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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La evolución del cluster y su análisis: Estudio bibliométrico del concepto y aplicación de metodologías evolutivas en casos aplicados

Caja Meri, Pedro 25 June 2015 (has links)
[EN] Literature on clusters has evolved over time, together with different approaches where they have been used. However, there was not a quantitative analysis of the current state of that evolution. In this research project, a methodology based on bibliometric analysis has been used; this methodology is called "bibliographic coupling", and is based on the identification and quantification of common references mentioned in the documents under study. This has allowed us to identify and explain the most relevant approaches in which the concepts of cluster and industrial district were used in 2013. One of the most common demands shown in this literature, or in the approaches analyzed, such as Evolutionary Economic Geography, is the need for more cases of evolutionary (or dynamic) analysis of the study of clusters or industrial districts. Since present literature lacks an evolutionary analysis of Spanish cluster through its patents, in this research project the cluster toy-plastic of "Foia de Castalla" is analysed. This analysis is based on knowledge of the cluster environment, the development of those companies which it is made of and the evolution of skills and capabilities for the analysis of its patents; their patterns and processes of innovation will be better known, providing, thus, literature with a new analysis on the evolution of clusters. Therefore, this doctoral thesis contributes to the literature on clusters evolution with two elements; firstly a case of evolutionary analysis based on patents and secondly a quantitative procedure, "bibliographic coupling", applied to this literature; the main approaches or lines of research in this area being, thus, identified. / [ES] La literatura sobre los clusters ha ido evolucionando a lo largo del tiempo y de distintos enfoques que los han ido utilizando, sin embargo no existía un análisis cuantitativo de la situación actual de dicha evolución. En el presente trabajo de investigación se ha utilizado una metodología mediante el análisis bibliométrico denominado "apareo bibliográfico", basada en la identificación y cuantificación de las referencias bibliográficas comunes citadas por los documentos objeto de estudio, que nos ha permitido señalar y explicar los enfoques más relevantes que utilizan los conceptos de cluster y distrito industrial en el año 2013. Una de las demandas más extendida, dentro de esta literatura o por ejemplo de los enfoques detectados como es el caso de la Geografía Económica Evolutiva, es la necesidad de más casos de análisis evolutivos (o dinámicos) para el estudio de los clusters o distritos industriales. Dado que no existen en la literatura actual ningún caso de cluster español analizado evolutivamente a través de sus patentes, en el presente trabajo de investigación se ha analizado desde dicha perspectiva el cluster del juguete-plástico de la Foia de Castalla, dicho análisis está basado en el conocimiento del entorno del cluster, el desarrollo de las empresas que lo forman y la evolución de sus habilidades y capacidades por el análisis de sus patentes, para conocer mejor sus patrones y procesos de innovación. Aportando así un nuevo caso de análisis a la literatura sobre la evolución de los clusters. Por tanto, la presente tesis doctoral aporta a la literatura sobre la evolución de los clusters dos elementos, por un lado un caso de análisis evolutivo basado en las patentes y por otro un procedimiento cuantitativo "el apareo bibliográfico" aplicado a dicha literatura lo que permite detectar los principales enfoques o líneas de investigación en esta área. / [CA] La literatura sobre els clústers ha anat evolucionant al llarg del temps i de diferents enfocaments que els han anat utilitzant, no obstant açò no existia una anàlisi quantitativa de la situació actual d'aquesta evolució. En el present treball de recerca s'ha utilitzat una metodologia basada en l'anàlisi bibliomètric denominat "apariat bibliogràfic", basada en la identificació i quantificació de les referències bibliogràfiques comunes citades pels documents objecte d'estudi, que ens ha permès assenyalar i explicar els enfocaments més rellevants que utilitzen els conceptes de clúster i districte industrial l'any 2013. Una de les demandes més estesa, dins d'aquesta literatura o per exemple dels enfocaments detectats com és el cas de la Geografia Econòmica Evolutiva, és la necessitat de més casos d'anàlisis evolutives (o dinàmiques) per a l'estudi dels clústers o districtes industrials. Atès que no existeixen en la literatura actual cap cas de clúster espanyol analitzat evolutivament a través de les seues patents, en el present treball de recerca s'ha analitzat des de la perspectiva el clúster del joguet-plàstic de la Foia de Castalla. Aquesta anàlisi està basada en el coneixement de l'entorn del clúster, el desenvolupament de les empreses que el formen i l'evolució de les seues habilitats i capacitats per l'anàlisi de les seues patents, per a conèixer millor els seus patrons i processos d'innovació. Així s'aporta un nou cas d'anàlisi a la literatura sobre l'evolució dels clústers. Per tant, la present tesi doctoral aporta a la literatura sobre l'evolució dels clústers dos elements: d'una banda, un cas d'anàlisi evolutiva basada en les patents, i d'altra banda, un procediment quantitatiu, "l'apariat bibliogràfic", aplicat a aquesta literatura la qual cosa permet detectar els principals enfocaments o línies de recerca en aquesta àrea. / Caja Meri, P. (2015). La evolución del cluster y su análisis: Estudio bibliométrico del concepto y aplicación de metodologías evolutivas en casos aplicados [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/52245

Exploring Social Phenomena with Complex Systems Tools

Grauwin, Sébastian 01 July 2011 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis explores the problems raised by the aggregation of entities into a global, collective level, an old problem encountered in many fields of science. We work on three projects related to the aggregation problem in social systems, using tools derived from statistical physics, and more generally quantitative tools. The first project focus on a paradigmatic model of the emergence of puzzling macroscopic behavior from simple individual rules, Schelling's segregation model. We hence propose an analytical resolution of this model and we studied analytically and via simulations the effect of several forms of cooperation between individual agents on the collective behavior. These questions are tackled in a mutually beneficial way for both economics and physics. The second project is based on the exploration of huge databases on scientific literature. We hence produce several 'science maps' representing the fields of complex systems (its internal structure and coherence being analysed through the references used by ~140000 relevant articles) and the research carried out in a scientific institution such as the ENS de Lyon. Finally, the third project deals with the elaboration of models of social phenomena based on natural sciences tools but sociologically grounded. We hence present the elaboration process of a model built with a team of sociologists. We then propose an opinion model specifically designed to explore a single question: the existence of lasting structure from non lasting entities.

Producción científica sobre ansiedad bibliotecaria: un análisis bibliométrico y cienciométrico desde Scopus / Scientific production on library anxiety: a bibliometric and scientometric analysis from Scopus

Suclupe-Navarro, Pier, Limaymanta, Cesar H., Holmes Ramírez, Néstor, Guillén, Héctor 30 April 2021 (has links)
La ansiedad bibliotecaria (AB) es el estado de incertidumbre que experimentan algunos usuarios cuando acuden a la biblioteca, cuyo estudio comenzó en los años 80, pero que carece de un análisis métrico actualizado. El objetivo de este estudio fue hacer un análisis bibliométrico y cienciométrico de los artículos sobre AB indizados en la base de datos Scopus entre 1989 y 2018. Se analizaron 118 publicaciones según indicadores de producción, colaboración, impacto y mapas bibliométricos. Se encontró que las publicaciones sobre AB han aumentado progresivamente, que la colaboración de autores fue baja, que una revista influyente en el área fue Library Review, y que los autores con más impacto fueron Onwuegbuzie y Jiao. Asimismo, destacaron palabras clave sobre la formación del usuario y cuatro frentes de investigación: instrumentos de medición, resultados, marcos teóricos y tipos de unidades de análisis. Dichos resultados sugieren que la AB es un tema fructífero de investigación. / Library anxiety (LA) is the state of uncertainty experienced by some users when they come to the library, the study of which began in the 1980s but lacks updated metric analysis. The objective of this study was to make a bibliometric and scientometric analysis of the articles on LA indexed in the Scopus database between 1989 and 2018. 118 publications were analyzed according to indicators of production, collaboration, impact and bibliometric maps. It was found that publications on LA have progressively increased, that the collaboration of authors was low, that an influential journal in the area was Library Review, and that the authors with the greater impact were Onwuegbuzie and Jiao. Also, keywords on user training and four research fronts were highlighted: measurement instruments, results, theoretical frameworks and types of analysis units. These results suggest that LA is a fruitful research topic. / Revisón por pares

Research on recommender systems : A bibliometric study

Ballesteros Carretero, Maria Nelida January 2021 (has links)
A recommender system is a subclass of information filtering system that seeks to predict the "rating" or "preference" a user would give to an item. These systems are present in a wide variety of applications and websites today. We can be aware of these recommendations when we are buying and articles similar to those we are looking for are suggested to us. However, they act in many other activities, such as in applications about restaurants and vacation trips. They also filter information from multimedia collections, such as Netflix or Amazon Prime. And furthermore, they are also present in browsers and they filter papers and books from repositories. They are subject to continuous research and improvement and the study of how these systems are being examined and evolve today is important because they literally filter the available information for us. This bibliometric study analyses the present-day research front on recommender systems. The chosen data source is the Web of Science bibliographic database and the study is performed following quantitative methods, using bibliometric techniques together with a qualitative assessment and interpretation of the most relevant research articles.

資訊科學之知識地圖與研究前鋒研究 / A research of knowledge map and research front on information science

沈純慧 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究分別利用書目對分析與共被引分析的方法,以資訊科學重要期刊之高引用期刊、作者與高被引期刊、作者作為研究對象,建構1991年至2010年之資訊科學知識地圖與研究前鋒。知識地圖的建構,採用文獻內容探勘工具(Content Analysis Toolkit for Academic Research,簡稱CATAR)作為分析工具,利用Web of Science下載書目資料,進行期刊與作者之書目對分析,以了解資訊科學高引用期刊與作者的叢集情況,進而探討資訊科學的知識結構。研究前鋒的建構則是透過Web of Science檢索共被引分析之數據,了解高被引期刊與作者之叢集情形,進而探討資訊科學之核心議題。 研究結果歸納如下: 一、資訊科學領域主要分成圖書資訊學與電腦科學兩大範疇。 二、資訊科學領域有跨學科之性質,許多期刊與作者研究的範圍不限於資訊科學領域,還包括了電腦科學、心理學、管理學、語言學、歷史學等。 三、資訊科學領域的共被引次數普遍偏低。 四、資訊科學領域核心議題的主要範圍為圖書資訊學、電腦科學、資訊科技與管理領域,子主題包含線上資訊、資訊檢索、資訊尋求行為、人機互動、自動化分類索引、書目計量學、科學計量學、網路計量學、引用文獻分析、研究前鋒研究、資訊視覺化、數位圖書館、資訊素養、圖書館服務、學術圖書館、科學計量學、電腦工程、電腦通訊、網際網路、資訊科技、資訊系統、管理。 五、1991年到2010年間,圖書館與資訊服務的自動化和資料庫設計與管理這兩個主題,在資訊科學領域中漸漸式微。 本研究結果可看出資訊科學的知識結構與研究前鋒,可應用於館藏規劃與評估,檢視圖書館的資訊科學領域館藏是否完整,並提供資訊科學領域的學者觀察學術研究趨勢之用。 / Through bibliographic coupling and co-citation analysis, this study builds on the knowledge map and research front of information science fields from 1991 to 2010. First, this research use CATAR which based on journal bibliographic coupling analysis and author bibliographic coupling to analyze the high citing journal and author in information science, and plot knowledge map on the subject of Information Science. Second, this research use journal co-citation analysis and author co-citation analysis where journal and author citing co-citation clusters to build the research front of Information Science. To result of the study reveal that: 1. Library and Information Science, Computer Science are the main disciplines in Information Science area. 2. The field of Information Science has the nature of interdisciplinary. The research area of any journals and authors are not limited to Information Science, and even likely to go beyond the subject of other disciplines, such as: Computer Science, Psychology, Management, Linguistics, History, etc. 3. Co-citation frequencies of Information Science high cited journals and authors are low. 4. The core area of Information Science field is Library and Information Science, Computer Science, Information Technology and Management. 5. During 1991 to 2010, library and information service automation, and design and management of database have been declining.

數位學習領域文獻計量與主題分析 / Bibliometric and subject analysis for the E-learning research field

李清福, Lee, Ching Fu Unknown Date (has links)
近年來各國因應數位化的發展,加上資訊技術應用於教與學已經是全球的趨勢,各國紛紛將數位學習的推動列為國家重要政策,對數位學習領域主題研究之發展極為重視。為了幫助研究人員更精確掌握數位學習領域的研究脈動,有必要針對數位學習領域發表之期刊文獻進行全面性的計量以及主題內容分析。 本研究採廣義數位學習定義之檢索策略,蒐集2000年至2009年間合計2,125篇數位學習領域SSCI期刊文獻,針對這些文獻以自動化內容探勘工具CATAR進行全面性計量分析,再分別以共現字及書目對進行研究主題分析,以藉此歸納數位學習領域的研究主題架構。此外,本研究亦將經由共現字與書目對歸類所獲得之主題架構,與Computers & Education (C&E)專家分類之主題架構進行相互的參照與比對,以歸納出更為完備的數位學習領域研究主題架構。 本研究歸納獲得之數位學習領域研究主題架構,可幫助研究人員檢視自己的領域專長、掌握數位學習各研究主題面向發展狀況以及作為學者專家選定研究主題之參考;此外,透過文獻計量分析所得之國際間數位學習領域最具生產力作者、最具競爭力機構、最具影響力國家、高被引用期刊文獻、較具代表性研究主題發展趨勢以及數位學習跨領域整體學術研究發展概況等,有助於研究人員瞭解目前整個國際間數位學習領域的研究發展現況。 / With the digital development and the global trend of information technology applying teaching and learning in recent years, every country around the world regards the promotion of e-learning as a very important policy of the country. They lay special emphasis on the development of the subjects of study in e-learning. In order to help the researchers to predominate more precisely about the study of e-learning field, it is necessary for us to carry out the comprehensive calculation and subject context analysis toward the published periodical literature in connection with the e-learning field. The present study adopts the search strategy of generalized definition of e-learning and collects 2,125 SSCI periodical literature in total on e-learning field from the years of 2000 till 2009. They are analyzed with automatic context exploration tool CATAR to proceed to the general bibliometric analysis. Then they are analyzed with co-occurrence words and bibliography coupling to proceed to the study subject analysis. Thus it can generalize the frames of study subjects of e-learning field. In addition, the present study will carry on the interactive reference and contrast through the subject frames by the co-occurrence words and bibliography coupling with the subject frames classified by Computers & Education (C & E) experts to figure out more complete frames of study subject in e-learning field. The present study can help researchers examine their own field specialty, master the dimensions of the development of study subjects and make reference to the scholars and experts to determine their study subjects. Furthermore, it can help the researchers understand the development status of international e-learning field at present with the most productive author, the most competitive organization, the most influential country, the most adoptive periodical document, the more representative trend of development of study subject and the study development status of e-learning interdisciplinary field overall academic research through literature bibliometric analysis.

Bibliometrisk kartläggning av det idrottspsykologiska fältet / Mapping the field of sport and exercise psychology : A bibliometric study

Lindahl, Jonas January 2011 (has links)
Objectives: The aim in this thesis has been to generate information relevant for strategic positioning and future evaluations within the scientific field of sport and exercise psychology. This has been done by request, and in collaboration with The Group of Sport and Exercise Psychology at the Institution of Psychology at the University of Umeå. Research questions:  (1) How does the cognitive structure within the field of sport and exercise psychology take shape with respect to research topics in current sport-psychological research, i.e. the research front? (2) How does the social structure within the field of sport and exercise psychology take shape with respect to formal scientific collaboration? Data: 879 articles published between 2008-2011 were used in this study. The population of articles were collected from a set of 5 core journals: International Journal of Sport Psychology, Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, The Sport Psychologist, Psychology of Sport and Exercise. The original set was expanded by collecting relevant sport psychology articles from Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports and Journal of Sports Sciences. Methods: (1) The bibliometric indicator normalized bibliographic coupling combined with hierarchical agglomerative cluster analysis was used for mapping the research front. With this approach articles are basically clustered with respect to shared refererences, which in this context is understood as a measure of topical similarity. (2)  For the mapping of social structures a collaboration analysis was performed by extracting and visualizing social networks based on the bibliometric indicator coauthorship.     Results: (1) Identification and classification of 80 clusters based on topical similarity in collaboration with a subject expert. (2) Providing a map of formal scientific collaborations between countries based on coauthorship. (3) Providing a map of social networks based on coauthorships between individual researchers. (4) Identification and contextualization of central researchers based on production within the visualized coauthor network. The publications of each researcher were traced to corresponding clusters in the research front to gain information about in which subject areas and topics these central researchers publish. (5) Identification of research groups with high coauthor values, i.e. high intensity in their formal collaboration. Furthermore the publications from these groups were connected to corresponding clusters, i.e. giving information about in which subject areas and topics these groups publish.

Exploring Social Phenomena with Complex Systems Tools / Une exploration des phénomènes sociaux à l'aide d'outils des systèmes complexes

Grauwin, Sébastian 01 July 2011 (has links)
L'objectif principal de la thèse consiste à explorer des problématiques propres aux sciences sociales et à les étudier à l'aide d'outils issus du champ de la physique statistiques et des systèmes complexes. Le travail de la thèse s'est ainsi décliné sur trois grands sujets dont la problématique principale est la question de l'agrégation d'entités individuelles en une structure collective. Le premier sujet est centré sur un exemple paradigmatique de l'émergence d'un comportement collectif macroscopique inattendu à partir de règles individuelles simples: le modèle de ségrégation de Schelling. Nous avons notamment proposé une résolution analytique inédite de ce modèle et nous avons étudié analytiquement et via des simulations l'impact de différentes formes de coopération entre agents individuels sur le comportement collectif global. Cette thématique a été développée à la fois d'un point de vue économique et d'un point de vue physique. Le second sujet porte sur l'exploration de bases de données bibliométriques. Nous avons ainsi produit des 'cartes des sciences' représentant le champ des systèmes complexes (sa structure interne étant décrypté via une analyse des références utilisées par ~140000 articles) ou encore l'état de la recherche au sein d'un établissement tel que l'ENS de Lyon. Enfin, le troisième thème porte sur l'élaboration de modèles basés sur des outils des sciences 'dures' mais sociologiquement fondés. Nous présentons ainsi le processus d'élaboration d'un modèle construit avec une équipe de sociologues. Enfin, nous développons un modèle d'opinion répondant spécifiquement à une question: l'existence de structures qui durent à partir d'entités qui ne durent pas. / This thesis explores the problems raised by the aggregation of entities into a global, collective level, an old problem encountered in many fields of science. We work on three projects related to the aggregation problem in social systems, using tools derived from statistical physics, and more generally quantitative tools. The first project focus on a paradigmatic model of the emergence of puzzling macroscopic behavior from simple individual rules, Schelling's segregation model. We hence propose an analytical resolution of this model and we studied analytically and via simulations the effect of several forms of cooperation between individual agents on the collective behavior. These questions are tackled in a mutually beneficial way for both economics and physics. The second project is based on the exploration of huge databases on scientific literature. We hence produce several 'science maps' representing the fields of complex systems (its internal structure and coherence being analysed through the references used by ~140000 relevant articles) and the research carried out in a scientific institution such as the ENS de Lyon. Finally, the third project deals with the elaboration of models of social phenomena based on natural sciences tools but sociologically grounded. We hence present the elaboration process of a model built with a team of sociologists. We then propose an opinion model specifically designed to explore a single question: the existence of lasting structure from non lasting entities.

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