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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Uloga Blastocistis hominisa u razvoju kolitisa kod dece / The role Blastocistis hominis in the development of colitis in children

Stojšić Mirjana 14 September 2016 (has links)
<p>UVOD: Blastocistis hominis (Bh) je najrasprostranjeniji protist na na&scaron;oj planeti, ali pri tome najkontraverzniji. Infekcija Bh počinje ingestijom hrane ili tečnosti koja je kontaminirana cističnom formom Bh. Nakon gutanja, iz ciste se razvijaju u debelom crevu čoveka vakuolarne forme protista. Fekalno - oralni prenos je najče&scaron;ći put &scaron;irenja infekcije. Oboljenje koje Bh izaziva kod ljudi naziva se blastocistoza. Najče&scaron;će inficirani imaju gastrointestinalne tegobe, pre svega bol u trbuhu i proliv. Blastocistoza se danas povezuje sa dva klinička entiteta koji predstavljaju poremećaj rada creva, odnosno sindromom iritabilnog creva i hroničnom inflamatornom bolesti creva (HIBC). CILJ RADA I HIPOTEZE: Predmet istraživanja je da se utvrdi povezanost prisustva infekcije Blastocistis hominisom i postojanja zapaljenja sluzokože debelog creva (kolitisa) kod dece sa gastrointestinalnim tegobama, zatim da se utvrdi udeo dece sa posebnom formom kolitisa, hroničnom inflamatornom bolesti creva, među inficiranim Blastocistis hominisom, a da bi se omogućilo bolje razumevanje blastocistoze kod dece. Osnovne hipoteze u istraživanju su statistički značajno veća učestalost pojave kolitisa i hronične inflamatorne bolesti creva kod dece uzrasta od 1 meseca do 18 godina, hospitalizovane zbog bola u trbuhu i/ili proliva koji su inficirani Blastocistis hominisom, kao i statistički značajno veća učestalost kolitisa u odnosu na hroničnu inflamatornu bolest creva u istom uzorku. MATERIJAL I METODE: Prospektivnim ispitivanjem su obuhvaćeni pedijatrijski bolesnici, hospitalizovani na Odeljenju za gastroenterologiju, hepatologiju i ishranu, Instituta za zdravstvenu za&scaron;titu dece i omladine Vojvodine, zbog bola u trbuhu i/ili proliva, iz čije stolice je dokazan Blastocistis hominis. U toku ispitivanja primenjene su standardne metode uzimanja anamneza od bolesnika, fizički pregledi, odgovarajuće standardne laboratorijske analize krvi i stolice, ultrazvučni pregled abdomena, kolonoskopija i patohistolo&scaron;ki pregled biopsija debelog creva. Svi bolesnici su lečeni metronidazolom u trajanju 10 dana, prema važećim terapijskim protokolima. REZULTATI: Ispitivanjem je obuhvaćeno 102 bolesnika, koji su an osnovu patohistolo&scaron;kog nalaza podeljeni u tri grupe: 1. Grupa (bolesnici koji nemaju kolitis, obuhvatila je 4 bolesnika (4.4%)), 2. Grupa &ndash; (bolesnici koji imaju nespecifični kolitis, obuhvatila je 56 bolesnika (56.55%)) i 3. Grupa &ndash;(bolesnici koji imaju hroničnu inflamatornu bolest, obuhvatila je 42 bolesnika (42.41%)). Među ispitanicima je bio podjednak broj dece mu&scaron;kog i ženskog pola, odnosno 51 dečak i 51 devojčica. Uzrast ispitanika koji imaju infekciju Blastocistisom hominisom se kretao u interval od 11 meseci do 17 godina i 7 meseci. Medijana je iznosila 12.54 godine, a prosečna starost 11.25 godine. Blastocistoza nema sezonski karakter (&chi;2=0.667; df=3; p=0,881). Značajno vi&scaron;e inficiranih Blastocistis hominisom živelo u kući, nego u stanu i posedovalo domaće životinje i/ili kućne ljubimce, ali ne postojanje odgovarajućih higijenskih uslova, kanalizacije i vodovoda nije prediktivni faktor za razvoj infekcije Blastocistis hominisom, kao ni pohađanje kolektiva ili život u ruralnom sredinama. Stariji uzrast deteta (p=0,020) i život u kući (p = 0,033) su prediktivni faktori za pojavu hronične inflamatorne bolesti creva kod dece sa kolitisom. Deca sa blastocistozom su imala antropometrijske parametre u granicama normale.Ispitanici najče&scaron;će bili primljeni u bolnicu pod djagnozom gastroenterokolitisa, zbog proliva i bola u trbuhu, a da prisustvo gastrointestinalnih tegoba i prisustvo op&scaron;tih znakova infekcije nisu jedan od sigurnih kliničkih značajnih znakova infekcije Blastocistis hominisom. Prisustvo patolo&scaron;kih primesa u stolici nije jedan od sigurnih klinički značajnih znakova infekcije Blastocistis hominisom.Na osnovu laboratorijskog, kliničkog i endoskopskog skora za aktivnost HIBC većina bolesnika je imala umerenu aktivnost.Inficirani sa Bh imaju najče&scaron;će C-reaktivni protein u okvirima refentnih vrednosti, izuzev ukoliko nemaju i HIBC. Povi&scaron;ena sedimentacija eritrocita je karakteristična za bolesnike sa HIBC. Oboleli od blastocistoze imaju najčesce imunoglobulin A, leukocite, neutrofile i eozinofile u krvi u referentnim granicama.Vrednosti feremije upućuju da je većina ispitanika bila anemična, a naročito deca koja su imala i infekciju sa Bh i HIBC. Kod bolesnika sa blastocistozom, postojanje pozitivnog testa na okultnu krv u stolici, treba da pobudi sumnju na udruženu HIBC. Ispitanici sa infekcijom Bh i sa HIBC su imali najče&scaron;će kvantitativno veći broj Bh u stolici. Mezenterajalni limfadenitis i splenomegalija su nespecifični ultrazvučni nalaz kod inficiranih sa Bh, iako su bili najče&scaron;će opisane patolo&scaron;ke promene na ultrazvuku abdomena. Zaključujemo da su ispitanici najče&scaron;će imali nespecifične endoskopske promene i patohistolo&scaron;ke promene u debelom crevu. Metronidazol je bezbedan i efikasan, u dozi 15-50 mg/kg/dan, u trajanju od 10 dana, u terapiji infekcije sa Bh kod dece. ZAKLJUČAK: Deca inficirana sa Bh imaju najče&scaron;će colitis od patolo&scaron;kih promena na debelom crevu, bez značajne razlike između nespecifičnog kolitisa i HIBC. Značajno manje inficiranih sa Bh ima uredan kolonoskopski nalaz.Utvrđivanja značaja Blastocistis hominisa u nastanku kolitisa i hronične inflamatorne bolesti creva kod dece, doprinosi prihvatanju Blastocistisa hominisa kao patogena i ukazuje na nephodnost njegovog lečenja.</p> / <p>INTRODUCTION: Blastocystis hominis (Bh) is the most outspread protist on our planet, but also the most controversial. Infection Bh starts by digestion of the eaten food or liquid which has been contained by a cyst form Bh. After swallowing, from the cyst they grow (progress) in the colon of the human, with a vacuolar form of a protest. Oral transmission is the most common way of spreading the infection. The disease caused by Bh on humans is called blastocystisis. In most cases the infected humans have gastrointestinal complaints, the most common are abdominal pain and diarrhea. Blastocystis is nowadays connected to two clinical disease, the irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). THE AIM AND HYPOTHESESS: The subject of research is to establish the connection between the presence of the infection Bh and the existence of mucosal inflammation of the colon in children with gastrointestinal complaints, as well as to establish the group of the children with a special form of colitis, inflammatory bowel disease and the ones infected by Bh, wich would insure better understanding of the blastocystosis in children. The basic hypothesis in the study were statistically significantly higher incidence of chronic colitis and inflammatory bowel disease in children aged 1 month to 18 years, hospitalized for abdominal pain and/or diarrhea who are infected Bh, as well as significantly higher incidence of colitis compared in chronic inflammatory bowel disease in the same sample. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The prospective study included pediatric patients with abdominal pain and/or diarrhea, and stool positive on Bh, that have been hospitalized on the Department for gastroenterology, hepatology and nutrition, in the Institution for Health Care of Children and Youth in Vojvodina. The standard testing methods were used: anamnesis, physical examination, laboratory analysis of blood and stool, ultrasound examination of the abdomen, colonoscopy and histopathological examination of the biopsy of the colon. All patients have been treated with metronidazole for 10 days, according to the applicable protocols. RESULTS: The study included 102 patients, which are divided into three groups : 1. group (patients that have no colitis, included 4 patients (4.4%)), 2. group (patients with unspecified colitis, included 56 patients (56.55%)) and 3. group (patients with inflammatory bowel disease, included 42 patients (42.41%)). Among them, there was an equal number of children that were male and female, 51 boys and 51 girls. Age of respondents who have Bh infection ranged from 11 months to 17 years and 7 months. The median is 12.54 years, and the average age of 11.25 years. Blastocistosis no have seasonal character (&chi;2 = 0.667, df = 3, p = 0.881). Significantly more infected Blastocistis hominid lived in the house, but in an apartment owned and domestic animals and / or pets,yet the existence of appropriate hygiene, sanitation and water supply is not a predictive factor for the development of infection Bh, as well as attending the collective or life in rural areas . The older child&#39;s age (p = 0.020) and life at home (p = 0.033) were predictive factors for development of inflammatory bowel disease in children with colitis. Children with blastocistosis had anthropometric parameters within normal limits. Respondents most frequently been admitted to hospital under diagnosis gastroenteritis due to diarrhea and abdominal pain, and that the presence of gastrointestinal symptoms and general signs of infection are not a significant clinical signs of infection Bh. The presence of pathological findings in stool is not one of reliable signs of clinically infection Bh. Based on laboratory findings, clinical and endoscopic activity score for IBD most patients had moderate activity of desease. Children with Bh infection usually have normal C-reactive protein in terms of value, unless if have IBD. Elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate is characteristic of patients with IBD. Children with blastocistosis usually have normal level of Immunoglobulin A, leukocytes, neutrophils and eosinophils. Serum iron indicate that most subject were anemic, especially children who have had an infection with the Bh and IBD.Children with blastocistosis, the existence of a positive test for occult blood in the stool, should arouse suspicion of association IBD. Subject with IBD had mostly quantitatively greater number of Bh in the stool. Mesenterial lymphadenitis and splenomegaly are non-specific ultrasound findings in infected with Bh, although they were usually described pathological changes in abdominal ultrasound. This is to conclude that the subject usually had colitis and IBD changes in endoscopic and histopathological changes in the colon. Metronidazole has beem proved safe and effective, at 15-50 mg/ kg/day for 10 days in the treatment of infections in children with Bh. CONCLUSION: Children infected with Bh colitis usually have pathological changes in the large intestine, with no significant difference between the non-specific colitis and inflammatory bowel disease. Significantly less infected with Bh has a normal colonoscopy findings. Confirmed the importance of Bh in the development of chronic colitis and inflammatory bowel disease in children, increase public acceptance Blastocistisa hominis as pathogens and points to the necessity of treatment.</p>

Prévalence, diversité génétique et risque de transmission zoonotique des microorganismes Blastocystis et Campylobacter dans les filières avicole et bovine au Liban / Prevalence, genetic diversity and risk of zoonotic transmission of microorganisms Blastocystis and Campylobacter in the poultry and beef sectors in Lebanon

Greige, Stéphanie 19 December 2018 (has links)
Le protozoaire Blastocystis et la bactérie Campylobacter sont des microorganismes zoonotiques ayant un impact majeur en santé publique. Même si son pouvoir pathogène reste controversé, Blastocystis est l’eucaryote unicellulaire le plus fréquemment retrouvé dans les selles humaines alors que Campylobacter est considérée comme la cause la plus courante de gastroentérite humaine. Ces microorganismes sont fréquemment présents chez les animaux destinés à l’alimentation comme les volailles ou les bovins et leur transmission peut être liée à la consommation ou à un contact répété avec les manipulateurs de ces animaux. Malgré ce risque potentiel majeur pour l’Homme, très peu de données étaient disponibles concernant la prévalence et les espèces de Campylobacter ou sous-types de Blastocystis présents dans les filières avicole et bovine au Liban. De plus, le risque de transmission zoonotique par contact direct avec le personnel des abattoirs ou les éleveurs n’avait jamais été évalué. Pour ce qui est des bovins, Blastocystis a été identifié par PCR quantitative en temps réel dans plus de 60% des échantillons de selle de vaches laitières analysés au Nord-Liban. Une prédominance du sous-type (ST) 10 et du ST14 a été observée confirmant que les bovins sont les hôtes naturels de ces deux STs. Les ST2, ST1, ST5, ST3 et ST7 ont aussi été identifiés avec de faibles prévalences. Chez les éleveurs comme dans un groupe de patients sans contact avec ces animaux, une prévalence importante dépassant les 50% a été rapportée avec une prédominance du ST3. Cependant, la comparaison des isolats identifiés dans ces cohortes humaine et animale suggère que les bovins joueraient un rôle négligeable en tant que réservoirs zoonotiques de Blastocystis. Dans la filière avicole, la prévalence de ce même parasite dépassait les 30% dans les caeca de poulets de chair analysés dans des abattoirs du Nord-Liban. Tous les isolats aviaires caractérisés appartenaient aux ST6 et ST7 confirmant que les oiseaux sont des hôtes naturels de ces deux STs. Chez le personnel d’abattoir comme dans un groupe de patients sans contact avec les volailles, la prévalence de Blastocystis dépassait les 50% avec une prédominance du ST3. De plus, l’identification du ST6 aviaire chez le personnel d’un abattoir confirmait le potentiel zoonotique de ce ST. Toujours dans cette filière avicole et en analysant à la fois les même caeca et des carcasses de poulets en fin de chaîne d’abatage, la prévalence de Campylobacter était respectivement de 67% et 17,2% dans ces prélèvements. Les deux principales espèces identifiées étaient C. jejuni et C. coli. Des niveaux élevés de diversité génétique ont été observés parmi les 51 isolats de C. jejuni identifiés chez les poulets et répartis en 25 profils distincts. Une prédominance des profils 1, 13, 30 et 38 a été observée alors qu’ils sont aussi fréquemment retrouvés parmi les cas cliniques humains français suggérant que ces animaux représentent un réservoir potentiel de campylobactériose humaine. Une prévalence significativement plus élevée de Campylobacter a été rapportée chez le personnel de l'abattoir par rapport à celle observée dans la cohorte de patients sans contact avec la volaille montrant que les poulets de chair contaminés à l'abattoir représentaient une source non négligeable de transmission zoonotique de la bactérie. Les mêmes caeca de poulets ont pu être comparés pour la présence de Campylobacter et de Blastocystis. Cette comparaison révélait une association statistiquement significative de ces deux microorganismes suggérant que la présence de Campylobacter serait favorisée par celle de Blastocystis et vice versa [...] / The protozoan Blastocystis and the bacterium Campylobacter are zoonotic microorganisms with a major impact on public health. Although its pathogenicity remains controversial, Blastocystis is the most common single-celled eukaryote found in human stool, while Campylobacter is considered the most common cause of human gastroenteritis. These microorganisms are frequently present in food-producing animals such as poultry or cattle and their transmission may be related to consumption or repeated contact with the handlers of these animals. Despite this major potential risk to humans, very little data were available on the prevalence and species of Campylobacter or Blastocystis subtypes present in the poultry and bovid sectors in Lebanon. In addition, the risk of zoonotic transmission through direct contact with slaughterhouse staff or farmers had never been assessed. Regarding bovids, Blastocystis was identified by PCR in more than 60% of the dairy cattle stool samples analysed in North Lebanon. A predominance of ST10 and ST14 has been observed confirming that cattle are the natural hosts of these two STs. ST2, ST1, ST5, ST3 and ST7 were also identified with lower prevalences. In breeders as well as in a group of patients without contact with these animals, a significant prevalence exceeding 50% has been reported with a predominance of ST3. However, a comparison of the isolates identified in these human and animal cohorts suggests that cattle would play a negligible role as zoonotic reservoirs of Blastocystis. In the poultry sector, the prevalence of the same parasite exceeded 30% in broiler caeca analysed in slaughterhouses in North Lebanon. All characterized avian isolates belonged to ST6 and ST7 confirming that birds are natural hosts of these two STs. Among slaughterhouse staff as well as in a group of patients without contact with poultry, the prevalence of Blastocystis exceeded 50% with a prevalence of ST3. In addition, the identification of avian ST6 in slaughterhouse staff confirmed the zoonotic potential of this ST. Still in this poultry sector and by analysing both the same caeca samples and chicken carcasses, the prevalence of Campylobacter was 67% and 17.2%, respectively, in these specimens. The two main species identified were C. jejuni and C. coli. High level of genetic diversity was observed among the 51 C. jejuni isolates identified in chickens and distributed in 25 distinct profiles. A predominance of profiles 1, 13, 30 and 38 has been observed, although they are also frequently found among French human clinical cases suggesting that these animals represent a potential reservoir of human campylobacteriosis. A significantly higher prevalence of Campylobacter was reported among slaughterhouse staff compared to that observed in the cohort of patients without contact with poultry, showing that contaminated broilers at the slaughterhouse were a significant source of zoonotic transmission of the bacteria. The same chicken caeca samples were compared for the presence of Campylobacter and Blastocystis. This comparison revealed a statistically significant association of these two microorganisms suggesting that the presence of Campylobacter would be enhanced by that of Blastocystis and vice versa. This first large-scale survey conducted in Lebanon provided major data on the prevalence and circulation of Blastocystis and Campylobacter in this ocuntry and assessed the need to put in place measures to prevent and control these microorganisms in poultry and cattle breeding or slaughter facilities in order to limit their transmission.

Blastocystis hominis Brumpt 1912 (Chromista: Blastocystea) em c?es e gatos de domic?lios localizados na regi?o Metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro / Blastocystis hominis Brumpt, 1912 (Chomista: Blastocystea) in housed dogs and cats from Metropolitan Region of Rio de Janeiro

Ginuino, Ione Soares Ferreira 24 March 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:17:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2006-Ione Soares Ferreira Ginuino.pdf: 594140 bytes, checksum: 1524f0a5e00c7f5bb986fa9cebab4c20 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-03-24 / With the objective to determine frequency, age and sex influences, and risk factor associated to Blastocystis hominis in feces of housed dogs and cats from the Metropolitan Region of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 234 fecal samples were collected by convenience from 175 dogs and 59 cats. To the diagnostic of B. hominis in fecal samples, direct examination was used, but ferric-hematoxilin and Gomori s trichrome techniques were used in order to confirm this diagnostic. Width and length of the parasite found in fecal samples varied from 10.07 to 13.80, and 12.66 to 19.93 to dogs and cats respectively. With regards the frequency of B. hominis in housed animals, 23.42 of dogs, and 23.72% of cats were positives, independent of animal sex. Animal s age was the important factor to determine, mainly in dogs, the risk of B. hominis transmission in dwellings. / Com o objetivo de determinar a morfologia, freq??ncia, influ?ncia da idade e sexo, e fatores de risco associados ? Blastocystis hominis nas fezes de c?es e gatos domiciliados na Regi?o Metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro, foram coletadas amostras fecais por conveni?ncia de 175 c?es e 59 gatos. Para o diagn?stico de B. hominis, foi utilizado o exame direto, e para confirma??o do diagn?stico foram usadas ?s t?cnicas de colora??o da hematoxilina f?rrica e tricr?mio de Gomori. A largura e o comprimento de B. hominis encontrado nas amostras fecais variaram de 10,07 a 13,80&#956;m, e 12,66 a 19,93&#956;m para c?es e gatos respectivamente. Quanto ? freq??ncia de B. hominis nos animais domiciliados, 23,42% dos c?es, e 23,72% dos gatos foram positivos, independente do sexo. A idade dos animais foi um importante fator para determinar, principalmente nos c?es domiciliados, o risco de transmiss?o de B. hominis.

Parasitos entéricos oportunistas em crianças nefropatas crônicas submetidas à hemodialise / Enteric opportunistic parasites in children with chronic neuropathies submitted to helmodialysis

OLIVEIRA, Solimar Almeida de 10 February 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T15:29:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Solimar A de Oliveira.pdf: 1870870 bytes, checksum: 5c7849377c8610cb5cbc8b8d4905a909 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-02-10 / Introduction: The chronic renal insufficiency is in between the transition epidemiologist illness, being able to be affected by the enteric opportunistic parasites for representing a population of immunosuppressed. Catalogued as emergent agents of opportunistic character, protozoan disease is responsible for important morbi-mortality rates, but little recognized on the part of the professionals of health and for the shortage of specialized laboratories in its diagnostics. They are caused mainly by protozoan, as the Blastocystis hominis, Cryptosporidium sp, Isospora belli, Cyclospora cayetanensis, amongst others. Objectives: Mapping world-wide studies through a systematic revision of literature concerned to the detection of these protozoan in hemodialysis patients. And, besides, to identify enteric opportunistic agents in immunosuppressed children with chronic nephropathies who were submitted to hemodialysis and also children patients who don t have chronic nephropathies, in the Clinical Hospital /UFG. Methods: The theoretical part, represented by the systematic revision of literature, was elaborated from standardized forms on the selection of scientific articles available in the Virtual Library in Health. This work, concerning the experimental part, was built in the period of October of 2009 to May of 2011 with analysis of the epidemiologic profiles of the patients and laboratorial detection of opportunistic enteroparasitosis in 229 fecal samples of 26 hemodialysis children (test-group) and of 59 children who haven t chronic nephropathies (control group), from the Hospital of the Clinics of the Federal University of Goiás. For further detection of the oocysts of coccids (Cryptosporidium sp, Cyclospora cayetanensis and Isospora belli), microscopic examination was used direct (fresh).It was also used the methods of Hoffman, Pons and Janer, Ridley or of concentration in formalin 10% - Acetate of Ethyl, Coloration of Kinyoun (hot), and, Ziehl-Neelsen (modified). With regard to the diagnosis of Blastocystis hominis, it was used the microscopic examination direct (fresh) and the technique of Coloration of Nair - Blue of Methylene. Results: In the systematic revision of literature, nine articles had been selected, and from the interpretation on these studies, the presence of enteric opportunistic protozoan in fecal samples of hemodialysis patients was evidenced. In the experimental part, the detection of protozoan for patients, in the test group and in the control group was, respectively, of: Blastocystis hominis in 9 (34,6%) and 13 (22%); Giardia lamblia in 3 (11,5%) and 2 (3,4%); Endolimax nana in 9 (34,6%) and 9 (15,3%); Entamoeba coli in 3 (11,5%) and 2 (3,4%). And still it had been detected only in the test group: Cryptosporidium sp in 1 (3,8%) patient and Entamoeba histolytica/dispar in 3 (11,5%). Regarding the quantitative analysis of fecal samples, it was collected 115 samples of the group of hemodialysis children and 114 samples of the group of children who don t have chronic nephropathies. The results gotten in this comparison had designated the presence of oocysts of intestinal protozoan in the test group and in the control group. Respectively, we have: Blastocystis hominis in 24 (20,87%) and 16 (14,04%) samples; Giardia lamblia in 3 (2,61%) and 2 (1,75%) samples; Endolimax nana 15 (13,4%) and 9 (7,89%) samples. Besides, it had been detected only in the test group: Cryptosporidium sp in 1 (0,87%) sample and Entamoeba histolytica/dispar in 3 (2,61%). With regard to the diarrheal feces analysis, it was detected in test group 1 sample (0,87%), and in the control group, 8 (7.02%). Conclusion: These findings demonstrate that such agents are present in our environment, reinforcing isolated infections or associates, between them or ahead of other opportunistic enteric parasites, providing a risk for the population of hemodialysis patient. They still disclose the urgency of an implantation of specialized laboratories with specific detection techniques of these infectum-parasitic agents. / Introdução: A insuficiência renal crônica está entre as doenças de transição epidemiológica, podendo ser afetada pelas parasitoses entérico oportunistas por representar uma população de imunossuprimidos. Catalogadas como agentes emergentes de caráter oportunista, as protozooses são responsáveis por importantes índices de morbi-mortalidade, mas pouco reconhecidas por parte dos profissionais de saúde e pela escassez de laboratórios especializados em seus diagnósticos. São causadas, principalmente, por protozoários como o Blastocystis hominis, Cryptosporidium sp, Isospora belli, Cyclospora cayetanensis, dentre outros. Objetivos: Mapear estudos mundiais mediante revisão sistemática da literatura quanto à detecção destes protozoários em pacientes hemodialisados. Identificar agentes entéricos oportunistas em crianças imunossuprimidas com nefropatias crônicas e submetidas à hemodiálise e em crianças não portadoras de nefropatias crônicas, no Hospital das Clínicas/UFG. Métodos: A parte teórica, representada pela revisão sistemática da literatura, foi elaborada a partir de formulários padronizados para a seleção de artigos científicos existentes na Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde. Este trabalho, no que tange à parte experimental, foi realizado no período de outubro de 2009 a maio de 2011, com análise do perfil epidemiológico dos pacientes e detecção laboratorial de enteroparasitoses oportunistas em 229 amostras fecais de 26 crianças hemodialisadas (grupo teste) e de 59 crianças não portadoras de nefropatias crônicas (grupo controle), procedentes do Hospital das Clínicas da Universidade Federal de Goiás. Para a detecção dos oocistos de coccídeos (Cryptosporidium sp, Cyclospora cayetanensis e Isospora belli), foram utilizados exames microscópicos diretos a fresco, bem como os métodos de Hoffman, Pons e Janer, Ridley ou de concentração em formalina a 10% Acetato de Etila, Coloração de Kinyoun a quente e ainda, Ziehl-Neelsen modificado. Já para o diagnóstico de Blastocystis hominis, foram utilizados exames microscópicos diretos a fresco e a técnica de Coloração de Nair Azul de Metileno. Resultados: Na revisão sistemática da literatura foram selecionados nove artigos e a partir da interpretação desses estudos foi constatada a presença de protozoários entéricos oportunistas em amostras fecais de pacientes hemodialisados. Na parte experimental, a detecção de protozoários por pacientes, no grupo teste e no grupo controle, foi de: Blastocystis hominis em 9 (34,6%) e 13 (22%); Giardia lamblia em 3 (11,5%) e 2 (3,4%); Endolimax nana em 9 (34,6%) e 9 (15,3%); Entamoeba coli em 3 (11,5%) e 2 (3,4%), respectivamente. Ainda, foram detectados no grupo teste: Cryptosporidium sp em 1 (3,8%) paciente e Entamoeba histolytica/dispar em 3 (11,5%). Quanto à análise quantitativa de amostras fecais, foram coletadas 115 amostras fecais do grupo de crianças hemodialisadas e 114 amostras fecais do grupo de crianças não portadoras de nefropatias crônicas. Os resultados obtidos nessa comparação assinalaram a presença de cistos e oocistos de protozoários intestinais no grupo teste e no grupo controle. Nos referidos grupos teste e controle foram encontrados cistos de Blastocystis hominis em 24 (20,87%) e 16 (14,04%) amostras; Giardia lamblia em 3 (2,61%) e 2 (1,75%) amostras; Endolimax nana 15 (13,4%) e 9 (7,89%) amostras, respectivamente. Além disso, foram detectados no grupo-teste: Cryptosporidium sp em 1 (0,87%) amostra e Entamoeba histolytica/dispar em 3 (2,61%). Em relação à consistência das fezes, foi detectada fezes diarréicas em 1 (0,87%) amostra do grupo-teste e 8 (7,02%) do grupo controle. Conclusão: Estes achados demonstram que tais agentes estão presentes em nosso meio ambiente, potencializando infecções isoladas ou associadas, entre eles ou diante de outros parasitos entéricos oportunistas, proporcionando um risco para a população de hemodialisados. Revelam ainda, a premência de implantação de laboratórios especializados com técnicas específicas de detecção destes agentes infecto-parasitários.

Epidémiologie, circulation, colonisation du parasite entérique unicellulaire Blastocystis sp. / Epidemiology, circulation and colonization of the unicellular enteric parasite Blastocystis sp.

Cian, Amandine 08 December 2016 (has links)
Les protozooses digestives restent une des premières causes de morbidité, de malnutrition et de mortalité dans le monde. Cependant, la biologie de certains protozoaires entériques comme Blastocystis est mal connue et il reste négligé par les autorités sanitaires. Ce parasite colonise le tractus intestinal de l’Homme et de nombreux animaux. Son principal mode de transmission est la voie oro-fécale et sa prévalence peut dépasser 50% dans les pays en développement. Il présente une large diversité génétique avec 17 sous-types (STs) identifiés à ce jour. Un large faisceau de données récentes suggère que l’infection à Blastocystis est associée à une variété de troubles gastro-intestinaux et de l’urticaire.Dans le cadre de ma thèse, des études épidémiologiques ont été menées dans différents pays (Liban, Sénégal, France) afin de déterminer la prévalence de ce parasite dans la population humaine et identifier des facteurs de risque d’infection. En parallèle, à travers une enquête dans des zoos français, des réservoirs animaux de transmission zoonotique du parasite ont été proposés. D’autre part, les mécanismes impliqués dans la colonisation de l’hôte par Blastocystis ont été étudiés.Dans le cadre des enquêtes épidémiologiques, le parasite a été recherché dans les selles par PCR en temps réel et l’amplicon obtenu séquencé pour le sous-typage. La première étude menée au Liban a montré une prévalence de 19% dans la population générale mais cette prévalence atteint 60% dans une population d’écoliers vivant dans la même région. Une prévalence de 100% a été obtenue dans une cohorte d’enfants sénégalais. Ces fortes prévalences s’expliquent par des conditions d’hygiènes très précaires. Le ST3 était prédominant dans ces deux pays suivi des ST1 et ST2. Dans une étude multicentrique menée en France, une prévalence globale de 18,3% a été obtenue avec une prédominance du ST3 suivi des ST1, ST4 et ST2. Cette distribution est aussi celle observée dans une majorité de pays européens. Dans l’étude française, des variables (voyage récent, âge, saison) ont été identifiés comme des facteurs de risque de transmission du parasite. Le contact avec des animaux peut représenter un autre facteur de risque du fait du potentiel zoonotique du parasite. Dans une large étude épidémiologique réalisée dans deux zoos français sur plus de 160 espèces animales, la prévalence globale de Blastocystis dépasse 30% avec des variations importantes selon les groupes d’animaux. En comparant la distribution des STs entre l’Homme et les différents groupes d’animaux, les primates, les artiodactyles (bovins et cochons) et les oiseaux représenteraient les principaux réservoirs potentiels d’infection pour l’Homme.Une association entre l’infection à Blastocystis et l’appendicite a été mise en évidence chez une enfant au Maroc confirmant la pathogénie et le potentiel invasif et inflammatoire du parasite. De plus, 26 autres membres de sa famille ont présenté des symptômes digestifs suggérant une épidémie de blastocystose d’origine hydrique. L’hypothèse d’une relation entre ST de Blastocystis et pouvoir pathogène a été émise d’où l’intérêt d’une étude de génomique comparative afin d’identifier des facteurs de virulence pouvant être spécifiques d’un ST. A ce jour, aucune différence n’a pu être mise en évidence entre le génome de ST4 séquencé durant ma thèse et celui de ST7 disponible dans les bases de données alors qu’ils présentent une virulence différente in vitro. Enfin, l’impact de la colonisation par Blastocystis sur la composition du microbiote intestinal humain a été évalué. Une approche par séquençage à haut-débit a permis de comparer les compositions des microbiotes de patients infectés ou non par Blastocystis montrant une diversité bactérienne plus élevée chez les patients colonisés par le parasite. Ces données suggèrent que la colonisation par Blastocystis ne serait pas associée à une dysbiose intestinale généralement observée dans les maladies infectieuses intestinales. / Digestive protozoan infections are a major cause of morbidity, malnutrition and mortality worldwide. However, the biology of some enteric protozoa as Blastocystis is not well known and these microorganisms remain still neglected by the health authorities. Briefly, this parasite colonizes the intestinal tract of humans and various animals. Its main mode of transmission is the fecal-oral route and its prevalence can exceed 50% in developing countries. It exhibits a large genetic diversity with 17 subtypes (STs) identified to date. Recent data suggest that infection with Blastocystis is associated with a variety of gastrointestinal disorders and urticaria. As part of my thesis, epidemiological studies have been conducted in different countries (Lebanon, Senegal, France) to determine the prevalence of this parasite in the human population and identify risk factors for infection. In parallel, through a survey in French zoos, animal reservoirs of zoonotic transmission of Blastocystis have been proposed. Moreover, mechanisms involved in the colonization of the host by the parasite were studied.As part of, epidemiological, the parasite was identified in faecal samples by real-time PCR and the resulting amplicon was sequenced for subtyping. The first study conducted in Lebanon in the Tripoli area showed a prevalence of 19% in the general population but this prevalence reached 60% in a population of school children living in the same region. A prevalence of 100% was obtained in a cohort of Senegalese children. The high prevalence observed in these countries can be explained by poor hygiene conditions in connection with the faecal peril. In terms of distribution of STs, the ST3 was predominant in both countries followed by ST1 and ST2. In a multicenter study conducted in France, an overall prevalence of 18.3% was obtained with a predominance of ST3, followed by ST1, ST2 and ST4. This distribution is quite similar to that observed in most European countries. In the French study, parasite prevalence was significantly higher in summer than in winter. Other variables such as a recent trip and age have been identified as risk factors for transmission of the parasite. The contact with animals may represent another risk factor because of the zoonotic potential of the parasite. In a large epidemiological study conducted in two French zoos and including over 160 animal species, the overall prevalence of Blastocystis exceeds 30% with significant variations between animal groups. By comparing the distribution of STs between humans and different groups of animals, primates, artiodactyls (cattle and pigs) and birds represent major potential reservoirs of infection for humans.An association between infection with Blastocystis and appendicitis was demonstrated in a child in Morocco confirming the pathogenicity and invasive and inflammatory potential of the parasite. In addition, 26 other family members presented digestive symptoms suggesting waterborne outbreak of blastocystosis. The hypothesis of a relationship between Blastocystis ST and pathogenicity was suggested hence the interest of a comparative genomics study to identify virulence factors that may be present or absent for some STs. No difference was found between the ST4 genome sequenced during my thesis and the ST7 genome available in the database while these STs have different virulence in vitro. Finally, the unknown impact of colonization by Blastocystis on the composition of the human intestinal microbiota was evaluated. The compositions of the bacterial microbiota of 96 patients infected or not by Blastocystis were obtained by high-throughput sequencing and compared. A higher bacterial diversity was found in colonized patients compared to non-infected patients. These data suggest that colonization by Blastocystis would not be associated with dysbiosis generally observed in intestinal infectious diseases but rather to a healthy intestinal microbiota.

Diverzita rodu Blastocystis (Stramenopiles) v plazech a členovcích / Diversity of Blastocystis (Stramenopiles) in reptiles and arthropods

Lorencová, Markéta January 2014 (has links)
The genus Blastocystis has recently attracted the attention of scientists, especially parasitologists. Similarly to the related opalines and proteromonads, Blastocystis is anaerobic and lives endobiotically in the intestine of various animals. This organism is also often found in humans, where it is associated with irritable bowel syndrome, though its pathogenic potential remains uncertain. The genus Blastocystis is remarkable for its rich genetic diversity. The taxonomy of Blastocystis is inconsistent and problematic. The strains isolated from homoiothermic vertebrates are divided into 17 subtypes, while strains from poikilotherms are either classified as separate species or are not considered in taxonomic studies at all. The aim of the study was to further examine the genetic diversity of the genus Blastocystis. We determined SSU rDNA sequences of 38 strains isolated from poikilothermic vertebrates and arthropods. The results of our phylogenetic analysis showed that Blastocystis is considerably diverse in these hosts, and we defined 21 new subtypes. The total number of known subtypes of Blastocystis has thus increased to 38. We also examined light-microscopical morphology of some strains. Most of the newly defined subtypes show identical morphology, ST20 (Blastocystis geocheloni) is an exception,...

A comparative ecological study between coyotes (Canis latrans) in a protected and urban habitat: A closer look at enteric parasites and diet between Florida coyotes

Manning, Denara Lynn 01 June 2007 (has links)
Coyotes (Canis latrans) have inhabited Florida (USA) since the 1960s and are currently found throughout the state. The purpose of the present study was to obtain information on enteric parasites and diet of Florida coyotes from two different habitat types. Seasonal variation in diet was also examined. Fresh coyote fecal samples were collected from protected and urban habitats in Pinellas County, Florida (USA; 27°54' n, 82°41'w) from may 2005 to march 2007. A standard fecal flotation examination and formalin-ethyl acetate sedimentation were utilized on fecal samples collected from the protected (n=40) and urban (n=50) habitats. Five novel (newly documented) parasites of coyotes were discovered; one cestode (Hymenolepis spp.), one nematode (Ascaris spp.), and three protozoa (Balantidium coli, Blastocystis spp., and Entamoeba histolytica). Novel parasites of Florida coyotes were also discovered two cestodes (diphyllobothrium latum and dipylidium caninum), two nematodes (toxocara canis and uncinaria stenocephala), one trematode (paragonimus spp.), and four protozoa (cryptosporidium spp., giardia canis, isospora spp., and sarcocystis cruzi). One cestode (Taenia spp.), three nematodes (Ancylostoma caninum, Physaloptera spp., and Trichurus vulpis), and one trematode (Alaria spp.) were also recovered, all of which have previously been documented in Florida coyotes. Diet items were identified to the lowest possible taxonomic level by gross morphological characteristics and medullary configurations of dorsal guard hairs. A poisson regression was utilized to determine the relation between diet items and habitat, season, and interaction. In the protected habitat (n=49), vegetative matter (96%), Insecta (53%), and Rodentia (45%) were recovered most often, as opposed to berries (56%) and Lagomorpha (32%) in the urban habitats (n=71). Overall, vegetative matter, berries, and Lagomorpha were recovered most often from Florida coyote fecal samples. Odocoileus virginianus, Lagomorpha, and berries varied the most between wet and dry seasons. It is suggested that Florida coyotes are more susceptible to reinfection by novel parasites because of their rapid range expansion and lack of acquired immunity. Rapid habitat loss in Florida (i.e., urbanization) lowers survival of adult coyotes, increases the probability of transmission of disease between wild and domestic canids, and alters the diet of coyotes by lowering biological diversity of available prey items.

Diagnóstico laboratorial de blastocistose humana - ocorrência de Blastocystis hominis (BRUMPT,1912) em habitantes da região de Araraquara-SP

Miné, Júlio César [UNESP] 24 June 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:27:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2005-06-24Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T18:56:48Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 mine_jc_me_arafcf.pdf: 726384 bytes, checksum: 6f4cf343dd34895158b4fd037741c3af (MD5) / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) / Blastocystis hominis é protozoário causador da infecção intestinal denominada blastocistose humana, cujo diagnóstico é realizado pelo exame coproparasitológico e por meio de técnicas de colorações permanentes que foram utilizadas neste estudo para avaliar a prevalência de Blastocystis hominis nos espécimes fecais de habitantes na região de Araraquara-SP. Foram estudadas 503 amostras de fezes submetidas às técnicas de exame direto a fresco, de Faust e cols., de Lutz e de Rugai, Mattos e Brisola, além das colorações pela hematoxilina férrica, tricrômio e de Kinyoun modificada. Do total das amostras analisadas 174 (34,6%) apresentaram-se positivas para a presença de parasitas intestinais. O protozoário e helminto mais freqüentes foram respectivamente: Entamoeba coli (14,6%) e Strongyloides stercoralis (6,7%). Blastocystis hominis foi observado em 23 (4,6%) amostras fecais com consistência predominantemente pastosa, não caracterizando quadro diarréico. Apesar da baixa prevalência de Blastocystis hominis encontrada na região de Araraquara, comparativamente a outras regiões brasileiras, é importante a realização do diagnóstico laboratorial desse protozoário. O encontro de Blastocystis hominis em material fecal é indicativo de contaminação de alimentos e água de consumo, desde que se admita a rota de transmissão oral-fecal deste parasita, o que implica na orientação da população sobre as medidas de saneamento básico e higiene como meio para se controlar problemas de saúde ocasionados pelos enteroparasitas. / Blastocystis hominis is a protozoan which causes an intestinal infection called human blasticistosis. Its diganosis is perfomed by stool examination and permanent staining techniques. Such methodologies were carried out on the present study in order to evaluate the prevalence of Blastocystis hominis in faecal specimens from the Araraquara region inhabitants. A total of 503 faecal samples were evaluated by the following techniques: examination fo fresh specimens, Lutz, Faust et al. and Rugai et al. besides the iron hemotoxylin, trichrome and modified Kinyon staining. Out of 503 stool samples examined 174 (34,6) were found to be positive for intestinal parasites. The most prevalent protozoan and helminth parasites were Entamoeba coli (14,6%) and Strongyloides stercoralis (6,7%) respectively. Balstocystis hominis was present in 23 (4,6%) stool samples, most of all of soft consistence and without diarrheic reports. Blastocystis hominis laboratorial diagnosis is important althought its prevalence has been low in Araraquara region. Blastocystis hominis findings is faecal specimens indicates the food and water contamination and since the transmission of this parasite is iral-faecal it implies that the population needs orientation about hygiene and basic sanitation conditions in order to control health problems caused by enteroparasites.

Biochemical characterisation of unusual glycolytic enzymes from the human intestinal parasite Blastocystis hominis

Abdulla, Sheera January 2016 (has links)
Blastocystis is an important parasite that infects humans and a wide range of animals like rats, birds, reptiles, etc. infecting a sum of 60% of world population. It belongs to the Stramenopiles, a Heterologous group that includes for example the Phythophthora infestans the responsible for the Irish potato famine. Previous work had reported the presence of an unusual fusion protein that is composed of two of the main glycolytic enzymes; Triosephosphate isomerase-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (TPI-GAPDH). Little is known about this protein. Blastocystis TPI-GAPDH and Blastocystis enolase were both characterized biochemically and biophysically in this project. The phylogenetic relationships of those two proteins among other members of either Stramenopiles, or other members of the kingdom of life were examined and found to be grouping within the chromalveolates. Our studies revealed that those two proteins, Blastocystis enolase and Blastocystis TPI-GAPDH, had a peptide signal targeting them to the mitochondria. This was an unusual finding knowing that text books always referred to the glycolytic pathway as a canonical cytoplasmic pathway. Structural studies had also been conducted to unravel the unknown structure of the fusion protein Blastocystis TPI-GAPDH. X-ray crystallography had been conducted to solve the protein structure and the protein was found to be a tetrameric protein composed of a central tetrameric GAPDH protein flanked with two dimmers of TPI protein. Solving its structure would be the starting point towards reviling the role that TPI-GAPDH might play in Blastocystis and other organisms that it was found in as well. Although a fusion protein, the individual components of the fusion were found to contain all features deemed essential for function for TPI and GAPDH and contain all expected protein motifs for these enzymes.

Distribución de la enteroparasitosis en un pueblo joven de Lambayeque

Ganoza Granados, Luciana del Carmen, Mera Olivares, Abrahán Emmanuel Armando January 2014 (has links)
Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de infección por Strongyloides stercolaris y otras enteroparasitosis en el pueblo joven Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo de Chiclayo durante Junio-Octubre del 2011. Material y Métodos: Estudio descriptivo, trasversal; muestreo aleatorio, estratificado, polietápico, siendo el tamaño muestral de 106 pobladores. Se diseñó y validó una ficha de recolección epidemiológica. Un biólogo recibió entrenamiento en las técnicas de diagnóstico de Strongyloides stercolaris en un centro referencial de Lima. Se recolectaron 3 muestras por paciente, sometidas a 5 técnicas parasitológicas: Examen directo de heces, Baermann modificado en Copa por Lumbreras, Test de sedimentación espontánea, Cultivo en agar y Cultivo Dancescu. Resultados: Se visitaron 124 casas; el porcentaje de respuesta fue de 85,7%. Se logró entrevistar 106 personas. El promedio de edad fue de 27,8 +/- 16,9 años; hubieron 31 hombres (29,2%) y 75 mujeres (70,8%). El 26,4% de personas habían realizado un viaje a la Sierra y/o Selva en los últimos 5 años con una estancia mayor a un mes. El piso de tierra fue el más frecuente en el total de viviendas (55,6%); 102 personas (96,2 %) tenían desagüe; 23 pobladores (21,7 %) tuvieron al menos un parásito detectado. No se hallaron pobladores infectados con Strongyloides stercolaris. La enteroparasitosis más frecuente fue por protozoarios, con predominio de Blastocystis hominis en un 12,3%. Conclusiones: Se halló una baja frecuencia de enteroparasitosis y ausencia de pobladores infectados con Strongyloides stercolaris. El parásito más frecuente fue Blastocystis hominis.

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