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Nationalism in 21st Century Chinese Blockbusters荻羅拉, Tylova, Klara Unknown Date (has links)
This study is thematic analysis that sought to identify nationalistic themes in mainland China's box-office hits in the 21st century. Box-office hits as the study material were picked because of their potential to spread the message they carry. Altogether, 14 movies were analyzed through a deconstruction, identifying scenes and dialogues that contained nationalistic appeals of both political and cultural nationalism as defined by Greenfeld (1992). During the coding process, 22 nationalistic themes were labeled, defined and described. Additionally, the study examined nationalistic structures of the movies taking Gries' (2004) nationalistic narratives and Smith's (1995) ethnic myths as a basis. Movies' background, and historical context adressing China's movie industry and Chinese nationalism are included for clarification purposes.
The movies were found to exhibit manifestations of both cultural and political nationalism. It was found that movies financed and backed by government tend to show political nationalism while commercial movies exhibit cultural nationalism. For the movies' thematic structures, the shift from positive ones showing China's achievements towards negative ones expressing China's suffering was discovered. / This study is thematic analysis that sought to identify nationalistic themes in mainland China's box-office hits in the 21st century. Box-office hits as the study material were picked because of their potential to spread the message they carry. Altogether, 14 movies were analyzed through a deconstruction, identifying scenes and dialogues that contained nationalistic appeals of both political and cultural nationalism as defined by Greenfeld (1992). During the coding process, 22 nationalistic themes were labeled, defined and described. Additionally, the study examined nationalistic structures of the movies taking Gries' (2004) nationalistic narratives and Smith's (1995) ethnic myths as a basis. Movies' background, and historical context adressing China's movie industry and Chinese nationalism are included for clarification purposes.
The movies were found to exhibit manifestations of both cultural and political nationalism. It was found that movies financed and backed by government tend to show political nationalism while commercial movies exhibit cultural nationalism. For the movies' thematic structures, the shift from positive ones showing China's achievements towards negative ones expressing China's suffering was discovered.
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測量華語的真實溫度:以幻想主題分析方法閱讀臺灣華語熱潮 / Measuring the real temperature of Chinese : a fantasy theme criticism of Chinese trend in Taiwan蔣宗諴 Unknown Date (has links)
自2003年行政院正式核定成立國家對外華語文政策委員會以來,臺灣華語教學迅速發展,不但大學/民間華語中心倍增、華語教學系所林立,相關政策亦持續積極建設,於是可見相關論述逐漸形構出「華語熱潮」的想像。然此「熱」的本質究竟為何? 是Menia,一種病態的狂熱?還是Heat,一種讓人灼傷的溫度?或是Hot,一股令人垂涎的風潮?還是Fever,一波使人昏眩的幻想?
本文試以Bormann Ernest G. 所提出的幻想主題分析方法(fantasy theme criticism)解讀臺灣華語熱潮,針對「華語教學」進行後設的反思與宏觀的檢視,探討在華語教學活動參與者的想像之下:華語教學是什麼?為什麼?臺灣華語熱潮又是如何成形並延燒?這股熱潮且又隱含怎麼樣的魅力,能聚集華語教學活動者參與支持?本文將藉由語藝文本的拆解與重組,呈現團體成員認知中的真實世界,並透過語藝視角理解臺灣華語熱潮現象的運作過程及內在本質,以期為臺灣華語教學明確定位,未來能以更完善的方式規劃臺灣華語教學的走向。同時,也希望透過臺灣華語熱潮論述之語藝梳理,提供國內華語教學發展另一種自我反省與觀看的方式。
以幻想主題分析方法閱讀臺灣華語熱潮,可見全球化、國際化、在地化等機制,皆在「語言」和「教學」的包裝之下巧妙地運作著。語藝文本共同反應出充滿期待、深切期許且積極的世界觀,其中並多強調群我之間的區辨,試圖劃清專業界線並隱約透露出些許的優越感;論述間亦充斥著大我中華的想像,視正統與傳統為唯一價值;敘述中並呈現出模糊空泛的主體,他者需求無限放大,語言及其文化的主體性則受到擠壓。種種臺灣華語熱潮論述所呈現的語藝特色,反映出臺灣華語教學現況以及未來可能走向,值得臺灣華語教學發展反省深思。 / This thesis aims to interpret Chinese trend in Taiwan with fantasy theme criticism theorized by Bormann Ernest G. Moreover, issues such as “What’s TCSL?” “Why do we have to deal with TCSL?” “How is the Chinese trend in Taiwan formed?” and “What kind of attraction does the trend have?” are further discussed. Therefore, this thesis analyzes discourses in TCSL groups to unveil the members’ imagination, thus searching for the proper orientation of TCSL in Taiwan. Meanwhile, this thesis also applies different ways for TCSL groups to examine and reflect on the issue.
To begin with, we can see “Chinese Century” and “Globalization” in the setting theme highlighting the importance of Chinese. Next, main roles in character theme-TCSL Teachers in Taiwan, TCSL in China, and Markets of the World, interact in business and diplomacy through Chinese teaching and learning. Moreover, various rewarding opportunities and national sentiment in TCSL rationalize all above group fantasies. Apart from that, each fantasy theme is arranged by two fantasy types: “Treasuring Chinese/Taiwan Culture” and “Emphasizing Public/Personal Benefits.” Finally, the rhetorical vision-“Taiwan, Never Absent” is analyzed in detail.
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數位學習領域文獻計量與主題分析 / Bibliometric and subject analysis for the E-learning research field李清福, Lee, Ching Fu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採廣義數位學習定義之檢索策略,蒐集2000年至2009年間合計2,125篇數位學習領域SSCI期刊文獻,針對這些文獻以自動化內容探勘工具CATAR進行全面性計量分析,再分別以共現字及書目對進行研究主題分析,以藉此歸納數位學習領域的研究主題架構。此外,本研究亦將經由共現字與書目對歸類所獲得之主題架構,與Computers & Education (C&E)專家分類之主題架構進行相互的參照與比對,以歸納出更為完備的數位學習領域研究主題架構。
本研究歸納獲得之數位學習領域研究主題架構,可幫助研究人員檢視自己的領域專長、掌握數位學習各研究主題面向發展狀況以及作為學者專家選定研究主題之參考;此外,透過文獻計量分析所得之國際間數位學習領域最具生產力作者、最具競爭力機構、最具影響力國家、高被引用期刊文獻、較具代表性研究主題發展趨勢以及數位學習跨領域整體學術研究發展概況等,有助於研究人員瞭解目前整個國際間數位學習領域的研究發展現況。 / With the digital development and the global trend of information technology applying teaching and learning in recent years, every country around the world regards the promotion of e-learning as a very important policy of the country. They lay special emphasis on the development of the subjects of study in e-learning. In order to help the researchers to predominate more precisely about the study of e-learning field, it is necessary for us to carry out the comprehensive calculation and subject context analysis toward the published periodical literature in connection with the e-learning field.
The present study adopts the search strategy of generalized definition of e-learning and collects 2,125 SSCI periodical literature in total on e-learning field from the years of 2000 till 2009. They are analyzed with automatic context exploration tool CATAR to proceed to the general bibliometric analysis. Then they are analyzed with co-occurrence words and bibliography coupling to proceed to the study subject analysis. Thus it can generalize the frames of study subjects of e-learning field. In addition, the present study will carry on the interactive reference and contrast through the subject frames by the co-occurrence words and bibliography coupling with the subject frames classified by Computers & Education (C & E) experts to figure out more complete frames of study subject in e-learning field.
The present study can help researchers examine their own field specialty, master the dimensions of the development of study subjects and make reference to the scholars and experts to determine their study subjects. Furthermore, it can help the researchers understand the development status of international e-learning field at present with the most productive author, the most competitive organization, the most influential country, the most adoptive periodical document, the more representative trend of development of study subject and the study development status of e-learning interdisciplinary field overall academic research through literature bibliometric analysis.
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新聞論述建構之馬英九語藝視野鄭又銘 Unknown Date (has links)
本文採取語藝觀點,運用Ernest G. Bormann所提出的幻想主題分析與符號輻合理論,分析聯合報與自由時報於2000年到2004年間「危機事件中的馬英九」相關報導。試圖探究新聞媒體所建構的語藝視野,其次,探討讀者投書是否會對新聞有所覆頌,以重建媒體與閱聽人所構成的語藝社群,最後,比較兩報語藝視野的差異,追溯其背後的政治社會脈絡,期對「馬英九現象」的研究有所開拓。
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中文文本探勘工具:主題分析、詞組關聯強度、相關句擷取 / Tools for Chinese Text Mining: Topic Analysis, Association Strengths of Collocations, Extraction of Relevant Statements林書佑, Lin, Shu Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究建構一個針對各種中文語料分析的工具,藉由latent semantic analysis、pointwise mutual information、Person’s chi-squared test、typed dependencies distance、word2vec、Gibbs sampling for latent Dirichlet allocation等計算語料中關鍵詞彙關聯強度的方法,並結合分群方法找出可能的主題,最後擷取符合分群結果的相關句子予以輔助人文學者分析詮釋。透過提供各種觀察語料的面向,進而提升語料相關研究學者的效率。
我們利用《人民日報》、《新青年》、《聯合報》、《中國時報》作為實驗與測試的中文語料。且將《新青年》藉由此套工具分析後的結果提供給專業人文學者,做為分析詮釋的參考資訊與佐證依據,並在「2015年數位典藏與數位人文國際研討會」中發表論文。目前我們透過各種中文語料評估工具的效能,且在未來將公開此套工具提供給更多學者使用,節省對於語料分析的時間。 / In recent years, a wide variety of text documents have been transformed into digital format. Hence, using data mining techniques to analyze data is becoming more and more popular in many research fields. The digital humanities gradually have taken seriously since "International Conference of Digital Archives and Digital Humanities" began in 2009. The main purpose of the digital heritage combined with information analysis and visualization could improve the effectiveness of cultural information through different levels of interpretation.
In this study, we construct a set of tools for Chinese text mining, calculating associated strengths of collocations work through latent semantic analysis, pointwise mutual information, Person’s chi-squared test, typed dependencies distance, word2vec, and Gibbs sampling for latent Dirichlet allocation etc. The tools employ clustering method to identify the possible topics, meanwhile, the tools will extract the relevant statements according to the clustering results. These clustering and relevant statements contribute and improve the efficiency of humanities scholars’ analysis through providing a variety of observations about the corpora.
At the experimental stage of this study, we considered the "People's Daily", "New Youth", "United Daily News", and "China Times" as as the corpora for testing. Among the research, humanities scholars analyzed the "New Youth" by the tools and published a paper in the "2015 International Conference of Digital Archives and Digital Humanities". Currently, we assess the effectiveness of the tools through a variety of Chinese corpora. In the future, we will make the tools freely available on the Internet for Chinese text mining. We hope these time-saving tools can assist in humanities scholars’ study of Chinese corpora.
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1999-2009年我國圖書資訊學碩士論文調查研究 / Survey research on 1999-2009 master’s thesis of library and information science in Taiwan徐欣儀, Hsu, Hsin-I Unknown Date (has links)
有關圖書館類型之研究約308篇,佔全部論文的42%;其中以大專院校圖書館133篇(44%)最多、其次是公共圖書館89篇(29%)、專門圖書館29篇(10%)、中小學圖書館32篇(9%),最少的是國家圖書館4篇(1%) ;此外博物館有12篇(4%),檔案館為8篇(3%)
十年來臺灣地區圖書資訊學碩士論文,由全國博碩士論文資訊網可查檢到關鍵詞者共有719篇,統計後關鍵詞共有2,999個,其中最少的關鍵詞是一個,最多的是20個,平均每篇約有4.2個。超過36次者的高頻詞彙,分別為公共圖書館(58個)、大學圖書館(54個)、資訊需求(42個)和資訊尋求行為(41個)。將關鍵詞以熱門研究議題相近詞組做群組進行整理後,則發現以資訊行為相關的研究最多,共有134篇 ,其次是書目計量(57篇) 、檔案(45篇)、閱讀(21篇)、資訊素養(19篇)、數位典藏(17篇)、Web2.0(17篇) 、數位學習(10篇)和知識管理(9篇)。可見圖書資訊學論文之主題研究和圖書館事業近年來的發展遙相呼應。
根據研究發現提出以下建議:一整合圖書資訊學學術文獻主題分析體系、二鼓勵各校堅實各自專長後合作研究、三加強碩士論文研究品質、四強化碩士論文典藏資料庫之建置、五鼓勵學術研究成果之開放取用。 / This study focuses on MLIS (Masters' in Library & Information Science) theses in Taiwan from the years 1999 to 2009. It use content analysis to explore the situation for MLIS theses in research topics, research methods, types of libraries, keywords and their use.
725 MLIS theses were published by 6 LIS (Library & Information Science) related institutes. The National Taiwan University published the most papers (156 theses), followed by Tamkang University (150 theses), Fu-Jen Catholic University (136 theses), National Cheng-Chi University (135 theses), National Taiwan Normal University (91 theses) and National Chung-Hsing University (58 theses).
Theses over the last decade mostly used the following research methods: interview surveys (230 theses), questionnaire (196 theses), on bibliometrics (63 theses). Most MLIS research methods used by Taiwan's LIS departments after the year 2000 focused on questionnaires and interview surveys. Compared with earlier studies, bibliometrics has increased significantly.
As for the research topics: service to the readers is highest with 235 Thesis (33%), followed by library & information theory and basics with 124 theses (17%),library information technica at 91 theses (13%), technical services at 88 theses (12%), administion management with 79 theses (11%), books and literature with 77 theses (11%), libraries & the profession with 25 theses (3%) and others 6 theses (1%).
Research relating to libraries type totaled over 308, accounting for over 42% of research Thesis. Academic library possessed the most papers with 133 theses (44%), followed by public libraries with 89 theses (29%). Specialized libraries with 29 Thesis (10%), and primary & secondary school libraries with 32 (9%). The National Library had at least 4 (1%). Museums with 12 articles (4%) and archives with 8 articles (3%).
There are 2,999 Keywords among 719 Taiwanese LIS Master's theses. Thesis with the least keywords contained a minimum of 1 keyword. On the other hand, Thesis with the largest number of keywords contained over 20. Their average stands at about 4.2 keywords each. Each high-frequency word appeared more than 36 times. These are: public libraries (58), university libraries (54), information needs (42) and information finding (41).
Once keywords and popular research topics are grouped together and integrated, it was found that the majority of research focused on information behavior (totaling 134 theses). This is followed by bibliometrics (57theses), archives(45 theses), reading(21 theses) , information literacy(19 theses), digital archives(17 theses) , web 2.0(17 theses) ,e-learning(10 theses)and knowledge management(9 theses). The popularity of these research topics echo the constant development of libraries in recent years.
Based on these findings, the following recommendations:
1. Integration of the Framework of Subject Classification in LIS
2. Encourage library schools to participate in collaborative research using their individual strengths.
3. Enhance the quality of theses research.
4. Strengthen the collection of the masters' thesis database.
5. Encourage the open-access of academic research.
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數位典藏與數位學習國家型科技計畫學術研究成果與跨領域合作探討 / A study on interdisciplinary collaboration of Taiwan digital archives and e-learning program吳萱, Wu, Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究結果歸納如下:1.我國數位典藏與數位學習計畫學術研究多元,以研討會論文類型發表居多;2.我國數位典藏與數位學習計畫文獻內容以系統建置與技術服務主題居多,觀察近三年文獻主題則以「數位學習與教育」方面文獻數則較多,可推論因97年起與「數位學習國家型科技計畫」計畫合併,因而在數位學習方面之文獻數量比例增加。3.近三年機構生產力排名為國立臺灣師範大學、中央研究院、國立中央大學、國立臺灣大學、國立臺南大學;4.近三年作者領域以人文及社會科學與工程技術為背景居多;5.近三年作者跨領域合作以工程技術與科學教育合著情形居多。 / The Taiwan Digital Archives Program had been developed 14 years since 1998. Presently, more than 100 libraries, archives and museums and other institutions had involved, and the digital content range covering art, humanities history and life science.
This study aimed to explore the Taiwan Digital Archives Program from 2002 to 2007 and its successor of Taiwan Digital Archives and e-Learning Program from 2008 to 2010 as research scope. The research is to find out characteristics of the literature production and to look into the interdisciplinary collaboration between co-authors.
The major findings are as follows: a. Taiwan Digital Archives and e-Learning Program has diverse research and development, and types of published papers were mainly conference papers. b. The subject of published papers of Taiwan Digital Archives and e-Learning Program were mainly system building and technical services. However, to observe in recent years the literature subjects are mainly e-learning and education. c. The past three years of productivity rankings in sequence is National Taiwan Normal University, Academia Sinica, National Central University, National Taiwan University and National University of Tainan. d. The past three years of author background is mainly humanities and social sciences and engineering and technical. e. To observe the interdisciplinary collaboration of co-authors is between engineering technology and science education.
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夜裡的魔境魔鏡:青少年夜晚家外活動的自我形塑歷程探究 / Examine the course of self-development for adolescents involving in evening activities in the community李筱涵, Lee, Hsiao Han Unknown Date (has links)
最後根據本研究之結果,研究者於文末針對家庭、學校、青少年相關政策、青少年外展工作提出了相關建議與省思。 / Using hermeneutic phenomenology, this study examined evening activities of three adolescents in the community. I conducted in-depth interviews, asking the participants to describe their evening activities, the meaning of these activities, and the role of self in these activities. I analyzed the transcripts using thematic analysis and presented their course of self-development involving in these varying evening activities in the community.
The evening stories of these three participants showed that three were no stereotypical images of youth. Every youths had their own personal traits and preferences. And, their individual life situations and people interaction shaped who they have become and how they see themselves. Therefore, the meaning of self exists in every human action with other individuals and in the environment. So, the types of evening activities youths participated in showed the characteristics of the environment they lived in and showed their individual unique characteristics. Even though there were some activities seemingly identical, there were hidden meanings behind them. These study showed that ever youth has their own unique story. Like me and the participants, we together had four evening stories to tell. So if there were one thousand and one youths, there would be one thousand and one stories to tell.
At the end, suggestions and implications were discussed about family, school, and youth-related policies and youth outreach work.
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<<聯合報>>野百合與太陽花學運的語藝視野分析 / The Rhetorical Vision of Wild Lily Student Movement and Sunflower Student Movement in the United Daily News.曾淑芬 Unknown Date (has links)
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