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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sustained energy performance on compressed air systems for expanding gold mines / Arno de Coning

De Coning, Arno January 2013 (has links)
The energy provider in South Africa, Eskom, faces an increasing electricity demand. The need to ensure sufficient supply gave rise to Demand Side Management (DSM) projects scheme. The DSM focus has shifted to the mining sector in South Africa. The large electricity use of the mining sector ensured the need for Energy Services Companies (ESCo’s). The ESCo is contracted to ensure energy savings of DSM projects implemented within the multiple sectors such as mining industry. The mining sector business model has the constant pressure to increase gold production. This pressure to expand has led to rapid expansion plans to increase the gold output for the relevant company. The expansion process and production increase in turn increases the electricity consumption. Compressed air use is a large contributing factor to the monthly electricity use as it is widely used within the mine sector. The implementation of a DSM project on the compressed air ring of an expanding gold mine was the focus of the study. This case study focused on an expanding gold mine within South Africa. The DSM lifecycle was followed to initially determine the DSM saving potential. The possible control strategies were investigated with simulation models and savings calculations. The viable option was to be implemented with a preliminary control philosophy. Results were in turn compared with the initial investigations and control philosophy. The deviations as experienced with implementation were addressed and a potential sustainable control philosophy for an expanding gold mine was constructed. The results indicated, verified Eskom peak clip electricity savings of 2.165 MW of the 2.4 MW target. The energy efficiency component for these performance assessment months was 1.944 MW of the targeted 1.5 MW. The sustainability of the system was proven with production increase on an expanding gold mine. / MIng (Computer and Electronic Engineering), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013

Cost savings on mine dewatering pumps by reducing preparation- and comeback loads / Charl Cilliers

Cilliers, Charl January 2014 (has links)
Using chilled water within South African gold mines is paramount to the purpose of extracting gold ore efficiently. Using water for cooling, drilling and sweeping and the release of underground fissure water causes the accumulation of vast amounts of water in underground dams. Deep mines use cascading pump systems for dewatering, which is an electrical energy intensive dewatering method. Due to the recent equalisation of demand to generation capacity of electrical energy in South Africa, various methods towards demand side reduction have been implemented. With the introduction of a time-of-use (TOU) tariff structure by Eskom, the implementation of projects that shift load from peak TOU times to times of the day when electrical energy is less expensive has increased. To enable load shifting on mine dewatering pumps, preparation before and recovery after peak TOU is needed for effective results. This induces a preparation- and comeback load in the standard TOU. With an annual increase in TOU tariffs and the rate of increase of standard TOU being greater than that of the peak TOU, a reduction in electrical energy consumption before and after peak TOU is needed. To enable this, a step-by-step control technique was developed to promote the shifting of load from standard- to off-peak TOU, while still realising a full load shift from peak TOU. This technique entails dynamic control ranges of underground dam levels as opposed to the conventional constant control range method. Two case studies were used to test the developed technique. Results indicated significant additional financial savings when compared to conventional control methods. Additional savings of R1,096,056.65 and R579,394.27 per annum were respectively achieved for both case studies. / MIng (Mechanical Engineering), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Sustained energy performance on compressed air systems for expanding gold mines / Arno de Coning

De Coning, Arno January 2013 (has links)
The energy provider in South Africa, Eskom, faces an increasing electricity demand. The need to ensure sufficient supply gave rise to Demand Side Management (DSM) projects scheme. The DSM focus has shifted to the mining sector in South Africa. The large electricity use of the mining sector ensured the need for Energy Services Companies (ESCo’s). The ESCo is contracted to ensure energy savings of DSM projects implemented within the multiple sectors such as mining industry. The mining sector business model has the constant pressure to increase gold production. This pressure to expand has led to rapid expansion plans to increase the gold output for the relevant company. The expansion process and production increase in turn increases the electricity consumption. Compressed air use is a large contributing factor to the monthly electricity use as it is widely used within the mine sector. The implementation of a DSM project on the compressed air ring of an expanding gold mine was the focus of the study. This case study focused on an expanding gold mine within South Africa. The DSM lifecycle was followed to initially determine the DSM saving potential. The possible control strategies were investigated with simulation models and savings calculations. The viable option was to be implemented with a preliminary control philosophy. Results were in turn compared with the initial investigations and control philosophy. The deviations as experienced with implementation were addressed and a potential sustainable control philosophy for an expanding gold mine was constructed. The results indicated, verified Eskom peak clip electricity savings of 2.165 MW of the 2.4 MW target. The energy efficiency component for these performance assessment months was 1.944 MW of the targeted 1.5 MW. The sustainability of the system was proven with production increase on an expanding gold mine. / MIng (Computer and Electronic Engineering), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013

En livscykelanalys av tappvattenarmatur : Undersökning av materialval samt höghastighetsteknik / Life cycle analysis of a kitchen faucet – a study in material and high speed technology

Magnusson, Jonas January 2019 (has links)
Köksblandare är en produkt som många människor använder sig av varje dag och därför är det intressant att studera vattenbesparande tekniker för just köksblandare. I detta examensarbete har det utförts en livscykelanalys av köksblandare med höghastighetsteknik, en vattenbesparande teknik.

Analys av elbasnivå för Vålbergsskolan, Karlstads Kommun : Kartläggning av elanvändning nattetid samt undersökning av energieffektiviserande åtgärder. / Analysis of the electricity base level for Vålbergsskolan, Karlstads Kommun : Identification of electricity usage during the night and investigation of energy-efficiency measures

Andersson, Erik January 2011 (has links)
Examensarbetet har gått ut på att ta reda på varför en del skolor i Karlstads kommun, använder olika mycket el under kvällar, helger och nätter. Skillnaderna är stora och på grund av det har ett nytt begrepp, kallat elbasnivå, definierats. I princip är elbasnivån den effekt som används under de tider som lokalerna inte nyttjas. Efter genomförd rangordning av elbasnivån med hjälp av en egenutvecklad excelkalkyl, för ett urval på 15 skolor i Karlstads kommun, valdes två av dessa ut för vidare utredning. En skola med låg elbasnivå och en skola med hög elbasnivå valdes. Frödingskolan är den skola som har lägst elbasnivå och valdes att fungera som en referensbyggnad. Den andra skolan är Vålbergsskolan och den valdes då den hade en av de högsta elbasnivåerna i rangordningen. Gemensamt för båda skolorna är att det inte förekommer någon elvärme i fastigheterna. Dessutom finns ingen större årstidsvariation i skolornas elförbrukning. För Frödingskolan uppmättes en elbasnivå på 2,0 W/m2 och för Vålbergskolan 4,6 W/m2, alltså mer än dubbelt så hög för den sistnämnda. Genom studiebesök och omfattande mätningar har elanvändningen i de båda skolorna kunnat kartläggas. Av de resultat som fåtts har olika åtgärder för att sänka elbasnivån tagits fram. Detta har gjorts för båda skolorna även om Frödingskolan hade en låg elbasnivå från början. Det visade sig att även där fanns det åtgärder som kan sänka elbasnivån. Förslag på åtgärder för Frödingskolan:• Policy för avstängning av datorer efter arbetstid ca 1 kW• Avstängning av korridorbelysning på nätter ca 1 kW Förslag på åtgärder för Vålbergsskolan:• Konvertering från golvvärme till radiatorsystem ca 5 kW• Avstängning av frekvensstyrning då ventilationen inte är igång 7,5 kW Om föreslagna åtgärder genomförs kan elbasnivån sänkas till 1,2 W/m2 för Frödingskolan och till 2,0 W/m2 för Vålbergsskolan. För den sistnämnda är detta nästan en halvering av den ursprungliga elbasnivån. / The intention of this final thesis has been to find out why some schools in the municipality of Karlstad (Karlstads Kommun), uses different levels of electric power during evenings, weekends and nights. The differences can vary significantly. Because of this, a new concept, called the electricity base level has been defined. The electric base level is the power used during periods of time when there is no activity in the building. After a ranking of the electricity base level made with a self developed excel-model, for an assortment of 15 schools in Karlstads kommun, two of them were selected for further investigation. One school with low electricity base level and one with high electricity base level were selected. Frödingskolan was the school with the lowest electricity base level and was therefore chosen to serve as a reference-building. The other school is Vålbergsskolan and was chosen though it had one of the highest electricity base levels in the ranking. Common for both schools is that there is no electric heating in either building. Furthermore, no major seasonal variation in the school’s electricity consumptions was found. For Frödingskolan an electricity base level at 2.0 W/m2 (0.19 W/ft2) was measured. For Vålbergsskolan the electricity base level was 4.55 W/m2 (0.42 W/ft2). That is almost twice as high as for the first school. Through field studies and extensive measurements, the electricity usage in the two schools was identified. From the obtained results, several measures to reduce the electricity baseline have been developed. This has been done for both of the schools even though Frödingskolan had a low electricity base level from the beginning. It was to be found that even there a lowering of the electricity base level was possible. Proposed measures for Frödingskolan:• Policy to turn off computers after working-hours, approx. 1 kW.• Turning the corridor lights of at night, approx. 1 kW. Proposed measures for Vålbergsskolan:• Conversion from a radiant floor to a radiator system, approx. 5 kW.• Turn the frequency drivers off when no ventilation are running, approx 7.5 kW If the proposed measures are implemented, the electricity base level can be lowered to 1.2 W/m2 (0.12 W/ft2) for Frödingskolan, and 2.0 W/m2 (0.19 W/ft2) for Vålbergsskolan. For the latter, this is almost the half off the current electricity base level

Förbättring av energieffektiviteten för villor genom att implementera grund geotermisk ventilation / Improving energy efficiency for villas by implementing shallow geothermal ventilation

Toro, Saleem, Haddad, Bilet, Slewa, Frank January 2023 (has links)
Introduction: The world is facing an economic crisis that has led to high energy prices in the EU. These high energy prices have been a contributing factor to the challenging economic situation in Sweden, affecting businesses, industries, and households. EU countries have limited access to energy and rely mostly on imports. The key objective is to reduce these costs through the utilization of renewable energy resources. Geothermal ventilation, in particular, is an efficient and promising source. However, this system has not yet been implemented in Sweden. The aim of this study is to investigate and analyze the effectiveness of horizontal ground geothermal ventilation systems in the context of Swedish conditions.Method: This study includes quantitative and qualitative data from a case study. Data collection involved literature study, interviews with various stakeholders, and simulations using Ansys software to analyze air flows and temperature conditions.Results: This section presents the results of a comprehensive study on basic geothermal ventilation in villas, carried out in accordance with Swedish environmental regulations. Interviews with representatives from ventilation companies and Jönköping municipality showed mixed opinions about the system's potential. While some expressed interest and approval due to energy savings and environmental adaptation, others had concerns about profitability and cost-effectiveness. Testing the system's efficiency using thermal exchange simulation software showed lower-than-expectedresults, indicating the need for further improvements. However, despite its lower efficiency, the geothermal ventilation system was still considered an environmentally friendly alternative to conventional methods, helping to reduce the environmental impact of the construction industry.Analysis: Ground geothermal ventilation system meets Swedish environmental standards and contributes to energy savings in new buildings. Although the system meets the standards, further improvements are needed to increase efficiency. Requirements and prerequisites include the right insulation classes and specially manufactured ground pipes. Implementation in villas can be challenging due to costs and heat delivery. Despite this, the system improves indoor air quality and reduces energy consumption, even if the temperature differences may be smaller than expected.Discussion: In this chapter, the results and conclusions from the study are discussed. Despite limited research on the subject, the study shows that shallow geothermal ventilation has potential, but there are challenges and limitations for implementation in Swedish villas. The method choice of literature review and qualitative interviews was appropriate to achieve the purpose, but more participants and research are needed to increase validity and reliability. Recommendations are given for further research in the area.

Optimum water distribution between pumping stations of multiple mine shafts / Nicolas Laurens Oosthuizen.

Oosthuizen, Nicolas Laurens January 2012 (has links)
In 2011 the mining industry purchased 14.5% of the electrical energy generated by Eskom. During 2011 in South Africa, dewatering pump systems on gold mines were the fourth largest electrical energy consumer on South African mines therefor making dewatering pumps ideal candidates to generate significant financial savings. These savings can be realised by controlling time-of-use (TOU) schedules. Previous studies concentrated on the impact of improving a pumping scheme of a single mineshaft. This dissertation will focus on the operations of a complete dewatering system consisting of multiple mineshafts. The case study will consist of a gold mine complex comprising of five different shafts - each with its own reticulation system – as well as the larger interconnected water reticulation system. Various pumping options were investigated, simulated and verified. The interaction between shafts was determined when load-shifting was scheduled for all the shafts taking each shaft’s particular infrastructure into account. The underground dewatering system was automated and optimised based on the simulation results. Mine safety protocols were adhered to while optimal pump operational schedules were introduced. / Thesis (MIng (Electrical and Electronic Engineering))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

Optimum water distribution between pumping stations of multiple mine shafts / Nicolas Laurens Oosthuizen.

Oosthuizen, Nicolas Laurens January 2012 (has links)
In 2011 the mining industry purchased 14.5% of the electrical energy generated by Eskom. During 2011 in South Africa, dewatering pump systems on gold mines were the fourth largest electrical energy consumer on South African mines therefor making dewatering pumps ideal candidates to generate significant financial savings. These savings can be realised by controlling time-of-use (TOU) schedules. Previous studies concentrated on the impact of improving a pumping scheme of a single mineshaft. This dissertation will focus on the operations of a complete dewatering system consisting of multiple mineshafts. The case study will consist of a gold mine complex comprising of five different shafts - each with its own reticulation system – as well as the larger interconnected water reticulation system. Various pumping options were investigated, simulated and verified. The interaction between shafts was determined when load-shifting was scheduled for all the shafts taking each shaft’s particular infrastructure into account. The underground dewatering system was automated and optimised based on the simulation results. Mine safety protocols were adhered to while optimal pump operational schedules were introduced. / Thesis (MIng (Electrical and Electronic Engineering))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

Högtempererat borrhålslager för fjärrvärme / High Temperature Borehole Thermal Energy Storage for District Heating

Hallqvist, Karl January 2014 (has links)
The district heating load is seasonally dependent, with a low load during periods of high ambient temperature. Thermal energy storage (TES) has the potential to shift heating loads from winter to summer, thus reducing cost and environmental impact of District Heat production. In this study, a concept of high temperature borehole thermal energy storage (HT-BTES) together with a pellet heating plant for temperature boost, is presented and evaluated by its technical limitations, its ability to supply heat, its function within the district heating system, as well as its environmental impact and economic viability in Gothenburg, Sweden, a city with access to high quantities of waste heat. The concept has proven potentially environmentally friendly and potentially profitable if its design is balanced to achieve a good enough supply temperature from the HT-BTES. The size of the heat storage, the distance between boreholes and low borehole thermal resistance are key parameters to achieve high temperature. Profitability increases if a location with lower temperature demand, as well as risk of future shortage of supply, can be met. Feasibility also increases if existing pellet heating plant and district heating connection can be used and if lower rate of return on investment can be accepted. Access to HT-BTES in the district heating network enables greater flexibility and availability of production of District Heating, thereby facilitating readjustments to different strategies and policies. However, concerns for the durability of feasible borehole heat exchangers (BHE) exist in high temperature application. / Värmebehovet är starkt säsongsberoende, med låg last under perioder av högre omgivningstemperatur och hög last under perioder av lägre omgivningstemperaturer. I Göteborg finns en stor mängd spillvärme tillgängligt för fjärrvärmeproduktion sommartid när behovet av värme är lågt. Tillgång till säsongsvärmelager möjliggör att fjärrvärmeproduktion flyttas från vinterhalvår till sommarhalvår, vilket kan ge såväl lönsamhet som miljönytta. Borrhålsvärmelager är ett förhållandevis billigt sätt att lagra värme, och innebär att berggrunden värms upp under sommaren genom att varmt vatten flödar i borrhål, för att under vinterhalvåret användas genom att låta kallt vatten flöda i borrhålen och värmas upp. I traditionella borrhålsvärmelager används ofta värmepump för att höja värmelagrets urladdade temperatur, men på grund av höga temperaturkrav för fjärrvärme kan kostnaden för värmepump bli hög. I denna rapport föreslås ett system för att klara av att nå höga temperaturer till en lägre kostnad. Systemet består av ett borrhålsvärmelager anpassat för högre temperaturer (HT-BTES) samt pelletspannor för att spetsa lagrets utgående fluid för att nå hög temperatur. Syftet med rapporten är att undersöka potentialen för detta HT-BTES-system med avseende på dess tekniska begränsningar, förmåga till fjärrvärmeleverans, konsekvenser för fjärrvärmesystemet, samt lönsamhet och miljöpåverkan. För att garantera att inlagringen av värme inte är så stor att priset för inlagrad värme ökar väsentligt, utgår inlagringen från hur mycket värme som kyls bort i fjärrvärmenätet sommartid. I verkligheten finns betydligt mer värme tillgänglig till låg kostnad. När HT-BTES-systemet producerar fjärrvärme, ersätts fjärrvärmeproduktion från andra produktionsenheter, förutsatt att HT-BTES-systemets rörliga kostnader är lägre. I Göteborg ersätts främst naturgas från kraftvärme, men också en del flis. Kostnadsbesparingen beror på differensen för total fjärrvärmeproduktionskostnad med och utan HT-BTES-systemet. Undersökningen visar att besparingen är större om HT-BTES-systemet placeras i ett område där det är möjligt att mata ut fjärrvärme med lägre temperatur. Om urladdning från HT-BTES kan ske med hög temperatur ökar också besparingen. Detta sker om lagrets volym ökar, om avståndet mellan borrhål minskar eller om värmeöverföringen mellan det flödande vattnet i borrhålen och berggrunden ökar. Dessa egenskaper för lagret leder också till minskade koldioxidutsläpp. Storleken på besparingen beror dock i hög grad på hur bränslepriser utvecklas i framtiden. Strategiska fördelar med HT-BTES-systemet inkluderar; minskad miljöpåverkan, robust system med lång teknisk livslängd (för delar av HT-BTES-systemet), samt att inlagring av värme kan ske från många olika produktionsenheter. Dessutom kan positiva bieffekter identifieras. Undersökningen visar att HT-BTES-systemet har god potential att ge lönsamhet och minskad miljöpåverkan, och att anläggning och drift av lagret kan ske utan omfattande lokal miljöpåverkan. Det har också visats att de geologiska förutsättningarna för HT-BTES är goda på många platser i Göteborg, även om lokala förhållanden kan skilja sig åt. För att nå lönsamhet för HT-BTES-systemet krävs en avvägning på utformning av lagret för att nå hög urladdad temperatur utan att investeringskostnaden blir för stor. Undersökningen visar att om anslutning av HT-BTES-systemet kan ske mot befintlig anslutningspunkt eller till befintlig värmepanna kan investeringskostnaden minska och därmed lönsamheten öka. Placering av HT-BTES-systemet i områden med risk för överföringsbegränsningar kan också minska behovet av att förstärka fjärrvärmenätet, och således bidra till att minska de kostnader som förstärkning av nätet innebär. Betydelsefulla parametrar för att nå lönsamhet för HT-BTES-system inkluderar dessutom kostnaden för inlagrad värme liksom vilket vinstkrav som kan accepteras. Tillgång till HT-BTES möjliggör ökad nyttjandegrad och flexibilitet för fjärrvärmeproduktionsenheter, och därmed ökad anpassningsmöjlighet till förändrade förutsättningar på värmemarknaden. Dock återstår att visa att komponenter som klarar de höga temperaturkraven kan tillverkas till acceptabel kostnad.

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