ett väl fungerande SMCS som lyckas med att integrera hållbar utveckling i verksamheten. Vi anser dock inte att Ekobankens arbete med hållbar utveckling kan definieras som BSV fullt ut men att de är den bank i Sverige som i nuläget kommer närmast att uppfylla kraven för BSV. Vi menar därmed att studiens resultat med fördel kan verka inspirerande för andra banker. Det är framförallt Ekobankens transparens, öppna klimat, ledningens engagemang samt deras hållbarhetsredovisning och utlåningspolicy som andra banker, som jobbar mot hållbar utveckling, enligt vår mening bör ta fasta på. / Sustainable development is a topical subject in today's society and there is an increasing demand for companies to take responsibility by contributing to sustainable development. The banks control how capital is invested, thus giving them great power to and a lot to gain from promoting sustainable development in society. The business opportunities from the market for sustainable development is estimated to provide a value of three trillion dollars annually by 2050. Banking on shared value ​​(BSV), which is a further development of creating shared value, means that banks can generate economic value and at the same time create social and environmental value. A review conducted by Fair Finance Guide shows that the seven largest banks in Sweden are performing relatively low results in terms of sustainability. Many researchers argue that sustainability management control systems (SMCS), which is a developed model of Malmi and Brown's theory about MCS, can be the key to successfully integrating sustainable development into the business. However, more practical cases are required in the area. This study aims at contributing to an increased understanding of how corporate governance in the banking sector can use SMCS to integrate sustainable development into the business. A case study has been carried out on Ekobanken, which is the only Swedish bank that is a member of Global Alliance for Banking on Values and has been awarded the highest rating in the Fair Finance Guide´s review. The empirical material has been collected by means of semi-structured interviews with two persons within Ekobanken´s management team as well as documentary studies. The study has an abductive approach. We have identified Ekobanken's most prominent management tools as cultural governance with a strong focus on sustainable development, administrative governance and cybernetic management tools. In our opinion Ekobanken has a successful SMCS that manage to integrating sustainable development into the business. However, Ekobanken's work with sustainable development can, in our opinion, not be fully defined as BSV, but we believe that they are the bank in Sweden that is currently closest to meeting the requirements for BSV. Therefore we mean that the results of this study can be of inspiration for other banks. It is primarily Ekobanken's transparency, open climate, management's commitment, and their sustainability report and lending policy that other banks working towards sustainable development should strive to apply.

Contribution à l’évaluation du système d’information bancaire / Contribution of evaluating bank information system

Michel, Sylvie 12 December 2011 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche porte sur l’évaluation du système d’information (SI) bancaire de front-office. Àtravers un cadre d’analyse sociotechnique, nous avons cherché à identifier les variables et leurs liens àprendre en compte pour évaluer le succès perçu du SI auprès des utilisateurs. La proposition centrale est quele succès perçu du SI bancaire de front-office dépend à la fois de caractéristiques techniques et sociales.Aussi, les spécificités du monde bancaire, l’évolution de l’environnement aussi bien réglementaire queconcurrentiel, nous ont convaincus de la nécessité d’une évaluation appropriée au domaine bancaire. C’estpourquoi ce travail de recherche est composé d’une part d’une approche qualitative exploratoire afind’identifier les variables spécifiques au domaine bancaire, et d’autre part d’une démarche quantitative denature hypothético-déductive.Au final, on propose un modèle composé de huit variables (les qualités de la formation, du système, duservice, de l’information, l’utilisation, la satisfaction, le soutien des managers intermédiaires, les bénéficesnets) expliquant le chemin menant au succès du SI bancaire. L’influence de la participation des utilisateurs àune phase de projet concernant le SI, ainsi que celle des caractéristiques sociodémographiques desrépondants ont été analysées.Ce modèle constitue à la fois un apport théorique, mais aussi managérial puisque les banques disposentmaintenant d’un instrument leur permettant de mesurer le succès de leur SI.Ce travail souligne l’importance de certaines variables, et met en évidence des liaisons spécifiques audomaine bancaire. / This research focuses on evaluating the banks’ front office information system (IS). By using asociotechnical analysis frame, we wished to identify the variables and the links that have to be taken intoaccount in order to evaluate the perceived IS success among users. The main proposal is that this perceivedsuccess depends on characteristics which are both technical and social ones. At the same time, we wereconvinced by the bank specificities, rules and competition evolution, that an evaluation, peculiar to the fieldof the banks, is necessary. This is why this research uses at the same time a qualitative approach, to identifythe specific variables in the bank world, and a quantitative approach based on hypothesis and deduction.We finally propose a model showing eight variables (the qualities of the training, the system, the service, theinformation, the use, the satisfaction, the middle managers’ support, the net profit) which enlight the wayleading to the success of bank IS. Both users’ participation to a IS step of a project and the surveyed people’ssociodemographic characteristics were analysed. This model both provides a theoretical and managerialaspect, since the banks now have a tool measuring the success of their Information System. This workemphasizes the weight of some variables and highlights some links specific to the banks field.

Transformace realitního odvětví v postkrizovém období / Transformation of real estate sector in post-crisis period

Dvorská, Michaela January 2012 (has links)
Main subject of this diploma thesis is real estate sector, his basic principles, structure and factors of influence. Diploma thesis is analysing actual post - crisis trends in real estate sector, origins and causes of these trends. Special attention is concentrated into the specific development and surroundings of real estate sector in Czech republic. The analysis of the sector transformation intensity is used for searching of future potential of real estate sector, future trends and appropriate measures for healthy growth of real estate sector and long - term sustainability of real estate sector projects. The next one of the main baselines of the thesis is research of behavioral changes of real estate market demand because of cyclicality of real estate market. The research shows context between real estate cycle and business cycle and analyses typical behavioral reaction of demand in various phases of real estate sector cycle.

Факторы повышения конкурентоспособности международного банка на российском рынке : магистерская диссертация / Factors of increasing the competitiveness of the international bank in the Russian market

Хлопотов, Д. С., Khlopotov, D. S. January 2020 (has links)
Актуальность исследования обуславливается тем, что банковская сфера в наше время является высоко конкурентной средой и в свете протекающей глобализации и консолидации финансового сектора наблюдается снижение количества частных банков, что вызвано, в свою очередь, процессами слияния, поглощения и неспособностью противостоять крупным агентам рынка, поддерживая необходимые требования, которые выставляются регуляторами. Финансовые институты вынуждены наращивать свой арсенал конкурентных преимуществ, активно использовать нераспределенную прибыль на формирование отличительных конкурентных факторов и заниматься мониторингом существующих предложений на рынке. Как следствие, кредитным организациям необходимо критически подходить к успехам и неудачам иностранных коллег, повышая эффективность банковского бизнеса, формируя собственные уникальные конкурентные преимущества. Целью диссертационной работы является оценка факторов повышения конкурентоспособности международного банка в разрезе сложившегося отечественного финансового сектора. Объектом диссертационного исследования выступает отечественный филиал АО «Райффайзенбанк». Предметом исследования является процесс формирования конкурентных преимуществ АО «Райффайзенбанк», система экономических, организационных и финансовых механизмов повышения эффективности деятельности банка. Результатами выпускной квалификационной работы являются разработка многофакторной модели формирования чистой прибыли, рекомендации по оптимизации существующих процессов и экономическая оценка эффектов от внедрения предлагаемых инструментов. / The relevance of the study stems from the fact that banking is a highly competitive environment and in light of the proceeding of globalization and consolidation of the financial sector, a decrease in the number of private banks, which caused, in turn, processes of mergers, acquisitions, and the failure to counter major market agents, while maintaining the necessary requirements that are set by regulators. Financial institutions are forced to increase their arsenal of competitive advantages, actively use retained earnings to form distinctive competitive factors and monitor existing offers on the market. As a result, credit institutions need to take a critical approach to the successes and failures of foreign colleagues, increasing the efficiency of the banking business, forming their own unique competitive advantages.

E-kronan och bankerna : En kvalitativ studie om e-kronans påverkan på den svenska banksektorn / The e-krona and the banks : A qualitative study on the impact of the e-krona on the Swedish banking sector

Leidehall, Kim, Aronsson, Magnus, Nyrén, Oscar January 2024 (has links)
Uppsatsens språk är svenska. Idag är det svenska samhället nästintill kontantlöst och utvecklingen hit har gått fort. Med anledning av digitaliseringen och statens potentiellt förändrade ställning på betalningsmarknaden har Riksbanken undersökt möjligheter samt påbörjat utvecklingen av en egen centralbanksutgiven digital valuta kallad e-krona. Syftet med studien är att undersöka om och hur ett införande av e-krona som betalmedel främjar hållbar finansiell utveckling baserat på vilka möjligheter samt risker som kan uppstå utifrån ett banksektorperspektiv. Studien är kvalitativ och består av finansiell teori tillsammans med nio semistrukturerade intervjuer som genomförts för att nå syftet. Dessa har gjorts med utvalda experter som är eller har varit verksamma inom affärsbanker, Riksbanken, Finansinspektionen och Fintech-bolag. Studien finner att e-kronan kan stärka den finansiella stabiliteten och bibehålla värdeförhållandet mellan pengar. Dessutom identifieras risker med e-kronan där höga kostnader ses som en väsentlig del tillsammans med spekulation och informationsasymmetri. Studien har också visat på resultat att e-kronan kan bidra med innovation och teknikutveckling vilket ses som betydande möjligheter. En central slutats är att e-kronan kan främja hållbar utveckling om utformningen tillåter den att beakta de fyra grundpelarna till hållbar finansiell utveckling, men att det beror på ur den kan komma att utformas. / This study is written in Swedish. Today, the Swedish society is nearly cashless and the progression towards this has been rapid. Due to digitization and the state's potentially changed position on the payment market, the Riksbanken has investigated possibilities and initiated the development of its own central bank-issued digital currency called e-krona. The aim of the study is to investigate whether and how the introduction of the e-krona as a means of payment, promotes sustainable financial development based on the opportunities and risks that may arise from the perspective of the banking sector. The study is qualitative and consists of financial theory together with nine semi-structured interviews that have been conducted to achieve its purpose. The interviewees consist of selected experts who are or have been active in commercial banks, the Riksbanken, the Finansinspektionen and Fintech organizations. The study finds that the e-krona can strengthen financial stability and maintain the value ratio between money. In addition, risks are identified with the e-krona where large costs are seen as an essential part together with speculation and information asymmetry. The study has also resulted in the e-krona being able to contribute with innovation and technology development, which are seen as significant opportunities. A central conclusion is that the e-krona can promote sustainable development if the design allows it to take into account the four pillars of sustainable financial development, but that this depends on how it will be designed.

Programy podpor MSP a jejich aplikace na vybraný podnik. / Small a medium enterprise support programs and their applications to selected company.

NEJEDLÝ, Jiří January 2007 (has links)
The main aim of this work is to carry out analysis of programmes of direct support for small and middle-sized companies offered by the state, European Union and commercial sphere, also description of process of acquision of support in chosen company and evaluation of the benefits in factual company. To support small and middle-sized companies is sensible and pragmatic because this segment is an importand part of the development of national economy, increases employment, cocreates healthy business environment and therefore develops each village, town and region. The support is related to efficient and stable companies only. The operational programmes help small and middle-sized companies to dynamize their growth and development, they are not dedicated to saving companies with problems.

Management accounting graduates' technical skills to meet banking employers' expectations: an Open Distance eLearning (ODeL) University perspective

Dumalisile, Caroline Nontatu 03 1900 (has links)
One of the most critical challenges facing South Africa is the shortage of skills. The Financial Services Sector, of which banks form part, is also affected by this problem and this poses a risk in achieving the targeted Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The quality and level of education offered in South African Higher Education Institutions is perceived as being insufficient to that which is required in the industry and is a possible contributing factor towards the skills shortage problem. The study was motivated by the concerns raised by some scholars concerning the relevance of the management accounting syllabus as compared with the technical skills required in the banking industry. Investigating this is important as the Financial Services Sector, which includes the banking industry, is one of the largest employers of management accountants in South Africa and there is a paucity of research in this area. The aim of the study was to determine whether management accounting technical skills provided by an ODeL University in South Africa meet banking employers’ expectations. A qualitative research approach was used to conduct interviews with nineteen participants from three banks and ten academics from the ODeL University and includes a qualitative documentary analysis to review and analyse the study material for four management accounting modules and the mapping of the management accounting syllabus to the SAICA competency framework. The results reflect the data obtained from the interviews. The analysis of the interviews is organised under five main themes as follows: Function of management accounting within the banking sector; recruitment of graduates and development of management accounting technical skills; identified technical skills lacking in new graduates employed by banks; bank specific training at an ODeL institution (an academic perspective) and strategies to bridge the gap. The results of the analysis conducted on the management accounting study material from the ODeL University are presented in four categories; Costing, Financial Management, Accounting Data Processing and the SAICA Competency Framework. The results indicate that bank employers acknowledge the work achieved by higher education institutions in providing students with basic management accounting skills, which enable them to start working in management accounting positions in banks. However, bank participants were concerned with graduates’ inability to link theory with practical application and further confirmed that graduates lack a number of relevant technical skills. Academics confirmed that the management accounting syllabus does not give much attention to banks and other financial service industries; it is dominated by activities and case studies related to manufacturing industries. The analysis of the prescribed study material supports this and indicates that there are insufficient activities related to service companies and very few references to financial services sector entities. Several recommendations were made by participants which, inter alia include incorporating relevant activities and case studies into the management accounting syllabus and greater reciprocity between the banking industry and universities. This study contributes to the literature on management accounting technical skills’ relevance to banks and by extension, the financial services sector. It provides insights on the management accounting technical skills that are currently lacking in graduates. Additional areas warranting further research are also identified. / Omnye weyona micelimngeni enobuzaza ojongene noMzantsi Afrika kukunqongophala kwezakhono. ICandelo leeNkonzo zezeMali, apho iibhanki ziyinxalenye zalo, nalo liyachaphazeleka yile ngxaki kwaye oku kubeka umngcipheko ekuphumezeni iMveliso yeKhaya ePheleleyo (iGDP). Umgangatho nenqanaba lemfundo ezinikezelwa kumaZiko eMfundo ePhakamileyo aseMzantsi Afrika zibonwa njengezingonelanga kwinto efunekayo kushishino, kwaye ibonwa iyinto enempembelelo kwingxaki yokunqongophalo lwezakhono. Uphando lwakhuthazwa yinkxalabo ephakanyiswe zezinye izifundiswa malunga nokuhambelana kolawulo lwesilabhasi yobalo-mali (accounting) xa kuthelekiswa nezakhono zobugcisa ezifunekayo kushishino lwebhanki. Ukuphanda oku kubalulekile njengeCandelo leNkonzo yezeziMali, nelibandakanya ishishini lebhanki, elingelinye labaqeshi abakhulu labacubunguli bobalo-mali eMzantsi Afrika, kwaye kukho ubuncinane bophando kulo mcimbi. Injongo yophando yayikukufumanisa ukuba ingaba izakhono zobuchule bokuphatha ezobalo-mali ezinikezwa yiYunivesithi ye-ODeL eMzantsi Afrika ziyahlangabezana nokulindelwe ngabaqeshi beebhanki. Inkqubo yophando esemgangathweni yasetyenziswa ukwenza udliwanondlebe nabathathi-nxaxheba abalishumi elinesixhenxe abaphuma kwiibhanki ezintathu kunye nabafundisi/abahlohli abalishumi kwiYunivesithi ye-ODeL, kwaye ibandakanya nokucazulula idotyhumentari esemgangathweni ukwenza isincomo-gxeko nokucazulula izixhobo zokufunda kwiimodyuli ezine zolawulo lwezobalo-mali kunye nokuzoba isilabhasi yolawulo lwezibalo-mali kwisakhelo sesikhokelo sezakhono kwi-SAICA. Iziphumo zibonisa idatha efunyenwe kudliwanondlebe. Ucazululo lodliwanondlebe luhlelwe phantsi kwezihloko ezihlanu eziphambili ngolu hlobo lulandelayo: Umsebenzi wolawulo lwezibalo-mali ngaphakathi kwecandelo lokulondoloza(banking); ukufunwa kwabafundi abathweswe izidanga kunye nokuphuhliswa kwezakhono zobalo-mali; ukuchongwa kwezakhono zobugcisa ezinqongopheleyo kubafundi abatsha abaqashwe ziibhanki; uqeqesho olukhethekileyo lwebhanki kwiyunivesithi ye-ODeL (umbono wemfundo) kunye nezicwangciso zokuvala isikhewu. Iziphumo zohlalutyo olwenziweyo kwizixhobo zokufunda zolawulo lwezobalo-mali kwiYunivesithi ye-ODeL zivezwa ngokwamanqanaba amane; Ukubiza indleko, ukuPhathwa kwezeMali, ukuPhathwa kweDatha yezoBalo-mali (Accounting) kunye neSakhelo sezakhono ze-SAICA. Iziphumo zibonisa ukuba abaqeshi bebhanki bawunika ingqalelo umsebenzi owenziweyo ngamaziko emfundo ephakamileyo ekuboneleleni ngezakhono zolawulo lwezemali, into eyenza abafundi ukuba bakwazi ukuqalisa ukusebenza kwizikhundla zobalo-mali kwiibhanki. Nangona kunjalo, abathathi-nxaxheba bebhanki babenenkxalabo yokungakwazi kwabafundi ukudibanisa i-thiyori kunye nendlela yokusebenza kwaye baphinda baqinisekisa ukuba abafundi abaphumeleleyo bayasilela kwizakhono ezininzi zobugcisa ezifanelekileyo. Abahlohli baqinisekisile ukuba isilabhasi yolawulo lobalo-mali ayiniki ngqalelo enkulu kwiibhanki nakwamanye amashishini enkonzo yezemali; ilawulwa yimisebenzi kunye nezifundo ezinxulumene nemizimveliso. Uhlalutyo lwezixhobo zokufunda ezimiselweyo ziyakuxhasa oku kwaye zibonisa ukuba ayonelanga imizekeliso esetyenziswayo enxulumene neenkampani zenkonzo kunye nezalathiso ezimbalwa kakhulu kumacandelo enkonzo yezemali. Izindululo ezininzi zaye zenziwa ngabathathi-nxaxheba bathi, phakathi kwezinye izinto zibandakanya ukongezwa kwemizekelo efanelekileyo kunye nezifundo zokufundwa (case studies) kwisilabhasi yolawulo lobalo-mali kunye nokusebenzisana okukuko phakathi kweshishini lebhanki neeyunivesithi. Olu phando lunegalelo kuncwadi lolawulo lwezakhono zobuchule bobugcisa bobalo-mali obufanelekileyo kwiibhanki nakwicandelo leenkonzo zezezimali jikelele. Lunika ingcaciso kwizakhono zolawulo zobalo-mali ezisasilelayo okwangoku kwabo banezidanga. Iindawo ezongeziweyo ezisafuna uphando olongeziweyo nazo zikwachongiwe. / Ye nngwe ya ditlhohlo tše di nyakago tekolo ka tlhokomedišišo tše Afrika Borwa e lebanego natšo ke tlhokego ya bokgoni. Lekala la Ditirelo tša Ditšhelete, leo dipanka di lego karolo ya lona, le lona le angwa ke bothata bjo gomme se se hlola tšhošetšo ya go fihlelela palomoka ya ditšhelete tša dithoto le ditirelo tšeo di tšweleditšwego nageng (GDP). Boleng le boemo bja thuto yeo e rutwago ka go Diinstitušene tša Thuto ya Godingwana tša Afrika Borwa di tšewa go ba tšeo di sa kgotsofatšego go ena le tše di nyakegago diintastering gape ke ntlha yeo e ka hlolago bothata bja tlhaelo ya bokgoni. Thutelo ye e hlohleleditšwe ke dipelaelo tšeo di hlagišitšwego ke baithuti ba bangwe malebana le maleba a lenaneothuto la tshekatsheko ya matlotlo a kgwebo go thuša bolaodi go dira diphetho ge go bapetšwa le bokgoni le tsebo tšeo di nyakegago go phethagatša mešongwana ye e itšeng intasering ya go panka ditšhelete. Go nyakišiša se go bohlokwa ka ge Lekala la Ditirelo tša Ditšhelete, le le akaretšago intasteri ya go panka ditšhelete, e le ye nngwe ya bathapi ba bantšintši ba batho bao ba fago khamphani datha le tshedimošo ka ditšhelete gore di dirišwe kgodišong ya kgwebo ya yona ka Afrika Borwa efela go na le dinyakišišo tšeo di sego tše ntši go sehlogo se. Maikemišetšo a thutelo ye e be e le go šupa ge eba bokgoni le tsebo tšeo di nyakegago go phethagatša tshekatsheko ya matlotlo a kgwebo go thuša bolaodi go dira diphetho bjoo bo rutwago ke yunibesithi ya ODeL ka Afrika Borwa bo kgotsofatša ditetelo tša bathapi ba dipankeng. Mokgwatebelelo wa nyakišišo ka go utolla mokgwa wa bophelo bja setšhaba se itšeng o dirišitšwe go phethagatša ditherišano le batšeakarolo ba lesomesenyane go tšwa dipankeng tše tharo le dirutegi tše lesome go tša yunibesithing ya ODeL gomme o akaretša tshekatsheko ya kanegelo ya ditiragalo ya go kwešiša mabaka le dikgopolo go lebelela le go sekaseka ditlakelo tša thuto tša mebotšulo ya tshekatsheko ya matlotlo a kgwebo go thuša bolaodi go dira diphetho le go tswalanya lenaneothuto la tshekatsheko ya matlotlo a kgwebo go thuša bolaodi go dira diphetho le tlhako ya botsebi ya SAICA. Dipoelo di laeditše datha yeo e hweditšwego go tšwa ditherišanong. Tshekatsheko ya ditherišano e beakantšwe go ya ka merero ye mene ka mo go latelago: Tiro ya tshekatsheko ya matlotlo a kgwebo go thuša bolaodi go dira diphetho ka go lekala go panka ditšhelete; kalatšo ya dialoga le kgodišo ya bokgoni le tsebo tšeo di nyakegago go phethagatša tshekatsheko ya matlotlo a kgwebo go thuša bolaodi go dira diphetho; bokgoni le tsebo tšeo di nyakegago go phethagatša mešongwana ye e itšeng tšeo di šupilwego tšeo di se nago dialoga tše mpsha tšeo di thapilwego ke dipanka; tlhahlo ye e lebanego go tša dipanka institušeneng ya ODeL (tebelelo ya borutegi) le maano a go tswalela sekgala seo. Dipoelo tša tshekatsheko yeo e phethagaditšwego go ditlakelo tša thuto tša tshekatsheko ya matlotlo a kgwebo go thuša bolaodi go dira diphetho go tšwa yunibesithing ya ODeL di hlagišitšwe ka magoro a mane; Kakanyatshenyegelo, Bolaodi bja ditšhelete, Phetolelo ya datha go popego yeo e ka dirišwago ka go Tšhupamatlotlo le Tlhako ya Botsebi ya SAICA. Dipoelo di bontšha gore bathapi ba dipankeng ba amogela modiro wo o fihleletšwego ke diinstitušene tša thuto ya godingwana wa go fa baithuti bokgoni bja motheo bja tshekatsheko ya matlotlo a kgwebo go thuša bolaodi go dira diphetho bjoo bo ba kgontšhago go thoma go šoma maemong a tshekatsheko ya matlotlo a kgwebo go thuša bolaodi go dira diphetho dipankeng. Le ge go le bjalo, batšeakarolo dipankeng ba be ba tshwenywa ke go se kgone ga dialoga go tswalanya teori le tirišo ya ka mehla gape ba tiiša gore dialoga di hloka bokgoni le tsebo tšeo di nyakegago go phethagatša mešongwana ye e itšeng. Dirutegi di tiišitše gore lenaneothuto la tshekatsheko ya matlotlo a kgwebo go thuša bolaodi go dira diphetho ga e fe šedi ye ntši go dipanka le diintasteri tše dingwe tša tirelo ya ditšhelete; go go dirwago gagolo ke ditiro le dithutelo tša ditiragalo tše itšeng tšeo di sepelelanago le diintasteri tša tšweletšo. Tshekatsheko ya ditlakelo tša thuto tše di kgethetšwego baithuti di thekga ntlha ye le go šupa gore go na le ditiro tšeo e sego tše ntši tšeo di tswalanego le go direla dikhamphani le ditšhupetšo tše mmalwa go dipopego ka boikemelo bja tšona tša lekala la ditirelo tša ditšhelete. Batšeakarolo ba file ditšhišinyo tše mmalwa tšeo ka morago , gare ga tše dingwe, di akaretšago ditiro tša maleba le dithutelo go ditiragalo tše di bilego gona ka go lenaneothuto la tshekatsheko ya matlotlo a kgwebo go thuša bolaodi go dira diphetho le go fana ka bogolwane gare ga intasteri ya go panka le diyunibesithi. Thutelo ye e na le seabe go sengwalwa ka ga maleba a dipanka go bokgoni le tsebo tšeo di nyakegago go phethagatša mešongwana ye e itšeng tša tshekatsheko ya matlotlo a kgwebo go thuša bolaodi go dira diphetho gapegape le go Lekala la Ditirelo tša Ditšhelete. E fa tshedimošo ka ga bokgoni le tsebo tšeo di nyakegago go phethagatša tshekatsheko ya matlotlo a kgwebo go thuša bolaodi go dira diphetho tšeo di hlaelago go dialoga. Mafelo a tlaleletšo ao a hlokago dinyakišišo tše dingwe le ona a šupilwe. / Finance, Risk Management and Banking / M. Ph. (Accounting Sciences)

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