Spelling suggestions: "subject:"flame."" "subject:"blame.""
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Självskadebeteende och Expressed Emotion. En uppföljning av IKB-Intensiv Kontextuell Behandling. / Self-harm behaviour and Expressed Emotion. A follow-up of ICT-Intensive Contextual Treatment.Selberg, Malin January 2016 (has links)
Att avsiktligt skära, bränna eller på annat sätt skada sig själv illa är förenat med ett stort lidande och väcker ofta starka reaktioner hos de anhöriga. Problematiken är omfattande och självskadebeteende förefaller vara en stark prediktor för självmordsförsök och fullbordade självmord. Globalt är självmord den näst vanligaste dödsorsaken bland ungdomar. Efterfrågan på effektiva behandlingsmodeller för denna målgrupp är stor. I Sverige, närmare bestämt i Uppsala har behandlingsmodellen IKB – Intensiv Kontextuell Behandling utvecklats för ungdomar med självskadebeteende och/eller suicidala beteenden och deras familjer. Modellen är en integrerad individ- och familjeterapeutisk behandlingsmodell. Föreliggande studie syftade till att undersöka behandlingsmodellen IKB:s effektivitet i förhållande till minskat självskadebeteende hos ungdomarna och minskade nivåer av Expressed emotion hos föräldrarna. Sammanlagt har 34 familjer deltagit i studien och de har samtliga genomgått behandling inom ramen för IKB-modellen. Resultatet visade på en effektivitet i behandlingsmodellen IKB avseende att minska självskadebeteende hos ungdomarna samt att minska nivåerna av Expressed emotion hos föräldrarna. Utfallet av studien diskuteras utifrån tidigare forskning och metodologiska frågor. / To intentionally cut, burn or hurt oneself severely is associated with great suffering and often arouse strong reactions within the family context. The problem is extensive and self-harm appears to be a strong predictor of suicide attempts and completed suicides. Globally, suicide is the second leading cause of death among young people. Effective treatment models for this group is urgent. In Sweden, (Uppsala) the model IKB - Intensive Contextual Treatment was developed for adolescents with self-harm and / or suicidal behavior, and their families in order to provide support. IKB is an integrated individual and family therapeutic model. The aim of the study were to evaluate the effectiveness of IKB in relation to frequency of self-harm and levels of Expressed emotion. A total of 34 families participated in the study and they all received treatment in the context of the IKB-model. The families completed the self-assessment forms for data collection before treatment, after treatment and follow-up. Results showed efficiency to reduce self-harm among adolescents and to decrease levels of Expressed emotion. The outcome of the study are discussed based on previous research and methodological issues. / <p>27</p>
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Moraliska bedömningar av autonoma systems beslut / Moral judgments of autonomous intelligent systemsLindelöf, Gabriel Trim Olof January 2020 (has links)
Samhällsutvecklingen går i en riktning där människor arbetar i allt närmare samarbete med artificiella agenter. För att detta samarbete ska vara på användarens villkor är det viktigt att förstå hur människor uppfattar och förhåller sig till dessa system. Hur dessa agenter bedöms moraliskt är en komponent i denna förståelse. Malle m.fl. (2015) utförde en av de första studierna kring hur normer och skuld appliceras på människa respektive robot. I samma artikel efterfrågades mer forskning kring vilka faktorer hos agenter som påverkar de moraliska bedömningarna. Föreliggande studie tog avstamp i denna frågeställning och avsåg att undersöka hur moralisk godtagbarhet och skuldbeläggning skiljde sig beroende på om agenten var en person, en humanoid robot eller ett autonomt intelligent system utan kropp (AIS). Ett mellangrupps-experiment (N = 119) användes för att undersöka hur agenterna bedömdes för sina beslut i tre olika moraliska dilemman. Deltagares rättfärdigaden bakom bedömningar samt medveten hållning utforskades som förklaringsmodell av skillnader. Medveten hållning avser Dennetts (1971) teori kring huruvida en agent förstås utifrån mentala egenskaper. Resultaten visade att person och robot erhöll liknande godtagbarhet för sina beslut medan AIS fick signifikant lägre snitt. Graden skuld som tillskrevs skiljde sig inte signifikant mellan agenterna. Analysen av deltagares rättfärdiganden gav indikationer på att skuldbedömningarna av de artificiella agenterna inte grundade sig i sådan information som antagits ligga till grund för denna typ av bedömningar. Flera rättfärdiganden påpekade också att det var någon annan än de artificiella agenterna som bar skulden för besluten. Vidare analyser indikerade på att deltagare höll medveten hållning mot person i störst utsträckning följt av robot och sedan AIS. Studien väcker frågor kring huruvida skuld som fenomen går att applicera på artificiella agenter och i vilken utsträckning distribuerad skuld är en faktor när artificiella agenter bedöms.
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Who Is to Blame? : An Ecolinguistic Analysis of the Portrayal of Human and Non-Human Animals in the Initial Phase of the Corona Crisis / Vem ska beskyllas? : en ekolingvistisk analys av skildringen av mänskliga och icke-mänskliga djur i den inledande fasen av corona krisenWikström, Rebecca January 2021 (has links)
The corona virus has spread steadily and led to consequences on a larger scale than anyone could have imagined, and it is not at all surprising that we want to find someone to hold responsible. Who is to blame for this terrible situation that we have to live through? By taking an ecolinguistic approach, primarily inspired by Arran Stibbe (2021), this study explores how human and non-human animals are being blamed for the corona crisis in a corpus based on 15 news articles. To demonstrate blame through linguistic portrayal, the data are processed through four different lenses: facticity, appraisal, erasure and salience. The study finds that both human and non-human animals in general are portrayed as being to blame for the corona crisis. However, bats are most frequently portrayed as the responsible entity and human blame is often downplayed by linguistic erasure. Ecolinguistics can convey how language establishes asymmetries between groups and uncover how those asymmetries have an effect upon a broader social context. With this in mind, the way the texts blame entities for the corona crisis has real-life consequences. Firstly, non-human animals risk being killed to reduce the spread of the virus based on shallow arguments and groundless evaluations. Secondly, human blame risks not being evaluated properly and therefore there is a risk that harmful human behaviour can continue.
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Post-hoc prescience: retrospective reasoning and judgment among witnesses of interpersonal aggression / Post-hoc préscience: raisonnement et jugement rétrospectifs chez les témoins d'agressions interpersonnellesMarchal, Cynthie 07 December 2011 (has links)
When judging interpersonal aggression, witnesses are usually expected to rationally consider, based on the evidence they have, what another reasonable person could (or should) have thought, known and done. However their analysis may be affected by judgment biases and personal motivations. These evaluative and retrospective biases, as well as the ascription of blame, are the main interests of this research. More specifically, we investigated the consequences of witnesses being prone to the hindsight bias, which is a common bias that gives individuals the feeling that they would have been able to predict past events, what in fact, is not the case. This process may have important effects on the victim, who “should have known” that an aggression would happen to him/her. In this dissertation, we examine the moderators of this bias and the role of the communication context in which it develops. We hypothesized that the communication context might affect the perspective that is taken on the event of interpersonal aggression and the perceived distance towards it. Also, we expected that the hindsight bias and victim blame would be decreased when reducing the psychological distance towards the event (i.e. perceived temporal distance and perceived proximity with the victim’s fate). In a same vein, we expected that the aggressor would be more derogated in this condition. The first four studies were designed to investigate the role of communication goals about the aggression. Asking participants to describe how (vs. why) the aggression happened was expected to diminish the perceived distance. The following study (study 5) examined whether reporting the event in the passive voice (vs. active voice) would have a similar effect. The four last studies investigated how the time of presenting the event (before vs. after its antecedents) would influence the perception of distance towards the events and the judgments. We expected that knowing the outcome initially might reduce the perceived distance with the events. Results of the first five studies confirmed the main hypotheses: the communication context that focused on the “how” of the event or that presented it in the passive voice reduced the perceived distance and diminished the predictability of the aggression and victim derogation. It also increases the derogation of the aggressor. In addition, the latter studies revealed that learning about the outcome right away leads to reduced derogation of the perpetrator and increased derogation of the victim, even when reducing the perceived distance with the event. Overall, this research suggests that the communication context in which the hindsight bias emerges, as well as the perceived distance with the negative event, are important factors when examining the retrospective reasoning and judgments of witnesses.<p><p><p><p><p>Lorsque les témoins jugent une agression interpersonnelle, il est généralement attendu d’eux qu’ils considèrent rationnellement ce qu’une personne raisonnable aurait pu penser, savoir et faire dans pareille situation, et ce en se fondant uniquement sur les preuves qui leur sont fournies. Il n’en reste pas moins que leur analyse sera toutefois tronquée par des biais de jugement et des motivations personnelles. C’est pourquoi la détermination du blâme et l’influence des déformations rétrospectives et évaluatives sont au cœur de cette recherche. Ainsi, nous investiguons plus particulièrement le biais de rétrospection, à savoir l’erreur commune qui laisse à l’individu penser qu’il est en mesure de prévoir n’importe quel événement, alors qu’en réalité, il n’en est rien. Une telle erreur peut cependant avoir de graves conséquences pour la victime dès lors que les témoins sont amenés à croire qu’elle aurait « dû » prévoir ce qui allait survenir. Dans cette thèse, nous envisageons également les modérateurs de ce biais, dont le rôle du contexte communicationnel. Nous avons, dès lors, fait l’hypothèse que le contexte communicationnel pourrait affecter l’angle sous lequel les témoins considèrent l’événement et la distance perçue par rapport à celui-ci. Ce faisant, nous pensions que le biais de rétrospection et le blâme de la victime seraient réduits lorsque le contexte diminuait la distance perçue vis-à-vis de l’événement (en l’occurrence, la distance temporelle et la proximité perçue avec le sort de la victime). De même, il était attendu que l’agresseur soit davantage blâmé dans pareille condition. Les quatre premières études s’intéressaient donc au rôle des buts poursuivis lors de la communication à propos de l’agression, afin d’envisager en quoi décrire comment (vs. pourquoi) l’agression s’était produite aidait à réduire la distance perçue. Une cinquième étude nous a ensuite permis de considérer si la voix passive (versus active) avait aussi un effet similaire. Quant aux quatre dernières études, elles avaient pour objectif d’investiguer dans quelle mesure l’ordre de présentation des informations (connaître la fin avant, vs. après les antécédents) pouvait avoir également une incidence sur la prise de distance par rapport à l’événement et aux jugements. Plus précisément, nous faisions l’hypothèse que connaître l’événement en premier lieu (avant ses antécédents) facilitait la réduction de la distance perçue. Les résultats obtenus dans les cinq premières recherches semblaient confirmer nos hypothèses :Un contexte communicationnel qui réduisait la distance psychologique perçue par rapport à l’événement pouvait non seulement diminuer le biais de rétrospection et le blâme de la victime, mais augmenter aussi le blâme de l’agresseur. Toutefois, les dernières recherches ont semblé démontrer, a contrario, que connaître l’agression en premier lieu pouvait réduire le blâme de l’agresseur et augmenter celui de la victime, alors même que la distance perçue avec les événements était réduite. In fine, ce travail suggère donc que le contexte communicationnel, dans lequel le biais émerge, et la prise de distance face à l’événement négatif sont autant de pistes qu’il faudrait creuser à l’avenir pour mieux comprendre le raisonnement et les jugements rétrospectifs des témoins. / Doctorat en Sciences Psychologiques et de l'éducation / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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La responsabilité criminelle a-t-elle un avenir? : enquête sur les fondements philosophiques, juridiques et psychologiques de l’imputabilité pénale à l’ère des neurosciencesGilbert Tremblay, Ugo 04 1900 (has links)
La présente thèse a une vocation à la fois descriptive et prospective. Descriptive, d’une part, en ce qu’elle entend mettre au jour les fondements juridiques actuels de la responsabilité criminelle tout en déterminant l’étendue des rapports qu’ils entretiennent avec la notion philosophique de libre arbitre. Prospective, d’autre part, en ce qu’elle entend évaluer les chances de survie de ces fondements à la lumière de la nouvelle vision de l’homme qui se dégage des avancées récentes en neurosciences. Nous aurons pour ce faire à soupeser la vraisemblance de deux grandes prophéties concernant l’avenir de la responsabilité criminelle : l’une, que nous qualifierons de « scientiste », prétend que le concept juridique actuel de responsabilité criminelle est voué à tomber en désuétude en raison de son incompatibilité avec notre connaissance du cerveau. L’autre, que nous qualifierons de « légitimiste », prétend que c’est plutôt en modifiant les intuitions populaires en matière de responsabilité que les neurosciences bouleverseront l’édifice pénal. Dans les deux cas, nous découvrirons qu’une erreur de diagnostic quant au fonctionnement juridique et psychologique des jugements de responsabilité conduit à une erreur de pronostic. / This doctoral dissertation is both descriptive and prospective. Descriptive, on the one hand, by seeking to identify the current legal foundations of criminal responsibility and by trying to determinate the extent of their relationship with the philosophical notion of free will. Prospective, on the other hand, by seeking to evaluate the chances of survival of these foundations in the light of the new vision of man that emanates from advances in neuroscience. To this end, two great prophecies concerning the future of criminal responsibility will have to be weighed: one, which we will call ‘‘scientist’’, claims that the current legal concept of criminal responsibility is incompatible with what neuroscience teaches us and is, therefore, destined to fall into disuse. The other, which we will call ‘‘legitimist’’, claims that it is rather by altering the popular intuitions about responsibility that neuroscience will threat the penal edifice. In both cases, we will discover that a misdiagnosis concerning the legal and psychological functioning of the judgments of responsibility leads to an error of prognosis.
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Uncovering The Sub-Text: Presidents' Emotional Expressions and Major Uses of ForceAssaf, Elias 01 January 2014 (has links)
The global context of decision making continues to adapt in response to international threats. Political psychologists have therefore considered decision making processes regarding major uses of force a key area of interest. Although presidential personality has been widely studied as a mitigating factor in the decision making patterns leading to uses of force, traditional theories have not accounted for the emotions of individuals as they affect political actions and are used to frame public perception of the use of force. This thesis therefore measures expressed emotion and cognitive expressions in the form of expressed aggression, passivity, blame, praise, certainty, realism, and optimism as a means of predicting subsequent major uses of force. Since aggression and blame are precipitated by anger and perceived vulnerability, they are theorized to foreshadow increased uses of force (Gardner and Moore 2008). Conversely, passivity and praise are indicative of empathy and joy respectively, and are not expected to precede aggressive behavior conducted to maintain emotional regulation (Roberton, Daffer, and Bucks 2012). Additionally, the three cognitive variables of interest expand on existing literature on beliefs and decision making expounded by such authors as Walker (2010), Winter (2003) and Hermann (2003). DICTION 6.0 is used to analyze all text data of presidential news conferences, candidate debates, and State of the Union speeches given between 1945 and 2000 stored by The American Presidency Project (Hart and Carroll 2012). Howell and Pevehouse's (2005) quantitative assessment of quarterly U.S. uses of force between 1945 and 2000 is employed as a means of quantifying instances of major uses of force. Results show systematic differences among the traits expressed by presidents, with most expressions staying consistent across spontaneous speech contexts. Additionally, State of the Union speeches consistently yielded the highest scores across the expressed traits measured; supporting the theory that prepared speech is used to emotionally frame situations and setup emotional interpretations of events to present to the public. Time sensitive regression analyses indicate that expressed aggression within the context of State of the Union Addresses is the only significant predictor of major uses of force by the administration. That being said, other studies may use the comparative findings presented herein to further establish a robust model of personality that accounts for individual dispositions toward emotional expression as a means of framing the emotional interpretation of events by audiences.
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