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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Adoption av det balanserade styrkortet : en kvalitativ och kvantitativ studie av kommuners beslut att adoptera det balanserade styrkortet samt om motiven till adoption påverkar modellens upplevda nytta

Holmström, Michael, Jakobsson, Fredrik January 2009 (has links)
<p>Validerat; 20101217 (root)</p>

Före detta tandhygieniststuderandes uppfattning om utbildningen vid Högskolan Kristianstad

Olsson, Hanna, Benjaminsson, Madelene January 2010 (has links)
<p>Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate former dental hygienist students’ view regarding their education at Kristianstad University.Material and methods: This quantitative study was descriptive and the data collection method was used by a questionnaire. This was sent by post to former dental hygienist students at Kristianstad University. In total, 57 dental hygienists participated in the study.Result: The majority of the respondents (94 %, n=54) were content with their education. The education’s primary strength turned out to be the clinical activity that is conducted while at the same time there was a wish for more practice. The content in the dental hygienist education at Kristianstad University is corresponding to the requirements in the profession including oral health science according to the majority of the respondents.Conclusion: The clinical activity that is conducted both at external dental clinics and at the dental clinic at the college has a high significance for the prospective dental hygienist’s career.Keywords: alumnus, dental hygienist, dental hygienist education, knowledge, skills description</p>

Oral hygiene experience, knowledge of oral health and oral diseases and attitudes about oral health care : A questionnaire study among students of nursing in Zambia / Munhygienvanor, kunskaper om oral hälsa och orala sjukdomar samt attityder angående munhälsovård : En enkätstudie bland sjuksköterskestuderande i Zambia.

Sturesson, Annika, Håkansson, Sara January 2010 (has links)
The aim of the study was to investigate oral hygiene experience, knowledge of oral health and oral diseases and attitudes about oral health care among students of nursing at the School of Nursing in Livingstone, Zambia. The respondents were women and men in the ages between 20 and 43. A questionnaire consisting of 29 questions was handed out to 119 students. The results showed that the majority of the students brushed their teeth every day. Visits to dental clinics, however, were few. The most common reason for dental visits was pain. Most of the respondents knew about one or more HIV-related oral diseases, and the most common answer was oral candidosis. The overall knowledge of HIV/AIDS-related oral lesions was very high, and the majority of the respondents were interested to receive more information about the subject. The respondents had good knowledge in oral health and oral diseases, and the majority had a positive attitude concerning oral health care providers. The majority also considered collaboration between dental care and regular health care as essential. Although the knowledge about oral health was good, the result showed infrequent dental visits among the respondents. / Syftet med studien var att undersöka sjuksköterskestudenters munhygienvanor, deras kunskaper om oral hälsa och orala sjukdomar samt attityder till munhälsovård. Ett frågeformulär med 29 frågor delades ut till 119 andra- och tredje års studenter på sjuksköterskeskolan i Livingstone, Zambia. Respondenterna var både kvinnor och män mellan 20 och 43 år. Resultatet visade att flertalet studenter borstade sina tänder dagligen. Däremot var det ovanligt med täta tandvårdsbesök och den vanligaste orsaken till besök var smärta. Majoriteten av studenterna hade goda kunskaper om HIV-relaterade orala lesioner och det vanligaste svaret de uppgav var oral candida. De generella kunskaperna om HIV/AIDS- relaterade orala lesioner var väldigt goda och majoriteten av respondenterna var intresserade av mer information i ämnet. Generellt hade respondenterna goda kunskaper om oral hälsa, orala sjukdomar och majoriteten hade en positiv attityd till munhälsovård. Flertalet ansåg att ett samarbete mellan tand- och sjukvård var betydelsefullt. Trots den höga kunskapsnivån om oral hälsa visar resultatet att respondenterna inte besöker tandvården regelbundet.

Patienters rökvanor, deras motivation till rökavvänjning samt om de har blivit tillfrågade om sina rökvanor av tandvårdspersonal / Patients' smoking habits, their motivation to stop smoking and if they were asked about their smoking habits by the dental staff

Prekadini, Njomze, Beciri Haziri, Lindita January 2010 (has links)
The aim of the present study was to examine smoking behaviour and motivation for smoking cessation in patients at a dental clinic. Another aim was to examine if the patients had been asked by the dental staff regarding their smoking habits. Twenty-two patients from a student clinic and twenty-one patients from a Swedish Public Dental Service Clinic in southern of Sweden participated in the study. Participants consisted of eighteen women and twenty-five men. Data collection was carried out using a questionnaire that was directed at smokers. The questionnaire was answered in connection with the visit to the dental hygienist. The patients smoked between eight and twelve cigarettes per day and had on average smoked between 5 -15 years. More than half of the patients started smoking because of pressure from friends. In the future the patients would consider quitting smoking to avoid oral health diseases. Most of the patients wanted to try without external aid. The general health and oral health was perceived as good, or very good by 43 respondents. The most common oral health problems were dry mouth, dark brown coating on the teeth and gingivitis. This survey shows that many of those who currently smoke started smoking because of their surroundings. Giving up smoking to avoid oral health diseases was very important / important to the respondents. The motivation for smoking cessation was different among the patients. It was difficult for many patients to stop smoking. The survey also showed that more dental hygienists than dentists asked their patients about smoking habits and informing them about smoking cessation. / Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka rökvanor och motivation till rökavvänjning hos patienter vid tandvårdsklinik. Ytterligare ett syfte var att undersöka om patienterna blivit tillfrågade av tandvårdspersonalen om sina rökvanor. Tjugutvå patienter från en studentklinik och tjuguen patienter från en folktandvårdsklinik i södra Sverige deltog i studien. Deltagarna bestod av 58 % män och 42 % kvinnor. Datainsamlingen genomfördes med användning av en enkät som var riktad till rökare. Enkäten besvarades i samband med ett tandhygienistbesök. Patienterna uppgav att de rökte mellan åtta och tolv cigaretter per dag och hade rökt mellan  5-15 år. Mer än hälften av patienterna började röka på grund av grupptryck eller kompisar. Patienterna kunde tänka sig att sluta röka i framtiden, för att undvika munhälsoskador och dem flesta av rökarna vill försöka sluta röka utan hjälp. Den allmänna hälsan respektive munhälsan upplevdes som bra eller mycket bra av samtliga 43 respondenter. De vanligaste problemen med munhälsan var muntorrhet, svarta bruna beläggningar på tänderna samt gingivit. Denna enkätstudie visar att många av dem som rökte började röka på grund av att personer i deras omgivning rökte. Att sluta röka för att undvika munhälsoskador var mycket viktigt/viktigt för patienterna. Motivationen till rökstopp varierade bland patienterna. Det var svårt för många av de att hålla sig rökfria. Studien visar även att det var fler tandhygienister än tandläkare som frågade patienterna om deras rökvanor och informerade om rökavvänjning.

Före detta tandhygieniststuderandes uppfattning om utbildningen vid Högskolan Kristianstad

Olsson, Hanna, Benjaminsson, Madelene January 2010 (has links)
Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate former dental hygienist students’ view regarding their education at Kristianstad University.Material and methods: This quantitative study was descriptive and the data collection method was used by a questionnaire. This was sent by post to former dental hygienist students at Kristianstad University. In total, 57 dental hygienists participated in the study.Result: The majority of the respondents (94 %, n=54) were content with their education. The education’s primary strength turned out to be the clinical activity that is conducted while at the same time there was a wish for more practice. The content in the dental hygienist education at Kristianstad University is corresponding to the requirements in the profession including oral health science according to the majority of the respondents.Conclusion: The clinical activity that is conducted both at external dental clinics and at the dental clinic at the college has a high significance for the prospective dental hygienist’s career.Keywords: alumnus, dental hygienist, dental hygienist education, knowledge, skills description

Internet of Things based Smart Homes : Security Risk Assessment and Recommendations

Ali, Bako January 2016 (has links)
The Internet of Things (IoT) is an emerging paradigm focusing on the inter-connection of things or devices to each other and to the users. Over time, the most of connections in IoT are shifting from ‘Human to Thing’ to ‘Thing to Thing’. This technology is anticipated to become an essential milestone in the development of smart homes to bring convenience and efficiency into our lives and our homes. But, by bringing this IoT technology into our homes there will be important implications for security in these technologies. Connecting every smart objects inside the home to the internet and to each other results in new security and privacy problems, e.g., confidentiality, authenticity, and integrity of data sensed and exchanged by objects. These technologies are very much vulnerable to different security attacks that make an IoT-based smart home unsecure to live in and therefore it is necessary to evaluate the security risks to judge the situation of the smart homes. For any technology to be successful and achieve widespread use, it needs to gain the trust of users by providing sufficient security and privacy assurance. As in all sectors, maintaining security will be a critical challenge to overcome. As homes are increasingly computerized and filled with devices, potential computer security attacks and their impact on residents need to be investigated. This report uses OCTAVE Allegro Methodology which focuses mainly on information assets and considers containers (technical, physical and people) and conducts a security risk assessment with the goal of highlighting various security flaws in IoT-based smart home, impacts and proposing countermeasures to the identified issues satisfying most of security requirements. Finally, it comes up with some recommendations to the users. The research findings documented into a thesis paper for secure IoT-based smart home systems and the resulted list and recommendations will be some useful contribution which can be used as a foundation for the specification of security requirements. For future work, the assessment will be extended to include more types of smart home applications rather than just typical one. / <p>Validerat; 20160620 (global_studentproject_submitter)</p>

Renderingspass och linjärt arbetsflöde i färgrymd

Sahlin, Jimmy January 2012 (has links)
The film industry utilizes more and more computer generated visual effects and the visual effects industry and the surrounding community is continuously growing. It unlocks possibilities for the creative director that before was hard to achieve. And as technology advances, it does not only push the limit of the quality and complexity of the visual effects, but also allows ordinary people and amateurs with a tight budget to create stunning visuals as well.The report will cover render passes and the importance of a linear workflow. The report will determine common key material assets a compositor needs from rendering in order to have full control in post-production. Practical examples made with Maya and Nuke will be used. / <p>Validerat; 20120802 (anonymous)</p>

Konsten att påverka med design : En fallstudie av kampanjen #VÅRTHAV / The art of influencing with design : A case study of the #OURSEA camapign

Quennerstedt, Frida January 2021 (has links)
At a time when changing habits are advocated for both personal and collective goals, knowledge from several scientific disciplines can be used for communication. In order for people to break old habits and create new ones, they may in some cases need a push in the right direction. With nudging one can in different ways help people take decisions more easily and make choices with the goal that it will benefit the individual or the collective, but in some cases there’s a risk that the one who initiates the nudge uses it for their own benefit. Through a case study of the #OURSEA campaign, initiated by Moomin Characters Ltd., in collaboration with the John Nurminen Foundation, this thesis intends to investigate and identify how nudging is used to convey information and change behaviors. The analysis is based on the behavioral science theory nudging. To go in depth, suggestions are given on how the campaign can develop communication based on the theoretical framework in relation to graphic design. Throughout the text, a critical discussion is held about the material and about how and when the graphic designer has a responsibility regarding the use of the theories. The results show how nudging can also be used in graphic design, despite the fact that the subject and the connection between the two disciplines have not previously been thoroughly explored in regards of each other.

Factors Influencing the Adoption of Internet Apparel Shopping

Hossein Momeni, Mohammad, Pahlavanyali, Nariman January 2015 (has links)
This thesis attempts to analyze the factors that affect the behavioral intentiontowards purchasing apparels through the Internet. A combination of TechnologyAcceptance Model and Theory of Planned Behavior along with constructs of Trustand Perceived Risk was chosen as the basis of framework for this study to explainhow online consumers behave while purchasing garments online and to illustrate thestrength of the relationship between consumers intention and constructs of attitude,Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, Subjective Norms, PerceivedBehavioral Control, Perceived Risk, and Trust. A pilot study along with severalinterviews was conducted to create a basis for the final questionnaire, which led to thedata gathered from 347 people of Iranian society. The measures and hypotheses wereanalyzed using Multiple Regression analysis. Results demonstrated crucial effect ofvariables such as social factors, Perceived Behavioral Control, Attitude, PerceivedRisk, and Trust on people’s behavioral intention towards shopping garments online.Furthermore, the implications of the findings for theory and practice are discussed andrelevant conclusions have been mentioned. / <p>Validerat; 20150827 (marikav)</p>

Brottsofferstöd i Östra Norrbotten : Polisens perspektiv

Töyrä, Linnéa January 2013 (has links)
Every day people are exposed to crimes in Sweden, which can lead to both emotional and practical difficulties. Having the opportunity to get support and help after a traumatic incident can reduce the negative consequences of a crime, such as posttraumatic stress disorder and secondary victimization. In many communities in Sweden there are local support services for the crime victims, but in the district of Östra Norrbotten there are no support activities that specifically address this issue. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate if the police in Östra Norrbotten feel that they can offer the crime victim sufficient support or refer to such support. Eight police officers in the district were interviewed to learn about their experiences. The results show that the majority of respondents felt that there are gaps in the field they can´t provide the crime victims to a support that they deem as sufficient or refer to such support. The fact that crime victims do not receive support can lead to negative impact on the recovery from all events. / <p>Validerat; 20130317 (global_studentproject_submitter)</p>

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